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Neither of them bothered to deny it, and as Hassan reached for the bottle, Khalid

stood up and opened the door for them. Lorna met his gaze and he made no effort to
hide his amusement.
'Aren't you used to having the door opened for you, in your liberated society, Nurse?'
With a shake of her head she disclaimed the question, but answered it with another
of her own.
'I didn't think Arab men observed the niceties of chivalry, sir.'
'We are taught to protect our women,' he replied.
'As second class citizens I'm sure they need it.'
The momentary narrowing of his eyes was his only concession to anger, but he was
quick to hide it and made no comment, merely giving her a smile that disclosed
formed white teeth. It was almost as if he were telling her that he knew he was
irresistible and would eventually win her over.
Lorna walked slowly down the corridor, aware of his eyes burning into her back. She
resisted the urge to run and it was with a feeling of relief that she heard the diningroom
door shut behind her. She already regretted having been so frank with him. It had
tantamount to rudeness, and as he was the brother of her employer, she should have
held her tongue.
Yet when she said as much to Dana, the girl disagreed.
'It will do Khalid good to have a woman give him an argument. Even though he
spends so much of his time in the West, he isn't used to someone like you. The wives
his business friends are careful not to disagree with him, and his girlfriends treat him
if he's a god.'
Lorna's expression spoke volumes and Dana giggled. 'His latest girl-friend is just like
all the resthigh in beauty and low in brains.'

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