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McKenna Hagan

English I Honors
Period 3
Mr. King

Romeo and Juliet Discussion Questions

Act 1, Scene 1
1. The fight in scene 1 results when Abram asks Sampson, "Do you bite your thumb at us,
Sir? (44)" Why are people willing to fight over a mere gesture?
People are willing to fight over a gesture because the families hate each other and will fight
over anything.
2. When the Prince breaks up the fight, he says out of frustration, "If you ever disturb our
streets again, Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. (94-95)" Argue whether or not
the Prince would be justified in executing Lord Montague or Lord Capulet if their
henchmen start a fight in the streets of Verona
I believe that it is fair because if they cant control their own servants they do not deserve to
be in control of their households they will cause death that could take more than one or two
3. In line 223, Romeo says to Benvolio, "O, teach me how I should forget to think." What
does this mean in the context of the story? In life, why would someone want to forget to
In the story this means that he wants to know how not to think about some things that are too
painful. In life people would want to forget to think when they have done things that they
regret or are ashamed of.
4. Find a literary device somewhere in the scene that was not discussed already in class.
Identify the line and what device is being used. Examples used so far include puns, irony,
metaphor, oxymoron, simile, etc.
An example would be an allusion when Romeo says in line 217 hath Dians wit which is a
reference to roman mythology and its god of maidens and virginity.
5. What is Romeos own narrative? What story does he believe about life and
reality? Which theme best describes his narrative?
Romeos own narrative I think would be a big train wreck of loves and romances that he
wanted to happen but couldnt make happened. I think he limitedly believes that life is a
dream and the reality is not a reality but a dream also. I believe that sad and mopy describes
his narrative the best.

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