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Payod = cloud

Peetambar = yellow robed
Peeyush = nectar
Pehlaj = First born
Phalak = Sky
Phalgun = name of a Hindu month, spring
Phani = Snake
Phaninath = Lord of serpents
Phanindra = Seshnag; the divine snake
Phanishwar = King of serpents
Phoolendu = Full moon
Piki = cuckoo
Pinak = Bow of Lord Shiva
Pingal = a reputed sage
Pinakin = Lord Shiva
Pitambar = Lord Vishnu Pival = a tree
Piyali = a tree
Piyush = Milk
Poonish = Lord of the pious
Pooran = complete
Poornachandra = full moon
Poornanand = complete joy
Poorv = the east
Poorvaj = elder, ancestorsn
Prabal = very strong, mighty
Prabhakar = the sun
Prabhanjan = dust storm
Prabhas = lustrous
Prabhat = dawn
Prabhav = power, might
Prabhave = Popular Lord. Lord Hanuman
Prabhu = God
Prabuddha = knowledgeable
Prabir = Hero, brave one (Praveer)
Prabodh = waking, vigilance
Prabodhan = Knowledge
Prachet = Lord Varun
Pracheta = Varun, wise
Prachur = abundant
Pradarsh = appearance, order
Pradeep = lamp
Pradhi = Intelligent
Pradnesh = Lord of wisdom
Pradosh = twilight
Pradyot = to illuminate
Pradyumna = God of love
Pradyun = radiant
Praful = blooming

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