A GREAT WHITE-WINE Region Is Frequently A Great Source of A Good Summer Red. This

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A GREAT WHITE-WINE region is frequently a great source of a good summer red.

may sound oxymoronic, but consider some examples: The Sonoma Coast and the
Anderson Valley regions in California both produce minerally Chardonnays and savory,
summery Pinot Noirs; the Loire Valley of France is home to long-lived whites like
Vouvray and Muscadet and tangy reds like Chinon and Bourgueil. But no place may
offer better proof of this theory than the Alto Adige region of northeastern Italy.

This largely German-speaking, mountainous corner of the country is one of the best
cool-climate wine regions in Italy, if not the world. And a cool climate is key not only to
characterful whites but to refreshing reds.
Yet while the white wines of Alto Adige are well-known and much praised, overlooked
are some equally delicious and lively reds, particularly wines made from the region's two
most planted red grapes, Lagrein and Schiava. The latter, also known as Vernatsch and
Trollinger, is actually the region's single most planted grapeclosely followed by Pinot
Grigio and Chardonnay.
Lagrein and Schiava (la-GRINE and ski-AHva) are native to Alto Adige, which was
known as South Tyrol (Sdtirol) when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Many
of the area's winemakers still identify themselves by their Austrian heritage. As Martin
Foradori Hofsttter, proprietor of J. Hofsttter estate, put it in an email, "Our passport
and our territory is part of Italy, but our origin is Austrian and our culture as well." In fact,
when I visited the region a few years ago and asked producers where their wines were
exported, they often listed Italy. In other words, Italy was a foreign land.

Although it is often linked to the province of Trentino, as Trentino-Alto Adige, Alto Adige
is a distinct wine appellation. It is sometimes confused with Friuli, another white-winedominant territory in northern Italy. Both regions happen to produce many of the same
grapes, including Pinot Blanc, Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay, although Friuli wines are
more widely distributed and better known. Jeff Kellogg, wine director of Maialino
restaurant in New York, has seen this mix-up many times. "People will say they love the
wines of Alto Adige, but then they talk about Friuli," he said. In both cases, he added,
they know the white wines of both regions better than they do the reds.

Bobby Stuckey, owner and wine director of Frasca Food and Wine in Boulder, Colo.,
attributes the confusion to sommeliers who only know the two places from reading wine
books. "A lot of wine books lump Alto Adige, Trentino and Friuli together as northeastern
Italy," he bemoaned in an email. This is, to Mr. Stuckey, a real mistake. "That would be
likeputting Burgundy, the Loire and the Rhne together," he said.

Mr. Stuckey specializes in Italian wines at his restaurant and makes his own Friulian
wine, but he's a fan of Alto Adige too, particularly Schiava, which he regards as a good
summer match for cured meats and pastas.
The cool climate of mountainous Alto Adige, in northeastern Italy, is key to producing lively reds.

Jason Jacobeit, wine director of Btard restaurant in New York, knows about Alto Adige
thanks in part to an Italian romance. Mr. Jacobeit went through what he called a Schiava
kick a few years ago, when he was dating a woman from northern Italy. He loved
Schiava in part for its resemblance to other easy-drinking northern Italian reds that he
knew and admired, such as Ghemme and Gattinara, from the Piedmont region. Schiava
had the same "bright acidity and scrubby red fruit" he said, but it was also less tannic
and more accessible than either Piedmont wines.
One of the greatest attributes of Schiava is its food friendliness, as Mr. Jacobeit noted.
That's thanks to the wine's terrific aciditya young Schiava (and it is best consumed
young, within a year or two of the vintage) is a truly mouthwatering drink. The wine is
brisk, light bodied and juicy. It's also fairly low-alcohol (around 12 %), and thus easy to
Lagrein is a bit richer and denser than Schiava, with more texture and weight, more dark
fruit and spice (plum versus Schiava's strawberry or cherry.) But the lighter Lagreins are
also good summer wines; they are lithe and flexible with a firm mineral thread. And
perhaps best of all, both Lagrein and Schiava are reasonably priced (another important
attribute of a good summer wine). Most Schiavas and many Lagreins cost less than $20
a bottle.

In fact, the most expensive wine in the group of Alto Adige reds I purchased for my
tasting didn't cost more than $25, and many were much less. I bought 14 bottles total of
Lagrein and Schiavaalthough it wasn't an easy task. Some had to be specially ordered,
as distribution of Alto Adige's whites is definitely much wider than that of its reds. Unlike
in other parts of Italy, or for that matter other parts of the world, where a cooperative-

made bottling isn't traditionally considered a quality wine, some of the best wines in Alto
Adige are made by cooperatives.
Despite the admittedly small sampling of wines, the results were impressive. My group of
tasters and I found only one bottle a dud (a dull Lagrein lacking in fruit) and one too high
in alcohol (a Lagrein that was over 14%). By the way, all of these wines showed best
with a slight chill; I put them in the refrigerator for less than an hour.
The 2012 Gumphof Vernatsch ($20) was a crowd favoritefruity and lively and
uncomplicatedly delicious (the mostly organic winery has also won awards for its
Sauvignon Blanc), while the 2012 Cantina Andriano Bocado Vernatsch ($16) was darker
and a bit earthier. It covered all linguistic bases as welllabeled Schiava on the back
and Vernatsch on the front, as if they weren't sure which would sell. The name was the
most complex aspect of the 2012 Erste & Neue Leuchtenburg Auslese Schiava ($12),
which was pleasant and lively and identified as a ros-style red on its back label. (Erste
& Neue, which translates to First & New, is a first-rate cooperative.)
The 2012 Lagrein from Muri-Gries, a winemaking Benedictine monastery, was another
favoritericher and more concentrated than the Schiavas but with what a friend called
the "necessary leanness" of a summer red. Christian Werth, the much-heralded
winemaker at Muri-Gries, makes three highly regarded Lagreins; this was their lighter
"normale" wine. The 2011 J. Hofsttter Lagrein was even riper and denser but still
vivacious, with bright acidity and a touch of minerality. The Muri-Gries, at $16, and the
Hofsttter, at $20, were very good buys.
There are many more cool-climate white-wine regions that are home to great summer
reds. There's the Rheingau region of Germany, home of top Riesling but also
Sptburgunder, aka Pinot Noir. There's Alsace, France, where Riesling and
Gewrztraminer still reign supreme but where more winemakers are planting reds. And
finally, very close to Chablisthe place that's virtually a white-wine synonymthere's a
commune called Irancy, where lively and appealing Pinot Noirs are produced.
All of these wines share the same three attributes as do Schiava and Lagrein: a famous
white counterpart, a reasonable price and an obscure name. There's a fourth, perhaps
even more critical component: They're all fun to drink, especially right now.

4 Winning Tips for Playing Baccarat

The rules of the game and the scoring are very simple. It's all about getting a score as
close to a "natural nine" or a "natural eight" as possible. If the score is not a natural,
then another card is drawn to get the score closer to the natural. If the cards total a

score more than 10, then the left digit of the double digit score is dropped and the right
digit is considered as the score. If you are playing in the casino and betting money, then
you need to be careful and keep some things in mind before putting your hard earned
money on the table. The most important thing to remember is not to be taken in by
anybody who can give you a magic winning formula. If such tricks existed, then the
casinos would all be broke.

Tip 1
Gambling is a risky business, based purely on luck. A game like baccarat is a game of
fortune, nothing much to do with skill. So, be careful with your money. If the tables are
playing on very high stakes, then back off. There are other better and safer ways of
earning money. Also remember not to push your luck too hard, if you are on a winning
streak. If you can make a decent amount, then take it and leave. Do not wait until your
lady luck deserts you, taking all your money with it. When you step into decide the
maximum amount that you can afford to lose and stick to that decision. Do not get
tempted to play for more than this money. The trick in winning while gambling is to
know where to call it quits.

Tip 2
In baccarat, you can either bet on the banker, the payer or on a tie. The chance of a tie
is rare. The odds against one of the players winning are always better than a tie in most
cases. So, don't waste your money on an unlikely tie. Choose a definite party to bet on.
Also, while betting, begin with small amounts. Don't begin playing with high bets. Start
low and if luck seems favorable, then increase the amounts gradually. Luck is an
important thing in baccarat. So, test your waters before plunging in completely.

Tip 3
Look for casinos where the house charges are less. Although the standard commission's
charges by the casino are 5%, there are casinos where the house charges are lesser
than this. If you look around, you will find places with commissions as low as 2.75% to
4%. Playing is such casinos will automatically increase your take home money, as there
will be less cutting on the tax.

Tip 4
Although it is still a risky gamble with not much logic, betting on the Bunco will always
prove beneficial to you. Study the winning patterns of the game. If you can find a
pattern, follow it. If you don't, then bet on whoever won before last game. Also, if you
find the same party repeatedly for more than 3 times, and then bet on the other party
for the fifth time. It is very unlikely that the same party will win 5 times in a row.



When stock drops, it will pull back to its former apex

Thin, highly speculative issues and heavy

investment stocks offer exceptions, the former usually steeper and the latter

Thus, once a Trend Channel appears to have become well established,

any failure of a rally to reach the Return Line (top parallel of the channel in
an Intermediate Advance) is taken as a sign of deterioration in the trend.
Further, the margin by which a rally fails to reach the Return Line (before
turning down) frequently equals the margin by which the Basic Trendline
is penetrated by the ensuing decline before a halt or Throwback in the latter
By the same token, given an established Trend Channel, when a reaction
from the Return Line fails to carry prices all the way back to the Basic
Trendline but bottoms out somewhere above it, the advance from that Bottom
will usually push up out of the channel on the top side (through the
Return Line) by a margin approximately equal to the margin by which the
reaction failed to reach the bottom of the channel (Basic Trendline).

However, and this is of considerable practical importance, the very last

Intermediate Downswing in a Major Bear Market, i.e., the last Primary Move
which leads to the final, long-term Bottom, is usually cleaner, more regular,
less precipitous

When, after a Major Bear Trend has proceeded for some time and distance,
and has experienced at least one Panic Sell-Off, it then goes off in

another but less active and more orderly decline, and this decline develops
and follows a good trendline. Watch it closely. If this Intermediate holds to
its steady and not-too-steep downward course if its trendline is contacted
several times by Minor Rallies if it produces a fairly consistent channel,
and prices do not fall out of bed down through its parallel Return Line,
then the eventual upside penetration of this trendline may well signal a
Turn, the inception of a new Bull Market.

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