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HW 4E Electron Configurations

5. Write the electron configuration for each atom.

a. Boron

b. Silicon

6. Write the complete ground state electron

configurations for the following:
a. Lithium
1. What are the three rules for writing the electron
configuration of elements?
b. Oxygen

c. Calcium

d. Titanium
2. Explain why the actual electron configurations
for some elements differ from those assigned
using the aufbau principle.

e. Rubidium
f. Lead
g. Erbium

3. Phosphorous, an element used in matches, has an

atomic number of 15. Write the electron
configuration of a phosphorous atom.

7. Write the abbreviated ground state electron

configurations for the following:
a. Chlorine
b. Iron

4. Write the electron configuration for each atom.

c. Zinc

Carbon ___________________________________
d. Barium
Argon ____________________________________
Nickel ___________________________________

e. Polonium

____HR/Name ___________________________________________

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