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State of New York: County of Delaware

Local Criminal Court: Village of watton





Jeannie Groat

I, Colleen Beers, residing at 126 East Street Walton, New York 13856, by this Supporting Deposition,
make the following allegations of fact in connection with an accusatory instrument filed, or to be filed,
with this Court against the above named defendant(s): On July 17, 2010 at about 10:00am I was
working the 4H English horse show at the Delaware County Fairgrounds' in Walton, New York with
Jeannette Moser-Orr as a volunteer. Jeannie Groat's daughter Chelsea came to the secretary's stand to
request a re-run on her jumping course because she had fallen off. Jeannette told Chelsea she was sorry
but we have other people still to go and re-runs are not allowed according to the rules. Chelsea then
left and a short time later Jeannie; her mom came to the secretary's stand. Jeannie told Jeanette if it
was any other person you would let them run again. Jeanette then told Jeannie she was sorry but I can't
do that it's in the rule book. Jeannie then started yelling bad words at Jeanette, like the two "F" words
and many other bad words. Jeannie then told Jeanette she would sue her to the state for not follOWing
the rules. Jeannie then said, I'm gonna get you fired and take your freaking job. Jeannette then walked
away and came back inside the secretary's stand and told me that some people just don't understand.

The foregoing factual allegations are based upon personal knowledge of the complaint, and upon

information and belief, the sources of the complainant's information and belief being, direct knowledge.


False statements made in the foregoing .instrument are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant
to section 210.45 of the New York State Penal law. Accordingly and with notice of the foregoing, I
hereby tfiJrm that the foregoing statement of facts are true, under penalty of perjury this 21St day of
October 2010.




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