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Jould you Behold an honsst Genero w feck ous eg ellen dges Gr mould you Stéavens Misti Wlotaad he Rerticr that RT n Fhe, First on C YS Picture is Expres hi kat ai Re ae tae eee fangutage Enom f ~Glavis Ay {firologia Elimata: | ORA t KEY tothe whole ART ASTROLOGY | New Filed and Polifhed. In Three P ARTS. a ONTAL |L: An Introduition , By which an Ordinary Capacity] may Underftand the Grounds thereof, and how to feta Fi | gure upon any Occafion: With the Schemes of the Cufps: of the Catletial Houfes in Copper Plates, very’ufeful- in Horary ions, Fe. I, Sele&t Aphorifies, with Rules and Examples how to Re Tolve or Judge all Lawful Queftions Aftolegesl, from a Radical, Scheme LreGed AlloEle@ions afl other necelary Preceptsof Art Il. The Genethliacal Part; wherein is thewn how to Rettifie, and Calculate Watts, acconlng to Regiomontenss, Ara ad Kp Prscaienn ete paliheds Alo Tle anda eber ket | tet for Caledon and Demonte To which are added the Rudolphine Tables, whereby the Pla- ces of the Planctzimay be ‘Calculated for aay Time, pal, | prclent, oF to come: The SECOND EDITION, much Enlarged and Amended. By HENRY COLET, Student in the Afathemaick;,) ——— eT. _| Can to bind the ooes Tnfuencs of the Pllades, when Band of Oh TOR eg en salad TOMDON, Printed for Ben. Take, and he, Svabilge, and age tobe Sold 138 the Ship in St, Pan's Chard yard, and at the three Hlewer de Laser in Liste Brittain, “16; TO THE MOST EMINENTLY ACCOMPLISHD IN ALL INGENIOUS LITERATURE ELIAS ASHMOLE OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE &/7;. iB CONTROLLER GENERAL OF HIS M4FESTIES DUTY OF EXCISE, oe. HIS MOST HONOURED MECZNAS, HENRY COLEY, HIS HUMBLEST ADMIRER, WISHES ALL IMAGINABLE HAPPL NESS, AND DEDICATES TO HIS PATRONAGE THESE HIS ASTRONOMICAL, AND ASTROLOGICAL IESSAYES SEES EEE EEE READER Upon my Refpetted Friend Mr, Henry Coley dis Clavis A ftro- logie NewFil'd eo Polifhed. “Y Amnow neer feventy four years of Age comi~ pleat, and after much Sicknels and Indilpofi- tion of Body in my Old Age (efpecially thele two years laft paft ) Tam now by the bleffing ofGod upon the means uled, reafonably w covered again ; and it was all along my intention hadI not been unhappily prevented and difeoura- ged) to have freely communicated to the world (for the benefit of all honeft and gratefull Sons of Urania) what many years fince I promifed in my Introduition to Chriftizn Aftrotegy: Buc this Authct (being the only Publick Perfon that I have hopes of) hath now with no finall paias and Induftry, faved me that labour, in prefenting the world with this molt compleat piece of jfroieey, which (not improperly) he Intitles, 4 «£7 t0 the whole ART, wherein, in my Judgment, he hath thew: ed hii felfan ARTIST, and very much oblige A d all all the younger Studenis therein, who may hereat. ter (God willing ) receive much more benefit by his Studies. ‘The Work (to fpeak my real thoughts) is well digefted, hhis Method and Matter plain and fignifi- cant and I cannot but highly approve thereof : “Tis Judicioufly Penn‘d, and in every part Adorn- ed with Variety, and many things wholly New ; he hath layed a fure Foundation, and added divers neceffary Demonftrations in the dfraxcmical Part, which cannot but be very fatisfaétory to every In- genious Lover of Art. He has not filled his Book with vain affeéted Expreflions, nor impertinent Digrefisns and Tan- tolegies , but he has concifely handled cach parti- cular, to his exceeding Commendation, To Con- clade, Tdoubr not but this Author (being quali- fied with Parts and Abilities in the A¢arhematicks alfo) may in time become a great Promcter of art, and thereby merit the Refpects of all the Legitte mate Sons of Hanis; which is the real Judgment oftheir Old Friend, From my Houle in Hestham in she Pavol Wathan an Tas, prdto. 1676, William Lilly, Student in A ftrology. PREFACE READER, COURTEOUS READER, Have here adventured to prefent yow with 4 Second Edition of my KL ve ‘Aitolegy, being Inconrazed thereunt® from the favoapable Reception the Former found amangit the Sons of Urania, normithftending all thoje unhappy mif. fitures it met withal both in the Printing and Compoting ; 1 heve allo endeavoured to grasife Jour former Civilities, im rendering the work mare Complest and full in every particular, and to a. dir it mith many neceffiry and confiderable Ailisions , which I hope will be found of finguley Wf to every ingenious Student in this Sublime Art. “Aftrology is no more but a part or mem. ber of Natural Philofophy, which ‘teacheth by the Motions, Configurations, and Influences of the 4 Signes, Stars, and Coeleftial THE | Hs, and Covel Planets, co Progaoti 3 cate The Preface. cate, or Predict of the Natural effects and Mutati- ons to comein the Elements, and thele inferiour Elementary Bodies. "Tis am Art of great Antiquity, and if we indy believe Authors, it is even as antient 4s Adam, who was ot unacquainted therewith , as srell as all other Natural Sciences: That he underfiood vatures of thof: Caeleftial Bodies he fase glitter + his bead ; their harmonious Motions, fecret wpucinces, and afferent Operations upon Sublumi- nares , according, so their various Pofitions, Con- figurations asd Determination can be doubted of by “none, that duly confiders how liberal Omnipetence feems ta eve been in Crowning him (whillt abiding in Innocency) with the choicelt Underflanding. what Progre{s was made in Aftrology defore the Univerlal Deluge cannot certainly be Determined: Jolephus, in his Hiftory, gives us an account, thar Jome of the Antient Pattiarchs were fo well acquaint ‘ed sith the Material Heavens, and fuch Lovers of ‘Art,that they ineribed the Principles thereof on Pil- ars topreferve the [ame topeferity,from the overbear- int fury of that Seupendious Flood, which probably by this Art they nnight partly forelee t0be appreaching. After thefe hexps of waters were leveld, and geht to quit their Wfarpation by keeping their anti tevoas, she Sear, the firll people that. we voted themjelves to Syderalstudies swere the Affyrians ; [ron followed by the Chaldeans, Agyp- tians, ad Arabians, who all living in Champagne Countries, ble{sd witha pure Serene Aire, and ex in Ingenuity, eemed above other Mortals te uted by Nature to uch Divine Comtemplations whence ‘The Preface, Shen Tis no wonder fly their continnal Stadices and repeated Experiences, they raifed shis Art to {ech «pitch of Glory, that only fuch that were skilfd ihereis were admitied tothe. Adminifrasionof Sax Rac on Mating Mfeirg Suite toda cfleemed they were, thar thefe mighty Monarchs 9 TEalt would undertate mo grawd Enterprise with- ont firft confulting an Aftrologer: Thofe Honours paid 10 Act oon Ended she Sparks of Emulation ie the Indians, nd Greeks, and tempted theme. t0 insioas Rivals for the Pevonr of the Beantons Uc rani i being certain, thas the Grecians ff lear td thir drt of the Chaldeans, and Agypoans, ar the Latines, and other Europeans have jine borrow. td its from the Greeks: And thas you have «Brief “Aioane ofthe Originel, dnd Growthof Afveegy Toran ref genera ie al fre of rn forit Diretts them (in a Natural way) borw they ‘asy.mift frtanately manage their airs in the doerld; 47 by Elettions re cbofe« ft and. congroaas fim, tohegin any onplerable Enterpriaes, by the Ditettions of phe Planers in their Nativities, and Annual Revolutions, 10 eover he molt propitious ordangerons times that are approaching 40 any Ne- tives and in fine, Altrology gives them fal fais. felon (if eevaged by an able Artif) fn the Ref lution of all sheir Wlorary Doubts. "This is at ol, for Altrology is eminently wfefid fein the Drattce of Phylick, for by the kales theecof (which have ben often verifed by Exper. ace) the Phylitan may toform himfef of the Ne. sure and quality of the Difee, and comfequentlc ; Aa whee fo whether it may termivate tn lifer Death, "Vis an Art which is no lefs wfeful and ferviseable-to the painful Hushandmzn, who ruty be thereby taught when’ tis foodand prper Seafon to Mapure apd Till bis Gronad sand he may thence difeover likerwife the varions Alterations of the Airey aiid Mutation of the weather, &e, Laftly, y -frolegy the general Accidents of the World may be preditteds the changes of Empires, and. Government: the Subverfion of Kingdoms and Coun tries in borr, x whole Volume might be written of the Weikity of thus Sublime Myjterions Are «the depth syhercof this Age donbtlefs will not be able to Fathom, although 1 muft confels there ave fome Fax arvns nen now living, thet have waded far therein: Yet Aproligy bah been (4nd now i8) very firéngly tenfordd, ard keniemned iy Jome which underRand snot thédvery Rudinients thereof, but ule fuch Argn- merits ageinf it as sebers have dene-befere thems all which have been abrexdy [uficienth Adfivered by Yeve- ral Learned men , and in particulayly that eminent Knight SirChriftopher Heydons who defends Afiro- ogy aguinft-the erestelt Antagonifts, and warrants the lawfuinefs thereaf, bith by Scripture and Reafon, &e. . ‘One grand Reafon ( T{uppole) that hath cecalion- edmmany ingenious perlons tobave'lue low and’ mean thoughes of Aftroleeyy #5 this, Viz. There are Cand hath been) many ignorant aid illiterate Profeffors of boths Sex) in, and obout this Faineus and Fledrijh- ing Cityof London, (whofe names 1/ball xot menti- 22) thst too confidently adventure to fet up with a very very mall flock of Knowledg in Ajtrology, for the fake Pols nap cyeh tented es lad rb aisle £0 perform anything therein according to Arty on- Ly finffthein Clyents with many Impevtinencies, under pretence of the Language of the Stars, thereby abufing their Querents, and confequently bring a Scandalup- on thisfoexcellent and ufeful « piece of Learning, and the more mble Profefors thereof’, which hath detey- red many perfons from the Study of Aftrology, thet atherwife (perbaps) might have proved good Prof cients therein, I {peak nat this out of any prejudice E have totheir verons, oy in. the leapt 10 advantage = myown Intereft, for 1 am a lover of Art, and thofe shat (without abufe) dole it, In the wext place I|touldgive an account of the Or- | er and Method of the Book it felf, which is divided toothree Parts: but leaft 1[hould too much exceed she bounds of an Epiftle, I fball rather refer the Res- der to the Table thereof, which will fuffciemtly am fover his Expectation in that particular. 1 alfume no great honour tomy felf in the Compofure of this work, ‘but can aflure the Reader I have prjented ims with variety of Matter, and many things wholly noval, and uot hitherto handled by any other Englith Aflre Logical Authay iS ee 1 dare not conclude it to be 4 Com. pleat Syftem er BODY of Aftrology, chee mutt be vet expected (Nolens Volens) frome fome Utopian Altvologer perhaps in the next Age = Tocencludes rhaveomitted nothing, nor {pared fer any pains that might conduce t0 the Compleating [uch « werk: Sothat by this Portable Volumn, and the help of « Canon of Axtificial Sines and’Tan. gents 2 The Preface, gents (very common to be badfor a Jmall Price) you fre compleaty furnfied wich al conn fo be exact bandling of a Nativity (shich is the moj con- fiderable Part of Aftcology } alfo Horary Queltions, Eleftions, General Accidents, and the Efeds of Ecliples, ce. Thus I have laboured to render every thing in this Art plsin and per|picuons t0 the mesneH# Apprehenfi- on, and have not confin'dmy [elf to toe much brevity, which bis vccalion'd the Book t0 [well much bizeer shan was at firft intended, All which Ijreely ofer to your favourable Acceptance, defiring the Reader sould be at fo much pains as to Corre® the Errata’s ‘efare he Reads the Book, (far notwithftanding care has not been wanting, yet fome Typographical Faults have efeaped: ) Te odring, he will not only de nfl Kindne[s,bus alfo oblige bins who is Friend vo all thas are Mathematically inclin'd, and a real Lover of Arts in General, fe in Baldwin's Come over again ‘the Old Hale i tbe Wallin Baldwins Gar- dens ect Gray's-tun-Lane, Die ‘Marts, Marj 28%. 1676, Henry Coley. i a The Contents of the Firft Part, Chap. 1. OF the twelve Signs, and their manifeld Divie ‘fins. Page, 9. Chap. 2. Of the Afptts ofthe Planets as they move ehrong the Signs. 14. A Table toe Destercad Sinifer Aljlisof the Planers Chap. 3. Of the Deferiprion, and Sirmfication of the rwelve Sion, Chay 19. 44e Of the Names,Charaiters,and Amtifions,Hosfes, joys, Orbs, and Latitude of the Planets, 3 Chaps. Of the Natures, Deferiptions, and Signific af the Planers, 3 Chap. 6, A more Particular Defeription of the Planets, they maybe pied in an of the twelve Signs. 4 Chap. 7. Of the Difeajs, she Plancts fgnife, in gener being pofted in any of the rmulve Signs: “ 6 AT able of the Adembers of the Body, every Planer Boverns, being pofted im any of the Signs, with its ule. & Of the Herbs, and Plants chat are appropriated 1a the carne beBionn weer Chap.. Of the Effential, and Accidental Dignitiesef te Planetr 8c. 8 A Tobe ofthe Effenial Digntes according oPectomy 85, ATableof the Elfenial, and Accidensal Fortisndes, and Dy bilivies ofthe Hane Aen Fenty 1 ATable,foewing what Planets are Friends, and what Ene aries as alfo thir Colours oo ATcbleof cervain Countries, and Cities, under the Genta ment of the Plancer, on Chap. 10. Of the Terme of Art which onghe taba wel mi der flood by every Student, oe ‘ap. 11. How te dd, and Surat Mtronomical FraQu ‘ne, and projet rhe Part of Fortune. The Contents- The Contents, Chop. 12. Hew tout an Ephemetisy asalfo bow tort Scheme of Hewver by tbe Tables of Honfis,o the Buokef ‘Schemes. ! 102. ‘General Tebleof the hourly Motion of the Planets, 110 Chap. 13. of hetwelveHoufes of Heaven, and their Are. ical fgnifcation, 11 The Qyartrs of Heaven fgnifed by shesmeloe Hones. 115. Chap. 14, Whythe Heavens are divided intotwelve Houfir, or Adanfions, and no more? 116, Chap, 15. Wy cafe onfes tala bac fuch fignifcation oy "Afrologers aetvibure mnsthene? fein Chap. 16, Of diversthings tobe confdered, which sonduee soc othe beter Judging of Herary Ouefion, 128 Se 1. OF the Seeds ofthe Qusreme, nd Qed tin any Scheme of a Fiorary Queffion. idem. SeOh. 2 By what means, or ways things are branghr <> perfettion. 126. Sech. 3, Tokwow if your Figure bei for « adgement. 12, Seet.g. Ofte Afarks, Moles, and Scars, babef Querenr, and Quoted. idem, Sedh. 5. Of varying the Heonfsin Tadgement. 29, Of the time of receiving a Horary Queftion. 130. 7. Choice Aporifmeso be confidered in Judgement of aHorary Quettioa, 131, The Contents of the Second Part. Of the Elements of Aftrology, or Principles of Judgement, by ay of Preface. 137+ Certain Aftrological Axioms, confirmed, and verified by Re: tional Experience. 138. Certain Afrolezical Thecrems. 140. Six Articles to be obferued, for the better Reftanration of the Culeflial Science, 143+ Chap. Ghap. 1, Quetions, with Arolegical Pudgements wpon the ‘fit Honfe. 147 Sebtet, May the Querents Life belong, or foe? iderns SeCts 2. Whar prt of the Qverents Life maybe beft. gg. SeEt, 3. What Quarter ofthe World may be mofPhappy? $0. Sch. 4. Of the condition of an abfent Party. 151. Set. 5. To keww wheter the Perfon tobe [poken with, bat 86. of. ip at Sea, ber fafety, or Dang a Sch. 6, Of a Ship at Sea, ber fafery, er Danger. 153. Chip. Quefion, and udgemen prope fo the foot Ho 135. Seth. 1. May the Querent ever attaia Riches ? idan. Seth. 2. By what means may the Querent gain Wealth. 156, Seét, 3. Of che time when Riches may be expetted. 1 Seth 4. Shall she Querent receive his Boney lens, or Jatie filtion forthe Goods he har trafed. 158, Chap. 5. Queftions, and Judgements proper t0 the third Hole 159. SeEh. 16 Of fhe Jomrneys, foal they be prefpereus? idem. SeBh 2. Atay che Querent, and bis Brethren, Kindred, a Neighbours agree together ? Yo. Se€h. 3. Of the condition of an abent Brother, 162. Seth. 4. Lathe Connfel,or Adviceof a Neighbowr, or Friend, Real, 165. SE. 5. Whether Reports, or Rumours, fpread abroad, be tne, or falfe idem, Chop, 4. “Queftions, and Fndgemenns appertaining to the fours Honfe. 166, Seth 1. Shall the Quevent enjoy the Etre of his Farker. idem SeEt. 2. Shall che Querent ebvain the Henjé, Land, or other ans, he defires to rake, or purebafe. 167. the Querent advantage binfelf by removal, or "« better continue in lis old Habitation, 169. Seth = Ofhiddew Treafare, is there any im the place fof Plies, 170. Sed Poli Se"; ads The Contesi::. Trl, focwing the Tnclination of the Air, from the Com ions, and Apts ef the Planets. 3140 jnnidions and Alpe i Chap. 20. Ptolemy's Centiloquiuin Englified.. 315. Chap. 21, Hetmes Trifmegiftus bis Centiloquium, 329+ Chap. 22. Bethem's Centilog, of Apherifimes. 339+ GChape23. Brief Rules to Compute the Star, or Planet Sonting, Rijing, or Setting, im any Latitude. 346 ‘The Content Sel. 5. Examples appertaining 1 the fib Honfe, in 4 Parag. 248, Se€t.6. Examples belonging to the fisth Houle, in Parag. 250. Set. 7." Examples to Mujtrate Queftions proper tothe (events Honfe in 8 Parag. 251. Se&h.8. Examples proper to the eighth Houle 4 in 3 Parag. 237, fy ATableof Stars, red fer chat purpofi- 348. Seth. 9. Queftions, and their Afrologicat Refponfes, apper. Wits Explaination, and Ufe 349. taining tothe ninth Houfe in 2 Parag. 258. Set. 10. Examples4f Quations proper o the tem Hise in 2 Parag. 260, Se. 11. Examples upon the eleventh Houfe, in 2Par 261 Set. 12 Examples proper tothe twelfoh Howfe,in 4 Par. 262, Chap. 14. Of the Planetary Hour, and Elettions. ~ 2¢4, The Contents of the Third Past. SeQh. 1. Of the Planetary Hours, ibid, $M) Chap, 1. A Compendium of Trigonometsy. 397 ATable of the Planetary Hons, Sec. 266, $M Sctt. 1, Diffnitions, Alfettion, and Axioms of Spherical Sc€t. 2. 3. Of the Diferipion, and Ufeof the Table of tes, Be ibid. the Planetary Hows. 269. ration of the Nature of Spherical Triangles , both Set. 4. Of the ignificasion of thofe Hours, 271 Right Angled, and Oblique, 36k Seth. 5+ Of Eletions from she Nativiey. 274. i Seti 2. & 3, Examples of the 28 Cafesof Spherical Tri Set. 6, Brief Rules ta be obferved in making Elections, 277. angle 365. Sek. 4. General Elettions in buring, felling, and taking Wl Chap. 2. Containing divers uféful Precepts, ft tobe nnder- Servants, Bic. 285. od, in order tothe Calculation of a Nativity. 375+ Chap. 15. Of Aral Predictions of Mundane Affairs, HM Stk. 1. The Explanation, and Ufe of a Canon of Artifical cor the General Accident ofthe World, 286. GB Siner, and Tangens. idem, Chap. 16. Of the Natural fignifcarion of each Planet, ther Seite 2.” nw t0 find the neevef dftance of a Sear (or Blac foaltbe Lard of the Tear, in any Revolution Figure of the net) fonthe next Aouinexial, or Saftivial Point. 378, World. 291. ctble thereof and its Cf 379. Chap. 17. Of Eclipfes, and the Natwral Caufes,and Res. . Extibitine a bricf Compendia of all dhe Propaftic fons thereof 297, fens thar ore neceffory iu the Dottrine of Divettions 10 be Chap. 18. Of the Nararat porrentsy and fignificarions of BE wroucit bya Canon of Sines, ni Tansen $i Eclipfes. 2Tab lesof Converting Hose’, « 301. Chap. 15, How to Prognofticate of the Winds, aid Weather, Fram the Conjunttions, and Alpetis of the Planets, 308. A Degrees ani rary. Abrie! Sy Minutes of the Auster, an The Contents. ‘wailing a Nativity, according to Regiomontanus, and Abgol, Diveh, and Converfe. 396. SeOh.4.’ How 10 Reduce a Ephemerides, or Afronomica: Tables a wher eidian Be. 397. Seth. 5. Tychoe's Tableaf eAquaionof Time, 400. Of the Agreement between the Calenlasicn by ‘Tregonamety, ‘and the Fulgar Tables, on A nccefry Table of the Quantsy of Time each Sign és effing through the Horizon, and Ateridian, "403 AT able of Sexeginary Logifical Logarithmes. Se€.6. Hew to Reduce the Planers Places to any honr ‘Day, or Night, 8c. Allo divers wfeful Precepts te Il- luftratethe Ofeofthe Legificat mts 420. 0 Te i te i coraikion from the Logavithmetical Tables of Abjolnte Nambers428. See. 8. Sheming the maf Compendions way of equating the Gulprof the Hosein fing a Figures 425 SeGh g. Several Propoiions of the ufe of « Table of How iss be seb so, ofthe eral woof sviding the Heaven! fo ‘Erething of a Schemes, witha Table, and its Conprattion for he dividing the Heavens, according to Campanus, ‘and Gazulus. 437 Chap. 5. Of a Wasivty, and be feveral ways of Reltifcai- on thereof, 443. Set. 1. What a Nativity is, ibid, Sceh. 2. Howto Relies Nativity feveral ways, 444 SeQh. 5. Exampleshow toveripe the Afcondantsiy an deci ‘dn us Sc&t. 4. Howto Reltifie a Nativity by the Sun,or Moon.449. SeQL, s+ How to Rellifiea Nativity,by the Tratine, or Seat of Hermes, 451 AT able forthe ready finding the Conception, by the Natieay, sand the contrary 45% Sed. 6, The C' 45+ Chap. of the Table of Conception, ———_-“< \onteni ss Chap. 4. How to fe a Figure, che Rational way, by 7 ional may, by ref set Oblique Spherical Triangle, with te Cadebce fs erpendicular 6. Chap. 5, How tofer a Figure the Revonel wey, and Refites the Obligne Spherical Tiengle widow the Cadence fa Perpendicular 6 Tien Tables of Heafes fr ewelve fvereh Latonderea be ned witha Carron Caleulared bythe fame derbeid 47 Chap. 6. Howto «quate forthe add ituntesof re Circle of Lefton if work the Ordinary Teblrof Regiomon Lyn fnd the Dedinaion ond R. Ach a Storer Plbsd wih Lartnde by Taber eh aS ros Chap. 7. Neefiny Conhderatons befor Judgment spon n ativiny, Sech. ~ a Sei 2. Of the General Signifetio of the Lard of the Ajerne sel Ofebe a of the oo at Of the Fees ofthe Signs bei ish cup’ Ofte signi. monnnanit 8. Of the Signifiiation of tbe Plavets as they are Raters afte feara Hales biog pfted any part Bh Figure ina Nativity . 45% sa. Se Lord of he Afecodans his pftion many ofthe Seti 2. Of the Lord of-the Seconds pti inpart of ih Ifthe potion of the Lord of third. Houfes Bec. Of the poftisnof she lrdef ie faut a o ¥ Of tha Lard ofthe fh Henfe, tas potion, Sc. Soo 2 he pafein ofthe Lord of the ist HeafesStes yoo 504 396 503 Ir th, Be. 8 Seti. 3 SeGt. set Sekt Sed 7. Of the poftion ofehe Lord ofthe fevemth S25. Of the pftion of the Lerd of the eighsh he potion ofthe Lard of the eighth Honfo S6G 9 Of the peftion ofthe Lardy the vn ae SiGe 12> Of the pin ofthe Lord ef che Tenth \G 11, Of the poftion of the Lard of thc elem & = en oe ia = ~The" Contents- 7 ape i9. Judgment deduced from the enth Honfs 603 Chap yn How to Din a ~ ~ Chap. 20. Judgment upon the eleventh Houle 603 caer. few Dire en atet Figure, with ne~ Chap. 21. Judgment upon theewelfeh Houle 605 A Ghah sy: Of Prafedtionn wlth a Gonural 79 Chap. 22. Fudgrsens spor tbe eight Honfe 697 ‘Table » jeneral and Particular Chap. 23. Of Direétions of Significscors 10 their feveral ‘Promittors 609 Set. Whar a Direttion is, what a Significator, amd what aPromilfor, &e ibid. Sekt. 2. Of the Latitude of the Planets to be confdered in Dire 61s “A new Demonfiration of the Latitude of the Planets in Din reftions, Gc. 623 Seth. 3. Obfervations tobe noted in Direltons 4 Sedh. Of the E feltsof Direltions in General 626 Chap. 24. Of Direttions in Nativities, and eheir Efetts, According ta Morine 632 Chap.25. Of the Meafereof Time in Diretions, with nfe- fal Fables theref, 8c, 636 Chaps 26. Examples how tofind the Diclinaion and Right "Afoemtonef ail the Planetsin the Exemplary Nativity 649 a7. Expl of tain the Die of each Planet fromthe Meridian in R.A. 657 Chap. 28. Examples of finding the Poles Elevation above the Circles of Poftion of the Planets, &ec. 659 Chap. 29. Examples of Diretting Significators to their Pre- mittors 699 Chap. so. Hey to Reltife and Diet a Nativity acer- ding, 10 shat excalles Afronomer ard Mashemasiciy ‘Jobo Kep! 681 Cliap. 31. Of the Reoolurion of the Sun 10 his Radical place in any perfows Nativity 7 ‘A General Revolutional Table, and its Ufe Exemplified 659 Zapborifnes of Judging, « Reselutonal Pigare, and an Ex. “angle 7 Chop Bt proper thereume, asd ther Confrndtion coupe sf bp teen onlin Ep ner Excelent Aphorifmes of Vrevlits End [Neceffng Table of Oblige as Right Afeenin, alo Taba of Diclinacon 738) 8 Lallly, che Rudolphine Tables, by which may be Caleulated the Planets places for anytime, pat, pre{ene,or to come. 44 be To Mr. Henry Coley. PPPS fic ( my Friend) thou fhould’tt expe, T know, ‘What by my kindnefs, Iam prompred £05 Some powerful Lines to tell the’ World, and thee , In what Efteem thy Writings ought t6 be: ‘And were thy Subject mewp, perhaps, 'de dare, “Mongtt the moft forward Rhymers to appear 5 But fince thy glorious Theme’s fo bright, ohigh , ‘And Treats of nothing underneath the Sky ; My groveling A¢n/e; who never could Afpire, Sits down infilence, and refolv’s ¢' Admire: Nor will I fear, thoul't take thisill from me ; ‘How can they Clath, whofe Horoferpes agree ® TB © To Mr. Henry Coley upon his Gla- vis Aftrologie Elimata, WV Saree ot tale Kee da hear Bur they his (Pickeleck) Sword do mean,| fear; Some ofthe Keys of Death, and Hell do Bea And to that World they fend a Mighty Hog To hew what Congernurs, in this, they are , Forthey, like Death, no Friend, nor Fee, do {pares Eva thole that kecp the Key of David t00 , Make ufe of Locks, and Boles (as others do ) To fine out whom they pleate; but now kind Fare Hath raught co open Great Olympus Gate! Thon givit a Key, a. Key that will be fure Folaft, slong as th’ Wards of Heav'n endures Nor only a Kg, but haw a Clew hatt giv'n, To lead us through the Labirhith of Heav'n 5 And whilft thou mak’ Affrolegy thy Theam 5 Thou Prophecy # when erbers do but Dreart. Artoplylax. At ‘An Encomiafticon upon my moft obli- "ging, and ingenious Friend Mr, Jenry Coley, and hisClavis A- ; ftrologia Elimata. ‘ Cr] Heba the admirer of great Solomon's Skill GS 7aots repreenr the State, ; ‘Ofall your Readers, Sir: The Contemplation ‘Oftthat Queens wonder,moves the Quill ‘Your worth to Celebrate, " Surpaffing far th’ Ygnoble Term of Reputation, C2] Some Lines ( fraught with the Didtates of your praife) From your own Works, may raife Ingenious Fatcies to a frain Of Poetry beyond the common Vein : Such Poetry ascan exprefs The ftrangencts of Corleftial Harmony In extafies difcern’d, and can redrefs The wrongs of that rare see call Aftronomy. 3 ‘Art in its Tuftre now appears , The Radical Glory of the Stars ‘With powerful fplendor doth enrich the Air: Behold the motions of the Spheres, Andllikewife what the Aftral Influences are. C4) SeetheElixirofthe Azure’Sky Extra€?’ without that vulgar Chymiftr By Paracelfian skill difcios'd. Ecce, Mercurio nati, bow the hand Of fait Orania hath expos'é- ; To your difereet Command ‘The cheiceft Gem within her Golden Treafury, ‘ C5] ‘Here know your Fate, your iounly doubts unfold The frit by Genethlialogick Skill; ‘The fecond by the motions of the Mind ‘Which to fuch a€tings is inclin’d, By the Syderal Afpeéts which Diftill ‘Their force upon its working Faculty : flere by the Rules of Are fuch doubts are told, By Rules expreffing Art in its Tranfceadency. : Le Hence, hence ogi, That with opprobrious terms doft eandalize The fearchers into Natures Milteries, ‘And do not here intrude Thefe delicate Varieties For Palat's far more curious are defign’d. Thefe Dainty’s are prepar'd for a more fprightly Mind, al Bot ftay my wands Mote, ‘The more thou frriv'ft, the lef thou doft prevail j ‘Thy mighty Tasks their tronger force affail ‘Thy feebly guarded Apprehenfion 5 They iterilize thy weak Invention : “Tis rather neceffary to perufe And retfie thy etrours in thefe Lines, Than to proceed in barren Rhimes. This rare Work its awn Value belt difplays, _ Whofe Merits yeild the Author everlafting praife: 104 apprebavit Jo, Southworth Warringtonienfs Afro phile- mcdicns, Tohis Honoured Friend Mr.Henry ” Coley, on bis Accurate Treatife, Emituled Clavis Aftrologie Elimata. | | | | Hen the Divine Jdea’s fir tt unfurl , ‘Themfelvesstoraife this glorious Frame theWo:tds Almighty Wildome by a Afifique Tye , ‘Spread through the whele a fecret Sympathy 5 Ampregnating Superiaurs to difpente , On ower Bodies daily Influence; Which Zrain of Caufes that in order fall, The wifer, Mature, others, Fortune, call : ‘And whilff Man did in Innocence remaia, He keew (‘cislike ) each Link of that great Chain 5 But when Sin Blarr'd his Soul, that Light was Damp? , ‘AffeCted Kuowledge made him zmorane 5 “Heavens Language then no longer he could fpell , Bout rudely gueff at what he could not ell: ‘Yet though Eclipr'd, his Mind ( not quite bereft, }. Had ftll fore featter'd, Glinmering, Notions teft. ‘As Ralying Troops ( after an Overthrow, ) By Seratagems {eek to Attaque their Foe 5 ‘Sohumane-Kind hopes to Retrieve by Art, That Skill from-which they did fo fondly part = On Platnsof Shinar where Enlarged Skye y Glats with aft Profpett the admiring Eyes The Lang-liv'd Parrearehs, as their Flocks they Fed., Obferv'd the wandering Glories over-head Tractd all cheir Lasws of Adetion, and from thence By Sage Experience leara’d their Influences URANTA then was Chaff, and known tote, A Hand-maid fit for blefs'd Theology; nol a Barbarows Crew bad feiz'd upon her HW hote Savage Rapes deflower’ her blooming” Henenr 5 ‘baldean-Figmenes then debauch'd her Race , “ nd with vile Lord fulti’d her Lovely Face; [Ar which, afhane’d, more than a 7 benfand Ye he bid et difdaining to an a Mean while fome Counterfeits affum'd her Name. JOcners with Calumnies afperft her Fame; Hynorance call'd her Witch, Malice, a Cheat, And every Gypfey did ufurp her Seat 5 Bu ul wih genran fra te took thete wrongs, JAad left just Fate to {courge their fawey Tongues » lark Recefs the undifeoter'a ge cae Till toher Pallece, CO LET found the way; |With fuch Addrefi he woo'd the fallen Dame, > HTivat the was forc'd to yield unto his Flame: JAnd then Reffor'd, Refin'd, abroad the came’ Hn dndnry gave ‘Science & New Birth, nd clear'd the Emercourfe "owixt Heaven a A Rubb'd off Contratted ee and boldly tees acne Her naked Beauties to the Publique View; ” Framing the matchle(s KEY that does Impart Her Choicett 7reafures to the Sons of Art; ” 'Whiltt Afouneain-promifers ten Yearslye In PBAnd fcarce, at lait, bring forth a Souerkin 5” p) His Pregnane Genin has produc’d, we fee, Th’ Acconpliln'd Bedy of ASTROLOGY 5 1TH America's found, nere's Aris whole foes Andthey : thepe in vain, that look for more. \en reff dear Friend! Thy happy Pen lay b Thou Writ eamgh ro reach Eelnigs a dare Predigé cho hale fmmoreal prove In Smattorers Eney, and true Artifts Leves pe ied Alen, Care. 1576, “ou u HHH UNH Huu au uueueagugeeuuuuauuuuuyy | SHiiituuNumyuuuuuumuuuuummmmeeeeeeeetane Tothe Candid,and Impartial Rea- der, on my ingenious Friend Mr. Henry Coley, bis Clavis A- ftrologie Elimata. § Sal's appearance doth unvail the Light , A Witch utthen vss mufted opin Mieke ‘aid by the pow'r of his refplendent Rayes , ‘Turns gloomy Nights into bright thining Bayes: Sopregnant COLET here plays Phabua part, ‘Draws back the Curtain which fo tiaddow'd Ake ‘And to the World doth fairly here difplay ‘What until now in glimmering Twilight lay 5 ‘And by this Znchividion teaches more, ‘Than they thall learn who Read great Volums o're: For what foe're, informer times, was well, Is taught, by this our Author,.to excell. ‘What Guide, Argel, and the Ancients did , Like Hamer's Tbads in this Nut-thell’s hid 5 ‘Whit Zyrocs with their Folio’s levy Wears, He teaches how to Pocket up the Stars; And inathort (yet plain, and eafie) way , Learns us to know what Heavenly Bodies fay ‘And when, on Mortals, they do frown, or fiile ‘When they thew favour, or our hopes beguile, - ‘An Tnerodudtion doth the Work begin , Like Silken Clue, for guide of frangers ia; Whichisdifpos'd in fuch a Form we fee, Like Baits to draw in Ingenuity 5 ‘And they who farther Progrefs dare to make , ‘Their Task withio the other Parts may taki oo here they, with cafe, may learn to Re by Sedge Petr own, or Friends, Na ys ‘et Schemes for Revelntions,and.Profettions y ‘and by biseafic Rules to make Zletions; ‘When beft to buy, or Court « Girl that’s coy 5 When fee a Friend, or when (to win) toplay: Infine, ouF Author hath fo play'a his ‘pari {This may be term's the Swrguedry of Ave, | Sobrief, yet full, chat we conjeCture may , | (Reading his Book ) Pofterity will fay 5 1 Sure COLET liv'd an Age in every Sphere , \ Or elle was Guide to Charles's Wagoneer. Richard Pitt. NOTE This volume has avery tight binding and while every effort has been made to repro- duce the centres, force would result indamage eee a ind Sciences Mathematical Profe(fid and Taught by Tony Gy tien igi sn the Old ole in the Wall, i Baliwio-Gatdens eer Grayeno- Line il . + ‘Whole Numbers and Vulgar Fractions. Avithmetick. wf, Decimals ond by Logarithmes. . SThe Rudiments thereof; Alto tke Demonttration ! Geometry.9 and Practice, according tothe belt A’ The Ufe of the Globes, 4 Ceietisl sad ‘errefrial To Proje€t the Sphere in plano to any Lat. tude feveral ways To Calculate the Long. | Aftronomy. ie and Latitude of the Planets, with their Declination and Afcention; alfo the trve time, quantity, and duration of Eclipfes of the Lu. ‘minaries for any time pat orto come. ((Orthe Do€irine and Coleu. § Pisin und lation of Triangles, both 2 Sp! i j -Geomeny, With ‘the Application of ceo™ the feveral Cafes thereof) drnontys Seography, inthe moft vfeful Quetti- fi Navigation, a Dyaliing, .. Clneither of three? g CPlaia " Navigation. Spite lio Sito ‘Chart. Sapling, viz. SB OGreat Circ __Scale and Compats. 7 1. Geometrically The Seétor, and other Dyalling, 33: Taree y convenicn Seales, 3. Atichmetically ‘The Logarithmes, Sines and Tangencs, ‘Several ready wayes to Meafure, Plot, and Di: vide Land, ec. Alfo the talsing of Alitudes, revine, JProfundities, Diftances, ec. Toxether wich the Surveying. (\fenfaration of all meener of Superficiess as, Board, Glafs, Pavement : Alfo of Solids ; Taner Stone abe esl sie Zu quntyof Lor whether Gaugeing. fll vr paripctngne Nido he Sliding augeing.- ply 7 Caugeing 2 reverts imi cat ids, a Be Tomy §itallis preceeding coh! Auch foe Aftrology 3 Yafsosthatin, ot rein) Inewatocney Preeer SRR [ral ora iri or Be fap 35 [4 4al2z agl1 22|3 14[5 19 al f9 olan tebe val, 25}3 sis 23 Is a9 43|2t 5°bs 36/2913 2a |g 27 lala 47|2t sabs 3911 233 26|5 a1 Is [19 stjat seb3 a3ls 3412 z0|s 36 | lig Fo[=2 223 40h 401s 34ly 40 Jy|ao of? S ps sch 44ls saly 44 Blac 4 faa 10le5 53|, 47s gals 48 lao 9 a2 1423 574 Shi 4els 53 lolao aalaz ajo ora s4( sole 56 fi}a0 1743 28'o oF sels 54/5 0 lz|20 azlaa aslo o8|y a fs 58/5 4 liz|20 26|22 29/0 12 lg 6 la a |6 8 idj20 30\2233)0 15 fa 10/4 65 42 20 34)2235]0 19 2 1514 10/6 17 2058|22 0 2512 z7|* 14/6 at In| 20 42|22 440 25], 21/4 18/6 a5 Halao 46|22400 5°|2 25/4 2216 29 lsfa0 50/22 52/0 33 |2 29|4 2416 33 Bel 20 5a] 2a 5|° 37 |2 gale 3°] 6 38 lao 5a| aasslo 412 36|4 3416 ga a1 3|23 3] 44/2 40|4 38/6 ge} ai 7lax oe 48\2 44/4 42) 6 50 M21 filaz tole 52\2 48|4 4516 54 jar _15|33 ilo 55 |2 5t|# 50]6 58) hél a1 as]ax v7) 59/2 55/4 54/7 2 | fo 21 a3| az ast 32 59/4 58l7 © bol 21 27] a5 2g1 6|3 3\5 2|7 12 Bales: SE 2B ay | a4 iat sel |b il? UIE a FE inl hor. 17 “oF \17 30 l17 25 17 29 7 54 ay ARS S| “aya fo Show oy. jt 37|15 25] 27" 35\7 4 iy 38 17 “44 by, 5 a Sool ot NAN SN =o ne 5 8 3 18 +4 148 39 18 24! SSh 43| 10 59 29\ 14 2°| 16 28] 51] 14. 24] +6 52] 14 16|16 23| 48 28) 18 33 +8 37) 18 41 18 45] abe ze = 47| 10 4B 5t\ 40 46) od 2 Ha 12 12 42 St} 40 28/12 20| 14 42116 29) 2 244 12, ne ha 42 58|1q 32] 16 49| 14 28) 16 36 18 4) 18 54 55| 40 50|12 42/14 36/16 4418 53 5810 53/12 45|14 39|15 49) 2|40 57/12 4g|id 43| 16 55 33 19 7 && Swe wee & ee] Oc Sey | cm oo: bh, eft tf jolt 4/12 57] Slay 2 walt 8 hrs orltd s5l47 6 ot ths 4 ath 5 4 47/46 57| 14 59|17 15 03] 19 tH wif 19 20 19 35 ig Q39% pw lly 7 BR rw ALM ® 6 ki a & X a y i x Go \\P x g a Y Ke Ye KB Ne 0 No, oN 2. O° 29 JO Se] th.7zm- shag th 52m th 59m Zh.tom. Bh 1B m. ® » > SY fo Na C3 22 9 ON AINe, £9 Ne gh.26m. 3h. 54m. ¥ 9 KS EX 9 dS > Id 2 4, ty a ie me & ONes <0] LPN 6 Ne 3h. 45m. Zh.sim. 9 y Y DV oY” > S11 £4 Xe| 6 4 > | eX Zo Nel | PN, @ Ne th.gum. S 5 sem 4 h- 59m. ; A of YX oY ‘vs . Xo pe RS, he, % : L . f, 2 fe oN ‘ o 6 Ne OX x 4ahaém- h. i = ah. S SF ph. a6 ms Sh:8m- oP ay fo ZR» RK yy Re ae x ‘ ; ‘ | Ks BAA, By ANY x o ° a y a Kg a z y ON fon X SF q eo fel ° NAS x A fore ZR, | 4h-42m- 5h.25'm. = chi sam. Ch. gm- fs toh.39 m- 10 h- 46m. y S y ye” iW Poy” > 9 oP > SIR, : ohNe Bro fe & wohergm- thm. % 3 YD 5 SL” OLN DY Py s ga] | 40 y, 4 2 x Y 2 > Ge > BXe K| Ba 4% \A why m. wh.t6m. 7 OOP” PAR |[PL’ ?r & ys Q oh y al RS y » 3] Se BEI Ae 46 ath. 23m. wh. 3¥ m. y S $ % % EN AINA ° P| &, ep ie & a We \ WY ey > ito Nis || RE ZN ie le NA nh. 58m. wth 45m. y 2 Zt ee a By ay es ‘ 4 a XS TS S 8 [ G he NF ON CONG KO ve ath. ssm. y Py yw ae pray > to 4 XN AK OS a eK Y 3, SNe ON| Loe Ne 3 Bh.6m. wh. 44m. Sousa Saas SOI RMA MO J y > » Wb” sy” > ‘ 4 kL 2 Y y Ie : aS x Ex WY x a v PENCIL 68 Xe 5 Gi bre he Xe oh Neo wh. sam. 1shis9m. 4 hE. FT aa ae 9 y s y WD We Ee” > Ry’) | ic a 5 & ae gi Ak g > Gis ¥ Fe oe’ a . | AN a VN preg | sh. 6m sah vam 14 he 5am. aha m- | Y Pw | Pr"D SY Wy” rv” |W” ay 9 2|| 4 2 x : ee eS fe pre y Ss SPS Y > x " Ne pre fire (Xe t XA A 15 h.5tm- 3 Ww D ot Led , . 9) SK &, Ry ONCIAM, 16 hse m. 46 h.59 7m wh 43m. wh.stm. ~| 3 ¥ % 7) y > VAN ANN SN A *, os o ae ol] 20h < Ca . ® PK y S|) is |] 95 | a exe &, Brey LB Nc 69 || 4 17h. 16m. 19 h.xh om: 18h-44T- Wr Ar ¥ iy x FS NK [Poe oe PAW BY ao) ay || Ae e *e 1g h-aym. 1h. 35m. “y » 2d 6 % je aohazm. 2oh-a5m. O\70 22:h.zom, aah.46m- A, Ong yy wh Wf * ay A 23h. 23m. azh.sim. 2 os y PY O°XE | DY OMY EB seasesensesgsanes 40 of en nein te nw i 353 Bn © OK PoE TISTE FES eS ¥ ae : Ron 2 || 2, ZN The PROEME, Ecchat hgtha defire to acquaint himfelf 2ah.58m- ash. 45m. with the moft fublime Study -of Aftro- logy, and would gladly be a good Pro. fgjenethercin, mad nothin labo. ious to make himlelf very perfect in the Fundas entals thereof, as firlt, To be very expert in the cnowledg of the Charaéters of the Twelve Signs, we Seven Planets, and alfa the Afpeéts. 1 then ie muft readily know what degrees of «itance in fhe Zodiack makes any ofthe laid Alpedis, that fo e may be able to underftand when he views a Fi- are, how the Planets in the Signs behold each thet, either by a seatile, Trine, square, or Op- ize Afpest, Again, He muft endeavour to un- lerftand the meaning of the terms of Art, and {o ceed gradually from one tep to another, accor Hing as hes directed inthis following Teves ; the ules and Directions being fo plainly laid down, jtany man (that js but ordinarily capacitated) ay calily proceed to the feveral Branches thereof, ind by a little Study and Pradtice attain to a com! etent knowledg therein, ba The PROEME, Tn the next place, He that defires to be ane pert Arift, thould endeavour to be exceeding prompt and ready in the proper Natures and d: feviptions of the Signs and Planets, and the feve. ral fignifications of the twelve Houtes, alfo how to vary. their feveral Aftrological fignilications and rightly to underftand the ufe of an Epheme. ris, and feeting of a Scheme: After he hath attain edito thele things, let him apply himfelf tothe Judicial pare, and by a ferious Confideration of torsin any Geniture or Queltion, together with a Rational Intermixture of his own Realon and Judgment with the received Rules of Art, he may thereby be able, with moderate Study and Pains, towade through the moft Abftrufe and Intricate partsthr and all this ‘may be acquired with much ¢..c, provided the Student have but a N= tural Inc! uation and propenfity thereunto For, Ptolemy iw his Centiloguinm , Aphor. 4. tells ws, That a Natural Inclination to any Knowledge, tains more perfection therein , than that. Perfor which fhall take great pains by Learning 10 obtain i, Let the Ingenious Artift be no lefs mindful allo of the fick aphorilme of Ptolom viz, A te, oe Sci ertit, &c, “From thy elf and Science (or “ning) For it cannot be that he who is skiltil hould pronounce : “nor canthe Fi “ general Notion of the “things we mult ule njecture. None but thole “who the Pofition and Afpects of the feveral Significa-; The PROEME. ze | Soho areendued with Divine Inlpitation predict «Particulars, 2 This being premifed ( If Tmay advife ) Let the +4 Artift be cufious in Recording his Experiefice, and. ‘diligently obferve how far the general Rules of ART do concur with Truth: By fuch etidea- Yours it may'be brought to fome hopeful degree of Perfedtion, atid confequently, much efined, 4 Bythis means (Fprefurtic) the Induftrious Sus dent may avoid thofe! Errors in Art, which many through negligence tdo freely runt themfelves ins 10, thereby expolitg this kind of Learning to the Cénlure oF divers Petfons_ (in other things very Learned and Ingenious) as Vainand Idle. Te con- clude, Let it be confidered, That an Afrobger;asa Poet jis Born not Atade: And therefore ‘tis 10t for ¢- very Perfon to hopé to attain to be excellent there- in bur fuch that are aptly qualified for the Study | thereof, as before intimated : to fuck I commend the enfuing Work, wherein I hope they may find { fomething ‘worthy their Friendly Acceptation 5 which isall Trequire of them. But_as for fucht ‘Criticks , who make it their bufinelS to carp at, and undervalue (like the Fox in the Fable) what sthey are not able to attain to, I canfilently pals by ‘their Scomma’s and Refieétions, and laugh at their Folly : Let fuch know, That they will find it morecafie to Carp than to Copy. Altrolegy, as it has inall Ages had its Champions and Promoters,and thofe, Men of great Judgment and Learning 5 fo on the other fide, ithas not wanted its Op Bi fe it OEME, iets, aid fome of them Men of no finall Fame and Reputation: Yer this is ftill the happinels of fo harmle( am Art, thot the greateft Antagonitt thereof were fuch -Perfons thar never throughly underftood it. Howbeit, moft mengrant, “That the StarsOperate upon this Inferior World by their Qualities: and Natural Vereues and Experience teltifies, That the change of the Air alters our # Bodies: The Humours are alfo moved by Coelefti- 4 al Influences ; efpecially by the Moon in her Mo. - tion, according: to whole Changes our Bodies are fenfible of much Alteration. i 3 4q Read then and Learn, but don't all faules bjeét, Since theycan only Fadg, that can Corrett , To whore my Book appeals, and if Ifind, The Sonsof Art, to favour it inclin'd 5 With their gropitious fmiles it fball fi To counterpoic: the Frowns of Enemies, [SShRi ‘A ssanconensesene cise Brett r et te Neceflary’ Precognita Aftronami- cal, fit-to be Confidered by the Learner. at his Entraitéé into the Study of e4 ffrology. L Strology, or the Dothvive of the Stara is an Art which by the Motions ,Gonfigue rations, and fignifiestions of the Heaven- ly Bodies teacheth us. to Pronounice , Judy, and Predilt, of future Contingencies , the Efedts , Events , and Mutations , of things so come, IL Therefore the stars or Caleftial Rodies ia. their priper Sixnifications and Influences are the real Sub- 5d of Altsology : for as all arts and Sciences have 4 fiulject towhich they are particularly related, as thet of Grammer, which is speech, of Arithmatick, which is Number, of Geometry, which is Ateafure, fe, Seis that of Altrology, the stars, thei tures, Qualities, and Signifcations, whof: 4 ig Wak on be ‘hack IIL Thefe Hedtvenly Bodies are of trio pecial kinds, that wrofay, either Fixed or wandering, ‘ IV. Shake are tele. ich are paced in th| oh Gae or Starey Larmament, always keep jag thele Stations; iar enBane diftance, and thf pot remarkable arecaccognsed in Number 1022, “thee 1072; areby Antient Aftronemers divided into 48 ina pre: TS ae Southern, and phe other 12 are cntained in a great Circle of the Sphere which we call she Lodiack, hit Circle of ‘the Lodiack is divided into 13 equal Parts, called Sians, and declines from the ‘roel 03 diprées 30 minutes, both North ward “and Sourhward” (which i alfe the suas grestelt Declination ) ery Sign contains a certsin number of fixed Stars; and are all of them equeh divided into 30 Parts, called Degrees 5 and ever Degree into 60 Minutes} and fo forwards to Thirds, Fourths, Fifts, Be. tee WL Wundering stars ave thofe which ave called Ple nets, andthey aréin Number fever. VIL Thefe 7 Plances are always ix fome-one or other of thele 12 Signs, which by resjon of their wari- 94s tad uncon ant sation, ave frmetimes im ont lee _Precognita, ple of the Zodiack, and fometimes in anurher, shereby caufing Jeveral Rayes, Rad:ations, or Afpec!s, wfball be farther Ihewed, and every planet bath a particular Orb te itfelf. v IIL The Moon, by reafon of her diferent mst ons, grofleth the Ecliptick (lich is {uppofed im the mide gf the Lodiack) ix two places, called her Nodes, the Dragons Head and Tay), Ix, The whole sphere of Heaven is divided ly the Hoe ‘zon into to Hemifphears, ech Hemfphear divin «i by great Circles into fix Parts, by Aftrolegers vzalled Manfions, er Houles, x Uisve Relation to the whole Life of Man, that is, here is nothing whatfoever, belonging or contin. “gent to the Sons of Mem in their ve peitive and vari- ‘us Fortunes, both as t0 Body and Ejlate, but it is fgnifed by one or other of the [aid Houles. XI | And the Signification of thefe Twelve Houles There are feveral parts appropriated to the 12 “Houles of she Heavens, whereof” t'at appertcinine stuthe fecond Houle, which fignifies the Eflste or Subflance of any Peron, is accounted of greate(t note, aud is called the Lunar Horolcope , or Part oi Fortune. XIL Every one of thefe Honfes have a particular begin. ting aid ending 5 the beginning Re whereaf 1s en'led 9 the Culp of the farie Houle, and the ending is a swore Culp the lee “stein. | ppPeOSOOE ME ODDE x . p52 io 08 i Habel see Lp ths Colpo el He ar oe i Be Reabeeaeadbanasenes te br other either afcends or defcends, and in fome ine FSSFIPISFEEDSIIDETES 2 other of thee Signs the Planers are always fond, Now, fron the Scituation or Poiton of she Planct; i ie Elimata. inthe Signs, and the Syuseou theme f Clavis Aftrologia Elimata Sets alfothe Apetts of tbe Plancts one amonep ¢ OR athe, accrding t0 tir feveral Natarer, and Que [> . Mees Shenfection ofthe Hf, matter andi KEY tothewhole A RT of cael th thing pripinded, Arligers down they : Predictions, and pronounce Fudgment concerning the Aftrology, New Filed, thing dered, Lin, and Polifhed. The charatters of the Planets, Signs Afpetts, and Nodes (which muh frft be learned by the yoing Ste dent ) are thefe, The Introdustion. The Sear. Jupiter, 2. Mars, . Sol, 0. Planets. Venus, 9. Mercury, ¥. Luna, D. Terea, Qs CHAP. 1 L20,8. Vigo. Libre, Scerpoy medagi: [POF #H€ Twelve Signs, and their manifold Divifons. ius, ,Capricornus, », Aquarius, =Pifees,x. The gAties, V, Taurus, &. Gemini, Cancer, 5: Signs. I. HE. Zodiack is a great Circle of the Sphere, ae, e e id is divided (as all other great Circles The {Conjuntion, ¢f. Sextile, >. Quartile, a. : is ¥ ion? > ire fuppofed to be ) into 360 degrees, eve. Afpe€is. 2 Trine, A. Oppofition, &. t y ‘dene is fub divided into 60 other divi- . ons, called minutes, and every minute into 60 feconds, The JThe Dragos Head, A. Dragons Tal, y- sul foto third, of farther at pleafure (-aswas before Nodes % Part of Fortune, &, Hioted in the Precegnita.) Eqery Sign contaios 30 of thofe degrees, and fo the 12 Signs fill the whole Zediacks Chavis for The Key of Afirohgy, new Filea, 1 for ratimes 3945 360, &c. They are placed in that Gage cle, the if fix oppofiteto thea ix, thos Again, vw ae ty Sin Fleyand dip are Saale) cn Yov = Ss a Sm my M5 SigmsEarthy & Watry$ term'd) Femi. a ed felere Signs Rigle co nmem Fare Sigas S Réel ; QeKv EES of {Ollie Attention, 1 +yandihe bogioning of # ere double bodied- Signes. Etim Sao § Si. H1. The Signes are divided into four parts, anfwerable to the four Quarters of the year Vernal ¥ "It sotke Spring Quarter, which is lat and if, Sanguine, : Ehival SQM t0 the Sumuee Quarter, hot and dry, polerick, Autumne © 59.346 Harvelt Quarter, cold and dry, Helanchely. | ~ Winter 9-9 MX the Winter Quarter, cold and moi,” egatick, ries NIT. Thete-erealfo the feveral degrees of-the Signes ee termed. Aafoubine and Fewinine, Dark, Light, Lad Bec, E The Reafor-given why shey are called Signs, isbecanfethy figrife unto na the moft remarkable’ lrerasions and Mang tions of hestive 3 theft inferior Blomeies, and (10 u) they are Jet for Signs and for Seafons, &c. ] TL. The firlt 6 of ‘hele Signs are {uid to be Northen, Apecauife they decline frgm the Equinoxigl tgwgrds the NortuPoles the a Gare te ‘be Southern, decault they decling from ths Eqnjaoxial towards she Souih Pole; and fartet obtervey kat this Gircle of eee cus the Hquator (or Equinoxial ) in the yery midft in two points, which are the very beginning of Aries and Libra ufually called the Equinoxial points. III, Thefe 13Signs ofthe Zodiack ape divided intog Triplicitios accarding 9 the 4 Elements, Fiery, Ain, Earthy, and Wary. Fiery wR F nae iy CSignes x 2 = jr ; Earthy (are Soom we Watry sux 6 FierpSigns-ave- fait to-beiw Nature-hot ond dry 5 iy Sigues-hot-and-moilts-Ewoy-cold-and- drys and. Wary cold ond moi: 7 fais HIT. They are alfo divided into Moveable, Fixed, ani Common 5 a5, Y= wy Moveable Some Fixed — Gsignes Veer 1 ™ 3% Common See Aga, Clavie Arolagie Elimate. 'y Rand in order, in the reft of the Signes underftand the 1, and proceed according to thefe Directions. The third Collumn is to be read thus thethree rt de= cs of sries are Dark, noted by d, from thence to 8 aF@ ht, from 8 to 16 are Dark, from 16to 20 are Light, from 10 24 ate, Void, noted by the letter v, from 24 to 39 Ate nt degrees, the laft degreeis Void, underftand the faiie See the Table Folowing. ond Se PS arena i se St vas | Dat Tinga ET EaTe Tao es ‘asfraa.1ay.v 30. fey 29. ai the relk. pip vis in pris the fourth Colluma thews the degrees deep ot ptitd, 88 lr 20, £8, 15. Tinrig{.ih i y are there expreft. Ia. dap. 30. fee 50. The ith Colldma exhibits thofe degrees of the Eciptely Iastary at lie apap ich are accounted Azimene, Lame or Deficient. im 20, | a! 6. 30. € to Tae fi 10. nso, 76. 13.15, And the lft expreifes thofe degrecs which are f feFortune. 1. The ufe of this Table is briefly thus, If a Qveftin be = aslo /_fesa. tt Gage vo |B 13, 18. B.rcfinas.v 37,Al 30, fat 28 Taoaqis. tte. LAB. f 7. pofed concerning a Thief, ora Woman with Child, What the Sext, Male or Female. | fay when the Teftintonies fall jal; fothat neither Angle, Signe OF Planet difcover Ity Jn examine the degree the Zoom is in, and the Sigtifi of the Thitf, or the degree of the Cu/pof the Hvafe the Tear arbaz. v0. bo. 30, 10.3, fs. 27. atk fa. 27.30 Degrees, 7 ft is Feminine, from 22 t0 30 is Mafculine, and 1 chien relates unto, and Judge from thence, if Aye 7.47.32. ja Male, if Feminine, Female, &c. b4.39._| II. If the Signe afcending in any Perfons Nativity be thofe degrees termed Light, the Native fhould bé clear H fair if thofe accounted dark or fmosky, hig Cott tion thould be more obfcure and cloudy, “ee, aye fe 9.3 WO Tafv 25c)38.d 3027 28 IIT, But if in thofe Degrees reputed Void, this thews pr the Native (or Querent’s) underftanding is but an, his Judgment and Reafon very {hallow, and appa ly defective. . in fhews the 12 Signes, the fecond t ee and Feniinine, the third and fount dite. Theft 8 degrees of Ari: are Mate Segie eminem 9015 5 Mae. 1c Dene acending bo eee SP or pitted, this thews fome linperfedtion in the N: ive TA clarss Afrolagie Efimats. ea dive of Querent 1m Body or Mind 07, both: Unaeriax} = of Lotd of the: Afeendent be po The New Afetts are eight in Number, vis. | mifextile—SS. Tridegile——td. ile ——de, State ae einewe—Ve, Linile— Q. Bignintile—--Bq, Semignadras —S, II. A Conjunttion is when two Planers pottets egree of is th fener Dare nee, Zadiack andis thes Gaede stile en tivo Planets are 6o Degrees under, and fo poffets a fixth part of and ees thes, >. ( viz, cadet ae ies Quartile Afpe€t is when two Planets are 90 Degrees the fameif the infuch Degrees. V. Thofe Degrees called Difcient, either Afcendis or Poet by any of the Printipal Signifcators, are id becertain Tetimonies of Deformity of the Body, cit Crookedne’s, Lamenefs or Blindnels, 6-2, VI. Thole Degrees Increaling Fortune, if arifing tp fon the Cufp of the fecond, or the Significators of St} Rance pofited therein, are faid to Bgnifie much Weal and increafe of (the Natives, or Q3ierents ) Eftac, —| andere of the Nate, ote each 200 conan fourth part of i rot ’ thus Chaecered, ©. (viz Tonge aes wa rine Alpethis when two Planers fe dtast 40 De. fees, or a third'part of the Zodi 2: Cora erat dhe Zetak, and is Charactered 1 > Afpectis two " ; pated an Afpedt ‘of Imperea = diftant, and is ace The S Afpect Imperfael Hanre _{itee Signs diftant, and is an Afpect The A Afpee cont i is pee Continnes 4 Sighes, and is an Afpett of est Diertraly isan Afpett of perfedt hatred, and is ino Plasetsare inthe oppefte pare of the’ Circe pols eeceditant: Nore alo tar sete Afpetis are Peet nad Deter, the Sine fl ecarding ee . and the Deaver contrary; ier Afpeéis are mioft Powerful and Effcations, > ae CHAP. IL Of the Apetts of the Planets» as shey move shri the Twelve Signes, LT Heseven ‘Planets by their motion through the Six ‘mike feveral Afpetts ot Angles, the one to thet) het, from the Signs they move in3 and they arc cil! bari thee AfpeEtsarc chiefly five that is a Conn ‘om, (choogh improperly termed an Alpei#) a esti! ‘Barie,a Trine ad Options (here are ote ‘Aa saath arebetweenthete ) as the Semifexrle, the Quit Brey which ate termed new Afpets, added by J nid ‘Their Names and Character are thefe follow. "The Old Afpedts are five in Noumber, As the Conjunttion 3, Senile, Quartile O, Trine ‘and Oppoftion &. Mt ~The Key tv Aflrolegy new Filed, 17. (Decile 30) ro Sere Baws!) Fredecile 108 « degre Fé ‘Thete Afpetis 5 Tredecile aes as Semiquadrate 45} ras sce \Sefpiquadrate 1353 4] med. Sir Chriftopher Heydon hath Aamir | CO esnfrated, the Foundation and power of the Ai Joa mapeexcelle Afrolegieal Difcon feof bisy Prin Oldeve, 1650. Ande did verily believe, that diver and Effelbs have concurred with thefe New Cor coma Abie sad Reedley.) in we he ped : Hl tha Pee Bae contin ne Ene a | | are ofthe lealt | Biguintile | i mee nthe | eal Sinife | M1, WV. Here follows a Tableof the sferefuid Old Apes, i © Conjunition bs good with good, bad with bad. | ©: Sc oeint etl or Bettie is indifferent good. es 39 sft Xe Sextile or Hexagon , is-very good |) 6e|") —_ [B squre, Quadrate or Onarile, verbal. | 90g) (Dever) ae [A Thine, is moft excelent good and friendy.|y |120)5) {Sine |S Ppt We Quien er Qnadafeile ia bede |S nse E (Dene a Be | Oppofiion or Diameter , worft of af ri a i \Sinfier ‘Thefe are the A(pedis which are moft Confiderable, inne | : Signe cep Siri] 'Dester| The Explanation and Ufe of this Table: [By this Table I you may fee that a Plane in ¥° calts a filter to x, and > dexter to = a dexter to/and finiterto S 5 a A tot and Land an é’to =, under fd the likeby's as, "Beer ne FO > ter But if a Planes be in % his Afpes are noted at the frome of the Table, fo.a Plane in 2 calts his dexter gna finite to’ his to and =, and Ato 2 underftand the like by m, 7, », &c. on the righ Colum of the Table: "Where norcchae the Poy ‘Where note thar the Fiery lin Signes behold by a >, fo do the Earthy and Cc Wasry iam ts geod with good, bad with bad S ere ear Bodeileg it indiferene ged | ae Sextile or Hexagon , 4 very good. a '2| le Squat, Quatateor Quarles irr ba S| 901g [a Diner is mof excelent good and friendl.| bs We Suincuns or Qnadrafertiley i bad. |S 154, @ Oppoftion or Diameter veorft of af. \_|'8e) |& Oppefsion or Diemeser y Wee 36) TheleAfpele Tred 308 ewes 3 (| Biguicile ae ee | Semiquadrare st Rs USefquiquadrate 135) ala ale the Feundaion and po ofthe A Framopt excellent Afrolegical Difcow feof bis, Prin Ode, 1650. And be did verily belveve, that ‘oo ses end Effels have concurred with thofe New Cori ation bthin Naivives ard Afeterlegy.] : Hob te vert Be eat cob ne Oy see nith Me he eae c bt Dexter iSinifer| [Dester) ‘Smiter Dester| |siniPo |Desver The Explanation and Ufe of shis Tables By this Table you may fee that @ Planet in ¥ caftsa finder to x, and > dexter to == 2G dexter to-¥,and citer to & 34A tot and and an@to=, undere Pe the like bys zs in = his Afpelts are noted at the foa Planet in = cafts his > dexter and % finitter to’? his ito w and ==, and Ato Hy underfand thelike by sn, 7,5, &e. id Column of | the Table: “Where not H try Signes behold by a x, tome of the Table, on the right ve that the Fiery fo do the Earthy and Watry Te Chavis Aftrolegie Elimata, ie ____clnr = from Signes of the fix Mk eG, and the Planet to whom tis made, && wit Houle ays The Me pes and ry behold the Foal part of the Heavens it falls in, we are enabled to Judy Teiphcity | The Fie7 Ufa contraiy, Oe. what chings have been pat, what condition things ane and Warryby aD, an‘ pat prefent, and laltly, what for the future may realy expeéied: And note that the power of an Afseeh & id tocontinue twelves hours before and after the time fro. CHAP. IIL the Defeription and Signifcations of the Twelve Signes of the Zodiack, Te" Reafon why thefe Conftellations of the 12 Signes are thus called by the names of feversd atures is partly for dilingliony. and partly for thar athe O polleffes thofe feveral Sines, he caules a var ps alteration of the feafons of the year, and makes temperature. of the Air iaclinable to the Nature ded ficutions of thofe feveral Crestures from when 'Y receive their Denominations; of thefe Names are pry Poctical Stories. Bur chiefly becaufe thofe Stars the feveral Signes, doreprefent Cand appear) teahe ein Form and Figure of fuch Creatures , as fome a pleated to fancie. the Aft ox RAMBLE his tyke 9a, I proce tose fst Deferipions, The Ue tae tray be made of i 2° the 2d Siwifcwions 30d covery of feveral matters palt, Pre he A L Of Arie for tea frog what Planet, ee Hoon, Ean ‘what PIA sees for (ee froyns it feparated : Alfo : dant, of Sion, UR pr and what Pa MCE 12 2 Equinctcl, Cardivel, Eaflerly, and they are in Partile A by confideration mal Sicne, of the fiery Triplicity, Rot and dr ry by neis they apply untos and fo by ai Cae Me Claste Afrelegie Elimata, IV. Of the Signe S Cancer. This is the fourth Sign fecceflively, and is natura Cold and moift, Phlegmarch,, Feminine, iuitfily of thy, sriplicty, folfitial, Mute, the Hoxfe of the 2teons ti) Northerly Segue, and contains 9 Stars. | I. Under this Signe are born perfons of a lin fhort ftature; the later 15 degrees thereof give more full body than vie formes 15 ; and the upps| parts of the body are more thick and well fet thy the lower 5 litile eyes, a pale and wan complexion, ofl times difordered teeth, a fad brown or blackith hair, wi a low whincing voice; if a Woman, fhe will be fab tohave many Children, aad generally it gives a pers (ifa man) of a very effeminate conftitution. II, Plecers Signified by this Conftellation are vfeall all moift watry places, as the Sea and all gra Rivers, and Navigable Waters, Brooks, Springs, Pond! Lakes, Wells, Cilterns, Woth-houfes, and Cells, 6 | ILL Difeafis. Ie ‘fignifies ImperfeQions in th Brea and Stomack, weak digeltion, Prifick, Sl Phlegm, and rocren Coulzhs, Cancers in the Breaft anda] Ampofthumaticas in the Stomach, & gives a colour Grea and Rafi. V. Of the Signe X Leo. This isin Order the Bfth Sign of the Zodiack, « the only Houle of the Sun, itis the fecond Sign of tt Fiery triplicity, by nature hur and dry, Adafisdine, Barr Diurnal, and'a commanding Eaftern Sign, which cox of 27 Stars, I. Under this Conftellation are born perfons get rally of a full lirge body, cou abody fomethi vith large goggle eyes; broad thoulders, a dark rcarbng che later part gives lighter hair than the fit part, infin it gives a big voice, a refolute Spirit, and an alpiring brain, a perfon of ‘a generous free hearted ‘and courteous éifpoftion, fanguine complexion ,and an tive body. Tl. Places, All defart places, as Woods, Forrefts, Rocks, both teep and cragged, Calftles, Forts, Parks, and all inacceffable places, alfo Kings Pallaces, and in Houfes ; ich places where fire is, or hath been kept, as Chim= neys, Stoves, Furnaces and Ovens, ce. ILL. Difeafes. Signified by this Signe are Infirmities of theBack, ‘pains in the Ribs, as Plurifies, and Convul- fions, and all Difeafes of the heart, violent burning Fea vors, the Plague , the Peftilence , yellow Jaundies, {and fore Eyes. gives a Colour Red and Gréen. { VIL. Of 1 Virgo. IL. The ixth Sign is m, and itis an Earthy cold Barren, Meanchelly, Feminine, Noflurnal, Southern Signe; the Heufe and Exaltation of ©, confifting of 24 Stars, | elt perfonates a decent well compofed body,of a mean | Mlature, fender, the members inclinable to brevity, a diferect witty ingenious perfon, but not very beautiful, a fad brown, or for the moft part black thick hair, the vi- fage fomewhat round, the voice fmall and thrill; ia fort, it gives a Native witty , and excellently well fpoken, | fudious, and much inclinable to all manner of Lear ning. : | TL Places, It fignifics are all Studies where Books are hhid up, and Cloffets, where Maps and Writings are Kept; it denotes Corn fields, Store-houfes, Dary-houles, Malt-houfes, and places where Hay, Barly, Peafe , of Wheat ricks are made, ce. C4 ML. Dice fe Elimati, lacis Ajirol III. Difeafes. Tt excites in the body, all Tofiriit of the Belly, Wind collick, Worms, Croaking of Guts, obftra@ions in the Bowels, and all Infirmities: the Stones, ore, Mm gives a Colour Black and Speck: mixed together. | VIL Of = Libra. The feventh Signe in order is =, a Signe Har axl Aoife, of the Airy eripliciyy, fanguine,” Mefenline, me 7 the Daya able, Cardinal, Equinoxial, Wellern Signe, of 2, coniting of 3. Stars. 1. The thape of the body reprefented by this Signe, ix moft delicate comely freight boy, of a round and best tiful Vifage, and well favoured, the hair for the molt px tending to flaxen, of yellowith, but fometimes (and the rarely) a fad brownor black, not curling but long se| 4 Smooth, agrey eye, more lender in body than grofs, injage fubject to pimples and fpors in the face,with 2 ver high colour andlaftly, an indifferene tall fkature, 0 ec teous impartial creature , beth juft and upright in al ations. Il, Places. Signified by this Signe are thefe 3 In Ho fesit fignifcs all upper Rooms, 25 Chombers and Gu rets, Belconies and Turrets; in the fields it denots Grounds neer Windmills, ali Out-henfes, Barnes, at fuch places where Wood is cot, Saw-pits, all place where Hawking and Hunting is u(ed, alfo all Sandy 20 Gravelly places, ILL. Difeefes. All Infirmities of the Reins, Kidneys) and Bladder, as Stone and Gravel, Heats and Tmpot umes, or Ullcersin the Reins or Loins, weaknets in the Back, ‘and Corruption of Bloud. = gives a colour Bila ordark Tawny. The Key to Ajtvolagy new Filed, 25 eee i VILL Of m Scorpio, 4 Which is the eighth Signe in order, is a Confellation Beet ear, 7 and Phleematick, Feminine, and a Nirthern Signe, of the Watry sriplicity, the Hlonfé and and enflief 12 Stare, odin 1.’Ieperfonates a ftrong able corpulent body, but of a doean ature, yet big lmbed, ftrongand active, wilful, ‘Paliious, falfe and deceitful, of a fad brown her, crf ig orcurling, a dark fallow complexion, an hairy body, wore neckt, broad fac'd , and oftentimes bow-legg'd ick, in bodily motion; and a perfon of referved oughts, ID, Places. Tefignities all Muddy, Moorith grounds Ind inking Lakes, Ditches, and Quagmires, Gardens, ineyards ‘and Orchards, all Sinks in Houfes, Wath. ov'es, ruinous houfes, neer Waters, all places where keeping and venemous Creatures frequent, and fuch pla s where ufually Rubbith and Jakes are laid. IH, Differ, The Gbmnorthes. or Ruoning oftheReins, upturesand Fiftla’s, infirmities in the Bladder, as Gra. and Stone, Defeéisin the Matrix, Piles and Ulcers, all Deas belonging tothe Privitis. mn givesa Co” t Brown, IX. Of t Sagitarins. Which fucceffively is the ninth Signe, and is Prporcal or double bodied, Fiery, Atsfeuline, Chol- ik and disnrnal, ky Nature bor and dry, and of the Bey Triplcty, she ‘Honfe ad Poy of 5° confifing of 31 ars. |. Teindows the Native with a ftreight well proportion. body, fomewhat tall, of a loving cheerful countenance, colour, Oval vifage, a Ruddy fanguine Complexion and 26 Clavis Afirole nd brown hair, fubjeét to baldnels, a ftrong a body, and generally good Horfemen ;” great thoote| and flout hearted. IL. Places. It fignifies are ufually Stables, oF pls The Key of Affroligy new Filed. 27 scident to the Knees, the Leprofie, Inch and Scabs, Stal radiures, and Dillocations, and fuch like. +. ieee ‘Colour Black and Ruf ox & fivarthy Brown. where allforts of Horfes are kept, and other great Cx) les it denotes high places, as Hills, and the upe Roomsin Houfes, as alfo fuch places where fire is, wi rath been frequently kept. TIL. Difeafes, It Ggnifies are all Infirmities of whe Kind foever that belongs to the thighs and buttocks, g Roptures and Fiftula’s in thofe parts, falls from Hora ‘over heating of the blood, Pettlential Feavers, hurts ty Fire , and all intemperatenefs in Sports , Paflimes a Recreations. 7 gives a Colour Yellow or Green Of W Capricorn, This Signe is the tenth in order, and is by Nat Cold and Dry, No€lurnal, Melancholly, Earthy, Feel ine, Solftivial , Moveable, Cardinal , and a Soule} Signe, confitting of 28 Stars, the Heufe of by and Es ration ef 3. 1. The perfons born under Cor fignificd ) by this Si areufually very flender weakly men, of a mean tat and dry confitution, the face lean and thin , blac’ hhait, and thin beard, (if any atll ) a long neck, » row chin; andin fing, but a difproportioned body, th erick, fad, but yet witty, and fubtile. II, Places. Itdenotes are for the moft part fuch whe Cattle are put, as Cow-hovfes, Sheep-pens, Wo houfes, Tools er Implements of Husbandry , thorny and fallow Fields, Dunghilss lower Rooms, # obfcure dark places neer the Earth , fuch as Co Dungeons and Prifons, e-¢. IIL. Difeafes. Ic Sigaifies are fuch efpecially ass oi XI. Of = Aquary. The eleventh ‘Signe in onder, is by nature Hor and Mf, aan forse, dina, fixed Rational, Hue ste} of the Airy Triplicty, the Dayo i enflton of 24 Searss Tia fh beg TeItdenotes a perfon of a well et, and frong able bo- ay, not very tall, yer decently enough compofed, actear skin, a fanguine complexion ; a bright hair, and many stimesa dark flaxen ; in thort, it gives a well thaped be- iy ytmor lovely than cutous or bes, @ Bethy ‘face inclinable to an Oval f i toh arene form, and fometimes @ pale . Places. It denotes, are tone Quarries, and Mi lly rounds, and places lately dug up, the upper pore utes, as'Rools Eaves, or Windows, Vineyanis, od fuchlike places neeradjoyning, Conduit or Spring. ILL, Difeafer. All foch as aff the Leggs and At 3 Crampey Gouts, and Melancholy wings, gathered he blood oF veins, and fo diturb and affi€is thofe parts givesa Sky clewr or Blew. ‘ XIL. Of x Piftes. This is the lat Signe i i i This is Signe in the Zediack, and is Cald nd Milt Phlegmatick, a Neltwrnal, Bicorporeal Nor- a bern Signe, ofthe Watry To id Wie Site of the Wi Trip, dy fone terme ia an ign 5 the mje of %, and Exaltation of gives a perfon that is but fhort, and none of te ‘handomett, yeta good face, and of a clear complexion, thick The Key to Aftrology new Filed. 29. thick thoulders, brown hair, a fleshy body, not goiny pz canvot well refent an Injury offered , yet ( forthe very fright, and fometimes crovked, or an inclinate pol part ) they are perfons of an Obliging deportment, thereunto, with anincervetting of the head. jndtruclovers of their Friends : under Capricorn are ufue TL. Places. All Fith- ponds, and Water fprings, Moas_ifily bora ferious perfons, but yet too fubject to Mutabili- and Water-mills, Places where Caves and Hermitsgs, gy, and to give way to their own unbounded defires and havebeen, and ia hous the Well, Ciern, Pump, af clsions: under Apuaring are born generally, perfons any place that’s appointed to keep water in. feefi-m Envy, Afsbleand Courteous to moft they deat TIL. Difeafes. All that areincident to the feet asthe ith, and fachas love to do good to others, haters of Gout, and Lamenels, Ackes, Boyles and Ulcers, Chit! gsta‘e and De2ate, and too foon put up Injuries heaped Blains, Salt, Phlegm, cold and moift difeafes, and ali) upon them: under Pifees are borne general Spirited Per- all Dileafes that proceed from the blood putrified. x giva) ffous, fuch as delight ro do good, and abhor Ignoble ACki- ‘a Bright white glittering Colour. jonsinall. [ "Thefe Generals may fometimes be Contradiéted by XIIL Ofthe Qualities and Natural Difpoftions of Pes} other more prevalent Caules and to be reconciled only by ‘fignified by the 12 Signes, ‘the Judicious and expert Artift. FYL Thefe be the particular Defcriptions of the 12 I, Although the Signe Afeending doth principally é (ie butif many Planets happen to be placed in the fetibe the perfon of the Native or Querent, yer ital) } Afcendant where any of thefe Signes arife, in any per- been obferved; that fuch which have been born unde} j fons Nativity ; their Significations muft be mixt accor. “Aries axe generally very Aétive and Ingenious Perfors ding to their various thapes, at the difcretion of the thofe under Taurns more dull, yet Laborious , under Gof Induttrious Studect. mini good Wits, curious Fancies, apt for Invention; ‘| © 111, The form and ftature of any perfon, istobe der Cancer very unconftant mutable perfons; unit} ; judged from the Signe Afcending (in any Nativity or ‘Leomore eriovs and refeved, with a becoming Gr | Quetion ) thg Lari ghgseoh and Planet pofted in the ays under Virgo Solid Ingenious perfons , and genes} j Alcenaants gHelhixed Sats are notte be neglected in this Loversof Learning. if their 2erciry be but well poi] ° Judgment, and in efpecial manner | the Luminaries fee ted and free from aifliétion 5 under Libra generally go] What Signes they arc in , and hiow they behold the Afcen- Natur'é perfons, fomewhat conceited and fubtil, no!s!). dant, and by a due confideration and commixture of their didted to quarrel, but for the moft part very’ Afi] feveral fignvcations", you cannot fail to give en exaét Courteous, and Obliging; thofe under Scorpio, althowg| and compleatdifcription inany Figure sand this the Arik they may be Ingenious, yer they are generally very Co-| fhouldendeavour and labourto be very expert in. fident Rath Perfons, full of Revenge and Malice, fabjet to Boatt and Lye; Active and} Courteous fr 4 time, where they are obliged, but rarely continue Fai fal to their Friends, exm mulis aliis. thofe under Sagi ryare gencrally Noble, Frec-hearted Creatures, and | Fr Clavie Afrologie Elimata, The Quarters of the Heaven which the Signes fen fe according so their Tripliities, are thus, in v Eat. = Wet. & North. op South. EandbyN, 7 Eand by Sou, I WandbyS. = W&by North, m NandbyE. x N and by Wet wv SandbyE, w S and by Wel. But others are of Opinion they ought to be confer ed according to their Declination from the Hq: noftial, thus ; viz. I Eat. Wet. North, South, ANW&byN, 7S W & bys mu NE&byN. = SE&byS. mSW&byN. XSE& by E y NE&byE. ™NW&byW. 7 S ¥ Letevery man make uft of that hefindes mofttru} — TheRulethac I generally follow, and rarely fil, isto account Fiery Signes Ea; Aiery Signes Wel! Ear) thy Signes South ; and Watry Signes North. Note shat the Northern Signes give a more Chearfd Countenance than the Southern. Humane Signes thew Perfons of Humane Conditions: Signes reprefenting Beatts, ufvally give men of aétiot; thofe of the Fiery Triplicity , thew naturally Chollerct perfons, and very high fpirited which is the more aggre vated if d or 0, or Lord of the Afcendant be pofite it fuch Signes, [And bere obferve by the way, that 1h Signe Afcending seh principal he te driton of the Native rent, confderation being had othe Signe hae xe Love thet of is pofted in: New whereas thereisadeeripion Afi The Key to Afroligy new Filed. sas alle (which , Tfuppofe, ts chief grounded up- ee che we Thode ti Pere Pe iakemfilve, confidered as Lards of the AMcendans in ary res or Quin, fakin particular dense the perfons padizer ad Condition, cithtr good or el, according to “Nature of that Planet which is Signifcater; for Hermes, Nad tks cote sey fan prep, we fa The Acendant lignes the Body, and the Lord thereof the i a thefe things admit not of any real Demon- ation 5 yet they are confirmed by long Experience, and fe find the Scars by theie Influence gently Incline , pough not Compelor Force the Will, Bur— © The wife for every Chance doth fit bin. Mind, | Andy his Art makes coming Evils Rind, CHAP. ly. Of the Seven Planets, their Names, Characters, Anmtifcions, Joyes, Orbs, and Latitudes, 1. A\ Strologers do principally confider (befides the A Sigoss) feven wankering Stars, wigarly called Planets, whofe Names and Charaéters are here again re- peated, vic. Sarurn, 2 Jupiter, $ Mars, © Sol, 9 Ve~ me, 8 Mercury, 0 Luna; a8 alfo the eons two Nodes, tilled the Dragons Head Se, and the Dragons Tail «3.10 which may beaded the Part of Fortune, thus Charat- aed &. Thefe Chara€ters both of Signes, Planets, and Afpetts, te young Artift muft make himfelf very expert and 7 ins as in the Precegnica was Intimated ) for ir various Motions and Configurations through the 4 Signes, is deduced the whole Arcor Science, and 0 Ju ment drawn according to Rules, as fhall in its propa place be plainly declared, even tothe meanctt Ap henfion, Thefe feven Planets are for brevity fake Chara¢ter asbefore fhewed 5 and they are alfo called by o**r Pa tical Names; as Saturn h is alfo called Chronos, Phen and Faleifer. i % Jupiter fometimes called Pha‘tow and Zew. § Mars, Aris, Preis, Savors, Gradions. othe Sun, Titon, ilies, Phacbus, Apolo, Peon, Ofyil Dicfpiter. : | < Fems, Cytheriay Aphrodite, Erycina, Pity) ~ +. % Mercury, Hermes, Stilbone, Cyllenins, Archas, » Luna, orthe Moon, Lucing, Cynthia, Diane, Plo be, Proferpina, NetHilues, Latona, A ‘Notethar b and d are generally called Infortuncs “i and 2 Fortune, 0, Y,and > Indifferent. Of the Antifcions, and Coatramtifeions of the Planets in Signes. ILMPSHE Antifeions of the Planets in Signes are sf more but Signes equally diftant (and beboli each other,) from the firt points of sand wy thes “Tropicks ;'as fuppofea Planet in the firft degree of hicisas fardiftant fromthe Gri point of &, as when isin 29 degrees of that Tropick, accounting fiom finft degeces of both Tropicks: foif © be int degree of ©, he is as far diftant from the irft des yas when heisin the 2oth degree of 3 therefore a Planet bein the tenth degrce of ©, hecaftshis 2 wo the soth degree of «5 thats, he gives wstve 7 The Key to Aftroligy new Filed. wnet that fhall be there placed, or cafts any Afpect un- pave point and the Learned do hold an Anticion to ‘equivalent toa or A Afpedt, efpecially if they rere Fortunate Planets; and a Contrantifcion to be of Taturcof a0 ore. “A Scheme of the Ansifcions, and Contraneifcions Figure may be feen that the Beginning of 1 is Whole Signe diftant from the beginning of ©, and fois he lat degree of <5 ( or beginning of 1 as tar diftant fom that Tropick as the former: heace a Planet ia ¥ its his Antifcion to m, a Planet in % fends his Antifcion 0, contra; ioa Planet inv fends his Antifcion to 5. nd Contrantifcion to ==, as the Lines inthe Scheme better direét than many words. D a4 Clavie Afirologie Elionata, The Key of Ajirelaay new Filed, 35 By this Table you fee the @hath only 31 alotted for his ule, andthe D hath only = forher Houte, they being nesof the fame nature with theie Planets, (oie. the unaries ) Affigned Rulers thereof; the © 13 ber and , foistheSigne U5 the Dis cold and milf, of the fame ure and quality isthe Signe ©, cc, aud ‘note faither, twhenthe Ois in we have the hottelt weather of fide the Aiquator, \A Table of the Antifcion in Signese the Planets in The Antifci- See on of y this Table youmay fee a Planetin & fends his antion ws Be ad Concamition¥the oppolt Signe, and fo of the reft. And to obtain the Planets, tifcion in degrees and minutes of thofe Signes whee their Antifcions fall fubftraékt the degrees and minus a Planets Longitude from 30 degrees, and the Remains is theexat pace ofthe Autifion: 35 for example i pote Zin 20d. 21m, of 7, his Antifcion falls ino d. 19a! ; ‘of and his Gontrantiftion in od. 19 m. ofthe opps Signe x, underftand the fame in others — the buf being fo plain and obvious, needs no farther Illuftratic| hh hath == and +p for his Houfes, as beisg agrecable ature, and note that his Houfes are in & to the Hou of the Luminaries for h is Cold, and an Enemy to at, . ¥'stwo Houtes fall next, vic. x ond 7, andar ia 0 the Houfes of the Luminaries; end hence 215 26+ ted temperate, ahelper to mankind, and the great~ Forcune, p. 6's two Houles follow next, vic. ‘rand m, and in Otothe Houfes of the Oand 3; and Sis therefore ‘ounted Unfortunate, though not fo bad as fs, that lly oppofesthe Houtes of the Luminaries; heaced Saturn Day-houte 8] 3 [|Afernsed te lef Infortune. bes his Nighehoute a) |S } isa Planet of a temperate Conftitution, and the Fis brehate oj [:[iMerForune; her Houfes are nextalotted, eve. > and which are in > to the Houfes of the oand Ds (a At of Love and Amity ) and fince a > is not © Anica- an Afpett as aA (by which 2 ’s Houtes behold the jes of the Luminaries ) therefore @ is termed the Fortune, a8 & the greater, IB: 2's two Houfes follow in the text place, viz. mt 4) and do immediately precede and follow che Hou. of ‘the Luminaries: he is never one Sigae diftant mithe © in motion; and fince naturally he inclineth Hherto good orbad, is therefore terme Coavertible rs and participates with chat Planes he is joyned herNight houle >} 1 TIT. Of she Houfes and Jeyesof the Plane | | i Planets Houfes, i Nighthoute | [= vher Day-houte > iG his Night hou A Table of th 4 The Foyesof the Planets in the; Da Noe clavis Aifrelogie: Elimata, “Nore that every Planet bath that part of the Zodiack «f edamolion for Mntionar Heafe which in refjeto Naeuretheybave the aft Aereemene with, bya inti: Nature ofthe Elements, a ale tot great Corefjna ‘according 10 their Influence 5 For every Planet bath verws per inthe Signes of the Zostack, and they do agreeas ee Elements, as their Inficncess, and serefore ty», of the Zodiackeaffined ro each Plance are fly called Hofer IV. Of the Orbsof the Planets Afpetts. ‘An Afpedt of a Planet is .cither platique or pari a partile Afpett is when two Planets behold exch ther dircétly to the fame degree and minute ; as fopy| © 104.20 Vand 10d. 20m. in 1, this say tile x Afpett now a platique Afpect is when two f netsbehold each other within the moiety of their Ors AT able ofthe Planets Orbs. a. as (10.0. fome fay 94. 32, eLothers fay 9. 7-30. moff bold 7. 17.0, fome fay 15, 8. o,athers fay 7. ym Fall agree 7. (32.g0.ethersfayi2. J ‘The Planets peas w < i before and after any Afpedt, By the Tableof the Planets Orbs, you may pert right ogainit each Planet what degrees are allowed a5 againgt 2 12 degrees, and againft 3 7 degrees 30 So that if two Planets do not behold each other so th} ry degrce and minute of the Signes they are in pst! yet ifthey are within the moiety of their Orbs, they fie cobe ve Afpedt. —“The Key to Aftrology new Filed, So if the Obein ro degrees 20min, of VY, and ¥ in 5 degrees 15 min. of 1, they are faid to bein platique Lv andi they are 14.degrecs diftance froma partile A Gi, they are ttill within tre moiety of their Orbs, for salt the Orbof the @ is degrees 30 min, and half the is 14. degrees 30 min, ‘V. ATable of the Planets Latitudes, North, Lat. d. m, fee. South. Lat dom. fee. 1 4 ° 6 47. A $0617 5 ora 48. 0 aieaoriols ° 1, 40. 0 9. 20 2 0 3.33. 0 3. a5. 0 A Note shat the © moves alwayes in rhe Ecliptick, and bath 4 ne Latiende, CHAP. V. lof the natures, De(criptions, and feveral Sig cations of the Jeven Planets in General, PT He Young Artin he next place ought ro te well A acquainted with the Natures and feveral Significa tots of the Planets. I. Of Saturne. 1, Satwne is faid to be by Nature Cold and dry, Author of Melancholly, Mafculine, Diurnal, the greater Infortuae and flow in motion, neer 30 years Bnifhing his {Court One Pie Clavis Afirolegie Elimats, 11. Hesignifies a Perfon about a middle Ratarey black fwarthy Complexion, fometimes pale and mu little Eyes, thin Beard, and many times none at alli, Shoulders, oftrimes crooked; lean Face,thick Lips tis oF fad brown Hairs he hath a fhoveling gate, and deig to bealone; heis Wilfel, Covetous, Malicious, ains altogether at his own cnds «this muft be underftood vs heisill dignified, Butif well dignilied, he gives Men of Grave ands ber Spirits, Sound Judgments, tharp Fancies, gv Studients; “and men that heap together the Goods, this life. IIL, The Qualities and Profeffons of men in Gene Old Men, Grandfathers, and Fathers, Beggars, H. bandmen, Day-labourers, Monks, Jefuites, Sex.ons: Churches, oe. Curvirs, Dreffers of Leather , Digge of the Earth: alfo Brick-layersy Tinners, Bluinne alifles, and Colliers: Dyers of Black Cloth, all De, ack or fad Commodities, as Blackefimiths, crs in ¥ Generally Denotes Aged people, Lands, Houts x all Country ASuirs, oe. LL. OF & Gupiter, J. HeisaPlanet Mafculine and Diurnal, and by \4 furetemperately Hot and Moift, the greater Fortune, ‘er of Moderation, Temperance, Juftice and Sobrkt hheth his Courke in about 12 years. ter Denotes one of an upright and frcigh:$ brown ruddy Complexion, an Oval Vil ed and dark fandy brown, inclinabl Beard, large Belly, great Thighs, great tioned Legs, long Feet and if well dignified! ber, well ir-conditioned Perfon, abo ‘Covetoutiets, and cares not for worldly Wealth LULL Qustiies and Profugfions of Men 3 The Key to Ajtvoligy new Filed, 39 5) young Scholars, all forts of Clergy-inen, ali oaers. ‘Woallen-drapers, and fuchlike: If Jupiter well difpofed he incites men to honeft Principles, irs im up to good Duties, Pious, Magnanimous, Mudeit, ite, Diligent, Liberal ; but being ill plac’d, gives Prot Jigs, Pout perfons, unfaithful, weak in Judgment, and progether carele(s of themfelves and Relations. % Geacs iy denotes Youth. TL Of 8 ates, 1. Mars is aMafculive No€turnal Planet, by Nature tand Dry, the eller tnfortune, the Author of Strife, bate, Quarrels and Contentions he is about 12 years hing his Courfe in the Zodiack, IL Atars defcribes a perfon of a middle Stature, rongand well fet, a ruddy Complexion ; his Hair red fandy flaxen, crifping or curling, hazel Eyes, quick arp and piercing ; a furious Apeét, proud ang imptuous, Valiant, full of words, boafting andlyie 5 fine, a very ftcong body and aétive, rather big Loned n Fat, ILL IThe Qualities avd Profeffions are_for. she molt fi sodlieaet fuch as ufe Wepeceer Fdge-tools, al Apothecaries, Watch-makers Barbers, Dyers, Tan. crs, Chyrurgions, Butchers, Gunners, Smiths, Marthals, Bayliffs, ee. Tnclining rather unto Chollar than Mirth PrMelancholly : being well placed, makes Valiant men, Generous, Hafty, carclets of Riches, and much addi to Warlike Actions : But if ill placed, he incites men bane AGions, to Thicving and Murders, and il kind of Sedition, d in Queftions is a general Significa- tor of Chollerick dehoilt Rufticks , Cexcept he be very Fellfeated ) he alfo fignifies War, Strife, acd Debuc, 4$od4all manner of Cruelty. 7 D4 IV. of Clavis Aftroligie Elimata, IV. Of the © Sue I. The moft glorious body of all the Planets, heisMit culine Diurnal, and by Nature Hot and Dry , (aj every man may cafily experiment) He finitheth ti Courfe in one year ; for by the Suns motion, is all te meafured out into Days, Months, and Years. IL. The Sun eprefents a perfon of a goodly fair Sx ture, the bosly and face both full and flthy, of a Saf ruddy Complexion, the Hair yellow and fomewhat thin foll goggle and hozle Eye, tharp and piercing, quick fh ed, much Beard, and foon bald ; and in fine, a generx and high-minded Creature, aiming at no bafe or med things. IU. Qualities and Profefions, the Sux predominate cover Chiet Rulers, Governours, Commanders, whe ther Emperours, Kings or Princes and men in pows| anu besrgg Rul fe. 1e gifs alo Gold-nth, Cl perimiths?*, Miaters, and Coyners of Moncy; 3 Pewterers and Braziers, oc. To conclude, the Solar pe fon is Magnanimous, Valiant, Provident , Long.lv4 Wite and Famous, and defirous of Honour,” is gee ral ignificator of men in Love Queftions 5 he alfo figs fies Honour, Greatnefs, Noble Perfons of all Degres| oc. V. OF 2 Fenn. J. Venus isa Feminine NoGurnal Planet, and by Ne ture Cold and Moift, the leffer Fortune, and fiithes' Courfe (to our appearance) in about a years time ft the Author of Pieafure, Mirth, and Jolly. IL. Fens reprefents a perfon of a thort Stature, or rat] abouta middle ize, pretty well fet plump and fat, ¢ whitely Complexion, and fomciimes lctle blot (i "The Key to Affrology new Filed, ‘iour, around face, light brown Hlairand fimo: much Rolling, with Chearful looks, + IL, Qualities and Profeffions, one that delights to go fpruce and acat, and to frequent merry meetings, an aff, le courteous perfon, & adelighter in Curiofities, all men ind womén that dealin divers forts of Apparel or Lisnen, Jind things delightful to wear Lapidaries, Silkmen, Mer. ‘cers, Linmen-drapers Uphoitters , PiGlure drawers, or och as fell Perfumes and fuch like. : 4 Feras well plac‘d, makes men pleafant, fsir Spoken, giventopleafure, fociable and merciful, ee, Bur if il feted, inclines men to be Effeminate, Timerous, Lut. al, followers of Wenches, very fluggith, and addicted foldlene, and anill habit of body. generally denotes ‘omen in Queftions Youth, Pleafures, Paltimes, llkind of Delights, Mirth, fweet Odours, e¢, a VL. Of 8 Mercury. 1 Atercw is fid to bea Planet convertible in Nature, participates of the Planet he is joyned with,and there. re cannot be faid to be-cther Mafculine or Feminine ; isby Nature Cold and Dry, and fnifhes his Courfe, (rg, ur appearance) in about one Year, and is the Author of 1 be ks, Tht and Perjrs + Mercury perfonates oneof a tall and (pare bod 4b long face and nofe, of a yellowith whitely Comples sy little beard, but much hit on his head, inclining to Nacknels ; and this Planet above all other much alters se, erat the Planet hes joyned with, (as before men pel Qualities and Profefions, be figoities all men of Learning) as Gute Meee, fenies Secretaries, oth, an Eye («Sometimes Embaffadors, Commifioners, and Per bie Orators, Printers, Stationers, ‘Ufurers, Cheaters (if Hewilied) and all fach as live by their Wits; ¥ is much cone ——$———— e Glavis Afrlogie Elimara, ‘conformable to the Company Fe (swith, be it ie ; Mirth orSorrow: If hebe welipofited, he gives fkng* Brief Obfervationsin drawis ao Wit males men Studious, and capable of any Learns ix thers Lae om the Planet bur ifill eated, inclines a perfon toSubtilry, Crata. 4 ae nr fe featy Malicioufnefs, and all lying fraudulous A€tions; beisii {1 If no Planet Ay ; fosieby ine: 2 Fe cease area, then The Key t0 Afirology new Filea, — ——t__ 43 we ane. In Queftions® generally Hignifies Youth, VIL Of D Luna. via fiona scpeadcracin Bi fan #7. If the Lord of the Afeendaat blhola the Ae lec by he Signe Atending. i Elolthe Ando, 3. Laly, if two Planets Afpe€t th i that behold it mot parila orhe ther nee oufe, before a Planet in his exaltation, "owe __ 1. ThisPlanet isa Feminine No€turnal Planet, andy Nature Cold and Moitt , finitheth her Courfe in abouts} days, the isa general Significatwnxin all Queftions. TI. She Perfonates one of a large and fair Stature, brom Hair, ofa whitely Complexion, a full and flethy body,: Touring look, and many times fome blemith or eet orncer the Eyes, fhort Arms, flefhy Hands, flow ¢ Speech, Fat and Phlegmatick, a Mutable peesit Creature , feldome contented, and delights not much Tdlenefs nor Aion. LIL. Qualities and Profeffions , She Gignifieth ‘the big eft fort of Women, whether Queen, Governefs, or Brits of the Houle; alfo Men whofe Imployments ‘upon the Waters all Dealers in Fifh, Vintners, Tq fiers, Midwives, Nurfes, and ail forts of common pi ples, to which may be added Travellers, Fugitives, a Stray’samongtt Cattle 5 all perfons of an unconftant 3 wavering Ditpolition. ” Thefe Deferiptions being perf learnt'd and underffood, the ArtiSE cannot be to feek io hing an Artificial Defoription of any Significater in all Qu FHons, Note that D isfaid tobe a General Significet: of all Sick people, Thefe Obfervations are to be confidered as well i isons and Qualities of a Perfon Saimin cad copa ef the baie 2 Deipin CHAP, vL the particular Deferiptions, i fi, the Planets gist being ee Die, in plicd in any of the ewe Signes of she SECT. 1, Of Saturne inthe Twelve Signes. Stem in Aries gi tries gives a Ruddy Co ia den ty Complexion, but fom Lo wt at eleare, a fpare, rave-bon’d pa full fo oat aga ait» not much beard; bie addicted vragen ont ing himfelf for his Valour, and ‘undertakings, when there is but fall caute in 44 E in fine, contentious quarreliom perfon in gencral, al confequently very Illenatur’d, LL, Satwrne in Taurus gives no comely perfon, bi: heavy, lumpith, obfeure kind of Phyfegonomy » dx Clivis Ajirolegie Evmata, hair, axuff skin, a mean Stature, nohandfom Conform. Hs ty of the Members, for Qualities and Conditions 3 pe, fon as rugged in his Carriage and Deportment, as the Seription ; inclinable to vitious and fordid Ations, unc the Fortunes by their propitious Rayes friendly Ine. pote LIL. Satwrne in Gemini givesa perfon of a reafonatt tall Stature, @ dark fanguine Complexion, an Oval Vi Yage, a well proportioned Body, and the Hair fad brow, ‘orblack — an Ingenious perfon, but generally Inf, ‘tguate in moft of his Actions ; his Conditions fomewh poll, and perverfe, and therefore warily tobe da ‘with. 12+ Satwraein Cancer perfonates one of a Crazie, ot Sic Confiturion of Body, an indifferent Stature,’ rather i| clining to Brevity than otherwife; @ fad Hair, Gountenance or thin-Face, the whole Body difpropet ‘oned, fometimes Crooked, and the Conditions the fine Aubject to Jealoufie and Malicious AGtions, as well 254 vers other Vitious Inclinations; which may be fomet saleviated. by the Friendly Rayes of Fortunate Plan which molt be left to the diferetion of the Judi Artift to Determine —— V. Saturnein Leo givesa perfon of a moderate Stature, broad Shoulders, a lightifh brown Hair, a Se! Auftere Afpect, big Bon'd, not very Flefhy, fometi the Eyes fallin, and'Tuch perfons ufvally ftoop i goings but for their Qualities and Conditions they # rollerably good, and carry a thew of Generofity of blenefsin their AGions; fomewhat paffionate, andi ing Revenge, but not Couragious or Valiant when pt the Telt Vi. Saw The Key to Aftrolegy new Filed, 45 VI. Sarurne in Virgo reprefents a perfon of a eall ipare “Body, @ fwarthy Complexion, dark brown, or black jar, and much of it (upon Tome Members ) a long A ead, and folid Countenance, but generally an Unfore ‘ttunate perfon, much inclined to Melancholly, and retain. fing Anger long ; a ProjeCtor of many Curiolites to little Gpurpoe, Studious, very fubtile and reverved, and fome. ‘times (without other Configurations of the Planets con- gadidl) too much addigted to pilfering, and indireet Deakng. VIL Satarne in Libra defcribes a perfon above a middle Stature, reafonable Comly, a fad brown Hair, an JOval Face, « large Nofe and Forehead, a moderate clear IComplexion, yet not beautiful ; for Conditions uftally fuch perfons are not willing to entertain low or mean thoughts of themfelves, fomewhat prodigal in Expence, and confequently rarely leave any Eftate confiderable bee hind them for theit Children to enjoy; they arc cafily moved to Controverfie and Debate, and often come off Vietors. VILL, Saturn in Sepia reprtentaperfon ofa mean Stature, a fquat thick well sufs’d Body, broad Shoulders, agreeable thereunto, black or dark hair, and ufvally fhore and thick; tor Conditions they thould be moft unfavoury, }}2nd offenfive, a very Quarrelfome Contentious perfon, that delights rocreate Mischief, and promote all violent and dangerous actions, though to kis own Detriment and felicity, 1X, Saturnein Sagitarie ufually gives a large Body, = brown Hair, Cand Tachof ‘upon fome pens theres) ithe Members very conformable and decent, the Come Jfition not much amifss for Concitions, a pecton fue cienly obliging, not Coverous, but moderatly Frugal, rarely Profufe, but fomewhat ‘Chollerick, and by no 2eans canbear sa Aftont, yet willing co do good to all, ‘nd fometimes (being induced thereto) coo apt to comply Ee 6 Clavis Afroligie Elimata, andrathly, (without due confideration) make fuch pal mifes chat cannot conveniently be performed withe prejudice —- a real lover of his Friend, and mera} fultoa very Enemy. X. Sarurne in Capricorn perfonates a Lean Raw boi Perfon, fad or black Hair, a rough Skin, a middle Si, tore, rather inclined to Brevity than Tallaefs, an obfeuq uskith Complexion, little Eyes, long Vifage, and anil ppolture in going ; for the Qualities of the mind, Suir fo pofited and Significator, ufually gives a Difcontented| ‘Melancholly, Peevith Perfon, Covetous of the goods o this Life, not addiéted to ufemany words, a lover of ti Earth, and_all things of Profit produced from thenc| fearful, fobjeétto retain Anger (when ‘tis fuppofed by forgotten ) yet fuch aone that rarely wants a reafonti Portion of Gravity. XL. Saturcein Aquariue gives a reafonable full bodyel Perfon, large Head and Face, the body rather inclis bleto Corpulency than otherwife, a middle Stature, 4 fad brown Hair, anda moderate clear Complexion, 1 ber graceful Deportment, very Affable and Courteous} all, of anexcellent fearching Fancy, and generally a vey] happy proficient in what he labours after, whether in ‘ences, or Curious Myfterious Arts, yet apt to conceit wl of hisown Parts and Abilities — and therefore fab tonoiil-becoming Pride but naturally a perfon of av ry Pregaant Genius, XII, Saturnein Pifces perfonates ( or reprefents ) 3 middle Statur'd Perfon, of a Pale Complexion, fad Hai tending to blacknefs, a large Head, and a full Eye, fone times the Teeth diftorted, no very comly. perfor, \° AGtive, and too much inclined to Diffimulation, Conte tious, Maliticus, and prone to many ill A@tions, ( whi are abated as the perfon grows in years ) not Loquaties but very deliberate ; in fine, it denotes an uncertain ic perfon in moft of his or her A@tions, one thats abe Fe The Key to Aftrology new Filed. feat a eafonable good outfide, but will prove norwith- cing in the end Fraudulent and Deceitful, and there. warily tobe Confided in, i SECT. Ib ! Of Jupiter inthe Twelve Signes. 1. Papier in Aries Repretents a middle Statur'd Perfon, aRusdy Complexion, alight brown or flaxen Hair, ick and Piercing Eye, a high Nofe, and fometimes ples in the Face, an Oval Vifage, the Body rather an, than Corpuleot or Fat ; but generally a perfon of a y Noble and Free Difpofition, one that loves a good ible out fide, and to demean himfelf with much Ge- lity amongtt his Friends and AMfociates, and confe- tly, a very obliging Perfon, I. japterin Taurus gives a perfon of a mean Stature, fet afwarthy dull Complexion, a fad brown rugged i, fomewhat Curling or Frizled, a notable well come Body, but not decent, the Difpofition fhouid be onable good, the Judgment found, and a perfon of no mercmptible Deportment, a lover of the Female Sex,, generally good Notur’d, and free to fuch Objetts thas ea Charitable Compaffion, Ng Jupiterin Gemini Reprefents a Curious, Decent, "heompofed plump Body , a fanguine Complexion “Nery Clear ) a perfon above a middle Stature, rather isn otherwite, abrown Hair, a full becoming Eye, actu Deportment, avery Afable, Courteous Ber 2 Fert Sentle, mild, obliging ferfon, an Admirer of ‘male Sex, ( e'pecially thofe of the molt refined Find Beauty), veneral lover of Learning yet if Jae eee Fle fved Stars, itrenders she perfon Rath felp cis Actions, and confequently Enemical f, and unacceptableto othe: Duspi- Clavis Aftrologie Elinzata. ‘V- Jupiter in Cancer givesa perfon of a middles, ture, apale, unwholfome, fickly kind of Compledis Flethy, orinclined toCorpulency, a dark brown Hy an Oval Face, and the whole body Difproportion the Members thereof in general; a bufie Loquatious fon, too apt to Intermeddle with other mens Affairs, ceited and high, thinks no mean thoughts of his om bilities, a great Favourer of Women, Fortunate by i ter, and delights to be thereon, and yet a perfon ofy ty brdinary Courage or Valoury ales his Signi bbe well beheld of fers. ‘V.. Jupiter in Leo Reprefentsa Strong, Well pr tioned Body, rall of Stature, a light brown, or yelo HairCorling, aRuddy Complexion, a full Eye, a perfon fufficiently Comly ; for Difpofition very ti minded, Couragious, Magnanimous, Lofty, deligh in Valiant Warlike A@ions and Achievments, be pr a Terrour to his Enemies, and a perfon that {cor truckle toan Adverfarie, but will Encounter with Grandeur and Honour. ‘VI. Japiterin Virgo gives a perfon of a reafonstt Stature, a fad brown Hair tending to blacknefs, + dy Compleétion, but not Fair or Clear, a well bul fon, and one we termhandfome, having a due Pr onand Conformicy in all the Members for Dilpo fomewhat Chollerick, and ambitious of Honout, nable to Boating, Stusious, yet Covetous, and th Rathnefs fabjeét to Loffes. and confiderable Dettin Eftate: in fine, not cafily wrought upon by &} fon. ‘VIL. Jupiter in Libra perfonates a Compleat an Inviting Countenance, a moft clear Compleds fall Eye, an upright Stature, rather tall than oth not Grofs, but Slender , an Oval Face, a light Hair, fometimes axen, Tubject to Pimples in ti! of avery mild Difpofition , and winning behav" The Key to Affrology new Filed. 4 catdalghst m Noble Exerefes, and Recreations, obi ing toall Perfons , and confequently gains much ho- ur, and efteem thereby. VILL. apiter in Scorpio, reprefentsa middle Ratu’. fon, a well compact Body, a fad Hair, a full fethy ce, amuddy dull Complexion; but for his ditpofiton, lofty proud ambitious Perfon , one that defires and en savours to bear rule over his equals, refolute, and ill- tur'd, coverous, and guilty of too much fubtilty in all fs agtions; and therefore ought warily to be dealt thal by any that fhall be concerned with fuch a Pere IX, Jupiter in Sagitarius, gives an upright tall ta Body, a Chefnut coloured Hair, an Oval rice, Ruse Complexion, much Beard, a good Eye, a Perfon ry way decently enough compofed ; for difpofition, ery courteous fair condition’d Perfon, ef a molt no- graceful deportment and behaviour, jut in his acti. s and injurious to none, generally a great lover of Jorfes; and in fine, amoft accomplith'd Perfon, defer- rg commendation, and more than ordinary ‘refpect all Perfns he converts, or doth afociate himfelt X. Japiter ia Capricorn , gives amean ftature of Boo js apale Compiettion, thin Face, a litde Head, not ch Beard, afmall timber’d weakly Perfon generally, ingenious, fad Hair, fometimes the Beard lighter of our, than the Hair of the Head; for qualities and cone fions not very commendable, fow fpirited, peevith , ery ative, nor fortunate inthe Word, nes fome i timonies affift 5 fine, Nels, is ene, fet fetimonies fits in fine, very helpless indigse, ae fupiter in Aqnarins, Perfonates a middle fact r eashaird Perfon, indilferently well fe, jl’ father a corpulent Body than of compadied 5 fer difpofition a E wife, and cciful affable Crea: ire, 50. Clavis Afvologie Elimata, > delights ny vifulto none, but obliging toall, delightsinn) evento thofe that are enemies in thort, a very ge humourd laborious induftrious Perfon, farely gui any extravagancy, but generally ofa very comuncusi ifpofition and deportment. : oT Fuper in ie petonates aiean ah +, of an ob{cure Compleation, a flethy Besy , ars Reh brown Hairy a harmlets Creatures yeti i id matters, and indowed with very exccle ine pots sed scqirements » fortune. op the Water, and one that gains love from thofe bel converfation withal, fometimes proves a rafal ke Fellow, and delights in good Company , if the ji dart her Quadrat, or oppofite Afpeéls. re, that Ja th (48 iaetieid esirary, and fovtine prod j aetable and aparent mark in he fre-Teeth Supt Air fig, gies broad fre Tet le) fi ar distorted, in an Earthy fen, saat Tea 7 inate ign the Tea dey iden ad wax black ad fe oi deearecen i opiter be nan bad Ape Saturn or Mars or in Conjunetion with rhe Drage ft igi the Pet ice figniaor and ped in aWatry ge thee ss fat & cami in an iy fin more fran, ad leit a decent caine ad prooion of Boy, Earthy fign, a well compofed Body, not fat, nor amediocrity, provided ke have not much Leavitu: rather [qnare, than corpulent, if & be [gai inf and eee ala ‘ecch 5"or Speake with great deli this the more certain, if ix Quartile, or Opps Mercury 5 by shis you may be ale 10 judge of thel'lanet, Bc, The Key to Ajirolegy new Filed, =_* : SECT. lib i Of Mars in the welve Signs, 1} atasin aries, reprefents a middle Raturd Perfor; ‘pla fwarchy Complexion , well fet, big Bon'a, a light, Hair, fometimes Red and curling,’ an aufteer Coure, ance if Mars be Occidental, the Complexion is more paddy, and the Body more fimooth, if Oriental, the Pes nis more tall of ftature, and the Coniplexion not fo fwarthy, a8 aforefaid, but it renders the Native more nly and valiant: For difpefition Afers in Aries ever cusa bold undaunted confident Perfon, cholerigie, ‘Whjck to Rebellion, and various Contes, lofty, eck, us to bear rule over others, and fcorns to fubject him. lfto any Perfon atrue Lover of War, and oftentimes pins preferment, and great advancement thereby, I iter: in Taurus, gives a middle fatui'd Perfon, cil ier rather thore than tall, preity corpulent, of wi, eer Complexion, fad ot black rugged Hair, @ bro. ey wide Mouth, generally a well trufs'd Body, for pics ruddy, and marked in the Face; it reprevents = uttonous Perfon, one that gives bimfelf Hlibert | manner of vitious Agtions, viz. Gameing, Dris) enching, ge. and in fine, a very treacherous, Ue uched, ill-natured, unfortunate Perfon, unlefs the pcs interpote their friendly Rays ( butif darsbe acer Pleiades this difcription is aggravated.) Il. Afersin Gemint , perfonates a realonatte ¢ eit ack Hair, oF fad brown; the beginning psSivesit more lights ific fall neat Aldebaran the Ce aot is tending to Sanguine,the Body well proporsicn. » and the Members conformable, but avery umestled on in moft of his aétions,. yet ingeniond in MW thovgh unfortunate in alls and geccrully ives Ba. ae 52 Clavis Aftrologia Elimata, fome mean condition, Mhifting here and there, exerci his wits for alivelyhood. TV. Afars in Cancer, gives a fhort Perfon of noc Complexion, a brown Hair, and much of it, a difproys tioned Body, fometimes Crooked , and the condi for the moft part as crooked, a dull fottith Perfon, gu: ‘of few or no commendable ations, unfortunate, ir ployed moft in fome fervile or mean imployment, ci rarely capable of better fuch is this Perfons ftupit naturally, ualets other teftimonicsaffit. V. Mars in Leo, gives a ftrong able bodyed Pei ofa Sun-burn'd Complexion, tall, and of a dark fing Hair, large Limbs, and great Eyes, a hafty choles Perfon, whofe palfion too often overfways his re lights in War-like Exercifes; as thooting, ridingée ing, ee. but a noble generous free fpirited Perfon rally, efpecially to fuch as obfervehim , and endear toobligehim. VI. AMarsin Virgo, gives a middle ftatur'd well pr tioned Body, a black,or dark brown Hair, the Compl con, Swarthy, and foecimes a fear,or blemifh in the Fy ahalty revengeful Perfon, too fubject to paffion, ati retain an injury, or affront, a long time in memory, « humourfome and difficult to be pleafed, conceited, generally unfortunate in all, or moft of his Adtions. Vil. ters in Libra, gives a decent well propert Body, fomewhat tall, alight brown Hair, an Oval i and Sanguine Complexion, abrisk cheerful Alpe’) lover of the Female-fex, conceited of his own stil and parts, inclinable to boaft, delights in noble Req ations, loves decentnefs in his Apparel, and is get ly beloved of Women, to his prejudice. VIII. Adars in Scorpio, gives well fet middle tor’d Perfon, black Hair ct ‘a broad Face, pulent Body, a fwarthy muddy Complexion; for ficion, a very ill humoured Perfon, paffionatc, (2 The Key to Aftrohgy new Filed, i, unfociable, rath, reveny ‘porwithftanding his ill natore, ilo intermixt: fucha Perfon rehenfion, and becomes ex fry, his ative Fancy les 53 igeful, and ungratohily bur Fiehas fome good qualities hasa quick and ready ap- cellent in any faculty or Is him into the Infpedtion TX, Mars in Sagitarins, gives a tall Perfon wit cll proportioned Body, neatly oabeecdiaee : fanguine Complexion, a brown Hair, an Oval Vitec, quick Eye, a Perfoo ofalarge Heart, and of acho ue hafty difpofition, yet a cheerful, merry, jovial mmpanion, aétive, covragious, loquatious, delightsin ency, and to hear himfelf applauided by others and fine, of no contemptible humour, ortemper. > X. Mars in Capricorn, gives a mean ftature, a lean dy, anillComplexion , and black lank Hair, a thin cc, little Head, but an ingenious Perfon, and ofares. Fancy, and gene. oft of his underta KI. Adars in Aquarins, difectibes one of a wi ee i Auer lifcribes one of a well con ; corpulent, a reddith or Sandy. ered Hair, a moderate clear Complexion mes turd, but of a turbulent fpirit, too mach addidted to ntroverfie, many times to the devsinicn; of Body and ty if other teftimonis donotconcir. i + Atarsin Pifces, givesa mean ftatur'd Perfon, 1a Borand fet, than othewite, no handfome Body, od Complexion, alight brown Hair, or fair lanes? ih kind ofa debatiched Perfon, wery dull Cann lover of Women, a mecr diffembler, an idle Come ion, nota friend to himfelf, or any other, f that if Mars be iwConjundlion, Quartile, or 2 or with 13 and they in’ Anele: ie sive ts mare ferceand vslemsiobny Siar |e eftion of Saturn venthe No 6 Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, 54 Feholeriqne and hajly, end mary times bath a falinz of the Cheeks, ia otber Signs the Face is more full. fiefoy 5 Mars in Earthly Signs, renders the Native, cf den dogged temper not courteons or affable; in Airy Sige mare free and obliging ; in Watry Signs, fomewhat fis and forcfy, wnle(s be be well beheld of Japiter, Sol, rl) naz their friendly Afpetts doth fomething melirste aferefuid fignifcacions , which mnft ( or at leaf fos be warily conjidered by the ingenious Artift in bis }u| ment 5, asalfo the nature of thofe fixed Stars that art jel to the particular fignificator.] | SECT. 1V. Of the Sus being pated in any ofthe ewelve Sign I. Sol pofited in Aries ( which is accounted his ex tation ) difcribes a Perfon of a reafonable ftature of Bo- yet ftrong and well compofed , a good Complex though not very clear, alight Hair, fiaxen, or yellovt a noble fpirited Soul, ‘very couragious and valiant, d lights in all War-like A@iions, gains viétory, and here thereby, appears terrour to his Enemies, and thes makes himfelf famous in nus Generation, fometimes 04 beyond his Capacity of Birth. TL. The San in Taurus, reprefents a fhort wll4 Perfon, with brown Hair, not very comly , but ar < feure duskith Complexion, a wide Mouth, a great X a broad Face, a good confident bold Perfon , fuffices rong, and not a little proud thereof, delighting mvs oppolition of others, and generally becomes Cong Til. The Suszin Gemini, reprefentsa well proporsiee Body, of a fanguine Complexion, above a mics tmre, and a brown Hair, a good difpoiition’é sffible, and courtcous to ali, not very fortuna any affairs, fubjedt to che checks end coscrelement A The Key t0 Affrolegy new Filed, 55 thors, and patiently paffes over flight abuies, which none bora very mild rempered Perfon would be content co de. IV. The Su in Cencer, perfonates, or reprefents a srean tatur'd Perfor, of an ill Complexion, fome éefor- ity in the Face, a very unhealthy Afpeét, a brown Boir, and an ill proportioned Body, but a very harmle’y, jnnocent Creature, cheerful, and alover of the Female. fex, alfo an admirer of fports and Paftimes ; Muficl aig and fach kind of inviting Recreations, but ares not fo labour, or take pains, vhich he ap- fees idipte ad verte ee "'V. The Sun in Leo, gives a trong well proportioned (ae ofa very fanguine — fnee brown, or yellowith Hair, a full Face, and a large Lye, fometimesa mark or fearr in the Face, avery jult Perfon, fichful to his Frierd , punétual in the peeformance of hig ernie, yet delights to take his pleafure, is ar fhonour, whether in War, or otherwife; and uf mes things norderthercunto, VI. The Surin Firgo, gives a Petfon Somewhat at middle ftature, a well proportioned Body a es but rather ender, a moderate good Zoomplesion Hair fad brown, and much ofits for divpolition, a ngcnious cheerful Perfon, rejoycing in all civil Recrea- ots ado Pleat his Fancy, both with the delights of ‘as well as thot Mat vi fii ee fefor the Pallar, [ viz. Az id therwife ob ftrntted.7) VIL. The Sum in Libra ‘ in Libra, gives an upright frait mOulfacs, arudey cheetol Completion, heh fulellEye, fometimes Pimples ia the Faces but Cit fitlrsmay be estted, and there is both reafon and ‘perience to confirmit) the Sunin Libra, fignifiesa ve~ fy unfortunate Perton ieall, or moft of his Roem ee \y in Warelike affairs 5 for therein he is for SF with dithonous, ithe d ua tious kare his frequent Companions, if net ' Body, Hav, 56 Claws Affrolegie Elimata, fignificator be befriended, by fome potent Planet, cc, ‘VIII. The Sunin Scorpio, gives a notable {quare® Gied Perfon, a full Face , acloudy Complexion, like Sun-burn’d,”a brown Hair, and a very plump flefhy y inthe general; for difpofiton, an ingenious Per: bur of a rugged nature, ambitious of honour, oneti would not willingly admit of an equal fortunate up| the Seas, and fometimes ia the Praétice of Phyfick,¢i., IX. The Sun in Segitarins, gives atall well prope oned comly Perfon, with au Oval Vifage, a curious. guine Complexion, and alight brown Hair; for quali and difpofition, a very lofty proud fpirited Perfon, sin] ing at great things , and too feverein the exercife of ower; yet fome honourable exploits are performed jim, which adds much to his commendation, and dershima very noble humoured Perfon. X. Selin Capricorn, ufually reprefents a mean ft Perfon, of a fickly Complexion, Brown Hair, not cx} ling, an Oval Face, a fpare thin Body, not decently ce jofed, but rather a difproportion in the Members there} Recaption, very jin his Aetions, thereby goa Jove and friendthip ; fometimes paffionate, a favourer the Female fex ; andin general, areafonable good ¥ moured Perfon to thofe he hath Converfation withal. XI. The Sun in Aquarius, difcribesa Perfon of ani le Marure, a corpulent Body, decently compofed round full Face, a light brown Hair, and general clear Complexion 5 the difpotition moderately good, fubjeCi to Oftentation, and defirous to bear rule, but from malicious Adtions againft any Perfon. XIT. The Sun in Pifeer, gives aPerfon rather ft than tall of ature, a round Face, and an indifferent Complexion, a light brown Hair, fometimes faxes, | reafonable plump, or corpulent Body, a general love the Female-fex, aad his own delights and pleafures; # ited to Gaming, and Feafting, many times to bi ac The Key of Alirology new Filed, 7 ‘Gerriment ; yet a Perfon very harmlefsto others, injures one but himfelf by too much extravagant expence and prodigality, fo faras his fubftance will extend. SECT. v. Of Venus being pofited bs any of theswive Signs of the liack, ,, 1. Feu in Aries, difcribes a middle atur'd ther lender, than groffbodied, a light Hair and onal me marks, or fears in the Face, a reafonable good (pet or Phifogmony ; but generally a very unfertu- te penfive Perfon, neither lucky tohimfelfy or any o- ethehas concerns Withal; the reafon may be, becsufe frm receives her detriment in Aries. U, Fenms in Tawruey gives a comly Perfon ture, a ruddy Complexion, but not eer 2 fa ieee hit, a plump Body, yet not grofs, but decently enough pote, amild eemper'd Perfon, ofa winning difpoti- , reafonable fortunate in molt of his AGions,fnjua ws tonone, but rather obliging to all, thereby gaining eeeral refpect from all, or moft Perfons he Converfes lll. Venus in Gemini, ufually gives a Perfon abov idle ature, reafonable tall § ender elicompata sit Body, a brown Hair, anda moderate clesr Com ion; for difpofton, a good humour'd loving Barfon Pripetal to fuch as appear fit Objeéis of Charity; and Scilly Wrought upon to do good , being a lover ofall Jit Adtions, “and rarely guilty of any thing which is aa raurable, or unworthy— Ergo a Pesfon ofa clear Unftined reputation in the World. [ This genera! iment may ‘fone things be contradiéted, if Saturn or cit amalisnant Beam to Venus, which is left to teeosdeniorefthe rtifiemederae. | ee Wh ML Fens 8, TIL, Venmsin Cancer, generally reprefents a thowks tur’d Perfor, a round Face, a fickly pale Complexion light coloured Hair, and a’reafonable corpulent fet Body ; for difpofition, an idle floathful Perfo, too mus addiéted to Good-fellow hip, and Recreations of the w ferfort, yet puts the belt fide outward, feems to ben reality ‘when he is not; in fine, it fhews a very mux inconftant Perfon, in moft of his A€tions. Vz. Vernsin Leo, gives arcafonable tall Perfon , x the Members well compacted, a clear Complexion, round Face, a fullEye, fometimes Freckles in the Fa alight brown, or flaxen Hair, and many times of fn red; for difpofition, not to be difliked, fuch a P ihould be moderately paffionate, foon angry, and qui ‘over ofa generous free difpolition, a little addicted Pride, but not extream; often indifpofed in Body ,t: not much prejudic'd thereby ; in fine, a fociable gocdk| mout’d Perfon in the general. VI. Vennsin Virgo, gives a tall well proportioned Bs dy, an Oval Face, a fad coloured, or black Hair, an c feure duskith Complexion, an ingenious Perfon, ago: Oratour, but fomewhat unfortunate in moft of his afi afubtileaétive Perfon, of an afpiring Fancy, bur rr attains his defire, ‘VIL. Venus in Libra, gives an uprighe tall Perfon, decent compofed Body, and a conformity in al Members thereof, a fanguine Complexion, 2 br} Hair, ( fometimes Frecklesin the Face ) and Dimple the Cheeks; for difpofition,a Perfon of a curious oblit Geportment, and generally well beloved of molt any dealings, or converfe withal. : VILL. Fes in Scorpio, perfonates a well fet Be reafonable Corpulent, a broad Face, duskith Compl: on, and fad brown, or black Hair but for difpo!s"| avery debauched Pérfon, too fabject to conten cavy3 guilty ofminy vitious unworthy A@ion:, Clavis Ajtroligie Elimata, The Key to Afirology new Filed. \ 39 fico benamed ; and this the rather, if ’enus happen to bein any ill Afpe€t with Sanwa or tars. IX, Venus in Sagitarins, gives a Perlon rather tall than otherwife, of a moderate clear Complexion, tend- ing to fanguine, a brown Hair, ( not fad ) an Oval Vi- fage, and a very proportionable Body in the general; for difpotcion, very generous (pirited, one that aims at no rican bafe things; a commendable deportment , fome. thing proud, a little paffionate ; yet in themain, ‘of ave- fy curious temper, no way tobedifliked, delighting in many harmlefs Recreations 5 and in fine, a very obliging fortunate Perfon. X. Veasin Capricorn, reprefentsa mean ftatur’d Bo- @y, rather inclining to brevity, than otherwife; ofa pale {fckly Complexion, thin fac'd, a dark Hair, tending to black ; for difpofition, none of the beft, he fhould bea general lover of Women, (or if Woman, ‘a delighter inthe Courtthips, and daliance ‘of Men, ) one that loves hisBelly well, ond to take his pleafure, but not fortunate; ‘too fubject to change his ftation, and fuffer fudden Cara. Stroph’s in his affairs. ~ Xl. Verusin Aquaris, perfonatesa handfome decent tompofed Body, reafonable corpulent, a clear Com Plexion, anda brown Hair generally, fometimes ( bur furely ) of a flaxen colour ; but for quality and difpoGi ey exceeding good and commendable; a very affable Courteous Perfon, inclinable to few, orno vitious AGI. ygote that loves civil Recreation , a peaceable quiet Rerfon, obliging toll, reafonable fortuaace in hist its, fl welletpeied by his Friends, and acquaintance in XIL Fons in Pifées, perfonates a middle Qarur'd Bo. 4), ofa moderate ei \Complexions between pale and Pldy, a round Face, a brown Hait, (femetimes fa Dimple in the Chin, a flethy Perfons for *,8 good humour'd Creature, juftin his ACions, 60 Se | Very mild and peaceable; ingenious, but fomewhat mj table in his refolutions, yet moderately fortunate ins ‘World. Cleon Afivsegie Elimata, SECT VI Of Mercury in the twelve Signs. 1. Mercury in Aries, gives a Body of a mean ftatur fpare and thin, an Oval Face, a light brown Hair, a fobje€t to curling; no clear Complexion’d Perfon »'ve ill conditioned in the general , and too much addicted debate, lying, ftealing, and fuch like unworthy «x! difhoncurable Adtions, Il. Mercury in Taurus , gives a Perfon_ neither tl nor very thortof lature, but a well fer corpulent Bo ‘ofa fwarthy Sux-burn'd’ Complexion, a fed browa Hey hort and thick 5 for conditions, a very floathful idle Ps fon, one thatloveshis eafe , and his Belly well , and] take pleafore amongét Women and otherwife tokis on} detriment and misfortune, IIL. Afercuryin Gemini, gives a reafonable tall Perfo fan upright ftrait Body, every way well compofed, J brown Hait, and a moderate good Complexion ; foré!| pofition, a very ingenious pregnant Perfon, a ge] Oratour,end fometimes becomes a very cunning Lavy ora Perfon dealing in Books, ec. In thort, AHercw? Gemini, gives a Perfon that well underftands his own i tereft, and is rarely overcome by the moft fubtilelt Pa} tieian, nor deluded by the moft craftieft Knave that may have occafion to encounter withal;, but genes ‘out wits the moft cunning Sophifters, efpecially if 4] rybeno way afflicted. IV. Afercury in Cancer, perfonates a low, ot fature of Body, ofan ill Complexion, fad Hair, Face, fometimesa fharp Nofe, and little Eyes 5 andi aie ath} The Key to Aftrology new Filed, 61 Gilpotition, a meer diffembler, a fottith Kind of Pot.Com- ation, light-finger’d, cc, in fhort, anill natura Pen, Br, uslels the Moon’ and Fupiter be in good Atpectto see yin L Mercy io Leo, gives a Perfon of a pretty f faute of Body, but noclear Complexion, ther twee thy or Susburn'd, ofa light brown Hair, a round Face, ‘afullEye, and abroad, or high Nofe; for difpotition, hafty cholerick proud ‘conceited Perfon, ambitious of | fosous, aboafter, and too often fubject to contention, Vi. “Afercwryin Vigo, difcribes a tlle : ortioned Perfon, of a dark brown ( orblacebar yet Jo clear Complexion, rather obfeure, along Vifage nd an aufteer Afpeet; for difpofition, and qualities of ¢ mind, + moft ingenious Perfon, of a profound wit rnarable fearching Fancy, (a fit Perfon to make a Prin. Sectetary,) capable of attaining divers Languages, fides other rare accomplithments and this in feme Jotable degree, provided Aftrcury be frec from affliction; but here underftand, shat every Ferfom thas has Mercury, ir fgnificaor [o pofited, muft noe expeltfuch qualification, capactyof Birth, Parems, and Education, mu alfo be veel, by every udiion ‘Aci inabeinFadcemer.] vit. Hoc in Libra, defcribes a decent compofed ifs ster ell thn tert alight brews footy > aruddy, of fanguine Complex sable corpulents for ifotiion secre jit poder feces & avery juft and vertu é a lover and promoter of Learaing. Wfhor, aBerfonmot happily qualified, with bors Fe 'aland acquired partsand embellitiments. gull Mercy in Searriy gives a Perfon of a me Pong Well fet, Lroad Shoulders, a fwarthy Come Biowony fad brovin Hair, filed, or curling, node mpoted Bays the conditions faveero beboen wit Bale Peron is very fubsile, a lover ofthe Female x eto Company Keeping, and AGS ef Goodsiel fowthip, é Clazvis Afirologie Elimata, r The Key to Aftrolopy new Filed, 63 lowhhip, (a5 we uftially term it,) yet ingeniow>| ftudious, for the promotion of his own intereft, IX. Mercury in Sagitarins, Perfonates a tall Bato awell thap’é Body, not corpulent, but rather big bc. and fpare, or a moderate quantity of flefh, an Oval f, browa Hair, a ruddy Complexion, and a large Not for qualities and conditions, palfionate, but foon ce! too rath in his Actions, ( which many times occafc his own detriment ) but moderately good conditione the general, and delights in Noble things, yet rarely tains his ends. X. Mercury in Capricorn, fignifies a Perfon of mee ftature, a thin Face, a brown Hair, and a duskith muci Complexion, fometimes Bow-leg’d, ot fome dela thofe Members ; and for difpofition,a peevith difcont, ted Perfon, unfortunate ( without other tettimonies«: cur 5) and in fine, an impotent dejected Perfon. XI. Mercury in Acnarins, denotes a Perfon of anit different ftature of Body, reafonable corpulent and fi agood clear Complexion, a brown Hair, a full Fax for difpofition, an ingenious obliging Perfon , inclina tothe fiudy of Arts and Sciences, of a pregnant wit, apt to find out many curious Inventions, IIL, The Azoon in Gemini, perfonates a wetl compofed XID. Mercury Pifees, gives a Perfon of alow fat Body, and tall, a fad brows Hair, a moderave good abrown Hair, a thin Face, ofa pale, or fckly Comple] Conplevion, nertanguine, nor pale, bux Levees ol on, generally very hairy upon the Body, for diff the Members well proportioned, ait the Body ver p on, a repining froppith Perfon , yet alover of Wow fright and comly ; but the qualities and difpotition noc and addicted to Drinking ; and ‘confequently thee'fcmmendable, bot rather offenfive ; an ingeniouis f! eft Enemy to himfelf, le Perfon, notably crafty , yer generally unfortunate , wolets other teftimonies sffit, IV. The Azoon in Caveer, reprefentsa middle Ratit’d ‘fon, well proportioned, and flelhy, a round full Face, Hair, 2 pate dustsith Complexion ; ford: ‘it fignifies afevable Perfon, jocular, and plea- > ofken addicted in Good fellowiiup, very harmle's, ang SECT. VIL YF the cxris difpoftions, and diferiprions of Perfons, the On ijl gst, being pofited in. any ofthe twelve Signs of the Zodiack, J. The Aton in Aries, difcribesa Perfon ofan indiffe- igo Racure of Body, a round Face, light brown, or flaxen. ir, reafonable corpulent, or flefhy, and a moderate sod Complexion ; for difpofition, a mutable Perfon 5 and paflionate, ambitious of honour, an afpiring Fan- y, but rarely fortunate, or ( at lealt) continues not pog in fuch a condition. IL The Afoon in Taurus , gives a well compagted Bo- f, ofa middle flature, ¢ rather inclinable to brevity ) corpulent rong Body, of no clear Compleétion, a fad jown, or black Hair; but a Perfon ofa gentle difpofiti- and obliging temper, a fober carriage and deport- ent, juftin allhis Aétions , and confequently gains re. ject from all (or moft) Perfons he converfes withal : alfo moft eafily attains preferment in the World, itableto his degree and quality of Birth. Elimata, ‘mind ) throughout the twelve Signs, whichby any genious pregnant Artift may moft cally be effected, - = CHAP. VIIMt Of the Difesfes the Planets naturally lgnife, be pofited in any of the twelve Signs of the Zedixc, SECT. 1 Of the Djeafes of Saturn, Saturn in general is Significarr ofthe Tooth-ach, Lip fie, Rhumesy Confunsptions, Black, Panndier, Palfe,Tra ‘bling, Vain fears, Goutsof all farts, Elemrorrboides, Frafin| Diflocrions, Ruptnres, Desfnefs, pains inthe Bones, (il afi, Chin-congh, painsin the Bladder, Atadnefs, and long and tedious Difeafes,that proceed from Atelam be'y Fs ‘or Grief, alfo corruption of Blood from the fame cusfe,andfe Setfalnefss, therefore if Saturn be Lerd of the “end pofted. 1, JN Aries, he fignifies Difillations of Rhume, me choly Vapours in the Head, cold there, obttu ons , or ftoppage in the Stomach , pains in the Tee Deatiefs, or noife in the Ears, Tn Taras, he fignifies fwellings about the Nei and Throat, the Kings-Evil, fometimes the Scurvy , ¢ ten hoarfaefs, with a melancholy dulnefs, and indilps| on of the whole Body; and all tedious Diftempers, i ent to theNeck and. Throat. fA ML. Tn Gemini, he fignifies pains , or any infimii that areiucident to the Arms, and Shouldes , alio Me ct [with Melancholy, {ith HON ers inthe Cecree The Key to Allrolagy new Filed, 6 4 choly, Confumptions, or Black Jaundies, and divers other { Diteafes, proceeding’ from the Blood. : + IV. In Cancer, Saturn being Significator, detotes Piilicks,and ulceration ofthe Lungs, Colds, and Coughs, |Purrfadtion, Obftrudtions, and bruifes in the Breaftor comachs Agues Scutvey's, Cancers, and fuchelike {Ditempers. V, in Leo, The Heart is afflicted with fome violent srief, of Poyfons a decay, or Confumprion in the Reins, ‘snd inward parts; ill and noyfome Vapours opprefs the {Heart;, pains, or weaknefs in the Back, 1 Vie InFirge, ftoppage of the Urine, Obftrudions ia ‘the Bowels , Bound in the Body » a weaknefs in the Thighs, aud extream parts; the Perfon is alfo aflicted and Griping in the Guts, fometimes ithe Stone, Vil. In £ibra, the Blood is corrupted, the Back dnd Kidneys are diftempered, the Strangury fufpeéted , the Hoty 4s Confumptive pains in the Knees and Thighs, fometimes the Sciatica, or Gout, VIL. In Scorpio, thews fwellings, or other Diftem: parts, Melancholy, the Piles, the Pal. fc, fome obftructions of the Nerves , the Gout ia the ‘Legs,and Feet. “ops la Sasitarius, weaknefs in the Hyps, and Thighs, (Sciatica, old Aches, and brusfes inthote parts, foie? times fighifies the Gout, X, lo Capricorn, he fignifes the Gout in the lower parts ‘she Body, occalioned from cold, snd melancholy 5 alo Yin in the Head, and obitruétions thercin 5 forsetimed sn gue, or a Diftemper equivolenet, In Aquarius, Saturn fignifies Dittempers in the Nest, and Teeth, ‘and defetlsin the Ears, favs mah Jet uifes, or fwellings in the Leggs, and forictimes fore Throat Lallly ix Piftse, Saturn Ggoifies defluQions of Fe Rhutiéy 68 Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, i Rhume, the Kings-Evil, or a Confumprion all Difca| pers ofthe Feet and Toes, as the Gout therein, or fy other Maladies, occafioned by cold, taken ‘in thi Members. SECT. Of the Difeafesef Jupiter. Ik jupiter in general, /ignifies all Iufirmities of the Liv Veins, Inflamations of the Lungs, Plurifes, Impolbane abous the Breaft,and Ribs, Sqwinxies, Catarrhs, windn) and corruption inthe Bleod ; Swrfeits » Scurvy, and la frruttions, both of Liver, and Stomach. New sf opi ‘Lord ofthe fixth Hloufesor pojitedsherein, in any Figures Decumbiewre, | | I. Inthe Sign Aries, bre ignifies the Diftémper ls the Head, fometimes an Impofthume there, a Squini] or fwelling in the Throat ; the Difeafe arifes chiely fs ill Blood in the Veins of the Head, which difturbs the?} tients reft, and produces ftrange Dreams and imag tions. . Il, In Tawras, the Diftemper lies in the Throat, fe haps fime {welling there, Wind offends the Blood, (i firudlions, or griping inthe Bowels ; a Goutith hune] afili€ts the Arms, and Hands. | IIL. In Gemini, ¢ being an Aicry Sign) you may § fpeét a Plurifie upon very good grounds, and fome D flemper of the Reins; fweating, or breathing, a Veiy in this cafe very proper. : TV, In Cancer, gives great fufpition of a Dropf, Stomach is ofended , and therefore a bad Appecte lows a waterith humour corrupts the Blood , ard f duvet femetimes the Surey i aptly deneres @ su allo. v4 AFeavour, pains, or fiwellings Asjacent. f In Capricorn, the Patients Blood is afllifted wi he the Blood, XI. In Aquarius, the Blood abounds, whence the ha fours are corrupted, and many Difeafes, and punning its Rid the Body” : cc... The Key to Afrolagy new File 65 V. [n Leo, the Patient is invaded with a Feavour y \¢ Blood is over-heated,a Baftard Plurifie may well be aed, the Heart is ill affected, now bleeding, and weating may not be vnfeafonable, Vi. TaFirgo, he fignifies Confumptions, Obftrudi- s, of the Lungs, the Blood corrupted with Melancho- 4 acold, and dry Liver; the Patient is much afflicted the Bowels, too fobje€t toa Flux: and inthe Female. portends Fits of the Mother, or foe Ditfcafe cqni- lent. VIL, In Libra, the Patient hath too much Blood , hence arifes Obltruetions and corrupt humours , alfo irafes occafioned from thence, as Feavours, and Sur- ts, fometimes the Piles, and Tumours, near the {e- et parts, with Inflamations in other parts’ of the Body Jeeding in this cale is very proper. VILL. In Scorpio, the Serangury, the Piles, fome Die emper occafioned by cold, taken in the Feet ; the Blood offended with waterifh humours, whence the Dropfie ay be much feared, IX. In Sagitarins, fome choterick Diftemper arifing Jom Putrefaction of the Blood snd in all probability, the Knees, or parts lancholy, whence arifes divers pains in the Bod id fometimes fome foppage, or Obttcuctions int roat; ia this cafelet fome means be ufed co clean fe Xi In Pifees, the Blood is too thin, and waterith, hence fometimes proceeds a Dropii her Difhen ee aDrople, or other Ditle-n Fs Clavis Ajirolgie Elimara, SECT. Of the Difeafes of Mars, UL Mars generally fenifis, Difeafes ccafioned by crrpi of Blood, shrough Cheler, as the Peftilence, Burnivg Fu cow's, Tertian, and Quotidian Agnes, Megrim s Ca buucles and Plague fores, Burvings, Sealdingey’ Ri worms, Blifters Frenzy, Tallow Jaundies, Blaty fi Fiftalds , Shingles , Calencurs , St. Anbonies Fire, al Difeafes of the Inftramenes of Geweration , the Stone ini Reins, and Bladder, Small Pox, and Meacles, all Dit Sesof Choler, and bares by Iron,’ Anger, and Paffon,, Dy ike banger, Diabess, cc. If Aars be Significator of the Difeate, and pofited 1. In Aries, he Ggnifies the Paticatis almoft diftrac and muict tormented with violent pain in the Head, e¢ Gafioned through fome hot and dry Diftemper of tk Brain, Rhumes in the Eyes, Impofthumes in the Hex, ‘want of ret, and fometimes the Patient in this cafcist liked with violent pains, and gripings in the Bowels.. Hl, In Tanras, he fignities fome extream pain, of To mour, in the Neck, Throat, or Wind-pipe, fometins breakings out there, or the Kings Evil futpeéted, a weak nefs in the Back, or Stone in the Reins. ML. In Gemini , Adars fignifies the Blood is corrupts, and over-heated ,” and frequently produces the Itch, st! breakings our in moft parts of the Body, fometimes: Surfeit, or Peftlential Feavour, alfo pains in the Aims, and Shoulders, and Diftempers in the fecret paris 5 & the Strangury, and fuch like, IV, In Cancer, he figniies violent painsin the Br and Stomach, occafioned by cholerick tharp humo, ‘led, or gathered there, whence the Patient is thi The Keyt0 Affroligy new Filed, Teafon of the heat thercof; and many times «fficted Bas dry Cough alfo fome cholerick Tumour in the Thighs, becaule Abars in Cancer goveras the Breaft, and Thighs, as appears bythe Table, poge So. $V. Io Leo, Atarsfignifies ollction at the Heart, the dy abounds with cholerick humours; and therefore violent Feavour may be ex petted, ortheStone in the idneys, and pain in the Knees the Patient in this cafe very paffionate, and reftlefs, VI In Firgo, he thews cholerick humours, and Ob- wdtions in the Bowels, and the Body much bound x fometimes the Patient in this cafe is affigied with the tolick, and fometimes witk the Bloody-flux, and not properly the Worms in Children , befides” agars in irgey oth afflict the Legs, by fome violent humour, Which falls weo chofe Members, Vb. In Libra, he affi€s the Reins,and Kidneys , ihe: by Stone, or Gravel lodged in thofe parts, and com quently pains in the Bladder, the Usine is hor; the ench-pox, or Gonorrhea, in this cafe, may welt be it~ ied, Vill. In Scorpio, he fignifies great fulpition of forme Venerial Dittemsper , or fome great pain, or Uleer in cre: parts, fomerimes the Stone, or he Dec fe, § fos, Surfer, pains in the Head, Rheums io ¢ 4B Women, an cverflowing of their Monthly C her detriment from Venerial Ads, NG In Sagizaring, Mars fignifies many times a S.\- ©, or fome pain, or Ulcer in the Hyps and This, pss Geding from chelerick humours, lodged, or fer Lt in we parts, fometimes an extream heat or diye’ v1 Ie Mouth, or Throat bec a th Taurus and Sagitarius , as is exprelfid iv + Tw ie after this Chapter, whercin may be feewthu every Mlarce Hitt bis ies, o governs the Head, beins po ited in he. Fe X. Js 7 Clavis Aftroligie Elimata, X, In Capricorn, egos lamene® in the Koc, | iWin Gaver, the Swn therein prodacea de Meazles, Army or Hands or violent pains in thofe Mente] 8, Smalnpox , 4 difodered Storch g hen Voice, ‘ccafioned from cholerick humours, fometimes the Ruz |B, fomesmes'a Drophe, or fwelling in the Feet. ning Gout. a V. In Lee, he igafes violent pains in the Head, even XL. In Aquarius, the Blood is putrifed , or overes:| 4, Madnefs, and Raging ; the Scone in the Reins, pains 5, pains or fwelings Jn the Leggs «Pluie, or Fe] Bite Back fometimes the Plaguy or Spore Feavour, our, and fometimesaSurfeit. Wounding, and Fainting. fs, —LUrUmrDrrr™~—~—CU, T—r—“aO—s—C=sCOCCOCSCOWCisCSCsSNOCisizCitC Proceeding from corrupt humours, feted ot falendon} boyd, the Bloody-flx may befeared, Obie eae aes into thofe Members and fometimes Adarsin PifeesSig, ‘The Key of Altrology new Filed, B rsin Pr Stomach, a fore Throat, or welling in or about the ficaror of a Diftemper, thews the Heart is afflicted, int eck, the Patient fobje€t to fainting.fits, moft frequentinis| * Vit, In Libra, inflamation, and corruption of Blood, Female-fex, ith violent pains in the Arms, and Shoulders, flight Fea. ours, Stone, or Gravelin the Reins, fometimesthe Di. mper is Venerial; (but very rarely’) Choler too uchabounds, and thereby diforders the whole Body. VII, In Scorpio » he fignifies Dittempers in the Sevget is, tharpnefs of Urine, fometimes a Clap, great Ob: udlions at the Stomach and in Women, their Courfes emuch abound, or overflow. gli: In Segivarins, the Thighs are affiGed by fome ‘and Cholerick humour, fometimes a Fiftula near the ip, @ Feavour, the Heart ismuch oppreffed, and the tien fabject to Swounding, X, In Capricorn, he only figniies weaknety, or lame Hs, inor about the Knees the Bowels are cifordered pain therein, and the Patient feldome efeapes, upon potion, without a Feavour, 1 In Aquarius, the Blood is inflamed, and ‘tis geif the Paticat fuffer not breakings outiahis (or 2 Leggs the Reins are difordered,and wafting» and wp fites afflicted with Gravel, of the Stone. and ericquently a difficulty follows to make Water, sect Piles, not much different from the formers Secret parts are much affliGted with violent pain, Phan ¢Stangury, or Difury much torments the SECT. SECT. Iv. Of the Difeafes appropriated to the Sun. Thofe thee are attributed tothe Sun in general, ae al Di Jesfes of the’Heart, and Such as proceed from ved Chie, Pimples, or Burles in the Facey all kind of breakingse weakgie/s in the Eyes, Swoundings, Burning Feavours, &. Now if the Sun be Significator of the Difeafe, and pofite. 1. In Aries, itportends fore Eyes; pain, or fwellgi the Hyps, the Megrim , the Patient isdifturbed nbs Head, and takesnoreft; a Feavour may be fufpedich cor fome other hot Diftemper, proceeding from Chole. Mi In Zawras, the Sun fhews foe Cholerick Tune in the Knees; a Quinfey, or fore Throat, mayin thi cafe be feared, probably breakings out , Kernels, & fw llingsin that pass of the Body, MIL. In Gemini, be inflames the Blood, and thes: Pefileacial Feavouts, or breakings out in feveral pats! the Body , fometimes the Scury, with pains, or weakot in che Leggs,occafioned by cormipted Blood, a Py Pee Of the Difeafes attributed to Mercury. Mercury in general is the proper Significatr of Catan Miack. paffon, Stammering, Lifping, Hoarfnefi, Co Snmfling in the Nofe, Imperfection sm the Tongue, and Difeafesof the Brain, as Vertiges, Appoplenies, Maj “alfa thofe ofthe Lungs, as Aftha. Praficks 5 adn fi, Difeafes thar belong tothe Brain, Tongue, and Afenon, Now if Mercury be Significator of the Difeate, w pofited. I. In Aries, he thews the Diftemper lies in the He and Brain, the Patient is fubject toa Vertigo, ot Wi4 inthe Head, fometimes Diftempers of the Womb , ¢ Vapours arifing thence; if Mars afflict Merci, i Diftemperis fo much the worfe, and it often caules! Patient to be Lightheaded, and fometimes almot firadied, ifa fpeedy Remedy be not procured, Il. In Taurus, he fignifies defects in the Th foppage, hoarfels,or wheefing therein ; fometimesh fwellings in the Neck, with pain therein, as alfoin Feet, arifing from cold taken in thofe Members, wi may produce Lamenels, ec- Til, In Gemini, Aercury fignifies fometimes pais, the Gout, a windinefs in the Blood 5 the Head, andi are much affigted. TV. In Cancer, he fignifies a diftempered cold § mach, the Patient is tormented with gripings ther ceding from Wind, and Gold, fometimes the Fit ‘upon this pofition has a Cough, or Diftllation of Rte alfo Lamenefs in the Legs, proceeding from a cold V. In Leo, he thews Tremblings, or fome, mest ly Diftemoper at Heart, and violent pains in the Bs The Key to Aftrology new Filed, 77 , occalioned by an extream Cold taken in th V1. In Farge, he fignifies much Wind = the Bevel, ftrvdtions,pains in the Heead,a fhort Breath, and fome: sthe Wind-Cholick, always pains in the Bell ing rom ome co cafe ula le In Libra, Mercury thews i iacios, the Bloods much difordered ae peRins the Brea, and Luagsflited, Pilegm roo VIII, In Scorpio, he fhews pains, or fome Dit Secret parts, fometimesnafliction ofthe Bowel na cldcaute_asalfo running pans inthe Arms, and lider des becalle Areiy in” Scope governs Frge X. Ia Sagitarins, Diftempersi i », Diftempersin the Rein: heBacky Roppage atStomach, Coughs? ee pans a frellingsin the Thigh, or Hyps, In Capricorn , Afercury fometimes fignifcs ftop- sti aly of Gey mumoursio,os about the Heartisalfo afficted from fom af, punsin the Bak proceeding fom Cold, In Aguarins,he thews Wind in the Blood, with run- pees a many pats ofthe Body, Fluxes, and Wind Schad of Difempers in the’ Bowels. : . I Pies, he thews pains in the Head, with i A ies ews cad, with weak. be Veos may be fupetieds het & Diemer SECT. Vin Of the Dif-aes finified by the Moon. he i 7 eas generaly fignfics the Cholick, Belly ach, Drop- open, Taam tt Women al eld Rhcwmatick (ies, Rheum inthe Eyes, Worms, vate Cont tims, Balling-fickefi, Kings Evil, Impotluores Smeal: The Key to Aftrolegy new Filed, KX. In Sagitarins, the fignifics in particular, aefs,or weakne(s in the Thighs, the Wind-Cholick, fempers in the Bowels, cc. but in all cafes, confider at Afpe€t the Afoor isin with any other Planet, and tdingly moderate your Judgement, . In Capricorn, ifthe Moon be pofited thercia, and iicatrix of the Diftemper, fhe fignifies the Stone in Reins, (or pain there, ) the Gout in the Knees, a k Back; and the Whites in Women, proceeding, fome melancholy caufe, or great difcontent, In Aquarius , the Signifies Fits of the Mother, lings, or painsin the Legs, and Secret parts, ‘Diabets, eold waterifh humours hath infe¢ted the Blood. IL In Pifees, Ghethews cold taken in the Feet, and Body much difordered thereby, (welling in the Leges Thighs, Dropfies ; and in Gne, the Body doth too habound with moift humours, Claxis Affrologie Elimata, Smal pox, Meafles, Led humours,’ and Phlegmes 4 cod al Dian Ifthe happen to be Siguificator of the Dittempe, pofited. : 1. In Aries, the fignifies Couvulions, the Ful ficknefs, Defluxions of Rheum from he Hlead, Le gy, adecdt, or weaknefs in the Eyes, and pain i nes. HL. In Zaurus the Moon gives pains in the Ley, Feet, with fwellings, toppage, or forenels in the Tm from fome cold caufe. A UL. In Gemini, the thews the Dittemper to be “Running gout in the Leggs, Arms, Hands , and f fometimes a Surfeit, or great Obltruétions aff Patient. TV. In Cancer, the Stomach is much affied, f times aSurfeit, of Small-pox may be feared; it al nifies Convolfions , Falling:ficknefs , Timpan, Dropf, V. In Leo, the Heartis affi€ted, alfo a fore Th Quinfie, or Kings-Evil, may very much be fufpi upon fuch a pofition. VI. In Firgo, the toon fignifies great pain, ani orders in the Bowels, proceeding from melancholy B: fettled, Obftruétions, and weaknets in the Arms, Shoulders. ‘VII. In Libra, theReins are diftempered, Obft ous at Stomach, weaknels inthe Back : the Whi ‘Women, fometimes a Surfeit, in this cafe, afl te tive, or a Pleurifie VIII. In Scorpio, the fignifies Diftempers inthe crets , the Small-pox, Poyfon, the Dropfic, the Fi is affited , fometimes Swounding , all which is = more aggravated if the Afoon be in any bad Aft Mars; this ought to be well confidered by the" and induftrious Artift, % refellows a Table, Joewing what Members of the Boo ry Planet governs, being pojited in any of the twelve ufthe ZodiacK, wleful in he Pudgement of Difeales. oof Ll, The wf of this Table. Suppofe a Perfon fellfck ata certain time, when Mer his Significator wasin Leo; then L enter this Table with Mars at top, and I fearch the Sign Leo in the ft Colluma to the Left-hand ; againft ‘which in the com mon Angle I find Leo and Capricorn 5 this tells me the Patiencis much affigted at his Heart, with pains inthe Backalfo weakne's in the Knees,8x the extream part of the Body 5 in thort,thofe parts of the Body areaffide! jnone kind or other that are reprefented by thefe Sigrs that fallunder the Planet in the Table, as alfo that Sig the Planet is pofited in; underftand the famein these this will be eafily underftood by an induftrious Scrvt:t4 inthis Art, The Foundation of this Table is grounded ‘upon this Rule, polited inhis own Houfe, that every Planet governs the Heat inthe fecoud Signto hiset* ‘Hows The Key to Affrology new Filed, 83 Hoofe, the Neck”and Throat; mm the third Sign thence the Arms and Shouldevss which is vers op ssl ‘cxpreffed in the Table it felf, and needs no farther ilftation, ‘Aad thus Uhave fuewed what Difesfes are fignifiedby she fe Banta thy me aed roth fee ignrs and for your better inpiruttion in nding one che m twrc of « Difeafe froms the Figure of the Pfc e ee see farter el hreepaiears, i if con der in your Figure, ee fixth, feventh, and evelftb Henfes (which principally fignife Difeafes) ae alfeth (ween) ere erhe Piede) ae alte ends secondly confide alfo the nature of the Signs upon Corts for Fry Signs fife Dialer preceding from Choler, Earthy Signs fhew the Difeafe arifis frem edncy, ig Signi dimanfraes the, Difese ecare frm Wind and corapion of Bled; Laity, Watry Sens doa cb ‘Difeafes shat proceed from Salt, and warry Thirdly ebferve the nature of the Planets themftlocs, as fede Planes with wm ‘a ae in Ape hp eat Aes sty bt ferialy mind thi evra! Sigtifieai- mata Caniceratons, whic being jist mi mite diene oe ‘offending, and con{equently G CHAP, (Pe ee, 32 Chavis dftrohgie Elimata, CHAP. VHL Of the Herbs and Plants that are appropriated n the Government of the feven Planets, I. 1O Saturn's Government is affigned, Fomitery, "T Skepheards-purte, Night ttade, Poppy, Nag drake, Henbane, Hellebore, both white and black, Beas foot, Hemlock, Burdock, Fern, Night-fhade Mof, Ange. lica, Parfaip, Vervine, Clowns Wound-wort, Comfrey, Plantain, Yarrow, Tamarisk, Polipody, Bects, Bark, Stinking Gladon, Black-Thorn, Melancholy-Thifle, IL. To Pupiter isattributed, Bettony, Centory, Mao ram, Violets, Borage, Buglofs, the Gilly-flower Mic, Lung wort, Wheat, Pyony, Self heal, Liquorith, Wall ‘wort, the Dazie, Fumitory, Elecompane, Colts-fost, Ciakfoil, Dandelion, Endive, Stccory, Blood-wor, Hy. fop, Liver-wort, Sage, Scurvy-grafs, Billsberries , Bar Berries, Mulberries, Cherries. Il. To Adar, all manner of Thiftles, Onions, Leeks, and Garlick, the Nettle, Muttard-feed, Pepper, sod Ginger, Carduus Benedi€tus, Worm wood, Brook-line, Madder, Hops, Broom, the Bramble, Radith, Cros foot, Haw-Thorn, Fursbuth, Rheubarb, Horfe-radi, Spear-wort, Danc-wort, Birth-wort, Colloquintida. 1V. To ‘Sel, Saffron, the Mary gold, Rofemary, Ce andine, Eye-bright, Angelica, St. Jebn’s-wore Bugle Cloves’and Mace, Nntmegs, Wood.forrel , Borsgs Bawm, Camomile, Century, Butter bur, Pimpernel, Ret fons, Ivy, Lavender. 'V, To Fenusis attributed, Cowllips, Dazics, Feather few, Burdock, Maidenhair, Penayeroyal, Mallows, Chick weed, Elder, Spinage, 'Melilot, Dafiaci, Lill of all forts, Groundfel, Mug-wert, Ladies-mantle, Gros woh The Key to Ajtrolegy new Filed, 83 ——— rt Afrelegy nee Filed, wel, Blites, Bugle, Alechoof, Devilsbit, Stiiking Are sch arco, chy, Cocks hed, Stone Parley: a irs, Rofes, Sow. Thiftle, Wil mall Sey ee ls, Wild Tani, Marth maliows, '0 Mercury, Hote-hound, Pellitory of the W Dill Fennel, Smallage, Savory, Hony. Suckles, Cola bine Caroways» Liqiorith, Sweet marjoram, Parley, fanrice, Trefoyle, Carrots, the Hazle-Nut-Tree, Oatte Vil. Tothe Moat, Cole-wort, and Cab: » Cole-wort, and Cabages, Flower. 7 lore, Wate Lillies, Poppies, Crpine, Portus, river, Teaitook Water agrineny,’ Water Plnin Moon, Wort, Moute-ear, Wallflowers, Flue r Graves or Ducks mex, Wateragrmony water, Bee , Willow-Tree, Houte- i Rotes, Sra, both Wc es mets Wate Rover, sto she ime of gathering thefe Herbs, ie fold be the flee that governs the Herb is effentia Ping rile; buev le the Plane be angular, cilerke “4 taint tenth Honfeand in fome good Apettof the Afton nie taken nthe prime, being full of juice, and green, fim fe alt aid thrive moft in, forbear em when they are decaying, or have lof the me fet a th Preset od fer ed ‘eng | ne eee Fein ther peration beg apgled ee CHAP Ix, Of the Elential, and Accidental Dy Planets, &c, 70 be well acquai wel ainted how a Planet is dignit Teena a partof the howe is cma 2 yy ionities of rhe 84 Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, The Key to Aftrology new Filed. iy aecelary for any Stodent im this Arty for without ths Knowledge no partof Affrolagie can be well underttood;| Know therefore that a Planet is fuid to be effentially digs fied when heis pofited in his own Houte, Exaleation, ‘oeTriplicity, Table whereof with tsar planation immediately follows, by which may be Co Teéted the effintial fortitudes, end debilities ofthe Plas in any Figure, aad thereby theie ftrength, or weaknc, js found,and accordingly judge: Farther,therc is agrener probability that what they fignifie may be effected aot Eome to pats when they ( being Significators in ay Scheme) are effentally ftrong, hen when they are wei ‘and much debilitated: the Table follows; which bis but well underftood, comprehends the whole Art, «xt ought to be perfedtly learned by heart, by every Pern that intends to make any Progre(s in this kind d Learning. 1 a cabtts Joi 3 Factory. 237 58 oma fans ht Poh 2} bee Ee ngs tn Fee Boalt ghd & (A ge fie a sod A ‘spd Os get A fle em A BD cuit, HOG CO GRE Me. Be He heed a. fom BETA lhe witht onon so BOY a BAP ok fg er de La dee i BP Ore 3" Signs. SPS Hou The fe of the forme E.Yery Panes hath rwo Signs Forhis Hautes exc epe », they but one a piece 1) hath» and =, 4 { G3 = | q j 86 chet dole Himaras Ya Se ———— The Key to Affrol Filed, Brand x, J, ¥,8 m, 0, Ad, G, Gc. one of thele ey to Affrology new File 87 Houtes is called Diurnalynoted in the fecond Columaby ff ProtPerous condition, not wanting for the Goods of this the Letter D; the other is Nogturnal, noted by the La Life, and comparatively, asa Man in his own Caftle fe- ter N. Inthefe Signs the Planets have: their exaltations fg cure from dangers. . Which the third Coloma points out, as the ona v3 fp. 1X- Buta Planet Debiitated as being in detriment, ot- jn 3, vin 1 three degrees, &ec. fall, and affléted; denotes the Querent to be ina very UL Thefe twelve Signs are divided intogour Triplc. JJ !0¥,and mean condition, much dejected, and difconfo- ties, The fourth Column tells you which Plante, of fle fg Mt e- i nets, both Night and Day govern each Trplichys ff % The o isthe principal Planet of the feven » and is Dietagaint T48,4, youhod OB Fy viz. o goveren fF 2counted King amonglt thereft, and has therefore the by Day in that Triplicity, and 2 by Night. Ozers. [J Sign Aries appropriated to him for his exaltatron, as be- Saint C2, 6 >}, you Hind 2, and D5 vie- that is @ bat 28 the principal point of the whole Zodiack, and the Su- domination by Day, and >by Night, in that Triplciy, fg PEtiovr Plancts have Afligned unto them the other Car- Over againft x, 2, &, you find h,8¢¥, which roleass. ff Sinal points, sto hs f0 %, tod. forelaid, Over agsinht &,a,3° you Sind dy who ag ff Xl- Theexaltationsare taken proportional ro the Plz cording to Prolomy. and Naibed rleth only thet Trip: MS, VEE and power, and therefore the © being the ty, both Day and Night. moft glorious Planet hath Afigned him ‘r, the grand TIL, Ovecagaiat Since 5,6 .2,8,9,Columas,yon ff Point ofthe Zodiack, wherein ‘tis fuppofed he was Crea- Gnd%-6,2 ra which ells your TkcHek edegeces tr ps f being the next = che other EquinoGtial poingand srethctemeoty romero rgpemetermeate ac, BL 2408 Sthecwo Trophicsy and thus arth for Card IV, Overageint-v, inthe 10,34,and-12,Columes, Points difpoled. . fon kod bee Pe tee eR ieecticetalt J _ Xl Asthe three Superiours have the theee Cardinal Boihchacect a; hom roresethe Faccofeer hom. P2825 9,and » alloted them for exilation, and the " iy Othe principal point, $0 the Infesione Plats have ‘V. In the 33 Column, over againft "you find 9 deti- igned to them thofe Signs_next following, or adjacent smeniy of © being in is in Sign oppotite to one tothe Cardinal and Aquigodial points, a5 0, ¥,t0 2, her Houtes, and fois faid to be in her detriment. Heath kothe ds. Something as to the realon of their Vi. Inthe 14Columnjover again + you find a, out fp Mesias before hinted inthe fourch Chapter. his Head, Fall, that is b ‘when he isin* oppofisete his exaltation, and fo is infortunate, &. VII. A Planet dignified as abovefaid, is AS to bein his Effential Dignities;Accidental Dignisies are, when Ps nets are cafually in an Angle, or fuccedent Houle, ict free froma combultion. VIII. A Planet in his Houfe, or exaltation, being Sit- ifcator of any Parfon, denotes him to be ina happy 2% : ‘The Key to Aftrology new Filed. ot ATable of crttain Countries and Cites under the foven Planets, and twelve Signs. ais az and ) |S 30 Clavie Aftrologie Elimata, IV. ATable of the Friends, Enemies, and Colours of thy Flames (Planets. IFriends. [Enemies 1Gol Sardine ‘Serr Sapir e Meri oe fate Barge Desh Befernia Shee colour, Blew. | Various acco ding to the) ‘Sign be iin A sce Colom ‘Luna, |%,0,2,8. fuer ported with | Whiee, Naples Capua Genoa Acoma Lcd? Pil Ferrari Mites By this Tablet appears, that a2, D, are Friendsto ff | Florence Wincentia abut 3,8 Y,Enemies,underftand the fame of the reft: Bur fF |/erema Berne dobferve alfo that Friends by reafon of agreementin Nature, Quality, Subftance, and Power, are ¢ and @, 2 and?, Gand D. Enemicsby & of Houfes, are h and the o, and the D, % and ¥, é and 9, Enemies by ‘exaltation are, hand ©, % and, ¥ and. CS SES 2 Claris Aftvologia Elimate, The Key to Ajirolegy new Filed, Dando [and fy = [wand eatinp ei [Woray i saacedong | Togara AGreece, Creen Aiftia Bavarta vper| Dalmaria | llria The Alps [Chara Livonia | Aetagony | Selevonia \Thracia tealy \Covintiay —[Sabandia — |Comarena Hungary | Bofina legac. sia [Archean \Delphinaes |Cappade Aforavis | Albavia — Valachia le eden Bafiriza — \Idumea ‘Mifnia — |Bulgaris | Atafeovia |Z. oar Pn Sres Mantas | Cehica Greece part. Swedelandss4 Tarky part. ia, \Cappia |B [throng | ataovis Emilia E vie | arta ab fatrawia Pretphalia Sabina ! fp (tsp. He -|Saxcony Mofel Lydia Phenicia — ~ Galli 4 OF Cities. | GF Eities |Eafia — —[Pibynt. | Pompbilin Chane ¥ erdgevia ios Toledo Thuringia |Baveria part\ £gypr the, | Seaiicte URbene part | OF Cities. alentiavn’ Foeras | Marcha |eAtbiopia |sighor ‘Of Cities. + Silefia lower |b Maina |Stéria |Oxiana Of Cities. Damafewg |, OF Cities. Narpone . |Orchades 8? \Sogdiana | Alexendria Spracufe. |Hierafalem Action. \India ‘Biedia «| Hifpalis Rome ‘Corinth " {Colonia Ariana Arabia GBkett!Compoftela Ravenna ‘Rhodes ; | gecreee cate fanaa Cremona Papi pgard Of Cities. | OF Cities. |Rhems Confuente Sigria lEriburge Reterbarg Oxford | FLaimbarengh |Werms VPrtene \Brunduflin \Argentine. | F Lnienbrg |atehlin \Breme |e VAretinm — [SPIEFE ge Buda Paliacwms — | Mountferate \7 "Novaria ford | | eee Pees (Papen Tholo| jmcotem, poe |Gas Trent oe pai | alam xfuede A'chfiade | lise Tiina. |Salizburgh maa Adenacant Brandenburg | ingolftade. ele tremne 4a eeilbrms iis Stan rifaes spon@der. \Cenfance f schism. |Derthona [pabien Lente i Meavemia Wienra in Pus | «| Antwerpe 7 z The Key to Afrélogy new Filed, 95 Clits Afrelegie Elimats, V. Tranfition ofa Planet isthus, when a light Planet {eparates froma ponderous Planet, and immediately ap~ CHAP, x pliesto another fuperiour Planet; then this is (aid to be ‘a Tranflation of light and nature, as 3a light Planet be. it Z| ing in 15 ¢. 1 and h in 12d, and x in 20d. of the fame OF the Ten are a ont to 7 via Sign here feparate (rom the Body of and applies to food by every Student in this Art, ted of x and fo Tranftes the light and nature of 1 A Ppliatio of Planets areconfidered three wayshe "Masonic on thus, when one Planet is apply. AA Bit of Planes a wife in motion applies 104 ingte thee oraipeclek anger, and bore ah Ply fered apples echel Sees edad 020d Ie ete Nn Prey come Rese applies to ao of & they being both dire inmo. former, and fo prohibits; fo in 12d. and ¥ in 8d, tion, and is called a direét application. Secondly, when and ins d. of that Sign, here % isgoingtoa tof fy they areboth Retrograde a8 Vin 154. 3rand $n 143, eo being a lighter Planet, and fwifter ia motion; bere ¥ being the lighter Planet meets with the Body ot dBi ncets with the of of f firft, and fo prohibits 2, by Retrogradation thisis an illapplication. Thicly VIL. Fruftration isto be underftood thus, when a light when one Planet i dre motion, and theatber Reto” Hone appre the Alpeteh ee ponder, grade, asfuppole & Retrograde in 154, of x andy Bren ies cometo that Afpect, the ponderous Pla? Siig jin 22 degrees of the Tame Sign; here Y being 2s belorheis the Body or Afpeét of fome other, as Hight Planet applies to the ¢ of faby his Retrograde moe Witipnote were in as degtecs of and x in 14.d.0f, The ennat "9 Feed spplcations buc yet not fobal ss alas int5 cee applies toa o of ¥, butbe. the fecond. By which you may obferve, afuperiour Piz. free comiestoit, % meets witha k of h ft, and fo net (a8 of) cannot apply'to an inferour mere come he GBH) execorhe moves contrary tothe foceivast Vt” 2 nation ie ai ns,"Sce Panct applies to 'eSigns, which is called a Retrograde motion, theBody or Afpect of an other, and before he comes to elves Ste oc re na eine fo mere Hina ated becomes Reais eee backwardsin the Zodiac » Cé.e.) otal intoryioe. Bain aegr fe eecomes Ret F cpplicsrone cred andis noted ia the Ephemeris thus Be in phlrche comesto 14.d. su he becomes Retrograde, and egy citaratonis when two Planetshavelately beeniaW irerainaby has Retrograde motion to meet with a that Alpect org together, and are feparated or going fromit, conn nsn hdireet 83 fuppofe the Oin 10 d.of Vand the Din 15 d. herethe fy" Conbuftion, a Planet is faid to be Combutt when he Dis (eparated from a partile ¢ of o, yet the is fai to be Wisnog4 30m, diftant, either beforc, or aftcr from the inal platick ; becaufe he is fill withinthe moiety of hous ors Sun, and note that that Planet is more af- their Orbss what their Orbs are,is already thewn. pSedby Combortion to whom the Sun applies by his IV, Recepion of Planets are, whenthey arcin each Hioiy. hoon Planet from whomhe isfeparated , as emelizitiss whether Houte, Exakaion Triples, Pupviey peirn ree fam insodad ease ‘GetongerFace, asthe o ins, and the Din" here they 3. arein Reception by Houles 0? Ws Trae Ee 168 Chavis Afirolgia Elinsata, operate thus, fift the old way and ch ee a The Key 80 Afirelegy new Filed. 101 Sig. deg. min. L.From the aforefaid place of the y te 7 7 and 12 Signs added, vis. nie | iil Longitude of the © fubduct 093? — 07. 05. 20, MIL, Flow to Compute she part of Fortune or the Lanar bask The Rule, ‘nd there remains the complement of the a ofthe dance of the Luminaries mung oe 3. To whieh I add the Afcendant of + the Figure mot i, Account thé Signs asthey are number———— cd ia the margent, as from the beginning of —, to thebegianing of &, one whole Sigu|7 ——; froin the beginning of & to the beginning olf x —3 3,2. whole figns, @c. and by this Rule fron] 5 — the beginning of to the beginning of °° wills. —4 be 12 whole Signs, uy —s 12. Subftraé the Sign, degree and iminutc|=: — 6 ‘of the Suns place in your purpofed Scheme, &!n — 7 from the, fign degree, and minute, of the|?— § ‘Moons pisce, by adding 12 Signs, if o|%—~9 cotherwite, ubfraCtion cannot be made. |=—10 3. To the Remainder add the fign, degree,)« —-11 and minute of the Afeendant of your figure,| ——— ‘Coumbring the figs as in the Table) and that fum fo ded fhall be the place of Sars or the part of fortune defied 4. Orif you fubftra€t the Longitude of the Mooa fron the Longitude (or place) of the Sun, in Signs, degret. ‘and minutes, the remainder will be the complement ee thofe figns, degrecs, and minittes, of diftance obtained by Gadde the fecond hereof, to the whole Circle or ewelve Sith Hy, a Ae thefe fubduéted out of the Afcendant Ieavesthe truc pt lll. Whence note, that fo farr as the @is diftant from ‘of the Part of Fortune as before, which willbe amore && age ia fens, degrees, ‘and minutes, fo far di. vious to amean capacity, being exemplified thus, atis the true place of the @ from the point Afc 1. Suppofe the place ofthe Moon in fome perfor shih may ferve os Rule to prover inut ofthe nite were Mori whole igns 1 degrees 54 maul oh and is performed thus 5 having found ou the nd the Suns place ator 7 Highs 5 depres, comiete et te, fea that fom the, Aeendan, ond the Afendant ofthe igure being = or 10 wile Gh putas the Luminaries dance, asin the Ia a irther confirmation of the work todegrecs and 10minutes,by the aforefaid precepts ju orherwife, PVE that if the @ be taken upon a new Moon, it fi H3 falls Thefum is. 0, thatis 19 d. the Sign f. II, Orherwife thus by the fourth precept. Sig. 7. From the placeof the. | fubttra€t the place of the > ~ Clavis Afvologie Elimata, ‘Afcendant, if upon the firft quarter in ty veth houfe, ffat the Fuli Moon in the 7th ; and lat sun the Taft quarter in the tenth houfe, hence afer vaage or New Moon till the fire quarter, yo eafily eftimate where the part of Fortune thou! sh, vizabetween the Afcendantand fourth houfe, fron she’ Sut quarter to the full, between the fourth xi feventh houfes, oe. which needs no farther illus ely. The ule that may be made of itis briefly th, i the G in any Figure be placed in a good houte, org ter of the Heavens, and well beheld by a fortunate Pt ‘or Planets, then the Eftate or Condition of the Natives werent, fhould be the more confiderable, he is wel Provided and ftands firm, otherwite judge the contrary. CHAP. XI. oy to underftand an Ephemeris, as alfo t0 er (ay fet) 2 Scheme of the Heavens by the Tables the Houles, for any Letituie, Bc, SECT. L Of the ufe of an Ephemeris. ill be needlets to make any large expla Tracer fee every Author that publifhes Epbess ‘ides performs that work fofciently, But forthe of Gach perfns as only perotea ingle’ Eplemern(wis chey may and do renew annually) yet perhaps ign of their ufes Ihave inferted thefe directions for thei furmation. The Key 10 Aitroloey new Filed, 103 i, An Ephemeris 1s soliivs «4. vuew Dyary oF day ik, containing the daily motion of the Luminariez, the reft of the Planets, with the Retroceffion of the nead, (or North Node of the Muon) through. c-1 se whole year, calculated to the Noon tide of every day cach month, ye Clett hind. page contains 16 Cofumns, the fre "he month 5 sie fecond, the days of the weeks Jama covsties the motion of % ; the fourth {4 ; the fifihof 2 the fixth of the © ‘nof ? , theeighth of ¥ ; and the ninth of the D5 {i ciloma you have ufually the, the ¢y is always ippofite fign and degree, to the Dragons head, Bor in forme Ephemerides, yoa thal ind the © placed inthe third Column, and the Din the fourth, and fo 075 which diference may oon be undertood by any young Act that knows their places the former way. IIL Phe Latitudes ofthe Planets youwill find noted by thefe Letters, M.S.D. A. which are to be underftood thus, M.A. theas the Planet hath Meridional or South titule Afcending; but f you find the Latitude noted wi S.A, that figniies the Planet hath North, or Sepentri nal Latitude Afeending. So that A denotes Latitude Afcending and D defcending, M South, and §. North, IV. And at the foot of every page you thall find the Pnets Latirade for every tenth day fet juft under every telpeétive column belonping to each planet. Bur the Moons Latitude is ufually joyned in a Columa next to the Column of her Longitude, and in fome Ephemerides the Latitude of each Planet alfo, Note, that the Letter R. fig: ties Retrograde, D. Direék. Botinthe right hand page of an Ephemeris you have ufually 8 Columns (or fometimes 9) the firft is the YS of themoneth, and the other fix Columns are the Moons Afpe¢ts tothe Planets And in the Taft great Co ‘ma you thall find the Planets mutual Afpeéis amongt 14 thei 104 Clavis Afirolegie Elimata, themfelves, and are fo noted at top of each Colum, with Figures oyned to every Afpett, to fignifie the time ‘ofthe day or night thofe Afpeéishappen ; always obj. ‘ving that you muft begin the day atoon, for foall Alte momers account, and begin and end their day. ‘The vey Titles of cach page are almoft fufficient direlion to axy gerfon that doth but underftand the CharaGters of the ns and Planets, and therefore fhall wave all farer Sifcourfe of this particular. SECT. 11 How to fer a Scheme by the Tablesof Heules which oubece frequently adjeyned roan Ephemeris, 1, Seek the place of the © in your Ephemeris, forthe time propofed ; and having the © place, if the odd nix nutes be above 30, add x degree more to is place fle then 30 minutes negleét them, and enter the Tables of ‘Hovfes with the whole degrees of the © place inthe Co- umn of the tenthhoufe, and right againft it, in the frt great Columa to your left hand you fhal find cerca hours and minutes (and fometimes feconds) tobe added tothe hours and minutes afternoon of your given tia, andi thofe numbers fo added exceed 24 hours, caft ‘Way 24, and feek the remainerin the firft great Colum, intituled, Time from Noon, and juft againit that number inaright line you thall find the figns and degrees to be placed upon the Cufps of 6 of the houtes, ce, viz.) the oth. 14th. 13. ft. 2d.and 3d. And upon the Cufpscl the other fix houfes are to be placed their oppofice figis and degrees, As this brief Synoplis ditedis, viz. Houle The Key of Aftrology new Filed, Tos. ¥ Oppolits. Oppolites, xy Gab Thus you polite to the 4th, che are Oppofite ta the fee that latter fixsas 1 to 2s, tom, to 7 ob, The roth houteis op-3¢The fil Gx Sgas 11th to the sth,the 12, tothe 6th, ec, UH, Having drawn your Figurein form of the follow: ing Example, and found the leveral figs and depress o€ the Cufps thereof, (for thofe fines that divide the feveral as alfo the and vie the par of Fern fore di- II. But fince the Planets places are calculated and fet down in theEphemeris, for every day at noon, ifthe ine en be not juft at Noon thei places will requirea Ress, Mt foie hour ofthe day given; which co perform you Au fir gain the Planets Diurmal motion, by tube lng their places,the Noon before from the Noewafy Hearne siven, and then fay by the Golden Rule, fs Dyssives fo many degrees and minutes for the Flanats Negual motion, what fhall the hours of your time fron: cor wil be nt fof you molrply and divide, the Quot were Tefone lt f0 be added to the Planets places But there needs none of this exa€inefs ina Ho Stettion, for amentall redudtion of the Plana placed . will 106 Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, will be fofficient, in any ordinary mateer of tis ind, for itis but allowing about a degree in the Mcors place for every z hours afternoon, and s minutes fareve. ty 2 howrsin the Suns place, and the ret accordingly ; confidering their Diurnal motions, or whether they are iwiftor flow, asyou may ealily difcover by con'idering their placesin the Ephemeris, but to make all plain | thal prefent the Reader with this following Example. Lesit berequived t0 feta Figure by the Table: Hosfes, for the 18th day of OCtober, 1667. atte bons serneon. ‘V. Llook into the Ephemeris and find the Suns place to being d. om.of mt, in the next place I repairto the Table of Houles, and feck Sol in Scorpio at top, and having found it, I guide my eye down in the 24. Colum (whichis always noted at top roth Houfe (or Dom X) and figured thus, 1. 2, 3,4, &¢.) till I come to the de fee of the Suns place 5. and right againft § I find in the Ete great column Ceatiuled, Time frou Noon) 14 b 10m, 48 feconds, to which Tadd my two hours, P.M. or Poft Aeridiem, and that makes 16 h. 10 m- 48 feconds, ‘which I feek in the faid great column, and find it not ex aéily, but accept of thenewt lefs, viz. 16, 8 m. again which under the 2 column that belongs tothe 10 Houle find 4 and? at top ; for the Cufp of the ro houte, and forthe Culp ofthe 11 houfe 17 degrees 38 minutes of inthe column of the 12 houfe Tfind »p 3 deg. 25 m. and the reft of the Oriental houtes, viz. x, 2,and 3. as in the following Figure; and having the 6 Oriental houtes,! place the oppofite figns and degrees upon the oppolit houfes as before directed. The Figure fellows, ‘The Key to Aftrolgy new Filed, 107 Schema Ceelicum 1667. _| o@0b. 18. 24h. P.M. pab & 3, & * he ad vacuum: Ut Iv 2 Vi. Afeer the Cixfps of the Hovfes are filled with the Signs as before direCied, then you are to place the Planes in their proper places as you fee them in the Fic gure, which you may perform thus, viz. the 18. day of Offer, 1667. jut at noon, | find the Planets places thus inthe Epbemerie, ! VIL After Clavie Afirologie Elimata, ; Now if 1 fbr ¢ deg. i, 26 ow | their es the 18h 0.3 29 arr day ‘Gon from Ie o eal 13 23% | their laces the 19 |S 0.38 day, | iball gain their © 1.0 Distoal ” motion]? 1.15 which will be thus, |2 1.36 vig. D227 (hos R. (deg. min, Odoberr8, ut Noon “puma seara aL, ‘VIL. Having proceeded thus far, you may reduce thir places to he hour of the day given, (viz. 2 hours af fernoon) by the rule of proportion °; Reafoning thus, if 24 hours of time gives (in any Planet) fo many de grees or minutes of motien, what (hall ‘your propofed Time after Noon give ? but this exa€ine(s needs not in Queftiogs as hinted before; a mental Reduction may ferve very well; but thall in the third part hereof hew howto reduce their places exaéily by the Logittical Lo- garithms, as alfo thew how to Aiquate the Cufps of the houfes with many ufeful conclufions of the fame nature. Inthe clofe of this Chap. Ihave alfo inferted aTable ‘which ‘fhews you the hourly motion of the Planets by bare infpe- tion, entring with the Diuroal motion ofa Planet in is proper Column twice ifneed be) thus if a Planet move 36 24 h.his hourly motionis 1 m. 30 feconds: & if the > move 14 degrees in 24hours, her hourly mote ‘on by the Tableis 35 m.thisis fo plain it needs no forth ‘explanation, and will readily ferve for toe Reduction the Planets, ‘Note that G. fignifies degrees, M. Minute and S, Seconds. et ‘Vill. Mf your Planet be more degrees in any Signth ‘supon the Cufp of the Houfe, you are to fe him fait into the houfe over the Cup, but if lets, place him witt- cout the houfe a8 hb being 26 deg. m. in v7, and bx 3 degrees 25 minutes upon the Gufp of the 12th, 1 thee The Rey to Atrolegy new Filed. 109 fore place him over the Cufp in the houfe, and the © be- ing in deg. 3m. of "and 1s%ofm upon the Culp of theoth. [therefore place him out of the houfe, in the 8th, asyou may fee the figure 5 and thereby you may learn. truly to place the Planets in any Scheme. IX. Ifyou defireto fet the fame Figure by the Schemes in this Book which are drawn to every other degree of the the Mid besves or Tenth houte, (and may be of good ufe in Horary Queftions ;) Proceed thus, fuppofe the aforetaid Example, Offeber the 18,3667 2 hours after Non, Fit turn to the Tables entituled, A Table of the Righe Aen ofthe Sn in times feekO Buber at top amonght che months, and the day (18) i che fir Column to the left hand, and in the Angle of mecting right under the month of Oftsber Lfind 14.hours 12 minutes (which is the right Aention of the Sun that day in time) wato which E add my two hours afternoon, and it amounts to fixe teen hourstwelve minutes, which feck at top amongtt the Schemies (which ate noted to every feven or eight minutes of time) or the neareft lef which I find to befixteen hours cight minutes, in which Scheme I find 7 4cg, upon the Cufp of the 10 houfe, and 3 deg = up- cathe Afcerdant, and the reftof the Houfes asin the pres cédent igure, now if my ewo numbers had exceeded 24 blmutthave cat away a¢h. and entred the Schemes with the remainder, thisis exceeding eafic and needs no farther Explanation, thus having your Figure before you, Youmay (if you pleafe) draw anther byit on a Paper, aed fo place in the Plancts out of the Epbemeris as before dieeétec, or taving the Planets placesia your mind, and the Scheine for your time before you tis eae to frame a Julement upon any horary quettion without fetting the themes felf, which I leave to the pleafure-of the Praclti eapbelies chereare many other good ufesto be made of [et Schemes ready formed which’ I may touch upon in mle other place of thisbook, But { proceed, | 110 Clavis Afrolagie Elimite, ‘The Key ta Afrelgy new Filed, 14% be onrly mation of the Planets, ufefud in ‘Aseria hr Pcs an how a ¥, = /One hours CHAP. XII. Of the twelve boufes of Heavens and their Aftre: ligical Signification, Aving inthe laft Chapter (hewed howto eretta Hae ike Heavens,by aTable of Houtes fitedor Gslculated for the Latitude’ of the place defired, | am now to declare their Afrolegical Significarons, but fift obferve how the Heavens are fuppofed to be divided ia feting of Schemes, I. The whole Sphere or Globe of Heaven is firtt diz ‘ided into four equal parts by two great Circles, oc. the Horizon and the Meridian, and every one of thote Spatters are fubdivided into three other parts by great Giles which pats by the interfeétion of the Horizon 3nd Meridian, called Circles of Pofition, and thus. the Heavens are divided intotwelve equal partsin the Equiz sett by thote Circles, which alto divide the Ecliptick Gedually, and arethe very Cufps of the houles them. Seezwhich may be very well eprerented tothe fancy by ‘Ne Caleitial Globe, and iscalled' the Rational may a} Ro. fimuntenussthere be other divifions of the Heavens which tuulltake occafion to thew inthe thicd part hereof ana therefore neowproceed to the various Afrrolegical fignifica= ‘imof the Heavens being thus divided, ant by Aprele- Sprailled Hayles or Aanfons, with the seatons these. IIL. The fsfehoufe or Eaft Angteis called the Afcen- os; uettions, becaufe the © “Afcends there, but Fo. ‘pein Navivives in refpe€ of the hovre of Birth, it "esthe Life, Compleétion, Difpofition, Will, Mon ners, pe Clavie Afiroligie Elimats, rd Underitanding of the Native or Quetent and finally all enterprizes5 it fignifies the head and face of man, the Confignificators of this houfe are, ¥ and fy for as thisis thefirt houfe, fo'Y is the firR Sign, and*f the the firft Planet, the fame method muft be underltood in all the reft of the houfes, in Eclipfes and great Conjun. ions,or in Solar Ingreffes,thed fcendant figaifies the com mon people, or general tate of that Kingdom or pe where the Scheme was fet, if the Afcendant be visited the native ot querent is marked in the face by fone ‘Mole orScar, it is a Mafeuline houfe, and of colours ig- nifies White. IV. The fecond Houfe fignifies Riches, gain and traf. fick, gold, filver, and all moveable goods without life; it alfo denotes lofsand gain by trafick, itis a hovfefve cedentas following the Eaft Angle or A(cendant Ivlig- ‘ifiesa mans Afftant, in private Duels the Quereas fecond, in Eclipfes or great Conjunctions, the Wealth o Poverty of the Nation or Kingdom in geueral, there's included the fubjeéts or common people, foin the o im ‘grefs into ¥ it figoifes the Countries or Commonwealis Megazine or Ammunition, italfo reprefents their Als nd Supports, or whatfoeveris afftant to them 5 it ist Feminine houfe and of colours ignifes green. 'V. The third hoofe fignifies brethren, fiers, kindred, fimall voyages, {hort journies, interpretation of deans, Rumors, rc. advice given, it is a Cadent houfe, An! alfo fignifis Epiftles written, or Letters, Meffengers, It is Ma(culine, and of colours denotes yellow orSo rel colour. 7 ‘VIL Thefourth houfe fignifies fathers, houfes, ler's immoveable goods, orchards, tillage, minerals, bidde treafores, all things ander the earth, prifons and obfc defolate places, the’grave, and good report after! this ‘and finally the period of all things undertaken 5 ts O° Tedthe Noth Angle, Tt alfo fignfies Towns, Cit The Key t0 Ajtrolegy new Filed, 113 d, all Ancient Houles, Gar- » Pattures, Fields, with the nature and The Lord of the fourth houfe Higa overnont ofa Tosn, the Culp of the Houle the le, ‘tis Feminine, and of colours it fig. Reo, bectufe Comer aud Suare configaificacors ticteot. 8 top Vi.The fifth hovfe fignities Children, all youn, wall younger kine cc, oy, pleafure, gifts, delights and bravery, the tiches Jj elather, all profit of che fourth houfe, playing, game , drinking and revelling, ee, and isa fuccetent hou italfoignifies the State or condition of Women with ad the Sexy it denozes Meffengers or Agents or liek Embafhdours, che Ammunition or Provifion bis Town belted, ‘tis « Mafelinehoue@ and & cor fifi andot Colours itrepretents Black and white YUL. The fixth Houte igofies Servants, Sickne‘s, al Case thatare unit for Labour, as Sheep Doge co ‘uyls, Wild beafts, Hunters, Goalers, Prifons,falte Acco. fons, cbc itis a Cadenthoure, Iealfofignities Uncl Ants, or the Fathers Brothers and Sifters, Farmers Tenants, Warrisers, Shepherds and Hogherds, al fick soppertain to Cattle, or deal in Birds; ‘tis a Fi belsandof colours nie iach, ; " feventh houfe igoties marriage, wives,jay rian, entroverics and quartele, comeacy quarrels, common he men wedeal withy ove, ‘This is ca 4 Ge. This is cal In Law fuisic gates the Defens chat make oppo T ure of Decumbizure Arology the Arti, in the Sc S tao Avi the publick enemics of ¢ 3 and hws th may fucceed peace o 3 ice, and of clovrs fini ws whticr the C a houfe Mate ‘dark, fad colour or black. i | | the Key to Aftralegy new Filed, 17 Seas Rett recites ce eteecas ne ‘rome makes an Equilater Triangle 10 te Fqunoxial {uhich isthe principle Circle of the worlds ff motion) for which it beholds by a Partile Trine ia the Hiquotor. The Trine Mfpect is demontfirates by che learned Six Chri ‘apber Heydan, co be on Mpett of perfect loves Asteing inexact proportion with one of the three perf.ét Cou cords or Harmonies in Melick, viz, the Diapente, ard two Stars fo beholding one ansther, do proportion vufe, eccupy or take wp the whole ceater of tke Worl the firme moment, and are (aid to Apt by a Partile Trine 5 ond ther the fit Trice (vie. the Bteroal Triaity of 1s hove) is fofirong and lively thewn nature, that it 1s cal fhup. UL Hence thefe ps another bya partie Co make npatripheivy of the fame gencrical nature, oie, the aft Angle behulds theoth and sch hovfe the South Angle the 6th ard 2 the Weft Angletha 33'snd isth end the North An beholis the 1 2thand sth houte, all by a Partile Trixe pectin the Equator, as thall immediately be farther Phined, IV, Every one of the former Caninal points do chit Jenge to it felfa Tripticity offs own nature, and by there 4 tripliciies, heaven is divided into 12 parts,calied fist fesz and this divifion is accounted moft abfoluse,and Perfect, as containing 2 Sextiles, 2 Squires, 2 Trines, alfothe Oppolitions which arc all the C-uleial A from whence (not omitting the general Influences happen, Wy agree with all the part: 123456, whereof 1 is referred to the c/, 2 (Whe Ot Purtof t2) to the Sesiile Alpedt, 3 (the 42h’ pa Of) tothe Quartile, 4 (the 3d pare chereot)to che Trine, and6 he middle part or one hilt) coe ®, cad sa 18 iS bie CHAP. XIV. ivio twelve Pert Thy the Heavens are di ia we. rt 19 mare or bels. called Hoxfes, and i reat Philofopher, Phyficiam, and Al Mosca fatten sits the 12 bonfes very Learnedly fhew tbe reafen of si Sie ofthe Les eo iy theyfomcaaiok fe Intvcrbeaforefuid Resifiartns, which although aot Le foeved fore reafons fmebasfann before, yet were the ag Jphistearned perfon irrvali, becanfe that reafux witht I vce to defend one Weefe, be very fase really dftye. Fre vel and gave accaento the Antagonists of hit w treble Scienceto deride, L:ugh andkifs at the liga: the welve beufer, and confequently at tbe whole rey Xe a he ay be fe oven t hegeung Aris 1) anchis place briefly repeat tafe Reafonsof bis, whieh 0 ‘Learned and Kationsl, td will yeild not a litle 0 iment (1 profuse’ both to Arsifis and ot ter, wwhercon the whele Science of 4 tion and principally depends. 4 perfect Aipect of friend: I. That the heavens ote divided into four Cir poinsas before at, no way eed Des at agreeable to fence teafon,and demen tration 3+ Sdolsenone eal inderflgnes auiy t zy one of thofe puts are div on of the fume maton, 2 Ciavis Afirologee Elamata, ——~ CHAP, XIv. Frhy the Heavens are divided into tweb called Hoxfes, and no mare or befs, Orinus 4 great Philefipher, Phyjician, and Afr servarndl agence Sala) debe Be ofthe ig bofer very Learnedly flew the reafen of she ioe ofthe 12 boufes, as alfo why they fowmcatchooe fill have the aferefsid fgnificariens, which although etbers base fier fore reafon fameaefeom before, yt were they ange ‘by this earned perf ical beeanfe that reafos whichia produced a defend one honfe, the very fame really defiyedel the ref, andguve eccafento the Antagonists of this noble Science a deride, Lengh and bifs at the fignifc ious the tweloe boner, and cofeguetly a thewwhle Ae, Xe caufe this may be fone fatsfoGtion to thexoung Ait ii inthis place briefly repeat ebofe Reafans of bis, whicl ari Learned and Kasioncl, ad will ald not a fiat consent ent (I profane beth to. Arifts nd etbers, in thie ery a tion and principally depends, 1, That the heavens are divided into four Carin} peintsas beforchinted at, is no way feigned, butn: ,eafor,and demonitration 38 vi tunderfignes any tig © Sphear, for ¢ tions by ° the Glebe di ied nidian, te IL. ‘That every one of rhofe parts are divided other parts inheaven of the faine nator, wie. 0 ~The Key to Aftrelegy new Filed. wwhomit makes an Equilater Triangle 1 the 1: (which isthe principle Circle ofthe worlds or which ix beholds by a Partite 7rixe in the Equator. ‘The Trine Mfpeét is Gemonfirated by the learned Sit Clr fepher Heydas,t0 bean Afpeét of perfe€t love: As being ‘inexact proportion with one ef the three perf:dt Con cords oF Harmonies in Melick, viz, the Dispente, a: two Stars fo beholding one another, do proporcionsl ly ule, occupy or take up the whole center ofthe World in the fame moment, and are faid co AGpuet each other by a Partile Trine ; and th the filt rine (viz. the Exerusl Trinity hove) is foftrong and lively thewn b nature, that it Ay called a perfedt Alpech of ips JIL, Hence thefe parts of the another bya partile Trine Afpect, co make up a ofthe fame genetical natuve, viz. the Ealk the oth and sch hovfes the Souch Angle the 6: : the Welt Angle tha 3S and isth , and the North Ane beholds the 12th and sth houte, all by a Partile Trine sl. pectin the A-quator, as fhallimmediately be farther cx. Phined, IV, Every one of the former Cardinal points do chil lenge,to it fla Triplicity of ts own nature, and b 4 triplicities, heaven is divided ito 12 parteyca fe:and this divifion is accounted mo® abfoluse.and tt PevfeCt, a8 containing 2 Sestiler, 2 Sgurres, 2 Tvines, an alfothe Oppolitions which are all the C:vledial from whence (not omitting the r/) all v general Influences happen, and thofe A Yy agree with all the parts of ber r2, which 123 456, whereof 1 is referred to the Putof 2) tothe Sexzile Afpedt, 5 (the 4th’ pa OF) to the Quartile, 4 (the 44 partthereof)t and6 Ghe middle part or one hf) to ths ®, and a9 0g Vs ve 17 moxial motion) Ge ala aroigia Elmar, the Girelp there arene more Afpects confiderable, fo in Number rao more parts, for allthiogs were made by God in Number, Weight and Meafure. Therefore thedivifion of the 1 houies, ought not to be accounted teigned or as wanting a natural foundation. CHAP Fy the welve Howes eld se {ahi fins a are aly trite ta them by Aftrolegers XV. the ballance of reafon it makes way for a fecond confideration, that the life of man confifts of 4 parts ot ages, viz. Childhood, Youth, Manhood, and old Age ; ‘and that in man are 4 different things obfervable, unto which all the other be reduced, os it were to their fit beginnings, (viz.Life, A¢tion, Marriage and Paffion sod thefe agree with the Rifeior Beginning) Vigour, Decl nation, and End(@r death 5)and thefe 4 are infinuated ge- erally to agree with all the effeéls of nature, for man is said to rife into the world, when hefirft receives life in the world ; and to be ftrong in a€tion, when he a€icth ot reduceth his Rrength and vigourinto a€tion; aad tode- cline 2s feon as a plentiful diffipation of this innate hest and radical moifture beginneth, as at Marriage ; and from Manhood (the bett time of Marriage) he declineth toold age, and at length dies, when he fuftains the lat ppaflion of life 5 therefore Mans life, A@tion, Marriage and Paffion, belongs to the fame Cocleftial principles, as doth the Birth, Vigour, Declination, and Death of all other things in the world, viz.fife to the Ef TH Premifes being confidered and well weighed ia The Key 10 Aftrology new Filed, 19 Angle or Meendant, Adtion to the Mid-heaven, Mar~ riage to the Weft Angle, and Paflion to the Angle of the Earth, . ‘Whence arife4 Triplicities of the fame Generical Nae tug and ro foutesas before mentioned. The fir Triplicity is of the Ea/t Angle (or firft hout attributed to Childood I)called ah “inked of Life, a being; the other houfes of the Triplicity are the oth’ and the sth, and both behold the firt,by a Pantie Trine Afpedt inthe Equator, where is made this ra:ional divifion of the houfes, Fox Man liveth in a threefold refpe@ ; in himfelf, in Go andin his pperiy 3 but the fit is given oe fe that hemight worthip God and beget higown lisence, which is faid to be the Compleat inzentiohta' the prode tion of mi 4 1, Now es touching thedife of man in its it othe ofall other tage in the ceieref pence, and without it the veft could net be,) it juflly chal lenged she principal Hovfe of tis Triplicty ie. The Eaft Angle. F Il. Lifein God, (the fee in order,) exifts in the houle of Religion, viz. the 9°h fubfequent tothe fhoule inthis Triplicty, according co the metion of the Aiquae tor, IIL, And laftly, ife in hePoftericy, beRowed on th houfe of Children which is the sth, wherefore this whe le Tiplcsy iff, oth, and sth houfes concerts life, and are in The the Triplicity ofthe Angle of the Afid bev which istermed the'ioth houfe, and appertnech. aca Youth 3, this is called the Triplicity of Adtion, and of faisinthe world, or worldly goods flowing from thence becaufe that every thing working Phyjica'ly, wo fer otuebae every ching 8g Phyfcaly, worketh for fome Php fcal good, foras the motivnof the Aquatsr 5 "om the Eaft Angle to the Mid-heaven, fo is their Pra. Vy grels Tho Clauss Aftrologie Elimata, grefs made com Childhood unto Youth ; and from Brig oF Lifeto tion the two other hove ofthis Trig rethe oth and eH Bik 9 mecerey fee oa. ein AES ies ty) is famarerial: tran ‘Arts, Magiftracy, dignitiesand honours, unto which ¢ nan is Raifed 5 to which may be added Majelty aci Power. Therefore is allotted for this the princips Houle of this Triplicity, viz. the Angle of the Mi heaven, LU, The Second is ASsterialand Animated, 2s are je€is, fervants, and all other living creatures and is ph. ‘ced in the 6th hovfe according to the motion of theAiqu- tor inthis Triplicity. TL, The ltt is Adaterial Inanimated, as are Gol, Si. ver, houthold ftuffe, and even all other immovectle goods gotten by our own labour, which are attributed» the fecond houfe, under the name of Riches ;_ the fore this whole Triplicity is of a¢tien and gain theacea ‘The tied isthe Tripicity of the P¥eft Angle, alld the 7th. houfe, and belonging to Man-hcod, this is called the Triplicicy of Marringe or Love, foras by the metiea of the Equator 5 the progrefs is made from the Angle ofthe AAA heaven, tothe Vet angle; even fo there 8 a progreflion from Youth to Manhoed, and from fanous deeds to Marriages and friendthips of men which thence fed, the rwoother hovfes of this Triplicity ait and sith, Bur a man is joyned to another in 2 urecfold refpett. : : 1. The first ConjunClion (in order of dignity) is thar body which wecall Matrimoay, and thereforeti¢ sfe of this Triplicity, ais, the Welt Azgle b thereunto dedicated. HI. ‘The fecoud is that of Blood, which conftitutes bre Jprea and kindred 5 inthe gd houfeaccording to the > 4 9qof tae ACquator in this Triplicity. a The Key of Allrology new Filed, qt “IIL, The laft is that of fimple benevolence or favour, whence do arife friends, in the r1th houfe; therefore thig whole Triplcty is of Magiageand Love. The ath Triplicity igof the Dark Angle ot 4th houte, (inthe middle of night or bottom of heaven) and the Den corCave of the Planets, attributed to old Age ; and ter- smed the Triplicity of paflion affliction and death, where. unto every man is fubject ; the 2 other houfes of this Tri plicitydehe s2thand Sth. 1. Bot the fift affigtion}a order of nature, isa forrow. ful expe€tation of the natural death of his Parents, or rae ther (to fpeak Cabaliftically ) itis that tain of Original fin which our Parents impriace in us, and through which weare from our very birth made obnoxious to every mi- fery, and finally to death it elf; therefore the Parents, and their condition, during the life of the Native, as alfo death and heritages, left by them to the Native, do pot. fefs the principle hour of this Triplicity, wiz. the Angie of the 4th houfe, UL, The fecond affiion confitsin the hatreds, deccits, ‘achinations, treacheroufac's, and injuries of enemies, e2 feciatly fecret ones ; fo lizewite in prifons,fervitude, po- verty, and all other the miferies a man foffereth in his whole lifetime; ow for that all ricfe are enemies to lifes and therefore are they contained under the only confide. tation of anencmy; inthe 12th houfe, which is truly falled the valley of miferies, and immediately fol. pa this Triplicity according to the motion of the Equator, MHL Theloft affidtion inhabiting the cighth houfeis death of man himfelf, which is an end of this tempo. ind a beginning of an eternal life ; wherefore ace cording to the 2d motion or the motion of the Planets which is from Weft to Eaft, there isan entrance made f the eighth into the ninth houfe, which is the Of life in God 5 wherebynan is given to under. ftand, 122 Clavis Ajirelogie Elimata, and, that he isto pals by thelecond motion of wet which is attributed to the mind or reafon (as the fr rapt motion is to the body, or fenitive appetite, temporary death unto life in God, which. P ‘Therefore ia thefe Triplicities, that which is order of nature or dignity ; poffeff-s more noble houfes, vic. the four ides, ti which is fecond in order, the fuccedent Hons dec + ding gothe mation af the-Zqustor, that ‘wich is va, dent yccorditig WS the mosion of the Ecliprik ad ets. ‘Now what man is he that will fuppofe this divin ofthe 12 Corleftial houfes by Triplicities, appearing m this fo excellent a Confent, and in fuch a, word:ri| order, to berany wife fained or cafual? Or whether by chance, fuch Confents ate wont to be in things fo abnice and intermixed ? Or if alzogether FiGtitious, whetist therefore wanting altogether a natural fourdstisy, which before plainly proved tobe falle, and now mie that_moft orderly confent of the houfes themielyes ma nifet, Therefore isthis divilion Natural, and ordainedaby great Wifdom, as comprehending (at leaf Genet cally) all worldly things that can poffibly be enquired of, or concerning man, for as much as the knowledge of contraries is the fame ; and that an affirmative or negative may be fought of any thing belonging tony houte. Morinus is more copious upon this (ubjeth bue sbis big Sfciene for my prefent purpofe, Tomi the ref, ard vefer thie that would be farther fatisfied as to the Rationality of Abe logy tothe Author himlelf, viz, bis Altrologia Gallict. 1 Mole the. Poet mobion of is forth imcwe Ble. poprveme Men» Yecma? he vapid malin, 2°" fom Fak be Wet ecm ing 19 scetihrssil He Sol = Bag fal ove vhf ys Ge CHA. quem fd move The Key to Aftrology new Filed, 123 CHAP. XVL of divers things t0 be confdered, which conince nich 40 the better Fudging of a Horsry Que- fin. SECT. L of the Signifcators , viz. the Querent (keer ke) shat propounds the Queflion, ai alfo the Quefited', viz, the Perfon or Alatter enquired after, &e. 1 PP He Peron that propouns the Quetion (of what degree or quality foever ) is always lighified by theft Houfe, ans his Lord in particular; as fuppofe ina Queftion Pifces afcend upon the Cuip of the firft Hout, sen Jupiter is Lord of the Afcendant, and thalf be admit ignifgator. of the Querent. But the Si atensig are i Rese the Corporate and form or thape OF Body ; and the Lord of the A(cendant, the Aion etmbaBincrrecin nue deconstaen, or any other Planets beholding them, fhall denote the Conditions and Qualities of the Querent ; but their feveral Ggnications mult be mixed together by the judgment and diferetioa ofthe Arti, as hath already been thewn, HL, The Quefited, or matter fought after is known by that Houfe which fignifes the ching in Queltion, ond the Lord thereof; asif the Queftion be what part of the life will _be moft fortunate ; or concerning an abfent party, or thefafety ofa perfon at Sea, you mult judge by the frit Houte, If 124 lasts Afrolegie E Til. If concerning the Subftance, Riches, Geods ¢ Moneys of any perfor, or of Wages due; judge from: fecond Houfe, TV. Ifabout Journeys, or concerning Brethren, Sifer, ‘or Kindred; judge from the third Houfe, and his Lox and fechow he beholds the Lord of the Afcendant. V. Ifconcerning a Father, or Treafure hid, or a thing mifs-laid, or of Inberitances, Houfes, Lands, ec. cone fider the fourth Houfe. VI. If concerning a Child or Children, or of a Wem with Child, whether Male or Female, time of dels, fafe or dangerous ot of Meffengers, Agents, Ganci, Playes ; of of Taverns, Alehouies, Recreations, Spor ‘or Paftime 5 then confider the fifth Houfe. VL. When about Sicknefs, the Caufe and Cure hes of, of recovery or irrecovery therefrom ; of the Unit ‘or Aunt, of Servants, their Fidelity or Knavery 5 of {nal Cuutle, ifgood to deal with them or not ; then confi the fixth Houfe, VAIL. Ifconcerning Law, Controverfies or Contest ons, Enemies, Partnerthip, Fugitives, Thefis, and sl matters concerning or relating to Love or Marrisgt then regard the feventh Houfe and his Lord, and feeter| heis difpofed. 1X. When concerning the Wives ‘Dowry or Poti, ‘orthe Husbands Eftate, or of Wilk, Deeds, Legacy Gc. of the manner or time of Death, or whether Mant Wife thal dic ire 5 then confult the eighth Houle, 6 X. If concerning long Journeys or Voyages, or ast at Ser; of Artsor Sciences, Law, Religion, and th! Profelfours, of Drcams or Vitions ; then have’ regatd the ninth Houfe, and confider the pofition of the Let thereof, his ftrength or weaknefs, oc. XI. {fconcerning Emperours, Kings, Princes, Dult Lords, Colonels, ete. Magiftrates, or of any Preferm' or Honour, ofthe Mother, or any thing relating t0 of aProt The Key #0 Afrolegy new Filed, jon or Trade, of Lodgers, ee. then confider theveath Houfe. Xl, If concerning the Fidelity or Falfenefs of Friends ana Acquaintance, of things hoped for or expedted ;thea take notice of the eleventh Houte. SIil. Laftly, when concerning Captivity and Imprie fonment, private Enemies, great Cattle, Horfe-races, nels of private Plottings and Defigns; then confule the twelfth Houfe and his Lord. NIV. So that let the Queftion be what it will, give the Avendant and his Lord for the Querent. Then cone fer the matter in Queftion, and fee to what Houle it sroperly belongs, ( which you may cafily do by the fore- going direCtions ) then having pitch’d upon the Houfe that fignifies your bufinetS, confider the Sign and Lord thereof fee in what Sign and Houfe he is pofited, how Digoified or Debilitated ; how he beholds the Lord of the Afcendant, whether by good orbad AfpeCt; confider slfo what Planet beholds your Significator, whois Friend unto him, or what Planet affléts him ; then confider the Hovfe he is Lord of, and from thence you may judge, fiom fuch a perfon your Quereit hall receive help ot prejucice, ifthe Planet that beholds your Significaror be ‘twinfowancysded Lord of a bad Hobe; then you may aflike your felf, he fignifles imitchief to the Querent, from fuch a kind of perfon as that Planet reprefents joyn the Aeon a5 Confignrator with the Querent in all quefti- 3 and havin, weil confidered the feveral Afpeéts, Se- sions and Applications of the Significetor, and allo of 5 the Adem, you may from thence be able rationally to de. ied after thall be accordingly mo- termin, whether the bufne’s enqui shttoperfedion, yea er no; an your judgment, and thereby info i be plricly exemplified ‘ate that & Planet is faid to be a Forte wh verns s00d Heufes or places of the Figure, and is «fon sally 126 Clavis Affrolegie Elimata, Semtially firong, bebolding the Significator of the Pejiny ‘Eftate of the Querene by good Alpe, or applying tine senso; butif Lard of bad Houfes, andemis il ayite ig Aleendant or Principl Signifcatr, of pofted in abs places of the Scheme looksipon fuch a Planet or Planet Accidental Infortines.) se. SECT. IL By what means are things brought to Perfection, in the bifinefsof « Horary Qucfiin, 1 is bfervable char things are brought to pa fe mages, viz. ra Hen the Planet that denotes the Querent asd WV Miss ant that ties the thing, ingle after, areapplying by. pect, or if they are going cos Conjncic poate te beach nea efetted, 11, When the Significator of the matter inquired afc ‘hall apply to the Lord of the Afcendant, and be in his et, fentil Digaitis, this guiies the bulinefs hal be pete. edunexpetiedly. ng mhion IIL, IF the Sigeifcatdtsvepply Headly from Houle they delight in, or from Signs they joy in, the bunts matter foughtafier comesto. happy conclufion. IV, Ifthe Signticators do not behold eachother, yeti a fortunate Planet colleét or tranilate their beams of lig, “vhesnatter will bebroughs to patsy 0st Hart shall V. Lally ieee Sea hs aan in Ho fes proper and convenient, though there be no Afpect,the matter may be brought to perfection. [ By dwelling ix Houfes underfBand shat itis when the Ple set which is Signifcator is Accidentally poited jx tht Afeendant, oF fome arber Houfe of promifing Siguslist tion go the ,Quérent. ‘hcl Fgh eld ice chow y 2 P ey 10 Afvolegy new Filed, 4a SECT. IIL Tolnoyif yor Figure be Radical or fit 0be Fudged, 1. GOnfiderifthe Lord ofthe Afcendant-and-Lord-of 4 thebourbe both of one-Nature, or Triplicty, picnyou may adventure a Judgment. 11, Te feueelogeaccg ei, the very beginning or the late~ tarend ofa Signe aleend, tis not fae to give Judgment, for the Querent hath been tampering with otherser ff. eal IIL. See that the feventh Houfe,and his Lord be not im. edited, or the Adéanin the verygnd 6 ia or in the combuft way, if fo, the Ancients forbid to give Tudg- est, But when the Sign Afcending, aed his Lord me: eget cue, or a Planet in the Afcendant ‘uly, you may fafely venture to give your Jude. ent, | V. And laftly, a Queftion well and feriovfly propound. cannot ai of a fatisfaCiory Refolution 5 Bra foo nd indifcrect Querent may caufe an able Artift to err in is Jodsment, and fo caufe a feandal to be caft scsad Act, hendbyaredmocsccunicunblseet he, SECT. IV. Ofthe adarks, Atoles and skarrs bth of the Que: vent and Quefited, 'Onfider the Afeendagt, [ oiz. the Si i » [vize the Sign that aites thercon] ammldsthat Siem the Lord ereatia Sigs, and-you. may conclude there-ate Moles, -Skarrs upon thofe parts of the-Bady, fee 128 clavis Afrologie eo oe ‘The Key to Aftrology new Filed, TL Sce eiiowhit Sign dalecade apon the Culp oh ey te Afrolegy new Filed, 129 6th, ‘and what Sign the Lord of che ech is polited in, sya Appar tholeauyo pars» 6 ormzmbers afehe body reprefects by thofe Signs, you shai Moles, 050. IIL, Jake norige glo what Sign the Aeon is in, anu. ‘on th eribe ig Signccprefente in Mans Bo: may fay there ices Mike; ondabisatie thote fad lgalioung ark, be affli€ted by the Pr for Afpedt of an Infortune : for Hermes in his 872h sie ifme ayes, There willbe fore Impediment abext that porg the Body reprefemed by the Sign which was afte et Bink TV. If the Signs be Mafciline, it declares the Mat be on the right fide; if Feminine, on phe left fide oi Body. VIF the beginning of a Sign Afeend, or she Lo thercof be in few degrees of a Sign, the mar’ is on per part of the Meniber, bucif the midsle of th fend, or the latter end thereof, moderate your Jaden ‘accordingly, and fay the marks pofited zpon the miley forthe lower part of the Member fo figakied: if} ted the Sign and fo fignifie the Mark, itis a blacks dusk Toured one, fomewhat obfeure : but if be in the Sign redone, and if he be in a fiery Sign, it denotes C3 Scar, or Spots gf Gunpowder, or other Blem part of the Bolly , if © figniie che Mark, itis ger T Blewith omPurple Mole: if @, ‘tis a Chefiut or Ol Colour: if @ fignife the Mark, ‘tis Honey Colours awhitith or pale Leaden Colour: the > wfvslly git white Mark or Male; but you arcalfo to confit? colour of the Planet thes in Afpeet with and hus ing the Houfes, the Rules hold true upon the Body ot Quefited alfa, Va hed Par ge were aero oe Wreratiocwk iietat difeover two-other Marks y of Varying the Hones in your Fudgment according 40 any Queftion Propounded, His is General chat the fift Houfe the Sign At "T ‘centiog and his Lord, together withthe Sao, éenctes the Quereat, the fecond Houfe his Subttonce of Riches, the third is Brethren, Kindred, and Neighbours, ad thereltashas been already thewed in chep. 13+ IL. The 12th Houfe Gignifieshis private Enemies, the dente Subtance, andthe 2d thi hor Jour ey and Kindred, ce. For the Afcendant i yan Kinde, oe, Forte Aendant isthe fad il. The 7th Houtealwayesfgnifies publick Enemi 2 Wifes of Husband of the Querent: Then the 8th ig ad and dentesthir Richey the ah thee Brethren ing the third from the 7th Hi é ‘ofthe Houfes of the Feue Seen IV; The 4th Hoof gies the Querents Fathers then sth (being the 2d from the 4th) denotes his Sub- inc, andthe th is Brothers and Sifters, and there rete Qerents Unkle and Aunts the th the Grand- her oe Pista, ‘Aphor.Bo.fayes, Require what con rath Grandfather frm the Tub Hone, bt the Cncle Thus the Honfes may be moftcafly varied ir feral Signet, and ele ang re of ft rifcaions fe things are offing fin Aly tbe hee ra lee come pal sae an rif cftines gives Seems t0 Admivation, andthe great Credit of himfilf Ppt Atta fn thismay be eemed asthe whale Ay 11,0 Koo Alray Nox al st Hoecah Pi ted in from bis, 3 it not alittle affif Aria Tadgaennne n> MMR wih etal aE at Clivis Afirologie Elimata, SECT. VL Of the Time of reciving 4 Horary Queitin, Y Honoured Friend Mr. William Lily tells vs, The there hath been large Difputations among the Ar. Bians, concerning the Time an Artift foonld take for the Bais or Ground of the Queftion, I. Whether that point of time the Querent firft coms, imo the houfe ofthe Artif, and falutes him, ought tobe taken, and to fet the Scheme for that moment, and fo give Judgment: Or the time the Querent firft breaks his misi to the Artift, or propounds his defire : fome have con. fented to the former, but the later feems the moft. Rati nal, and therefore wholly to beimbraced, Hence thea T conclude, that very inftant of time that an Arif underftandsthedefireofany Querent, he ought to tke forthe true and radical ime, whereon Aftrologicll build his Jodgment. The fame ifa Letter be {gat from any erent zo an Artift; lee him not accept of the time t comes tohis hanés, but of that moment he breaks ito| pen, and firt underftands the defire of the Querent thee in, ‘Queftion, not mindirg ie’ be his own ; and if he bes! tay afide all Loveand Pantiality to his own Cave ‘IL Some have thought itnot convenient, that the Ar tift fhould judge his own Queftions: “tis true, any ma will be apt to givea favourable Judgment in his own ca, and upon thatconfideration its not altogether fo prope for him to refolve his own doubts, as another: Burif = Arti be much perplexed in mind, concerning the fucct or proceeding of any of his concerns, that he is princips incerelfed in, let him take the moment of timehe is mf deirous of Refoluion, and preceed to judge hier bce] I way @ Queftion fit tobe The Key 60 Afrolegy new Filed, ease — ee may as freely and fuccefsfully Refolve his own Doubt, ag anyother. And this Opinien is confirmed bv ehat great Luminary of Aftology Mr. Wiliam Zily wf Exper- ence has Art. Hl, To which Imay add, his own Radical Figure of Birth, Ca e much more fafely, as for n very confiderable in all varieties relating to that if che Querent have but i. i he may ( with the Gent ion ) draw the judgment of his Queflion from upon a furer Foundation : the Nativity be mp known, an Horary Queftion is but of fmall validity, efpecially’ in general Quelfigns fach as thefe, viz. Shall Tever rout or Preferment in the be Rich, or attain 0 Hoe ld? Shall Fever Travel, and{ge remote Parts: But if that cannot bs Queftion is acceptable itbeing as it werea (toon Dice " siz, The Birth o motion of t 1¢ mind, SECT. VIL Chie Aphorifonst0 be cofiered in the Fudgment of Horary Queftions, 1. JN 2 Queftion truly Radical, there is an Agreement between the face of Heaven and the Queftion pro- pounded + fora Radical Fi fie acta Rascal Figure refembles either the Na | Noperfon moves a Queft ‘i inet fea moves Quetiou a any tne with ex. gure will be cithe a Tththe Signe seine the Afcendant of the Fie ‘or of the fame Triplicity igne afcending at Birth, ti Huge not upon light Motions of the Querent, for feriouty pondered by the ote Ke Judged, ought to be premeditated, Querent, therefore Judge unlefy the Queene Qetent be of a Capacity rightly to Mate Figures Tha Gants Airiigie Elamata, —— The Key to Afrolegy new Filed, 133 sad accordingly as he is placed and bcheld, as alfo confi- dering his Nature, you may thence farther Rationally Judge of the thoughts, as well as of the difpoftion of the stent. OsIV. The Pottion ofthe Infortonates unfortunate or ‘ein the tenth, forethewsno credit to the Artift by the Queftion. XV. An Infortune unfortunate, and beholding that Planet which is Sigeificator in any Queftion, briags pow- fal Mifchief and Detriment to the Matter in Cueftion, and this according to Natural Caves, XVI, There is great hopes in any Queftion where the Fortunes ( % or? ) are Significators : but if and 3 be be Significators, there is great danger; for d vfually {poils matters by too muchhafte; and f by too much de- layes, and loath. _XVIL. b and 3 Significators, and in Angles Effetially dignified, ufvally performs what is promifed by them in any Queftion, neither ought an Artift to confide taeeauesk in whatis promifed by the Fortunes, umlefs they are in their Effenei ities, and well placed, XVIIL The Pare of Fortune well feaicd in a of the Figure, promiies Gain to the Querent ot Matters ignified by that Houfe ana the Lor but if Debilitated expect the contrary. XIX. Beware of fuch Men and Things fignified by that Houfe and his Lord, where you find the ¢> placed, for many times the Querent receives lots and danger, as ellas Scandals, and Slanders by Perfons, or Matters rt. lating to that Houfe, XX. Be not too forwar IV. Figures of Horary Queftions prove true or fale according to the intent of the Querent. V. Aftrologers ought to be Impartial men: for Love and Hatrél, caufeth Errour in their Judgment, VI. Scldome comesa good end of a Queftion when the Moon's Impedited ; you may Judge the fame if the Fe. tunes do not behold her with a Benevolent Afpect. VIL. If you find the Lord of the Afcendant oppofie thereunto, oria Quartile to the Afcendent, or the Max detrimented, it argues the Querent is carelets in bs ueftion. ATL Take notice from what Plane the Avon laf arated, and that fhews what hath already paft inany Botnet, if you confider the Houfe hes Lord of and whe ther it were a good or bad Planet or Atpett, younay thence Judge of the good orill proceedings ; and alforhe ‘Nature of the Matter in Queftion, 1X, The Application of the Zfoow to a Fortune cher by Body or Afpett, and from good Houfes, gives grez hopes of the Matter in Queftion ; but if to an Infor, ‘he makes alfoan ill Application; it denotes very bal fuccefs, and an unhappy conclofion. X. Benot very forward to give Judgment when th feventh Honfe and his Lord are afflicted, for thofe ignite the Arcift himfelf; and if they are impedited in any Qe ftion, it bids the Artift beware bis Judgment be not clout ed, and he come off with difgrace. a XI. The Afen cannot be more affliGed than to being of the @, and the bufinefs of any Queftion lies very ¢ feure when the Planet that is Signiticator is under & Earth, or under the Beams of the ©. ee XID Ifthe Nativity or Revolusion may be had it. help much in the Judgment of any QueZion, by confi ing the ftrength or weakmnefs of the Lord of the Afcets"4 your prefevt Figure, ee. : XIIL Obferve what Planet is Lord of the Afceré good Houte by Perfons rd thereof; d togive a politive Judgment upon any Queftion, although your Sgnifeatiee' he ne Conjunction, before you have feriouly confidered the Signethey arein, whether it be a Signe of their own Kas {ureornot, and whether they are faid to delight there! K3 if 134, Clave Aftrolagia Elimata, iffo, iwargues what they promife to be eafily and fpeei, ly performed, otherwite the contrary, XXI. Laftly, the Nature of the fixed Stars, that ax joyned to yourSignificators, ought in efpecial manners tbe warily confidaeed in your Judgment, for if thofe Sx that ate neer the ,tcliptick, arcof the fame Nature, they mightily help. Onthe contrary, they do as much reta and hindera Bufinefs in Queftion, if they arc Stars of contrary Nature to your Significators : { fay, the confi ration of the fixed Stars (‘that are within the Beamsq Rayesof theSignificators ) being ommitted, in my Op: ion may be (in patt ) the occafion that Arrifts too ten fail in their Judgment, and make good the Sy. ing —— Ars veraeft fed panci Artifices reperiuntur, Here Ends the INTRODUCTION. Glaci GClavis A firologice Elimata ; A KEY To the whole Art of ASTROLOGY NEW “FIL’D and POLISHED. ‘The Second Part. : CONTAINING Brief Rules and Examples how to Refolve or Judge all Lawful Queftions Aftrologically, Co: tingent unto mankind, from a Radical Scheme . of Heaven ereéted: Together with Electi- ons, and feveral other ufeful precepts of Art. By Henry Coley, Philomat. Judge narbing or elet any thing poftively, the ign Scorpio be. _ iiginthe Afcendant, or wh cn rhe eee of uch figns ") a afcend abliquely, or if Mars be therein 5 for a wrong Jadzement will be given, and che event will prove contrary tothe Judgment, for Scorpio isa frm of Fa'fiy.Her.Aph.g, ; Afirologie Blimey x 36 The Key to Aftrolgy new Filed. 137, OF THE ELEMENTS As feven firean’d Nile to whofe kind over fl, ‘The Egyptian Plains their yearly plenty owe ; Takes its frf rife from fomé fmall unknown Founttis that Bubbles at the foot of fome (leep Mountuir so whilft ARTS fpreading Branches mount a height, ‘And with their Lufire Dazle our dull fght : The koot whereon they all depend and grow, OR Iyes coe i fh rig principles blows | He that perufesh. shee with piercing eye rinciples of Vicws the Cabal ofr Bblgy - P JUDGEMENT, But if fome Thick seul?d Fopp prefumes #0 je, : ae tile tej Non fence cafe they are fo dee, By way of “ret him|et down, and Plodon what bras read, “4nd learn with’s Nayls to Jeratch a wifer head, PREP ACE —~—-— Operum Faftigia Admiranur, , Latent plerumq; Fundaments, Very Natural Science (as Ariftetle himfelf wit- nefleth) owesits birth and Original difcovery cithor to the fenfes or to experience : whi i heel, oe, Thtellegil, Senile, aed ixt, or Rational, acquired not only by Senfe, Hialone by Reafon, but by the ‘Concourfe oF bork? How fince Afreley isa Natural Science, and ordained ft Prsdice in likemanner as the Art of Phyfck; there- Bi asthe oneis, o the other ought to be Founded upon Petiments, and who ever would deliver the Dodtrine of 338 Clavis Afrolegie Elimata, Of Affrolagy Scientifically (faith the Famous Aforinn) mutt heedfully obferve what Rational Experience efor Concertingit: For asthe Science of Aftronomy {pris from the Apparencies of the Planets *etions, beheld fiom the Earth in the Heavens, f Affrolagy is built on the effects and Influencies of the fame Bodies ober from the Narivities of Perfons born here below : And as one that fhould deny the Scituation of the Stas, their places asthey are fet down in the Tables by Skit Aftronomers, mutt be fent to thole nflruments whereby their places are meafured for ftisfa€tion, foe that fk deny the Principles of Affrolegy is to be referred to the ‘Radical Figares of Natives,*and thei lives and accidess ‘correfpondent thereunto for his conviction : For as we Come toknow not by any Reafon, but only fenfe and fenlble experience that Fireis Hor, and the Artraive, vertue of the Loadfone upon Iron 5 fo that the Sur Goth effeet one thing when in Aries, another thing ia Taurus, one thing When in Trine of Afars, and a die ferent when inhis Oppofition Asalfo one thing, in the firlt Houfe of a Figure, andanotber in the ewelf, isa truth which only Retional Experience tcacheth us, fo though thefe effetts of the Calejfial Bodies have inthoe Bodies their Caufes and Principles which ave their fo ral vertues, yet becaute thefe vertues appear not to 0 but only by theit-Efeéts, and that fuch Zffedts are © tus the fir) means of difcovering fuch hidden vertuss + Therefore we ought to efteem them as the fir print ples and grounds of Teaching and Learning Aire gy. “Here fallow ertain Afraagical Axioms confirmed ed verified by he se esi and i es cae erably ufeful in Afrolegical Judgments. 1. The fame Planet hath one effect, when in oo ove The Key to Afirolegy new Filed, 139 Niteofa Figete, and another Specifick reese, when in another “Houfe, which is ile roe Ge fe Ses and Sins othe Zonk I. Inthe fame Houfe of a Figure, the Sunby hi alone cHeth the Aon anothes Some anerher ee whichis alfo true of the Fixed “Stars, and the ewelve Signs iil. The fame Planet hath one effeét whenin Coxj fin ofancther Planer ot poled one heute oF Fe sada ierent fet when in Oppoftion, Trine, of quart, to the faid or any other P. i spr ote ilorany oer Plas, oc beng plied IV. The Squere ot Oppoftion of Satu of] Ws The 8 f Saturn oF) Ate, ah one , the Square or Oppoftion of Jupiter and Ve- V. The fame Planet hath one effect when Le frft Houfe, and another fpecial, or ‘Spook cheek Sites Plot the fend Hout, aotier when Lard of the (Vi. The fame point of Heaven ifitbe the pl 1. Ff it lace of the ein any Gf rein a Se force ad inferee in tepetof that native, folong as he lives; fo doth Sac pr pace retain Sawin vertu; underfad the fame te theBotion ofthe ft of the Plants in any Genitare * Inlike manner the fame point is fa t oF Heaven that Hein any Nativity, thall more or le comtnust av an nue over the Natives Life, That point SIRES te Mien ovr the Bins and Potton, the fa relt of the in their parti Fete ier apes st ea Jacngrainnl pei, 1 mean of an Ai) will prez fer gio theory of this Axiome, sf they confider that {irda conrmed by the. progreion of Dixeions of th | Hylegiacalfgnifcare oe mee ors, 10 their feveral promittars in di- fons Gestures, who are jenfible of their fcret, pevatons po a 142 Chavis Aftrolgia Elimate, XI. No Planet doth the fame thing, from or in fa | Houfes of a Figure. XII. Two Plawets have not feverally the fame ef | in feveral Houfes of a Figure: According to the afl | Axioms, | XIIL No Planet hath the fame effect alone, ashe hs | whien joyned to another Planet, by Body or Afpett. 4s. jeme 2. XIV, The fame Plavet hath the fame Effet when ew joyned in the fame manner tothe fame Planet or Culped a Houle. Axiome 9. | XV. And hence no Planet produces the fame Ef, 1 being joyned to one Planet or Culp as it doth to ano | ‘Theor, 1, 26 | XVI.’ No Planet hath the fame Effect when differen | joyned to the fame Planet or Cu/pe of a Houle. Thewr.. The Key 00 Afrolegy new Filed, 143 “EXIT, No Planer can do all things on every kind of iy, ot Efeét upon Corporal things, as Plagues , rrks, Conftitutions of the sire, Wars, &c. Theor. 13, 1 XKIV. The Vertue (atleaft Influential) of ewo Pla y:s cannot be the fame on any thing thatis born. Axiome , and Theor. 15. XXV, The fame Planet with the fame Influential Ver~ , may at once caule divers effetts in relation tothe sme Numerical Native or Individual Perfon or Thing. i 1334 XXVI__No Planet hath the fame effett by its influential fitoc in Subje€ts Specifically, or even only Nanerically ferent. Axione 18, XXVIL. Two Planets feverally, do not Cat leaftInflu- tilly ) produce by themfelves the fame effect by the «Patient, sAxiome 7, & 9, Theor. 2. 81$, ; XXVIIL Lafly, a Planee out of his own Hovfe thall ' ave one effect by reafon of the Houfe of che Figure sbercinheis pofited, and another by reafon of his Do- isonin another Houte ofthe Figure, Aviome 4, 8 9. & ers Notethat by the word Theorm is underflood a Speculation, ' yen undoubted Rule or Principle in any Science or Art, and tha whieh refpelts Contemplation more than Pratlice, lt was ( noe many years ince ) the dejire of a Learned fioviv 9 ilfopher and Afrelegian ( who was the Antber of thefe A. logical Axioms and Theorems ) That for the better Re- ution of the Cucleftial Science, Aprolegers ( thas ba relpll tothe Art they Sturdy and Profefs.) fbould ebfer el shelf following Mace whieh tee oe ad a th fiould be loft, (for sheir fakes thas never fare them ) Pee (Renee) Transfer dhiher, that he map cived ain’: Viz, Fic, VoCollc€t from the Hiftories of feveral Ny He World the niof Eminent and Notable Changes ih XVIL, Two Planets have not feverally the fame Ef in their Operation or Influence, by the fame kind cf . Theor. 2 Axione, 4y 9. XVIIL. The Vertue of the Houtes of a Caleta! Fig is not of it felf ableto produce Effeéts, but deth de minethe Vertue of the, Celefial Bodies to fuch kin | Effeéts as are agreeable to the Vertue or Propriety of¢re| | ry Houle. Theor. 1. XIX, The Influence of every Planet in the cauling «} producing Effeéts, is of it felf General, and Unive | Arsiome 1, 2, 8c. i XX. Thednfluence of every Planet in particular isi \ it felf but one and the fame, and not changed by ti Motion through the Signs, by the aforefaid Avioms, XXI. No Planet Reftrains the Influences of ana Planet that it thall not flow forth and a€t upon Subluni ry things, though it may reftrain its Elemental fo Theor. 13. XXIL Every Planee can have fome Effect on Vf kind of Body Naturally produced. Zheor. 13. &€ 21: wl M4 Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, have therein happened in refpeéh of Sells, Empires, ky dams, Wars, Famines, Deluges, Bcc. with the exad ting oftheir Changes, and the true poftures of the Coutels tions and Planers preceding the fame. Secondly, To obferveg the Changes of the Aire, ine. Spekt of Heat, Cold, Moifture and Drought 5 “as aioe Windsthroughourthe whole Latitude of the Earth: i thenthe different Places of Longicude in their Naz: and Qualities at the fame and at feveral times eretig t Calefial Figwres molt congruous for that purpole, atin i) mark well how from thence Plants, Bruits 2nd Mens ~~ The Key 10 Aftrotogy new Filed, 145 eI EE US Gisskl, To Argue and Determine by Plpfeal and A. vnomical Reafons concerning the Sytem oe ‘world, fomuch Controverted, betwixt the Copernicans and ons, for fo much as in this thing ( although both pfirable and Vifble ) Geometry and the fight are both tive: Neither can the quickeft Gighted man living clude any thing thence for certain with what T-elfcope set, becaufe the fame Phenomena are deduced egg th the Syftems: For albeit the thing it felf be fenlble, i docs itelude and; pats the fence of Man: The truth pereoffomuch concerns s4ftrelegy, that Tycho and Kep= thought ft rather to deftroy her, than that their own Fe Sylems thould notbe eftablifhed. Afterwards out of confuted Sayings of Ancient Affrologers, and the Ob- i pations of paft and prefent things, with the proper and reeled Schemes of Heaven, by accurate Speculation i dividing rightly, to attain unto the firfe Caufes of ls, which are the fick Principles of thie Sciences “in umber both in this and other Sciences, yet valid, that from thence (they being firmly eftablidhe ) the whole Science of Afrology and her innume. le Conclutions, “may eafily be drawn to a Method. hence dare boldly affirm, that Afrology (which is { tly Phyfcal, partly a Atuthematical Science ) may be | * ceratnly, and emme evidently Demonttrated ; 4 i9 @ more excellent Method than cither Natu: {pbleey ot Piyck have hitherto been by anyman [Thasfar this Learned Author (as fulficient for my ; "ast Defign) and 1 prefume enough to fatisfe any Gratle man, that Affralgy is Demonstrable, and stele Lawfal ond True, but Divinely Excellent pongilliry for a Chritian ; and hat none bet the [g- Pista Malicious will condemn er oppofe the fame. ' i affeéted, and all thefe Obfervations to compare one vit another. Thirdly, To erect the feveral Nativities of fuch as Dy not long afterthey were borne, of thofe chat be Sick,« any wayes Hurt, Blind, Lame, or any wayes Ulead, Wounded, Burn'd, Mutilimled, &c, diligently oberg the parts fo affeted, the which may moft conveniai bedone in a Spacious City (fuch as London and Pes are ) where are many Hofpitals and poor people alni innumerable, many Chyrurgeons, and every day vari Cafualties. Fomthly, By help of the Phyfitians to find out (if pt ble ) the Beginnings, Species, Accidents and Selim all deme nd éayly Difeafes ‘that every where abou Eretting Coleffial Schemes to thofe Beginnings : and ts fpecially in great Cities where thefe exorbitant pra‘ Cin particular at Paris where this Author lived) off quent Blood-letting {doth much difturb, Natures ssi and Crifisin Difeafes, and very often elude and fruftst the Aftrological Prediétions of the Ancients concerti i them, Fifthly, What the Antient Aftrologers have deliv ‘upon every Subject, the fame to collect and obese feveral, by diligent reading thereof, and to corre # Figures of their Experimentsin refpect of the Enos. the Old Aftrozomy. Sis) Defcile eft Juaicarey per ea gua feripta fans ln cilins Artem ipfam tradere: dificilinums auters arte {am inwenires Carden Segm. 1. ph. 25. Clavis Aftrelogie Elimata, OR A Key to Aftrology new Fi and Polifhed. a eee verte The Second Pert, eee eee CHAP. ach Cesflons with Fudoments ( i di dp or Afrrolegical Refp Fe) thereuntey dppertaining te the afc dant or Firfk Houle, SECT 1 12 He Qeevents Life be Lang er Short’ ‘His Quefion ( aboue all Lome prfons 00 Nice and Hence Fiery Zelors you dare to tell, Aftrology’s from Heaven, not from Hell, "Tisno Black. Art, no Damned Necrenaicy, No Witchorafe neither, as fome pleate to fan For Shailow-brains thinks all that’shaed oi «Unlasful, or Impofibility. [Having premifed shefeshings, in the next place T pc ta her the Affrolorical Rules and Apberifios of jx themoft afual and neceffiry Herary Queftions ina jt fand cafe Method, wherein I hall uf: as mnch Cone sand Perpicnity a5 the Subjelt will conveniently bear.) 7 m certain Rulesol ART, (i confirmed by Espericice ied tral Caufes a man may beable there. fettare “Cas the Poyfciam spon his fick, { \ 150 Clavie Ajivolegie Elimata, tialry dignited for every Houfe from the Afcendant (ag. counting towards the tenth ) youmay allow feven years, ava thereby predi€t the time, ormoft happy years, an by the fame Rule, confidering the pofition of the Ine. tunes or aflliGting Planets, you may judge alfo of the mo probable Infortunate or unhappy years. oe II], Here [ have intimated that the pofition of the Pa. netsonly ought to beconfidered, but fome obferve ao, ther Rite, ana judge by the Houfes, confideration being hadto the Lords thereof, whether Fortunateor Unfort pare; thus the Lord of the fifth or fixth Houfes being. flrong, and pofited in the tenth or eleventh, they will x ther judge thofe years fignified by the fifth or fixth, thn thofe by the tenth or eleventh Houfes, let every Arit follow that way he finds belt corretponds with Truth a iny Judgment the Girt is to be preferred rather,but theDi rections of the Nativity above all, SECT. UL ! [Quarter of the rvarld may be maf apy I and Fortunate, whe 1 dof the third Chapter of the Introduli 5 AN ave the Quarters ofthe Heavens filed the twelve Signes, and in the clofe of the 13th Chapt thereof, is exprefSid the Parts or Points of the Heaves fgeed bysherweve Houles, ', Confider then the pofition of =, 2, t! ee Cfome willhaveir where they ave mot elfental Des ties which in my opinion is not rational ) havitig Seted the pas Heaven where the For‘unes = ted, div the perfon that way, according tore fore Roles, but withal lee Reafon guide’ your judgment bby the Cenjunétion of Reafon and Art together yoo ™ fometicaes deferve Admiration t ercleveuth Houte if the part what isthe condition of an al stogether a ftranger to the andhis Lord and the Afoon | Signficators, fom or in bad places of the Fi abfent party is dead 5 if the pai by the Lord of the fi fck, My Honoured Friend Me. tothevet found in his Pra€tite fending The Key of Aflrology new Tiled, 351 Cenfider the Navure of the Queftion, IFfor Healeh, thea ecthe Pofition of tse Lord of the Afeendant and the Ateoa've oblerved ; IF for Riches, the Lord of the fecond isoulgend Pare of Forsune if for Honour the Lord of the teath Houfe and the Sam,’ ¢%e, alwayes remembring to conlider thofe Planets tuacsre friendly to the Lord ofthe Afcendant, Lor’ #f the fecond Houfe, and the Afoon. SECT. Iv. Of the Condition of an ablent Psy t. The Rules ef the Ancients are briefly thus. “Y the Party e related to the Querent,take that houfe for she quefited that fignifies him or hersas if a Brow c thied Houle and its Lord; if of a Huse berd or Wifey che feventh Hicufe,and Lord thereof and fo vsriethe Houfes according as the Relation requires ; util sbg, party enquired after be not related, then ley thShlendane and the Aon ignite the abieee party. (I initeonfe I fhould rather tate the Lord of the feveoth, ¥ enquired after be on Act n be asked in a general way, ibfent pasty, and the Querent Queliced, then the Afcendane may .be decepted for proper sheror Ser quaintance; but if che Queer IT, Uthe A4on or Lord of the Afcendart be pofited in eighth Houte, or ia of or & with the Lord thereof, igure, it isan Argument the cs Significator be aflli€ied isth Houfe, you may conclude he is Willian Lily affiems he r the party alive notwithe it were reported contrary, ifhe found the Lord L4 of Clavis Airolegie Elimata, tin the ninth, tenth, or eleventh Hout Vide Chriftian ftrolog. pag, 151. ult. | IU If youfind the Lord of the Afeendant and ihe Poon well dignified, and in Afpect with good Planes, and Lords of good Houfes, you may then judge the per fon to be in a fafe condition, and amongtt fuch perins that are both friendly and obliging unto the Quefced,, TV, The moft probable time when you may expe s» hhear of the obfent party is when his or her Significaer meets with fome good Apeét of the Lord of the Ate. dont, fometimes when the Lord of the Afcendant and th Lord of the eleventh Hovfe come toa >k or A Alpeét,« note the degrees the A/oon wants of a > oF A of ie Lord ofthe Afcendant, and for every degree of diftane from Angles and fixed Signes allow, years or months; from fuccedent Houfes and common Signes, fay montis Sr weeks; if from moveable Signes, weeks or dayes, thallbe farther hewed ia the Judgments of fome others! the Houfes, SECT. Vv. To know whether a perfon t0 be fpoken with bes 7 7 home or not? 1 TF the perfn be not Related, but only an Aci tance, then confider the pofition of the Lord of te feventh Houfe, ina Figure fet forthe time, JT, If he be pofited in any of the four Angles the pe isundoubtedly at home: This Rule ravely failr, andbsi encenraged mary youre Students to make a farther proves he fly of is” Art for the Verity they have often fond bere Ill. Ifthe Lord of the feventh Houfe be found in any the fuceedent Houfes, the party isnot far from home, bi probably at forme Neighbours Houie, and may fon The Key t0 Aftroligy new Filed, 153 fpoakanth, bur if he be ina cadent Houle judge the cone E IV. Mthe Lord of the Atcendane and the Signifcator 0 Aalpedi, ian Argoment you may meet with the pire asyougoe, oratleatthave fone intelligence accidegelly wre You may = bi [ Alwares remember totale oper Siznificasr if you fecka Relation, Jarste ofc gS regen in lke Rati Jr fe Onfhe Ma Teflon the gh if Son Re sand ace Ve hee pads reek Git a yi Of 4 Ship at Seay ber safety or Danger, UIT Hs Meendan andthe son Sigsifes the Shipie eros ‘er Burthen it carries ; but the Toe arrgare denoted, or properly ignfed by the Einiths Afeondant, and shote Planersthe atin’ I, If the Significators of the fromdangerat that inftane: Bu if you fe i ly parted on eo Pe runt Rayes, you may judge th I Photo thi malig ey havellacely bee You fod their Signficatos in bad Fovioe a peta of the Lords of bad Houtes, o¢ ay ene lvoe you may tenants Fortunate Planets thercin, rtunate Planets Cadent and igo fafely to the place in ifthe Mid heaven beune ing Planet, then the Ship , and the unfor Clavis Aftrolegie Els II be either Burnt, or be in great Poneey ’t bumane Signe, it may be by Confic. + Enemy , butif Saturne afi, ‘VVinds and Tempefts, Leaks, Me will be the greater According to the ftrength of the ~The Key to Aftrohgy new Filed, the Ship fuffers by © Quchivas and Fudgments proper to the second igoificators Angular and movest! Arte Se taron # ae Signcstion « id quick Return, ay hing fomething, more inthe Di fing in Light and Moti a profrable oye, 20 rife : a ms Wiis of Elecions to which it doth properly belong, SECT. L Atay the Querent ever attain Riches? The Parts of a Ship are Attributed to the twelve Sigos Ere you are to confider the Cufp of th ‘Second athe Part of Fortune, ‘of the Zodiack, as followeth, according to Hal, Hovfe, and Lord thereof; andthofe Planets pofited in the + That part which lis be Bi rich es behold the Si ‘The Breaft ofthe Ship. |= That part whic te oF ignifcators thereof by any Fescusep That part under the Brea ee Benevolent Afpect. towards the Vater. pn That part where the Se Hh 11 If you find thete Sigaificators well for men abide or peifom wed, and iefervunes, xr The Stern or Rudder. ' The Floor or Bottom. SUThe Top above Vater. free rom the Crofs Afpeéis or Bodies of the the Querent will then certain! conliderable portion of Riche 4 The Mariners themfvs. '¥y The ends ofthe Ship. ya 8) and this the rather if 225 Houle Effeotisily ing tothe {, @or & be polited in th Mit alwvayer be unde ss The Captain or Mater, Ml Onthe contrary, if you find the igvificators of places of the Hevwens, or much and notaffifted by the bene: as iches pofited in abje pailicied, or debilitated, es, you may then judge the alth, but rather fuffer Que 'y Poverty, © General, ily upon the etleina very mean an Limb omeabing of “efetts of good Direttion; id poor Condition, int AfiFtance happen acciderea or Tranfts in the Perjons Nativity b ough ebtely tobe canfeed in fucb fit maybe had ) hia The Lord of the Afcendane orthe Afon joyoed to in the fecond Houfe, or 'dof the fecond, or policed i the 156 the Lord of the fecond in the Afcendant promifes by the Querents own properinduftry. V. Ith, or as, bein the fecond Houfe the Queren is poor, ot in a declining condition; butif the Signi, tors of Riches are well pofited as aforetsid, sad i¢ fwift in motion, and Angular, the Querent thtives ons fudden, beyond expeétation, paninis He deem SECT. IL The Key to Affrology new Filed. 157 ifthe Application be bya or &, the party yet growsrich, forrather abounds than wants, though what he gains be with much labour and toy!. * SECT. In Of the time when Riches may be expelted, , py7He beft and moft fureft way to determine this is "Teer youhave found the principal Signticators, to dxeét them to their proper Promittors, as is wfual ina Nativity, and ufe the fame meafure of timeif the Quefti« be General ; bat if that be thought Laborious, then o: jy account the degrees of diftance between the Signifi osm thir Afpects, and judge according as the Signiff- tors thall happen to be placed in Angles, Succedent of dent Houfes , or in Fixed, Moveable or Common. ignes. Il, Ifthey arc in Angles and fixed Signes, Jet their de staan ignite pemccareeaney he halon, ‘3 fr. rs teil Tee Snes ant your judgment by difcretion for the time, according as ur Reaion thall didtate, and your Scheme promifes: but rather advife to confult ‘the Nativity ( ifit be poffible ) all general Queftions. 1 Ill. Theway 1 would offer_( as very rational ) for Li- tation oftime when Accidents may happen in matters rally propounded 2s Horary Queltons, i this, Take fe difference of the oblique Aicention of the Afcendent of ieFigure of the Suna ingrels into dries for the fame year, tha which follows, or precedes 5 which will be about Petey five, or eighty tik degrees, and that thall the meafure of timefor a whole year: fo that four jes and feme odd hours will anfwer to one degree, bi whic By what means may the Querent gain wealth? 1. PF you edhe Sigientors of Subtance Bron well placed in the Afcendaut, this thews the Que rent fhould acquire gain by his own proper Indufty. iit the fecond Houfe, by buying and Selling, and an Indufii ‘us improvement of his Eftate thereby. IL. If the Significarors are pofited in the third, orb friendly beheld by the Lord thereof, then the Quereat my gain by the means of Brethren, Kindred, Neighbours: Friends, osc. and thus you may judge ofthe rft oft Foufes, or Lords thereof, according to their Naturals proper Significations, already expreftin the Iutrodudiy arts PPTIL I Mallconctode this Seton with the words oft famous Mr. Lilly, in his Chriff. Aftrolog. pag. 172+ hi fayes, That the moft affured Teftimony in Aftrology «| ona Queftion propounded, whether the perfon fall Rich, and (0 continue, is this; If the Lord of the firs! fecond, and % be joyned together, either in the Grd, cond, fourth, feventh, tenth or eleventh Houfess but they be not in c’, yetif they apply by a> or 4 Alpe to each other with mutual Reception , this isa freq Argument the Querent will thrive and get at En though with intervening difficulties he adds farther, t 158 Clevis Ajfrologie Elimata, > The Key to Alrolgy new Filed 159 shen the matter in Queftion will foon be ended. 5 themerecertain, and bopefl, if there be kan be Bcreinbetvcen te Sigatcators, setha this Padgnene isthe more certaip when the Bu ancien bapens amongst poronsef mean dagen’ radefmen with anther, or ot Citizen or Cuney aa ale Kings Pree Inu be exempted, and alt. v'msof Qualery, &c. as Guido well in bis wf Rede ido well noes in bie Pade. :V. Toconclude this Settion, Do but obferve he oper Sigificators Behold each other Friceale ee co places of the Heavens, and are free from er es Ape ofthe Infortunes, then expect a fpecdy 4/5) ficefstul ile of the Matter in Queftion ; ifnor ef 7 elude the Contrary, asReafonit felf will dicey od which you may meafure out the time of any Acchlery fall out within the Compafs ofthe fuid year, as [thal fy ther illuftrate when I come to thew the Method of Dire, ing Solar Revolutions in Nativities, However, Letevey Artift make ufe of that way ite finds moft agrecable with verity, for nothing can bea bettcr confirmationin thes Cafes, than Experience, which alwayes proves the bi Direttor. SECT. Iv. ly, from Shall the Querent recover his Moneys Lent, or St 1y malig. tisfuition for the Goods he has Trujed? His Queftion being fo neceffary ( and in regard foe a perfons have occafion too often to propote it) | thought convenient to Infert, before the Conclutond this Chapter. T, The Lord of the Afcendant and the oon arcie dl Queftions the Significators of the Querent, and the feveai Houle, and Lord thereof (if the perfon be not Relat) fignifies him or her enquired after (ashas been fui, CHAP. I Leclions and Fudgment proper t0 the Third ly thewed in the Intraduétory part hereof ) But 35 0 Hoife. the Judgment of the Queftion proceed thus 5 4 i If, Ifthe Lord of the Afcendant, or the Afon be ind) SECT. I with the Lord of the Eighth ( which alwayes fignifes ti Subftance of the perfon enquired after ) or if ethers them be in gor Benevolent Afpeét with a Planct int Eighth Houfe, provided chat Planet be a Fortunate net, then the Querent may expect the recovery of Money or Goods fought after, according to the Jude] ment of Guido Bonatus, IIL, If either of the aforefaid Significators thall ie} tobe joyned to the Fortunate Planets only in a good pl ofthe Figure, efpeciallyifshey have Dignie cs in cord I fore Journeys, [tall they be profperses 10 the Querent or nos? F Fapiter, Venue, ot the Ds er, Vena, ragons Head be pofitedj Vs Houfe, or the tend of the Third ‘tree mies a i tion ofthe Infortunes, or well beheld of the let ecgianeand the Adon, thefe are Arguments ge, mand fuccetsful Journey, and the Centrary, i 1601 Claws 4; I. If the Lord of the Third Houfe Friendly beholtig Afcendant by a> ot A Afpect, orif the éoon be in ty ‘Third in > to the Afcendant, or the Lord of the Thin theAfcendant, and behold the Culp thereof Friendly, if che Lord of the Afcendant be fwitt in Motion in aay ¢ the Dignities of the Lord of the Third, or in good. Alp unto him, this portends ahappy and profperous Joutiy tothe Querent. TIL. Lf Satwrie afli€t the Lord of the Afcendant, te Third Houte, or the Aféon, this thews a tedious Journy, the Querent is difconcent cheréin, or probably loofes bs ‘way,, or meets with many unhappy Croffes and Ver ns before his Return. IV. If Satwae happen to be in Scorpio in the Third te Querent meets with Thieves and Robbers avi i Mars be pofited ina Fiecy or Humane Signe, the Quercy receives Wounds, and‘unkind ia baa These foe "tis goad for all Perfons that have Occafon to Tract eS the Afrologer fifty and eereby choo fue time that they may Travel with fafery, or forbear, and [ve wsid the Danger impending. SECT. IL elogie Elioata, May the Ouerent and his Brethren, Kinki Neighbours, Be, agree tagether. Jupiter or Venus have great Dignities in the Alc} Pern: policed thereia, and in no Alpe Sagurne or Mars, the Querentis thea very peace will not willingly ‘contend or quarrel with any pei much les witha Relation 5 Buc if Satirae ot ill pofited in the Afeendant, er afligt the Lord thresh the Aan its very probable the Querent may thea of ahafty ruggy Temper and Difpovirion, and conte Affrelegi new Filed, 16% fy 109 Subjeet co Controverlie and Contention, whether he provoked or not; Underftand tne fame of the Relati, 0, whether Brother or Sifter, Refpe€thad to the Third le, Tif you find the Lord ofthe third Houtey and thé ard ofthe Afcendant behold each other by fome Amica He Alpedt, or ifthey arein Reception, or the Azon bein or to org inthe Houle of Brethren, this thews ie Querent and his Neighboursand Kindred fhall affured- agree and love each other. fll. Whea a Fortunate Planet is in the thicd Hove, id beholds the Afcendant or his Lord by a Friendly AC ely orf %, 9 or the Dbe in the Atcendant, and behold he Culp of the Third, or the Lord thercof by any benevo- Afpett, this portends the Querent and his Relations «generally good difpofitioned perfons, and very rarely lifer, but rather live together in much Unity and Love. IV. But if Saturte or Mars happen to be polited in the Meendant, the Querent is then doubtlefs to blame, and is he occafion of the Difcontent if they arc in che Third Hout then the Querents Brethren or Neighbours prove Contenvious ‘Quarrelfome Perfons, and in all probabili- ty mutt be the occalion of Difference by theit crofs per- fitfiels: where note that thofe perfons whole Sigaifica. Josmake no application, are the molt ebftinace and da. fib: and thofe, whofe Significators apply by any good fred are moft willing to fteop to a Compliance, and mu ual Agreement, The Key Fo us Afpedt between the prifthe A(ceadant or the Afoon, aad Lord of the third as oF any Planet pofited therein; you may the jitethereis very fall hopes of Agrecrneot an Coa cocy between the Qaerent and his Relations, bi eontaty 5 and farther obferve, that if Saturne or the fens Taylbe polited in the thied Houte, the Quieres Fored or Neighbours prove Coverous ar Cloweil lik M bad cow vis Aftrologisa Elina: "164, pie ee eaeces e aumumaaea uaa! cveaib Se The Key to Afirolgy new Filed, \sjeath Houle joyned othe Forties by any gooderg] ZO AZ Arokey mem Filed, 165 vourable Afpect, orin of with the Lord of the eleven the Abfent Brother is then very fafe, and ina good Con ition at the houfe of fome Friend ; But being poftela the eleventh, and afllifted there by the Infortas| or otherwite, then judge the Quefited is troubled a much difeontented, and doth nor at all delight inbis. fent condition. i IX. Ifin the twefth Houfein Reception ot good Apt ofthe Fortunes, and they free from afidtion, theabie party then deales in great Cattle, as Oxen or Horfes, x and may probably gain thereby : But if unforunateiaik twelfth, cither by the evil Afpeéts of the Infortunes,¢ Lord of the eighth, or Combult, then the abfent par} i much difcontented, and difpairs of rerurning to his on Countrey again, and not without caufe, for in all pos bility he nay be prevented by death. X. Ifthe Significator be in the Afcendant (whit the eleventh from the third ) the Abfent Brother is there a good condition, and likes well the place where he Ceipeilly fhe be forunate there) ands well bo by the Perfons he is wich; Butif pofited in the fen theres fome danger of Reftraint, that the perfon cam get hislibercy, ’tis probable he may be imprifoned ( the fecond Houfeis the twelfih from the fir ) yet iti Sigoificator be Retrograde lie will endeavour to make ti Efcape the the firft opportunity : And thus you may jt] varying the Houfes of the Condition of any other si perfoniet the Relation Rand how it will. SECT. Iv, “ isthe Councel or Advice uf a Neighbour or Friend Real or aot? He Judgment of Authors in this cafeis to confider "T witthertherebea fortunste lange potted ite tenth Houte, vis. Pupicer or Venus or the Dragons Head, or the Moanin good Afpeét to the Lord of the Afeendant, ten judge the advice of your Friend or Neighbour is good, sed nol defign intended thereby. Il, Butif youfind Saeurne, Atars, orthe Dragons Tal, inthe Mid-heaven, judge the contrary, your pretended {fiends and Councellours are Treacherous, and come rae sherto enfaare you, and eclipfe your Honour, than ia re- ty to affit and befriend you : judge the fame if the Sign ending be moveable, or the Lord of the Afeendant, dhe Afenbe in movesble or double bodyed Signe. fee ee Fhetker Reports or Rumours. fpread abroad be Trae or Fale? 1 1 [Eiauisd the ates in the Acendaat or the tenth, cleventh, or third Houfes feparated from fome good ‘pect of a Fortunate Planet, (or indeed any Planet ) pro- fasdihe apply toc, > or A of the Lord of the Alcea ant, then you may conclude the report is true. Ui Ifthe Aeon be void of Courfe atthe time of the Siti or Report, ‘tis falfe and will be fuddenly contra- fend: Hf the 4m bein oF & of 2 and neither of them old the Afvendant well, judge the fame, My 1 SECT 766 Clavie Afirolegia Elimata, “IIL. Ifthe Lord ofthe Afcendant or the Azoon be ing. Jar, and in fixed Signes, or fin Friendly Afpeet with jig Sun, Jupiter, ot Vents, there is then great probability ty Reportis true. 1V. Butif you find the Afeon, or Lord of the Ages, dant in bad Afpect with the Infortunes, and polite 5 Cadent Houles;or if Aerciny be in Conjunttion ofthe Dy Sons Tayl, orin Oppofition, Quartile, ot Conjwittion of, sure or Afars, then you may affure your felf the Reps isalzogether falfe, and will come to nothing. The Key of Afirolegy new Filed, 167 cendant or fecond Floufe by any Friendly Afpedt; orif theLord of the fifth be inthe fecond, or Lord of the fe- cond in the fifth, thefe are promifing Arguments, and if the Partof Fortune be difpofed of by the Lord of the fifth inthe Afeendant or fecond Houfe, it doth much confi the Jodgment, and in point of Art thews that in all pro- bability the Quetent may enjoy his dcfire — IV. But if you find the Lord of the fifth Houfe much affied, and in no good Afpect of the former Significae tors, oran Infortune in the fouith or fifth Hovfes, thele are teltimonics of fmall hopes of good to the Querent : Ta hort, in this Quetion confider the Lord of the hfth and. fecéad Houfes, and fee kow they behold each other, as sliothe Lord of the fourth and Afeendant, confider whee ther thele Significators be in friendly Afpedt or not, or how. they are beheld,by other Planets, and accordingly mode- CHAP, Ivy. Queftions and Judgments appertaining tothe Fou sate your Judgment, and you cannot err in giving the Hoje | Querenta Rational Anfwer to his Query, both as to the Refpeét or Concordancy that is between the Querent and a SECT. L his Father, as alfo whether he may cnjoy the Efiate (if any ) that he hopes for, Sg CT. IL Stall the Querent obtain th: Houle, Land, or other Péfeflons he defires to Take or. Purch Shall the Querent enjoy the Eftate of bis rather? I. Pps He Afeendant and his Lord with the Afoonslss} fignifice the Querent in all Queftions (as Lis slready intimated ) and in this Queltion the fourth Bo and his Lord fignifies the Quelited (viz. the Father) fifth Houfe (which isthe fecond from the four:h) Eftate or Subftance. I. [you find the Lord of the fifth in Reception 0:5 Afpeét with the Lord of the Afeendant, oF r Lordofthefecond, thisis one good Argument Fent may enjoy his Fathers Eftate, i HI. Ifthe Fortunate Planets happen to be po! Sich Hout, 7m thence behold the Lord of tt : cx. 1 [FtheLord ofthe Afcendant or the fon (which fge nifies the Querent ) fhall be in ¢f or otherwite in jf00d AfpeCt and Reception with the Lord of the fouith Houfe or Planet therein (which fignifies the Hove or Land ought after Jor if the Lord of the fourth be polit. ctinthe Afcendant, thefe are very promiliag Teftimonies thatthe Querent may be fo happy a5 to attain his er ate Que y be fo happy as ro attain his end in M4 i 468 Clavis Afrolgie Elimata, IL. Ifthe Lord of the feventh which (according tom, 4) fignities the Sellerbe in good Afpe€t, oF apply tie Lord ofthe Afendant, this isan Argument thatthe er ofthe Houfe is willing to Bargain with the Queen, | there be Reception or Tranflation of Light between ie Significators, judge the fame — or if they apply to s¢ ‘or the Moon transfer the light of one Significator to thea. ther, this thews a great probability that the bufinets ma be effe€ied either by themfelves or afiftance of ethers at in fine hews a very hopeful Iifue of the Matter in Qe tion. M1, Bar if there be no Reception, or Tratiflations Light, nor the Significators in any hopeful Ape, us the contrary ; and if you find an Infortune in the fevens, be careful kow you deal with the Owner of the Hout eaft yoube over-reached, or Knavithly dealt with; i the fourth Houfe be affiéted, the Houfe or Land is ati, and there is no probability of a good end bur if Font hate Plancts sre pofited therein, judge the contrary, Reafon with art will direét you, both in this, and all «| ther Quefions, 4V. Astothe Quality of the Ground or Land that ya! ‘would Buy or Purchate, ifa Fiery Signe be upon the Cif ofthe foorth Houfe, you may th Hilly, Dry, Hungry, or Stoney Ground — if an Signe, fay the Ground is good in the general, and ably mixt and not all of one Quality ; if an Early St be upon the Culp of thefourth, itis good pla Peta and will provewell — if Warry Signe be thereon, jus the gtouind is moift, probably fome Springs therin, «7 River ruonlg snough br merit, and yet good bot ii be the Signe Secrpio upon the Cufp of the fourth Houly ‘tis tén t9 one but the Ground is Boggy and Unwholfnt and énnoyedtwith ftanding Water, or fubject so be 0 flowed — "Some uthiore fay, if'a Fortunate Planet diveCLn the tenth Houfe, there is plenty of Timber wf onclude the Land iff The Key toAftrology new Filed, 169 theGround; if that Planet be Occidental, itconfirms the Jodgment: Bur let every man take a ftriGt view in this Cafe before he adventure to lay out his Money. Note that in Buying or Hr of 4 Ship, (which falls wn- de the ine iced whos Sin) tha Ge of aad Lard there, with the Moon, (gnifes te Buyers andehe feat Henle, and Lord shereef, the Sellers ( at in Heufes sad Land, &c. ) The fourth Honfe and bis Lord mu fi. rifle the Sbip, the tenth Honfe and bis Lord and Planets fed therein the Tackling and Aaafts thereof, confider bye focral Significators, and judge iz all efpetts as in Buying er Parchaling of Houfesor Land, andyou cannot err, ton Araten being hed to the Pars of the Ship, fied by the Ss hich were exprefi'd in the Judgmens of the fit SECT. IIL Mathe Qucrent Advantage bimfelf or bad be better continue in his Old Habdtring > by Removal, Fyou find Fortynate Planets in the Afcendan; I forth Hate then give the Querent Incourages newt roftay inthe Houte where he is, orif the Lord of pe Mend: and Lord ofthe fourth bein; A, orc or with t] it Haye withthe Fortunate Planets, ave hin’ to 1, Buton thecontrary, if fut Houte vtiated oF aii “tunes, then the Querent had better remove th FunintheHoufewhereke ia, and if you oblerve wher thence fe aMiling Planets are Lords of, yourmay frem ry kover the occafion ofthe injury the Querent fuk, the Derg alfothe Separation and Application MNS Aen, which wil much help in this Judgment. Ob. Seu the Afeendant or fed by the prefence of the 17° TIl, Obferve that the feventh Houfe and his fies the Place or Houfe to which you would remove tic fourth Houfeand his Lord the prefent Hobitationaf te Querent ; and Authors fay, the tenth Houle and ti Lord, denote the benefit or prejudice that may arife by Removing. — Now by a due confideration of the Afpds and Configurations of the Significators, as alfo how te Fortunes or Infortunes behold them, you may according judge and direét the Querent, What in all. probability fx had beltrefolve upon and therefore there necds no fs ther Difeourfe upon this Query. SECT. ‘The Key to Aflrology new Filed, ¥7t ee EEE Til, if you find good Teftimonies that there may be Tueafure hidden, and defite to know whether it be attain. able or not, then Confider whether the Lord of the Afcen. dant or the Aoombe in the fourth Houfe, ot in-good A petttothe Lord thereof, or Fortunate Planets therein ; if fo, you may tell the Querent there is a probability he inay by diligent fearch attain his defire but on the con. tary, if Infortunes bein thethe fourth Houle, and the Lord ofthe Afcendant and Luminaries afflicted, then there is very {mall hopes of Profit, and the Querent had better wave all endeavours afier the fame. IV, Ifthe Queftion wete concerning any thing that is Hid or Mifs laid ( whether in jeft or otherwife )then cider (after you have fet your Scheme ) whether the Lord of the fecond Houfe, (which fignifies the thing nife-laid, if it be the Querenis ewn Goods ) be in the Atcendant, orin f with the Lord. thereof, ot in either of his Houfes, then the thing Mifstaid is in the Houfe, and. inthat part thererof which the Querent himfelt de- lights chiefly to be ing if in the tenth Houle; fay itisin the Shop, if the Querent bea Trades-man; ifa Gentle ‘man, fay ‘isin the Hall, or Dineing room ; ifa Country- oman, fay in the fire Room after the Entry : if the Signifi- «stor bein the feventh Houfe, then you may concludeit te be imthat Room where the Querents Wife molt fre- guents,or Women ufe; ifin the fourth, in fome decayed Part of the Houfé; or where Ancient people Lodge; ifin isi Signs, fay near the Chimney 5 ifin Earthy Signs, in fome lower Room, or rather the Floor theredf ifin Wa- 417 Signs, fearch neer fome Watry place, viz. the Cifterm, ump, Wafh koafe,.Bustery, Dairy, cre.” but ifthe Signi ot of the thing milling be found:in. Airy Signs, ‘tis hid Trtte Upper Room, orin fome high place from the Floor. Gehwould obferve the Quarters: of Heaven. that the iets thew, the better tofind the part of that Houte where ‘iPgis Iaid 5 tien confule the Zntveduétory Part, par. the Iv. Of Hidden Treafure, Is there any in the ples Sufpetted or not? 8c 1. TE the Fortunate Planets be pofited in the North An I ftrong and free from the Hoftile Rayes of the In tunes, or if the @®, or the $1 be therein, or the Lorie] the fourth in the fourth Houfe, thefe are Arguments th there maybe Treafure concealed, in the place fufpet and itis of the Nature of that Planet which is the Si cator thereof, asif the © be Significator, fay "tis Gol, he D, Silver, oe. ine Bue if'you fad the fourth Hote offi by prefence or ill Afpedis of the Infortunes (if they bags not robe Sigoificators) it is thea more than probable th that there is no Treafure hidderi, and therefore inv make fearch after it. Yet if the Aeon or Lord of fourth Houte did lat feparate from 2 or 2, youmay conclude that Treafare has been hidden there, bots removed or taken away : And farther note, that if th forefaid Sigoiicators did feperate ill, that there was # any thing of that kind hidden in. that place, Clavis Aftrolgie Elimate, the 30. There needs no more ifcourfe upon this Quek, on, in regard t tends more to Paftime, and Spars eer ny ferious matter yet the truth of chefe Rules have keg ‘often verified to admiration, SECT. v, The Key to Aftrology new Filed. 173 tia 4 Planet in bis exaltation is accounted more prem dhena Planes nbs Houfe;, and a Syperionr Planet is oh preferr'd bins an leon tne,inall Briony Cafpecialy.thefe of thy Nature) marever Mars, C who isthe proper Patron Gf a) if be powered ad in bis own Digs, and it id Apel to particular Significater, 10 biwe se tng fn” Ste ynme re IV. Ifthe Lord of the feventh Houfe be frong and gowerul o fortunate Planets potted thercia, or intgood Ape wo the Lord thereof; you may then condude the Enemy to bein good heart, and will boldly rencousten sod oppofe when they are attempted: Andifthe Lect gies te Querent,or Perrone Befging; ii pole fourth Houte be rong inthe fourth, the Petree feventh Houfe, and Lord thereof, the Enemy ; the four [E » judge.the fame if the Lord Houfe, the Town, City, or Strong-hold ; and the Lotte leventh be well potted in the fourth Houfe s bucit the fourth the Governour thereaf; the tenth Houf wife Lord of the fourth be in fuch a Houle as behalds Dot Lord thereof ill reprefen the Commander of Mouth, andthe Lord of the feventhour eee snk fiegers; and the fifth Houfe the Ammunition, Affitanc meA*!®, beteis danger itmay be taken, and Provifion of the Befieged Perfons, [But ethers aed] 5 V. If the Sigaificators be pofited in fixed Signs, the opinion, that we eghe togive che Afeemdant ro him shar M8" MY continue long , in moveable Signs, the contra- puinds the Queen, ast bis Lie sto the roy Pog: 0 conclude, in quetions ofthis nature, “dobar see, that beleaguer the place of which the Qusflion is propendd ao i: Arength of the Significators, fee how they are the feventh Houfe foal inifie the City, Tom, or Far, bippetiended, or atfidted, and accordingly judge of the fieged, and bis Lord the Governour thereof, or Peron: hip ‘feged therein s0 shis Lester Haaly agrees, bu: se fot Rules ave generally accepted.) It, Tf fortunate Planets be pofited in the Afcendast, « in favourable Afpeét to the Lord thereof, and the foot Houfe, and Lord thereof aifliGted ; this argues tt Strong:hold will be taken, and the contrary. Ill. IF, of 84 of the Dragons Tayl be politedin i fourth Houfe, and %, or @, be in no friendly Ape the Cufp, or Lord thereof ; there is then great danger‘ the Fort will not be able to hold out long, or that treachetous Aétion will be fuddenly committed , 20 Governor himfelf out ofall hope of fecuring its [ Ni Shall « City, Town, Ceftle, Fort, or sland, th j befieged, be taken, or nos? 1. [Nits Queftion the Afeendantand Lord thes, lay happen : fuch is the great variety th By te rawn rom fome Schemes, both oe she ‘Queftions | the confideration whereof moft be left to the Prien, and Diferetion of every Arif. jugime (Autor: rank. this Seton among thee a {tinge the fren Hloufe , which, in my coinion’ das ‘npopery belong ta she ek ramet CHap, Clavis Afirolgie Elimats, 174 CHAP. v. ions, and Judgement, properly belonging tl Queflions, and Fu me nee SECT. L hall the Querent ever have Ife, ov ise ca ee of bearing cullen EE whether the Lord of the Afcendant, and te Se tten behold the Lord of theifths or Hf ny Phe transferr the light of the Lord of the Afcendast, tot Lord of thi fifth: orif the aforetaid Significatorsbe pi ted (any of them ) in fruitful Signs, thefe are Tefino nies in Artythat the Querent may have Iffue. IL. Judgethe fame, if you find the Lord of the Ace. dant, or the Advon in the fifth Houfe, or the Lord oft fithiathe Afcendant, or, ot 2 inthe Sih ere a benovolent Afpect thereunto , or unto the Lordoft fifth Houfe; thefe are good Arguments that the Quer children, i mbit or wy, bein the fith Hout, raf fame, or any of the principal Significators; ct i Sasbutor the Sign of the itha flr Signoctie Sgt ficators in barren Signs: thefe are notable Argus that the Querent will very rarely have Children isthe Querent with Child? If fo, of what seo. Malesor Female 5 or is fhe impregnated swith more then one, 8c. F theLord of the Afcendant, or the A/a be poli ted in fruitful Signs, and behold the Cufp of the ih Houle, or Lord thereof, by a, or A Afpetts or 2, be Angular and free from the aflliction of 1, ord if the oot, or Lord of the fifth Houfe be Located jccin: thefe are fignal Teftimonies that the Women pauiring, is undoubtedly with Child. II. Botit you find the aforefaid Significators afflified the Hofile beams of ord, or either of them in the ith (which is the Houle of Children ) ore there; or Forthe Atwn, beafficted by the, Lor & of be 35, You may, upon good grounds in. Art, judge that yeront is not impregnated. Hil, If by the foregoing Rules you come to difcover Ft the Qoerent is with Child, and you would alto ow whether it be a Boy, ora Gitl; you arethen to con. «the aforefad Sigaificators , whether they be in Mat, Hine, or Feminine Signs; and by an exact Colleétior tie Major Teftimonies, ‘you may pronounce Judges rat: ifthey be found molt Mafculine,fay a Bays if moft Raine, Teftimonics judge che Querent is wth Child Wier which are Atsfeuline, and Feminine Planets {18% are already fbewed inthe Intradstery part ; and welore need not by ed again] ~ Hou find the Lord of the Atcendant, or the Agen “Wik TacdSigns; or the Afcendaxe it fel’, ox Culp ‘ith Honfe double bodied , or Ricorpore: °°" © fhallbein thesich, polited infruiztul gns s Theta ‘The Key to Affrelegy new Filed, 176 Clavis Aftrolagie Elimata, Thef — — 177 Thefe are good Telimonies that in all probably @ ff fail and common Signs, allohow many are poled in i Querent is impregnated with Twins, of more Chili. baren Sigas then for every Planet in a fruitful Sign, then one; Judge the fame if %, or calt their 4, ory allow one; ad for every Planet ina common, or double Alpetis to the Culp of the Afcendant, or fifth Hove bodied Siga, two Teftimonies 5 and in fine, Subset all ‘and thofe double bodied, or common Signs: but iffc the Teltimonies of Barreanets, from thofe of Iifuc, or prow ced Signs be upon thofe Houfes, or moveable, ifthe oer) J mifing Children ; and the Remainer ( ifany be ) of be therein, you may conclude a fingle Conception. If the Number of Children delited 5 according to the judge~ } Ve If the Queftion were how long is will be befree ff ment of fome Authors, 8 8 | man may be with Child? Finding Telimonics tars) Vile Aste che rime when the Birth willbe, Authors ad | Qyerent may have Children, confider then the potion vifeto direct the part of Children tothe Culp ofthe fifth the Lord of the fifth Houfe 5 if in the Afcendant,telelf Houte or to his Lord, orto 2, or his benevolent Afpedis, ‘Querent ic willbe the fudt Year if in the fecond Ha fby allowing a day ro every’ degree of Di oe | thefecond Year 5 if in the tenth Houfe, the third Yer point neerly out the time of her delivery; but firtob- fin the feventh Houfe, the fourth Years ifin the fouiglervehow long the may Naturaily go, and then confider Houte, fay the fifth Year; but withal obferve whaSeftthe premiles. (The part of Children is takenby Day, and the Lord of the fifth Houte is pofited in, and whether bell Night, fren 3 to 32, and projelbed from the Afcendum-] fivift, oF flow in motion ; fora Planet direct and fwitsf| Cbferve alfo when the Significator of the Queition moves | ‘motion, in a movable Sign, doth generally haften thems of one Sign, into another, and thereby changes his | terzortitie double bodied Signs do nor put forwuifrn, that is 4 proper time wherein the Birth may be ex. i foon , and fixed Signs ufually protong the timeiniifM pected; otherwife confider how far diftant the Lord of cafes, the fifth Houfe is from the Cufp thereof; and for every ; Vie Uf youwonld make 4 Conjelture bow long the WeeMhSen ditaat, allow one Month by this Rule, together has Conceived, Mr. Lilly gives thefe Rules, that the vf with other Teftimonies, an Arei/? may come very near the ‘atic ald concer he. fon, Lord of the fit Sgmter, i ach a dubious Cate as thi [Thue mach ful Lorg ofthe hour 5 and abferve which of thofe arene, concerning che Birth of Children. fa ; from the feparation of any Planet; if the feparaton froma A Alpett, fay the isin the fifth, or third Mos! SECT. Itt tier Conception ; if ‘twerea * Alpect, fay oars * 7 fixth Month of Conception ; ifthe feparation ee fpett, judge the is in the fourth Month ; but if we HOP Embsfedours, Addlfenzers, Gaming, Ke, ration was from an &, fay feven Months ; if from ; you may conclude only one Month; a little expt h. tua the Lord of the fifth Houfe thail fignific the youray onlay Re LA Embafidonr, ox Meffenger, the Aloo mult be SI een eine fiscb's! Corignifcator ; and the Plaact, or Planets, 10 munbeo| "Thea ithe bai ebteree nese) BAIN Ahn, or Lord ofthe fh apps, thal thew “eral Signifcators of Live , how many of them be fof the Embaflage, or Meffiges zhe lixth Houte, 4 M and 178 Clavis Alrologie Elimata, and Lord thercof, (hall figoifie his Aflitants, crana dants, oc. If it be a Common Meffsnger, that ister with Letrer beeween Perfons of ordisary Degree, fies the Nelfenger, or Letter Fenty ta the feventn Houle, and Lord thereof, the Perfon to hx it is fear; the third, and ninth Houles, and their Love ‘what may happen in the journey; and the fourch Hou'e and Lord thereof, the final end, or conclufion of the mar ter; or the good, o1 ill fuccels of the Anfwer, II. Now by adue obfervation how thee feveral Sig. ficators behold each other , or feparate, or apply, tq from each other, either by friendly, or Hoftile aipe (that is by >, or A, oF by D, or &) and obfervng from what parts of the Figure thoie Afpeéts are mai (if any be) you may thence deduce a rational Judgemen what the event may be of the proceedings of the Z| baffadeur, and his Embaffaze, or of the Meffnger (wh isa minor Embaffadour ) and bis Adeffage, &c. IIL. Asifyou find theLord of the tiich'in good Aft with the oon, the Lord of the Afcendant, or Cufptixe of, youmay then conclude the Meffenget { le himicd what quality foever ) will perform his buSitefs fishy with all diligence, and induftry, for the Perfon, oF fons, that imploy'd him but if the aforefuid Sig tors behold cach other by 0, or 9, yudge the coi IV. When the Lord of the fifth doth feparare Lord of the feventh Houfe, ‘tis an Argument the Melt ger is returning ; and if heapplies by good Afpect wit Lord of the Aicendant, there is great hopes he hasefi ed the bufine, and icturns to the Perfons content th! feat him; herein obferve «iat Houte that Planet isl ‘of, from whom the Lord of the fifth feparctes and fv the confideration thereof you may eafily judge of he count the Meffenger brings : If he feparates foom Fi fines you may hope well, if from Iafortunes, jue contrary, allis not well as to the conzent of the Qie® cor Prvfon that fent the Meffenger. v The Key ta Afirology new Filed, 179 V. Ifyou find a friendly reception, either by House, er ezaltation between the Signitcator of the Meflenger, aad the Signifcator of the Peifon to whomhe was fent > then you tay in reafon judge the Metienger is friendly ‘atertained ; andifit fo happen alfo thac there bea Train, fuion of Light, or Vertue between the Lord of the ter venth, aud Lord of the Afeendant orifany good Afpeét beberween them, thisis a fore Teftimony the Queceat wil obsain his defire, asto the Mcflage, and all things focceed according to his expectation, to his great content and fatisfation: Bue if contrary Teftimopies fall out judge the contrary. : Vie Uf the Queftion were, fhall I gain, or lofeby Play If you find a reception fees “the Lord ot eth f Houfe ( which fignifes the Game ) and the Lord of the Aendant (which always figaifes the Querent ) or if they ete inany friendly Aipeét, judge the Quereat‘s fats H}Promifed much encouragement by his fport, and may happily gain profit thereby ; and this is the more certain ifs (who naturally Gignifies (ports, Paftime,and all forts of delights and Pleafures ) thall behold the Lord of the fe- Fs or Afeendane, by any friendly Afpeét orif there i antaion of Ligh, or Vertue, between the Afom, felotd ofthe Gith, or Lord of the eighth Houte, (which gentsthe Adverfarys fubftance) and Lord of the Afcen= anyorfecond Houfe; if none of thefe happen, there is Bilall encouragement for the Quetent t0 advensure, Kad fe comes of with lofi from the confideration ofthe Freresobferving well the Peto, &Confttution of the Se nestor, & contrary judgement iss eaily deduced inlay emlee Hete needs no more to be faid to this parti. the teemrGt0 advife the Querent that he rather confides (firme By the Lord of the fifth Houfe in his Geniture Snes Hee Pd) and c0 fee Row he i beheld, or what the Lard tits the lth Houte, o the good Aipeéls of "thereof at the time of the Queftion. Again, cone 180 Clavis Ajlrolygie Blimata, Confider the Significator of Gameing allo in the Reva, tiot for that Year; and by a frit Infpeetion into thee things (would the Querent be fo curious )_he might fran thence expect greater fatisfaction, at leaft proceed ups: a more certain and firm Foundation, if the buines ix righsiy managed by an able Actift VAL Uf the Hion were, {hall a Petition deliversin fome great Perf be granted ? Here the Petition is fignified by qhe filth Hout te Lord thereof, and the Azon; asd you are to sake tenth Hovfe, and Lord the:cof, and the Sum forthe scat Perfon you prefene it unto. Now if you find Reception, er good Afpeét between the Lord of the tenth Hou, al Lord of the ith, you may then conclude the Peitioe my beheard: the fame judgement may be given, ifth= Lert of the tenth be in good Afpect to che Adee, efpecialyif hebea fortunate Planet; the fame alfo fit happentote ‘hy or d in their own Effential dignities, and they in goal ‘Afpe€t and reception with the Significator of the Querer, orhis Petition, Vill. Ifthe Lordof the Afcendant, and Afcendant, o the Aeon be no way affidied by the Infortunes, theres great hopes the Petitioner may go on without obftruCts, ‘r oppofition, with much cheerfulnefs, and botdne!s5 ané if the Ascon apply to the >, or A of %, or, sisiet> mates the Contents of the Petition will be well received, ‘and approved of, to the great fatisfaCtion of the Pett foner judge the fame if the Lord of the E:thbein geet Ape to the Sun: butif the Lord of the Afcendantte in, or & with the Lord of the fourth, eighth, tentt twelle, Houless or if the eo, or Lord of the ft Houte be «fiCied, then youmay eafily judge anil i that the Petition will be difliked,and by no means grant burrather acheck, or flight Anfwer returned. — cua? “The Key 10 Aftrotey new Filed CHAP. VL judrments and Tateregations proper to the sivth Hunfe s which hath Siznifcation of Difea- Ses) Be. SECT. .L some General Rules bow to Fudge of Difeafes, Bierve that the Afcendant and Lord thereof, vog aw, ther wih he Aen of he lwayes ge ies the pexlog-of the Sik but te inth floule a Led thereof at ponpoun Ssmenow the conten of Paiemrethes the aero Na fall —— 382 Clavie Affrolegie Elimata, thallreprefent the Querent, and the fick perfons Signifca. tor thall betaken according ashis or her Relation to tie ‘Querent lands. [How that may be performed has beer rey wed in ti caring of th Hele LIL. What Difeafes every Planet fignifies naturally f iafelf and through the twelve Signes, 1 have expres the feventh Chapter of the Insroduétion, page 66. andthe Difeates appropriated to. the twelve Signes, you may read in the third chapter thereof. TV« The feveral parts of Mans Body that are appropisd tothe feven Plancts are thefoy Vit. isfid to Govern bear Rule over the Bones, the Teeth, the Spleen, the vit Far, and the Retentive faculty throughout the bosy, Gupiter Res the Liver, Lungs, Ribs, Sides, Blood, Vey, the Natural Virtue in Man, and the Digeltive facut, ‘Mars bears Rule in Mans Body over the Gall, the Ta ihe Stones, the Face, and in hort, the ApprchenSon ts ‘The Sum is faid to bear Rule over the Sight, (andte right eye in particular ) the Heart, the Back, the Are ies. To Ferusis offomed all che Lnftruments of the Gt eration, as the Teftices, the Yard, the Womb, Ws mens Breafts, the Milk and Sced, atfo the Throat, te Reins ond Kidneys, To Aeron Government is hs buted the Rational part of man, the Brain, the Inge fred Sign upo elie tion, the Tongue, the Hands, the Feet, the Spirits. T fsiemsy cane thews that the Diz the Iomis Nbgoed the whole Bulk: or Bocy ofthe Bra ar depees ofa Sign ete ered Fee te the Stomach, the Bowels, the Bladder, the rightlEYt©@ fupiteror ater gulf she Dike oe th Howse, 3 Woman, the left ofa Man, and fome fay the Tata gnifie the Difeafe, judge the contra’ iP, thatthe Diteate ill an Morr en Danes Ralor Govrn be Spit alob to ohers the te ees Heng bur end one _ The Key of Altrology new Filed, 183 Digeltive, Afrcwy the Imaginative or Bie, ere th loner Sorcha Faculty, as before | intimated: So inthe Signes, the A cradtive Faculty is Ruled by the Fiery Triplicity, the Dic geflve by the Airy, the Ketentive by the Evthy, and ihe Expollive by the Watry Triplicity. a Vie Heving premifed shee things, Tpreceed tothe Genee rad Roles of Figing a Figure of the Deeumbitures vie Enquire whether the Sick, Party may Recover or noe? If the Aison and Significator of the Diveafe are no way affited, but apply to the good Afpects of Fortunate Pie. ets, or are ia Reception with them; this thews thas there isgreat hopes of Recovery ; orf you find Fortunate Ps retsinthe Mid-heaven, or Afeendantin the Fieure ef the Decnbtre, and pfited in either of tote Angles ‘ree fomsfliction, J : qe thefime, the Mature being fied > VII. Iffapiter or Venu, ot the Sus of Aleon be pot tbe Atendent, and none of them Tule ofthe eine Houle noraflicted by the Lord thereof, thete are ‘Teft- pensotafpeedy Recovery : youmay’alio hepe well i cabeing of vina good place of the Figure, Sauurne being Significator of the Diteate, or a Vital, Animal and Natural, The Vital remain inthe Hes pet the Cutp of th cable or common Signes ‘andre appropriated ro the Suns the Animal are fet Aor hall be Senate agen pete Berea, oF the ifeate is ei in the Brain, and Ruled by Afercury and the 440i hee ‘Mercury hath power over the Operative part, 204 ¥f “Atoon over the Brain it (elf: Jupiter and Venus Rule Natural Part, which is faid tobe fcituated in the Live So the Sn Governs the Attraétive Power, agit Prt or fuddenly alters.’ [And by th ng rs. dre thefe Rules alone an Bene f7 MGs whether the Difnfe willbe Chronique ce IX. Butif Aasuing 8 £¥9U find the Lord of the eighth, frome ihr, andthe amy weak and Cadeon, meine wine we » having ties, 184 Ciavis Ajirologse Elimata, — The Key toAftrology new Filed = ord of the Afeeadan'g ff Gov and thes more certain if the Moon be joyned unto estate Meencaat Rar oeiaee Cumbul of Gg, Tncommon Signes he gives Compound or mixt Di i eg ream ae nS ‘hiexee ff femperss which, With great deliberation alter from one po eae aee beReception, oF fore Frieny as | Dieefe nto another: In fixed Signes he produces Fea padlot the Fortunes iaterpoting:’Moreover, if te Lat outs, Gouts, Leprofies, and other unwelcome tedious éntial Dignities inthe. fl Direates. : cred fune ofthe Domutiiore ya BE Dies Jupier be Significator of the Difeate, the Liveris Ere ear anarel gre oe ain sidered the Digeltion not good, the Blood tov hot ac Lord thereof, ‘tis > coding tothe Signs he is poited in. Hina Fiery Sign? eg Efcapes. Difeaftis fuch a Feaver as arifes from the Blood not Cor. er roped or Putrifed, and continues not long. If'in Page SECT. IL Signes the Collick or Scurvey ; In Airy Signes, Diteat : thane from Corruption of Blood, #9 Sueeis, ape i Neture avd Quality of the Difeafeia I vit snes, the Scurvey, Dropfic, Itch, ee, General, VI. If Adars be Significator of the Difeafe, you may torina f SmMEHtobea viclentFeavour, ang fim Com been already written ‘iso herd milf and Porrifed Blood; If in a Fier Signe, ’tisa Burnin, ee bel Fexvour, orthe Plague. stdin ao Barty Sone eas fe tha alfidts the Patten, provided the real Decuatif ries gives the Bloody Flux or Jaundice in an Aiery feat that alist > Quotidian Feavours, Frenzy, Madnefs, ce. IF TIPE be Senieacor ad the aiding Plane, bea Warren Judge the Small pox, Meatles, the Drop. voy Product lingering. or tedious Diempts, sfeor Scurvey.-— eee ee Coutts, Quartain Agues, oe. ye Vine Ifthe Sw be much affigted at say read move at large, chap. 7. of the loodolaf iby iheHofil neeree ce Satwone, the Diteafe ates chiefly Se eee ra panied ic Piety Sen be tenant Then encbolys fof ater, judge Cholaristhe eaute, Rope ngerous Feavour If hebe ina Watry Se ‘Theft may produce a Confumption, and the lait the tee Difeale niles from forme’ grofs and vitious Hunou| {Yclow jaundice, or fome Diftemper equivolent, aeons from foie Colder moi Diftemper, 8 ipenlll, MVemsligsitc the Diteate, judge the Diftem- or PE ror cen fouaeimes,accompanyed Wil Ppeaain gee Intemperance or Debauchery; IF the be may prove Chie fret to Satrne, there is danger of Poyton; If Flo “Ganone in Eatthy Signes produces lingeritg teanith “isa Surtees if Ate, “tis ome Veseral Ce, a aE Doikempsrs, as Confoe Saltobog ee SM idgea Feaver if rear, judge ee {he Gout, and pains races ine : a urbe eared for Love or fomeother caufe 5 if sour, Humours lodged in feveral parts of the ott. Aton, ‘tis a Paliie, oe eee bie Sighs ulally produces: 4 gels I aerciry be Sighiticato (TY, Seararn a parts of the Body, asthe Det] Menger lies in the Bria, of Hu ‘ 6 t the Decumbiture , and affi€ted, the Di. andthe Patient is then Mad or Phrentical; us Afiroligie Elita, Phrenfical, and this the more certainif Aders or the fy beinill Aipeet to Afereury: if Saturn offic AAércny, s Party is Melancholy if Pens behold dferemy, yous be fare the fick Party is difturbed in his fancy concer fome Woman, probably heis Love fick ; ifthe Aiwa in 8 or 3 of 8, judge the Convulfion-ts, or Fllins ip nef ora Diftemper of that Nature offends the Pai, X. Lethe Afoon be in ¥, and principal Sigsifiatr 9 the eighth Houte, the Head is afiCted , probably the Me Brim; if pofted inany of the other Signes, judge as jy are direéted in page 79. [Ard thas the Nature of the Difeafe may eal bear svered, clwayes sbferving, ras the Planet ceferies 1 by Jesfey aud the Sign be is pated in, the part of the Buy ta ‘offended, nor omitting the Houle be is in, wey js te rue and satura! canfe thereof, a3. Autbors, whu bese writa Afrelegicaly upon this Subset do copionlly demorteace) UL. If you were 0 difeover wheter the Difemyer lay aie Body or the Afind, Confider that it the Sun, Aése., or & cendant be much ailiGted, or very wea’, and their Lee 0 Dilfpofiters no way impedited, then you may conc: the Body is diftempered, and tae Mind free, But oat contrary, if the Atcendant and the Luminaries bef fromall manner of afliction, and their Difpofters dd Titated or much impediced, then you may Ratinnallyc clude that the Diftemperliesin the mind, and the Bx] isfree. XID. IF Saturme be the Planet concern’d in this matt fay that Grief, Care and Troubles of the World, and tream Melancholy and Difcontene is the Principal ca if Jupiter, “isa hundred to one but Religion, or Religos Perfonshave occafioned the Patients Injury and afc; if Ars fay ts fome unhappy Quarrel, or rath AC of Patientmay then grow Frantick or Mad ; if Sol, the Pa ty is Ambitious, Proud, Vain-glorious and Afpirig, #4 iecaule of his ailition proceeds from thence; if Vos The Key t0 Aftrolegy new Filed, 187 Le ceacened, ‘tis Love-palion that dilurbs the Patient, fometingequivolent, perhaps the unkindnets of ot ant from fome Feinale Creature,or Miftrefisif aferg ¢ Perfon hath Over-fudied himfelf, and fo difturbed tin tat way orele Lome folth Imaginations do (ets him, and that is the caute ; if the Afoon, fay fome. inary Perfon has affronted him, or fome Woman or iighbour proves very unkind, or elfe fomne publick con= inofendshim 5 and thos joyning Reafon to Art, you y Conjeéture to Admiration, SECT. I pf the Affliction of the Moon. by Saturne or Mars ‘nthe four Trigons, being the Diagaolticks , of Hermes, Fil Of the Moons Affidtion in the Fiery Triplicity, [igi Decumbiture of the Monin ~ affiéted by the of, 0, ot @ of h, then the PRiste proceeds froma Cold Caufe, ’ with heavinels of pacsd, weaknefs of the Eyes, Ditillation of Rhume in cbreatt, @oppage of the Throat or Wind.pipe with ee, an outward Chilnefs or Shiverit ig with Cold, piring in the Stomach, Swounding, and irregular and int Sweatings, ee, ° Jn this Cafe Blood-leting Wichbeat, mole, and loofen the Moon apply not by good cell ft Peon isin great danger of Death, of a eon bein, and afflicted by the o',0, ot then the Difeafe proceeds from fome Diftemper in Sick, you find the 4s improper, but fuch things the Bally may fly be applyed: Alpetltocither of the Fortmnate y #0 Arolegy 9 189 yy violent Exercife, and Cold taken thereupon. lelaldthe »at he fame time, shen the [ck Perfon bas if viens Feavonr invades lis Body 5 Now fuch ede es mic gently heat and mitrgate meifen and almace, te pepely Adminifired s when the D is in or B toe 3, provided neither of them have Dignities in the fvtb, jth, or twelfoh Heft. 7 VI. The Din # affhéted by ¢ thews a violent Difteme macaonod fram a surfeit, Gluttony, Drunkennefs, of e-much Repletion, whence a high Fe: edit mCholer , witha Flux of the Belly, sete! Inthis Cafe Cling Remedies may belp , the Sickeef; ung bt tt kil aa tbe dangeroar Td cena in the Brain, tien al Feavours, the Pate Relfle(s, the Mouth hor and dry, the fick Potty sq] tream Thirty, an Inflamation in the Liver, a high Pu and in this cafe there is much anger of a Freniy or Jit nfs to enfue, ane zi Blood letting, and fac Medicines as Refrigerate, o and Noarifp are-vory belpfal and. conveniesss ter Moon féperate from Mts, and apply tothe il Alpina rurne, the fick, Party is then in great danger of Deah; if free apply to the Benevolent Afpetts of either of ihr Fl tame, the Sick may Recovers UL. Tf youfind the pin 9. at the Decumbicure sel as aforefaid by B, this fignifiesa violent Feavour, ni bundance of Corrupted Blood, heat and srin + Stomach, with great heat and burning both without. Now shines that cently meiften, heat, ard wits, tobe appiged < wiv the D meets an & of ifthe? tsa y the Moons Aflitcn in the Eartby Triplicity, terpofe not their Friendly F WV. Ti bent Vil, The > in afflicted by i g, atthe ng down, then yh fhews that the Diteafe abounds to Boca, cauiny vw seamen LEXDTY ot Wantonnet, Surtts, or too mace leon, caufing Feavours proceeding from Obiirueit el th Arteries, and Diltempers of the Inward pas the Hear, Liver, and Lungs, of from Choles, ‘efit rentonofthe whole Body, and Exulceration “of the a weak Pulfe, Frenzy or Mrénefs fometimes follov, ‘of Appetite, a genere! nce heavirefscrtr ‘whole Body, the Heartis much officted, and a Cool tion may be feared, : Sach dtedicnes ther are AMiringert and Refer Goong, are rom very proper tobe appged: The il il ' S and the pin this Sune is wore dargerous ticanin any i 76f ofthe twelve, infomuch, thar wilefs there be ake monies of Affiffance fallin, the Patient may end bis dq ninth day. ‘V. ‘The pin afted by fi, fgnifies that he Psi affliGted with a deffusion of fharp and thin Humours pain in the Joynts and Arteries, fome danger of ae" approaching, by extremity of Heat and Cold, fn il, the D be ins affiGted by is Vil. Ufthe > bei + the fi eed with continal Feavours ad we tle Bap ing mamations inthe Neck and Throat, probab- spin in the Bones, and hinder part of the Drink cool Liquors, and’ inordinate Now 90 Clavis Aftrologie Elimat., The Key #0 Afrolegy new Filed, 19r ‘Maiicines Afringent and Obfiruitive are neceffary to be “Now Phlebotomy, and fuch things which mittigate sade fas the greateft danger is whew the > meets with the & sennate, are belpful and convenient 5 But if he violence bis lnflacnce be not Jupprefed or repelled by the Fertun ‘Sick rarcly lives tothe ninth day , and if the D be coring in good Alpett with either of the Fortunes, the [ck, Pary recover, er bein a fair probability hereof the jisth dy. TX. The p ia me afflited by b , the Caule of the Dy flemperarifes from Crodities, and an ill Digetion of Stomach, the Bowels and Inteftines are obitruéted vi Phlegm, ‘Head-ach, pain under the Ribs, Inordinae fe vours. ‘Now fuch things which mallife and diffe are cose to be applyeds if the ) benot affifed by the benevln: Ra ofthe Fortunes, the Patient will be in great danger thf reenth day; but if shey are adjuvant to the D, the Sib covert, though after fome longtime, X. Ifat the Decumbieure the > be in * sified] 4, the Diftemper arifes from Fretting, Ulceration of Toteftines, with a Bloody Flux, fall Fecvours, thes mach loathing of Meat, an inclination to Vouit. ‘Things that obfiruct and repel [harp Huronrs wal But unlefs other T eftimonies concur, the fick Party ma # pire in thirty dayes. | XL. The p in afflicted by i » the} Difeave po from fome cold Caufe, thin Diftillarions, a pain vvinefs atthe Breaft, the Lungs are opprett, 2 vient Co orCold, and difficulty of Breathing: fometimes 2 84 in the Head or Head-ach affi€ts the Patient. Now Medicines that heat and moiften are very prs thirdly 5 of the Moons Afficion in she Airy Tripliciry, XIII. Ifthe p be in xc aflliéted by’ thi Original ofthe Difeate proceeds from Difurbonce ot Jenind, or itis too much opprett with Care or Blinc, by much wesrinefsin Travel, or over-watching, paid overthe Body, efpecialiy in the Joynts and Arteries, rating, the Spleen is difturbed, a finall Feavour, and fck Parry is inclinable toa Confomption, fhe Fortunes AQift not, andthe be ( allo) inbad ins tie Coferrvey dangerous, and the fk Pary the 9 be in a affliGte Eulsed with a dat by d, the fick Perty is then erous and violent Feavour, great fs at Heart, with « very imegular patinry is feafonable now: Bar if che > bs i no geod tothe Fortunate Plaveet., and apply to ain is tee fein gre ding bad Ape - Hf tic » be in =: aflted by 1, ihews th as fm n Ebriry, Gluttony? Surf ey oon ch Venery } lols of Apetite, ‘Fe ihs and Hoarfnels, with a Diftillation ‘of Rheum, the . andbelpfil. . il is Cafe fi inny affided by 4, fhews anil Dec ? Cale [ings thet Quali and beat ‘are not pron abad Stomach, Choler abounds, the Difeafe is ¥1@ gerous, a Tuifying ofthe Nerves, the Joya ded with Ulcerations, as alfoa Flux of the teal times the Party isinctigable to the Yellow. Jane, Blood all over Corrupted, and the Diteafe alm noble. . fame time be Concbutt of the ©, and of 2 or 2, there is bet great sl » there is great Dangers b he and be Lord of the eighth pe a) 3, the ng Decumbiture the > be found in = afk. » the Difeafe atifes from too great quantity of Blood, rT I ESS -— 192 Clavis Aftrologie Elias, The Key to Affrology new Filed, 193 Saling, cbfarvt the motion of the D, (by whom the Criss is wade ) and accordingly judge what the end may be, axel how ye Dffemper alters. : XXL The p in and affidted by by thews the Die jemper is Exvlceration or Bubo’s in or neer the fecret rts, the Piles in Ano, or fome obftrudtions in the Urine, patimes the Stone inthe Bladder, fwellings in the Legs, oplical Humours or Flux, ifa Man, a Gonorrhea, if @ ‘oman, an overflowing of the Menftrua’s, ec, XXIL But ifthe p bein m and afficied by d, the Die afe proceeds from Impofthumations or Uicerations in about the Secrets, the Hemorihoids, the Pox, the ;nil-poxor Meafles, (if aChild, ) fomerimes the Pes lence, or Leprotic, New [ic Aedes as et and Confers are ery fit 1 apped. XXIIL. The pin x afflied by b, thews the Difteme er aifes from Rheum and cold Diftiletions , the fick tyis troubled with a continued Feaver, pains undet he Breaft, cxteution of the Precerdiacks and Heart- rings, afore Throat, rotsen Coughs, with much Wacry lomours offending the Stomach, Inthis Cafe, fuch Adedicaments that beat and mitigate are elpfal. * The vinx affied by 2, fhews the Body a- grofs Humours cavled by Ebriety and Glue. Ys or toomuch Repletion, a Frenzy or Madnefs fomes nes follows, the Sick is molt oppreft in the night time, alfo den irft and tharp Feavers, wict ream Loofaefs or gripiag pa Belly, and fome- mes a continual Delusion of from the Head ret Symp sofa Droptic, : i ee see Net af the aficbec of %, you may judge the fame’ as tens ane siaed by fhews 9 SHEIME 04fone ft mrgeions or ft 9 be “tilted by much Blood, much Sweat, Phlegm of ea in a ve othe fame as of &, with a very ltele alrcration s and "Naw Vomiting may be belpfnd, and acl, Medi, PorI04 may judges she Pilaf and shether it will endin Life 19 Blood, thereby cauling Tatenfe Feavers, with an [ofan tion of the whole Body, and high Pulfes. “Now Blood letting may help, and fuch Medecives a: ‘ooke Sleep; bur wale(s the Friendly Apetts of the Fang Tncerpofe, the Patient will be in great danger when meets with the body of 8. XVIL. The pin = affidted by h atthe Decun declares the Difeate arifes from much Lebour Wearinels, Watching, and a want of necet!s ment, fometimes a fore Throat follows. ‘The Patient in this cafe is ufually saken with Rewijin 4 Intention sill she » is paft che & of ber oven place; ther {i vweets with the Benevolent As fe Eevee, thee hopes of a Recovery. fudge the fame inthe evil Tre in a aici by 8, thes th feafe proceeds from a tharp and violent Cavfe, ards Patient is much aifiited with hot and violent Poss If % or do but behold the d by “i good Apel whe comes tothe Cer & of her own place, inewenty dayes, Fourth , Of the Moons SECT. 1 Of Marriage. J. TF te Quefton be propounded thos, in general way, Shall I ever Marry? Then you are to ob- ve the Lord of the Afcendant, together with ant, th + (who are General Sigoificatorss) if you find the ord of the Afcendant, or Planet polited therein, in vor, with the Lord of the feventh, or the D, or Lord and in the Afcendant, iefe are Arguments the Querent may Mar euigttyoutind the Signicatorsin Fruitful Signes, oria rer eaigs of, this promifes very fair, that fuch a bu- Weary be effetted, and the more probable if the Lord (cendant be in fore good Afpe€t to ¢ ae, and 7 s the Glavns Afirolgie Elimata, ‘ney may fpoil he bufinels, gc, And fo order your yudg- saent according to the proper fignification of the Impeding Planet, let him be Lord of any Houfe in the Figures ‘whofe lignification need not inthis place be any farcher mentioned, that being already done at large in the Intro. duétory part hereof. IX. “Av tothe Time shen the Querene may Marry, finding the Siga fcatars appiying, judge ehus, viz. Confider the Degrees of Diftance that the Significators want of a Partile Afpelt, and meafare out the Weeks, Months, Dayesand Years, as you are directed Chup.2. Selt.3. Pag. 157. but be not too politive unlefs you find notable Teftimonies in Act toincourage you, and the | Sigoificators be found fwift in motion, Astorhetrue time of Marriage, the Direttion of Signi feator to an ape and proper Promittor in the Nativity (afit | : 202 ‘may be procured) dorh belt difcover thar; bat if it came Be bed uf ach mayer as are hemed Gr the afmementiened Place ef 7 ‘Book, + The Agreement after Marriage is Afrrologicaly dif. erode Obie whetebe Principal | Dae catorsii the Figure of the .Queftion did behold each other bya2or 4, orifchere were mutual Reception between them, thefe are Teftimonies of a very good Agreements the flme if the behold the Lord ofthe feventh Hout well, of 2 be in >or A to the Lordof the Afcendant: But ifin the Figure you find the Significatorsin evil Afpect to the Anfertunes, judge no agreement, orif hy 3 or ¥ be Infortunate, in the feventh Houfe, the Woman proves Contentious and Illnnatur'd ; if they are found in the AF cendant, the Man wll be the caufe of Strife and Conten- tioo, XL If ithe Demanded whether the Querent may Mary ‘wore than once? Then confider whether you find many Planets in the feventh Houfe in good Afpeét to the Lord of the Afcendant orthe Luminaries, thisis a good Argument that The Key to Aftrology new Filed, 203 \firthe Native fhall Marry more than once 5 judge the fame if the Significators of Marriage ,betin Bi-corporeal Signes + Butif you find the Significaors fixed, or 2 Sign reprefenting one Body poffeffing the Cufp of the feventh, forthe Lord of the Afcendant, orthe Din no Afpeét to any ‘ther Planet, or but one at moft, then youmay conclude aly one Wife. — [What it faid of fens Aderriages underftand she fame of Womens alfy they being Querents, Bec. ‘udge of the Portion of the Wife fromthe irengsh and pfhion of the Lard of the eighth Hlonfe, or Planets pote td therein. © XL Af yom defire co know whether the Querent be Mar- yedor nor ( as ome te try the skil of an Artif are pleafed: Cencenl and ask, when they fall Marry? ) proceed thus s tic. Takenotice in your Figure whether there be any Ap- plication between the Lord of the Afcendant, the D and the Lord ofthe feveath Houfe, or between the © and 2 thefe are Arguments that the perfon is or hath been Mare ryed, and ‘tis the more certainif the Lord of the Afcen- dante in good Afpeét to 2, and they both pofited in fruit« fulSignes: IF you find the Sigaificator fo pofited, and tad Afpedhto from thefifthor the tp therein this gives fufption, ( ifitbe a Female Creatwre ) that the has been debauched and probably had a Bafterd if other Teftimo. nies concur, SII. Uf ont of Curiofty you fold defire to difcouer whee thre Foot Otare propamding « Quel bea Firgin or at! Examinthe Bujinefs thas; viz. you find het pro per Significators pofited in fixed Signes, free from the ill beams of, and noafortunes in the Afcendaut or fifth Houfe but her Significator ( viz.the Lord of the Afeene dant, 2, or the D) in good Afpedt to the © or %, judge the is Chaft,and no way corrupted ; butif you find con trary Teftimonies, you may conclude her otherwife, that ‘the hay Geen tempted, and confented too to her own difhoe nour, Pe __Clavis Afiroligia Elimata, 4 thing very frequent in this Age, ‘manner youmay difcover whether a Afar concerned with any other perfon belies h infit farther upon this fome Innocent Wo: hall judgments of their Jealious Husben fot well experienced in th Arif isrequsfied to give bis Yudy. XI Sometimes an mort, which of thera, Old Rule for this isco confider which of or gofirftto Combujtion of Lord of the eighth Houte, idgment which may firftexpires but this nak and an Artift ought not tobe teopaftiveinfuch matters. The moft certain way iste the sAnareta ; but of this more cator foflers Cembuition if in fixed Signes, it will be fome confide1 8 Moveable ot Tra pical Signe, it points ou bs fomething Rongers ment for Marriage ions that are ufally Jom ether-varietes ball be Third ( or Geacthlical ) Past of this Book, ifina Common Sig mo confideratle Cnefi Propeunded concer The Key to Afrology new Filed. SECT. I. lof Law Suits, war, Publick Enemies Parte rerfip, Bec. F Law-Suitty les the queftion be, Who fhall overcome ‘Onn Tryalat Law, the Quere or ba Advefeg? The Querent is alwayes fignifed by the Afcendane and his id, ‘and the sAdverfary by the Oppolite Houfe, viz.the fiseath and Lord thereof, the Pudge by the tenth Houfe uihis Lord, the fury by the b, aid the end of the Boi. resalwayes by the fourth Houfe and Lord thercof, ha. iogknowledge of every Significator, the Queftion is ea iyanfwered thus ; Confider the Figure well before you ronounce Judgment, and fee which of the Significatore efrongett and belt fortified, and accordingly judge: for iyoufind the Lord of the Afcendant, more powerful than teLord ofthe feventh Houfe, then’( in all probability ) be Querent overcomes, and Cafts his Adverfary; But if tiefeventh Houfe and Lord thereof bebelt fortincd, then ke Querenrs Adverfary becomes Vitter, and gains the day. LIF both Significators be well beheld by Fortunate Pla Hs, this Argues the Difference may be compoted by fiends 5 and if both the Significators be trong end Angu. is, it declares the Querent and this Adverfery will and toon high Terms on both fides ; but if you ind that they HPply to a > or A Afpett, or there bea Reception be ween the Significators,it’sthen a ftrong Argument they [m*y Compofe and Agree the Bufinefs themfelves; where jo that that Planer which applyes, fignifes the Party et hall fift move to Reconcile the Dificrence : and by ehatis aid in this Cafe, the fame may be tinderftood ia Picts; or what Ife may be expected between any per- a and his publick, open and profels’d Enemy, leethe Clavis Ajfrolagta Elimatiy ‘Querent be of what Degree or Quality foever. TL. If you find many Planetsin the Afcendant or fecond Houle, judge the Querent hath good affiftance, and many Friends; if the Lord of the tenth Heute be in good Afpedt to his Significator, fay the fudge will be kind to him; ij the p be in the cleventh Houfe or Lady thereof, and in or A tothe Lord ofthe Afcendant or Culp thereof, then the Jury proves kind and favourable ifthe Lord of the fecond Houte be more potent than the Lord of the eight, the Querent has the belt Purfe, and the Contrary, ee, IV. IftheSignificators behold each other bya. Square or opposite Alpe without Receprion, and the Signifcaor i ‘of the Querent be ia a fixed Signe, judge they will proceed in Law with Comage one againft the other; If a moveable Signe Afeend, it hortens the bufinetS, and it will notbete. ious; ifa Common Signe arife, and the Lord ofthe Alce- dant in a Common Signe, the Querent delayes the Suit and removesit often out of one Court into another. 'V. IF you find the Lord of the tenth Henfe in good At peed or Reception with the Lord of the fecond, vou may | conclude the fudge Will accept of a Bribe or Prefen from the Querent ; Butif his Significator friendly behold orre- ceive the Lord of the Afceadant, judge he has more kind- nefsfor his Perfon, and with ealie Zmpertunity he wil! heard effeCtally ; and ifthe Lord of the tenth Houfe be ‘an Inferiour Planer, and the Lord of the Afcendant 3 Supe riour, the Judge wil be very inclinable to a€t for the Que- rent without great Solicitation or Petitioning : But ifthe Lord of the centh Receive both Significators, or behold them well, ‘tis then probable he may Compofe the Diff rence without a Tryal: Judge the fame from any ote! Planet fo qualiGed, and confider what Houfe he is Lod f, and you thereby difcover what Relation he is eithert® the Querent or Quefited, Vi. If the Quetion wore concerning Buying or Silt 457 Comodity whacever, what she evens may bey sitFH The Key to Afrolegy new Filed, 307 ibe Advantagionsto the Buyer or Seller ? This is a wilder bind of Coneft, and falls under the fame head with Lavofusts If you find the Lord of the Afcendant inthe feventh Houte, the Querent has mind or Inclination to deal with his Chipman, and the Contrary ; and if you find the Lord of the A(cendent or the Din Reception or good Atpect with theLord of the feventh Houfe the Querent may buy if he pleafes and in this Cafe the Buyer and Seller ufually a sree in their Contraét, and are very friendly to each other. Vil. If you find the Afcendant or Lord thereof vitiated bythe prefence of the york or g therein, the Bargain goeson very irregularly, and in this cafe the Buyer ufually proves Knavifh, and indeavours to cheat or deceive the Seder: Judge the fame of the Perfon that Sells che Como- ity; ifthe eventh Houfe orhis,Lord be affited in the fame manner. VILL. df yon dere tuo the Agreement of two Partners: CConider whether both the Signficators ( weld ek the Afcendant, and Lord of the feventh ) behold onc ano- ther by any friendly Afpeét, orfecif they are in Recepti ‘onby Houfe or Exaltation; if fo, judge a good Agree- ment between thems if they behold by any Bad Afpect, | judge the Contrary. _ IX. Ifyou find f, ord, or the agin the fecond Houley judge that the Querent fuffers in his Eftate ; if you find themin the eighth Houfe, the evil falls upon the Quefi tel's Bftate; if the Fortunes be in the Afcendant, the Querenarimleltis Treacherons and Knavifh if in the foo veath, his Partner is toblame, and very ill conditioned = Butif you find none of thefe Pofitions, and the > apply to Fatwiate Planets, then the Partners go. on well in theie Way of Trade; and if the D feparace from the Fertnnes, ad apply to the Jnferrunes, then although things may be carryed on feemingly fair at the beginning, yet the end will beContentious 5 orif the » both feparate,and apply to & from Inforeanes, neither their beginning nor end can be ex pected 319 levis Ajrviogie Elimata, if he affiet the Significator of Subftance, and you cannot ily Err. TN in the nse place i smuft be confideved whether the Goods, 8c. be veally olen or not, or cafually wifilaid and forgotten, 1 sefaaguanctdegebeSeuntzinchectseondan, eee tandotne ‘Sfeendant’Peregrine (othagis autef all ‘cis an Argument the things mit fing ae ftolen; If he Lardol she fevepth Houfe or a Fe pine ase, Qa A sete th cond Hf or Cupra ihe ox Dit | judg the thing (beie what ie will ) is really ik jig soe fhe knde et ” Lerdotshefecond-Hovfe; the Dilpoliterof the 2, crue’ daleparaic from-other-Plancte,-but other Fle Beis eparate Romtheme=— If you nd none ofthe Ar judge the contra ; ee Pane Lard ofthe ond Hue apd she bein ferent Honfeyor inthe Signshercol ad he Lord of th fevenh Btald chem bth, by >of Alpe ( hah ly.) then are the goods taken away, though ver probaly jtgurifshe Lod ofthe fever Heoteee 3,0, 0r € of any ofther,they are taken away frauvlent Ty, and willnot be recovered without dificulty and much Solicitation ; and itis very probable the Thief hath we fair opportunities to a€t fuch exploits 5 obferve alo whe ther ths D gives vue too dy or tothe Lard of te Eight, or any other Pane inaCadent Houle; and by fome of thete Rules you may difcover whether the thing iffing be Rolen or not. ro ee gt fo of time when the Queer propaunds inte the au te not facisachory, of ly, Radial, then coafut a Scene OF lesen for dtine when the Gono were te fed, and let chatbe the Baji or Foundation to ground jus ime when the fact wet wont upon, oF rather the exeGt time when the fa0 ws The Key to Ajirogy new Filed, aan 1 sre") | done, (if it could be known ) and then the Afcendante and Lord thereof thall fignitiethe Thief, and the feveneh Houfeand the Lord of the feventh the perfon that loft the Goods. V. Uf the Arif would difecver whether the Querent be the Thief Then confider whether the Lord ofthe fourth, or D be joyned to the Lord of the Afcendant, or if you find the Lord of the feventh in the ‘Acendant, you may fufpeét the Querent robe the Thief; and this the more certain if that Planet do well defcribe the Querent. This is ufual for guilty perfons to repair to i Thief, out of defiga to acquit and forte again out of Policy will Reb themfelves, which may be difcovered by the fame les VI. Ifthe Lord of the feventh be Perigrine in the Afvene ants and that Planet Lord of the econd Houle, ‘iste be fered the Querent confented co the Theft, or was willing itthould beto; Ifthe Lord of the feventh be in the Ale \ dant, and he great Dignitiesin the third allo, then fone fupsgwaRelations, (vic. «Brother or Sifter) may be Pubes Se, But this kind of Judgment is fomething {hbiousy and therefore lee the Artif male vfe of it pe fuely and with great Caution ; and in all Queftions af Theft deliver not Judgmest ro many perfons together, not Pinna Cit fach that uadertand how to make ca dus ape Pitaton thereof, co avoid future Trouble and Contention, Which too frequently follows Thievith Queltions. Mil, Ze Difeover he Are and £e:-of the Thief; Obterve fhele Rules, Ut the Signicatorof che Thief bes Matos Hoe Pane, sodg in a Mo“culine Houfe and Sign, ina fan Ufa Feminine Planet, and pustisethin a Feo Cupp lloule and Signe, fay a Females conlider alte che Gefpofthetenth and feventh Houtes, and Lorde ther of, Eipblanets that have exaltaionin thotesignes, or cee EMetial Dignities, fee which are Mafeuline, and which 212 J imetay are Feminine, and judge by the Major Teltimonies, if me Sigifcator of the Thiet be Oniotal, (y he is young if Occidental, more in years; h generally fignifics Aged perfons, unle(sin the very beginning of aSigne , @ andy Reprefent Youth, ¥, d, andthe, denore Midale Age, from thirty to forty ; the p mult be confidered according toher Age, which is divided into four Quarters ; Youth isrepreiented by the D in her frit Quarter, the fecond points our about 25, or 305the third Quarter ¢nds at 400r 455 andthe Din her laft Quarter (hews from 45 t0 50, and upwards; conlider the Quarter of Heaven a Planct which is Significator is polited in, asif in the Eaft Angle or between the Afcendaneand Mid heaven, fay Youth if in the Mid-heaven, or between the tenth and Weft Angle, fay Middlc-age 5 Ifbetween the the feventh Houfe and the fourth, inthe declining part of Age, viz. between for. ty and fifty 5 If the Signiticator be found between the fourth Houfe and Afcendant, fay Old-age; Confider alfo the Significators Diftanee from the o ‘ as in thar of the and accordingly moderate your Judgment. > XL Af you wren difeover by Art whether the Thief be 4 Stranger, or one familiarly Acquainted with he Querent, pro eed thus, Myou find she Signuticator fof the Thief im the Afcendant, or joyned to che Lord of the Aeendsns a fon in the fame Houfe, or very acer him; | End behold eachother, or the Lord of the “feendat “risa perfon known to the Queen orif the Laminwie bchold the Aferdant, of aze pofied in the Digniisl the Lord thereof, judge the fame; If youfind none of shel ‘eftimonies, yudge,tie congsary. , re The BASES SEOES! the tecond scat nt ‘ef the Family 5 and ifeaessignticastai.sinciit 7 riine, ‘is then probable the Querents Wile did the Fad, of fome other Female well :nown tothe Querent Judgectine Relation of the Thief by the petition oft Significator ia the Figure, which is ¢afly dene, if t “ang Ant be but ready in varying the Houles, as has been fhewed. : X. If you find the Thief to be one of the Family, fhews, a Stranger accidentally Sojouroing therein 3 , on, wiz, aSen, Brother, or Kinfiman the oalwayes figoifies a Father, of Mafter of the Houfe, 72 Woman, cor the Wifes the » the Mother or Mifrefe ¥ fome. young perfon intimately acquainted in the Family ; and fometimes 3 and 9 fignitie Common Thicves, Notorious Fil- lain ontes they be Lords of fuch Hoofes which fig the Querents Relations ; If you find thé =" fon the Fief in the Ninzh from his own Houle, judge the Thief is a Stran- gers but if the Lord of the Afcendant be in the thirdor fourth Houfes, fome Servant of the Houfe is guilty. XL. Whether the Sufpetted Party be Thief P IF the D oF Lord of the ACcendant behold the Lord of the feventh, by any bad Afpett, or be inf with the Significator of the Thief, the perfon tufpedted is guilty ; The fame if the Lord of the Afcendant being pofited in an Angle beholds a Piawrin a Cadeot Houfe or if you find the Dia ¢ with a Planet in Angdes oi pn Sined or XIL If hea he behold the Significator of the Thief, the Querent knows di the Thief; or if the Lord of the Afcendantbein ¢’, or Reception, of lutely feparated from an Inforcune, the Sulpeé]ed perfor isafredly guilty of the Facts Bic ifthe PRAIA te tnatasge, be in no Apett ei ther to the Zumizaries, or Lord of the Afcendant, jud the Contrary. ae ee XII. Atarks and Tokgns thesThicf by ies vit. Confider the eee Leh ge oe: c Lord, 7 Alfg.the place of the 9. gaeiacal- SMT cee as aMark, Mole, or Scar upon that part or Member ‘of the Body Reprefeated by that ‘Signe: If the Significa~ genet Pa tor , Clavie Afiralogie Elimata, torolthe Thiufapply tothe d,0, or & of ord ourot ‘Angles, fome Mitchief or thameful punithmentiwill af furedly befal him as if f or ¢ be Lords of the twelfth, Cefpecially ) fromthe feventh, it fignifies Imprifonment, Ithey are Lords of the eighth, judge Death ; If of the tenth Houfe, he is obnoxiousto the fevere fentence of a Judge if of the fourth Houfe, an ill end will follow, XIV. The Colour of the Chathsof the Thief, is known fromthe Colours of the Planer that is the Significator of hhimor her, together with the propetty of the Sign and ificatorispofited in ; asalfo the Planet ke isin Afpeet with, {What Colours are appropriated ta each Planet, you may fie sn aTable, page 92. of the Introduttion, and the Colears exh Hoafe are inferted in the 13th” Chapter there XV. Tokvow the Thiefs Hoxfe , See in what Sign and (Quarter of Heaven his Signifcator is polited in IF in the Afcendant, fay Eaft; Ifin the Mid-heaven, judge Sow; fin the feventh Houle, fay the Weft part of the Town 5 and fin the fourth, he lives North: What Quarters of Points the Signes figaifie, as alfo the Houfes, you may Readin the Firft Parts and bya due Commixture of the Houfe and Signe the Significator is polited in you may ea fily judge which way the Thief lives, or is gone. XVI. Letthe oin particular figoifie the Houfe of the Thief, and the p the Door thereof, ¢ or rather the Signe where the Dis) by a due Confideration of which you may judge of the Scituation thereof, whether it Faces the Eaf, Web, North, or South ; \fthe 9 be in a Fixed Signe, there isbutone Door to the Houfes If the be in a Nivveable Sign yougo up lepstotheDoor, and probably there is ‘more than one way into the Houle; If h behold the Dy the Door is Old and Decayed, and wants Repairing; If g be inAfpect to the b, efpecially in Dor & fome part of athasbecn burn’d Ifthe Jnfortunes be in > or A tothe % The Key of Afrolegy new Filed. 215 }, of the Sign the is in, then the Door ismade Rrong (though Old) with Iron. XVIL. Ts the Thief in he Town, or Fled ? 8c. If you fiad his Significator jut leaving one Signe, and entering ine toanother, heis likewife leaving the Town 5 If you find him entering into his own Effential Dignities, he 1s going to fome Friends or Acquaintance, or where he is weil knowns butif he enter a Signe wherein he is Perigrine, then judge heis going amongft ftrangers,:and defies t0 obfcond himfelF;, Judge the fameif he feperate from the Combuftion of the ©, and apply to any Planet in a Ca~ dent Houfe ; But if none of thefe Arguments appear, and you find the Lord of the feventh Houle Argular, efpe- ally if he be conjoyned therein with the Lord of the fc~ cond Houfe, you may then conclude the Thief to be in Town; andif hebein a Fixed Signe alfo, he doth not ine tend t0 remove, but continue where he is. ARmsf pow sow mriefiy-r-eeonarherhar-the-Thiek-be- Merryed oF s dant s wr Gore hepoinethebrbe heir Sulelar Hout, hee jy oedesbandeeour iyi ina Cadent Houle, fay heisnot Maryed,-noristheree- ay probabiliey-thereohe C Amat. es fe} XVIIL Shall the Goodsor Things Loft be Recovered a Esiner nt ? [This is very Confderable Query, and for the Retain ‘href take thefe BY Rules and Die rekFions, If you find any Afpe€t (but in particular thofe of a > and A) between the Lord of the Afcendant, and the Lord of the fecond Houfe, or the Difpofiter of the @ ; or if the Lord of the eighth Houfe be in Reception or friend- ly Afpedt with the Lord of the fecond Houfe, thefeare Ar- uments of Recovery 5 the fame ifthe Lord of the eighth, P Experienced this Rule a 216 Ciavis Alirologse Elimata, ‘oF Lord of the fecond Hautes ae palited inthe AREAdaat, ‘or apply to any good Afpeét of the Lord thereof. XIX, The p in the fecond Houfe ia > oF A tothe Lond thercof, or in the feventh or tenth Houfes in god Alpeet fo the Lord of the Afcendant, or Planet in the fecoxd Houle, ortothe Ditpoliter ofthe @, thefe are promiling Arguments of Recovery ; to which may be added the Lae seinaries bcholsing eaci other Friendly, or the Lord of the fecoud in the eleventh or fourth Houtes; but if none of thefe Teftimonies be foundin the Figure, and both the Lnwinaries are vader the Earth, and jthe fecond Houle, Lord thereof, or @ aflifted by 'h, d, of the ay, judge there willbe no Recovery of the things loft; the fume if ‘you find the Infortunes in the fecond Houfe, and their Dit. Politer in theeighth, or Combulk ofthe of ©, or any Impedited, as aforefiid. As to the time of Difcovery or Reftauration of the Goods Loft (if you find any hopes thereof in your Fi- gure) youare to obferve the Application of the Sigaif- €ators, and convert their Diftance into Time, as hath been already thewed; or obferve when the Luminaries (i ther of them ) come to any good Alpett of the Lord of the Afeendant, fecond, feventh or cighth Houfes, and accor dingly meafure out rhe time according to Art. XX. Of Fugitives or Srayes, fall they be Found ot Ree turn? The Lord of the feventh’ Houle, the D, anci¥ fall Ploperly fignifie the Fugitives Perfor’, and’ if you find the Lord cf the feventh or the » apply ¢0 any good Afpeet ofthe Lord of the Afcendant or the ©, or if there be ony Promiling Afpe€is between the Significators at the time of the Queffion, there is then great hopes that the Fugitive Perfon will be fuddenly difeovered and fourd out 5 and it alfo thewsa willingnels to Returne ; and this the more cercain, if the Lord of the feventh be Retrograde. XXI. Bue if you find the Significators in no AfpeCtor in Doré ofeach other, judge the Contrary, viz. _ ‘willing The Key t0Afirology new Filed, 217 willngnefs co veturb, and fall probability that the Que- reat (hould find him '—— If you would difeover the In. ligation and Condition ofthe Fugitive, confder his Sig. titicators poftion in the Figure; fee what Signe and House heisin, and how Afpeéted, and joyning your Reafon to ‘Aci, you maybe able to make a neer Conjelture of the Fu. itives progres and Lnention, XXIL, To Eftimate the Diftance between the Querent and the Runaway, account for every degree of diftance between their Signifcators three miles, if they are in Fixe ed Signes ; Ifin Common Signes, one mile; If in moves able Signes, fo many half miles; but thefe Diftances mult belimitted with great Caution, confderation muff alfo be ba to the diftance ofthe D and'the Planet that reprefents the Fugitive or Stray, whether Man or Beat; fome allow for every degree of Diftance only one mile, or 1058 paces tcig in Fixed Signes ; Bus in Moveable Signes fo many Poles or Rods in Common Signes, ros paces to a degres, Lctovery Artif ufehis own Judgment and Experience in this matter, XXII. Ifany great Cattle, fuch as Hotfes, Oxen, Cows, oe. are frayed away, fake the Lord of the twelfth Houle for their Signifcator if they are fmall Cattle, as Sheep, Hoges, Doges, oe. then look to the Lord ofthe fxth Houte, ‘and by a due obfervation of the aforefaid ce and regard had tothe proper and Refpedtive Sige uifcators, youmay forme a Judgment in any Cafe reles ting to thefe kind of Interrogations. AXIV. If youfind the p Tranflate the Light ofthe Sig- Mugu of the Fugitive or Stray to the Afeendant, orf fhebe in good Afpett to % or, aad cither of themin the ‘ikendant, orin good Afpett thereunto, or to the Lond ecreof theeare Sigaal Teftimoniesin Art of Recovery. XX¥- If any Planet feparate from the Houle ofthe byoe from the Lord of the fecond, the Beaft Strayed i feeu snd ken away, and in all probability Sold) or otherwift ifpoted a 218 Clavu Afrologie Elimata, lifpoted of; But if the Dor proper Significator of the Benet Stray, oe, thall bein the eighth Houte from his own Afcendant, or apply toany bad Afpect of the Lord thereof, there is chen great danger that the Beat, Fagtive ‘or Stray is Dead ; If the Significator of the Beaft, or the Lord of the Houte of the Dthall be located in the eighth Houfe applying, or int or & to f ord in the North Angle judge the fame, . VL de Signifcators ofthe Bealls ftrayed be in the Mid heaven, or ninth Houle, orin the fixth or cwelfth Hones, i thews the Beattsthould be in cuftody, either f- ‘cured by fomeO fiicer, or elfe in the Pound. If the p be un. fortunate in the twelfthHoufe, judge the fame.If } be in the twelfth Houfe alfo, or afigt the p, the Cattle may contie ue long there to their prejudice ;if 3 afflit the D threin, theyymay ether Dyetherorbe lle or feared. And sus uc fal! ferve for the Judgwent ofthe fever Houfe; Feenld have been more Copious in every particular Branch sbereof, bu ory defen was rather to Contraltthe maf Material and Ufeful Rules and Apborifms appertaining to the faid Henfe, that they ned nae be bartheifome to the ite moryesef Tyto's and other Students in thit Caleftal Scie anes.) The Key to Afrolagy new File, CHAP. vi Jodgmeat and Queflions proper t0 she Eighth Hunfe, &e, SECT. L Of the Manner or Kind of Death the Querens may Dye, vit. Natural or Vielent? FL PrsHis Query is Anfwered from the confideration of T thecuin touessane Pofited therein, or beholding them when the Lord of the Afcendant or the > fal be in good Afpeét with the Lord of the eighth, or Planet therein, it fhews the Querent will dye a Natural Deaths the fame if the Fortunes be in the eighth, or have Dignities therein, or behold the p by any good Alpe€h. II. If one of the Fortunate Planets be in the eighth Houfe, and the other in the Afcendant, or if the Lord of gehth, the b, of Lord of the Afcendant be not in violent 20s, or neer violent fixed Stars, this Argues the Ques teat willnot be fubje€t toa violent death 111. Butif the Lamsineriez are in violent Signes, not be- riding each other, orf they do behold each other by 0 ot trom Angles, or at affied by the Infortanes hig {cusa violent death; andifh or happen to have Di theithe eighth, itconfirms the Judgment, and there iz then the more danger ofthe fame. Prith or 8 being inan Angle, of in from Angles; Ajai Nolen Signes, or the D in the feventh Hloufe af fiGedby'y of dy orifthe beinthe ewelfthy and oadich, ‘, itdenctesa violent death, uals other Feftimonies fall in 320 Clavis Afirologie Elimate, The Key t0 Afrolegy new Filed. 3anl Queftion concerning the Eftate of her Hushand, oe, = Now ifyou find none of thefe Teftimonies, you may judge theContrary, that the Wives Portion is mean and incor, fiderable, if any. “ IL Tithe Signficators be found weak and infortunatey either Combult, Retrograde or Slow in Motion, and af. flited by the Infortunes, this argues not only avery Ind sonfiderable Fortune with a Wife, but great Vexation and. Trouble in obtainiog what theres, ora very uncomforte abl enjoyment thereof. Il. If the Lord of the Afcendant be in Dor & of Lordofthe cighth Houfe, or if h ord be Penge ae ‘a, orthe yy there, ‘tis in vain for the Querent to ho} for any good ; for either the Portion is ‘ioe inallae ble, or the Querent will be ftrangely Cheated thereof, or {offer much prejudice concerning the fame, infomuch that behad better efit than make any progrefs as to the ob- taining thereof, - Bs What is faid of Dowryery may be under food likewife of Ee the Willsof Deceafed Perfons alfo, fgnifed. by intomittigate their Influence. Now the kinds of violent Deathsare thus found ; If }h ord be in the tenth Houten Fiery Signes, afficting ‘the » or Lord of the Afcendant, and they neer violent Fixed Stars, fhews Death by fone violent fall from ahigh places fin & affihing ay afore faid, thews Drowning ; and 3, the affigting Planet, in a Ficry Signe, thews death by Iron, Fire, Sword, Gun fot, gc. ‘But of thefe things, more in the Third Part. 1V. being Lord of the eighth Houte, (and the cexh found to be Natural) fignifes fome tedious Ague, Dropie ‘of Confumption, threatens Death by Weunds, or foe y shot Diftemper, as Feavers; the ©, by fome obe firuttions ofthe Vital Spires or Plurefies ¥ By Pliteszy, Madness, Prifick, Lethergic, oc. The D by Diteafes are fing from Phlegm, cold and moift Humours, and fome- times Drowning. See more of this Subject inthe Juig- ment ofthe fixth Houfe, SECT. IL Is the wives Portion Confiderable or not , or be shtained with Eafe or Difficulty, SECT, IL I. A Sthe Afcendant Signifies the Querent, and the cond Houfe his Subftance; fo the Wite is Sign! bythe feventh Houfe, and her Effate by the eighth Hou and Lord thereof, as has been already thewed. Now you find the Lord of the eighth ftrong, and the cig Houfe free from the prefence of the Infortunes, and bs! ‘well beheld by © and 9, this argues the Portion is Cot derable; The fame if'you find ¥, 2, the , or Gin t cighth Houfe, no way affligted : From the confideraion the premifes, it doth not only appear that the Wir Dowry is valuable, buc the Querent will obtain it cafe; underftend the fame if a Woman propounts! Shall Perfon thas is brought into Trouble, either Sor fire Real Eait Committed, or upon Sufpition tncreof', suffer Detriment or ‘mere iff Death for the F inthe Figure of the Queftion propounded you fi ne ier Ett ce Gein gid tag eae he Lord ofthe fourth, eighth, centh, or twelfth utes, there is great danger the Pesto u Fetthe is Apprchended for, On SY ee forthe ie 32 Clevis Afirolagie Elimati, “TL If the or Lord of the Afcendant apply to the 7, 1G, or & of b or in bad places of the Heavens, and the Fortunate Planets no way Affift by their Friendly Beams, ‘you may then conclude the .Querent is guilty of the Crime eis Charged withal, and the Cafe feems very dangerous ‘on his fide. IIL, Butif the Lord of the Afcendant or the D be with ‘or 2, or in > or A, or Reception of either of them, then the Querent fpceds well, and comes off with Honour, without the Icaft prejudice ; ‘and this the more certsin, if either of the Fortunes happen to have Dignities in che tenth, eleventh, or fourth Houfes, and are polited in the Afcendant or Mid-heaven. TV. If the Lord ofthe Afcendant be fre from afftio, gnd another Planet who has any Effential Dignity therein bein bad Atpeet to the Lofortunes, then the Querent goes ‘offclear, and fome of his Confederates are brought into Trovble. 'V. Infine, Ifthe Signifcators of the Querent be Edin- ally ftrong, and free from the Malicious Rayes of 1p and and located in fore good place of the Figure, then the Querent is fafe, and comes off without the leaft Da- mage ; notwithftanding all Fears and Jealoufies of Dam geethat oherwife might aight and perplex him. oats the Gusvent ov he if fale ye furt ort Bet os i St Ri Serpe Bah Re she ed a AS in ee, Lidseak ev nsh Receg Be EH gl he The Key w Afrolegy new Filed. aa CHAP XK Judgments and Queftions Appertsining to the Ninth toy eee SECT. L Shull the Querent be Profperens in his Yeage Be Sex, 'N this Queftion you muft have Recourfe tothe ninth I Houfe, and his Lord, to the Planets pofited therein, orbcholding the faid Signifcators, as alfo the > and Lord ofthe Afcendant, which are alfo Significaters to be taken tutice of in this Quettion; if you find any of the Sige riicators impedited,, or much affiGted , you may thea {lp ch Hazzard in the Voyage; if }) be the Planet ing, it ignifies the Querent is threatned wi tedious Difeafe, or lofs Pheats; ifs aa whee itportends prejudice by Thieves or Pyrates, and often’, mes Couzening and Cheating among themfelves, ore. Il, But if you find the Significators ftrong, and no way Prciudiced bue free, and the Lord of the Afcendant im piendly Afpect of the Lord of the ninth, or if there be pegiption between them, and the Fortunes happen te ad their Affiftance, you may then conclude the Querent may make a Happy, Profperous and fucce(sful Voyage ‘and by confidering the Sign of the ninth, whether Fixed of Moveable, and the Significators, whether fwift or flow ination, youmay judge of the length of the Voyage, ama bn oreovets the Afcendant and the Lord thereof Teh Bech Regarded in this Cafe; forif the ninth and loufes be well fortified, and excellently Fortunate as 83 can be defired yet if the Lord of the Afcendant be af ‘ed by the Lord ofthe eighth Houfe, or otherwite, the (se rent may end bis dayesin the Voyage, and vever Pci again ; orif he be aflicted by the Lord of the fix! sin the fixth Houfe by h ord, he may be ick in his Vo y.c, ot Woundad , ifthe Lord of the ewelfth affigt, !on: ment or Reftraint is to be feared if the Xe fourth, the Grave may fwallow him up therefore + ve. 1yconlderable co obferve the Afendant and the ‘ord thereof, as well asthe uinth and tenth Hloufes in ll fh Queftions.. TV. This Queftion is frequently propounded by Se wen, what partof the World they had beft Direét their Courfe unto, for Profit and good Succefs? In this Cait obfervein what part of the Scheme you find the @ and:he Difpoliter thereof, or 2 or free from affi€tion, or any of the Planets that are powerful in the Figure, 1 fay, obferre theQuarter of Heaven, where any of chefe Promifing Pi nets are pofited, and direét the Querent that way 5 But fee that mney are not pofited in an obfcure dejected place fof the Heavens; if fo, take that Planet thae is next in Power, alwayes reje€ting the Confideration of the place ‘of of 8, use(s chey arc (trong and in their Effential Dig- nities in good Afpect to the Fortunes or Lord of the Al ‘cendant, Verbum fat Sapientes ~The Key to ECT, I If s Qucfion be propounded concerning the obtain. ing of a Benefice. L Yousein this cafe to fee what Afpett there is bee ‘tween the Lord ofthe Aftendant, che D and the Lord ofthe ninth Houfe, or Planets therein & if you find they behold each other by gooda fpect, or if the D bein the ninth, or the Lord of the Aicendant there, or if there bea friendly reception between the Significators,thefe are good Arguments, that the Querent may obtain his defire; the fameif the Lord of the Afeendant, or the Dbe in>k or A. to For 0, burif the Afpedt be by © or &; yerif there be ception or Tranflation of Light,it argues the Bufine’s fl be accomplifed, although with fome Trouble and ise IL. If you find the Infortunes in the Ninth Houfe or the Ateendant, or otheewife ailiCting those Houtes, or their Lords, and iffo be you can find none of the ‘monies in the Figure, you may then con hopes, and the Queten wilt they very rarely obsin his icire, nay there is no probability of aay fuch thing to be és ay pe yy of any fuch thing to be Thelike you may underfiand from the pofition of the afore Sigitcaor,iftie Queftion be propofed concer ing the attaining to any Science, or Knowledge ia fome Actor Myfleryyoe 7 | Judgments and Interrogations proper to the tenth Houe. SECT. L May the Querent attain the Office or Place of Dip. nity Defired. I. TL] Ere you are to confide how the Lord of the tenth Haeetinestocsheroritem Afpett the Lord ofthe Atcendant, & the'd: if they are in friendly Reception by Houfe or Exatration, or in > or A of each other; iff, thefe are affered Teftimonies that the Querent may by w fing means obtainthe place defired; the fame if you find the Lord of theAfcendant or the p poficedin the tenth Houte,or the Lord ofthe tenth, or the o in the Afcendant; and if they hhappen Friendly to behold each other alfo at the fame time 5 why, then youneed not queftion but your defie will take effeet, II. Buton the contrary, if nothing of this kind can te found in your Figure, neither the good Afpett of the Sig- nificators, tranflation of Light, Reception, or dwelling in Honfes, this is an evident Teftimony that the Querest ‘hallaot have the Place defired, notwithftanding he ben ver fo fairly promifed. [LNocthat the dvanae thes say wife fram the Of Dignity defired mw't be confidered frows the frength wxd pe [ition of the Lordof the eleventh Heft. ] Lut ifthe Querent bein am tmployncnt, and fesrs he may be turned oxt. 1, -psHen youare to look to the Significators, and feeif T therebeany good Alpeét between them (as be- fore noted)or ifthere be Reception, & judge accordingly, thet the Querent ftands fure, and needs not feara remove: from his prefent Imployment and thisthe rather if the Lord of the Afeendant, or the p bein good Afpect of © ot Qin the tenth Houfe, Il. Bor if you find the Significator of the Querent in aay bad Afpeét with thole Planets which are in friendly Reception, orbehold theo or Lord of the tenth Houfe by > or 4, you may then inform the Querent he danger of being outed of his place, through the means of foch perfons fignified by thofe Planets that afflict the Querents significator. UL As ro faccefs in Trade from this Houfe allo (cone fidering wiathach been faid ) aman may judge of the e- Werethcreof, whether there bea probability of gaining ot looting thereby, or if he may thrive by his prefent Imploy- mentor Profeition,and confequeucly what kind of Profefl- cor Trade will be molt fuitable for his Genius, wiich f fall euch more largely upon ia the Third Pare. IW. If the Significators of Trade be policed in fiery Signes, you may then conclude any Profeltion of that Nav tire will bef: agtee with the Quereat if in Earthly, Airy, Watry Signes, judge accordingly, confidering tie qua- ‘esac profelfions which the Plancts naturally ignifie,as pbelove dire€ted in this Book, an ingenious Arcift will not how to order his Judgmenz ia Queftions of this Q2 . Ne ~ Clavis Aftrolegie Elimata, or 4 to the Lord of the 11h Houle, forany good Planet be pofited therein, onif there bea Re ception, or dwelling in Houfes, or tranflation of light be tween the Significarors, thefe ate good Argumentstie ‘Querent fhall obtain what he hopes for. TI. Butif you find Crofs Afpeéts between the Signi tors, orif they be Combutt, Cadent, or Retrograde, ott ford fends forth their malicious Rayes to the Signiscstor, sJodge the contrary. ‘This is to be underftood when the thing hoped for is Nominated 5 but if you underftand by the Querent w jtishe hopes for, then confider alfo the Planet and Hout that figaities the thing hoped for as if the thing we Moncjs why then take notice of the fecond, Hols, <= rs Tord thereof , fee how the Lord of the eleven ‘holds that Planet, and accordingly judge. TIL, Whatis id of Hopes, may be fisly applyed tet Querents Friends, (not related ) whether they will pe TATornot, if you hid the Sigoificators in good Afped the >, orLord ofthe Afcendant, or Flanets therein» Y Jee _ The Key 10 Aftrolegy new Filed, 229 oe shay judge the Friends of the Querent are Faithful, Juft, and aucun i 3 butifyoulindconsary pets, you hve reafon to Judge thecontrary: ‘tis not fafe to pote Truft or Confidence in them, a CHAP. XI. Judgments proper to the Twelfth Houje. A Perfon being Imprifened, defires to know wher he may be relesfed, eather within a jhort time or the Coutrary. Fixed Signe Afcending, and the Lord thereof Ai gular, efpecially argues a tedious Imprifonment, thefame ifthe Lord of the AGendant, oF the » be in the fourth, fxth, eighth or ewelfth Houles, and chereaficted, or otherwife unfortunate, being Combutt or Re: : tosihichmay-beadded;-thes-if-the-Lorctof-the-howein \thich-he-was apprehended-bet-or-d,- and-they-nerwell- pheedia- ent then-undergoes-a-feng sadtedious Refraintand- Gepeivrty: sal Botifthe Lord of the Afendant or the» be fife teal oealipere frail be fconger than the Lord of the 1, dfpofe of him, and in moveable teal ord ignes, and wllshld of or, thefeare Teftimonies ofa fpetdy IN]. If you find the Lord of the Afcendant i 4 Ape he Lord ofthe eweltins or Planer there Iay thence conclude the Queret hat private Fo. m fuffers prejudice by them; or if any other 2” bring Lord of fome ocher Houte ait the 9,0: J Qs 230 cleus Alirele of theAtcendant, the Querent hath private Enemies, IV, Burif the Significators of the Querent be in good Afpeétof the Fortuncs, and free from all bad Afp«éts of the Infortunes, or any other Planet, he may then con- clude, he hath io private Enemies, And by con ‘dering the pofton of the former Signifcatrs, you may Judge the Querent fhall be inforeunaze in great Carte, Fe, m fa Queftion be demanded whether a Difenperd Perfinbe Bewirched or net, 8c. See if you find the Lord of the Afcendant in the twelfth Houte, in cor €! with the Lord thereof, or if the Lord of the Sixth be in the twelfth Houte, of Lord of the twelfth in the fixth in any bad Afpe€? to the 0 or Lord of the Afceadant, thefe are Ar guments in Are the Party is Bewitched, or under the pow. Eroffome evil Perfon5 the fame if one Planet be Lord of the Afendant and cwelfth Houtes,thea the Difeafe is more than Natural. : SVN the fafortunes be pofited in the twelih Hout, weak and debilitaced, or the Lord of thetweifth isthe ‘Afcendant, or the p in the twelfth in of, Gord of ite {Lord of the twelfch Houte, thefe ave great Arguments hat the Difeafeis not only Occult, but mors than Natural — Now if you confider what Houfe thy Lord of the Afcen ‘dant and the Planct aficting, ate pof:d in, you may from thence giveancer Conject whence, or from woat pei the Mitchief proceeds. ———- eae nible tir is.e Mater mac difpuedy fot thefe dyer, that wil ret allow of. oy ich ts ; ates sions and Learned, maintain he contrary ; 1 an incline Tice bere isch a ching as Witchcraft, ifthe Rew land Relations of foveral Perfons of good Credit may be conf i Soswrho havelbeeneye-witmeffes of fome poor Creatures that es ‘ean Fortred 19 Adiiraion with fang Fitts which mals bed be mer than Natural: Bat [full no sake np So Derermine any sing pofivey ip tis dubius matter, ‘cery one enjoy bis owes Opinions. 4 The Key of Altrelegy new Filed, 231 ‘Of Horfe-Races, according to Haly in is Book, de Judic. Afrorum, fol. 142. When t thall be demanded whith of thetwo Beafts that are toRuna Race thall Win, and that the Querents Horfe, or another about which he fhall be fo lidtous thallbe one of them that thall Run ; Thenregard the Lord of the Hous in which the Queftion is propound- ed, and if thot findeft him in the Horajcope, the Quee reas Horfe, or the Horfe about which he asks the Que. ffionfhall win 5, but if the Lord of the Hour fhall bein the Mid-heaven, fay that he fhall be the fecond from the frft, andif he bein the eleventh or third Houfe, fay the fame? Butifhe be in the feveath Houfe, fay he will be between the fittand the lft 5 and if inthe fourth Houte, fay he willbe the lat ofall; ifthe Lord of the Hour fhall be in his Fall, the Rider thall be fearful, (judge the fame if it bethe Lord ofthe Afcendant fo qualified J and not only fearful, but in danger of falling from his Horfe; and if the Infortunate Planets thall caft eny Afpect unto him (cbiy from bad places of the Figure) he will go neet tobreak fome of his Limbs, and the hurt will be in that Member reprefented by that Signe in which the Significae torispofited : Butif the Afpeét of the Infortune be an &, theRider will be in danger of Death ; and the danger willbe the more aggravated ifthe Lord of that Sign Ruling the Member be unfortunate, and the » unfortunate alfo: Butif he Querent have nothis Beaft inthe Race, and in. quite which Horfe thall win the Race, behold the Lord of the Hour, and if you find him in the Afcendant, Mid-hea vea, of eleventh Houfes, fay that Horfe thall winn the Roce, thats of that colour of that Planet as thall be pofited inany of the aforefaid places; and if the Significator of the Winning Horfe thall be in his Exaltation, Henle, Tripliciny, é he thall be the more Rema kably Knows and difcovered ; forifhe be in his Exalrarion, &c. it de- ‘notes the Hosfe to be more than ordinary Noted and Fae med: But ifthe Significator fhall not be in anyof the a Qs force is Afirologie Blimvata, forciaid places, the Horfeis then a ftranger and unknown, and ifin this we find hima his fall, the Horfe is unlucky, ill favoured, and of evil qualities and conditions butit he bein his Exalation or Houfe, he will be fingularly famous in himfelf; if in his Triplicity, he is noted all over che Countrey, but not very excellent in himfel’s if in bis Terme or Decanate, he isknown, oc. If tae Age ofthe Horfe be enquired of, confider the Significators poltion, whether he be Oriental, then he is young s if Occidents! he is old ; if he be in the North Angle, he is very ol3, The Refolurion of Questions made of Divers th ngs together at one time, According to Gris Bonatus, Any people will ufually come tothe Aftrologer in Mi difcreetly, asking many things of him, and think cas ight and eafie a thing to anfwer, asit is v6 asks and that the Afirologer may as well anfwer all Queftiers toge ther as one, when iris otherwife : w 20 you hhave not the Afcendant Contraéted to the Queftion, take the more geneval thing for the Querent, watch i the Dy fand the othe: Planets thall fignifie che things quelied ot fought after and then confider che numirr of Quettions for if they are ix, or lef, jigeof them accorditg to the gi the Dmakes with che other fix Planets 5 and you may Know the Nature of the Queltion, by the nature of the net to whom the Dis firfkjoyned alter the Quettion prope fed, and obferve the difpotition of the Planet, and aco ly judge of the effect of that thing for if he be fro: ‘well placed, free from Impediments, judge the effet ‘of it will be good, ifill policed, judge the contrary. UH, Then fee xo what Planer the pisnextjoyned afer be pate The Key todftrology new Filed, eee fiparation from that Planet, and according to his dif- potion judge ofthe fecond thing ; then obferve the next Kpolication from that feparation, and judge accordingly forthe fix Queftions, and give the fame judgment of an Ape€t as of a Corporal Conjunction, IIL. And if your queftions exceed fix, then afterwards. jndge bythe Lords of the Triplicities of the Houfes in ‘which the Planets are when the D is joyned to them by Bo- dy or Afpeet. 1V. Asfor Example, if the » be joyned to 3 in her fitt which fhe makes after the queftion, and 5 bein m, then ‘when thou haft compleated the firft fix queftions, accor- ding to the number and nature of the fit fae Planets, then, jodge of the feventh queftion according to the Ruler of the Sif Triplicity of m, which is 2. 'V. And alfp judge ofthe eighth according to the Lord of the frft Triplicity of &, which is 3; and thus to the twelve. uations; and if the queltions be more, judge by the three Lords of the Triplicities, asby the firft and fecond 5 andi the queftions exceed this number, then judge by the Lords ofthe Angles ; and if they exceed fill, then judge by the Lords of the Triplicities of the Angles. ‘VI. Butif the queftion be concerning any thing, whether itbe true or falfes or concerning two or three things, which is better to take than the other; or whether News or Rumors be truc or falfe, judge as is ufually dire¢ted in the ninth,tenth, and eleventh Houfes. ‘VII. For if any one ask concerning many things, which is belt for him, or moft profitable; or concerning Rumors, whether they be true or falfe; or of any thing elfe he ‘would obtain, behold the Lord of the Afcendant and the D, and fee which of them is ftrongeft, and by him opperate 5 and ifthe tronger of them be in an. Angle, free from Im= pediment, andin Reception, the thing firft named will bebelt and moft true, and firtett for the Querent, and beft obtained: But if the Lord of the firftor the p be impedi- ted 234 Clavs Afirologie Elimata, ted, there will be fomemention of the thing, but after ‘wards it will come to nothing; yet if the Lord of the fr, ‘or the p behold the firft, and be received in a fuccedent Houfe, or free from Impediments, the Querent hall ob, tain the thing quefited; and if they be impedited, it will be loft afer ’is obtained; and if he be in a Cadent Houfe, free from other Impediments and received, the Querent hall obtain the thing quefited; or it istrue if be concerng ing any News or Rumors: Butif the Lord of the Afcen- dant or p be Impedited in a Cadent Houfe, whatever the ff Queltion is it will come to nothing. ‘VIII. If feveral perfons come together, & propound Que- ftions to the Artift, let him take the Afcendant for the tir perfonthat propounds, and the fecond Houfe thall be the Afcendant of the fecond perfon, and the third Houfe the ‘Afcendant of the third perfon, @c. and fo vary all there accordingly ; but the fureft way is for every perfon togo foam Art fogle withou other Company that would be Querents alfo. "Here ends the Rules how to judge she foveral Queftions ap. pertaining tothe the Tryelve Heafes of Heaven. Bik tah elt derAld om Gryeriteng mam. ming Ball 00 ionee Hal mae nn Tedmebin clad pec Ss har bm? 235 See a The Key to Aftrology new Filed, ene banh ‘CHAP, XI. Examples of Judging of Quejtions upon each of the ‘Twelve Honfes. [ That thefe Rules may be the better underftood, and put into Praétife, 1 [ball give Examples of fome Queftions upon each of the Twelve Houfes, the letter to illafrare the foregoing Rules from the former Exemplar) Figure, which 1 bere again infert, vizy] 1667. Gob. 18. 2+h. P.M. Die. Feneris, —— IHlora.Aftro, Mercurie pab & o,& * he Queftions proper to the Firft Houfe, [Parage. LJ 2s the Querent Long-liv’d? Ere I find} Lord of the Afcendant_(whsch ignites the Querent ) in % his own Hon, i> wc twelt jnGof g, Lady of rhe eighth (or Houfe * 1 sath ) aad the > lacly in of ¢ from Angles, % is eMfo L ed of the fourth, Combult of theo iighr of the time is the eighth Cviz.} the Houfe of Deatix. ence I conclie, that ac oraing to Natural caufes, the Querent is not ieng lived, te Difeafes, becvufe re bis Lay of the fxth, and affiGted by ¢, as before noted, sd confequently his Life bus of hore date, But this Judgient is iv pert mit gated by resfen h and @ are in Reception by Exaltation and Triplicicy, (1b is Exalted in ein the eighth, and? hhach Triplicity in in the cwelfth) ond the D locally it the Afcendans, and in: toh, who isin his own Digeie tiesin the Figre, o-, [LParage. IL. sf rhe Queffion were, Is the Party at ‘orme Uvcould {peak withal? Here, in this cafe (if the perfon hath no Relation t0 the Querent ) I take the Lord of the feventh, vic, the © tobe his Significator,and finding him not to be in an nel Iconcludethe party is not at home, but neer ome, be caufe the ois ina fuccedent Houte, viz. the cighth, feet the Southweft quarter ( er more welterly from the Sov) in of of ¥ reprefenting the perfon he is in company wit al, and probably the Querent may be dicetted to ee Tike Key to Afirology new Filed, 237 ome female fervant, becaufe the D, Lady of the fixth, wwas lately in & of 3, whois polited in the feveath Hove tnd fhe inthe Afcendant in > of f, the Querents Signifi- tutor, Ifthe party enquired after have any Relation to the Querent, Judge the like from the Lord of that Houfe that. fignfies the Relation, [Parage. UL] sf the Queftion were, 1s the Abe feat Party Dead or Alive, or in what Condi tion may be be inat prefent? Ifthe Party be not Related to the Querent, then the AC cendant & his Lord, with the , fignifies the Abfent Party, and finding h Lord of the Afcendant in his own Dignities, and ia > f0 the D, Imay hope well that the quelited is at prefent inhealth but by reafon h isin ci toy, Lady of the eighth, and pofited in an abjeét Houfe of the Figure, may thence conclude he hath becn, in fome ‘danger of death, or that he hath lately undergone fome fharp cone fia with a Difeafe, becaufe the p, Lady of the fixth, was lately in tod The Dagencral Significatrix, mad being lacely aMlied by 8, Lord of the ninth and fe¢ond Houles, may alfo ine timate that the Quefited hath undergone fume trouble in mind concerning fome Religious circomfiances, or by rea- fon of fome long Journey, or provably hic hath fuffered for the wancof Maseys, and chereby Imprifonment, beceufe bis inthe twelfth Houfe, which intimates no lefs. Iitwerea Husband or a Wife enquired after, you muft then confider the o, Lord of the feventh, and 3, who ispofited therein, and by reafon I find the o in the eighth, within the Orbs of a 6 Afpeét with bh, 1 might judge the abfent party to be in anil condition; the fame 1 might Say if it were an abfent Brother, Sifter, or Kinfman, ore. Becaufe @ is Lady of the third, and offied in the fame manner, | | U 38 Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, manner, by the of h from bad Houfes, and their aflid ‘on fhould, partly proceed from, or by the means of the ‘Querent, ‘who is fignified by h, and hea General I .op tune. [Parage.IV.] ts 4 ship at S24, im Safety or Danger? This Queftion hath fome dependance upon the ninth Houte, by reafon.a Ship relates to Voyages but fince the Queftion is concerning her fafety, it therefore properly belongs to the firft Houfe, and the parties therein, by the Lord thereof. ‘Now the Afcendant, and the p being Significators ofthe ‘and Lord thereof, & h of thofe perfons in her. I view the pofition, and finding fo ftrong in his own Dignitics, andin > to the b, therefore the Ship at prefent, Imay conclude is fafe and free from danger, with thofe perfon: ‘hat are therein. But confidering alfo, that h hath & fll is in to?,Lady ‘of the eighth, & the» lately feparated from the &, of d in- timates that they have lately been in great perplexities, & Cinall probability ) not only in danger of Death, or being Caftaway, but alfo of Pyrates, and received prejudice orlofs that way ; this Judgment isthe more tobe credited by reafon bis alfo Lord of the ewelfth, and in thetwelth, having great Dignities in the cighth, and Lord of the ninth, Angular, and lately beholding the p by a Malevo- tent Afpech, asteforenoced. [Parage. V.1 Uf the Queftion weve, shall goed or Ail Jucceed the thing that bath uddenly hap- pened t0 the Querent, Notethet-reports fi difpered, the abeingtheaiathe 7 ; aston The Key to Afrolegy new Filea, - — Aaah 239 Inthe Figure I find $ Lord of the Houte of the, ¥ of the Houfe the D isin, intercepted in x in the Afcendant, an } Lord of the Afcendant in his own Digoities, here h Ps Arongelt,and in tothe », which intimates the Querent reedsnot much fear danger, but yet he will not be alto. gether freed from fome kind of prejudice that thall arife by this foddain accident, Becaufe is alfo Lord of the twelfth, andin © to 2’ Lord of the tenth from Cardinal | Signes and the Difpofter of the of the bin the Afcendant, which advifes the Querent to beware of a Magiftrate, of _, Man in Power, orfome Scandal that may arife ( for’ the § wisinthetenth ) occaioned by fame fetret Enemy, and F the Querents own Head.ftrong AGtions, ° [Parage. VL Laftly, Uf it were defied to know whit Marks, Afoles er scars the Quereent hath about his Body, ihewefvo-Mafiuline Planet, andhe-marieis apparently ie _ The Querent fhould have, ony At get, ane fe Knees, becaufe 1 is SAD eT ea is(gct,, but not fo apparent, becaufe the in 4s not yet Mei eioecoe, and this thould be upon the lefefoot, becaut Feminine igne, and the pisa Fee Rinine Planse; you may alfo difcover another uy rhe Brea, for #5 defcends upon the Culp of the fixtIe the» 240 lacs Aftrelgie Elin the Head or Face; a Planet in the fecond, a mark upey the Neck or Throat, ec. Note that che twelve Honfes have for their Con/ignifcar, the twelve Signes, and feven Planets, beginning vith ¥ ea} bh, forthe firft Houle; and and © the (econd s and 2 far the third, and fo on to the reft, beginning again with | jr ‘Conjiguificator of the eighth Honfe, Sc SECT. Queftions proper to the Second Houfe, IL {Paragr. 1] if she Queftion were, shall the Qe reat be Rich, or ever attain £0 any Compe tent Fortune in this world? Confider 3 is Lord of the fecond, and pofited in} the Hoste of © intercepted in the feventh, and cated in the fecond in - Retrograde, butin > to int fifth Houfe in 2 who isbeheld by @ Alof ¥, Difpolc thereof, and the D vertually in the fecond Houle, Houfe of Subftance; all waich (according to the Rule of Aftrology ) promife a very Competent Fortune toi Querent, according to bis Degree or Capacity. Paragr, IL] if it be Enquired by what Mew c 4, pail be Obtained ? Finding the Lord of the fecond ia the feventh, dip ofby 8 -whoisalfothe Difpotter of the in the fi conclude the Querent may bea Gainer by Gaming, following fac things that are Fgifed from the The Key to A Houfe, asbeing a Player, or by Keeping an Aleshoule, or ‘Tavern and the like, ot by the means ofa Wife, the reefon is the Load of the fecond is inthe feventh, & in Reception with his Difpoliter, (the premifes withal confidered) and ? being fo ftrong in the eighth, the Houfe of the Wives Subs flance confirms the fare. In fine, the Querent may arrive toa competent Fortune by the exercife of his Wit, which is here declared to be pregnant and acute enough, and therefore he may imploy it to his advantage in the prow ‘ariog of a Wife, and thereby raife his Fortune, eve. (Parag. UL] sf it beenguired, shall the Efiste ‘now pofiefs be Durable, or Continue? Hercin I conficer the Cufp of the fecond Hone is, a movable Signe, and % Retrograde therein, and the Lord of thead. in "8 having no Dignities there. And lafly, ® the Difpofiter of the & iscombutt of the @, to which Imay add 8, the Significatrix of a Wives Subtance, the being ina t0 bs ll which are Arguments of its no long contiouance, but thartheEftate gafad by theQuecent will foon be fquandred away; and this cherather, becunfe inthe fecond is in Groh, Lord et she Afcendant, which intimates ( in on Arological fenfe ) the Quereet willbe Extravagant, and addiGted to illicit Courfes, and thereby deminith, ond at length torslly walt whaz Subitance he had before heaped together: lie ou ware of trufling, for k Bhreatucd by bis Hikewits, beconfe the Lady of the ighrh behold Mf Lord of the A Cocdinal Signes, $d frost chant, Fy By a from HoutesoF the Figure, the bungin do x fromthe lam Signesalfo, doth very anir-'t contitm the Judgment, sod otabiy Covsionate the rexcto double ailigence in his en-eayours co gp mixtiqace the evil threatned. R Pangr. lagi Elimata, 242 {Parage. IV.1] fit be enquired, the time when the increae of Fortune may bappen, or the Contrary, Vids Lofs or Damage, Authors advite in this cafe to take the degrees of die ftance, that the Lord of the Afcendant, or the D wants of a feck >k or Afpeet of the promifing Planet, and there+ Ny to proportion out the time; obferving alfo that fixed Signs prolong the expe“tation ; double bodyed Signs fhew ‘a medium (that is neither very long nor fhort ) moveable Signes give great halt, orfpecd in the matter and this, miuftbe conje€tur'd at by diferetion,whether to give dayes, weeks, months, or years, for the degrees of diftance, ace cording as there is a probability of the thing propounded ; but thisbeing but an uncertain way, may ferve upon fie vial occafionss yet where the bufinets is of confequence,the time is beft pointed ot by the direction of the feveral Sig- nificators, to their Promitters, which thall be thewed inthe third part, and to be peformed only where the Queftion is in General; but fora particular fur that a man expels torcceive, the other way is exa€t enough. In this Figure, when the Afeendant or the D meets the Body of 2 by dirtbion is the woft hopeful time of gain, andibe A condane direfted tothe &' of 3, Lord of the fecond, fas prejudice beth to Body and Ejfate. [Paragr. V.J sf the Queftion were,geball 1 receive orprocure che Atoney Ehave Lea, or thatis duc from a certain Perfon? In this ¢afe, confider he ©, who is Lord of the feventt, fignities the Perfon, and the Lady of the eighth ( viz» ss his Subftance, Now, that the party is in s Capacity © Bo, The Key of Altrology new Filed, 243 pay,is clear, becaute 2, Lady ofthe eighth, isla own Dignity ; but being into, Lord ofthe Atenas fignitis no great willingne’s hehas to part with We Mac neypandthevater becaufe the ois wih his Orbes of a of alfo; but by reafon th ti y reafon there is reception betwr shee apatite Queen (wth mucha) at Procure fome Moneys, thot gor al the Debrs for? isin & To frome ee ad, the two Ho i i ind fcond, the tvo Houtes repretentiag both pastes Now if you did expect Moneys fr loneys from fome Nobles then confder the Lord ofthe tenth, ©, who is en Que. rou fecond,heis alo Ler ofthe cleveth and denotes ¢ Noble-man’s Subflance, and difpofesof the b, but fi £0» which intimates the Querent may have his Moneys HE with fome trouble, or at leaf Tome difplearure o¢ fei ftom the Neblesman: if you do expect Moneys Relation, then confer the Planets and Houle that are their § re Tegnens Signiicators, and accordingly order your SECT. IIL Qucflions Anfwered Appertaining to the Third Houfe ParageL] ifthe Queton were, shall the Quevent sd is Brethren, Siflers or Neizibene, Seo tgrce tegether, and love eachother? Inding 9, La F. ing # Lady of the 34, in Oto b, Lord of the Afcene oe eis afeues bur fnall Loves ney,ic isan Argument aloft perfe€t hatred pions eects beveon the Q ren 8 thofe Ree Signiticators arein their own Dig Ra me 3ap Claus Aftrolegse Blimara, nities, trong and potent (though accidentally politesin fad Eloules of Heaven ) which intimates the Querent and hisRelations are very high, and care not one for the other, ur fland upon their Reputation, the one Cas it were Rroraing to hoop of fubmit co the other, yet the Querent ‘will (and doth ) expeét the moft obfervance. Queftion be concerning an tn | ther it may be Profperous or wot? [Parage. IL. df the land Journey, Whe 4g, Lady of the third Houfe, ‘is tue, is Grong ia ber ‘own Edertial Digoities, and therefore denotes @ prof perous Journey, bus being in rob, 8 & 0%, ders Pere tbat the Querent thall receive, prejudice thereby Lath tobis Purfe, and Perfon, and probably light amonglt Fhleves, who may endanger his Life In hort, the pt Fomof the Quuerent is by the Figure threatned wich eminest Ginger, in cafehe takes his Journey, aad therefore be ‘ought to be difwaded from it. UL} sf che Queion be, Es the Report ore ar alfey thas is hus meijed about? [Parage- dd ofthe Afcendant, and the pnd her Ditpoter; now the Lord ofthe Afcendant beits tpt, the Difposter ofthe 0, (as well 2s Le! woe Senth J and the blately feparated from an & of Shisargues there isbutfnall probability that the News! thisargte is therather, becaufe the Angles of the tut tro cant Houfes are not fixed but Conimon-Bi-corpors al, or double bodyed Signes. Then confider the Lor The Key to Aftrolegy new Filed, [Parage. IV. 50, ii were a Queft de concerning the Advice of « Friend, wh ve le for Goo er Evil) sding the vy in the tenth Houfe, tenth, ¥ Retrograde, and ind toe, Lard of ae Are ght Tthence concide the Conte Advice ofthispes cere ghen inne ey injure the Qserent, and therefore le Synod este ear SECT. Iv, Questions and théir A nfirers belongis the Fourth te — [Parage. 1. sf the Qu eflion we) MM the vent Purchafe the ae a bes about, &c, _ Ere is Lord of the f Ere isLord of the four Houte, Hi the eighth, both within their » Combultof theo sib Tard be Ando, ho denotes tS 8 agus bath willbe porchaed with gene eee Sipe andthe Sele indifne wheter cess map Qosten or not, Now although ¥ be Comb om et incombrance upon the abu Ye¢8y reins a frequen thing for ote meee 0 Ot {focehe cannot be far Elongated from him) look. spon ‘and the pion he es coniderable:¥ Samer Honk pon u¢ 1¢ fourth, doth fomew Bt ofiter of <3, arqucs she ait fourth, doth fomewhat abate he evil, snd fo Be geodsthe,> and f beta 246 Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, Gulp of the fourth by Benevolent Aipeéts (as by a > and A withia Orbes) declare a willingnets in the Querent fois, and that with much edo, he may at Taft obtain bis defire, though the Seller bea perfon ofa contrary nature, [Paragr. IL] ifthe Queftion were, 1s it goed tore. move unte jome other Hoxf: or flay where I am? Finding in the fourth Houfe, and the Lord of the Fourth, viz. Yand the oin A to x, the Intercepted Signin the AfCendant, | fhould npon this confideration advife tke Quereat to flay wherehe is, and the rather becaufe ke Lord of the Afcendant and the D do very well behold the Cofp of the 4th Kioule, (as before hinted) and thereforeit argues the Querent will reap more ‘Advantage to continue whereheis, thantoremove to another place ;befides, 10 encourage him to flay, the D applyes to a void of Cour. [Parage. UL. if rhe Query were, Shall F enjoy my Fathers Estate? Tconfider my Scheme, and in the fir place finding? the Significator of the Father, (within Orbs) ia to fy Lord of the A‘cendant, Argues but finall Love be tween the Father, and the Quereat his Son, but finding? Lord ofthe fecond, and ¥ ofthe fifth (the Fathers Houfe ‘of Subance ) ia trong Reception by Houfe, and apply- ing toa x Alpett, this isan Argument the Querent my enjoy whathe defires, and thet the Eftate is conliderable, becaule @ isin the fifth Houte, ee. [Parag The Key 60 Afrolegy new Filed, 949 [Paragr. IV. ifthe Question be, is there Tre afin Hiden i Juch 4 place, and whether agen Attainshle oy noe? ‘The 0 being pofited in the fourth Houfe, and the pi fourth Houfe, and th % unio the Culp thereof, argues that there is Treafore hi and by reales Lad Of the fourth Hout, hein ticular denotes the quality thereof; it muft be there Joxe Medal Books, Pilots, es And fading neg edb the of the 6,80 of h intimates that the Querone fal ery hardly it» orthat thereis but fell hopes attaining the Treafure fo hidden, and therefore inv forthe Querent tomake any atiemprs et 8 ¥aia [Parage. Ve} af th i i ie Queflion be concerning thing that is hidden Snatch 5 whether may be found in the Houle? ‘Then confider ¢ being Lord ofthe fecond Houte, and in an Angle, denotes it tobe in the Houfe, the ma inthe Houfe, the > befng Ame slay the fame and by reafon isin the feventh, Hoc Mice the Afeendant, it declares the thing to be winthe Room in which the Querent and his Wilesnee frequent, where you ou; eens Thane foY OvKE to make diligent (earch for LC Confie the fourth of Sek. 4. pag, 171, and Yur ff tar aifea move Copious Judgment, 8 m1 MR Custis v. QueStions and their Anfwwers proper to the Fifth Houf CParage. LJ Lee the Queftion be, shall the Querent He Culp of the &t:h have Chileven? T thereunto, ® Lord of rhe fifth in to i, Cthe other Astortune) and ine of the o, thefe are Arguments of no Mffue 5 to which I may add the & of ¥. and ¥ 5 Bur finding the pin x, a fruieful Signe, and applying to a ofthe fifth Hovfe, © is alfo iam, 2 fruiful Signe, and ind Of 2, who is in = herownDignities, thefe Arguments aie the moft prevalent; erg, the Quer. at may have Chil- area, which Judgmentis a igmented by the poftion of @ inthe Houte of Children, & in all probability ¢ bemoft Mates, forthe Lord of the Alcendant isa Mal Aine Planct, and the 9 is uit entering a Mafeuline Siga, alfo the Lord of the fifth isinc/ of che oa Mfcuiine Planet (a3 well as with @a Feminine) busin fine, the Querent may have Chiliren,and thote of boti Sex, yet not many of ce ther. Thebelt way is to collect the Teflimonies proand on, and judge by the Major. Loufeisa Barren Signs 2 inc Parage.IL.] Let the Queition le, ts the Querent CPang with Child or not? The p hafting to a of the Cufp of the fifth Houfe, @ in the fifth, and the Lord thereof in gf of 2, to which! may add 2, the natural Sigificator of Children, best > tothe Gin the fifth, are Arguments the Qverent hit Conceived 5 but confidering aifo the Gof g &'h, and t: The Key teAftrology new Filed, 249 ‘of xand 2 from Cardinal Signes, with theo of é tothe CCufp ofthe fifth, and the Lord of the fifth being in gf with the Oa barren Planets hence I may conclude ‘tis butafalfe Conception, and the Birth will prove Abortive, and come tono Maturity. CParage-IM] Lee the Queition be, Concerning the ce(s of a-Ateflenger being lent of an Errand, whether he wil perform the aidlage faith. fully, and effeétually or nor ‘isthe Significator ofthe Meffenger, and the © the per. fontowhombe isfent ; Ifind¥ in toh, Lord of the AL cendant, which isan Argument the Meffenger doth n tend with Honefty to difcharge his Trufts yethe is in Wwith?, and applying toa partile g of the O, Lord of the feventh Houfe, which intimates he is fafely arrived to the perfon to wbom he is fent, and great probability there is that he hath delivered his Meffage ; and when the p comes toa good Alpect of ¥, or ¥of hy the Querent may exe peétan account of his proceedings. CPargeIV.] Lee the Queltion be Shall the Que- rent gain by Play? The Lord ofthe ffthis in tot (as yet) butapplyce {ohia Atpect, andisin ¢ of @ the leer Fortune. Bethe Sein the filth Houte, to which I may farther add, chat @ Seth dipote ofthe Lord of the fecond, viz. d, and there is Reception by Houfe, between them, all which are Argu Teens that the Querent fhall be (forthe moft part ) for. Fratcin gameing, yet feeing 2 isin to the Cul fh Houle, and Combutt ofthe o, andin U ¢o therefore Ggniis thatthe Quevent (hall not be rmuch Clavis Alrologie Elimata, se eae ee rich’d thereby, but _mult expect to fee an end of wi comes that way ; and alfo (fometimes ) lofs and deni, ‘ment therein, as thofe that are generally mol fortunate's that kind, cam no way efcape. SECT. VL Questions and Judgment belonging tothe Sixth Howe, [Parage. 1. Uf the Queftion be concerning a sick Perjony Vite What ne of” the Body is affatted or wheeler he may Recover ? ‘N the Scheme I find the D: Lady of the fixth Hout ia inthe Afcendant, and the lately affiiGed by the ¢ of 6 who is pofited in an Angle in "2; New ¢ being the aflliGling Planet, Rules (according to the Table for that purpofe) the Leggs & Belly, & in thofe parts lies the pa ties Grief; the Difeafes thereof are the Plague ‘of the Guts, Hyporondriacke Melancholy, & all kind of Obfruti- ons thercin ; & thole of the Leggs mutt needs be, Cramps, Swellings, Aches or Blood fettled, oe. In fine, the Difea. fe proceeds from a cold and moift Caufe. Moreover, that the Party will very hardly efcape death is plain, becaufe the Lady of the eighthis in G toh, Lord ofthe Afcendant, fo is® Lord of the fourth, and x, who hath Dignicies in the Afcendant, is in & to che Lady of the eighth alfo, all which are Tefimonies of a dangerous Confequence, and the warfe , becaufe thefe Afpeéis are fom Cardinl Signess All the hopes that may be gather‘ is,the p being in > to out of the Afcendantyh having Exaltation in the 8:6 Hout, and being in Reception with the Lady thereof, and in his own Digaitier, hefe things being conlidered, Nature my 4 a The Key t0 Afirology new Filea, 250 St aftovercome; but theay in the tenth, and ® into fy doth aggravate the evil, and denotes Improper Phylick i ‘Adminifired to the Sick Perfon. (Paragr. IJ sf she Quefion were, shall she Que- rent be Fortunate in his Servants a3 allo ‘Small Cattle, 8c, Confidering the >, Lady of thefixth Houfe, is inthe AF cendant, and in friendly > toh, Lord thereof, ‘tis an Ar. gument the Querent may have faithful Servants, and be Fortunate in {mall Cattle ; yet the Querentis advifed not toimpofe too much Confidence in them, becaufe the p was lately in & tod, Lord of the fecond, and 2 whois pofited Retrograde in the fecond, hath great Dignities in the ixth, isin G toh Lord of the Acendant from Cardi- tal Signs, hence thé Querent ought to have a ftrick eye F overthem, and then he needs not much queftion their Fi. delity 5 butin general, the Figure fpeaks well for them to tehoneft and love their Mafter, and this eecording to the Roles of Afrology, which ought to be carefully obferved by every Artift that values his Credit, SECT. Vi. Qucfions and Aftrolrgical Anfwersbelonging t0 the Seventh Houfe, CParage.L] Let the Queftion be (ina general way) Shall the Querent Marry? [Nate that if the Quefion be demanded for a Woman, ply, tl Sifean from 2, but determinately from she foe vent Honfe."] Nuthe Figure I find the p (a general Significatrix of Marriage in mens queftion ) robe in a proliical Sign, and in friendly > to ts, Lord of the Afcendant. This is ene Argument of Marriage, bur the Gof? (another general Sigoie 252 Clavis Arologie Elimate, Signifcatrix in Quetions and Nativites ) to, fpealy the contrary, and this Judgment is coufred the rthe, becaufe fis in 5 to the Lord of the feventh, vic. the oard in the feveoth, inm a barren Signe, and upon ihe Culp thereof, another barren Signe, from hence | sy cos clude that notwithftanding the Native or Querent have a rong inclination at fometime of his life to Ma age, yethe will rarely Marry, if at all ) for the ‘onne: Reafons; orif he happens to Marry, he will fu suet trouble i the profecution thereof, for h ard o are P. vets ‘of contrary Natures, and by Aftologers accountes ine. mics one fo the other, and here they beholé each sit very ill, Again, from what hath been (aid, may be drawntis Refult, that if the Querent Marryes, "ewillbea Peifoala sifferene from his own Nature, that there will be no mutu al Loveand Concord between them, but on tie conta), much hate and Difcord, whichis not meanly :econded by the politon of in the feventh, and ? in cto fp before no ted. The Querents Wife (if he fhoulé Marry ) you mut defcribe by the o and ¥, and fo mixt your judgment accor ding to the Roles given at the beginning of this Book, and the time when is bett difcovered by diretions, [Paragr. IL] Let rhe Queion be, 1s her Porton Confidersile, and whether obtained with esfe or Difficulty? Torthis Ianfwer, 2, Lady of the Seb Houte, in A toite and in her own Dignities pofited in the eighth, declare a very confiderable Portion, but that it will be difficult for the Querent_ Cor Native ) to obtain is not to be dovbie, becaute ? isin 1 toh from Cardinal Signes, and bad Hoe feo of the Figure, as alfo in & 10 2. [Parser The Key to Alvology new Filed, [ Parag. IL] sf it be demanded whether the Ques ret (or Natrve) may overcome his Publick Ene~ mies, or ina Sulit of Law, &c, which may have she Day? Or if Return fafe from the warr Finding 1) fo ftong ia his own Dignities, and the p in the Afcendant, and in > unto him, and finding the © Lord of thefeventh in, having no Dignities in that place, T ‘may in reafon conclude the Querent is trongeft, and hall therefore overcome his Advertaries ; yet this is alfo to be noted, that the @ isin > to his Difpofiter and in of 9,and % who is Lord of the tenth and eleventh, from the 72 Houfe, which the Quelited may have great hopes, and ind many Friends, and % Lord of the tenth being ia ‘Oto h may intimate fome unwelcome news from the Judge, ot fome great Lawyer concerned with the Querents Yet notwithftanding all this, the Querent (in all probabiliz ty) will come off Victor (‘though perhaps with feme ex pence more than ordinary ) for the former Reafons before alledged, or they may at length compound, becaufe the Oapplyestoa kof, not p tothe o. Judge the fame in Warr Affairs that notwithftanding all danger, the Quee rent returns home fafe from the Wart, ee. [Parage. IV.] zet the Queftion be, shall 1 have the Defired Party? Now here is a perfon in particular Nominated, & in the Figure, fignfied by thero, and at the time of the Queftion fhe feems to deny, for the Oisin Gto to, but within hort time the Querent may have his defires for the O not long after comes to a > of |, and then the bufinefs may be {oncluded, and brought to’a final end, and the rather, becaufe the » (a general Sigoificatrix) is in>k to the Que rents, 254 Claris Aftrologie Elimata, The Key t0 Afirolegy new Filed, Fents Significator, the D dic sparate froma A ofthe ©, and applyed to an & of f, the Difpotiter of the , ang in the next place tranflates their light and vertue tof bya 2k Afpedt, and meets with the Afpect of no other Planet during the time the continues in that Sign, and therefore the quefited will comply, as well as her Significator doth apply to b, the Significaror ofthe party enquiring, 255 athe cond, and thereby afiets the Signifcator of Querens Subttance ; therefore the © is true Sigmihean seas rather, becaufe he alfo Combures the Difpoiee? ofthe @ ; what kind of perfon the o denotes, youmay fee inthe Rules before given, atthe beginning of this Books Say the Thief is about a middle age- Now there is but fimall probabilicy thatthe goods fot illbe recovered again,by reafon 2, Lady of the Philo cn isinthe eighth, into inthe Quereatsfecond, sed 2 Jo t0 b Lord of the Afcendant, to which may be added the oisin& to b, and tothe Culp of the Afcendant; And tie Qand® are both in A to the &, which intimates the {ull keep the Goods, and loves them too welltore, them again, % and the D withthe o, Lord of thefeventh Denotestie FLafly fling the venth in of wi Fugitive or Stray, and by reafoa Ifind Oand& inc’, and ay of he cighthy the pace oe oan as yet within the Orbs of a 0 Alpeét of fs, Lord of the At. tyke Afcendant, and d in & to the Afcendant, argues ¢° cendant, 1 Conclude at refent heshath no mind tore it ot ther bur by reafon the pis in > to bh, & ¥ applying to the > of freat or fmall, finding the » Lady of the fixth in 32 aay ae tees the party will be heard of again, and pro | Lord ofthe ewelfth Heare ooo) sth it % 0 Fy bably return when the and come to 0°F afte ee sivcethe twelfth; being alfo ia Quarter heisin, is, Southerly, or rather Southavett. ‘every finall hopes of recovery. (Parge, VIL. Jf the Queflion were, shall tye Partners Agree together? [Parage. V.J] Let the Queffion be, which wy isthe Fugitive or Stray gone, or whether or not will bel found, or Return asain? [Paragr. VI. if the Queflion were, There ae Goods loft, Shall they be recovered, or what kind of Perfor (or Perfons) did the Fatt fathis Antwver, finding the Lord of the Afcendant, be godthe Lord ofthe feventh (nie) in ad Afpedt, vie. Some would take 3, being Beregsine Angle, 0, be the Significator of the THe ate Teafon' os ce feption with the Difpofiter of the @, and doth ot asyet behold the & by a Afpect, and becaufe heis Lord of the Querents fecond, I thall not accept him as Significator, ftenee: But I thallaccept the © to be Significator of the Thief, whois Lord of the feventh & within thc Orbs of dh 8 of: zz in 1 together in Partoerthip. ai ae dont a tie Pudgments in the feventh Chapre bere, hingaa ed at deseo iudge the varions Questions if 256 Clavis Affreligie Elimata, _ The Key t0 Afirategy new Filed, 95 [Parage. VIL} if the Queftion were, (én the tine of wr) whether fuch 4 Town or Strong-holi ould be taken? SECT. VIIL Queftions and Judgment proper to the Eighth Houfe, [Parage.I.] Of the Time of Death, Jnthis cafe finding h who in particular fignifies the Be, fiegersio be ftrong, and in his own Dignities argues ty are rong; and in good heart, Couragious and Refolu, ee. Y is the Significator of the Governout of the place Be, fieged, asalfoof hisRrengh, viz. -men, Ammuniticy, Provifion, being Lord of the fourth && fifth Hout, Now confidering 9 isin the eighth combutt of the >, T Seat fie the ime of» pares Dest, Take tobe a very nice Queftion; butif the Nativity be , tt kows, and the Direétions run’ down according to Art, applying to the kof bathis is an argument hat the Gov (as it thallbe fhown inits proper place} the Native may. nour at laft will rather yield up the Fort then fond ox; then fee as in a glafs, the mot dangerous DireClion they fading they are a ge hold it out againgt fo fogs threatens to cugaunder the Thread of Lifes but { pafsby ‘orce. But not prefeatly for ¥ is now in 1 t0 andthe” any farther Difcourfe of thi 7 isin the forth, and the in the th, whieh declares. his SubjeCt, inthis place, are in a good condition within, and do perhaps exc} more fupplies,by reafon is in reception with d, bur cw dering § isthejLord of the fecond, and difpotiter of & of the tenth, -andin reception fo trongly by houfe B the Significator of the Governour, ( or chief Coa mander ) this intimatesihat he would willingly accep a Bribe, and is pofeft with many fears in the cafe, the conclufion, rather reigns up upon conditions then ger toftand in oppofition, now when 9 and the oc £0 a of his the time molt probable, that this thou effetted, [ Br this brief Example, and the Rules given Stt Chap. 4. Pag. 172. the young Artift may easly ener Fudgerene upon any fucs Query which may be proowidd (Parage.U] if it be demanded, whee rwsaner of Death the Querent may dhe? , __, Here finding ¢ Lady of the eighth Hloufes and in the { sighthQrong and Potent, and neer Spica Tirginis, 2 Be- nevolent fixed Scar, argues a natural geatle death, and thisthe rather, becaufe 2 is in cf of ¥ Lord of the fourth, but2, Lady of the Houle of Death, being in t0 hb ,Lord ff the Afcendane feom Cardinal Signs, denoses an unvile lingnets in the Querent to leave this world, sand to inter. change this life fora better. This Houfe denotes the Portion of the Wife, of which ces ut des the Pion ef she We which hae sec Pargr, lipie Elimata, cate CParage-IIL] ifthe Queftion were, shall the At, or Wife Dye fife? To this] Anfwer, that finding h the ftrongeft Planet, | fhould judge the Querent longeltlive’é, best who it wl, ‘Manor Wife, and the Lord of the feventh Houte, vi the ©, comes firft toa f of the Eady of the eighth, befor Tito her cy, which confirms the Judgment; thus an Ay rift may givea probable conjecture upon fucha Queltc: bur the fureft way is to view both their Nativitis, & from thence deducea Judgment, which is the moft rational; if they cannot be procured, fet there be the more pains ts- keninthe Queftion, and order i asif it were a Nativity butto fay the truth, T do not much approve of fuch kind of nice Queftions; and an Artit ought to be exceeding wary in giving Judgment thereupon. SECT. IX Questions and their Aftrolo, belonging to ee ical Refponfes Houfe, {Paragr.].J if « Perfon be going 10 Sea, and defirs ta kawy whether his Voyage will be Profperons or Dangerous? itt apenthe Cutp ofthe ninth Hout and g Lot thereof in "? angular, and ia ftrong Reception with Lord of the fourch & fifth, who is the Diipoliter of the and Difpoliter of = in ibe fecond Houle, thele are ‘guments that the Querent may advantage him ei 038 é « jet heisaccidentally reaforsbly wel poles, Tims the Jodgment yer the Querent tied an exterondinary proficby the Voyage 5 reby pro- but hows rei to reap advantage, rather than lofs Saas i fome encourageme: el.) (fit be demanded, whether a Clers sp rosie nis; obtain the Benefice defied? Confidering here isno Afpeét between the Lord of the Atcendant, aod the Lord of the ninth Hovfe, this declares bat fall probability thereof; and finding the » latcly fee parated from an J of the Lord of the ninth, and = (a General Sigaiticator in thefe matters ) being in Oto h Lord ef the afcendant, this gives fin.ll ‘encouragement ta fecicafter it, for’cis bus ia Vain, and for thefe Reafons he can expect buta fmall Revenue thereby, and therefore, not worth his tcouble farther ta feels after it. - The fame Jrdgment might begiven , if a man dives to os wherher be may profi by any efrt or Science ine tended s For what advantage side can follow, when the <5 isin the tench Hfoaje, (the fecend from the ninth } andthe Lord thereof Retragrads, aad in Sqoare ro Sacurwe from Cardinal Sigres, SECT. SECT. x Queftions and Aftrological Anfwers belong. ing to the Tenth Hou. [Parage.I.] Let the Queftionbe, shall the Querens Besin dle lace Office he feeks after ? He oisa General Significator of Honour and Digsi. T ty, and heis herein toi, %Lord of the tenth Houfe is'Retrograde in the fecond, and in 1 to h from Cardinal Signes; to which may be added the gin the tenth . from thefe Confiderations, ‘tis plain (in Aftrology) that the Querent thall hardly obzain the place defired s if he do, ‘twill be with much difficulty, and expence of Mo- By; and when procured, not fo beneficial to. the Querent as ‘tis probable he expects. “Tistruc, the o doth apply to the >t of b which Argues itmay perchance come to pats; but finding % the particu. lar Significator of the Place in i to h, as aforefaid, it intic ‘mates there is but fmall hopes of continuing therein, with. ‘out hebribes thofe concerned in it, which will not coun. tervail; for the yy in thetenth Hove, declares the place not worth accepration gratis, and therefore diffwade the Querent from farther progrefs therein , rather than fpend his time to fo little porpofe, Paragr, ~The Key to Afrolezy nom Filed (Paragr.IL Uf the Quefbion was, shall the Quen rent bench dinfElf by his Trade or Prof on he fallorys? Finding the x9 in the tenth Houfe, argues the the Que. reat hall have but bad Trading, genecatlys even te he may get moneys thereby, but he thafl noe he oat vich'd withit for 2 Lord ofthe tenth Houtty being Ker trogradein the fecond, andin © toms, denotes thertwher fe gains with one hand the will pend with the other, ree not fit tomannage a Trade, but think of fome other soe Pleyment; in ther, his Trade willao way prove Fone, aueoate Querent, The fame you may unertand by taking of Ledgers Cas is much ufed in London) yoh gusht to be cautiousin this particular, for you flalloe, erally lofe more than gain by ‘entertaining fuch perfons ia your Houfe, that come upon fuch a poltion of Fearon SECT. XL Queftions and their Anfwers proper to th Eleventh Hong.” te CParage.L.] Let the Quefion be, Ate; the Querent obtain shat be hopes fort [ieicthinshopea for be not cominated, be propo ied fin a Eeteral way, why thenl here caine conden eleventh Hou, andi ta h Lord of tne ae : inal Signes (which I before hinted) and mubgivesa denysl of the Querenis hopes, or that he thal ot obtain the thing hoped for, but wih imuch diculey, 3 and, 26: Tavis Afirologie Elimeare, . and greater Tot thereby, chan thetbing i felfcann Fequital or reflitotion, iFobeaineds he thing hoped for be nominated, T confi Significator, and accordingly judge as t the Afcendant or bis Lord = as fuppofe a foney in a General way; now covfiisr ‘cor Houle, and in ¢”to the ‘fcendtan 11 Lord thereo’, anya Piet in ene foo in tito), this argues the Querents kopes wil or lec, oF that he tall not eave the Maney he for. Paragy.I.'] Let the Queition be s ne prucand faith{al, accorling to tin miles and pretences? lms Pviends The Querents Friends are fi rd 2, he being in toh Lerd ofthe Afeendant, (ovhich alway dente eat) sn toad oes fsvee trys wa simates they will prove deceitful ancy: ne rene rot for the Queren: = for their own is nd the Que rE ae Ota end presice by them 3 ®bcholds h ill que ofthe, ond Houle, SECT. i i pertaining to ueftions and their Anfwers apper TA o the Twelfth Houfe. XIL [Paragr 1. uf the Quefiion was 5 Hach the Qe ° vent private Enemies? hetwelfth Houfein his own Dignities eee odges ifthe Coereat be notan Enems co f, he ngeds not fear another ; but by reafon I fi The Key t0 Aftrology new Filed. 263 tok from the eighth Houfe (viz.) both obicure Places ofthe Figure, may thence conclude the Quereat hath prie vate Enemies, and fuch that are of no mean account; but F being ftrong, and the mot ponderous Plant, the Que- sent need not fear what prejudice they can do uate him, Natethat if Quettion be proponned. concerning private Enemies abfolatly or in general, judge from the twelfth Ffonfe, dneif ivhe deverminael, or a peifon nominated, thenguge rom the feverth Henfe, (Paragr. IL. 4f the Queftion wes Is there any prabshility a Prifoner may be releafed, 8c, } the Querents Significator being Lord of the Atcen- dant, and twelfth Houte, and pofited inthe twelfth, there ing to & declares along Imprifonment; aud this the rather, becaufe a fixed Sign Afcends, aadeSherd-of-the hounioinis-to-bthe-prissipal SigaificaiacobtheQuerent. (Parag. sf it mes propounded thus, [hall the Querent be fortunate ia great Cattle? {confider the pofition of h in the twelfth Houfey ftrong and potent, but in 0 to both the Fortunes from Cardinal Signs, 1 being Lord of the Afcendant alfo, which is the {cond from twelfth, and denotes the profit that may arife from all things fignified by the twellth Hotes fo that what the Querent gains this way, he may put in his eye ‘nd fee never the worfe. According to the ufual Proverb. [ParageIV. 7f rhe Queftion was, 1s the Party Sulpelted, Bewitched or not? Finding b Lord of the Afcendant and twel and pofited in the twelfth in c 20° Lady of the Sa “264 Clavis Airolgie Elimata, the p Lady of the fixth in>k toh, argues the Qnerenty under an ill rongue, or bewitched. ‘This is a matter in thefe dayes much controverted by Learned Perfons, and there. fore Ifoall in'ft no farther upon che Subjelt. Ard thus Thave briefly run over feveral Queftions belong. ing tothe swelve Honfes, which, with the Rules before giver, sare fficican to infrald any Ingenious Tyr0 inthe Gudicial port of Aftrology. CHAP. Xv. Of the Planetary Hours and Elettions. SECT. L Of the Planetary Hours, 1 Kp Blewethar every Anifial day, (that isfom Suz rifing to Su ferting } isdivided into twelve equal yarts,called Planetary or unequal Aftrological hours, for they are unequal in tefpedt of the lengthning and fhortning of the dayes: Thus ¥f the day be fixtcen hourslong, & Planetary hour mutt bea twelfth part thereof, that is, one hour twenty minutes, of eighty minutes long, ( whichis twenty minutes more than common hour ) and then the he is eight hours ong, which mut alfo be divided in- velve equal payts, and the Planetary hour for the will be bu: frty minutes; for this you mult note, fo many mintites as a Planetary hour of the day is lon xer than the common hour, fo many minutes is the Planetary hour of the night fhorter than the commen hour ( orfgty minutes ) hence then Planetary howra th The Key toAftrology new Filed, 265 theSummer, that is from the Swusingrels into, to his entrance into =, is inthe day longer than fixty minutes, and in the night thorter by the fame quantity ; but when the ois juft in thofe Equinoétial Points, the dayes and nights are of equal length, vic, twelve hours, and confe- quently the Planetary hour of the fame length with the common hour, 1, But from about the twelfth of September, tothe tenth of Aterch, the Planetary hours will be lefs than fixty mi- nutes in the day, and greater than fixty minutes in the sight, by the fame (pace of time : thisis eafily underftood, and therefore needs no farther difcourfe thereupon, but f {hall prefent you with the Tableit felf, whichis fitted for the middle part of England, viz. Lar. $2. and may with. ‘out fenfible errour ferve in moft parts thercof. Lam fenfile bat there are fome Artifis whish have bat very can thoughts of thefe Planetary Hours, and others again have ‘eingufbed their former Opinion; Ifball not go abou to New Model Affrology, nor flight or undervalue Antiquity, but leave exer perfon 10 their freedeme, both in thir, and divers etber things in dre imbraced by the “Ancienes, and eranfinitted by them vo Bofterict, knowing that he Judgment: and Opinions of Meare as carious as sheir Facess AIL I oll fi, Let every perfor make ufe of thofé Rules he ajfetts anid "find? ‘verity in, andi, thefe be cannot enfily digeft, or cakes a prejudice aguintt, ‘ IIL, Here followeth a Tableof the length of the Plane- {ary hours, for the Day and Night throughout the Year. The Key t0 Afrolegy new Filea, \ | | Howes after aii | | Ryo Taos ss s54jsstleails 47] x 1 56 $a] aS) a3] sof 354 3 a3 bi ol a) Sp 17) sai asl 3s] 27. 18138 owes [Tap alas aap = = Base | ase apa SPOR TTS gts] taf a 4 BEY sol 38) aslo bY) 8 af a8) Bl al ha a aps) a3) sad aalual_ of al ad 34) sal sa 30! 4 ai URC EULIMr errs app HORNE mE Pa aR SF EB 3 7 pT ASN mo 4B Sef] ore aE REPEAT | PRE Te yg el al gall 2054 ao) el a] ay Passa | Peale ged Rat Fy ease ak Sy dae dea Tay ah Paes al pin as gays Ais Saal Bd) Bhs 53 * | — Ske Oe ay as ir apa aaa | aS e347 | aarp an see al aT / Ssh # BP apa ?33\" 36, aE Beep | wags eae rola aL sla Sug) Si ln 4 zl H Tig ips sonjqaa93 189 hh 57 (S87 BIg 3a), q 59] TH a AHRENS SAAT S CIT reas) 35 BP PaleeaZed a 3fPas|ia| ay) as) 38) 06 46 3 x 3€) a8) 3} ag gi 46/12) 24) 29) aad 57] 33/105 3 te ies : ag 38) vila ss Go) 3 2] 39655] 3 asta] 16) 3: wil ed das af esend | =] asi] i af can io3 sas 186597 les] Sif ae say aad 2 ta] jal ad's opie BE) Bae gts sin] jo] ul 5 3 va pli | aa] 209] 3, 34) ee eel ale as 268 Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, Id Y ms ye $S12"U3 ) Area 0 Fag wit 03 ¢ ‘hopun TL “uwnjo auiny 1913 0} 304} DION, 31 Aq Sy £300 uns a opung IGE, 31 fanz, 03 9 kope pur 229 “Lopfa yp puryzopur "uo oy put “rot saver 39 pu0d9y ayy siz '} 91941 99. 94p Ut Kep A “you aya Aq? pay? aq eg aya “puoday 2 yp aaldo1ed Avtar toh 9 fa. Ye yr sUs>A03 sores ney a1 *pay oy kaw « 1d OED d10y91942 3) 8 poreudosdde Yay 942 SMIDAOT wary > dy) Jo anoy Areioue 31719019408 330 43 ss9A08 wo ssp deur nok sv * se $3purjg yousa 09 & he Key to Alrolegy new Filed. 365 SECT. IL epoca) Fepans| the Defeviptivn ambapfe of the Table of the Planetary Hours, Tepiaupsqn| ‘Aeppany) Nhe fit Column ofthe lefthand Page, is placed the Sas place to every fix degrees through the ewelve Signs ni noredat cop [© Pla. then [V1] after that you fillind ©, 30, 6,245.12, 18, &c. which intimates that Fe Sum rifes at the fame time when he is in fix degrees fy, ashe doth when he is in the 24th of m. The \elve Planetary hours are noted at top," 1, 2,3, 4s 556, before Noon, and after Noon. IL Yn the fecond Column under 1, youhave the quan- ity ofthe fift Planetary hour from Sunerifing, as again(k x dcercespf the Sunsplacein, or the 24th of Stet ind hat the’bl Planetary hour continues from Swn-rifng until S minutes after five, the fecond until ten minutes after cn, the third cootinues till twenty three minutes after Be the fourth until 35 minutes after nine belore Noon, | J fo on: underftand the like inthe reft, II The right hand Page of the Table, thews in the felt ints the hour and minute of the’ Suns-rjng, and cla Columa ia the left hand pagehis teting, cid otf tithe: Columns in the righthand page tiew the lengrh ee Planctry hours after Sun ft, both before Midniet and afer Midnight, until Sun-rifing again: thus much *Y frve forthe Defcription, I proceed to is Ute. ol Tcl clOla ie | alos O1> Tol Ble) Glare to che righthand page, and right again (in the firft Colusnn of the left hand peared) ide my eye, and underthe fire hour iad eight hogs - th es, under the {ecord hour, eight hours fifty rhe Ufe of the Table. pinutes wader the third hour, nine hots thirty eight me utes: which includes my time abies givens and becanfe it is he third Planetary hour ofthe Night, (or after Sua-fer) H cura toymy finaller Table, and to that part thereof, which rethehours of the Night, and right again? Wednefd nder the thitd hour of the night, find ¥, which tells we Beis: © Governs that hour, viz. from fifty minutes palt % ; ight, unto thirty eight minutes paft nine atnight. tnd ro minutes, the hid Planetary hour is until Stoofg WV- Busif you have occafionto enter with any ofthe 25 minutes, andthe fourth Planetary hour until 35 nggpttermediste degrees not mentioned inthe Table, you may nutes paft 9, which is the hour required 5 then to sn atthe difrenee ceeeaS if you defire to be fo curious ) Mihae Planet Reigns, Tturn to the omer lite Tstl, eo ypttediferences (between the hours and minutes of the tieuled, f Table foming what Planets Rule every Han S| Rupe gel urs foreach fix degrees of the Sun's place ) and finding Wedae(day in the frit great Columa, and ig but {mall, there needs not fo much exa€tnefs. funder the fourth Planetary hour of the day, of the Tale J Lind 2, which ls ie I Planetary hour, which ends at thirty five minutes pal inthe morning. SECT. Iv. I Ducitie wererequred find what Paneth thirty minotes paft three the fameday; Teuide my sefYlere it mill be neceflary, briefly to flew the sin Tong nthe great Table, as before dizected, umil Loh cation of each mer) ‘isha ae td Signi- tomy hour defired, and 1 find three hours thirty ¢ oy be etary Hrs aod what ae minutes under the ninth Planetary hour, then I scp! of them, &e. my finall Table, and right againft Weduefay, and jl Gere nino inthe callerate Coloma | Fa teu 5 ta informs me that the ) Govers that hour, ‘iz, from ny Rar pt take no Voyage to Sea, ater take ty five minutes pat two, until thirty eight minutes “Bly attend, 1g Journey by Land ; for crofies will affured- theee, which includes "my propoted times Fi /PFhyGck, emtertuinne Seren lies 1 Pescteg citrine Serva TU. Again IF it were required to Know st rat your Pas Not Ged to put co new Garment, Roles ar twenty minutes patt eight at night for te “TB Leaes og 5 bur this houris good to buy, or tak ales at swenty minutes patt eight at nig cf Houtes, or Lands; good to buy any kind of Grain, Nhe isth day of April 1668, being Wednefin iting hours 15 mitutesin the morning, we know what Planet Roles, Fenter the Table, and agai the fxth deg.of © (the Sos place at chat time) I guide 2 and mall faccefs may be expected ; takeno » for they will prove idle, 274 lev Afirologie Elimata, The Key of Apology new Filed. 275 Thus an EleGtion ought to be made, if you delire the ‘end fhould crown your Adtions, and they differ from Ho. ray Queftions only in this, viz, Queltions end, and deter. nine in the knowledg of the bufinefs enquired after, and are not fo certain, by reafon the Queltion is often propor fed by perfons unconcerned, or not rightly ftated s.there- fore an Artiftthould remember that notable Apborifme of Hermes, Noto Determine any thing before be kaows the Ine tention of the Querent, &c. For in fo doing, he many times judges amis, and the Querent receives litle or no faristadtion, (for many know not what ro ask, neither can they exprels what they would have) how tien can itbe ctherwie, fice the blind lead the blind? And every Artift knows tis no eatie matter rightly to apprehend the intent onof the Querent, Il, Elections differ from Queftions thus, They axe or. asined and appointed for Aétion, and in refpeét of theit «endsthey tend to, have dependance chiefly upon matters of things to be done hereafter: but Queftions end ia the knowledge of bufinets fought or enquired afters ions, as to their ends, have relation principally upon curfarure AQionss And Proloms faith, the Ele€tion cither of day or hour fsall shen be advantagious toa perfon, wher Uisconftitured from his Nativity, ocherwife though ite ‘ell made, it hall not prokc, Peelomy, Centilogue, Ap 6, WV, From what hath been faid, may be gathered that rearé two kind of Ele@tions, the fir d fedthefecond (ina more general way, eae known) from a Queftion 5 but th ly to ‘simbraced, ‘and the fecond wholly to be rejected as Eir- {[{tlousand Hllegivimate, becaufe an Ete€iion fo made, al- {howshit may be fingulat good as to the prefent pofition of Heaven, yee the Lord of the Afcendant in this Election BespPes tobe the Lord ofthe eighth, or twelfth in SECT. Vv. Of Eledlions. Inthe nexe place, ( for variety fake) I ball prefent yx with fore General Ruleshow to make an Eleétion, Bi snot my purgofe bere to andte that Subjelt at Lergey for be tna bath wade any confiderable progreft in Afralegy cant bes feck Cupar any eccafian) how to Elebafie and Congr time for bis purpofe. L 'N Eleétion is no more than an apt time chofen, for the obtaining of fome defired good promifed, as alfo how to avoid, or efcape any kind of danger ore ahreatned at the time of the perfons Birth, or Nativiy, and generally by Eledtio:ss, men may choofe fuch tims to begin rheir bufinet, that the 2nd thereof may pro profperous and happy, efpecially in fuch things thatlie 4n their own power fo profecute, as taking of Journeys Ge. Butif it be to fpeak with great Perfons, ‘tis tru, they may make choice ofa fortunate time to make thet Addreffes, could they have an opportonity at that day and hour, conveniently to mest with the Perfon, but this wil be amatter of difficulty, and very rare to be brought pafs, by reafon a man’ muft not ruth into the prefext of aKing or Perfon of Quality at any particular pit of time, unlefs he be fo happy as by the means d Tome Friend to get leave to come into his prefence, #33 fo prefent his Petition, or Requeft, of what kind foever itbe. a Il, Tomake aproperand fit Ele€tion, requires mui cate and diligence, if it be for a matter of Confequen, and nor lightly to be paffed over, but well confidered, managed with prudence and difcretion. Th dix Cor Nativity } of the faid perfor, and probably “Pon foine fuch promifing pofiion oi Heav Clavis Afrolegie Elimst ‘May begin fome great Enterprize, and yet wm the end ie cine great damage in Body or Effate, or both; and ann. ther may upon very bad face of Heaven, begin a Bul nefs (or Action ) of great concemment, and yet happen tobe exceeding Fortunate and happy therein, which may tofome feem firange : now the reafon i ia in their Na. tivities, the Infortunate Planets, vz. 1 and é in theone may be Significators of Life, Riches, Honours and Prefer. ments, oc. and in the other Perfons Nativity, the Foru. nate Planets, % and, may be Significators of evil tothe Native, as being Rulers of bad Houfes, and beholding the Alcendant or Lord thereof, and the Laminaries, by fone Malevolent Afpedts, and by confequence be evilly difpo fed and affedicd to the Nativeyand the contrary may hap- in another Mans Nativity, clear to the eye of Reafon, in my opinion, that except the Nativity be known, ’xis but a vainand foolith thing for any perfon to conftitute an Eleétion; and this hath been long fince much pleaded for, by Anti- ‘ent and Authentick Authors, who have laid down many good Arguments, and convincing Reafons for the fsme: ‘yet fome Artifts (and thofe no mean perfonsin their ows conceits ) have favoured a contrary Opinion, which in © time they may renounce, and acknovledg thet Erroor ia ‘this as well as other things in Art, And hence may be dit covered, what necefficy there is that the Mativities of Pr fons hotlé be known, and therefore Parents thould lx miore careful in Recording them, or Clerks of Parifhes 1 ther to Regifler thetime of Birth, than the day of Ch: ftening, which femetimesis a fortnight or three wee'ss af ter the Birth-day, oc. For I know many perfons, tht whereas they wovld give Six- pence for their Age (3 they callit ) out of rhe Church Book, would rather give fix Shillings, yea ectentimes fix Crowns for the eftimate time of their Birth, which may be Regiftered, wish the fame pains, ifrolegy new Filed, 277 Vi. It wasthe Opinion of a Moder Author that hatt stn of thisSubjeet, That we ought iecemol wena solution Figure of the World, (viz. of the Sls ingrefo into'Y ) and make that the Radix or ground of our Eee ons5_obferving how that Planet which fignifies our Bur. sets dignified or eflcttedtherciny and foro judge, (hig was] fuppote becanfehe would not have the Nativity con, fated ) 1 mult confefs1 cannot apprehend it to be bates tah, and the rather, Becaufethat Figure isnot very eality ardined; for amongh the belt dfronemers of ur ane, there is much Diferepancy, as tothe true time of wt ‘Sur's ingrelS 5 neither dol think that Figure much to seacern ay particular perfon, but the peoplein gener of the pluce for which itwas fer: however, thal tubmit te re aan, andin interim, imbrace and follow thofe ayes that feem moft rational, "and carey the Irby of ath in them. nd cary the meft is being prewsifed, in she next place, I fbsll exbibie uch seen fart Rules, asmay be sfefu in ae a i een upon the off negene occafons tbat fhall Occur to SECT. vi Pritf Rules t0 be O'ferved ix making Eledlions yen any Occafion. L_Fithisbe confdered, that from anuafo unfortunate Ge. rifts there can no good Eleétion be {ifthe Radiat Atcendant ori Lena how ean good be be od be expecte tee ton, notwithftanding the Eleélion be oY and convenient for the thing or master dchgcck the Body of made never foithe Lord of the fifth : fit ft in the Radix, or the fith Hous ‘much vitated, orinfortunate, the Elegtion(thocele 2 never 278 never focarefully made ) will prove but of fmailadva, tage tothe Native in point of Fortune in Gaming, and ug Tike of any other thing belonging unto the twelve Care, alHoufes, thatconcern the Body or Eftste of Man; for ‘an accidental good can no way extinguith, abate or con tradi€tan Eifenial Evil in the Radix or Nativity of sy Perfon. IT. The Nativity being the Bofis or Grovnd.wo whereon to builda Ratioual Election si will be nec rat eaft convenienty withal to conlider the pofier Heaven at the Sun's Revolution to his Radical point, and fee how that concurs with the Radix, forif there be in pathy beeween thote two Figures, he years Actions inge- neral will prove the more Fortunate, and all things nillgs on more pleafantly with the Native; buc if therebeas Antipathy betweee them, the Years A@tions, and the No tives affatrs, generally go on Crofs and Unfortunate ich tobisdifcontent, and ( perhaps) ends with lofsende iment. ML. Obferveifiere be any good Diredtion in orc, asalfo the Diurnal tranfits of the Planets upon the mai remarkable places of the Radical Genelis, vz. how Lehold the grand Angles thereof, the Lemineries or Li of the Afeendant; confider whether their traaitsbe goo! ‘orbad, ad alfo how they behold theic ows Reacical pac this will much enlighten your Judgment, and ¢ ina Natu ral way)help you to conjecture atthe fuccets of your é: Ty concerns, and confequensly the whole years Actions. TV. Let hot the Afcendant, Mid-keaven, or place of » inthe Radix be evilly beheld at the time of your Ee fon, neither let thofe places be the Cutps of the fi cighth, or twelfin Hioufes therein, bue rather (it it poflible ) lerthem be the Cufps of fuch Houfes as cone Your Bufinets fought afters and let the propet Signi tors be well beheld by the Fortunes, (except the For! were Lords of bad Houtes in the Radi and fo unio nate.) “Chavis Afirologie Elimata, The Key to Aftrolegy new Filed, 279 “V. Beexceeding careful that you begin no Enterpriz® when the dfeparates from the cf or 6'of the ©, and ap- qlyes to the Body or Afpeét of an Infortune, and efpecialy ithat Infortune was Ruler of a bad Houle; viz. the cighth or twelfth in the Nativity ; neither let the p be poe figdin the Afcendant, for the & thercin accounted very Inforeunate, and fome fay the @ is not good therein nei ther, unlefs he be in a Sign of his own Nature, vie, 9, 15 er See alfo that the Luminaries be not joyned (fay tiey) to a Retrograde Planet: But the Planets atenot h (ifany thimg ) affited by Retrogradation, fince they are not really fo, but appear only to be fo as we tehold them from the Earth, ‘Vi. Letnot the p be afficted by any of the Planets that were Inforcunste tothe Native in his Genefs when youbee gn awork of Confequence: But whatever you do, be furetofortiethe » in any Ele€tion, although the were Govemets of a bad Houte in the Radix; becaufe the Dis general ignificatrix in all things relating to the concerns of Mankind, ands faid to bring down the Influence of the «ther Planets upon us. VII, IFitbe poffible that you can, letthe » be pofited inthat Houfe which fignifes the thing youmake your E= \cétion for, efpecially if that Houfe were Fortunate at Births and generally in all Eleétions have atfeye to the p and Afcendant, fee that they be free, and let not the Ine forcunes be placed ini Angles, orbehold the Afcendant or hisLord, except they were Lords or Rulers of good Hou. fesin the Radix, and fo Significators of good to the Na- tives and here nore by the way, that ¥ and 2, though they are general Fortunes, yee they may fomeinnes accic dcarally (as being Rulers of bad Houfes ) prove ln ugh Infortunes, comany men ara of good Floutes’and Fortunate i tivities : this is worth your Obfervation, and ia Particular ro be minded in the Do€trine of Bledtion:. T4 If 280 ‘VII. If you would Eledta time for any thing that re quires peed, choofe a moveable Siga to Alcend 5 ut i you would Electa fit ime for any thing that requires du. nability, then choofe a fixed Sign to Afcend, provided (6 that they belong tono bad Hou‘es in the Radix, IX, The fixed Stars ought :o be conficered in all FleGie ‘ons, ( as well as Queltions ) thats, thofe Priccipal Sear, reer the Ecliptick, having finull latitude; for thole Sirs that are of benevolent Nature being joyacd with the pa: ticular Significators, do much help in any Eleétion, and the fuccefs doth ufually happen to be the more profpcrots, X. Inall Elections fet the Afcendant of the Natvi Cifit be poffible) afcend, with this provifor, that :heiete no bad Planet therein, or otherwife Angular (except the Lord of the Afcendant) and ‘tis alwayes good in fuch cafe, fohave the Fortunate Planets in Angles alfo, if it may he. XI, Asoften asthe p comes tothat Age, the was «nj perfons birth, that day proves more. Fortunate 10 «iat Party being (id to be) conformable io Nate ro ns perfon, aud an Eleétion then made, will prove very effcQual and Fortunate unto him, if fo be it may at thit tims conveniently be made. i. it is good the p fhould be ftrong and potent in ell EteCtions, and in good Afpect of thofe Planets that were Fortunate, and Lords of good Houfes in the Radical Ge- fis, and free from the malignant Beams of fuch as were therein unfortunate, neither thould the Lord of the Geni: ture be ina Cadent Houfe, ifhe hapy en to be av !nfor:une place him in fuccedent Houfe, and by all means fortiie the Afcendant and Mid-heaven ia the Radix, ( ifit may be done ) and itis notamifs, if you make the tenth or ce venth Houfe in the Radix Afcendant in the Eleétion if they were Fortunate and free, and no affliting Planet therci. Ciacis Afiroligie Elimita, XII, Let the Lord of the Afcendant at the beginning of any Enterprize (iz. the Lord of the Afcendant inthe Nativity ) be placed in good and fortunate pleat te gut The Key toAftrology new Filed, 381 Figerof the Ele€lion, lethim be a Fortune or Tafortune, forthe Ancients affirm, that i or d according to theit Raz dicil Significations, determine good to thofe perfons in whofe Nativies they govern good and Fortunate Hovies thereforein all Elections, let the Lord of the Radical AC cendant be in an Angle or fuccecent Houle. XIV, Inallthings relating tothe fecond Houle ( viz, oney matters ) be fare to fortifie 2, let him be free from Combuition, and letthe Lord of the fecond Houfe in the Nahitybe allo free from affition, and placed ina good pace of the Figure, in fome benevolent Afpect of the For. tones, or thofe Planets that were Co-ignificators of Sub. fiance at Birth, viz. pofited in the fecond Houle, orin geod Afpeet to the Lord thereof, XY, For Friendfhip between Brethren, Kindred and Neighbours, gc. you are to fortifie the Radical third Houfe, and Lord thereof; and if it be pofible, let the Lord of the third apply to the Afcendant or his Lord fome good Afpett 5 or if there be Reception betwee? them, ‘tis themorehopeful: If you are to make Appli- sation toan Elder Brother, Authors advife to let f behold the Afcendant or third Houte, or their Lords by fome Bene- volent Afpoet. Burin taking a fhort Journey, fortiie the A(cendant and Lord thereof, as alfo the > and’ her Difpofiter, together hith the @, the third Houfe and Lord thereof the fame {ould be confidered conceming that Houfe and Lord thereof, which relates to the BufinefS you go about. XVI. Inall Bufinefs relating to the fourth Houle, ‘thould be fortified a tally i Bolneg™ cemifed a8 much a5 may be, efpecally ifthe frevethen the fourth Houfe, and Lord thereof in the Ra- Fax tot negle€ting the d, by choofing fuch a time whem: ton te Planets are in Friendly AfpeC} to thefe Signilca- to Houfes, Lands, oc, you are allo to XVI. In all things oppertaing to the ffth Houte, thar 284. XXIII. But io entering into Conrad o Leagues ‘Friendjhip by which Gain ot Profit isexpected, let the bein the afcendant, or in a Sign of the fame Triplicty; and ifit be poffible, "in fome Effential Dignity, or is fome good Aipect of her Difpofiter; and be not unmindful to feethat the Lord of the Eleventh Honfe in the Racix be free from affliGtion, and potited in fome good place of the Figure. XXIV. Laftly, If you would Eleét a good time to Buy a Herfe, or other ferviceable Beat, fortifie the At cendant, bis Lord and the », who fhould apply to fome good Afpett of a Fortunate Plance that is free from afligt- ‘on: Confider allo the pofiion of the Lord of the twelt ‘Houfe in the Rodix; fee he be in no bad Afpett to i org. XXV. In Eledtions for Horfe-races be fure you Aptate the Lord of the twelfth Houfe, and if itbe poflible, make him more Powerful than the Lord of the fixth Hou; place a Signe of the Superiour Planets upon the Horofcope Cefpecially 7) and letthe D and Lord thereof be ftrong and powerful, {wife in Motion, and ia good Afpett of each other from good places of the Figure; and debilicate the Lords of the fixth, and feventh Houfes as much may be. [Thefe Rules being carefully obferved, an Artift cannst ‘eafly commit an Errowr in framing bis Elettion, walefs the gee snorad Pate of the perfon for whons he Eletts anbappily Cate sradift. J Mary swore of shefe kind of Rules mighe be gives, bt nfemtrbensh confiderable 5 f, by wbat bath been already delivered hereof, a Man may be enabled somake a fubjtansial Eletton wpon any occafon and therefore I foal frkewr 8) {farther Dicom fe ofthis Subjeit, knowing that a mulriade f Rules do but rather dull the Albive Fancy , shan increde Knowledge. Clavis Affrolagie Flim, SECT. General Elettions for buying and felling, and taking of Servants from the poftion of the Moon in the feveral Signs of the Zodizck, 1. PTE that would fell any Comodity to profit hereby, Histiin chuteanine when the Disiny, mz, er feparating from the ©, %, 9. or ¥, For if the D do{eparate from good Planets and apply to bad, itis good. forthe feller,but ill for the buyer: and here you fhould note from your Nativity,which are good and which bad Planets, (iit may be procured.) Ul, Butif you would ‘buy cheap ( as moftdefireto do) lecthepbe pofited in any of the aforefsid fignes, fepara~ tingftom evil Planets and aplying to good, thisis ill for thefeler, but good for the buyer « For Separation and Ap. plcationare as contrary as Buying end Selling. Il. Ifthou wilt take a Servantyec the D be in 1, "ores WV. Afthe p bein. when thou takeft him,he will prove proudand high minded, and fails not comake a fingular ‘Trencher-man, (as the proverb is) or hath a good ftomach. V. Ifthe p bein wp or == he will run away from thee, botreturnagainand make ro long flay before he departs, ‘guia, (and this perhaps with :he confent of his Matter.) VL. Hthe > bein when thou take Servant, he will afinedly prove Unfaithful and Dithoneft. VIL Therefore when thou takeft a Servant chou mayit testuefole: «=p be int, my, oF thelatter pat of tecaufeitis reputed good to take & Servant when the pis infixed Signes, osc. Nill. thou alefta Man Servant et the be in 3,0, 3, ors, TX. Lefty ifthoutakelta Women Servant, let the » be inv, S, orx, CT have Inferted thefe they may by ie beth t Elettions of the Mons that Mt I dare nok aires they are ine CHAP, 286 _Clavis Afroligie Elimata, ~ Tie Key to Alroligy new Filed. 287 fied the nights deminith, and all things begin to Aourith ad appear in their greateft Luftre and Splendour, Il, Noris Prelowy fingularin his Opinion, That the Af. firs afa Kingdome or Nation areto be known from the Scleme of the Suns Ingres into V, awd the other Cardinal Points for that Year,(Refpeét being had alfoto the Preven-= ioral, and Poftvential Limations and Eclipfes of the Linoi- uriesthat way happenin the fame:) But the moft Learn. edand Judicious of our Afedern Aftrologers do alto ap. eof his Method as Rational. Fiolomy’s words at large Libs 2. Quadr. Chap. 10, are t0 this elie; It fems vo ime eft comveniene and Natural in the Judgment of Aninuab Events t0 affume four Beginnings, Regard being had tothe Nav and Full Moon next Preventional, efpecially if thereat her ofthe Luminaries are Eclipfed, and fo give Iudement ikea of the Spring Quarter from the beginning of Ar Summer from Cancer of Autumn from Libra; of Win, “tt from Capricorn: his Reafon is, Nam ipfas quidem uni. fale: confitmtiones tempornm e modes, cre. For thefe [Gees Confitasions, and the manner of thew are canfed bp fi Sua, whence ever many that are unskltul in Att do come to Helgowldceof Eure Events. IL, Organus he proceeds yet farther, and fayes; Now {einen gua Cali forma affnant, Sc. We waft ebferve (if we smeesie Pregraticare 10 gain Hlonowr or Credit thereby) not ‘lh inwbat form of Heaven the Luminaries move unto, but ‘loin wha manner they eave the Cardinal Points in thir fe: Gal Conjunctions and Oppofitions: That is, to Ereck thee Figures for every Quarter, one forthe gor 2 of the {i304 Ds preceding the Ingrefs3 the fecond for she time salthe Ingres it felf; and the third for the gf or & fuc- ‘tedng of following the fame. V. But Haly,and Guido Bonatus were of another Opi- the ed Would have the Judgment of the Year deduced Aen manner, vic. UFat the Sun's Ingrefs into the “endant thallbe a Fixed Signe then that Figure fall ferve CHAP. Xv. Of Afiral Predictions of Mundane Affairs , General Accidents of the World, or the Inthe Judging of General Accidents, a due Method cut be Obfervid, viz. to Demonfirate the Radix, or Foun tion upon which an Afrolegical Pudgmen ough tobe sian inPradidting of any Mavarion that fhall happenin vi Swblunary World, ana how many Bigures ouybs tobe Eich ed for the Performance thereof. I, rpsHlere hath been much Controverfie and Difpte "Toamonet the Ancients (who were Afafers in ths Arty concerning the Time the Afrological Phileiis ‘ought to take for the Bajis or Foundation of his Judgmest in Annual Affairs; Some would ground their Judgment uf ‘Mutations that fhould happen, upon theConjunttion ofthe Plancss; others, fromthe Afeendane or fire beginning of the Kingdome, ‘Nation,or Common-wealth ; and others, from Ecclipfes, &c. But Prolomy, who was Princeps Afre- Logornm, the Chief, and Prince of Aftrologers in his time, gives usthis Rule; Ex Selis Exiffentia in Arieta dope. benditer, vernalem qualitatens Cognofcemns :-< By the Si his entrance into ries, we are to judge the Events ard Succefs of the Accidents of the Spring-Quarter ( thats by the Pofition of the Heavens for that moment of tine when he makes his fiet Ingrefs into chat equine Point) and not without good rcafoa, fince the Sus it Arima Mundi, the Soul and Life of the World, whichis clearly manifefted by the encreafing Quality of Humidit', the Earth and all things thereon do_plentfully.2bov'! withatthattime: The dayes do then begin to enc 288 Clavis Ajfrologie Elimate, ferve for the Judgment of the whole Year 5 and that Hs net which is Almuten of the Figure, thall be Lord of vy whole Year; bur if the Afcendant be a Common Signe, that Revalurional Figare thall continue but half » yea, ex} end at the San's entrance into 2, for which moment ap ther Scheme thall be Ereéted for the other half Yes, a4 the Planet that is then found to bear the moft Ruic, bl be Lord of the latter half Year. Bur if the Afcendant izt Moveable Signe at thes Sun's Ingrefs into *, then tk: Revolution Figure thall be of force but till the © enters, and New Schemes are to be Erected for the other thre| Quarters of the Year, and their (everal Almatens Elta ‘with this provifor, that the Lord of the firft Quarter fal participate, or be Co-partner with the Lord of the fe and the Lord of the fecond with the Lord of the thi, oe 'V. But the Dodtrine of Prolomy is generally accegal tobe the moft Rational: and has not wanted the App bation of the lateft and beft Mafters in theArt of Aol (2s before wasintimated ) which Mettiod take as fll eth 5 viz. Erect for every Year, Figures for the Sul gre’ into the four Cardinal Points, *°, 5, and %; alfo the Lunations preceding, and fuccecding the Sa grefs into the fame Signs: then colleét the Effzntal Di nities and Debilities of the Planets, vic. examin vil Planes hath the moft Teftimonies of Strength in the Aes dant, Mid heaven, and the Places of the Lumines cach of the three aforefaid Figures, and that Plant fi qualified fhall be chief Ruler, or Almuten_ for thar Re lution, or Lord of the Year; and ’tis the moft Ratio! way toElecthim fo ; the thing is fo plain and_obic thar he that hath made but lender progrefsin his Su ray ealily perform the work, without an Example it! Table of the Effenrial Dignities of the Planers, and isu paz. 85, 8 86. be but confulted. ‘VI. What may be judged From a Figure ofthe Ars P and Military affurs, The Key to Aftretegy new Filed, 289 Revolution of the 72 are plainly informed by Guide Bo- gat 0 cxoest Italian, Aproleger and Contemporary wich Fryer Bacon, wnere he fayes Per Revolutionem Annorim Bovvasjrtnr qued in illo Arno ft fururum, de Bono ant dale sarum trangusllas ant guerre, &c. We know by the Revo- luyvoal Engures of the years of the World, what accidents wilt happen each year, whether Good or Ill, Peace or War, Plenty or Scarcity ; the Condition of Kings, Prine es, Nobles, the Religious, and ail other forts and de+ greesof Men and quality of things whatfoever, according to the property of Man therein, of the Dearnefs and Cheapnefs of divers Commodities, and what increafe may beexpected from the Fruits of the Earth, ee. Vil, In General Accidents from hy Judgment is drawn of Antiquities, of Seets, Schifms, Herelies, Renovation of Ancient Cuftoms of things aircaiy hegun, Depopulation and Deltruttion of Kougdoms ané Counereys3 he het inpurtcular, Influence upon Monks, Fryers Jefuits, all Jewith Ceremonies or Superitision, Ruine of Antient Buildings and Founcations, aii fordid inhumane Debau- shery, Shiowsecks, Captivities, Death, Famine, oc. VIII. = fig ses fuch matters and things which princi pally concen. Rligion, the more Pure and Orthodox Prin iples there as relating i Charch Difeipline,or the Wor- fhipofGod, He alfo psr icularly Repretents the Nobilicy andGen:ty of sny N-cion or Kinzdome, as alfo the Clergy and Lawyers. che molt grave and folid Pradlitioners there- IX. Fond tudgmeat is drawn concerning afl Martiat wey Wars, Commetions, InfurreGtions, Cae Pevfecutios and Mothers, Fiteing of Hours ites and Towns; Theft, Rapine, and sl ma ry: "35% Opprefion and Vilany. aia "done Generally fignities new Manarchies, Empires, ingdoms which thould continue. in geeat Glory, Splen= u dor — ve Ajirolegie Elimata, dor and Renown} alfo Kings, Princes and Magittrates ix General. XI, From @ Judgment is declared concerning all nar. net of Delights ond Pleafure, Adulteries, Fornicat Women, both Noble and Ignoble, Gamicing, Sports an Paftimes; but a General Tranquility, and Plenty of things, oe. XID. & fignifies all manner of Artsand Sciences; li Merchants, Treafurers, Secretaries, Clerks, and Scns in general; Philofophers, Aftronomers, Mathematician, ‘Accomptants : % alfo figtifies the Difcovery of all fecre devices, and fhews the Inveltigation or Difcovery of al Ingenious Inventions. XIII, From the p Judgment is drawn concerning the Condition ot State of the Common people ; But the Dbe- ing but the Earths Attendant, and a Secondary Planet cane not fignifiefuch grand Alterations in the world, as the Pi mary and Superiour Planets do, efpecially when they tap. pen tobe conjoyn’d, etc, Thele are the feveralSignifca- Tions of the Planets themfelves in particular, or confide ed alone; But Atrologers well kuow their powerandl Hluences are /ntended and Remitted by their Cosfiguratios and Mixtures, and by their Pofitions in Signes and Houtes; for in fome Signes of the Zodiack their Influences are Aug mented, and in others their Operations are Deminil- ‘ed and depreffed, norwithftanding their various Alpetts; which Kepler defines thus 5 An Alpe is an Angle form tadatthe Earthof the Beams of two Planets or Stars, & Certain proportionate diftance one fram another, and ave grt ower to ftir mp Influcuce, CHAR. pe the the Key of Arolaey new tule 291 CHAP, XVI ewing the Natural Signifcation of each Plaxet ‘Prong or weak) that hal be Lord or Guberna tor of the Yew in any Revoluttanal Figure of the world. Blerve what Planet is Lord of the Year, and if me) ou find him well Dignitied, itdenotes @ Plenti- IVear, ‘Temperate and Healthful for the People, Suc- Cetfuland Profperous, and generally good in all the Si iiicavons ofthat Planer, Signe and Honfes, but you Ceypifwenk and nfortunare, judge the contrary epe- oncur in Signification, meee inSinifedton, for fhe is the Gene- it Whatever portents thall be figniied by the Lor {the Teo willmoeefpecially be tmanfeftedia’ hore Re Sins: Cannes abject tothe Signe of his poftion (as, anette Sign chat Plane iain which isi Afpect with fotdof the Revlation) and the Nature thereof is ta teat the Confideraion ofthe Houte ofthe Figure, ccinhe is pofited ; Min the Afcendent, judge the ef ejectPotentsfignded may operate upon the Lives and es oF thofepcople ; if inthe fecond Houfey fay it oaks tie ftates and Subftance; if ia the thi asin thet Journeys and Relations” Sgoified by that carb ia the fourth Houfe, judge the operation may in gi Houle Lands and nriancs, oe, . Again, obferve ifthe Lord of the Year be pel daable Afpett of his Ditotcer, and irae foon Tipe his denotes good jn ics proper Signifcaion 5 domig be not well Afpeéted by his Ditpoliter, judge trary 5 viz, that Trouble and Anxiety may fuse uz ceed 5 Bur 294 Clavis Afirougie Elimata, The Key t0 Aftroligy new Filed, 295 very ealmand tranquil time, but if you find the b chief Governefs of the Year, and ill difpofed, judge the con- trary inall refpedts. And note that the Quality of the Air is frequently altered cory month, wher the ) mectswith the body of the ©, as the Quarters of sheTear vary by the motion of che © through the tvelve Signes, fpecialy at bis Ingrefs into the four Cardinal ‘Points the 0 is accounted warm and maift in ber frtt Quarters, inher fecond Quarter warm and dry in the third cold ond ‘y. and inthe fourth cold and moift in fine, if the ) bave smon as afore[aid, fhe produces’ by ber gentle Infaence, pony of feafonable Showers, which do much refrefh the Earth 1f yo fed she Lord of the Year frong in the AJcendant, let bin Ve [ippfed tobe by then confering she Seaenf by sand han the Afcendane properly fgnifies ( which you may read at large togesber with the lignifications of every Houfe, Chap, 13s f the Introduction) and accordingly form a ude ment, as in this Cafe the sdfecendaat ina Figure of the world (denates or ) reprefents, the Common People, and general late fhe Kingdome or Connrey,': being poited therein fbrong and vel Apeted bythe Dy fhews much felicity ro the Common Peae Hey and refpett from their Superionrs ( for Wy is a fuperiew Planet ) if be afited there, judge then great affiition and ttanole 0 the People of the Nucweof f, and fo mederatt your Judgment according to his affliction, and poftion in any of he Haas and the ike fr any ether Planct may eafy be per Formed by any perfrm of an apt Genins that bas made but fone veafonable prosrefsin this Study, which 1 ball leave to the In- dijiry and Ingenwity of every expert Artifts for *twvas not my intent to forma large Difcourfe of rhis Subjells That is alrea- Ay done by many Famous Authors, only 1 thought good for va- ey faketo add fomerbing her af, shat the young Artift might Fe spon what Foundation General Judgments of Mundane Afiursdepends, and conclude that from thafe General Rules ‘teaiy laid down may be deduced a fuffictene Judgment ef tive U4 ‘flare Nature. This is according to the judgwent both ef Ancien s:d Modern Authors, and coxfirmedby Experience. VIII. IF bear Rule, and have the chief Dominion the Year, and well difpoted, Aaly fayes, that the your fall prove Fortunate and fuccefsful , the people thi thrive and profer, and delight themfeives in Sports ana Recreations; they thall rejoyce and be merry, Feaftand Contreet many Marriages, Women thail delight inch fociety of their Husbands, and calily conceive and bea Children; fo that the Year in General fhould be accon- panyed with much plesfure and felicity ; but if ¢ be no wellqualied, judge the contrary. & bearing Rule in any Quarter or Revelation, uu ix reales Huonidiny in Winter, and abates Siccity in Summerer Ancuran, and this the more certain if ber poftion beivs moist or watry Signe, viz. m, &, oF X5 oréf fhebeive moift Afterifne, andin Afpett to no Planet of a contrary Xi ture or Quality, as 3 in particular. IX. Hf 9 be Dominus rains Anni, ot chief Ruler ofthe Year, and well feated in the Figure, fice from tp ments, Haly, Part 8, Chap. 6. tells us, it denotes wis Profit and good fucce to all perfonsadaitied to Lestins and Sciences as Afarhematicians, Philefophers Poets sa to Merchants, and Tradefmen, Artiicers, ec. Mes (hou bemuch addi€ied to the fearching after New anc Curu's Inventions this Year, and be profperous thercins but you ind & afflicted, the contrary may be expecied, wit out there be other Teftimonies of good concur. © wfually produces much diverfity, and varies the the Air, and corrupts the Winds according to the Data’ ity of the Sicne he is pofited in; general be presi great Winds, &c. see X. Ifthe p be Lady of the Year, and well difpat this promifes Felicity to great Perfons of the Female S and to the Common People in general; for now Men theit Healths well, and deal juttly one with another “?° — feate of any Lear, ifit be con) lered tbat good Pi mut the fignifcanionof cowry Hoafe, bi evil Plasets ean dich ard produce comvary fisuifications ; ebferve likerife ts Bren end debility of roe Hers gener py ie Ajpeitst0 the Lord of che Year or sfecuécint, and fo kel yap Jelf in your Judgment, and forgee not roar every ? produce by vertu of bis Infuence ether goed or evil, actorieg tgcach TLanets proper Nutwre t0 which the cam ideation fh Signes, wherein the Plancts are pajted muft allo beadid For’ isViolenty & Sudden, & "Moderate. °9 Stow, = i Heavy, 1 Nimble, 9 Valiant, * is ba barous, Fale sand Treacherous, 2 Atenly, = Sober aid Moder,» Cowardly. Great Altions have the fupevionr PL rvs for thor "Signifcarons, Peary matters are from the of urs: Lo foews high maite:strantaitsd wit fear and eo @ bavi with great Labour roma pispofe's in © sith mcd Iprech 199 ffl, Bi. There iin Afsclony a and the Earth are in one Dirett and Diame- tical trical Line, the fhe becometh Darkned, having no Light of her own, IIL, The Line or way wherein the > maketh her cons nual Periodical Revolutions , doth crof the Eclpieg whereon the doth alwayes move atan Angle of abog five degrees 5 and the diftance of thefe Lines is the Latitude; the places in the Ecliptick Line where th Lines Crofs each other, are called the Dragons Head, 14 Dragons Tayl, and thefe places of the b's Nedes, viz. the and if, are not alwaycs in one place of the Ecliptck, move once through the fame, contrary to the fequtl« fuccelfion of the Signes in eighteen years and ewe hur dred twenty one dayes. IV. Ifthe p at the Full be diftant from the 9 or gy mor than 15 degrees there can be no Eclipfe of the D; 1 when at the time of the Change, the Dis more thin is degr. diftant from the 3 according to the fucceffion of te Signes, or from they more than 19 degrees, contrary) the fucceffion ofthe Signes there can be no Eclipfe ofthe © 5 neither can there beany Eclipfe of the © when tke) at the Change is above feven degrees from the y, sccit ding to the fucceflion of the Signes, or more than f- ‘veo degrees from the $, contrary to the the fequel of the Signes, V. Eclipfes of the © are various both in Quantity a! Quality, being beheld from fevcral parts of the Eat the Inhabieants of fome parts cf the Earth bebolding the? Partilly , Eclipfed on the North fide his Body, and fore onthe South fide, and others at the fame inftant beholdivg him not at all Eclipfed: The Reafon whereof is the ©it| his Eclipfesis not indeed obfcured, bur only hid from out fight by the Interpofition of the p, whofe various paral" escaufe this diverfity in the Sun's Eclipfe. VI. The Eclipfe of the » appeareth in like manner ss quantity to all thofe above whofe Horizon fheis at ine ark Globe of the Earth being betwee the oand D, doth deprivethe p ofthe o’s Light, whens: The Key to Ajiro 299 ime thereok, for whea (hic is deprived of the light of the fo the becometh really darkued, Vil. Forthe more Methodical Eftimation of the Quan. ies of Eclipfes, their Diametersare ‘uppofedly divided He gelveeguil parts, calcd. Digs, Becaufe theit Diae ipevers appear ca fight about a footin length, fo that when shed bidet half the is Ecipfed, Gre. 's Diameter, heis laid to be fix Die Vili. Amongét the Covleftial Phenomena the Do€rine of Eclipfes rakes precedency, becaufe trom their Obfer- tors the primary Fourdstien of the whole Body of Afronony is Conliemed and Danonttrated, 1X, sind thus the Solar Eclipfes do manifett the p to be lower, ande(schan the o: The Lunar Eclipfes do mani- {felt shat the Earth is nut founded infinitely below us, but that the Heavens ( under us ) are diftant from the Earth. asferupwards (in refpect of thofe that be our mripodes) ashere they are; and confequently that the Earth is not Cubical, Pyramidal, nor Cylindvoidal, Bec. but on every fide perteéily Round or Terminated by a Globular Figure; tecaufenot only the fhadow of the Earth (ia the p's bo. ay) isalwayes and on every Part obferved to be Round, butalfofor that fuch as live Eaftward number more hours from theit Meridian for the beginning or ending of an Eclpfe. than fuch as live Westward , proportionably to their Diftance, X. Lunar Eclifes demonftrate the thaddow of the Earth to be Conical, terminating ina fharp point: and in the fame places of the Aduns Tranfts to be fometimes thicker, at other times more flender, notwithftanding a certzin Rule and Refpett had to the o's motion; and confequenily that the ois moved (or ratherfo feems to be) inan Eccentrical Orb. |. . XI. By Eclipfesalfo ofthe we know that the Earth is moved (or placed ) in themiddle of the Zediack, be- ‘aufe fhe is Eclipfed in the Oppotite places thereof, a e “The Ker teAfrology new Filed, 301 300 Clavis Ajiroligie Elimata, ~~ XIL. The Liner Eclipfes beft difcover to us the Lo tude of places upon the Earth, and affure us that che Ea and Water make but one Globe, XII, the Oriental or Occidental Eclipfés Othe Atunig form us that one half of the World is alwayes vif oy thar dayly one half of the Zediack rifes above the Hs rizon. XIV. The true and certain place of the canactl had by any Inftrument what‘oever, becaufe of heria rallaxes Nature, or rather the God of Nature, hath jo | plyed this defect by her Eclipfes; for the D potted in ny ais renebris, then underftood t6 be oppaliteto the hy thefe defects therefore the motions and mutations ef i D are found out, and rationsily demonltrated, XV. By Lunar Eclipfes we gather that the © is far grez: terthanthe Earth, and the D lefler fo by Solar Ealyfa ‘are Demonftrated the diftance of the Luminaries tvom ite Earth to be different, and therefore to be moved in Ea tricks or Epyeyeles hereby a Rule is found out for Mee faring the aultances of the © and p from the Earch, and te magnitudes of their feveral Bodies, XVI. And lattly by Eclipfes of the Luminaries, the Gol of Nature fore-warns this Sinful World of the Revalntnes) of Kingdoms and States, the Death and Detriment Princes, Governours, and Great Afen;, of Herefes, Sis and Seditions inthe Church ; Alcerations of Laws and Co ftoms, of Drought and Inundations of Rivers, Wars, Fr mine, Plague, and Peftilence ; in fine, the Viciflude all Sublunary things. CHAP. XVIIL Of the Natural Portents and Significatins of Edlipfes. our Caleftial Scheme to the middle time of Ee esti, a obferve what Planet is Lord rcof, according to Prolomy’s Rule, viz. Take the place the Luminary Eclipied, and the Angle fucceeding it, ich muft alwayes be the Afcendant or Mid-heaven in & viible Eclipfe, that is to fay, the Afcendant, if the Eclipfe tappen in the Oriental Quarter, before Noon, or the Mid- jeaven if after Noen. I, Butit is the Judgment of Origanns, Chap. 2. Part 's. de Effeltibus, and fome others of the tarit and belt 4- that We cught to take that Planee vo be Lord of be Eclipfe, who hath molt Dugniries iu the Alcendant 5 Mid beaven, and place of tne Eclipfe: If one Planet hath Prot the fame Dominion in both places, or in the aforefaid Rinee, then accept of that Plante who is Lord of the place F Deficiens, wich this Cautiva, chat the Planetwho hath moft Dignities in tne aforefaid place of the Eclipfé, thall be Co- partner, @tjoynea with him in Domino, If many Planets chim an equal fhare, yet cat Planet who is Angular, Ori» ental or Dite@t, exc. thal be preferred before the other. ML, Ofthe Quality of the Evens, According to Peolomy, Othe cafe o Familiar Method of the Eamons Ay Lilly, viz. When hisLo:d ot en Eclipfe, He is generelly the Caufe of Corruptions by reafon of Cold, more properly he de- clues continued Difeafes in the Bodies of men, asa gene- taldecay of Nature, Wafting, or a Confumption which hathits Original from fome deflux of Rhume; he denotes Aiturbance’of the Radical Humours, Fluxes, Quarsne \Bues, te CHAP. The Key to Afiroligy new Filed, 303 ora Damage, but make profperous Voyages: Ecclefi- cal Perfons, and Men appertaining tothe Law or Reli, gous Orders, do now encreafe, and divers of them are advanced to great preferment : now the Laws are well axecuted, and many Upright and Jit Judges are very adive for the Publick Good: new Cultoms or Privy Ieiges, new Corporations, new Honours,.¢ée. are now nolthappily conferr’d upon the People in General: “And tice are the Portents and Sigoifications of 3 when he teats Rule in an Eclipfe, V, Ifthe Planet be Lord of the Eclipfe, he ufually byhis Influence firs up among men Warrs, Témulee Jefe Hatred, Diffentions, and much Violence, Im? Pifonments, Banithments, fudden Death, the Wrath 404 Difpleafure of Men of ‘the highett degrees Tertian Feste, and divers Difeafes proceeding from the Corrup- tonf Blood: many Roberies and Man flaughters, Lave fits, Duels, Burning of Houtes, ce, In the Airhe (pro. dates or ) irs up Thunder and Lightning; unwholiome arlnfe€tious Winds, and notable Droughts. In the Seas expect Terrible Shipwracks, and Tempeftuous violent Sms: he dries up Rivers, and ignifies a Dearth or Scar, cry of Come: in fine, & being Naturally a Planet of aignatt Influence, and being chief Ruler at the time of Ecipfe of either of the Luminaries, nothing but Mite ican rationally be expe€ted to follow, unlefs at that tie fore other Planet of a more Gentle Influence happen yi Fricendly Rayes in part to Aleviate his Malice. nay £8 tccounted a Planet of gentle Influence, and nth gsification equivolent to that of 3: ToMackind egieauees kind effets, Fortunate Marriages, many ay, pets, ineteafe of Honour, much Joy, Health of Bo- f{itesceand Plenty, a wholfome Air, and avery fruit- ft sn nd sl tes contary to what has been ex- tt sof bth + iisantnteniour Planet.” "8" Pt © Powerfull s jo2 Claus Aftrologie Elimata, Agues, Banifhments, Poverty, Mifery, Lamentation, vaig Fears, Mortality of old Men efpecially, a fearcity of fick Cattle as are ufeful for Mankind, afllGing thofeCanle which efcape Death with Difeafes, ec. Tathe Aire b ftirs up moft violent Colds, with tedious Frofty Weather, Cloudy and Peftilent, Mifty and Foggy, ‘much Snow, more deftructive than Profitable: In Rivers and the Sea he ftirs up ftrang Tempefis, fudden stip. wracks, dangerous and difficult Voyages, Scarcity, of Filh, and Water Fowl, Overflowings of the Sea-banks, Inuy ations aud Corruption of Rivers. Upon the Eartha fearcity of Corn and Fruit, and mot Provifions are Dear, Grafs and Hay is deftroyed by Floods and Immoderate Rain, Hail, Storms, and furious Tempefts, whence Famine may be feared; Aged Par fons are now more Afficted and dye, than in former years, alfo much Controverfie, Malice and Envy between men and men, and confequeurly many tedious Law-fuits fol low, efpecially amongft the moft Rural fort ; and theft are ‘the Natural portents of fy when he bears Rule nn Eclipfe, IV. When bears Rule, or has the chiefet Domisi- onin an Eclipfe, he produces the increafe of all things in general; Asto Men, he fignifies encreafe of Riches ad Goods, and all things neceffary ; Glory, Fertility, Trss- quility, Peace and Pienty : every perfon figaified by ©. joyes Health of Body, and Peace of mind; many times they receive Favour or Gifts from great Perfons; 10 Magittrates, and Rulers ox Governours have Honour a4 Fame confirmed upon them, and cenfequently flourifh so! five in great Eftimation. All Creatures fit for the vest Man donow increafe, and fuch Animals that are pri Gicial to Mankind are deftroyed : 2 declares a wholfne temperature of the Air, moderate and feafonable Shove nourifhing the Fruits of the Earth by his gentle and {wet Influence: Merchants and Saylers do now receive lik ia Clavis Aflrolagse Elimite, ‘VII. ¥ isa Flanee Convertiblein Nature, and Ope; te in his Influence sccording to the Nature or Quality oft Planet hc is joyned with by Body or Afpeét but gener in Humane Affirs he fignities much Subtilty, and aqui:k gifpatch of what matters may be in Controveric upon ix Stage of the World : he figniies Robbers upon the Hig wayes, ki ind Pyrates ac Sea; andas to Dileafes of M, » they Mould be Coughs, Confumptions, Qrotiis Feavers, oe. Tn the Airc, High Winds, Thurderses Lightning, withifudden Tempetts, much prejudicial the Fruits of the Earth: If hebe Lord of an Eclipfe, and joyned by Body or Afpeét to any other Planet, mixtthe Porten: of that Planet morc efpecially, which muftbelet to the Judgment of every Induftrious Son of Art for 'is impofhible to give fuch exact Rules that hall hold goodit ‘every pofition of the Heavens. VII, If atan Eclipfe of the © é be chief Gubsras| thereof, and pofited inan Airy or Fiery Signe, and alo Lord of the Yoar, this portends Fireing or Burning c ofHoules. If} be Lord of the year and place of Heat] wherein the defett feils free from sillition, and poled in Earthy or Watry Signes, at the fame time being il affected, Authors fay it fignilics leundations or Earth quakes. IX. Ecliptes of the Liminariesin the Firy Triplciy threatens che Diftrudtion of Sheep and Oxen, &<. 3 the Bani®:ment, Imprifonment, or Depofition of font Great Perio, with Difeord and Hatred ‘between t| Common People and fome great Ruler or Govern: many Repinings, Grudgings, and Diffentions Mot of ArmieS, much Warr and Slaughter of Meo, Buri of Houfes, Depopulations, Rapes, Thefts, Sharp Fe vers, Peftilent Difeafes, “Abortive Births, (carcty « Fruit and Corn; and thefe things will (or may) herr Principally in thofe Countriesor Regions that are fu" to the Signe Eclipted Funitinus de Eclizibes. Ba The Key to Aftratogy new Filed, 305, X. Bur if either suminaries happen to be Eclipred inthe E hy Triplicity, this portends a fearcity of Corn. ni Ervits ifinthe Airy Triplicity, ic betokens Famine, Pefilent Difeates, with Stormy Teinpeltious Winds, vee ry prejudicial tMankind : Tt it happen in the Watry T: plicity, this portends the Death of jolt Inferiour com- mon fert of People; alfo Warts, ce. Deftrugtion of Fith ani Fowl, and all fuch Creatures that live in or necr the Water. XI. Pralomy tells us that an Eclipfe of either of the Lu» ninaries falling in any of the Anglescf a Nativity or An. inxs! Revolution portends much Detriment to the Native tue fame if it hyppen in the Radical place of tse or 9% and Hermes fayes there thall be many Troubles happen in the world when both the Lumi.suries thal! be Ectipfed in ove monsth snd efpecially in fuch places where there is a putictlar $i nfication ofthe: Nore that fo many boi.vs asthe pfed, fo many year: wil te EGGits therof continacs bs bp bere ples judge Jo many Moneths febsbecinta operate, ebfere a for the Luninary Eclipfed is ai ‘and bosw long it continues above time ints Minutes, ad fay by tke Goleen Ri cimtinnanceof rhe Lisinaty above th #7365 dayes. what ball the tince from i ithe Ecligfe give? and by Oper tine when the E felis begin to opera e belive they began at the ery day of the Ez ean Pans de Effectibues, Chap. 2 tnd thus wines fhoit ferve for the Judzeent of Eclin'er: Tit sar weed emo og eaatibg oe Soe res them to At. Llly’s ®nnus Tenebrofis, Primed at Londen 2652, wherein the whole Dellvine és covplecrlyb At tothetime when the on yon will difeerel : ‘th Otiganvsy if, 80, vide O at Londen x 312 Clavis Afrolegie Blimata, ; in Airy Signes warm weather, fpreading the Heawos withsed and yellow Clouds, in many places thereof (ome timesa Rainbow ) proguoflicating Rain te follow. XV. The © and? inc’ do for the moft part bring wait weather, efpecially inSigres of the watry Tripliccy, and in particular ia Spring and Autumn gentle thove:3; in Summer they are fomzetimes «:companyed with Thuste, if other things in Nature coacurs but in Winter ufuly this produces Foggy moift weather, and this the rather, if they arc alfo in Aipeét to F. XVI. Ifthe o and be ia of, they generally produce brisk gales of wind in Airy Signes, and this is the mote certain if 9 be leaving his Signe s Raia in watry Signes ot “drifling moift weather jin Fiery Signes tis dry, with warm winds which are very uawholfome, 2 and 8 alwayesat- tendthe 0, and arenever elongated far from him, and da not occafion much alteration of the Aire in any Sigh XVII, If the o be ing, 0, or & of thep, in Signes, they produce Rain and reddith Clouds w drops of water ; In Ficey Signes fair weather, and te hit is changed acca preat temperature ofthe the Sea ather ef or S' ef ours, which Pyeder atthe fi ought tobe confiderc XVUI. Ie bein generate thowers, y the year, they afford us moift winds TF ct the fame tine the Luminaries are inf, (1, or ¢, or neerit, then expett of Rain, if ether more prevalent ‘cavfes bind ented if fhe be nec c fime, together with on oft), in watry Sig and forthe molt Ife be in 7,0, or Sof the, they gener | prefage mild and gectle thowers, or dropping moilt ther, more or lels according ra the feafon augmentingthe ‘Tyces, iFjoymed to Stars of violent or Tempeftuous N* i 16 313 tires; Inthe Spring they produce a cloudy mort feafon 5 inSummer a remiffion of Heat and Drought; in Autuma cloudy and dark Aires and in the Winter cold, fome- times Snow or Slet alittle before or after, but not violent, rof any long continuance, unlefS produced from other Cauies more prevalent. XX, Ifthe bbein ¢, 5, or Bof , they prognofticate Clouds, Wind and Rain, with variecy of weather at any feafon; if they bein watry Signes, then expeét moifture, in ity Signes they prefage wind, in Fiery Signes dry wea ther, in Earthy Signes a cold and’ dull Seafon, foggy and Cloudy, bur of a very thort continuance, except other Planetshappen at the fame time to make any notable con- figuration. shed I full prefem a goad old Table ofthe Weather, hich irarit wire the Epitomy of what bas been faid of the Weather, and foconclude this Subjett. Thafethat would Read mare of this Subje, Sol Piece written by one Cock, and Duck Lane, — =: The Key to Aftrolegy new Filed, may perufea fold asthe Raven in A Table gaa Chavis Aftrologie Elimata, L. CN. 8.) Forget not in general Judgments theow hundred and nineteen Conjunétions : in well confidesin thefe, you fhall underftand what will be done in the wort | both of Generation and Corruption, What the Conjundi The Key 00 Araby new Filed, aay when the Profection fhall arife unto ther moe thn hall he event appear? HE aE of Heaven, onsare,and how to underftand them, you may have 1, | courfe to Mr, Lill’s Prophetical Aderlin, fol. $1, LI. In what Sign the pis at the time of Birth, make that Sign the Afeendant in Conception and in what Spe fheis found at the Conception, make that or iis oppotte the Sign Afcending at che Birth. LIL. The Lords of the Genitures of men of tall Sete aren thet (ublimities, and their Horefcopes in tke begin, ing the Figures of all thefe: demande erage . X, In confderation of the fick, ‘bette dayes, and the peragration of the p by the Criticel Ez > 5 5 nig of L i Nativitie' ig of Signes. but the Lords of their Nativities whoare J gure of fi : ¥.the angles of afi. ofthore lature, are found in their Falls: Together wit ff tes weit Mears for where you thal find thot ne {hiss enquire whether the Signes be of Right or Oblique FF Ontheconiraryit will ey eeu ell to the fick party + Afcention. &d. How to fee a Figure of janet YOu find them act. LI. The Lords ofthe Genitures of lean men haveas ‘gure Intitude, but of fat men they have: if the latitude te othe s meedaci na South, the Native will be nimble; if North, more iuggit. 0 aswhar hy thofe things which appertain un LIV. When the Principal Lords in Buildings are oynl a. ve refemblance unto hr ia regard unto a Planet under the carch, they hinder the ereiend the Building. LY. The malitiovs influence of ¢ agaift Ships is lke ened when héis neither placed in the tenth or eleven y ange of Ns for your judgment shall ke free Houte of Heaven ; in either of thofe places, he defo J. Principal Dominatorof the Angle cf the Ship, Thieves furprizing and poffefing Ker by for; apes overcomes in the Natere of bor the Ship will be Fired ifthe Afcendant be aiflied by athe fat thefe things the qusticy any fixed Star of the mixture of 3. ‘iz. the feafon “ i | LVI. When the dis in her frlt quarter, thats, fon thetime theis receded from the 0's Conjunction, them] hismaruye ye fates of Bodies do fow, until her fecond quarter ther Plngags HE Upon all he Conjunction sh ne ther times they decreafe LXIV. When thou haft cont, ! fee tt LVIL. Change your Phy! ian when you Mion, fee whay Efkntial Digncy he ker got fib Que feventh Hovfe and his Lora afhétedin any Scknes. | mul Revolucion y he hath i LVL, Contider the place of the c, in whic ptf ettng, give jggere Ot HE ALScadane ofthe ven itfalls to be fromthe Afcendant of the years Lx ese iedgment according! iris Conjaniéi i esa ae ea The key to Afiralogy newFiled. 325 [Guonbein ir or, hishands and feet thali be cut off, 1 LXXIV. Whohath 2 in the Afcendanc of his Nativicy will not fail to have a Scar in his Face, LXV. When the 0 is joyned unto the Lord of the At condant in <1, or that ¢ hath no prerogative in the Afcen- ind, or no benevolent Planet is placed in the eighth Hout he thae is born under fuch a conflation thall be burned, viz. thall dye by fire. EAXYL When bp poffefeth the tenth Houte, viz, Seed therein, and the temporal Light of the time §; and an earthly Signe isin the fourth, he who is then bora {hall perith by the ruine or fall of houfes ot buildings: ifthe Signe af the fourth be a watry Signe, he will dye in the water or by water, vic. he will be drowned : if the Signe of the fourth be humane, he will dye by the hands aiMan, vie. will either be hanged or trangled, ce, but ifabenevolent Planet is pofited in the cighth, ‘he will be reertodeath by fuch accidents or cafualties a aforelaid, but thell evade and not dye thereby, LXXVII. Make ufe of or direét the Profeétion of the ‘Avendant for fuch things as concern che body ; direct the G forexternal or outward things the D for {uch things a3 concern both the body and the mind the M,C. for the actions, Magiftery or Profeffions, cc. LXXVHE A Planet doth many times exercife his infls- cence in that part ofthe heaven wherein he hath no Effential Dignity, bringing unto the Native unlooked for Wealth. Thishath elation unto the Antifcions of the Planets LXXIX. When d isin the eleventh Houte of Heaven, | ke that hath him fo pofited, fhall not have dominion over ' his Mafter or Lord. LXXX. When 2 isjoyned unto f, and he hath any do- ‘inion in the feventh Houfe, he that is then born will be | ferdidi coitus, | gl XEXI. The times ofthe events of things are difvover. ed feven manner ofvwayes: fifty from the iteva 3 ‘ goa Chavis Alftrologie Elimats 324 Chavis Aftrolegie Elma, _ LXVE, Ute not prolection alone, but alfo the sng ae gecement of the Interfciest and benevolent Planetsand Their Afpeets. This Aphorifa bark velavion wito Netivitcs, land i for difvcer of the rue time of the Natives Det LXV, The years of the Native are ceminiined ond made much fhorter, by reafon of the imbicility of the gi ver of Life, : LXVIIL, Amalevolent Planet when he is Matutiae, fignifiesa fall; when Vefpertine, a Difeafe, | LXIX, There will be a blemeth in the Native’s fight whenthe pisin g tothe, and is necr to Nebulous or Cloudy fixed Stars or when the >is in the feventh Hout, ‘and both h and 8 in the Horofcope : but if together wi Tis the be angular, the Native will quite lofe his ih LXX. Yisnotines with the p in cheir Nativities, who divine by a kind of fory of things to come, of isetter st them in the Afcendant of thofe who are Deemoniack, i fuch a kind of a Figure in the night ie b thal pols nale, butin the day time d efpecially in , "tor. aH RT tnmens Nativties, when both the © ands be in Mafeuline Signs, their a€tions thall appear accor ‘to the Nature thereof: but inthe Nativities of Womeh, thefe very AGtions are augmented. Judge the fame thins of dandy, ot being matutiac, they incline to be mar Snanly 5 bot Vetpertine they are effeminate. LXXIL, Require fuch things as concera the Navies ucation from tae Lords of the Triplicicy of the Akt Gants what may concern fife, mult be derived from f Lords of the triangularity of the conditional Lomisart LX XII, Where the @ is found to be with Cuput if then he is neither afpeéted by a benevolent Plats for thar a beaign Planet doth govern the eighth Houle, the Dirpoter of the cemporot Light thall be in 6 fads 2 illidts him with aC Afpeét, he that then is borne {hal Delcared: But if che Light thal culminate, ot be tenth Hou‘, his Body thall be wounded ; if this © — 326 Clevis Alrelgie Elimata, fance ot the ewo Lerds or Rulers: {econdly, from the. ance oftheir Configuration each unto other thirdly, by their accefs each unto other: fourth!y, from the inzer] betwixt themfelves, or the one of them, from the place fignifying the thing defired or looked after: fifthly, fron the fetting of that Star which gives afiftance or imped ‘ment: fixthly, from the mutation of the Principal fignif, cant Planet: feventhly, from the accefs ofa Planet uno his own proper place. LXXXI. When the figures of the new and full parce. qual, behold the Afcendant, which if that be alfo equ, then defer your judgment for that time. LXXXIIL, The time of craving any thing at the Kings hands, doth thew the affection betwixt the King and the Petitioner, viz. the time when the Petitioner receivesihe Dignity granted him, thaltfhew the quality of dion depending upon the preferment, che. XXXIV. When is Lord of the Afcendant at the time of taking any Polfefion, and doth alfo govern the e- cond Houfe, ‘or is in of withthe Lord of the fecond, te brings much damage or lofs. LXXXV. When the Lord of the Afcendantis ia con- figuration with the Lord of the fecond, the Prince or Lord {hall willingly confume much Treafure. Tis barb velatos wthetwo preceding Aphorifins, \ LXXXVI. The Ois the Fountain of Vital Power, the D of Natural, LXXXVII. Monthly Converfions confit of twenty eight dayes, twohours, and about eighteen minutes; bit foe there are who judge them from the peragration of the © whea he is equated partilely unto the degree and minute he was in at the beginning of the moneth, LXXXVII, When we direé the Profeétion of the ® for the whole year of a Revolution, we take it from the 0 to the », and project it only froni the Afcendant. Re The Key of Aftrology new Filed, “TXXXIX, Require what concerns th from the feventh Houfe, bur the Unckle from the fixt! Houfe. XC, When the Lord of the Afcendant doth bchold the Acendant,the thing which lies undifeover'd sof the nature ofthe Afcendant : if he behold not the Afcendant, its quae ly hall be according to the nature of the place where the Lord of the Afcendantis; the Lord of the hour demon- frates the colours, but the place of the p the times: if tha pliceof the p be above the earth, the thing or matter is new; ifunder the Earth, old: the @ fhews its quantity, whether it be long or thort ; the Lords of the Terms of the fourth and tenth Houfes,” and of the d, thew its Sub- ftance, XCI, It’s anill Sign when the Lord of the fick party is combut,efpecially if the be cillicted, XCIL: being Oriental, doth not fo much opprefs the fick body, nor doth when he is Occidental. XCIII. In Queftions do not pronounce judgment before youconlider the next fubfequent new p ; for the frft be- sinnings are varied in every «f, wherefore mix beth toge- ther, and you fhall not err, XCIV. ‘The place of Heaven wherein the principal and inoft powerful Significator is pofited, doth declare fach things a8 are in the thoughts of the Querent ro be de- manded, XCV. Thofe Images which do arife with the feveral Decanates, they declare the Inclination of the Native to. thot Profeffion he handles. Waar thefe are, fee Sealiger Upon Manilias oF Yobannes Angelus. XCVI. The Significations of an Eclipfe thall be mot Spparent when the Eclipfe isneer uoro an Angle: confider alfo the nature of the Starsia Configuration to one ano ther, as wellof the Erratical Planets, as of the fixed Stars 5 Malfothe Images co-arifing wich the Signe Afcending, and Pronounce Jgment accordingly, By Zmaze he means Ajte- V4 riffser, | 328 clavis Afirolgis Elimats, rifives, of which fee Ataginus, Origanusy and Argel. XCVIL The matter or thing in’ queftion which iste manded, willbe performed ina thort time, when cide the Lord of the new or full dis Cardinal. XCVIIL. Blazing fars, and thootings of the Stasit the dire (or prodigious Apparitions therein) have a cond Sigaification in mundane affirs 5 vig. Eclipfesorce the Heavens, but apparitions in the Air, thereforeerss portended by Eclipfes are frft preferred. XCIX. Fiery Apparitions thew want of Raio, ot ey Aire, which if they are carryed or moved unto one part c Heaven, they declare Wind to come from that Quarrel Heaven’: but if thofe Apparitions are caryed diverfly, « into fundry paris, they thew fearcity of Rain or Wate, the Elements often troubled, and the incurfions of Anis, C. Comets, whofe Diftance is eleven Sigaes from:is ©, ifthey appear in Angles, the King of fome Kingdom,c cone of the Principal men of the Kingdome will dye; tu they appear in fuccedent Houfe, his Treafures are lie todo well, yet thall the King or Kingdome change ther Governovr: if they appear in a cadent or obfcure Hou, Difeafes, and fudden Deaths will fucceed : if they most from the Welt toward the Eaft, a forreign Enemy thal vade feveral Kingdoms and Countries: if the Coa move not the Enemy thall be Provincial, The Key to Aftrology new Filed 329 CHAP. XXL Hermes Trifmegiftus, his Centiloguium in ca 1. Pps Sun and Aeon next unto God, are the Life of all things living: Yet many Nativities have no Hylechs yecbecaute the Sue and Moon friendly behold ticic Mcendant, or be therein free from afflition, their ives fhall be the longer continued, Ii, All Diurnal Nativities are ftrengthned by the Sun, “when well beheld by the Fortunes Noéturnal of the Aeon, when the is fo fortified. If this happen not, yet if good ‘Plnetsbe found in Angles, the Nativity fhall be good. IIL, When &, Lord of the Afcendant (hall be pofited in ‘the tenth, it confers on the Native dignity and power ; hich willbe accompanyed with injury and cruelty; and Inythecfore be fad, a misfortune, rather than happi- fs. IV. in good Afpett with the infortunes’, changes thcir talevolency inte good. 2 cannot effeét any fuch ‘bing, unlefsaflited by £ ; therefore in procuring good, snd prohibiting il, 21s found much better than 2. Vs The Artift cannot make a commixion of the Si {cations of the Stars, before he know their Friendfhips and Enwisies which is threefold. Fieft, according to their Nature. Secondly, according to their Houfes, ‘Thirdly, ‘ccording to their Afpeéts. VI. is oppofite to, He comprehends Languages and Diltipline the delightsand pleafures, 2 thelike to O53 this cov 3 veteth, Mercy and Juftice; that, Impiety ‘Make The Key te Aftroligy new Filed. 539 asd his Lord, and the Planet ftrong in thefamey alfo by sel oftie time and the Lord thereof and by? deo net, and his Difpofiter to whom the faid Li; ir ped ND i faid Light of the Time XC. }; performs evil flowly, but & wilt ond th fore d is reputed to hurt more than I. XCF. When the thrce fuperionr Planets. thall be com joyned in Regal Signes, its termed a great Conjungtin, and when the © beholds them, they make molt Poteat at: Flourithing Kingdoms. XCI/. Thofe doubts are foon refolved, that are pe pounded when the p and the Planet to whom the appl areinSignes, having voice, and in the fir or third Huu fes, or in oppolition of them, XCH1z. The Infortunes in the eighth Houfe have ths malice increafed ; but the Benevolents being there, pr tend neither good nor evil. XCIP. There will neither good or evil be perform but when the good or bad Planets in a Nativity orRew ution thallatpect the p by a Quadrate. XCV. Ife beaffliied in the fixth Hout, the Nati ‘hall die in Prifon: iff thall be in the twelfth, and 2 the eighth, he fhall end his dayes by precipitation, XCF. 'Wheathe © inthe day-time, and the Din night, in the beginaing of any Sicknefs, is impedite!th perfon isto be feared. XCVI. The Significations of the Stars are alwayss4 ryed, a3 they vary in thei Configurations and Latiuls ‘XCVII. The pin the fourth, feventh, ninth or wel: Houtes thews the true caufe of the Queltion propourée: The End of Hermes bis 100 Aphorifines, geese Leer CHAP, XxIL Bethem’s Centiloquium Englifbed, EVV Ewill begin this Book, according to Cultome hoe ainthe indgmentof theScars et gmtoumayet know, when a Planers: Retrograde, tisassmaniliom, ftupfedy and flliizous, : Tr Settee sas a mat dead, znd hath no motion, RG 15453 man in Prifon, without hope of Li ¥. Stationary to Ret cet Sitioary to Retrogradatio, 25a heakthfol man Mersin 2 Peslhs yer"there is’ hope of Recovery the fame is known by her feparation from ©.Andiftte BE” 7, WStationary z cendant and > fhail bein double bodyed Signes, the Bt 772 1 Belcpeg, som ee eigts 38 fick man amending. ofthe queftion is confirmed. ee XCIX. An Infortunein his Houfe or Exalration dene the matter by him fignified to come to a good en, | with delayes: bucifhe fall be impedied in the Ave dant, though ia his Houfe or Exaltation, the mt * be obftrugted, and come to ai CC. The event of every terminated dy there Signific asaman fearful, between two Es l, ace ETH APR ae eo ea i: two Infortunes, vi cen ¥and, is asa . from Want and Troubles? ee wean Petted of the Infortu wats whom Death is ap %. A Planet in Af E awa pet 7 fis Enemy, a5. man fearing is A Planes ir : hing wing ¢Conunction of an afr m1 Z2 nes from the fourth Houfe, proaching, z tune, is as one The Key to Afltoligy mew Filed. 34 Clavie Aftrelogie Elimat. 340 Xil, A Planet in Conjunction of aFortune, is as onein his Friends Embraces. "XIII. A Planet in anothers Houfe, who rules the fame Trigon, isas a man inthe Houfe of his friend XIV, Cadentfrom Houfe or Exaltation, heis as ore abfent from his abode, XV. APlanetin his Houfe or Exaltation, is as one i his Caftle or Strong-hold, "XVI. Hthere Retrograde, he is asa fick man at hom: XVII, If Combuttin his owa Houle, heisas oii confined thereto by his King. XVII. If in his own Dignity and Cadent, as 2 mst vexedand fearful. XIX. Fortunate Planets Retrograde, are unfortunate i ‘Cadent from Angles, or their Houfes, ‘ute. a6 onehops for good but miflesit. XX. A Fortune Retrogr. with aninfortune, ftrenghes she Infortunes nature, butabates the worth of his own ‘XXI_ An Tnfortune ia his own Houle Direct, Sher joyned toa Fortuae, his malignancy thall tura to goo, KXIL. A Planctinthe laft degree of a Sign, is «5 o ‘alling from his Eftate, SAIL, A Planet inthe fit degrees of a Signe, he sb sveak in Signification. : XXIV, Fromthe firft degrce to the fifteenth, + isting, but fromthe 1seb ro the 25th, he is comple! firength. : SCV. A Planet i the laf five degrees ofa Sign, 6) san leaving his Houfe. SXXVL An Earthy Planet in the Afcendant ftong.¥2% good inany Planet ruling theEarthyTriplist SXXVIL-A Planet notin his own Floufe, a5 a man 6 ingatanotherssloors ana his ; he having no power in that place. XXVAil. When Planets are with the San, theit cationsand power are abated & much leffened ¢ XXIX. When Planets are in the lait degrees of a Rarograde tei Judgments arctrastneeed hei one feflened, and their Strength and Glory abated a XXX, A Planet feven degrees diftant fram the Sun j | tisown Hout, Retrograde,sas a man in his Cafllein the ! power of his Enemy, {triving to abandon Slavery. : | ] XXI._A Planet in the Houfe of his Enemy, hadecha Cootiden, oi cred Biosce ot See own Houte, free from afl on, declare hi ' oe s the perfection of the Queltion, orthing inter- XXXII. foon i ' een Moon feparating from a Planet, thews XXXIV. Bur applying to one, denot is | denotes wh XXKY. TF the be feparating fom Sturn inany Coch, 4 anyfhethews Sorrow, Difcord, Trouble. { XXXVIsIF from Fupiter, Mirth, Pleafure, Wealth, and | el Frans, ee VIL. If feom ter Ba AVE HC fom ater Comentin, Sie, Blood cANAVIIL fom the Si, he Agus Sicknets sa, Impriformenty Ge ‘ TF feom Penna then J. port, La ss Dua, Singing, ect eae ALi ton arom, je according as i peed. | he_ Aceon applying to a Planch thews things 60 | | are 1g as her Application is with them. Fe gee Moon foriunate in the moraing, the Que. bulinets profpers the beter all the day ¢ shen, willbe fortunate, oF, All. But if She be Unfortunate inthe morning i ats Corruption in the Queftion, ce. Hethatis be Sie sickly, or will be fk eae prove ate, Atom in Conjunition of Saturn, wll TL illdsy forevery work, oe. i i: a g00d e oe Conjunttion of Jupitersis obferved ro ay for all things in general. Z 3 The ay long, One 342 Clu Allrologie Elimsta, " —_ new Filed, 343 ~TXIE The A/eom in > of kis good to convele with Ar cient People, or to begin any work of a Sacurnine Naticc, LXlll, The Atson in > of Papizer, good to fecle thins, and to do Juice, to Marry, ce. LXIV. The A‘eonin Sextile of Afarssis good to fight an | ~XLVi. The ‘Moor iv Conjunttion Fico maa for SS The don Connon ok the Si, tthe vate. Hetar then flick dyen XLVIIL The Azéon in Conjandtion of Yom, “tsa gos ay, chiefly in Love mavress ce Sg ae el day ehiety for Contras an Wriangss E. The Asn in Oppfton of Saar a ba dy is ae ston fe ef apr landale io aks (oe Credo.) for Opputins ately proce good ef Lil The fon i Oppationol ars begin na weight thar day, forno good endcan be expected. Tl, The Ado in Option of the Sn, good in ner of Wark orbuinl therefore rbaveiee LIV. The in of laudable day in al ching, + Credo) The contrary often happers, elpecialty B Eacmy, toreduce or dividean Army. LXV, The Afvon in Sextile to the Sun, manage the affairs of great Perfons, LXVI. The Afoon ia Seale of Fens, is excellent in i? | things, chiefly in Lovesmatters, IXVIL The Aéoon in Sexvile of Atercury i a fingu'ce sed day for Contratts, Agreements, Merchandizing. LXVIl. The Afoon in Trine of Satwn, isa good day ¢> talk with Magiftrates; to Build, Till esc. LXIX. The Atoon in Trine of Papier, isa good day in ‘hogs; but principally to meet Kings, Judges,Lawyers,¢ LAX, The vin of 8, isa good day to begin Wer, & ad Controverties; is a good day to esto ve “TiGomtoer to Hunt, or converfe with Martialiles. fen in & of Arercnrpa good dy fr ev | Ane din 4 of the 0, is good day to meet Kings, wah Ne for Comat, 1m fare. Leethem be exe HF Princes & Nobles, or Court coon ion their Favor, ¢ LVI. The Afoon in 3 of fis abad day. Griely nt ve ing with Kings, and great Perfons. Let not Webieond dene Men then take Journeys for they will prove ‘man will hardly efeapesthat is taken fic a inaf 3 sa grad dy in aces reat men, to attain Friends, but in A to © bes ee things; cbiely in contending with great men the fick man dyes or bleeds, that then falls ck LIX. The Afoon in Quartile of the Sum, is go af the affairs of great Perfons 5 but the Tin be preferred before it. LXXIL The Alcon in Trine of Venus, is good for enc, ‘rings chiefly in Marriage-matters, and all Love affsig LXXIIL The Aton in Trine of Mercury, good to c veile with Lawyers, Scribes, Secretaries. oe, TXXIV, ‘Serurn in the Afeendant horvsthe Queftior: 5 and when Retrograde there he deftroys ir. 1 LAXV. Sater in the tenth Hout, he deftroys the mot }peful things, lecit bein a Nativity or Quefticn, LXXVL Satur in the feventh, oft changes the bufinef: . and brings Mifchief co it by fome means or other, eg GUL Saturn in the at thews an unhappy end of “Thine, though carryed on with much ere Se pain LVI. The Ado ro mana3t} pect! pee 1 ins fon in Quartile of Fenaa, is good ina! Hie El, What Satwrnbindeths jupiter didolverh, teats ‘matters. Thefe Apbovifns mp be" LK TY Di chicfly in Lov . like doth Fen, in what Mars indeth, ‘ - The Moon fepa fr i et : i T parating from Pupiter or Fem = fee ateon int of Meremy, ina good day" enagthatsbound by decay in any Ntiviy, Quett shandife, Study, or Converte with Kingsy Ge lection, Z 4 Th, clavis Afrolegie Elimata, The Key to Aftrolory new Filed 7 The key Bg X4V, Anloforcunein the teath or fourth from the - - cet of the Queion gbfeores the mauer Orting elites and the Querent fhall ee i ne ink ip peril Geen remble (ies Bahem XCVI, An Infortune in the Afcendant ox tute, portend the butinefsto anfwer the Geen ee fires but thews him to reap fmall Gain thereby: XCVI. If in the fame Houfes Infortunate, it den ihe matter or thing enquired after will come to nough _ XCVII, Few deegrees Horofcopical, and the Lora of the Alcendantin the ninth or fixth defending, the Cue ren never obtains the thing he expeéts: TE. berecy Cid and Infortuns Angular, the fame, et X. APlanet fignifying any matter, « it atte time of the Queren’s fal oving The ee Denotesa Vexatious, and Unhappy End tothe thing re. guid: ifwell difpofed, judge the contrary. | og, When the Signifcator of a thing is In Reception good Afpect of an Infortane in an Angle, the Que. | ‘ats bufnefs may then be accomplihed; but he uft:iiv ‘ fs auay what he gives hopes of a the lft” j tnowledge of Reception isy when a Planet thall be is | i Houfe or Exaltation of another, and that other in hiss and by Ffogaet both there free from the beams of the in The three Superiour Planes {in Oppolt” + of and hinder the Queftion. vc oan, Cor LNXMIL Sarurnin Quartile of the Six, thews 2 goci propels. but a bad end ofa thing, 7 KXUll. Saran in Quartile or Oppoftion of Pept, Ives Opprefiion und Violence threained, LXXXIV. Saturne in Conjunition, Quartile, ot Oppottin of Afars, prohibits Mirth, impedes or deftroyes the «ve ‘ico thovgh never fo-hopeful. EXXXV. Saturne In Conjunction ot Oppoftion of Yom: in the tenth, the Quettion tien propounded aims at Dis. nefty. T XXXVI Saturm in Conjunition, Quartile o’Op ‘of Afercury, defisoys the Queftion, maxes things impertinent and idle, more idle and impertinent. LXXXVIe Jupiter in Conjurttion, Quartile ox Opps ci Sarum, hinders his evil portended, and turns ite gue LXXXVIIL Jupiter In Conjurttion, Cuartile ox Oppefiia of Afars, hinders the force of Generation end «ruption EXXXIX, Ihe be in Conjunttion, Quartite or Oppeftia of Fenws,fhrew's the aptnefs of the Q.tettion &¢ its good er "Or if he be in Conjunition, Quarrile or Oppolix ul Mereary, the bufinels engirea aiter comes to a goed cad, with an addition to what the Querent expeels. XC, The Infortunes i the Afcenduat er fecond Hout rong, fhews the Querents Forcune to be tranfmied ‘vil to good, Underftand the fame both is: Natwitis wid Queftions. XCil. Burif in thofe Houfes unfortunate, it is then cha iced "rom good to evil, which muft be left to the Aft \dgment to determine. ‘ |}"Tis the fame when they ore pofited in any oft other Angles. An ingenious Arcift knows how to opi Here Evds the Handred Aphorifons of Becher, In thee ines i Usthefe 300 Aphorifines is contained concifely the whete ery o my a of Abrolgys canal though they ave been already fo: ra ah nee 13 Jey that the nip might | ina attogetber at one view in Ex fi 27 neers oir bere, which Tlepe wi, teil taken by a t Stier Sve anise Pend ‘accepted, efpesey “ACIV. The Lord of the Afeendantin via Combai, « jeflionis corrupted, The Combult way is from 15° to 15 deof mt, The Key to Afroligy new Filed, 348 Giimate ume, and the true longitude and latitude of the Planet for that time; find the Oblique Afcenfion of the ‘oppolce point, with oppofite latitude, (always under the Jstitude of your place) and having the os Right Afcer fion for thattime alfo, proceed in all refpeé you did in computing his Rifing. &c. Nee tht by reafon of parallax and refrattion, the d abways igjears 10 our fight to rife later and fet fooner chan really fhe Sith, and contrary, all she planets and ftars do feem torife onr and fer aver, by the quantity of 2 0%. ofa bonrs } Toconclade, lee the yung Artift take notice, thet having ! the fied Sars longitude eval rethfied for the year, be may pro- i ceed to find their Rifings, Southings and Settings, as is befare | fused sn the Planets for there is no nced of the efimate time FA komm im chews , by reafon their Abnrinal progrefion in Inigitude is inconfiderable, (wit. ) about $0 or $2 Seconds; ) ; la inthe ana ref of the Plancts the effinate time is abfeluts- i 1p mecefery, becaufe of wheir fivife dinrnal motion ( moft of CHAP. XXL icf Rules bow to Compute the Stars or Pla. nets Southing, Rifing, and Setting in any Latitude, PFO th Sting) Toc cate rime of te Me nets Southing (which you may neerly find by a Ts bic of Houfes ) compute his true Longitude and Latitude, ‘hen by the Roles for that purpofe, (either by Trigonome- y or by Tables) find the R A of that point, fo af thecs R, (for the fame rime, laltly fubttragt the os R. A from the R. A ofthe Planet or ftar, (by adding the circle where ticre is occafion) and the remainder converted intotimeis the time of the Planets fouthing ; if the remainder is under 1 hovrsthe time is afternoon, if more then 12, fultratt 12 fre-athence, and the refidue is the time. after mi night or in the morning; or inftead of fubftraéting the o's RA, add the complement thereof to 360d. to the R Aof she Star, and the fum converted into time is the tre tie of Soushing aforefaid. Ll. For their Rifing ] (1. ) To the eftimate time of te planets rifling, get his Oblique Afcenfion (as thall be toughtin this Book’) and alfo the os R A forthe fame time. 3.) From the Obliq. ACG of the ftar or planet increafed Sya circle (if need require) fubftradt thes R A. Lally, stale remainder exceed 90 d. fubftraét go d. from i, iit bbe Yefs than god. add thereunto 270 d- this fum or re roain€ x thus made converted into time, isthe true Afro ‘vraical time of the Planets or Stars rifing required. ISL To find the time of a Planets Serving Having fim thom) thae thereby their true places may be fond to that time, snd confequemtly their Afeenons and Difeeniions, 8c. f Examplesare needles here, becanfe this will be Essen plified ! inefell, inthe Examples of Direttions of a Nativity largey { inthe Third Part of this Book. Howbeit, to make thefe Rules 1 thenore plain tothe Learner, I foalt Iafrate the matter in the Ring, Senthing and Sersing of Certain Fixed Stars, as i | fillowetb,. A nfl Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, LIL. Examples of the Ufe of the Table, Suppoie dary" ‘on the 15¢h day of July 1675. I defire to know when the Scorpioné Heart Rifeth, Southeth, and Seteth, ( 1.) 0 veragainftthe 15 day of fuly (in the Table of the O's Kight Afeention appertaining to the Schems } T find § hours and igminnutes, which fubftracted from the oblique Afcenti- onofthe Scorpions Heart 12h. 44. m, there remains 4h, 25 m, being the time of that Star’s Rifing ; The Right af Cention of the fame Stars 16 h. and om. ; from which fb. flra€t 8h. 19 m.the o's right A(cention,” and the remain. der 7h. som. is the time of the Stars coming to the Mere diarror South Point; the oblique Defcention of that Sar Cander the Title Set )is 19h. 34 m. from which fubftradt 8h, 19 m.,and the remainden h. and 15m. is the time of chat Star's Setting. His Meriaian Alticudeis 12 d. bing | efsthan the AquinoCtial height ; theretore his Amplitude ¥§ degrees in the Table muft be toward the South. } =" When the Afcention or Defcention of the Stars are le than:the o's right Afeention, you are to add 2.4. there to that Subttraétion may be made. IV. When the Remainder is lefs than 12h. (asinite Example ) it fhewsthe time after Noon; but when the Remainderis more than 12 hours, caft away 12 hours, and the Refidue is the time after midnight, or in the Morning. ‘The fame work may be performed for the Planets, Ufus Optimus Magifter. Here ENDS the Second PART. | Clevis Aftrologia Elimata 2 | OR A KEY tothe whole ART ASTROLOGY) | New Fil'd and Polifhed. The Third PART. | CONTAINING a ‘The Genethliacal Part of Aftrology. Exaétly Performing, and briefly Comprehending the whole Dottrine of Directions, and Fudement | of Nativities. j!Vhercin is fhewed (by an exact Method the man- ner oftheir Rectification feveral wayes : together, with their precize Calculation onely by Proportions in. Zi. sentry. Allo, how to fet a Scheme Artificially the Resional| Way, and whatfoever is Requilite ix Direéting Signif ‘ators to their feveral Promittors ; with fome varieties! therein, not hitherto publithed ; ‘and divers ufeful Ta- les Added in this Second Impreffion, ‘Antal Revolutions and the manner of their Diredti wm Ge Togetr how to. Pudge the General Pe of the Native? itt Confeduently poine out the me! rofjcteus or Dangeroes taka iay pect Rapes in feof Mans Like am from bis fu Riferg ans hav am Angel Delegated te Hiern on at 18-10, dren From hence, you Carping Momus, hence begat, To your deferved Center, Acheron: Keep Court with Plato by the Stygian-Lake, "Tis not for yon of Heaven to partake, whife fordid Adinds tend to your Mother Earth, A Badge of your Extration and firft Birth; whofe Viperons Tongues abufe the Sons of Art, when Knowledge t0 +!¢ Blear-ey'd world the impart | Let all fuch know that’ tis not my Intent, Toteach fine Langnage to the Eloquent, Or to the Learned Skull ; nor to condutt | 12S off Excellent ind wfefi! Part off Altrology 5 admits of’ many werietie:s and hath divers Intrieste turnings 4 therein; therefore it ought the more tobe fuilitated, and explained s which is the chiefoft clined as in the following Difcour|: for the sp | Luurgenient of fuch Ingenious Perfons tbat are le. wef this kind of Learning, The Calculation of Nativities is a Subject that f bith bees of good efleem iwith aiamy learned Perfons plvmer Aves: and there are divers able Afch nore Ining, that for she ulefulnels thereof, andisle eagh | ihe have found by Esterience thercins have x high hts of the fame ; “Although in fome Nativiries : : ive Hions have not (perhaps) fo a for want of a due Cortettion, and Lendyn ee etter fix am Avtifl to verdfe the A “OAM Gl a Nativity : Por if a Naiviey b More able Guides in Art: bas to Inftrult The more Unskilful, and Young Artifis Guide To Paths of Kno vledz, which they never try: For only [uch wha have not known the way | To this moft Sublime Skill, I made this KEY. THY Analegifeaes, XIII. Middle Part T. Extréane Conjuntt “Gi stapRceraqiee Ci | 4B REcTAp Be B+ CsA pe crd oof AB, i 3 | CSAC Rr A. perc ods 4 CSCS CR ACH TBC, 51 5.BC-pR mer.cy7. 4B, od Sanpihsedepae CSA R=SCLesBC. Os 4epieoesas o By Clavis Afirolegie Elimata, The Key @ifirology new Filed: 365 XX. Note, that ifthe middle Part, os either of thet, treams Conjunct be noted with its| ‘Complement in the Gs cular parts of the Triangle inftead of the Sine, ot Tangy ‘you areto ufe the Cofine or Co-tangent ; and if either the Extreams Disjunét be noted by its Complement int Gircular parts of the Triangle inftead of the Cofine x the Sige of fuch an Extream Disjunét , according ya find them expre(s'd in the foregoing Table, { Axioms LI. J In all fpherical Triangles the Sines} their Sides are in Dire€t proportion to the Sines of ti oppofite Angles, and the contrary. [ Axtiome 1V. J As the Sine of half the Sum of the Siés} to the Sine of half their difference, fo is the Co-tangen ‘ofhalfthe contained Angle to the Tangent of b!iv4h ference of the other Angles. Again. As the Cofine of half the Sum of the Sides tote] ‘Cofine of half cheir difference , fo is the Co-tangent of half the contained Angle, tothe Tangent of half rhe Sum of the other Angles. [ Axiome V.1] As the Sine of half the Sum of 1wo} Angles to the Sine of half their difference, fo is the Ta gent of half the Intetjacent Side, to the Tangent of halftte Sifference of the other Sides. rain. As the Cofine of halfthe Sum of the Angles, 1 ‘the Cofine of half their difference; fo is the Tangent half the Interjacent Side, to the Tangent of half the San} of the other Sides.. [ Axiome V1.7] As the Rectangle of the Sines of by containing ‘Sides, to the fquare of the Radius 5 fois Rectangle of the Sines of half the Sum of the three Sides] and of the difference of the Bafe therefrom, to the fq ‘of the Cofine of half the Angle fought. Examples oft the Cafes of Right Angled ‘and ‘Oblique Spherical Trice’ fallow. Here followeth Examples of the twenty eight Cafes of fphe- rical Triangles. beg __Clavis Affrolgie Elimate, ~~ ISubiiaet the ex of CB 97", Side © [There eusins thes of 68%, 9/ Ang = al iFrames of 9%. 7, BOER. Site AC|Subthaet the « of 43¥. 0! Ang.A. | 9 There remains s. 234 i ofage. go" Ang. A. CB. 547". ig) [fm ofapgorhog APR ee ¢ side cal i, that if you tale the Arithmetiel C plement of she Number tobe Subfiradied 29 P ther Neuriber aliting Radi jul be the fae, ‘Notey that the Sine of an Arch greater then go, Tea, leg, ora Quadrant ig the Coline ofthe Excef a. Wadrant y and the Cofines of the fime| arts exeeeding 3 sees una «his wil b vf i ‘Quadiantal fottane ate te Sore Ug the Ene i ‘Teiangles. nts alfo! rer Rega eager | a A [iste daysael anya | el Poe Jans. C[haithecsof Gor sticn | 252964 5| { [the Sums the este Ang. 68.15] eee [4 Symsls of the Solution of the fisteen Ca M5) — lhe ives omer Rliogéasd Right Aagled fberical Triangles, jieaclibinag Ta ake tat Ie peat [Remo ie Cao 2p a Choad fe al \Prom thes, PAW. 214 437 FIN, haieyel Given fRequital “———-—-Pheoremes, “sae Coppa ee «Taos 30 Ang a ee eo fniere remains te Ta.) Sik © Of oeose ‘Al \Foche Coxangens sv. ¢7 Ang. 20589) ‘Ang, [Side ACJAdd Cotangete 34. 37 Ang [rom thes. of 77 4-Reside CU gigs [TheicSum—Riks the es of 23%136" ACL pyar [Ang, AfSublrad the sof #5%.26" Side AC | oto9s3}e4 eee The ensing ce ye sosnagcal aed Ang. _ [Side CBSublssé thesine odour PANES [Tothe Corngent of AG aye liogdso8 Me fe of [Ange CJAdd the Tangenc ot CB sey.” | shataol ate TheSam-fhi he eva 6%, 12-Ang.d Seal = aoe. GAC, [Frome othe spRadiolpee Jang. ale Sie AB Sutra she c, of GB. get 7s | aps4e7| prem ememiinccioane Remains th ca of AB. atte gs | Spot] = Mite CufAdd thes of yoo" the agg A” i Komthes CB, 90 7/-aalB — |isiosty| te ac] Som ah ithe of CBee yf -Cbae the Tange cP AB-aaviqs. | aioe fara las GT fRemainstheers i caatenst | Sesosal © oe side ansible the Cho 30.56. leachate ssae he | wets! Side AC) [Thexe remains he soca AC Mle eDea e | 368 me Ws Qaa8 #e. 3 2 SN *e The Calenlation of th re zal 2 terres TotheArith Comp.ofthee RS 30.5] Clavie Aftrulogia Blimata, SECT, IL fe feveral Cafes of Oblique fie vital Triangles, RQ Add the s, of Ang. P, 37%. 3° Jobtuft “| And thes ofthe Side BG, 654. iy, ‘TheirSum—Ris heSine ofPRQutg™ 3. [PR eb To thes. ofthe Aug Rrsa¥g0'.Com then aQu Add thes, of 6.473 ( Ati Tied esse Tt ‘The Sum Beisthe s of PR 46%. 53'} 90556 SE MPR A. 51] IP RQ |i. Tothe Ati, Comp.ofthe. of the j POR | Simo PQ, and PR, iz. 38.20" JAdd thes ofviciry Dik t1¥. 47: ‘And cheTang Comp.of the Ang P:.3 ‘And the Sum isthe Fangof tei UheAng REQ 544.51" (abating Rai 3 Tote Arth, Comp: oftheas. ote ides PQ.DR, $8 201 Add the ci of | theDBof theses. Nod the eT. of the Ang. Pr Be- 91 The Sum willbethec Ta of} he 3 Sum, Sum y 180d. 10 180d. Hiving by this Operation found the $ Sum,and di ference of the Angles , if you add the 4 difference totta fer Angle , POR required. And obferve f the Sum of the sand proceed with thofe Remainders, as with the Sides iver‘ the aforefaid Example of the Angles, R-& QY, 79%. 49'- you have the greater Angle PRQ_ Butif fromthe ‘ou Subltraét the : difference there remains the! 0 containing Sides exes hen Subfiratt each Side fram 180 0. o a Sewuirt the Operation produces she Con pemet fhe Angles enquired, The Key ¢0 Afrolegy new Filed, 369) The Calculation of the feveral Cafes of Ob S; ph. Triangles, “Given )ReqaIT “Theorems ‘Opera RPQ is To the Arith, Compe. of thesof| ——— PRQ [PQ the fam of the Ang, PER Ewp ‘Sooteg PRTG | Adlthe sofs ho A,55¥46'|ooigy a Aig the Ta. OES PR 40% gs!) 1390738 Cate 4. ‘And the fun isthe 73°03 the Dig. of| 2277. the fides PQ RRQ S542". Ral. [985037 2: Tothe Ar. Compt, of these. of | ~ cps] Ere an the scot § the D.of the A. 5446" |go¢9 othe Tao FR a gai? [37.017 And the fom will be the Tan. off the {225789 Za ste im ol he Sides PQ RRQ ead. [2045267 ‘Thsby the operation having cbraned the 4 ‘ofthe Sides, add them together you hare 4 Differeace SubitraGed, leaves the lel Sum, and } Difference the greater Side; bur the Side required, (erg, if ey | Remainder cede te debe srapelea | secbigmile ble ire ES 1-To the An Comofthen PR. & ER. Sane pape mae ie past nid Feo AE Go ‘ ‘heir fom isthe s. of the Ang. yy 2, To the An S448 avores 78 01 ; Com tite Dat | By Axi the Angles P and i 3 ogee ' 355 ]Add thes ofthe fin ofttea vy | And the Taof $ the Dif. of the Sides | PR and RQ 44, 12, i Andthefom She Taal POS | i | This 34¥ satbcing douklad naka | aa's The Site PO seq 136201 981709 abating Riad, | 986 5 |i70 Clava Afrelgie Elmar, he Calculation ofthe feveral Cafes of OB SpA. leven Reged Qe lotsale {And thescof POR 31%. 00 Sait cate. Fhe fn vee ofthe GPR 164855) aa an Ce wae es RQ } fo of the fies PR, & QR 4-42 le 5 84 Acethes of te mc the iesis¥40 983006 [And the Ta 4 Duof the A. PSQ3Y58 884200 | [Thiam nice SAN I 19’-abatingRadivsh J Pang dnb, oe [Riko Ak regi, POR [REQ | 1, Torhe Arith.CompsPR 8.50" 00443 Pa Addites, of POR 45%, 98.938 pie Jacute, | And thes PQ tio", 19 Couto 180] 9278 ie fam thes. of POR 1572255" [62 Fo thesfehe f the D. ofthe ides| 6.079 Gafe 7. [oy Ast | PO. se aH ai Compl Bok ag Bo4| Ad the sok fhe fam the des96%t | yoy 60 Sas ee Dike of the Ang, |?” and Aa. 27! heir fam is the cts of ERP Q “ited, siz. 35°, Whi h doubled, makes 25%, 3 ‘Angle P reqied, (rote ebat the Letter D. flands for Difference, they ‘Lester A. for Angles, and Co. for Compteme”s) Given, Reger’ [PQ | ¥ Tothe Aref Comols.RPQ 57%, Lets | aagd T Oars. YT RPO | Ts Foie Gu. Given | POR PRO |Addthes. of RO 38%. 28% PQR RPO cae 8, ‘The Calculation of the feveral Cafes of Ob.Sph, Triangles, Ian a ‘By Axi [P&C mg & 5] Add thes, of J the fam of the | | [feats pe dace, a eae i Uk Ts IQuadr, | The famisthe of P R464. $34, And the Fang of $ the Dif, of the| sof RO 38% 28 solPOR 45.0. 3, To thes. of} the Difhotd 3. $8". Cumpe, Arch “Aglesy 42%. 01” Sides P Ry and RK QL4. PO 54° $2! required, RQ gent ft han a Cesare, the i fecrth nk faos tbe restr fidey bat she essofih nd thee fam is the 10%, of ef arenes, ~ |Oveest che Geof PR the le Tare bps ent 464. 57 ‘Add the Tangent of RP Q the leer ‘Angle 37°. 3'- pire [rbeStan is a: ol he four Arch. (ppg Cafe 10. Dating Rad.) 27%. 17'. Here Nore, that if the Side Inverjacent berween the two gi- ‘vem Angles be more than 90 degrees, then dedutt this fourth Ark from the greater Angle; if lei, {rom the Compr. of that Angleto 180degrees, the Remainder call the Referved Arch t0 be wfed in the next Operation, and ere, is found 38 degrees 4. minutes. i ke i nce llega no cde gts) 7. 3 eo (TheSum is the cs of POR 45% o's | the Angle Required, ‘aid | obferve that in the mith and tenth Cafes, the trae fiaeo affedtion of the Required Angle or Side may be deserm) | TE iy ihe Referoed Arche Bor if the Comained Anil or Interjacent. Side be lefs than 90 degrees, or a Que) drane and the Referved, or Refidual Arch more, or whet the contained Angle or Interjacent Side is greater ben 4 “Quadrant, and the Referved Arch lei, the Sideor Arti ‘Reqnived isgreater than a Quadrant or'g0 degrees: Bm inall other Cafes lefs. Giver eee eee EEE The Key to Aftroligy wewFiled, 373| a ME, The Calculatinn of the teveral Cates of Ob.Sph, Triangles. Given jRequie] For eafe and [peed in this ro Aad ie gc te One RR pra om thr blfe Sum fbf the Side Op _ |pafte t0 the Angle’ required. Having fo Cat PY Axi| dn, 10 she Aiieiea Complement of le | Arsificial Sines of the comaining Sides, add the refed er Leparithme Sin of bale i Sum and Remasrder, and balfe the sam of thle fom Sines fal be the Sine) oe "heen nlfethe Angle reqnived ; as PPR [814 50% (The Containing $ s. ROIs $b. fs Cen 9 Seo aleanete PQ |iroM 13", pThe§ Sum is 145%. 15°, s!995539 Remainder s2” i Their Sum The} Sum —_oss5oy Which is the the Confine of 68deg. in, |} And being doubled, makes PRQ 337 deg. 54 min. Required.| Bb 3 Given | logie Elimatay raf sve feveral Cates of Ob.Sph. Teiang is Cafe is performed by the fsb This Cafe is perf ist rome, if the Angles be converte We Siks, Td the Shs ine Angioby king ebe Complesens ofthe gresjt A | plete 180 dege 07 a Semi-civels EXAMPLE. Tie great Angle -B-O. is fm fed to be 137 deg. 35 fe cow] ement 0 180 Seg. 33 a» cre diclesof this Trizle are Kash Go Sides 5 as may be Joon by he Typ) for Figure cal Trials aid §Sin. coz | 2951, The dent Si. 25 emp PROZH teal POR \ |= empt.of 19 deg. ise ‘deg. 30 min. the fk Weis coubled, QR Required. : is of Spherical Ends rhe 28. Cafes of Tl miizeaeaates The Key to Ajtrology new Fi CHAP. IL Containing divers ufeful Precepts fit to be underflood by the Induftrious Student in order to the Calculation of a Nativity, 8c SECi y The Explanation and fe of a Canon of Artificial Sines and Tangents which exery drtif aught 19 be furnifted with, BL 1 fill ave eccaen to make af of thofe Tables inthe folowing Werk, it will be necefary to fhewy ober ‘fey which is briefly thus, oz, |. Having an Ak, or Angle, of any degrce, being given, to find the Artificial Sine, of Tangent thereof, When the Number of Degrees are lef than 45, yo Will find the Degrees in the head of the Canon, ait the Minutes inthe frft Column ou the left hand figned by ¢ Lecter 4 ( utually ) and jut over againft hole Minutes, and tight under the Tisle (Sine) you thall have the Le, gstithme, or artificial Sines ond under the Title [Tan fen] you thall ind the attificial Tancene of the A Sepledelved, ‘Thus the Sine of 6 [99234411] aid the Tangent of the fame Archis [9035079 } and fe Sndany other Arch under 45 4, after the lume namin, Butif yourarch exceed 45 d.feck it at the bottars ofthe fie Tablesand theMinutesn the Bult Cotumma the viene bend, marked ufually with A4,and jul agacfl the fence sudMinute defired in theCommondngle you have theiéez ‘994 Targene corsefpondent,thus the Tangent of 533.0% eet Lig 376 Clavis Affrologie Elimats, [ 10,a06744 | andthe Sine of thax Archis (94925139) cific opemen Sofie Rede me ce siofuheC agen down Beker ce, exceemener ged: Qevacirant 1, Tofind thedeg. and min, anfwering to. any Sine o Tangent given is bur the contrary work ; for find out your Number inthe Table, (of the neareft) and in therop or bottom you fhall have the Degree , and in the fir right cor left hand Column the Minute cotrefpondent ; ths s ‘obvious to the meaneft Capacity , and therefore necds a more words, Ill, The Sine of the Complement, or Tangent Conple- mens ofan Atk, or Angle, is what the given Arch wantsol 99d. vulgarly, (and for brevity fale ) called Cocfinend Cortangent. “Thus the Covfine of 21 d. 36m. is the Siseof 98d. 24m. vic, [9968378] and the Contangent of te “The Key to Aftrology new Filed. 377 f you take the Arithmetical Complementofthe #2 ft Nimber, youmay add all three together, and thei Samy (abating Rasius) Tall be the Eoputhnecce a 4th, asbefore. i Example 1, As the Sine of 84.-o, subhi Opeation $ tothe Zan. of 8d. eat oy ae Sothe Tan.tod. 30m.-9,267960r 84 Sum 18415772 The Sine of 104. 48m. fete 9272217 v1 Her fram the Swen ofthe 2d. and 34° I fy she fof fame Arch [ 10402384. ] Number, and there remains the fourth, IV, The Avichotical Complement of an artificial, or Lo- garithme Sine, or Taagent is the Remainder of any Loge Example 11. Fithme fubtragted out of the Logarithme of 10. s 10000000, asthus, fuppofe I would have the Arithne tical Complement "of the Sine of asd. om. vic £9,628647 ] which fubttradted out of 1 with Cyphers Gee leaves “0371353 for the Arithmetical Complemes: _ ¢ ASS 8d, Comp, Arith, nec Operation $ ‘to the Tang. Sd. y Soeaes ie Sothe Yan.t0d, som, 9.267960 bers to. ¢ 7135 oe ——— gether, Sfthe Size, which s more readily performed thos. Ut. [7h Sum tthe Sine of 10 d.48 m.ferespayany Et gia at the firft Figure tothe lefthand, and fet down te eter psd Complement of them feverally to 9, onty the laft rowards the tight hand unto ro thus in the aforefaid Sine he Complement of gis c,-of 6 to gis 3, of 2tis7, of8,1 0f6, 3, of 4,5, and of 7 to 19,3, which is the fame s befere V. The fe that is made of this isbriefly thus, inst] proportion where three Numbers of Sines, or Tange, are given to find afourth, ‘tis ufial to add the 2d.and 3 together, and from cheit Sum fubftra€t che fire Nom, sed sie Remainders the Logarithm of the ar, requ Thus you feeby taking the Arith, Co i y ith, Comp. there i Swbtraétion faved, and the work the fame, which isthe Gilet way, and mot fi tobe pratifed in operations fre 1 ji ae You ufe puly, addition igall your work: ce. J at sth above go degrees, a eCmplementt0'180d dtdebe tft bens fod If resales thin a70d., dedutl 180d. fron your Nabe, fr then 370. tate ke Complement here 6 y this means you willalvays emer your Cope ig Member lefithen 994. ebfirse the fame? Meshal sh that is produced in operavion, SECT: Afroiogie Elimata, Ik How 10 find the nesreft Difance of a Star (or F net) from the next Egninottizl, or Soltical pon, t will be very rieceffary in APronomical operations, the the Artift(hould have fome Rule, readily to find ee difare of a Star,or Planet from the neerefp A quinattial, oS tial points, which wil be of frequent nfein working by «Cas of Sines and Tangents, 8c, 1. If you would account from the necrelt Aquinas poine or = take this Rule. SSE his longitude 1B Cy m add 304-2 45 nig longitude So Be ye ang dog te his lnginndey So Sy The Comp. of his long, to 904. A. ax Subtt Lehe long, §604°2 the re-) ial poi am ¢ Sublk.P out of 230m. fidue ~ required If you would account froma the next Solfttial pos r G obferve, *y exthe Comp. of the long. to god. vy m Sublt. 2 the long. $60 d. the ren cp Sublt.5 our of tgomht fidue orp his pretent longitude, suse add 304. my add 60 a \ voury Y¥iE|WEX cthe diftance v| 4 ma ee te mz | Ssum counted from =| TV, But tomake this the more plain, and eafly vie food,{ have Inferted this following Table, which per‘ this work by Infpedtion, ifthe Premifes be but wel dered, xquinct ‘or Planet itt the nex Soli point. aes & a é B or Planet be in ¢ to his longitude uy new Filed, A Table thawing the diftance of the Degrees of the Signs from the beginning of | 380 Clavis Afvoligie Elimara, The Key 40 Afrolegy new Filed, 381 The ale of this Table is brief thus» and fir fn SECT. Sears dipence from the Byuimiticinada ane sxhibiting « brief Compendinm of all the Bropofitions that are nfefulin the Deitrine of Direéhions to be arasght by a Canon of Sines and Tangents only, nihut réference to tbe Triangles shew febees, I. Suppofe a Planetin 15 d. of & (as inthe frlt Co Juma ) ‘he is then 45 d, from the beginning of ¥* ( noted inthe fecond Column : } fo a Planet in 10, of 7 nore in the fifth Column is 70d, from the frlt point of = noted inthe fixth Column, Il, Leta Planet be 104. in ( noted in the third Co Toma) heis 80d. from the firt point of Y noted intke fourth Columa, or a Planet in 20d, of S (noted inthe feventh Column ) is 70d. from the firft point of = noted inthe laft Column, IIT, But if you would know a Stars diftance from the beginning of &, or ¥5; fuppofe aPlanet 10 d, in = (5 inthe third Column ) eis 40 d, from the firft point of 7 (asin the fecond Column, ) foa Planet in 15 d. of *, (Cas inthe feventh Coloma) is 75 4. from the beginisy| of 5 ( noted in the fixth Goluma.) : IV. Although their diftances from the Aiquinoftil points are fet down but to every 5 degrees , yet you maj from thofe numbers find a ftars difance let his Longitut be what itwill, bya mental Addition, or Subftradion if ‘your overplus number, in the feveral Columns. As fip pofea Planer in 18 d, of & for the which 1 add tote tyd. Cin the frit Column) and I alfo fubltraét 3 fron] 454. inthe fourth Column, and kis diftance is 42 4. fron the beginning of yy, Ex icin alijs, : [ Lfonld nr bave beet [o large npow thefe partcnlart, bt for te fake of Tyra's, amd wend wot willingly leave ary ting obfcure. Te the mext place T fball prefent he Reader with the we Fabiick, neatly contracted long. fince into this Platform, 1 amy loving Friend Mr. J. E. (a moft excelem Mashent titian ) “which Ihave in many particulars enlarged ale plained to compleat the Work, SECT: nLrTO Convers hours and minutes, fe, ino de greesand minutes, cc, Pura Cypher behind the hours to the right hand, and der them fet half the faid Sum, and under that one atvofthe minutes and feconds adhering, and the Sum ilbe the degrees defired. ams. The hours with a Cypher «-- 220 00 09 Half of which ts —— 110 09 co One fourth of 24 m.is__026 00 00 One fourth of 44m. is 000 11 co The Sumin degreesis 336 11 00 ZThisisa ready way tocarry in memory ifyou have ne ee for this purpate at hand, ies enipeeceute fore may affect a Table to perform this 5 fe pag bave alfo added ove!:ercunto with its Con. redline tich ate fo plain, thie there needs no other ‘ons then the bare Titles them(slves. A Clavis Ajfrolgie Elimata, A Table af converting Hours and Minuces of Tiras, Degeees and Minucesof the quazor. Degand Min B forthe yur converting Bquinodtial Degrees into} inutes of Time, and the congrary. 1 D,1HIM = [ya Be Pesress | DM Pip B'| of the 7) 9 15 | |3e 7 4B a or} | 2/ 0 30 | 8 5 20] 1 1 | 3 Oo 45 33 8 6 2 2| 30 4] 10 8 6 40) 3] 45 5] 1 as 8 | al 6| 1 30 9 8 9} 5] 75 Z| 8 45 9 840 8] 9 8] 2 0 9 9 20 7) 105 9) 25 10 0 8] 120 | | 10] 2 30 10 40 o} as | 2 4s 11 20 to] 150 nl] 30 120 nr 16s | [x3 3 45 12 40| nm} 182 | |t4] 3 30 13 20| 13] Ios wy] 3 45 14 0} 14{ 210 | | 1] 4 0 14 40) ry] 225 Wy) 4 15 Ay 20) 16] 240 18) 4 30 16 ©} 17] 255 wo) 4 45 250 |16 40) 18| 270 20] 5 0 260 |17 20) 19| 285 ail 5 35 8 | 20] 300 | | 22] 5 30 Ho |18 40) zi} 315. a] 3 45 290 |19 20| 22) 330 24| 6 0 300}20 0! 23] 34s 6s 310 20 40 2a | 360 6 30 |a1 20] 7) 6 4s 330142 0 70 22 49| 7 23 20 7 3624 0} M MMS 385 Avoligy new Pied The Key #0 levis Aftrologie Elimata, 384 “ua, 9149p Guo Sree COT i nwo, 3°) sno were 2 go J * \s a -orw( 24 wos een ey PEC gers, 91 adoxjoroH § nppane me meas (uernoafy iy at) 15 swags vy fens pe “esas sia aga qt prdy ota aga fo use) so Jo Sap bys forsuarapngy ta 99045 fo pane Def as amaayi aapsuos tgs «reson ng “ofyeunrarupucuac 240) 2 . 2 ea ea gaan & fo weteurped rat soe fo ay poss wok Jt] WUE ee eae ally ae soa aug 6S HS 307 aug esa Jo suyon e ayp Jo 5 auy-oo LduogayroL, pany wines" ‘Moxy puooay aya st 9pareus pe yuON, x AEW A oy too sy 10 Suing ays pue “y>ry , eT pue i WY 241 Woy 1of0 wokpEZ ) pps ynos| a 8 oe AS UN Bqey YO) “yoy yay au Jo auaduey, 292 pue ‘apne you joqusSurren ap ppe <= 40 J. wos 9pnuFu07 241 J03 » a wwe op boce spanbacerinesoprmmepoeiey Sie way Sinisa tind baa” fouonuryfy aqua paw uosinugoecr age pusf oL “NV dora Fence 5 “Bur; aye aun 30 er me bast Ses #8 an m3. ¥ °¢ jesnouyaiy aoe sash ™"S7* 2-355 JPA surg S OF PEE 3 “suepuodiasioa apnnTuoy 24s pusf os uosseustoacy so uosruealy” qS4 43 Taras) 27a Bue, Bs y Fit Aaah EERE THD ae $0 uoneupaq) 3°2 omg) aoveyip ayo? aug \-wokspézjo2 aus ¢ Py) Fey anigalepepemqonnyssury Law forin.iuraiyy iqits poy uoswuyreg’ aq2 pail oL* 239 si Compey Sunege) weg ou) uoueas|y sajog af1Jo suasuey 387, “soar aOR 12 cory Taek Jo DUTT WM VaIYY snow PE OL sy cder semagrog fy best (v \ | peg oar nanIeR 9 svoywsyy J * ‘ i 2 The Key of Ajfrolegy new Filed, | wonyoa joatea 2 | Sia jovomg su oF 14 Jo IJoguodoad ay (UINg>Y3 Jo We ZF CGuopan quoyy sausyyy aya | “9P 24) 2p 2yS!9y JeNZOUINbY T, 30 ag st "yipsiey ayy pur gorym | oy2yo “Bip 242 Jo ouIg aur5y) ZConoge ysnog uoami9q “pip 9y1 Syuys a ue jo ‘u2], ay 01 © urip Eire postr? 6S nos SHIA 941 Woy aoueyip | “pap puE IyBI9y yeRVOUIMbyy ae BVO 3 Conoge yuons 1d o'avis pref qs fospay aga snoqe ueswaayy spo aga wy tespyog Jo ang sadoads45 sagan sour » fo asuracdep waasusafyr aga pusfoe tA “dora fa pus! Clavis Afrolegie Elimata, = Cu aqayfing voquay “POSE 0 Puno} y>iy 24240 weg omaqEL av = (Map 10 07 OB IL yoy somo2 se ypuy suey ay dep ZA seas “poof woy prinoy yoy aya zpemygng x = « ae anf Jo wed 1ybddo The Key to Afirolegy newFiled. 389 388 Clavis Afrolegie Elimata, Bh dineigying R. ‘A. Declination and Afeealond g se 2 gee woymaygomyo ditfecence youmay.cafly find the Oblique Atenfor, yf = 33. & é$8 nA Diefterfionbyshe seventh Propofition, from which, ih ‘3 2 old Aratding.the Oblique Afcenfion, or Defeenfion of youl esses e258 ‘Significasor yahe remainder isthe Ark of Direétien, Bo Sa0 8 feeds 4 Ufsour Significoter be pofied in she enth, elevenchytwelii 22 = 2 ,3 £Be28 Sifts fcond,or third Honfes, be is tobe dreéted by Oba ES 23 ¥ 2 333 Aecnfon Bue sf inthe four, fib, fb, fevomh cet Gg BBS 2 EEBES o ninth Houfesby Oblige Defeenjon: except you will Dual GS a's Gf ESS ES the oppoft point of the Significater, which is the e y egeces OfSts Thefe 8 Propoftions ave fufficent for the wbole bujnefr 2 Bess S288 Diretting by Trigonometry which fhall be cleared by Exon’ EO ZSS 4 gbes Hes inits rope plate, Ronco Iallbrepefit the Ba SZ BEES dder with fame ether varieties of this kind, ( which perbeps sy = F & CHSss be grateful t0 the Sons of Art.) oo es EES LE Prep. IX. “How to obtain acertaia Arch of theCickff 2 £ 2 SSZER of Polition, by which you may find the Oblique Afeenton, | RARAA 3s 8g2feb or Defeenfion both of Signitcator and Promicter, and of $y Ee 3 BEER ET direét as before. Orby this Arch of the Circle of Poftif 32 2 2 3 Eezsee ‘on, the Elevation of the Pole, oc. with much eafeandex-fE CA, S s8eas adhe, which ifersnot much, bur inte manner <2 gb ese ration, from Prop. V1. S$ 2 sy #2328 andar, thet ths icbbere menened, sol an Ac 2 2 32 £22252 ofthe Anata Inerceped bermeenthe Meridianandtielu| 3 BR BEE ees fein abe that they may have different Metidians alfo 5 that is, one fetiePole of} SS, . place differs from another in Longitude (and the Longi- bith Lif occa tude of any place is only an Arch of the A:quinoGial, inter- lis seSubieehe oui] FB cepted betwixt the firkt Meridian tht paffes through the Pree Canary Wands, and the Meri» of the propofed place +) Aad this difference of Meridians is an Arch of the HEqui- noétial, comprehended by two Meridians 5 and being re= duced into time by allowing 15 de:rees to ‘one hour, and four degrees for one minutcot tinie (or by a Table for that purpofe inferted ia this Boo's ) gives the differsuce of the Meridians of any two places ic icurs and minutes, oF ‘nly minutes, ce. ) for many places, Now omencysieg pga op pn 318 od ain espa EB z for with Tati fadefiom the ‘ “zo! 398 Clavis Afirolegie Elimata, IV. Now the way of Reduétion of an Ephemeris, from fone Meridian to another is briefly thus vi. if thetwe Places propofed, lye both in the farae longitude, and, ‘are equally diftant from the Grand Meridian 3 viz, of the Canary \lands there needs no Reduétion: But if the Lon. sgitude of your place be either greater or lelTer than the gitude of that place for which your Ephemerides was cal, culated, then tis requifte there be an Equation of tie, made for the difference of Meridians. V. To perform which, you muft by fome good Cats logue ( or otherwife by ebfervation ) obtain the true Lou, gitude of your place, (which to do exaéily I conceive will be found a matter of difficulty ) and compare it with the Longitude of that place for which your Ephemerides ‘was made, if your Longitude exceed that, then your plate lies more Eaftward bucif it be les, more VVeltward; and by fubftra¢ting the greater from the leffer, you hive the difference of Meridians defired, which may be convert. ¢d into Time, according to the ufual manner, you will fnd ‘Tables to this purpofe in every Ephemerides, and what ule you may make thereof thall immediately follow. ‘VI, Having thewed what the difference of Meridiansis, take this brief explaination of thofe Catologues of places, and difference of Meridians, 6c. The knowledge of which is, abfolutely neceffary. Let it be fuppofed in a Catologue of places, with their difference of Meridians from Lender, Tiind againtt Uranibarge som. (A. Tthisletter(_A.Jdenotes it lyes Eaft from Tonks, and therefore if I would Reduce the Planets motions or afpe€is from London to Uranibarze, 1 mut obferve this Rule. g Smotion? of the Planets CSub. from? the gie 2 fo tan 9b 5 MR 5 Catpeet Sto UranibargeS Add Cro) Time. But now on the contrary, becaule Lendin lyes Welt from The Key #0 Aprology new Filed, 399) fo ibarge c atalogues noted with CS-1 Or redu ons or alpetts of the Pla ial eee en ecko according to this Rule. (Gsinthofe ¥ Cmotion the Plants eS the gic = from Urani c é ae Tandon, § CSub.9. Qfromy Time. : c ys vhemeri- ces Oriental of your Ep fualy noted with .4, Jin the motions ofthe Planers des (ofoey subtract, and in. places Occidental ( ul aly oat gith S.) you ate to add the diese fig, Bak Inept, Apes, Revolution, 3 inc aces Eaft, add, and in places Weft, 1. oor Dy or ether AF Vil. Hence then in pla ah. Be. : serene tbe «Conjuntion of the bir A Lf the Pants a pcre Meme of tn we eds Bure ‘iar Nee oh te 5 for ashen "vis ‘Noon a : Cone er fer Non inaahe be red fmebonrsar minutes svd therefore kuoledge of Red on tercef is abfluselynecefiary to be kyon. SECT. Beas, a g lL Eis: The Key to Alrolegy new Filed, qo : ain SSYY Ef inngme ondhame ofthe Nativiey ReQiifed, thae ! aula FSEx [you may reduce the Planets places to the true and appad a ls 23/3 47/39) SSS PMrcimcunco which all Clocks and Dyalsageee, Yorure S| 3/0 20/8 30)8 37 8] SEES — Pathe next place (after the Redudtion of Meridians ) to = | 2/0 408 45/3 26) 28 Hes make an Equation by this Table of (néquality of natural ! | 379 5908 55/8 asl] BN ge dxyes, and lafly to Reduce the Planets to that moment } Ef 51819 CHE 23/25) SEEN Ponte to aquated : thus the oisin 5 deg. of m Odd ate \ Bg |) 129 12/7 soj2s} FE PSF jut at Noon, Twould know the Bg ion of time, ec. ZS) 9! 39/9 15/7 36) 24] eS sd B by this Table, againt 5 deg. in che fift Column to the lee I SBI 72 19 26/7 22/23) S58 25 1B hand, and right under m at the top in the common Angle i Be] 8/2 38)o s2l7 o7j22] Sah cS BAC eauationg” 12” tobeaddedto the equal time #3 an! 9/2 SRS ES BF tomakeit apparent: So that the © is not apparently in i 5.8 10/3 SESS Bi deg of mill p'12” P.M. Butto Redoce he apparent i 2| FE jnifs SSS EE BF timeco the Equal for which the Ephemerides is Calculae Ble ghil; S'S EEL Feet, yousreto utethecontrary tiles as before directed; Bells SESE SBP sic nthiscalesubttradt; & fede ceteris. Bl s 3 ]ta|4 Seely . fee S3I, SEGSY cadmit ns of any ALquaion of time, others will have the oles [33 ¢ BESTE BD Sectrire lay anand sine hers Bef fromthe ma} 8] SSSys Inequality ofthe Stin’s motion in the Zodiachy and she fea wa les BE SEE BP cond fromthe Obsiquity thereof: But Noble Vicho Brabe cre gaye (ther Famous Afronomer ) makes the difference between Se gsstt the Sun's true Longitude, and bis right dcention to be the 2g BES ss abfelute Arguation of Natural dayes, which baa been many 3.3 |? SSS EE Pye fince demonfrated upon the Copernican Sylteme by eo ESA LE | eetegenins Afroemeref this ey vite din T See | 2Fp gE eter ase ete ore 3 SES5 3 Pp ffth Bla Pees a 3 2 3S8 zg Eeese z s = ss pa A Table 402 Clavis Afrologie Elimat. The Agreemens berween Calewlassons by Trige the vulgar T ables of Directions. N the Tables of Poftion forthe Lat, of London entering with 1odeg. of North Declination above, or Sout tunder the Earth, the diftance from che Meridian under the Pole of 2cdeg. is 29 d, 30.m. which prove by Trigono. metry thus according to Prop. Vi. ‘As the Sine of the Sum of the A:quinott. height, ‘viz. the Comp. of the Latitude of the place) 6012 the Declination 48 d. 28 m. Comp. Arith. Isto theSine of their Difference 28 d. 23m. ~ 9678197 Sois the Ta, of the dift from theMer.10%.15'. 925726 10 808 TotheTangent ofan Arch, vice 6d. 34m. 996122; ‘The Difference between which, and the 5 diftonce from the Meridian is ; 4.4.1 m. whichis the Afcenfional Dif. of that Planet ot Star, f0 pofited as aforefaid under his prope Pole 5, But thenSum is an Ath of the Equino€tial intcrfet ed by the Circle of Polition, which here call Circle of Pf. tion, viz. 164. 4pm, Now ifl add this Circle of Pofties, and Afcen, Diff. ( becaufe the Declination is South vader the Earth ) that produces the Diftance from the Meridiat 20d. 3m. asby the Tables, Laftly, to theSine of the Circle 15 d. 49 m. ‘Add the Tangent of the Lat. 51d. 32m 938136 009991 ‘TheirSum—R isthe Tan.of thePole of Pof.20%. 9561 Or tothe Sine of the Afcen. Diff. 3d..4rm. 8807819 ‘Add the Co-tang. of the Declination 10d. 075308! The Sum —Weisthe Tang. ofP.P. 20d. 31m. pxby5.2 Ifthe Declination be South above the Earth, fubttac ike Afcen. Diff. from the Circle of Pofition, and there remaits the Diffance from the Meridian: And nore, that when th Declinarionts Seuth above, or North under the Earthy yo dovays in this cafe fubjiraltsbue when South under the Eat or North abeveyadd the Afoer. Dif, 8c. as in the Example fi ny ‘s C [fp ES ee 1 2) 2954 [t 99 (Telai 8 fre vebe ear oal Tol28] a fe seb weal ee be a 5 — || 7 Bp sen ee ad Pe 59 34 29 sa |e 59 96) 2 beg wakes day se 34 Pi Table if plain and cae chat ie needs f it nation thanthebare Tiles dred © sedape fede by tule of Loodon, te fame my bs Irom tbe common Tablesof Acenion, aa isi cosa to shew ithe cominuance of the Sines in the ited joe be Ltée ner formal for 4p Latiti' op Latits le adc 6 Mid-bearven; Sec. Ddz A i “The Key to Allvology newFiled, 45 “efor proportional bon Tinian Motion, ce te Tat 2 tl 4 tS 404 Clavis Afrologie Elimatsy cal Loesrithmes forthe rata Topp et 2 gp Pa SS 91 69_| 120 | eS il t 80212541111 249110 37819552. isoi2e7 sista ors Tze 1123 )10363)964 52205121 15925 tapasltaoo)n 27 12352)9830 |B §sf20378|x5828|r57 rolr2279 1 t20rito3 so}oCie | [i aoa 58 2|13688) 12259 17180) 10326 0608 By po122|15786|t 5660 122 3911179 10313|9597 [oval agoao| 36321222 18|12 154] sool9580 Rid s as sai 15:37,9575 | Fics” 1 to 1 126 | 189 | 348 1 300 360 bor polar 8 aa77 1113010 117OH|TO79BITO=CS Tsou) 771 47 53 12980 FHL 77 998 25353 1963914609] 12952111725] 1679:|9978 Wodbal 1570114564 12649] 11707| 10745] 9968 “Hib 5aayi7301 402 12915 14CBp 10759 5952 Ais See al gnsg| 4394 128941167 |10720] 940 (33d ug se ltag 502808116 5411076 9928, 17503) 14525|13B45, 1163610693 9916 al assalazas8 ago i282u|639) 20578 0-05 91 26021(17375(14457112798) 1160 1\10663|9893 as s63)17 103 a2 3775, 11584110649, 9881 102879575 Blo ros| 1565413575 12179) 1125] 10274 0564 Blinds 19<0741 3549221 50|81107110261]95 53 regis ag 102489542 1{t9435|15520[1 3495 aig} 1076 10285] 9532 S85 Storie s468|t2c99]13c61| 1282 3)9521 ions 15435] 25441) 12°89) 11049) 10210)9510 11] 25149|1 7050) 14395 2753) 115661 10635|9869 12247716990 14557112730]11549| 10521 9858 | rajauaza 169 ie] 14 32513707) 1533] 1068 9846) feglagioz noB71| 14292 1268515 3| 10868 9-34 11g 24802 1681214260! 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1093 | 100 20/5 32/t430|1332(1233/1138|1045| o54| Soy inpoedl Bebe pero 1091 317536) 1428)1 329/1232|11 37] 1044 | 953] 843] FE fat tary 13731 1280| 1185) sooo 1211538 1427/1327] 1230 11351042 | 951 | Boal ft ax tags lage 1278 |1182! 1088 | 3)8527 )1425]1326[13251 1124 Ton 993] 8 sal a ee ea 935) 44|1§25|1423]1324| 1227/1132 |1030| 948 859 4 147411373 {1275 |1179| 1085 993 sin 523 |24221322]1225 |1130 10371 9471 85 les t472 Ino 112-4 1198/1084! poz 16 523] 420) 534 324 1129] 636) 9491 554 Rieena7=] =r n0 13)t520 [2418] 319 |1222 |1127|1034| 044! 8551 [fsliqdo!1yo8 aol 18}0518lhg17 [1317 [1221 1126 |1033 | 9421 853) Be 48 136711 55> tay dime 35)1516 e4is] #516) r2ig|riag}ioss| oaty B54 P fstgc tans acosl FoyeSts jtt03| 314] 1207/1123] 1050] 939/854 | go cug' yay 166 ferltse3lrgrait3r3laaxlr191 1028 | os8 B39) [fi 1462 1363 1a¢g! 128 lho j23{ isi1 14/1119 ]1027| 936] 84° PS eF 36-[ 4202/1177 H1073) 981 ps 1408] 1309/1213 | 1118 reag) 935 | aid [s!4s0l1s91261'rr35!10'1| 980 fs|2503| 407 xso8|s211/ 1116 tay loss | Sad [pa ee 122 1ag9'1173 10 91 903] }23[ 1506] 1405]1306] 1309) 1115] 1022) 932] Bai puisbaystras pric O88 g 77} 8 pe 1504] 403] 1304 [1208] 113] 1021] 950] S41 Pe fetaralsidalaaselsucolicedl & 303|1206!1112 |ro19 | 929 P2232 154 159 0s 23] 1531] 1309 13011205) 1110] 1018 | 927 r4801 4550/1253 115 29] 1499 1398]1300|1203|11c9| 1016 | 926 (Sey tao rasiter 30.1498 113971298 |1 Pes haga! —_—>= The Key to Aftrolgy new Filed, qt the Part proportional both in Time ‘soi st 152 153 [54 Tsst 56157158 150) oie 9) 09 OHH TOTS fl Ta toate eee 55.1 561 971 58.59 | Te05tode3 20131893242 13300 9300 13429 15 0.792 1706 1621 1539 4381178 13001223 1857 | 7 159917041620] 537] 456] 377[298 [221] 146) 72 18|3 39 [261 [185 jit) 2/789 |703|619 Belass me mols 7 331747 |662]579]497 [416)337) 260] 1B4] 109) 35 | 31787 [7o2\617| s35lag4. 13741206 l2r91r431 60) ‘y2l746 \66e|372, 495 |415|336\258| 1821107 | 24! 73] 720) 516) 533) 452/373 |294| 278) 142 Gy 33.744.1650 15761404 |4r4] 335 2571281 |206 as 5178s |6o9lo15 se last a7 293|26|141| 6 54 743 |658) 574 493 412] 333]256 80 [105 6.78 3!607'613| 53114501370 lap2|215 13014 135.741 1956|573 \49" lara 3 52295 lo luca x g{r82|e09,en 5 9 448151 91207 {36{740 655 572 [490/410] 3311253 |i77 [ios $)780| 695 |10! 38 "az |367|280 ia 739] 6541570] 489]405| 320352 | 176] ror 9779 $93 1609! 526 14.16) 366|288 58 737 |952|569 | 487 |407| 328|251|175|100| 2. 10177 [692 [608] 5251444[355[2571 39736 651568 48 '486|406 406|327|250]174| 92| 25] 111776 }690 \606! §24./443 |363|235]209|134 [734 649 566 [4344[404] 326| 248173} 12°77 41689 605 | §221-442,362|284|208] 132.1 99 feizs3 foe 565 |483|403 4247 41 139731687) e352 “i0! 361 [283 /200/131| 54 421731 |647 }563 1982 |402 1323/1246 |170 14'772 1686 |602 | 520 ese 205| 130] 51 3016451 56244590] }169| 9 [770 685 ox] 513438] 358 [280 |204}129| 5 296415611479 399 | '4-|350 47% 98 769 (6: ear 358] 70 6821508 $idla35 356|298 |201| 126 sig sy 3)599] 5#7]+ isla ile 5} sf i 27\767 ey h 276 |200 | 12 416401557} rolajolr 18)766 '630|5 514 $3 341354 1276 |20 35/5 oe poe 239) 6 i 764[ 79) 595 | 513/452) 353[275 199 124) 5 638/555 )4r4 304 315 [238 20} 763 }678 | 594| 512431] 352/274 1197 [122 | 4s 392] 3441237) 161) f1|762 1646 $2 | $10 /430| 3501273 1196 128] 4 risa l313)235| 16 237601675] 59 [509] 428) 34g [271 (195 | 120 123/759 1673 599 507 |427| 348 |270 |194 119 Fiz 1623] 350] [038 y388/510/e331057] 571 83] ts 2 9371652 1988 [gc 426 1346 [269 [192 L117 331746)5361 $48 671387) 500 252 158] 82) gi 2yol1g5| 80] 7 25/756[5% [537505 [+ [345 267) 191 10] 4 26,7541 620583 503/423 |344|266|190 [115 7754 1668 1584 '502 4221542 1265 18. 8 (751886]585 [s01 420 at 2047 | r(c3olees $84 Soelsigleaolars 8a laee| 0.49 1663 380 |4o8! 18 [330 {360 ]a85 jnie| 5575 [624 5411495) 351 | 302 13917071623) 540|aso| 5703 Sees oat p30 l458 508s and Motion, e_— 420 Clavie Arologie Elimata, SECT, VL Ho ro Reduce the Planets plasty our of the Day or Night, alfo to find the hoar and minute, that a planet comes taany particular point in th Ecliptiqne, by the Tablesof Logiftick Logarithms, 1 POR stemere ready performance hereof, 1 thought “F icconvenient to add this Table of Logiftical Loge ‘ithmes , which are much eafier then to work by vulgar ithmetick, fince all Operations are performed by Aadit ‘on, and Subftredtion g and if you pleafe, Addition only. 1, The Diurnal motion of the Planets are eafily obtst 6, if Direét, by fubstraéting their plac¥é at Noon the day precedent, fron their places at Noon the day fubfequenr ButigRetrograde, the contrary, viz. the day fubfequex froniyday precedent. Til, The Table is figured at top with 1, 253,454 &c. and fo from 1 to 59. And in the frft Column of ex Pageis certain Seconds, viz. the left hand Page from to 30”, and the righe hand Page from 30t0 60", fi thatin ait comprehends 60 parts at top and fides, which donot only reprefent min, and deg. of motion, but tint alfo, as occafion requires ; and their correfpondent Le garithmes are found in the common Angles, as fhaltx illuftrated by Examples. IV. by thehelp of thefe Logifical Logarithnaes youst inabled to meke cll neceffary proportions fexagins ‘where, Note that if your firft Number be above 62 m. yo! are rotake alf, and the proportion will be she fame Ut towhich I add, that if your fecond Number be above 60%: you may fay as 60 is tothe excels of the fecond Num ber above 60, fois your third Number zo a fourth pre portional Number to be added to yur third Numbers # The Key to Afirology new Filed, 4a for Example. Suppofe the proportion were as 62m. is to 87m. fo45 m. to what? As6ois tothe excefs above 60, viz. 27 Sois 45m. To 20m. 15”. 717 Which added to4sm, your third Number gives 6sm. 15" Sothatif om. gives 87m. 450. gives 65m.16" and foin any other of this kind V. By thefe Tables you may make proportion for Time and Motion alfo, andisbriefly thus. Firft, if you would reduce the Plancts motion to acertain hour of the day » tisbut adding the Logit. Log. of the Planets Diurnal mo- tion, to the Logift. Log. of time P.M. and from their Sum abate the Logift. Log. of 24 heurs, viz. [ 3979] and you have the Logift. Log. of the deg. and min. or min. and feconds to be added, Secondly, if you defire to know avavbag hour and minutea Planet, or Star comes to (ek {Poi Of the Ectiprique , fubltratt the Logitt. Log. ofthe Planets Divrnal-motion, from the Logift. Log, of 24 hours (-aforefaid ) added to the Logift. Log. of the ‘egreesand minutes the Planet wants of the defired point, and the remainder is the Logift. Log, of the hours and mingteg P.M, defied. Example, Ve Ifthe os. Diurnal motion be 58m, What doth he Move in zhours? I workthus, viz. othe anit La f 24 bes she Lagi. Lago the 1. Dinraal mation $8 ma. foehe Logit. Log. of 2 honrs ta the Legiff, Log. of 4m. ipfeconds. wh la Ee 3] Operae Clavis Afrolegie Elimara, : The Key 40 Alirolegy new Filed, 433 ‘Note, that if a Planets Diurnal motion be above 60m. yuare then to.add the Logift Log. of half the Dixrnal motion of th: Planet to the Logift. Log. ofthe time After-ncon given, and from their Sum fubftratk the Logift. Log. of 24,l- and there remains balf the minutes required, which maf be doubled. Aad here obferve, that wherever Subfirattion is required Operation, the oD. Hi.58/ —— 1, TheL.L. off hae Senet op aide 14018 Sum Ay thefe Logar. you need only sake the Arith. Comp. ef rhe Lag. 5 74 hours,fubftragt___ 3975 tobe fh led Cviz. Subftratt it from ocet sand then TheL. Lo — addall 3 Log, agetber, abaving a Raddns, and the workwill AS acne Mer aap aa Or if you takethe Arishmetical Complement ofthe Log, 924 which will befound [6021] and add tothe othe 2 Logar. and from their Sum abate a unite towards the lefc hand it produces the fame Refult. Example, Tl. Suppofe the © be27d. sm. in ¥ at Noon , and kis Diurnal motion 58 m. 1 would know by the Logiftical Lo. garithmes what hour and minute the © will be in 284, 20m, of the fame fign. Here the o wants 25 m. at Noon of the defized point. Then fay, az the Logift. Log of the Cs. Diwrnal mation 38m. iste the Legft. Lag. of 24 hours, fo is the Lexie. Lez. of 25m. (that the © warts ifthe point defired ) tothe Lasiff Logof 10 bours 21m. fare, | How t0 find the time of the Alpedts by the Tables of x Logiftical Logarithmes, The Rule, 1 GET the Planets Diuras motion, whofe Afpeée youdelire to theday whereon’ you find it will happen ; ‘and ifthe Planets be both Direct, or both Re- trograde, let the lefer Diurnal motion be fubitraéted from the greater; But in cafe the one happen to be Direét, end the other Retrograde, add both their Diurnal motions to- ssther, and their Sum, or Aggregate, is their Difference, or Diurnal Excefs, IL Take the Planets places ( as you find them noted in the Ephemeris) for the Noon preceding the Alpect , and fubftra¢k that Planets place which is fwifteft in motiz on, from the Place of the Planet which is floweft, and the Temainderis their diftance in Longitude. i INL SubftraCt the Lagifical Logarithme of the aforefaid Diurnal Excefs, from the Legit. Log. of their difference (or diftance) in Longitude, and the remainder is the Togarithme of the hours and minutes after Noon that the Apect happens, which by Arithmetick is performed ty this proportion , as che Diurnal Excefs isto 2.4 hours, fo the difance of the 2 Planets to the true time of the Afpeet, Ee4 = Operation, 3802 7 24h, —ae 3976 The Logit. Log. of ei 979 2 added L778 Som 8 m.— 147 Subits TheLogift. Log. a : ie roh.zfeié 7634. Nae 44 Clavis Aftrologie Flimata, Exzmpie, Ottober the 11h. 1667. There happened « fqu:te | fpe€t between and? and I dete to knowte se time thereof; according to the Fore; | tumetheref " going Rules, 1 opeiste ean a.m. a.m, 15 SB Lig iq S26 FV YDInmal Sho Je ead £8 Fi inf 3 Oe motion of 20 t 15, ‘Their difference in Longitudeis 14. 7m. Diurnal Excefs 1d. 12m, Then fay, if 1d. 120. (or 72!) requires 24he what 12. Zm. (or G7!) Anfver 22h, 20m, By sbefe Logit fog. thas. . Operation, 1d. 7m.— 17302 241K eter ida Logift. Log. of oe sd. 127 16999 lub azhgo'— 4201 The sai required, Here if youadd the Complement Arith, of the L.Log: ofthe fift Number in the proportion abatingRadivs, Ai- dion only performs the work, ate that this mang diferent from thee way of operat nin fding the rnewbeks ioe ee ee pee pit ofthe Ecliptigne, brs only ris, inftead of the Planets Die 8, The Key to djiroligy new Filed, 45 salmation there wled, here ic taken the Planess Diurnal ex- Ves bcenfe both Planet: have a mation, and fo come roan ads, busin ehe ober Cafe ony ome Planes moves toa punt, Jeera bree, being regired, 8c. ‘Toe been the Larger non this, becanfe i is exceeding nfe- fis dT ald will ae apie ama bey tothe ‘apprehenion. There be many 7 ables for this purpefey ml aT i pt Newtons, aud abern Bar et ‘Leif, Log. are inferiour 10 none, and in my pinion ( for | scaral ule) the beftentant. Tet, lee every ax uf hofe be j qt, ‘and before I conclude this Sefton take ove wfefub Exenple more, viz. [Hew to Asquate the Cufps of the Hovfes, found in any Table of Houfes, &c. by the faid Tabieof Logiftical Logarithmces. In acertain Nativity. 1. Let the © be fuppoted in sd. 20m. m Tcurneto the Tables of Houfes for the Latitude ofthe place (ag {oppofe of London’) under the Column of the recth Houfe intgeBage Oia, [find againft sd. 14h. 10m, 48” and under 6 Jeg. Lfind 14h. 14.m. 40" in the firft Co- fumn their «ifference is 3m. 52”; Now becaufel have 20m, more belonging tothe os. place, I muft AEquate for them thus, oiz. If 1d, or 6om. gives 3m, 52”, or 232’, what will 20m. or 1200" give? The Logitt. Log, of qe Sore Logift. Log. 1m. 18" fer? 16679 Here note becavfe 60 is the firft Number , I add the Legift. Log. together, and their Sum isthe Logift. Log. of the fourth proportional Number; now I add this fourth Number 1m, 18" to the Number I find in the firft Co- lumn under the Title Time from Noo, againit 5.deg. of the tenth Houfe, thus, And | 426 Clavie Afirelpie Elimata, ‘And fo have the true Right Afcention in time he m. s, ging 0 the cs. place 14 10 8 J. 20m. m, unto which of 'y ng.gtdd Teadimy time from Noon, —— Plice,oiz. 2h. 14m. 32” a8 i the Margin, andit a. 16 26 Greater 2 timefrom 2,16 29 § The neat $ t Noon is § 16 23 52 Leffer 1. Dif. ——o The true R. A. oftime is ———____16 26 38 The next lef fubltraét "16 2: 92 2,Dif. "co o1 46 IL. Thenl fay'as the difference of the greater and li Ack 4m, 16! isto 6om, fois the difference betwee the nextlofer Ark ard the trueR. A. of time, wiz. 1 46% to agm, 51°” whichis the fourth proportional tt added to $d. of ¢, which anfwersin the Tables of Hi fes to the Culp of the tenth Houfe, again 16 h, 240 $2." aid fo the true Cufp of the M.G. is ¢ 8d. 24m, $1 The works thus, The Logitt. Log. of fim 46" —13310 4 16 Logift. Log.of 24. sr — at, Sub for which I would fet my 14 12 c6TheSom| Figure agreeable totheos 2 14 27, a 11481 Subltrd 6m. The Logitt. Log. of { 7 The Key to Aftvology new Filed. 427 “He becaufe 60m, isthe fecond Number I Sub- eee ee unlefs | take the Arith. Comp, of the Log. t9 feadted,, then Addition performs ic , as was intie rt ete the exa€t Cufp ofthe cleventh Houte, pro- ciihus, viz. The Cufp of the eleventh Houte agree eto. 8d, 7 uponthe tenth is 21d. 20m. 73 which, shfragted from the next greater, viz. 22d, 16m. Fy ives. 56 m. the difference. ; ‘Then reafonthus, If Gom. or xd. ofthe tenth gives cm, difference, what fhall 24m. 51” (that belongs the Culp of the tenth Houfe before found ) give. An. fet 25m, 12" t0 be added to 214, 20m 7, and fo he true Cufp of the eleventh Houle is ¢ 21d. 43m, 12"" appears by the work. . ig —— 300 1 st bet add Logift.Log.—23m, 12!" ~ 4129 X 8 of But bein Xl2r 20 7 / quated as XIL 7 32 w( directed,they pre- Aferthe fame manner as you quate for the eleventh Houle, work for the twelith, fir, fecond, and thirds Ffondhaving the fix Oriental Houtes, the fix Occidental, lonfesare the oppolit Signs and Degrees, os hath been tinted before, The Culps of the Houfes in the Table of Hautes, a iat 16h. 24m, 52° in che Column of Time from [Noon are thus, viz. oule dm, a.m, Houfes E-( 8237 K efore \ 2x 43 P XI 7 58 w XQ) 9$2=(fent themfelves ") 10 37 «eT Waa 48 v\ thus ( omitting 13 42 7 IL M20 2g & ) Seconds.) 20 56 © I ( BY 428 Clavis Afrohgie Elimata, By this Example, may the Cufps ofthe Houltsbek, Quated in any Figure, by the help of thofe Tables, wig Mucheafe, and noletsexsénefs. And obferve, that the Example of the feeond Rule hereof you may, nik, manner, quate for the finding the part proportional fy the true Cuips of the Houfes by the Tables of Right a¢ Oblique Afcention of Regiomontanus, or Argel, mud more exaét then by the vulgar Sexaginary Tables, bute with fo much fpeed. Tle Key to Alrengy vem Filed, 429 me ithe Gihmaical Complement of the Logatit Aes hours ) be added oe vag (the igerfrom 1.10 that Number, and dl ! abn te La, for hours and minutes. | wl I. Let Example, Th om. Comp, Arith, ——— 68416375 | The Lee oF ee in 12 hoursis —— 28573825 The Log. of 720m. i SECT. VIL ‘The Lagi. Log. Cortefpondent 96589700 ! How thefe Sexaghnary Logiftical Logarithmes ms you may fee in Shakerly’s Table ge prihmatod 5-4 | bemade, by 1 cheb he Logsrichmetiea | HSN Thee Logit. Logarithmes are the Tables of abfelute Numbers, [Wa the drithmetica! Complement, and baw 1taltn, i fened Set. 1. of ehis Chapter,] alfoshe nfeofa Cam ines and Tangents.] * campement of tote in Mr. Newren's Help Clearer, sndmay be made by inverting the terms, thus. Example, ly 56303 | bfolure Number 3609" is 355 Tene i ee in_gm. Comp. Arith- is_7,6t 9 vif, ‘Correfpon. (abating Radius 1) 11 peo areata in Darras Ephencrides the Propo Inverted by a fecond Operation, Ge. SECT. VIL Sewing he roft Compendaas way of Hegusting he s Calpe ofthe Ceietnal Fes, frnea trae with ome nfes of «Table of Hoxjes , im ing Seition, Number of 3600 ( which are the Seconds int hour) be addedto the Logarithme of every fuch Ietegtt from 1 torhefuccedent Number and it thall male he Lasifical Legarithmes in 7. Kepler, and thole ia Mr Wenrons help to calculation , a5 alfo thofe in Shakey’ Abreviation ; orthe fame (mote compleat) in Mr. Wing Afronomia Brivanica, Sold at the Bible On Ludgaesi Example, I, The Log. of 3600" Comp. Arith The Log. of 180" in gom. | 1 L& the Arithmetical Complement of the abfolute 1c, exadily, by the 1. QUppofe 1 would ciedh a Scene, exa€lly, by ote S Fables ‘of Houles for the Le ide of 48 Jo nove at fix hours Thetime given is Olfaber the Geb, Stile nove at fix hones 430 Clavis Afrologie Elinata, Sher Noon 5 and in a Catalogue of Places I find the Ds fence of Meridians from Uranibrge 4.0 min Welk thee fore the time givennow is hours so min. PM II, Offsber 6m. S.N. the © is found in = By Bem S45. 12 which agrees in Tishe's equation S| | ble em. 21s, fubfiraets then I fay 4om. Iesby Ziieconds is equal to 35m, 39{econds; andnoa'g : fimeis hours 35m. 35%. P.M. and the os, Dia motion isfound tobe som, 275. Then t fay ifa ives $9a0- 278, what tall 6 hours, 35m. 39% ou it 25, which Ladd to the os. place the ce iy Noon s and othe os. place is Aiquated, and found, aélly to bein 13d. 45m. 545. Sf Like The Key 0 Afrology new Filed, 434 | Mt a. mid. a mid, mid, m4 sly. 13|27. 14 ( 6. 3817. 13] 0129. 929. 27)26- 38) 37] 26. 13 27, 4pl27, 38124. 3315+ 2 Tt MI) XID a vis a Wyayd. 12 8.47521 eo|h Olt na. 492 SIE From 18h, som. 3 A. given, I Subftragt . s_ my R. thenext leffer fen. in the Tables, vie. 18be 47m. $26. there remains 2m. 4%. ‘Minutes, a (the ML, In the Table of Hous for the Lat-of 48d, om m.208. 60 evel Astin 144. of Liéra under the Column of the cot ebitofibencnt ges \ 76 36 ( proper Houle, find the Suns Right Afcemionin Vime (int, (tl randleffér Re A. inthe) x01 ( $9) Kal firt great Column, entituled, Time from Noon) tobe 12, Ved Table isto ‘am. g1s.(the) 129 3( pre SUM 295 and againtt 13d. of Libra t2h. 47m, aT pie between the True) 75 3) \asfollow- their Difference is’; ms 42s, and the oddme andi ( ABethenextlefeiois, 6r 3 en adhering tothe Suns place are 45m. 54 Now | fay 3s Rage Gom. is to 3m. 425. (the atorefaid Difference ink, W Mt A) fo isasm. 54s. to am, 46s. which added em Right A(cention of Time againft sd. of Libra, amoons zi fo 22h. som. 33.5, forthe true R.A, of the Sua plac inr3d. asm. 548. of Libra, IV. To this 12h. som. 335, Tadd the Time from Noon given, iz: Gh. and the Sum is ish, some $52 Cohich is the Right Afcention of the Mid.heavenin Tree) aa | elite the Cutps ofthe Houes exaétly Correlpon- dent thereunto in the aforetiid Lat. of 48 4. And ths! Proceed by the Tables of Houtes NS. 57266 13 ae add 31 35126. 44 Houtes 1 1 1 1 \ \ fit \ 3 olin. sla8, agl28. sales. 366. 5 Tle a m 26. 4 [And Afirvlogie Elimata, from Noon ( obferved ) from this lat, and the Rei deri the time that the Arch, or Sign of the Zodiack is at cending, or rifing. IL, Andy this Role you may difeover the Quentty ‘of Time any Siga of the Zodiacis continues in the fer dant: Now if youdelire to know how long a Signisde feending the Horizon , take the oppofite Sign, and ro ceed in the fame manner, and youhave your deiire; and thus you will find that the Sign riesis afcending ‘som, 215. inthe Lat.of 48d. By the fame Afethod you nay ebeain the Right, or Oblique-Afeenticw (in an Oblga Sphere) of any point of the Ecilptick. to any Circle of Po tion of the feveral Houfes of a Cacletial Figure. Alfoby the Work may a Significator be direéted to a Promittor, ete Dirett, or Converfes Direet is perfermed under the Cat ef Pofition of theSignificator , but Converfe Directions der the Circle of the Promittor : and lafly,ifa Sigoificat beupon any of the Cups of the Houles i Direit Dire, cr Promifjsin Conver{e the Quantity of a Direltion is nsf eafily ford by the help af a Table of Flonfes only; tage The Key of Aftrology new Filed. 435 Noon agreeable therennto, viz. 4h. som. 10s. from which I dedud theaforefaid oh. 25m. 295, and there remain: gh. 331, 318, which Converted into degrees afths Aquator is 68d, 22m, 458, The Ark of Die elton vequired. : I, To find what part of the Zodiack a Significarer ( poo {fred upon the Cufp of any Houle) by Dircét Direétion alt “cane sw any propofed Year. The Rule, u Subftraét the Year of the Radix, fromthe Year pro: poled, and Reduce the Remainder into Tivic, (viz. hou's ind minutes which referve: The find the degrees of the Radical Houfe in his proper Columa, and the Tine from Noon Refpondent in the fit great Column of fe Tables of Houtes 5 co this Time, fo found, add the a= forefid Time referved, and the fame fall be the Time from Noon ; to which aufwers the beginning of each of eHoutes agreeable to the Progrefs, or place cf the Siexi- with a Table to Convert hours and minutes into degrees, am fcr that Year: “1 if you add 4 minutes the be- thecontrary which Tha alfo Inferted inthis Third Pan gicoing of “he Hw 3 eh Refpans the Aeereaste this Book, thal Ue Tote froin: Non ros the Year following 5 3 1. To make ebefe things the more Ineligable t0 the Ap this yor ney fn:! she Quansi, ke of ane Houtes prebenfiens of Toung Suaderes, Ihave here added fome Exam refs of the "f tome preyoied Year, ond che way ad pe sles, which are robe uiderftood for the Latitude of 48 du» Dreriiva wv. fire, which 1 thal thas Eve Tose w. -acertzin Perfon Bor 16. Waele Fewenwar ny degiess n ; The Rule Let a Significator be pofited upon the Culp ofttee| Heventh Houfe in 18d. 58m. of, ond the Tvomfit in 25d. 13m, of S Pfearch for 13d. sSm. incte Column of the cleventl Hoofe, ead the Time Con ey 23. hom ise, and the Didere eat in the irk great Colunin ib 25,21. 295+ which 6] Reseed isc rast sf 2 hour. by ferves inthe famemann.r Uicck for 25d. 11. of Gis 84 miawes, oral in the Column of the clevanth Houfe, and the time fet | Velerva, “ja the wer: place lf FE Bo Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, The Key ¢2 Afrolegy new Filed, 87 Mid-heaven, viz, 10d. 4m. under the Column of the tenth Houfe, or the degrees of the A‘cendant 11¢, > Under its proper Column, and ia che Column of Ting from Noon Refpondent, Ifind2oh som. 75. tovti Tadd the rhour, 24min. referved, and the Sumis 22h 14m. 7s, which fought in the firft great Column of Time from Noon, the fix Oriental Houfes anfwercg thereunto will prelent themfelves as followeth. And thefe are the places of the Ecliptick, to which ee ry Houfe is come by Direétion for the end of the twent ful Year of the Nazives Age ; but for the Year folox.| ing, viz, the twenty.fecond Year, add 4m. in Time the aforefaid 22h. 14m. 7s, the Sumis 22b. 13 ‘Search for this in the Colum of Time from Noon, avd ye hhave the fix Oriental Houfes , to which the DircCiios are come at the end of twenty two Years, as followeth Lally, if you Subitradt the Dircétions of the Houfes for the end of the twenty-firft Year, from thofe of the twenty-fecond Year, you have the Quantity of the Ar- ches of the Ecliprick which every Houle makes by Dix redtion ina propofed Year, thus. we mdm. 4124. 13htt. 58 62s 46). 7 And tous Thave Mlaftrated the uf> of a Table of Hosfes ofwwhish the Tonng Artif onghe not tobe ignorant. i SECT. x Of the feveral ways of Diviling the Heavens for the Ereéling of a Scheme, L ding tothe Anticnt Aftrologers, as Prelomy, Cardan, Schoner, Fulins,Firmics, Coc. Letihe Ecliptick be divided into twelve equal parts, beginning at the Afcendant, as ifthe Afcendant be 10d. of ¥,the fe- condis tod, of s, the third 15d. of :, cue. To this relateth thar Natural Afttology, publithed in Areandum, © fob Indagine + and thus the Ecliptic' is divided inte ies equal parts by Circles meeting in the Poles of the Ecliptick, or Zodiack, to which Prolonsy fMfentss ‘cond way is according to Alcabitions, which the Right Afcention of the 4 Angles, viz. Houfe, Afceadant, 4th, andr). let the diffe. of the Right Afcention of thefe Angular poiars be Fe die Clavis Afrologie El ‘three equal parts, and the points inthe cliptick Coriefpondent thereunto, are the Cuffs ofthe in termediatH ovfes and this is no more but dividing he equator into welve equal parts by Circles meeting, on terleCting in the Poles of the World, ius, lee the Angular diftances 64 be civided into Ti? Rlechod wifes pars in the Beliprik,’ very little from the fecond way uled by the Autient Af.¢ 1V. But afourth way ie 1s Gazulus;, Let the Citcle of tne Balt and Welt be di into twelve equal parts, ing, or incerfecting at Horizon, a5 in the Rational wa difficult way , fo perhaps may fome, at leaft above the other three ways 5 and therefor Thave Infericd this Table following, for the more reed) finding the Cufps this way. according to Campais ni he North and South points of he ‘and_as this is the mot molt approved of by Houies, Houtes, 200] Dik Pola@il Dit. The Key to Ajfrolagy new Filed, 439 ‘Nae that in Caleulating this Table, baving obtained rhe di- fase fram the tenth to the eleven’ Hoxfe; fearchalfo the Liane from the cleventl tothe tnelfb Hosfe, by fubiting ediftance from the tenth tothe eleventh, ont of the difance iamthe tenth tothe twelfth Houle: and note lixewife that she Jiftance from the Mid beaven webe Afeendant is always 90 flartes, or a Quadrant, It is farther to bs noted thar the ‘Aptance in he Lajt column ofthe Table s the diftance fromthe ‘enth to the eleventh Houfe, and in she fourth Column you have the difance from the eleven tothe ewelfeh Houfe, ard inthe feond Column you bave the diftance from tbe twelfth v0 the “Afeendantin all go degrees inthe eAquater, The afe of this Table, . Hux ‘the Right Afcention of the tenth Houfe, to the fame add the diftance for the cleventh, and you have'the Oblique Afeention of the eleventh Houle, to which again add the diftance from the twelfth, and you have the Oblique Afeentioa of the twelfth , co which add thediftance for the Afcendant, and you have its Oblique Aention, asia the common way, oly inftead of 3d. you ufe thefe proper diftances 5 and having the Oblique ‘Acention of the Houles againtt the faid diftances, you have alfo the Polar Elevations, under which thefe Oblique Acentions will give the Cufps of the Houles defired. Example, Tnthe Latitude 51 ds let be so7d. 21m, the diftance in the Table for the eleventh, fifth, niath, and third Houtes, is 19d. 58m. which be- ing added, is 327d, 19 m. the Oblique Afcention of the ‘ems and this in the Pole of 224, 53m. will give the Cufp of the elevenih Honir 13d. 10m s ce Right Afcention of M.C, 440 Clavis Alfrologie Elimati, Tom, the Oblique Aivention of the eleventi auc 2-4 30m, the diftance of the twelfth, eighth, feconé,end Houfes, and youhave 354d. 49m, the Oblique Aicey tion of the twelfth , which in the Pole 42d, 18m. wit give the Cufp 204. 40m, o& fic inaliis. A a | 7 Co The Confiruélion, and making of this Table 15 thas, viz. IFN this Diagram Let B, E, A,B,C, reprelent halfthe grand Meridian Circle; and B,D, C, hall the Horizon ; B, 30 C, and B, 60C,’ two Circles #fPo fition, which divide a quarter of the Prime vertical Ci cle A, D, into three equal parts, (and confequently the whole isto twelve.) “Hence J'éefire to find the Pola Numbers in the Table, oz. the Poles tevation above the Circles of Pofition, PyX, ami P, Q 2 alfo at what ditance thefe Circles Toterfeet the AZjuinoxal, E,D, from the Meridian at E. In the Reétangled Triang'e, P,X,C, Aight Angled! Hy (fer PyX, and Py Qg are Arches feproted io fat | —“The Key to Affretogy new Filed, 44s Right {es upon the Ciréles of Pofition ) there is given ne eS Fad. the Latitude of the place,and the langle C, 304. to find the Side oppofite, P, X now in reqatd the Right Angle is fuppofed ac X, X,P, will be the art, becaufe it lies remote from the reft, and fe- purated from P,C, which here is the Hyperenufa by the fingle P, and from the Angle C, by the Side C,X 5 therefore hy che fourth Cafe of Right Angled Triangles, 1 addthe Sine of so degrees to the Sine of 52 d. Sine 304. 969807 Example, Sine 52d. — 989653 Their Som —Be is= to the Sin 12m.— 959550 This 234.12m. is the Poleg as in the Table, Ul, For the Aiquinoétial Diftance in the ReGtangle, ‘Spherical Triangle, R, E, B, (which is Right Angled at E, where the Equator cuts the Meridian ) there is given, BE, the quinoxial hight 38d. and the Angle at B, 30: tofind E, R3 here E,B, is the middle part, becaufe the Right Angle E, fepscates nothing ; and therefore by the cleventh Cafe’ of Right Angled Spherical Triangle, I op- perate thus ; and to bring~Radius in the firlt place inftead. of Cotangent, | ufe the Tangent, and abate, Radius. Tangent 30d. B, ———— 976144 ++ Sine of 384." B,E, ——— 978934. —Ris=toTan-E,R, 198. 34m. —— 955078 iiich is the AEquinotial aiftance defred, asin the able, UL. Now in fetting a Figure this way, inftead ofad- ding “sod. Cod. &e, viz. the Equinottial diftances ufed in Regiomontanus hig Rational way. (fo called, becanfe the Hoafes are diftinguiued by Circles drawnin the fame manner M2 eh Bat ate gl with 442 Clavis Aftrelogia Elimata, ae ‘with thofe that Conftitute the four Cardinal points of Heaven. but by ne ‘cconsted irrational, becane ieee ‘will not bold Univerfally ) to the Right Afcention of te Mid-heaven, hereby co g ain the Oblique Af-ention oft. Houtes ; inthis way of Divifion of the Heavens, accori, ing to Campanue, add the diftances found in the Tati, (under their refpective Houfes and Latitudes ) ro the Right Avcention of the Mid-heaven, as in the Latitude o 24. for the cleventh and third Houfes, add rod. 34m and for the twelfth and fecond, 27d. 16m. and forthe Alcendant, 43d. 9m. ee. as you find the Numbers ia the Table, always abating 3604. if your Number ex. ged; and thus you willhave the Afcentions ofthe fiz riental Houfes: then find the Cups under their re fpettive Poles, as the Culp of the cleventh Houte under 23d. 12m. the twelfth under the Pole of 434. 1m, and the Afcendant under the Pole of 524. cc. Jot aie fame Method as in the Rational way,, either by Tablescf Oblique Atcention, or by the Doctrine of Triangles, =: ‘hall be exemplified at large. | Where note thar the four Angles alcér not ia all the fre ‘Modes of dividing the Heavens, except in the fit way, Thefe are the feveral ways of fetting a Figure of Hei- Yen, according tothe Antients; but that way whichis ‘molt approved of by all Modern Aftrologers, and general- Iyreceived, iscalled the Rational way of Johannes Rect wontanus. who divides the Equator into twelve equil parts by fix great Circlés drawn through the Mutual edt fon ofthe Horizon, and Meridian, whofe diftences are accounted 304. in the AEquator ; the chicfeft are the Mc- fidian, and Horizon, which cut each other at Right Are gles, and divide the Heavens into four Quartets, or Quad Fantals, cach Quarter being again fub divided into thee equal parts more; and Confequently the whole Heavens into twelve Divitions, called Houfes, the Cufps whereof gut the Zodiack into unequal parts, as by the fettiag of a Figure doth appear. $—"The Key to Aflrohey new Filed, My ocx bulinels thall be to prefent rhe Reader with Examples, firft how to Relfie a Nativity feveral ways 5 andin tie next Chapter, thew how to fet a Scheme Ar- fifially the Rational way, by a Canon of Sines and Yan- gett CHAP. Of a Nativity, and the feveral ways of Retti- fication thereof. IIL SECT. L what a Nativity is, lativity we are to underftand, that very mo- Beno ie that she fines delivered oF fepe- rated from the Mothers Womb , and receives the Im- ptellica of Air upon it’s tender Body ; and not that point oftime wherein part of the Body appears, (as fomeare pleafed to Cavil st) Cardan affirms that to be the mo- ment, ia which the Infant draws his frft Breath, or moves the Lungs: in fhort, that very pundiilio of time, wherein the Child is faid to be compleatly Born into the World, is the moment of the Nativity, in which the Stars are faid to have Influence upon the tender Body of the Native; and the Pofition of Heaven for that very inftant is tobe con fidered, as the Groundwork, and Foundation whereon to Build an Aftrological Judgement of the Future Actions, or Fate ofthe Native inthe World, But fince the obsain- ing of this rue moment of timeis fo exceeding difficult by reafon of he uncertainty of Clocks, Dials, or Watches, 444 Chavis Afirologie Elimata, ‘or any other means, Aftrologers have found vr ways forthe Retilicaton thereof, which I comet next place to fpeaks of. ; SECT. IL How to Rellife a Nativity feveral ways, » LX Mongtt thote feveral ways, am: AN ects Nativity , and thereby bring the fu. ~s Fpofed time, to the true time: that of Accidents, isie = counted the moft Certain, and Infallible, which isthus,sis qo _ 1. Having the Eftimate time given, ere€t your Scheme fab ob dloyler forthe Larude of Bh, ah a re anets places be exactly reduced La SS UIL. Diaw this Scheme intoa Speculum qaax Habla) | after this mar “i Suners_ takehalf, ora quarter of a Sheet of Paper, and i 9 stertee Calurns, and th Op in order, cc. ippermott Co, ¥,9, 1,5, | g ofthe] ra _ 4) 4 Hi, Take the Planets our of your Figure, and plat them in their refpective Columns, viz. right againt th So degrees of their places i the firft Column, and juft unde the Signs they are in, noted at top, Into this Speculun| ou arealfo accordingly to Infeitthe © and ap the @ th 8 AnutGiongy and Coatra-antifcions of the Planets; asallo , fome ofthe moft eminent Fixed Stas Sinifter falls inthe fame degree of Mahis + Dexter inX, his Siniferinst, O Dexterin aoe his A Sinifter in "A Dexter in, and his S inm , aiich you may eafily do by a fimali fable of the Afpeets Whe Planets at the Beginning ofthe futt part of the Book, vaderftand the like in all other Planets, c. Andllaftly, ia the Collaterare Column of the Sign and Degree of the At cendantand Mid-heaven : note .Afe.and 22. C. and your Sperdum is foithed; Yhave been the larger upon this, be- caufe | would make it plain to Learners. 'V. Colleétas many Accidents from the Native ( as are ofnote}) that can be procured, and the Year, Month (and Diy,ifitbe poflble ) chey happened ; as thus, Aged fo many Years, Months, and Days, che Native was Invaded witha rong Feavout, Small Pox, or the like. Aged fo rnany Yeats, and Monthc, co place of pvefermest, ot Martiage,cc. having Colle€ted your #.-cidents that have happened, after this manner, repair t vise Speculum; and ifyou wotld find a Direétion for an Avadent of the Bow dy, as Sicknefs, ore. Begin at the A(cendant, and run down that Column, and fec ifthe Afcendent meets with the Body, or Afpeét of fone Planet that may denote the Accident within (uch a fpace of time, or not 5 allowing a- touta degree of Obligie Afcextion for a Year, if not re« movegout Afceadant backward, or forward, (provided you go not far beyond the effi. ure sume) till youmake the degree afcending corr=foond.c. After the fame man= ner for an Accident of Pres nment,: + Honour,exemine the M.C. fee what direétion that mer sithal in fuch a fpace oF time,thisis perforrued by Rigtt §fea% the Afcendant. by Odlique,viz. Subftra’ th. Oslique Aioznion of the AE cendant, or R-Aicenfion of the 24 C. froin the Oblique or Right eniian of the Promistor, ari the remainder are the éegrces of the Diredtion, vfuaity cat! vd the Ark cf dirett- fon, and by ReGitying cisher of thofe Angles, chetrve timeof Birth willbe cxaéily found. Tie «me Method you 446 Clavis Aftroligia Elimata, you may fe in the Suz, or foo, if the Accideny 2 ‘ gree with their Direétions 5 but frit their Cucie of Pot tion muft be known, ~The Key to Airoligy new Filed, 447 “From the Ob. Aicen. 356 09 $0 Festal the Quadrant 50d.———-—— 90 09 eo R. Afeen. M.C. 266 09 50 Be te MG a cami seat 1V. Lafly, to find the hour and minute of the day cot: efpondent, I proceed thus; I take the Oblique Afcenti- weer the Afcendant of the eftimate time agreeing with “83, 28m. °°, and thercunto add the Circle, that Sub» faction may be made ; and the Aggregate is 367d. 38m, fram which I Subftradt the true Correéted Oblique Afcen= ton 3s6deg. 9m, 50” and thereremaing 11.4. 28ms {os which in time gives 45m. $2" 40" youmay omit the lecondsand thirds, and fay 46m, which Subftraét- edfrom the eftimate time Gh. 30m, leaves , Afarch 116 gh. 44m, A.M, forthe true time Corrcéled. [Here noteshat if you defre she hour of the day unkgewn far hich any Scbemse ts fer", "tis but fubdutting the Re Afee the Sun from the R. Afcen ef theg Mid beaven (lyad» ding s606. where Subjiratticn cannot be made) and the Reo msinder isthe R. Ajcen. of the Time from Neon, which Con- ‘voted into Tisor by the Tcble for that purpofe, foews the boar of the day, or night required.) SECT. IIL Here follows Examples, how toverifc the Afeen dant by an Accident, Lit is Heendaatbe fppofed tobe 183, 280. in the Latitude 2d, and f in 2d, 31m. put thecafe Ihave an Accident of the nature of the “Afceaden to the © off} which falls in 2d. 31m. 3 5 fuppote it ‘fome tedious Aguc, oc. Aged 36 Years current ( and the eflimate time Aarch the 1116, 6h. om. A.M.) find the Ob. Ate, of theo of a.m. Thin 2d. 31m, 1, inLat. gad, —- 3129 The Ob. Afcention ofthe Afcendant 18d. 28m, ‘in that Latitude is 3 7 38 Subt. Remains the Ark of Dite@ion, 23 51 UI, Here the Aci: of Diredtion is but 23d. 51m, which allowing about a deg. fora Year is not 24 years. and the Accident happened at 35 years 115 dayes, now fuppofea degree notesa veai, 35 vous gives 350, and to 315 days Caccording to that meafure) anfwers 19m. 105, inal 35d. 19m, 10", : IIL, To the Oblique Afcention of the Doff; add 36cd, that fo Subftradiion may be mede, and it will amount — 391d. 29m, 00 From which Subfract—___ 035° 19 10 Example, Th Which foall be upsm che exemplary Geniture, 1. The efimate time of Butt of a certain Gentleman Was Merch the r1tb. 1650 curtent at 18h, 30m, Ps M. the Latitude of the Piace was 52d, 18m, the true R. Aen, of the Sun Corsefpondent to his place at thae time, (vis, rd. 49m, of ¥) is ad. gom, unto which Tadd the time given 1h, 30m. Converted into 4 ‘ital degrees, viz. 277 4 30m. and the Sum thercofis 79d som, forthe. Alken. of the Aid hecvn of the ett. And there remains the Oblique Acentioa of the Horofcope = 356 09 5° ‘Unto which anfwers 20d. 6m, x, for the true Afcen ant Rectified, From 450 Clavis Afrolog deat; Tproceed thus, and examine the progrels of i “Moon who, I perceive, meets with the Quartile of Mora 21d. 12m, Aries; Which may adventure to pitch ypq for an apt Direétion : Now according to the Rule,1 gu at the Pole of Polition of the oon, who is Signtfiat, (as by her Pofition in any Figure a’ Man may cafly and not far wide from truth knowing the Poles Eleva above the feveral Circles of the Houfes) let her Pol of fition be fuppofed 50d, then her Dedination being 1 31m, (before known) her Afeen. Differ. under tha: Pl : Elimata, logy new Filed, 454 The Key of Ajfrol othe Tang.of the Pole ofPolit. 494. 4m. —— 1000185 So is the Radius ————-— 1000000 To the Sine of the canna Cir, Pofit, 62, 14. tos 994683 Which 62.4. 14m. added to her Ob. Afcen, (under her tue Pole) 3504. 39m. gives 4124. 53m. (by thedaverfe of the fourth Role, Prop. 1X.) from which De- will be found 22d. 27m, and therefore her Ob. Ace). dit 3604. leaves s2d. 531m. the Righe Alcention of the agi. 24m. then the Ob. Afcen, of the Quarilt dl iexm Cali; and Confequently the R.A.of the M.C. ReGii- Mars falling into Aries, aforefaid , will be found undef fedby this Method and the true Fi that Pole of the oon 9d. 33m. Cand here note byte | time you are again ro Reduce the Planets places; and way youmultalways Direét toa Promittor under the ar therefore ‘tis neceffary firft ofall co Compute their Moti« Poleafthe Significator ) now Ladd to the Obliqne Afca] onsforevery 4 or minutes, or therecbouts, ce. of ars 360 that Subjtradtion may be made ; theSumi [Nate shar you oughe to be exceeding careful in Reifying 360d, 33m. from which Sub-duék the Ob. Afcen. oft keSuns place in any Nativity, for the milfake of one minute “Moon, Ieavts 18d. mm. for the Ark of DireClion, tel | sebiswotin, becers 24m. dntime ( the reajon’ iz the Sun thetrue Arch fhould be 19d. 14m, the Differis 14, so moves about one minute in 24 minutes of rime according t0 hii toolittle, meas motion, Ab fnbt. fa Cul Sf 0A. jenee Fe ‘Therefore I will fuppofe again, the Pole of the Ma pe (te a Jpbontonsle Ie Bere JRA FM ‘49d. her Ob. Afcen. under that Pole is 3504. 35mf Avy Po)? & 9, ip and the Ob. Afcen, (under that Pole) of the Quarleaf ¢ as aye AD ci ABE fem}. fee. ye Marsis, 3694. 54m. and fo the Ark of Directions PD Sata le tenho} Jo Sire SA Tod. tom, the Difference is sm,toomuch,and the Di plow to RecFifie a Nativity by the ‘Irn of Hermes, (thar famous Perfs, by Peolomy hun sence between thefe two Arches ( proceeding from th He > Se twoPoles 4od. and som.) is 1d. 10m. Then! Sj if 14, 10m. viz. 72m, (Arch Dired.) gives 14. «| om of the Poleof Poftion , what thall 5m. give fa 4m, therefore Hfay the Moos true Pole of Potion 494. 4m. having beforeher Declin, and R. A. indie ‘Afeen. Diff. and fo her Ob. Aicen. under that Pole 2 350d. 39m, and now to find her Circle of Politi ‘4 fay by Prop. IX.ule.N. B. As the Tangent of tke Lat Pole of the place 52d. 30m, ——-————~ i! ad altowred ry degice of was at Concepi ice of che Afcondant Moon 1 nthe Ajeen b 452 i 7 |Table for the ready finding the Conception by the Na- Sign youfind the AZonin at Conception, make tit, Hue tivity G& Contra, ene its gppote, the Sign afcending at Birth: This way icy] JF. (M/A. (Mt i: i Ry S. OR 1D [Nacivity ' Rediification comes thort of that by Accidents , howe la Ina. [La Ps O.hN. IDI. le. [MiConcep. becaufefome have much applauded it, I thought goed f ATA/S/AfS [9 )9]S/A 8/8/48 Dg i Infert it, left che Book without it thould be thought de a3 RFs fel of dalolo ae dg 3 cient, Here is alfoa Table added different from that 1 J x] 21 a} | 1{ af af Sf af a} als a9] garly ufed, and much more ready to find the true Caf sla} aj a2! 2} 2] ala! al al sly 48 \ ception, by the Nativity, and the contrary. of 1) sts} 2} sia] a} af ais 3 14 218) ‘Now having found the day of Conception by the 2] 1) ala] 4) 4) 4| 43) 4] 4 244 ole] 1 tivity to find che time ofthe day when the _aoons place 43 31 sh ais 5. 5] 5] 4] sls 3|s 208 the Radix afcends, turntothe Schemes and find the cea fal 3] s| 6) 5) ol 6 slo) ol a3 asl eft Afcendant, then note what hours and minutes tand 3 q 7 1| aol a] asi 08 verit, from which Subftra€t the hours and minutes ct 5) a abatctat ale ae R. A. of the Sun for the day of Conception, and you hr $13) 4 8 oloak ale the hoursand minuter defired agreeable to the Figured Bo eet olahel glx ail } Conception, to which Reduce the Planets places id BF I tere lishrolaa al 5 ReeouletibeSheme te, which bevel ae He) Sapsun shill 2s ee) | tobe confulted, and fome help a'fo in the Judgment oft} rafts fo li ghralig {x3 lua |ugita|ng|igitr (0 13] Scheme of the Natives Birth, Seas haldte fa fess taltait2 of} | JA |A Ada A s_ Dg : pay lo as 1 9S nad 2 les 1710171) 8 9 8) 8 BB 9/8) 8 ols WE 411112] 910° 91 9! 9) ot! 9| gio|3 26m 2riaits{rortio roliojo ui Tolornls 9 qiaili2 tan iaig 22% Poigishiateiae2 2 20ju2|iae|; eat suse vy tang fry asltsinalis ts cals 7] ONG NT ads Hingis Lg lgts 141141515 Obm | g3 Clavis Afrolagie Elimara, SECT. Vi The ufe of the Table of Conception, &e, 1 His is very eafily underftood , for the two uppe, Tito rove ‘of Months,the one thews the Monti the Nativicy, and the other the anfwering Month of Con. ception, & Contra, Seek the Means Pofition from te ‘Afcendant or feventh Houle, in the fides of the Table, «i ther in the Nativity or Conception, and the Monthat head, inthe Angle of meeting you have the days to be added or fubftraéted , to, or from the day of Birth or Conception, II, Note that if the A/oom be above the Earth in you Figure effimate, viz, in the 12¢ | take her diffance from, We Angle, o 3 but if the be under the Earth, 2 in the 1/f. sd. 3d..4tb. sth. orth Houfe, take herd: ftance from the Sign and Degree afcending, always fib} fading the Signs, Degrees, and Minutes ofthe Angle, from the Sign, Degree, and Minute of the Afeonsplacesby adding ns where Subftra¢tion cannot be made; afd ‘withthis diftance enter the Table, as above directed. TIL Let the Afoon in fome Figure be above the Earth, and the dey of Birth, foppofe April 13. Let the #4: diftance fromthe 7h be 1Sign 21 Degrees. | look A prilattop, to which anfwers July, for the Month of Com ception; then I repairto the fr great Column on the it hand, againi che Afoon, fupra Terram,ab Occafuin Nativi- ratibus, and find 1 Sign 21 Degrees; (or if 1 had not found my juft Number I fhould accept the necreft ) and right ender April, and againft 1$. 21D, Ifind 11 days headdal, (os the Letters dire€t) to the 13th. dsj and that poiais eut the 24:h, of July for the day of Cot ception The Key to Aftrology new Filed 455 sion after the fame manner, having the Aoons di- wefrom the 1, or 7th. in the Figure of Conception, I ep to the right hand Column, and proceed as before , snd he true day of Bit rom the Figure of Concep fiat, «This (hall be farther explained in the Exempla- ryceniture. Note that ifthe Year of your Birth bs Leap- Yeon you muft add'a day more, “Note that having found the Conception , and by that joudefie tofind the Birth-day, “tis but the Invers to the Trmer Operation, feeking the sons Pofition on the right nd of the Table, and the A.quation of days, add, ot ubfiradt contrary to the Letters, A, or S, ee. IV. Laftly, there are fome other ways the Animo- dsrof Palomy, the Tranfits of the Planes upon the prin gal Places of the Geniture, and the dire¢tions of Pro- fedional Figures (aiz. the chief Angles thereof ) to their feveral Promittors; but fince there is but fmall certainty inany of thefe ways to ReCtifie a Nativity by, 1 fhall not tere trouble my felfto Infere chem for undoubtedly, thae «8 by Accidents is the moft Rational, and hath the moft probability of truth init, and the only way as yerknown, toverilie the Genefis of any Perfon. “Thisis not only my Opinion, but ofall the moft Emi reat Aris, this day, living in England, who have fufi- ciently confirmed this Dottrine by Experience, which is the beft Moderater. Nate that though Direftions are approved of to be very tffewious in their Operations upon Hamane Bodies , yet it afb underftood withthe Concurrence of [uitable Tranjies of the Plonttsy efpecialy the Superiours, as aifo Revolutions scdbence Accidents verified by Direttions are thoughe no fif= ‘cient verificarion withont the Revolurions and Transits agrees Ge 4 cHar. Clavis Alrolegie Elimata, 4x Example how to fet a scheme of the Hea Rativnal 197, according t0 the Direthons gi efition the tenth, Page 390, &c, upon the fourth Triangles, a Pe Oblique Triangle Angied Triangles, &e. Of Oblique Spheric rnndicular being let fall; andy by Redaced into tro Ry ‘Aving before given the Proportions how this 0 be performed, ‘twill be neceffar it by an Exarple, which thal loving Friend of mine, vent 21 hours. min. 8 feconds, $2deg. 18min, North; bein the Suns place ( with the re culated fome Years fince, Il be upon the Nativity oft Born Adarch the 11th. P.M, inthe Latiruded ig the Corredted time, and {tof the fever Planets) Ci and exatly Reduced to the Me. ridian of Birth from the Caroli felves thus, both in Lon line Tables. preient then- itude and Latitude, oe, asintix 39 5311 Scalzo, 29) Caudo {mrs Dragons H. |25 ~The Key to Aftrology new Filed, Til. For the Right Afeention of the Sun, li. 11liq Gostne of 258. 3om. the cx.Dec. Max—9962 368. the STangeat of 1d. $5m. the os. Dift.i v—8524586 ‘Their Sum is the Tang. of R. A. 1d. 45m.—8486084 IV. For theR, A. of 1¢ after Noon, vic. 21 hours smin. 8 feconds, I repair to the Table Intituled 4 Table af Converting Howrs and Minutes of Tine, &e,p, ;82. am, ath, 315. 0: Againtt gag Tfind Qoot, 15 8 s., £000. 2, Time “316.1 ReAof 2 sun dr 37 dom. V, The R. A. of the M.C. — 318 02 To which add ——— “30 09 ‘TheSumis the Ob. Afcen, —- atthe 21th Houfe "p48 02 Add ———— ™ s000 The Sumis the Ob. Afcen. of the 12th, Houfe bus on abating the Circle, viz, 8 Add OO The Sumis the Ob. Afeen, —_ a of the Afeendant "43 2 Add = 50g Youhavethe Ob. Afeen.of the fecond Houfe —____ 78 2 To which again add —-____ 36 5G And the Sum isthe Ob. Afcen.—— of the third Houfe (S18 And thus ou have the Oblique Ajcentians ofthe fi Orin. tal Hlafes, where Nove thar by this vonrha Mis 30d. the Aiquinoibial is divided into twelve equal prs from the Meridian, by fia great Circles of Poftion, which ave Gauppofedto Inter fet withthe Fforizan and Meridian, andie ativide the Eclipiqne wnequaly for the Cafpr of the Hoa, sandmake Oblique Angles with the quater, caled bind Afcemion’, as fall be demonfirated, and may more eaflyh apprehended by the Ccleftial Globe; which is the only Ifirn ment to inform the Fancy in all fuch Speculations as thee. VI. Having proceeded thus far, the next thing is to find the Cufps of the feveral Houfes, oz, in what parts of the Ecliptique thefe Circles of Pofition (cutting 3ode- grees diftant in the c'quator) (hall Interfeét therein ; and fir for the Cufp of the Afid-beaven or tenth Houle, ‘ts but the Refolution ofa Right Angled Spherical Triangle, wherein is given the Suns reateft Declination 23d. jon. and the Right Afcention of the M.C. viz. an Angle anda Leg, or Side, to find the Hypotenufa by Cafe the tenth, and may be performedby Rule 1. p. 391. Thus, Becaule ‘Imuft enter my Canon witha Number lefs then 9c, a cording tothe Note which concludes p. 377. 1 frkt Sublrat theR.A. oftheM.C, 318d, 2m. from 370. andthe Remainderis 41d. 58m. forthe R.A, thort of the £ quinodtial point, Aries, then according to the Rule, Tadd the Co-tang. of 41d. 58m. (Sine Rad. ‘To the Cofine (or Sine Comp.) of 23 d. 30m. Their Sumisthe Co-tangent of 444, 27m,— 10008469 That ‘The Key to Aftrology new Filed, 459 fais 44d. 27m. fhort of the AEquinottial point Toth sis being Subftrated alfo from Jood, according Aiteaforefsid Note (asindeed Reafon will direct) there femias 315d. 33m, from the firlt point of Aries, Mapuerins 154- 33m. forthe Culp ofthe tenth Houle re- ied, [as may be feen by the third Column againf? Aqua- ths inthe Table before the Logiftck, Legarithmes.} Vil. Before the Cufps ofthe other Houfes canbe ob- ined the Poles Elevation above their feveral Circles of Yaltion moft fir be found, where in a Right Angled Spherical Triangle you have given the Hypotenufa, and cae ofthe Acute Angles tofind the other, vic, the Inter- felons of the Circles of Pofition and ‘Latitude of the Phce to find the Poles Elevation above cach Circles which is performed by the third Cafe of R, A. Spherical Triangles, or (which isall one) by the fecond Rule given ps 301. where note that in Cafe she third 'is faid fremthe Co-fine of the Hypotenufa (viz, 304. er 60d.) ‘and Radins , Subfiraft the Co-tangent of the Angle (vit. the Latitude of the Pldce ) and the Remainder is the Co-tan- gets of the Angle required, ( viz. the Poles Elevation &c. ) Bu becasfe Addition is eafier then. Subfirathion, and. bring the Radins in the irft place, I work by their Complements ac- carding tothe aforefaid ficond Rnle, which may be obfrvedin sl fuch cafes. 1, Forthe Poles Elevation above the Circle of Pofition of the clevem , and third Henfes, viz, 324, 54m. ab ap eas by the Werk, ‘Add the Tangent ofthe Latitude 52d. 18m. 10711883 Te the Sine of 30degrees 9698070 TheSum lefs Radiusis the Tang.of 324. $4m. 1)581c853 ML. Forthe Poles Elevation above the Circle of Pofion off therwelfeb, and fecond Houfes, viz. 48 de 15 m. found af- ter the fame manner, thie, To The Key 10 Aftrolegy new Filed, 46 —_-enu"r 460 To the Tangent of the Latitude 52 d, 18m, 1 Add the Sine of 60 degrees — ott 993753 The Sum lefs Radiusis the Tang, of 484, 15m. teospa VIL, Thenext work is to Calculate the Culps ai Hooufes according tothe third and fourth Rules of Pape fiom the tenth, in which you have an Oblique Sphere Triangle , and there is given the Suns greatelt Dein, tion, the Poles Elevation above the Culps, and the ox, lique.Afcention of each Hovfe, viz, twe’ Angles oi the included Side to find another Side, which may be performed by the fourth Cafe of Oblique Spheic Triangles without letting fall a Perpendicslar, “which Shall afterwards exemplifies but fick I thall perforin Work witha Perpendicular, reducing the Oblique Ta angle into two Right Angled Triangles, which may be ‘ealier underftood by fome. N.B. [And Note that for eafein Calculation, it with; secefiery that youfer down apart the Co tangent of the Paleie the Hrife_ out of our Canoninfome convenient place, bea they are often nfed in Operation , and fo likewife at once opr 4g of your Canon you may take our the Co-fine and Cotas £eH8 ofthe Oblique’ Afeertion of each Houle, cee. which ‘very much facilitate the Work, | IX For the Culp of the eleventh Houle whofe Pole wa feud 324. 54m. and Oblique Alcention ibereof 114. 8m. (vie the Comp. of 343d. 2m. t0 360 degrees) Jy Operation Add the Co.ine of the Ob, Afcen. 11d. 8m, To theCo-tang.of the Pole of heHoute 324.5. LL. Operation, i Cofine of 3 34. 28m. Comp. Atith. — 0078726 teen Sotne of the fecond Ang. sé, sBm. 9736497 ‘And the Co-tang, of the Ob. Afeen. 114. 58m. -- 0673769 Their Sum is the Co-tang. of 17d. som. 10488992 This 174. som, muft be Subftradied out of 3604. becaufe the Oblique Afcention was ef theo 360d. and noethen 270d, and the Remainder 343 d, 1m. from theft point of rier, vie. 32deg. 1 min, of is the true Cufp of the eleventh Houle required, Andere you aveto Note that, becanfe the fecond Angles then 90°. the diftance i che Eclipuick mut be account ifr the fame Axqainotial poste eat the Oblique cent. ov wus reckoned from, according 10 the Rule before given in Prop. X. 1. Bor the Culp of the evelfeb Hone, whofe Oblique Af cmivais 18d, 20. and the Poles Elevarion 48d. 15 m, L. Operation, Addthe Cofine of the Ob. Afeen. 28d. 2m. 978124 TotheCo-tang.of thePole of theHloufe 48d, 15", 9950625 TheSumis theCo.tang.of the firftAng.o4. 41m. 9928749 To which add —— 234. 9990458 o189i4: ‘The Sum is the Co-tang.of the 1ft Ang. 33d.28'.10179601 Unto this Ang. add —__ 3.34. 30m, The Sum is the fecond Angle — 73d. 11m, According to the Rule produces 56d.58m.the dang 1 Py —— oo 462 Clavis Afrologia Elimata, ~~ The Key t0 Aftrolegy new Filed, 463 fe ~~ J Which becaufe the fecond Angle is lefs then god. Lace count from Aries, and hence it appears the Culp of the dant is Geminé 32m. MAIL For the Culp of the cond Hloufe, whofe Oblique Mention is 78d. 2m. and the Poles Elevation above the Girle thereof 48.4. 15 m. I. Operation, IL, Operation, ‘Add theCo-fine of the 1. Ang.49.41.Comp.Ar, And theCovfine of 73de 11m, the 2d. Ang. bial Tothe Co-tang. of the Obs Afcen. 184.2, 48736, The Sum isthe Co-tang. of 36, 4m, from-r 1, Therefore the Culp of the cwefth Houfeis &"6d.4m,—h tothe osfne ofthe Ob. Afcen. 784, 2m, —9 16088 " Add theCo-tang.of thePole of theHlout 40, E And Nae that shen you have foundthe Cotangente i ich Angle, at the fame time you nay take ove alfa the sha, amevical Complement ofthe Co-ine hereof ready for uf ire fend ‘Operation. J 1. For the Cufpofthe Afcendant, whofe Oblique Alen is 48d. am, and the Poles Elevation ( or ‘Tein Birth) 52d. 18m. A is theCo-tang.of the 1.Ang.79.31-926731 5 fadiSumis the Co tang.of he The Sum is the fecond Angle 103, 1, Mbote Complementto 180d. is 79d. $9 m. UL. Operation. 1. operation, Add thecs, of the Ob. Afcen, 48d, 2m, 98252;¢ TotheCo-tang.of hePole of theAfcen.s24.18m. 98881. ‘The Sum is the Co-tang, ofthe frft Arch 62.40. 97138 And ftill becaufe theOb. nextY Ladd 23. 304 Hae according to the Ru! The Sumisthe fecond Arch, or Angle Serio: Tothe Covine of rod. 31m. Comp. Arith, — 07:0049 Addthe Co‘ine of 26d som, the fecond Ang. -- 9352635 Aadthe Co-tang, of the Ob. Afcen, 78d. 2m. = 9326230 TheSum is the Co-tang.of -sd.18m. thort 918914 ofthe Sirf point of Libra, . Hor, becaufe the ficond Angle is above 90 degrees, I Subfiratt the te deg. 18 min. from 180 des and there re eg. 42 min. from che rf poine af ties, viz. 15 deg. 2.min. ef Cancer for the Calpe the fcond Honfe ; becanfe the Oblizue Afeeniton veas ncere ibe Aeuinatbial po XI. For the IL. Operation, Add theCo-fine of the firtAng.Comp.Ar.é:2.40. And the Cosine of the fecond Angle Sct $8 To the Co-tangent of the Ob. Alten. 43. 2. 9951029 vd Houle, whofe Oblique wdthe Poles Elevation 324.541. Their Sum is the Cotangent of 82,32, 9117089 Which Lop. The Key to Afroloey new Filed, 464 Clavis Affroligie Elimata, I. Operation, Tothe Cof ofthe Co.of theOb.Aft0 180. 71.51, 49279) ‘Add the Co-tang.of the Pole of theHoufe 32.54 orayisy ‘The Sum isthe Co-tang. of 644, 26m. ——- 967950: From which 1 Subftraét 23d, som, becaufe the Ob, Afeen, now is neereft the AEquinoGtial point, Libr, there remains god. 56m. for the fecoud Angle, IL Operation, To the Co-fine of the firft Ang. 64.26. Com. Ar. 036495 And the Co-fine of the fecond Ang. 40. 56+ 9875219 ‘Add the Co-tangent of the Ob. Afeen, 71. 38. _o5t263 The Sumis the Co-tang. 604. ‘19m. thort of =" 9755812 Which Subftraéted from 180d. leaves 1194, 4:2. from the frit point of ¥, vic. & 20d, rm. for tke true Culp of the third Houfe required. Culpsofthe é Culps of the 6 Orient. Houf, Occident. Houf, dm, & dm, And the CufpsofCX 215.33) =CIV 91537 the fix Oriental How \XI 12,1 / E\V m2. fs prefent them- )XiIy 6. 4 = felves thus (omit. Em 22033 ? For the Place of the Pars of Firt he true place ete Moon ting the Seconds for /1k 14.42 2 Sun Su eafe in Calculation. 1 529.41, IX.729.41) The difts Sun a: Ming Tathenext Page ispreented the Figure ie, bogs Bh, Siac ofthe Sun and Mim Synopfis of the whole Calenlation, i The Sum is tne true pice —_. of Sars the Loty or @-——. Hh cHAr. 466 Clavis Aftrologie Elimata, — The Key to Aftrolegy new Filed, 467 CAAP. V. How tofet a Figure the Ratiewsl way, and Refilve the Triangle, without the Cadence of Perpeni- cular , according to the fourth Cafe of Obliqu spherical Triangles. LN edie E, ¥, = N.reprefents the Kaui. noGtial A. the Centre is the North Pole; the Prk Circle v7, =, W,S, reptefents the Ecliptick, put ints due Pofition, according to the Exemplary Scheme; the’ vveral Arches Interfe€ting at B, and cutting the Aiquatera twelve equal parts, and the Ecliptick in twelve unequl parts are Circles of Pofition of the twelve Caretta Hot, fes, and where the Ecliptick Interfetts the Aiquinéi: asat 7 and 2, thefe are the Aguinottial points; ei thefe 2 Gircles make an Angle of 23d, 30m. equaltotk Sinis greatelt Declination. Now for the refolving te Oblique Spherical Triangles for the eleventh , rwelft fir, fecond, and third Houfes, there is given two Angls and the Side included to find one of the otherSides, as ms} better be underftood by the fi#le Triangle apart P, RQ then by the proje€tion the Angle P, is the Sim: Decl tion, the Angle R, the Pole of the Houfe, and the ide R, the Oblique Afcention of the Hnfe to find the Sid , viz. where the Circle of Pofition Interfeéts the Ecip tick from the next Equinoétial point. ‘ote that this Triangle apart repre the Projetion , which is refalued in finding bow fa f AquinoStial points Aries and Libra the Circlesof at or iter{efk the Ecliptck, asthe Triangle Gem (F ties and the Triangle Aries 11 Pifees, Oe] HW. Confule the Rules give much Hluftrate Spheriat Ti age 393, and tote will the fourth Ci 1, Ce

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