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Communicator Meeting Notes

Reputational Threat Tabletop Exercise
Oct. 22, 2014

Campus communicators were broken into groups and given a hypothetical crisis, timeline of events,
statement from University Communications, and a designated department or college from which to act.
Professionals were tasked with devising communication strategies, tactics and ideas to implement on
behalf of their assigned department or college, and brainstormed both short and long-term remedies for
the situation at hand. The below notes highlight key insights, ideas and challenges garnered from
campus communicators at the meeting:

Elements of the communication plan:
Official university statement
Talking points from UMD communications
Designated spokesperson to speak on the issue
Social media guidelines
Video/marketing materials if applicable

Information needed from University Communications:
Official university statement
Talking points from UMD communications
Spokesperson name and contact information
Frequent updates about further action and measures being taken to solve the problem or a
statement explaining that measures being taken but specific inquiries should be directed to XX.
Media guidelines / social media policy (Password protected in Brand Tool Kit)

Short Term strategies:
Connect with University Communications to attain statement and key messages.
Forward relevant information to people who need it (i.e. receptionists who take calls and
answer emails).
Refer employees to the official statement; talking points.
Designate a spokesperson as a referral for inquiries: Title IX Representative.
Remind staff that they are not a spokesperson of the issue and should not act as such.
Refer to media policy for press inquiries and channel all requests to central communications.
Tailor statement to specific departments or colleges:
o I.e. University Admissions:
Act quickly to reach prospective students and concerned parents
Tweak statement to incorporate information about current measures being
taken to remedy the issue on campus including resources and services available
for students who experience similar issues, information about proactive
prevention (#RuleofThumb campaign), and where to go / who to call if a student
witnesses or experiences sexual assault on campus.
Have qualified students (CARE reps, Health Center ambassadors) talk to
prospective students via Twitter chat or Google hangout event.

I.e. Student Affairs

Acknowledge anger among students; host a dialogic forum with university
leadership to give students an update on how were handling the issue.
Mass campus email to describe incident, services available
Get messages out through the diamondback, maybe commentary from
president Loh
Coordinate with The Diamondback to push key messages and quotes from Title
IX spokesperson
I.e. Smith School
Create a statement from the dean of Smith using materials and talking points
from UMD communications.
Notify faculty and professors about the issue and measures being taken to
handle it.
Remind faculty and professors of appropriate procedures for handling reports a
sexual assault.
I.e. Alumni Association
Put a halt on solicitations for donations to the university
Prep alumni reps for regional events

Long Term strategies:

Create/share a 20-30 second video that remedies fears about campus sexual assault among
prospective students and parents.
Relay information about campus resources and services to Maryland Images for prospective
student tours. Information should highlight sexual assault prevention on campus and key
o Suggestion: Tours to stop in front of Health Center to explain the Survivors Garden.
Support the Rule of Thumb campaign by using the hashtags #RuleofThumb and #ItsOnUs and by
tagging the handle, @RuleofThumbUMD.

What do we do about the sex tape hashtag? Should we insert positive messages into the
existing conversation or start a new conversation?
Quick updates and guidance within first few days of incident.
o Suggestion: Devise a point of contact in each office who receives central response
Provide feedback to communications to tailor future statements and messages
Need more guidelines about where media can film/photograph on campus.
o Are campus communicators required to notify University Communications about DBK
o Suggestion: See new media policy and social media guidelines in the Brand Tool Kit


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