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Main Street


Circle Dr.

Pink Star Rd.

Gas Station

Grocery Store


Sand Crest Ln.

My House

Yellow Dog Rd.

Blue Moon CRT.

Angle Town
I think that my towns business places are in the right positions because they are all close together and all of the main
businesses are grouped nearby in case of emergencies. The Post Office is positioned near the Bank because they are both
government related so they fit well together. The school is in the middle of the town so students will have easy access to get to
school. The fire department, police station, and court house are placed close together because they are all emergency type
buildings so they will be nearby if you need them, they are also by my house if something is wrong. The restaurant is also placed
in the mix of the emergencies buildings so there will be somewhere to eat for the workers so they wont have to leave far from
their job just in case of an emergency. And lastly I placed the grocery store and the gas station on the other side of town because
they fit well together.

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