Final Process Paper

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I chose Emiliano Zapata because he was a great leader. I wanted people to know about him
and thank him for stopping slavery for Mexico. He fought long and hard to avoid slavery and we
have to appriciate what he did.
I conducted our research by doing this. I researched by each topic so I dont get confused. But
you also have to cite the source so it isnt copyright.We always cited our source before going to
another site to get more information.
I selected a solo website because I really dont have time to meet with other people if I do a
group project. I could create a website easily because I have a computer to do the website. I
created the website on this is a free website creator and designed for this
Emiliano Zapata relates to the theme Leadership and Legacy because he led army to fight in
the Mexican Revolution. Everyone who worshipped him are called Zapatistas and they put
statues around of Emiliano Zapata.

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