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There will be a cooperative community meeting with the Madisonville Police Chief and the incoming Hopkins County
Sheriff on Sat., January 24, 2015 at 5:30pm. The location of the meeting will be held at the Larry Carney Community
Center. There are many concerns nationwide about our young black males and law enforcement. The black
community has an opportunity to hear, ask question and be heard. This will be a two part meeting. The 1st hour will
be with officials. The 2nd hour will be without officials and we will be able to speak freely amongst ourselves and have
training in the area of how to respond to law enforcement officers during traffic stops and interrogations. We will
have a Sergeant from the State of Virginia and myself. My experience includes 16 years of law enforcement with the
Kentucky State Police and the Jeffersontown, KY Police Department. It is imperative that we come together as a
community to deal with these issues and keep our young men safe. This will not be a police bashing meeting, but a
time to voice our concerns as a community. Everyone knows a young man whether they are in their family, in their
neighborhood or in their community. If you know anyone who can benefit from this valuable information please let
them know. It could possibly make a difference in their life or even your own. There should be 100% community
participation because it affects us all. Let us truly be a COMMUNITY. COMMUNING TOGETHER IN UNITY.
Thank You,

Edward S. Logan Jr. (Mann)

502-751-8655 (cell)

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