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Mendelian Genetics

Rules of Probability
Mendel appreciated the statistical nature
of inheritance that reflect his laws.
Applied probability to inheritance
Probability scale ranges from 0 to 1
Ex: tossing a coin



Rules of multiplication
Two coins tossed, the outcome for
each coin that will land heads up?

= 1/4

Two Labrador retrievers has Bb genotype

for coat color. What is the probability
that one F1 dog will have bb genotype.

A: = punette square Bb x Bb

Predicting Trihybrid cross

(three traits)
Cross two parents with genotype are all
heterozygous AaBbCc x AaBbCc
What is the probability that an offspring
will be homozygous recessive for all traits
Aa x Aa = aa?
Bb x Bb = bb?
Cc x Cc = cc?


x x = 1/64

A plant genotype AABbCC is crossed with

an AaBbCc plant. What is the probability
of an offspring have genotype AABBCC?

A: X x = 1/16

Five Traits
A plant with genotype DdEeFfGgHh
reproduces by self-pollination
Q: What is the fraction of its offspring
will have genotype DDEeffGGHh??

A: x x x x = 1/256

A woman and her husband both show the

normal phenotype for pigmentation, but
both had one parent who was an albino.
Albinism is a recessive trait.
Q: For this trait, what is the genotype of
the albino child?

aa = homozygous recessive

What is the probability that their first

child will be an albino?
N = Normal

A: 25% or 1/4


Predicting genetic crosses

When guinea pigs were crossed, the following
offspring were produced: 79 with curly speckled
fur, 33 with curly solid-color fur, 16 with
straight solid-colored fur, 36 with straight
speckled fur.
Q: What are the traits in this cross?
Q: Give the ratio of the phenotypes of the

A: texture & color of fur

A: 5:2:2:1

Determining the MEAN, MODE, MEDIAN

Determine the mean, mode, median.
mean = Average of all numbers
mode = number which appears to most
median = middle number

(arrange numbers in order

take number in the middle)

1. Obtain one marble.

2. Using a string & ruler, measure the circumference of your marble.
3. Instructor will ask for measurements and input them on the board

measure different items (marbles, foot size, forearm, head

circumference, etc)

(Pg 25-26)

Chi-Square is to predict a hypothesis if it is acceptable or a null


1. Obtain handout & 1 bag of M&Ms (DONT OPEN or EAT THEM YET!!!!)
2. Printout a copy of information from M&Ms website (see handout)
3. Printout a copy of degrees of freedom.

4. Calculate chi-square

1. If the X2 is smaller than the critical value for the indicated degrees of
freedom, then we accept the hypothesis that the variation in color percentages is due
to chance (random) variation.
2. If the X2 is larger than the critical value for the indicated degrees of freedom,
then we reject the hypothesis and conclude that the sorters are doing a statistically
poor job.

The End
Assign: Analyzing genetic data

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