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How Do You Feel?


Directions: Answer each question from topics we have covered. After answering,
determine how confident you feel by labeling the question with a 1, 2, or 3
1 - I have no idea how to do this
2 - I feel okay with this but not completely confident
3 - I got this!
1.) Solve these equations for the unknown variables

2x - 3 = 5
2 ( x + 6) = 36
2.) Combine the like terms

2x + x - 3 + 6
4w + 2w + 6 - 12
5t + 7 - 2t - 1
3.) Solve for the unknown variable

6x - 2 = x + 13
4k - 3 = 3k
- 3a + 16 = 3a

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