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Week 1 Discussion

Conducting Research in the Ashford Library

A peer reviewed journal or article is an article or journal that has been reviewed by experts in the field
and deemed to be worth reading by other professionals. Typically this is an extensive process in which
reviewers are carefully vetted for expertise and professional experience. In this assignment, you will
have an opportunity to examine a peer reviewed article and apply what you have learned to a
professional scenario or activity.

Using a JIT Approach Needs Assessment

Before creating a new instruction design based on the students in the class, the course, and its
curriculum the designer must assess the unmet need within the learning environment from a
student/teacher perspective and then any new instruction design should be a collaboration on an
optimal instruction design between students/teachers.. For differing training goals a designer may
chose hard-copy, in-person or e-learning instruction design. As one considers what media to use one
must consider if the media aligns with the learning environment and learning objectives (Clark and
Mayer, (2011). In the following assessment of Just In time teaching/learning design participants in the
study took an active role in creating the new instruction design by giving feedback from trial and error
in the field of tutoring.
Research & Reflection
Just in Time teaching/learning approaches assume that the availability of information through
technological tools at the opportune time is more efficient than the stockpiling of information in ones
brain which has limited capacity. Thus, teachers and learners have at their hands sources of information
on hand when it is need most and when it will seize the moment of teaching learning that develops
concepts/applied knowledge of certain subjects. For example, in the EDU 656 class at Ashford
University which is based on Just-In-Time approaches with technological integration the class had to
view a video on You Tube in order to gain the information needed to complete the task at hand (Week1
Journal). Thus, the availability of information upon demand which was randomly accessible through
the internet promoted the teaching and learning of .Just-In-Time approaches versus traditional
teaching/learning approaches. The learning experience was organized, fast-paced and knowledgeable.
Instruction Problem
The article I chose from the Ashford Library, Just In Time Volunteer Tutor Training: Reports
from the Field, is documentary regarding the effectiveness of tutoring approaches and alternative
solutions to instruction design based on feedback from tutors. By : listening to the tutors one could
assess the challenges and strengths of the tutoring approaches and in turn offer exacting suggestions
that will enhance/improve tutoring methods (Beizer, 2013). The instructional problem was simply that
students were not prepared at class time to discuss topics that were part of assignments issued to the
class so the tutors were challenged create new instruction design .which may include the use
technological tools (computer/internet).
Instructional Solutions

Instructional Problem
The instructional problem was simply that students were not prepared at class time to
discuss topics that were part of assignments issued to the class so the tutors were
challenged create new instruction design .which may include the use technological
tools (computer/internet).
Instructional Solution 1
(JIT Approach w/Technology) Use Web 2,0 (Skype, FaceBook, Wiki, Blogging) to
communicate between tutors/student/teachers in order to share experiences and best
practices. Use Wiki to compile research findings and collaborate on interpretation of
feedback from tutors/students teachers. Use blogging to communicate entrepreneurial
innovation in instruction design by students/teachers/tutors .
By using technology to collaborate, communicate and compile information
teachers/students/tutors can form a consensus of understanding of the
problems/solutions regarding the promotion of learning within the environment at all
levels. Skype, Facebook, wiki and blogging are inexpensive ways to collaborate and
communicate training initiatives that can be developed through strategy based on
unmet needs of the learning experience/environments. Thus, teachers/students/tutors
have access to information that has been reviewed by peers and through collaborative
efforts result in an instruction design that produces favorable learning outcomes.

Instructional Solution 2
Create an online classroom with Elisademy at a free
online class creation website.. Invite teachers/students and tutors to take an active
part in the classroom construction. Use the classroom to guide the collaboration,
research and strategy for new instruction design through literature review, needs

assessment and teaching model construction.

(JIT Approach w/Technology)

Creating an online classroom allows tutors/teachers/students to discuss, research and
evaluate instruction design based on given topics regarding the issues with aligning
teaching/learning with technology through collaboration between
tutors/teaching/learning. The premise is that if the tutors knew the lesson plans that
teachers assign (syllabus) one could align the tutoring with the curriculum and also
exchange insight on the specific learning objectives, learning environments and its
unmet needs.

Beizer, A. (2013). Just in time volunteer tutor training: Reports from the field

Clark, R. C. & Mayer, R. E. (2011). E-Learning and the science of instruction (3rd ed). San Francisco.

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