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Argentina Business

1 de 3 11/4/08 16:47
Argentina Business

viernes 11 de abril de 2008 Archivo del blog


▼ abril (1)
Argentina Trademark If
you are a writer, DOMAIN NAMES AND
publisher, web site TRADEMARK
designer, site owner and
if you own, claim to
own, use or want to use Datos personales
intellectual property on arturo fuente
the Internet, then you Ver todo mi perfil
must have at least a
short but functional
knowledge of how the
United States trademark,
copyright and other
laws, as well as various
state laws, may apply to
you. There is an intimate
relationship among your
rights and the rights of others. At any moment, you may
be both a user of other’s protected materials and a creator
of your own. Both they and you deserve to have your
intellectual property rights protected.

In addition to the more traditional logos and designs that

are the subject of trademark law, domain names are now
also subject to being trademarked if they otherwise
qualify as marks. Indeed, the rules for what may and may
not qualify for trademark status are not all that different
except that the Internet presents additional issues.

Argentina Trademark
Some Of The Issues

But before discussing the issue of how one can obtain a

trademark in a domain name, it might be helpful to first
explain how the Internet impacts upon regular, real world
marks. If a mark in the hard copy world is also being used
in relation to goods or services provided via the Internet,
the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
policy is that any registration for such Internet use is to be
filed under the same classifications as apply to the use of
the mark in the hard copy world. Chile Trademark In other
words, the registration is classified under the same
categories as the subject matter of the goods or services.
How the applications are filled in vary with the subject
matter of the goods or services, but in essence the use on
the Internet is another version of the underlying, real
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world uses. So when applying for a mark that is used in
Argentina Business

3 de 3 11/4/08 16:47

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