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Brent Patterson

Engineering 100 Exam 1 note sheet

R/W = bandwidth efficiency
R=data rate (bits/second)
W=bandwidth (hz)
bits/second per hz
Eb/N0 = signal to noise ratio
Eb=energy received per bit
N0=noise power
larger Eb/N0 means you can have larger R/W

find a and b:

s(t)= a cos(2fct) - b sin(2fct)

a= 2 mean[ s(t) * cos(2fct) ]

b= -2 mean[ s(t) * sin(2fct) ]
Periodic Signals:
a signal with period T=1/f0 (f0= 1/T) can be
represented as:

reliable communication is possible if

Eb/N0 > (2R/W-1)/(R/W)
Claude Elwood Shannon
Father of Information Theory
Electrical engineer, mathematician, and native
son of Gaylord. His creation of information theory,
the mathematical theory of communication,
in the 1940s and 1950s inspired the revolutionary
advances in digital communications and
information storage that have
shaped the modern world.
This statue was donated by the
Information Theory Society of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
whose members follow gratefully in his footsteps.
Dedicated October 6, 2000
Eugene Daub, Sculptor

an= 2 mean[ s(t) cos(2nf0t) ]

bn= -2 mean[ s(t) sin(2nf0t) ]
complex representation:

s(t)= c cos(2fct + )
s(t)= a cos(2fct) - b sin(2fct)
cos(2fct) = (e^j2fct + e^-j2fct) / 2
sin(2fct) = (e^j2fct - e^-j2fct) / 2j
e^j2fct = cos(2fct) + j sin(2fct)
s(t)= Re[ c * e^j * e^j2fct ]
s1(t)= a1 cos(2fct) - b1 sin(2fct)
s1(t)= c1 cos(2fct + 1)
phase shift by 2
s2(t)= c1 cos(2fct + 1 + 2)
s2(t)= a2 cos(2fct) - b2 sin(2fct)
a2= a1 cos( 2 ) - b1 sin( 2 )
b2= a1 cos( 2 ) + b1 sin( 2 )
translation left = advance
translation right= delay
*antenna separation

Sum of two sinusoids of the same frequency:

just add the a and b coefficients
~convert c, to a/b first, add, convert back~
product of two sinusoids of different

Nyquist = sample rate must be 2 * max freq.

1C = 6.2411018 electrons
current is opposite direction o electron motion
voltage divider:
V1=IR1 -> V1= R1 / (R1+R2)*V
V2=IR2 -> V2= R2 / (R1+R2)*V
current and voltage are out of phase by 90
when going through a capacitor
current through a capacitor:
impedance of a capacitor:
impedance of an inductor:
j 2 f L ; L=inductance(henry)

Vout is over the capacitor

low pass

Vout is over the resistor

high pass

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