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Unit Lesson Plan

Intern Reflection
!Intern Name__Katelynn Moser_ School__Walker School_________ Due
Dates of Lessons: 12/8-12/12

Subject: Literacy


Grade Level: 5

Unit: Nonfiction


Student Reflection

Ability to collaborate on the lesson plan

with cooperating teacher

Lesson plans were made up one week prior to unit

lesson cohesively

Level of understanding the process of

constructing a unit lesson plan

Understood through collaboratively working on lesson


Level of planning and preparation for

(Did you email your lesson plans on time and have your
materials ready, including technology)

Level of understanding of content


Was planned ahead of time and practiced lessons every


Lesson content understood

(Did you know the material you were teaching)

Level of comfort in teacher role

Ability to maintain eye contact and
students attention

Students followed my directions well

Ability to effectively sequence the lesson Lessons flowed from day to day and built off of each
(Would you do things in the same order again)
Utilizes positive reinforcement

Used reinforcement generously for most of the days,

when Im nervous I have trouble remembering positive

Ability to effectively time each activity

Timing was accurate

(Did you have backup activities if your timing was off)

Ability to implement existing

instructional strategies and materials to
teach lesson

Used strategies that I had observed Ms. Mueller use.

Ability to scaffold content

Followed the lesson plan fairly strictly

Ability to recognize student

comprehension and modify accordingly
(Did you change what you did one day based on the
previous days acquisition of content)

Walked around the classroom to check on students

work periodically

What 3 targets would you like most to


What can you, your cooperating teacher or I do to

help you improve those characteristics?

1. More confident

Examples of good and bad teaching

2. More of my own input

Let me know when I am doing something wrong or





Answer the following reflective questions:

1. Compare and contrast teaching several days in a row to teaching one mini lesson?
Teaching several days in a row gave me more practice and allowed me to fix anything I did wrong for
the next day of teaching. It was much more stressful and nerve wrecking but I learned a lot more
from the unit lesson than teaching mini lessons.

2. What was challenging?

I get so nervous in front of people so I just had anxiety for weeks before and during. I wanted the
lessons to go really well because I knew the students would compare me to Ms. Mueller.

3. What was beneficial to you as a developing teacher?

Having teachers give me direct feedback on how I was doing and what I did right and wrong in my

4. What went as planned? What didnt?

The lessons went as planned and objectives were met. I had things I wanted to say and practiced
saying when I was reviewing my lesson but nerves got to me and I forgot a few things I wanted to

5. Reflect on this assignment and give feedback about the directions, planning documents, and
reflection pieces.
It was an effective project. I am usually bad with doing projects that I haven't seen examples of or
am walked through, so I felt like I was doing things wrong but I was glad to get feedback from both

!Intern signature ___Katelynn Moser___

Date __1/8__

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