Sabih 1

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Assignment 1

Write a program which calculates GPA of a student when marks of five subjects are entered. For each
subject enter marks for quizzes, assignments, mid-term, final, lab and project (if subject has lab content
and project as well). Subjects will be Computer Programming, Physics, Calculus, Communication Skills and
Islamiat. Enter credit hours of each subject which will later help in calculating GPA.
Make sure you enter weightage of each subject first i.e. weightage of quizzes, assignments, mid-term and
final should be equal to 100. If entered weightage entered by the user is not 100 ask the user to enter
GPA will be calculated for each subject first and then SGPA (Semester GPA) will be calculated at the end.
User will enter marks of all the subjects, make sure while entering marks value should be valid e.g. if marks
of some quiz are out of 10 they should be between 0 and 10, they cannot be -5 or 12 etc.
Enter marks of five quizzes, five assignments, one mid-term, one final, one lab and one project (again only
if lab and project exist).
Grading criteria is as follows:
Marks between 80 and 100

Grade A

Marks between 75 and 80

Grade A-

Marks between 70 and 75

Grade B+

Marks between 65 and 70

Grade B

Marks between 60 and 65

Grade B-

Marks between 55 and 60

Grade C+

Marks between 50 and 55

Grade C

Marks between 45 and 50

Grade C-

Marks between 40 and 45

Grade D

Marks below 40

Grade F

GPA Calculation has been explained in class, apply the formulas through which we calculated the GPA in

Submission details:
Deadline for the assignment is 23rd October, 2014 before 12:00pm. Please submit a hard copy of the
assignment coordinators office and email soft copy of code in .cpp file at
This is not a group assignment, do not share your work among each other. If any copied assignment is
found, both students will be awarded F grade with a warning letter from Air University.

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