Winch - The Universalizability of Moral Judgments

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150 Trying becomesisinteparable from the complex nctwork of ations ‘one entcr into with ather people vnich impos limite oa hat can and what cannot be iateligibly snd of one's sus sequen life by way of moval atument, Its man tres todo something ev and fails then he doesnot become wat ie succes would have made im and theteby the pomiblies of moral asessment of him are diferent I is not thatthe ‘man who fils has nothing te condemn hitwel! for or to be condemned for, but he does aot have that to eondeimn Nines fel Jor which he would have hed if succesful, He eam later thank God he filed. What he i then thanking God fos that he did no become what he had in hi, an waa rend 0 become, What was ‘within hin? was not reabeed, The moral diference between someone who doss and someone ‘who merely tse isthe difernee between embracing Jono and ebrcing a cload. Phave never, Pim send, donc cher ofthese things; but Tam sire they mus be very diferent. Pweg the dr "ears, Chapt 6 Stecenr poe $2274 Poa ‘Day and gee of Fat in Bl Oba (Ours Carey Fre 30) ne cy pao Piped hoisting 196 ope Orin Candin Pas, 59, 2 Winged, eu 996 9.1 ‘Inthe Obra Revs 3 Jor oe "The ac that et of dr dc nt, Tan ce ‘epic Fan into mae Grand Ret sal Poe’ tor, Caper, tet ss Sinem Wal, Fr ad Lot Meet by Se Richa He, Ost Unvery an se399 Sry, Sappmeney Value XLV, 1.0 much cuss wh vain sgh othe fe ed {Riper opel Jone Copy oe May, Rah Rhea 8 The Universalizability of Moral Judgments Ss wer whom for know ory yeas fete ede iy for oncom fa ht ow = soph hee bean Sages srocher thing petra sabre oinehc titostie eden ae aigcarng ame of f. Math to With tempect to eter tmergeeiriavoleag consideration oth racic wd Tork sed when fe § impersive Prompt wo ses The ese the fog the more pers eee ond speed paren though st honard tf runing embed oll uBio the mop cpiren nie er of he esponsiiities ofthe leeplasrasn on The Big We camo judge an ston be ight for A and wrong fo Bete Got i he sn ume of che ro some derenee which we cen tees a 3 esol rou for fete nh die re See acon Rehr yep “idRe IP be ight fr anyother pnt howe nanare fad cheamrne donot Ser toe ooh cotik + QpPHC Sat oP cones thc rgh oe wrong) for mei > Vefne sigh (ot wrong for someone chy it mune be on he 22.) aroun tome ditcence beewecn the so ate other fp" Gbhan'thetace thst and le are diferent penton While chose ro quotations do not pehaps,ditectlycon- tradies cach other, itis clear that they represent to very Aiffrent approaches to questions of morilty. In this eny {St The Usionstizabity f Mort Judgments Ivano prsnt vew of certain ind of mor jagment, fide in a certain wort of station, which conse he Sidgwick ays here and which ivolvey [think deen, ut of some ofthe coneguenece af Melle pation How should we characte the confi betes Mella and Sidguick? T has tod, obviously with the nportey to be atichad tthe polar potion ofa cetin tort of Ao agent, Melle beso Papago t “ie Poniton, while Silgwiek argues thatthe fer hg Toor judgment i made by an agene shouts contemelned action of hi own ino way aces what ex be sad sees the rghtnes or wroogne this adgmenn, In his premise Sidguiekssert that if inertia Gcan stances I judge anaction right forsthied pry A hen ny Comsted to judging the sme action gh for any othr ‘ied pasty, B, giver sircumtances ut seer doce, In ether wordt, Sidgwil'y premis conceras the top ‘phish one judyment, made bye ata spestatoraf sorher, sition, comouteme to other juignery lo made by ne a4 mpectater. In this parapran, have ten promisenes fo the fae tha Siigict promi concery tu relation Beeneen judgments sade by ane andthe time pers oot ‘hat thet pen en the ponion of « pertator ee fone ‘THEA atc mur contre import by Settee ‘lation othe poin heb mang Siow’ conceson tress of what a judgment made by me shont the rghtnen of action for opel comet ns te sonceming judgments about the tighten af teen 2etions for other people in dni ccarstanes Ie eel that he would tae this conclion to cover the falling cate decide that certain sion eight for mye end ecg ae eae enh edt da sion notseleantly diferent sad decides tat fori the “aston T had sepued ight wooll_be wrongs the according to Sidgwicl’sconcleny wales Thais shared “BF ind ahont the rights ofthe acon for ete scorer sao, Tan comma to aying tha te ther | sige desied wrongly pow seh The Univeral of Moral Judgments 155 For Sidgvck ethics i sore of clelus of action in ih ater ered ene ge {tach to patcla agent, Wont determines te rghtnes sresoagat fester torts mdickhe vfomedthe nate of she agent can be taken into account lat notaries the peas a hepa, final enencs of the pang T have quoted, Skawck speaks of edo condct at ri (F wong) form ant Hind of eondsce eat fright (or sony fr omcbody ele™ 2s though an the eae of mathenatlepropsiton, the ‘Gaston iio HF making thir jodgment fof no logical iret. Tha is what Trish to cll in question, My stention willbe consensated manly on certain las of agent? judgments, Bot fis sll ny nfo words ‘bout she ream of spectator” judgments to these, Very ‘ten to think about the moral desioonand actions of other peoples seta, hypothe or Seton think about general mor ireen A person's thought sboot thee i fe {iced to is agen’ judgments in two wey Fst what Ie thinks beat genes moral er wilt his own aoe econ anc thin aflecting’ int jas a contingent relation, since geal! aman’s decisions ‘mora decison inthe conten of his thinking about genera). ‘Pern ae Vogal) only deskle morally ant an he” decides in slight of moral considerations and dsasion nd dough about gener! mor bse i he forme “of diseasiio® about the aétions and co of other people Lay a cent part inthe devine of a man's gasp o sot condstins, Ar Scie suppoxTe uy na Tappen dt ghen Tam confronted with an stl siteation daandng diate mor decton fom mT nd hat things sre me rather diferenly fom the voy they stack ‘me when Iwas inking only enealy or at aspectator Bat {iat dos not mean she the decom hh och thinking Pie ht ho ene Be ot aus ‘eying to adertand what my ie a8 an agent in sich 2 $Boation om ou be Bur secondly, when think about the moral decisions and {sh The Uniolsbiy of Moral Judgment dilenas of other eset to me that Tam very often tsking What would 7 thi tight to doin ols ss thn? at ina making ypotiel pens judges fy om, Thus only a mon who thal moral Spent ‘ho is capable of mating ‘nal deios of hin ones Cspableof making snd wndemanding spect? mar jl. IRems aboot The actions of other people Te Ost eee tor judgent are analogs to tenn of nets ot ftementaboat pins Tee grammar of my acon of intentions or fpf other pope qe diferent fon that of myo expesion often r pein -ompainey butt have to undestand the grammar af fc penan resins of intention o pn cepa amo be sc {omic and andertnd tach thi pero abet tnd zy also operate with sch penen capes an ical oh wc. awe of ti convergence ef pect’ judgments rade by one and he sre perc, cm hs own neal and Fes agen’ judgments cee Shiga tots oat Scveruaiity, repli teat beroe cho ten which i wot heres toon the pre of diht. os, tens, contin of conten, intl, snd toa apy ino mater sed $|ifs'man were w uke diferen species Judgments it «low abot te moral const of agent inion hich 2greed contin po rernt oral ifeencey thee nll, Think be aon diealy in undesaing wa ws ang Hag ond hat openly hee in be prepeted to yd other pope to hey eo sieht, mu male he sme jena have mae fencing han oi» mac noone [ogedsim spd one wich ern to me highly quent Nn moral oti other branches of ploy fod cramps are indispestable erry ths whch ing ut the Fe ice of the ways a ich we pet sri ich guage isnot “om hold (0 age sme cf Wingacn). ieneefal omy tin ppenson ws Bidy nel onablaha, bat no lew debiliting icon teens Angle Sunes ‘The Uniceralcabilisyof Moral Fudemewtr 155 moral philosophy, according to which it is not merely permisible, but dessable, #9 tke ariel examples. The Fationleof thie vew is hac auch examples do aoe generate the emotion which i able to wooroond more seriogs cates and thus enble us to Jook more coolly 2 che logtea suet Fnvolved. On sacha sew what ie chartteitieof the ways {which we expree oar moral concerns cm be examined quite spurt tom any comterstion of what i i about there Concerns which makes them important tow, But “x moral nue that doss not mater isamere chimera, Thesriousest of sac ise not something that we cin a or nt, ater the explanation of what thoe eves are a or af optional ‘emotional extra iti womething that shows uel? (agnin Aelibratly cho Wittgenstein) fs the explanation of the fsmce, Andon inte the seriousness of which dost ot show itelt il not he one that proents for ou erasing those feature of worality chat we Sind philosophically pasting. Toran exmple of the tort of gents moral jaigment on which T ane to focus attention T sll use the story of Meillés fom which comes my ctler quotation: Billy Budd. Ihalleonsider the moral dilemma of Captain Stary” Vere, RN. captain of HIM, Indomiabe on ative serice gains the French in the peried immediately following the ‘Nere mutiny, when furcher mun outbreals aboard THM shipr were feared at any sme: situation ‘demanding’, ‘Melle Werte, “seo goalies not readily incerfsble— prudence ant sigou? Billy Budd, «foetopman of angelic hacacter isimpresedinco service on the adenttale frm the merchartmim Right of Maw on the high seus. He is pessecntal bythe stanie martratearme ofthe Indamitable, Claggare, ia campaign which calminater in. Chagear’s falielyaccorig Billy, before Vere, of inciting the crew to rstiny, Inthe ese of thie tuston, Bua fit with 2 spesch-impediment whieh prevents im from annwering the chage, Frustrated, he teks Clagart, who al strikes 1s head and dee, In the jugalery of ciccumstancs precuding and attend 156 The Uneeratctity of Morel Judges “he evento bs he nda, and inthe Tit of semana ede wiecy ayo be fp | cenit penne Io gg ma Bale lee cng Sc i he ll Ww, te apparent of she aged siecle elt UE nn Gmetad the Indole of ae aes rl eae seine de aeons of aay ins ek fore The cs ge ard song he mate the Gist np bo mach he wa ch pone bil on Tp to commen, neon Te os titled deerme he mo es nie igi We might at fet be inclined to say that this situation involve simple confice between monty and matty lw, But whilst the example doer rie such questions, I do not ‘want to consider them hese; neither ate they the questions ‘which are atthe centre of Mell’ farther treatment ofthe story. This i already hinted at in the above decripton of Vere 36 loyal ses commander the pointe hat Ver, wile Fhesces the miliary code ss opposed to certain ofthe demands of morality, doesnot sea it to be contated with morality an: phrase, but 2s something 10 which he hina i moral committed. Por hrm the conic mith which he faced ean ‘internal moral ony andar such I call esti in ht elon. ‘Thata dffrencagentin nile creunetanes might part slfereatly, Tem well aware, but thse a fact which supports rather than undermines the general potion that I with 10 Vere charges Budd before a summary court-martial with the capital offence of striking his superior offee, frst he speaks a6 2 witnes to the evens giving rte to the charge. ‘This done, he makes a speech that will epay study? ‘Hitherto [have been bue che wignes litle more; and T sould hardly think to ete another tone, that of yoor

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