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Eve of Genesis

Eve was created on the sixth day along with Adam. It is stated that God created both man
and woman on the sixth day in verses 1:27 - 31 in Genesis. So God created man in His own

image; in the image of God he created him; male and female He created them (New King James
Version Bible, Genesis 1:27). Now we know that Eve was created on the sixth day, according to
the first creation story, but the Bible doesnt go into much detail about her creation until Genesis
2:20 - 22. That portion of the creation story shows us God taking the rib from Adam, etc. the first
creation story is the one that is most commonly used and referred to about the creation of Eve.
Eve was created and placed to live in the Garden of Eden alongside Adam and the
animals that they were told to take care of Her husband was Adam. Eve was originally created to
act as a wife for Adam because the animals were not enough of a companion for him in one
version of the creation story.
A struggle that Eve faced in her life was temptation. When the serpent tempted her to
take from the Forbidden Tree, Eve lost her faith and trust in God and in that moment believed
eating from the tree would make her like God and that seemed really appealing to her. By her
pushing Gods will aside and listening to the serpent, Eve committed the first sin. And when the
woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree
desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat (Genesis 3:6).

Eves role in the book of Genesis is to be a companion and a wife for Adam. Eve was

created to be able to provide a sense of companionship that the animals couldnt. Jane McNally,
a former missionary of forty years, says: The woman is vulnerable (to the devil) through an

acquired inferior status and her nurturing nature. Mary Fairchild, also a former missionary,
says: Once entangled in sin, she invited her husband to join her. Like Adam, when Eve was
confronted with her sin, she blamed someone else (Satan), instead of taking personal
responsibility for what she had done.
I believe that Eve was probably a faithful and holy woman, but she just fell into
temptation. I think that Eve was Gods first demonstration of human sin and how sins cause
punishments. Other than that, Eve was very important to the Bible and the first strong woman of
many. I think that Eve probably had a very strong connection with God and was probably very
faithful, but like any human she probably had doubts and questions. When the serpent told her
that the Forbidden Trees fruit would make her see things the way God does, she probably
thought that that would answer some of her questions and maybe even strengthen her faith in him
after seeing that he knows what hes doing and he know his plan for both Adam and Eve.

Works Cited:
Fairchild , Mary. "Eve's Profile." Christianity. N.P, n.d. Web. 1 Jan. <http:>.
McNally, Jane. "Eve." God' N.p., Web. 1 Jan.
"Eve's Birth Certificate ." answering Web. 1 Jan. <

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