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Technology has changed our society immensely and has impacted almost
everything society does. So it is no surprise that that internet has changed
how employers look for employees, and how individuals have changed
their job seeking techniques. Digital profile have been existing for many
years, websites like LinkedIn unleashes different opportunities for
individual to connects and share their professional information in order to
get a job.
However it is only recently that digital profiles have been a serious
relevance and a great employability tool (The guardian, 2012). Digital
profiles basically mean information that is available on the internet about
specific individual, an online identity. (Grindle, 2015)
There are different definitions as to what employability means. Knight
and Yorke (2004, reissued 2006) gives an appropriate definition of
a set of achievements skill, understanding and personal
attributes- that make graduates more likely to gain employment
and be successful in their chosen occupations which benefits
themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy.
The objective of this briefing paper is to recognise the topic the relevance
of a digital profile as an employability tool. This paper will be divided into
6 section and discuss the background of the issue then current research,
current issues, implications (students and employers) and will move onto
overall conclusion and recommendations.
Current Research:
Current research from Forbes shows LinkedIn is estimated to have more
than 187 million members in over 200 countries and territories. They
count executives from all Fortune 500 companies. Its corporate talent
solutions are said to be used by 85 of the Fortune 100, LinkedIn reports a
total user base of 300,000,000 worldwide (Forbes, 2014). This shows that
importance for online profile for graduates and employers have been
Forbes also claims that 48% were spending more than 2 hours improving
their online profile e.g.: LinkedIn, in 2013 however it went up 10% in 2014
(Forbes, 2014). This proves that individuals are taking their online profile
very seriously and are working very hard on them to reach out to potential
employees and trying to gain every advantage.

Having an online profile is not only for employees and sources claim that
number of company pages on social media has risen from 24% to 57%.
Especially in LinkedIn (Forbes, 2014), this shows that it is now very easy
for potential employees to search for certain companies and employers
they want to work for and make direct contact regarding jobs etc. research
also shows thats 62% of employers now search and do a background
research online before holding an job interview for any potential
candidates, and 55% of these candidates have been rejected after online
search (, 2012).
Article from states that the importance of social
media in getting MBA jobs and how important it is to even keep personal
social media accounts clean. This source claims that even thought
individuals might think their LinkedIn profile is separate from their
personal social media accounts such as Face book, Twitter; it is only a
matter of time before it will combine (Murray, s, 2015). .
Lenka Istvanova states the importance of keeping your social media active,
and claims that According to Social Media Examiner study, 75% of
marketers stated increased traffic as second best benefit they
managed to gain from Social Media marketing (Istvanova, L,2014).
Recent source from Microsoft claims that there had been a lot of negative
impact due to online profile, the source claims that 56% of the U.S.A
population do not know think about the consequences while posting
online. Also says that 21% were fired from their job, and 16% were not
even considered due to the research done by employers before holding an
interview. This source also claims some individuals have lost their health
insurance, denied mortgages, denied from university etc (,
Recent study from Microsoft also found that that 70% of employers check
a candidates digital footprint during the recruitment process
(, 2012).This apparently shows the employers now only the
skills and an insight of the providential candidate but how others
perceives them, and not having an active social media might look very
dull and out of touch.
Current Issues

Individuals do not think about the consequences while

posting online. Could and have led to job losses.
This statement shows the importance of social profiles and digital profile
of employees and employers. By not understanding or recognising the

importance of what is being on social profile might lead job losses.

Research shows 70% of employers check a candidates digital footprint
during the recruitment process

No difference in between private and professional life, if

employers can access most information from social media.
By having digital profile, individuals are putting themselves out there,
research shows that only matter of time , all social media profile will
combine, so it is better to keep all online profile clean.

Most employers actually expect online profile.

In this society, technology has become a must, most companies and
employers actually expect a digital profile, which is very active.
Because it given the employers an insight to the potential
candidates and also how company consumers can see them if they
were hired and also shows the IT skills.
48% of undergraduates do not consider their personal
branding when thinking about their employability.
This could lead to making silly mistakes and posting inappropriate stuff on
social media leading to unemployment.

One of the major issue about digital profile is employers may have a
certain candidate on mind and might eliminate and discriminate
secretly even if one has all the qualifications and skills required for
the position.

Implication for employers:

Sky news announced on Friday 25th July 2014 that Half of employers use
social networks to research candidates, with more planning to start
combing profiles, a survey finds. Potentials employees are now being
advised to stop using social media for socialising purpose and use it to
market themselves to get employment. Employers see digital profiles of
their employees as a key to their life, it will help see employers see
what the person is life, how relevant one is to their organisation, how
consumers might see them etc. therefore it is every reasonable for
companies to run a back ground research on their employees. Survey
carried out by sky news, Scott Helmes, director of digital profile website
said Today, more than 50% of employers are online looking at social
media profiles (and) of the 50% that are not, a full 12% said they are
going to start looking online this year. (Sky News, 2014).

This could change how recruitment process happens in the future;

employers might consider CV as a basic paper and might prefer a digital
profile from a potential client as it might let employers access more
information than a CV might offer. For example Vodafone now has a new
recruitment process that does interview online, so for a fast pace
companies that pride themselves in technology might prefer a digital
profile to see what types of skills a person may have. A digital profile gives
access to certain information they need so it is t very easy to target their
potential candidate online and less time consuming, rather than going
through 1000s applications and 500 interviews companies can now
Implications for graduates:
Individuals who recently graduate may find it hard to discover a job;
however digital profile unleashes a huge line of opportunity. Graduates
with good digital profile and very active, clean social profile have
enormous advantages compared to graduates who dont. Most
universities now require their students to make digital profiles due to the
importance of personal branding and the demand for it in employability.
Is it essentials for a graduate to know what employers moves are when
looking for employees. So it will be useful for graduates to put themselves
in shoes of employers. For example research shows that more than 50%
of employers are online looking at social media profiles (and) of the 50%
that are not, a full 12% said they are going to start looking online this
year therefore graduates could make sure when they good themselves,
only appropriate pictures and information is provided and to keep their
social profiles clean as well as digital profile up to date.
Digital profile can be great for marketing oneself to the right employers if
it is used correctly. It is less time consuming, easily applicable, fewer costs
for both employers and employees, and it is also much more interesting
than a CV. It is important for graduates to be very creative and apply their
skill while making their digital profile. Researching the industry that they
are applying for beforehand is a key to getting an interview, for example,
one can change their digital profile depending on what type of job they
are look for. Even if graduates already are in an employment, having a
digital profile means other firms who are interested will contact and may
offer better job, with better salary and good training.
It is very clear that digital profile is becoming an important part of the
employment process and it will grow even more, so it is essential for
schools and university to teach students the how to brand themselves and
to reach employers. Considering all the information above, graduates
should clean their social profiles, update their digital profile otherwise it is
very likely to get denied and not get employment.


Google yourself.
Remove inappropriate pictures and information

One should have good aim and objective for their digital profile.

Graduates should research the jobs they are going into, and make
their digital profile applicable.

Have privacy setting on personal and social media accounts.

Keep in mind why me when writing digital profile, explaining why

employers should consider you!

Clear heading, professional and easily assessable, all these points

should be considered when creating online profile.

No false information on digital profile.

Importance of digital profile should be bought up whilst in


Forbes, (2014). New Research: 2014 LinkedIn User Trends (And 10 Top
Surprises). [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015].
Grindle, J. (2015). The Importance Of Having A Solid Digital Footprint
Pinnacle Resumes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015].
Guardian Jobs, (2011). Building your personal brand from scratch: a guide for
graduates | Guardian Jobs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015].

Harris, l. (2015). Digital identity and employability. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015].
Istvanova, L. (2014). The Importance Of Keeping Your Social Media Profiles
Active. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015]., (2012). Microsoft PressPass - Image Gallery:. [online] Available
id=a7d43098-9d32-4fff-87f4-8ba6ed2fb20e [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015].
Murray, s. (2015). The Importance of Social Media In Getting MBA Jobs!.
[online] BusinessBecause. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015].
Sky News, (2014). Employers Digging Digital Dirt On Job Applicants. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015].
Smith, C. (2014). 120 Amazing LinkedIn Statistics & Facts. [online] DMR Digital Marketing Ramblings. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015].
Tombrakos, J. (2012). 7 Reasons You Need A Vibrant Digital Profile. [online]
Forbes. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015]., (2015). BUS133_1649649635. [online] Available at:
id=326407&chapterid=48597 [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015]. of digtial profile.

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