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25-th Vietnamese Mathematical Olympiad 1987

First Day
1. Let u1 , u2 , . . . , u1987 be an arithmetic progression with u1 = /1987 and the common difference /3974. Evaluate

cos(1 u1 + 2 u2 + + 1987 u1987).

i {1,1}

2. Sequences (xn ) and (yn ) are constructed as follows:

xn+1 = xn (x1986
+ 1) + 1622,
yn+1 = yn (y3n + 1) 1952,

x0 = 365,
y0 = 16,

for all n 0.

Prove that xn 6= yk for any positive integers n, k.

3. Let be given n 2 lines on a plane, not all concurrent and no two parallel. Prove
that there is a point which belongs to exactly two of the given lines.
Second Day
4. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an be positive real numbers (n 2) whose sum is S. Show that

S1+2 2
(S aii)2t 1 (n 1)2t 1 n2k 2t

for any nonnegative integers k,t with k t. When does equality occur?
5. Let f : [0, +) R be a differentiable function. Suppose that
| f (x)| 5


f (x) f (x) sin x

for all x 0.

Prove that there exists lim f (x).


6. Prove that among any five distinct rays Ox, Oy, Oz, Ot, Or in space there exist two
which form an angle less than or equal to 90 .

The IMO Compendium Group,

D. Djukic, V. Jankovic, I. Matic, N. Petrovic

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