Kat Ούους Μεν Aiu

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Kat aiu^avoiro ^

And as-many-as indeed he-might-perceive perjured and unjust

, 8
he-feared as well armed (against him), but the
xai ^ ^^
pious and those-practising truth he-endeavoured to-make-use-of
as weak-persons. And as any-one prides-himself on
, xal , xai 8',
religion, and truth, and justice, so
'^' ^,
Menon prided-himself to-be-able to-deceive,
^ ^^, ?' 6
to-devise falsehoods, to-sueer-at friends; and (that)

(he who was) not ready-to-do-any-thing (of a villanous nature for hie
own adA'antage) 'he always 'considered to-be of-the un. Kal Ttap '
-jiught (and ignorant). And with whom indeed he-endeavoured
npcrvv ,
to-have-the-first-place 'in (their) 'friendship, these-same he-thought
t-become-him to-gain-over (through) plotting-against


. to 'those who had been) first (in their favour). And [ the to
;^3 ^
keep [the keeping of] (liis) soldiers obedient
5 avvahixelv avrolg.
he-cfiected 1 from the to-do-wrong with-them [by participating
, ^3 xal ^,
in their evil deeds]. Also he-claimed to-be-honoured and courted,
^ oTt av hvvaLTo xal ^
showing that 'he might 'be-able and might-wish
}) . ,
to-injure the-most. And he-called-it (a) favour
, on %"( his part), when any-one deserted him, that (while) making .
use of-him he-'did not 'destroy him.
Kat 8 ,
And indeed truly (were) it-allowed (to speak) respecting the
-^^, 8
private (affairs) of-him one-might-say-what-is-not-true, but what
'. "^
all know is this. Being yet in-the-prime-of-youth
^ )
he-obtained from Aristippus to-command (of)

8 , ,
the loreign-mercenaries; and he-became, being yet in-the-bloom-of-youth,
' , ovtl , on
most-intimate with-Aria3US, he-being (a) barbarian, for 'he
^ ' 8 ;|^
(Ariaeus) 'delighted in -beautiful youths; and he-himself had
SapvTtav naiSixa,
Tharypas (a) favourite, (a) beardless-youth (having one)
. ^having-a-beard. But (his) fellow-oflScers being-put, on ,
to-death, because they-fought against (the) king with


nETtoiYjxcig ^'
C^Tua (though) he-having-done the-same 'did not 'die ;
but after the death of-the other generals
having-been-punished by (the) king he-died, no
like Clearchus, and the other generals, 'having
? , [ 6
(their) heads 'cut-ofiF, ^which seems to-be

(the) speediest death,) but living having-been-tortured

(during a) year as (a) malefactor, he-is-said 'to (have)
met (with his) end.
'Aytag $, ' 6 ',
But Agias the Arcadian, and Socrates the Achsean,
xal ^. 8
also these-two died. But neither 'did (no-oite) (any-one)
, '
'deride these as cowards in battle, oi
reproached them (in regard) to friendship. And both

jrere about five and thirty jean
from (their) birth.

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