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WellI think thats about the lot.

It had better be. Ford kissed her again, lingeringly.

Tony came to them and winked Im gonna lose my guitar
player again I suppose?
Ford smiled. Im afraid so.
Tony slapped him on the back. Speranza and mewe both
know youre crazy for her when you come in yesterday. Take
care of her, Martin. He loped off to Speranzas summons.
Martin? Ford repeated ominously.
Oh. I can explain about Martin. . . She giggled. I used to go
out with Martin but hes
Not another big brother?
Not anything. Ford, she touched his face and was serious,
there has been no one and never will be anyone but you.
He gripped her hand so hard that she grimaced.
Good, he replied in a voice made husky. Now lets go to my
apartment. I have to propose properly to you.
It was a beautiful proposal.
But without frills, he said, his eyes warm with promise.
Ive never cared much for frills, Briony told him breathlessly.
Youll like these. He smiled at her flushed face. Is this your
guitar case?
She nodded, bursting with happiness. Just one last song for
Tonys customers before we go She managed a few bars of a
familiar waltz before a large, tanned hand removed the guitar
from her grasp. Another hand pulled her to her feet and held
her close.
No last song darling. There will be so much more.

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