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Section 135-3

Jazz and Society Intertwined

Thesis: From the Swing Period of the 1920s all the way to 2012 jazz music has been intertwined with
Overview: In my final paper, I'm going to look at the different ways jazz has affected society starting in
the 1920s all the way up through today. I will make references to historical events and how they relate
to the jazz of the time. I will talk about the jazz played in speak easies during prohibition as well as the
escapism of jazz during the Great Depression. Also I will talk about jazz's role in the civil rights
1. Giddins, Gary, and Scott DeVeaux. Jazz. New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc, 2009.
2. Jazz. DVD. Directed by Ken Burns, Arlington, VA: PBS, 2001.
3. Wynton Marsalis. Accessed February 29, 2012.
4. Hentoff, Nat. "How Jazz Helped Hasten the Civil Rights Movement." The Wall Street Journal,
January 15, 2009, (accessed
March 1, 2012).
5. Public Broadcasting Service. The Great Depression: History in the Key of Jazz. (accessed on March 1, 2012).

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