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1. Personality Brainstorm (1x weight)-week one


Brainstorm words that describe you. If you were, brand, desert, country,
cartoon character...what would you be.

2. Personality Mood Board (1x weight) week one


In Microsoft Word place 16 images that relate to the words that you wrote in your
brainstorm. Collect large images from the internet drag to the desktop and then
into word.

3. Logo Mood Board (1x weight) week two


In Microsoft Word place 6-8 images (of one or two subjects) that relate to your
logo concept.

4. Logo Sketches Formative (2x weight) week two-three


6-8 logo sketches that show an exploration of a selected image/idea.

5. Graffiti Letter Formative (2Xs weight) week two-three


Minimum of 3 letters are sketched with the pen tool using curves & straight lines

The letter forms are filled with color and have a stroke added to them.


The letter forms give the illusion of depth. Created by a drop shadow or

The line drawing is outlined with thick, even shapes with the pen tool.

6. Monster * (2Xs weight) week three


The monster is constructed with a variety of simple shapes.

The monsters head, facial features, body, arms, and legs are created with the
pen and shape tools.
Shapes are combined and subtracted using the PATHFINDER MENU.
Shading is completed in Photoshop using the DODGE and BURN tools.
* If you finish early exceed the guidelines by creating a small friend for the creature, a
background, or add textures to the creature in photoshop.


7. Cartoon Figure * (1 weight) summative- week four

A cartoon character is placed in Illustrator.


The major color shapes of the head are closely traced out.
The lines are traced out and the stroke clearly matches the original.

The stroke is outlined (object > path > outline stroke).
Colors are sampled with the dropper tool and match the source image.
* If you finish early exceed the guidelines by adding more detail or by including more of
the characters body.

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