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E l e c t r i c a l N e t w o r k A n a ly s i s

Course Code: EE-223

3 rd S e m est e r ( e e - 2 0 1 3 )
One-hour test OHT-2

100 Marks

Department of electrical engineering

CECOS University of IT & emerging Sciences
Phase VI, F-5, Hayatabad, Peshawar
80 minutes

December 11, 2014

Full name as on LMS:



Question # 1 [40 Marks]:

A problem related to second-order RLC circuits

Question # 2 [40 Marks]:

A problem related to phasors

Question # 3 [20 Marks]:

A problem related to resonance

Time allowed: 80 minutes

Page 1

CECOS University of IT & Emerging Sciences

2014 Adnan Niazi. All rights reserved

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