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Twitter for Courtesans

Prepared for Dena, the madam of

Because Twitter is the most adult friendly of the top social networks,
it is an ideal and very effective promotional tool for Nevadas legal
courtesans. Here are a few tips that will help courtesans better
promote themselves on Twitter.

Why Twitter
In the last two years data has proven that Twitter is a powerful lead
generator for Sheris Ranch.
Twitter is a great tool for:
1. Customer acquisition (connecting with potential customers)
2. Customer retention (keeping you at the top of a repeat customers

Your Profile
When creating a profile, be sure to fill out all fields, including:

Your name (stage name)

Your location (eg. Pahrump, NV Las Vegas Area)
Your website link (to your profile page)
Your brief 160 character bio

Also, youll need to add a profile photo and a header photo.

Your Profile
Your website link for
Twitter should be the
easy to remember + your stage
name. This link is
showcased on each
courtesans profile on
our website:

Your Profile
Your profile picture should ideally be an attractive headshot. For noface courtesans, you may use a body picture or no-face pose that is
discernable in a Twitter stream as a small-sized image.



Your Profile
Your header image dimensions are
1500 X 500. The header can be
any photo that showcases your
personality or sensuality, a picture
of the ocean or a sexy full body
pose are both acceptable.
PLEASE NOTE that full nudity or
pornography are not allowed in a
Twitter profile photo or header

A courtesans tweets add another
dimension to her personality and
enhances her brand with
supplemental content beyond the
information provided in her
Sheris Ranch profile. Tweeting
provides an excellent opportunity
to initiate conversations with new
potential clients.

SoWhat are some examples of
content you can tweet?

1. Photos!
Twitter is your personal Red
Light District where you can
display your loveliness to
people searching for sexy,
interesting female
connections. These viewers
will become followers that can
be converted into future

2. Your Reviews!
Got a new review? Tweet it!
You can easily share your
latest, greatest Sheris Ranch
reviews by clicking on the
tweet button provided at the
bottom of every review.

3. A Blog or Forum post!
Please share the content
created by the staff and
courtesans of Sheris Ranch.
Each blog post has a tweet
button that makes it easy to
share Sheris content with the
Twitterverse and keep our
brand in the conversation.

4. Whats going on!
Since Twitter is a real-time
platform, you can share the
fun, sexy things that are
happening right now at
Sheris. This shows that Sheris
is a lively, happening place
worth visiting tonight!

5. Your Schedule
Many of Sheris ladies tweet
their upcoming dates so that
their Twitter followers can
plan to visit them in advance.
(Dont assume that potential
customers are always checking
your Sheris profile to see
when youre available.)

6. Reply and Retweet!
Join the conversation! Reply to
tweets that are relevant to you
or that spark your interest and
retweet content that you want
to share with your followers.
Definitely retweet the content
from the @sherisbrothel twitter
profile and respond to potential
customers who reply to your

Using Hashtags
The # symbol, called a hashtag,
is used to mark keywords or
topics in a Tweet. It is a way to
categorize Twitter messages.
There are a number of
moderately popular adult
oriented hashtags that
courtesans can take advantage
of. For example, there are
several sex-related hashtags
for every day of the week.

#ThongMonday, #TittyTuesday,
#Humpday, #Humpnight,
#FriskyFriday, etc.

Using Hashtags
Hashtags can be used to
target visitors in the Las
Vegas area by using
#Vegas, #LasVegas, etc.
Additionally, when theres
an event in the area,
courtesans should use the
events hashtag in eventtargeted tweets to make
visitors aware of Sheris.

Using Hashtags
Hashtags like #TwitterAfterDark
and other adult oriented
keywords can also be targeted.
But please be careful not to use
hashtags related to childrens
entertainment, like #Disney or a
similar tag associated with
underage markets. This could
create a negative impression of
our brand.

#NSFW, #NSFWPhotos,
#Brunette, #Babe, #Escort,
#Threesome, #Roleplay,
#Amateur, #Ass, #Booty, etc.

How often should I Tweet?

There is no hard and fast rule for twitter frequency. If you dont tweet
enough, you wont stay on the tip your followers minds; if you tweet too
often, you can appear as if youre spamming your followers timelines.
Sheris provides suggestions for twitter frequency in the following slide.

How often should I Tweet?

You should tweet daily. Your daily tweets should consist of the following (these
are minimum daily requirements) and should be dispensed gradually
throughout the day:
1. A daily photo, either a picture of you or a group shot of you and/or your
fellow courtesans having sexy-fun at the ranch. Use a hashtag.
2. A retweet of something the @SherisBrothel account tweeted and/or sharing
a blog or forum post from the website.
3. If you have a new or previously untweeted review, tweet it!
4. Tweet something that showcases your distinct courtesan personality or
interests, this could be sharing something from the web that moves you.
5. Respond to the followers who tweeted public messages to you.

If you have any questions about how you can better utilize Twitter, the
Sheris Ranch marketing team is here to help. Email with questions or suggestions.

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