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A child who is allowed to explore and find things out

for ____ soon develops self-confidence.
A) themselves
D) himself

B) him
E) one another

C) each other
A) us
D) our

2. A number of distinguished physicians were invited to

give ____ opinions on family planning.
A) ours
D) their

B) its
E) own

A) itself
D) themselves

A) my / yours
D) his / our

B) mine / your
E) hers / theirs

A) itself

B) them
E) our

B) its own
E) one's own

C) any one

C) their / us
A) him / himself
B) us / ourselves
C) them / themselves D) ours / us
E) theirs / ours
14. Several experts were working on the project, and each
came up with some interesting proposals, and
naturally ____ claimed that ____ was the best.

C) we

7. When the relief workers reached the scene of the

disaster, they immediately began to help _____ who
could do nothing for _____

A) many /each
D) all / he

B) some / its
E) each / his

C) we / it

15. The editor thought that the new series of articles

would prove very popular, but actually hardly ____
seems to have been impressed by it.

A) that / himself
B) them / their
C) those / themselves D) these / ourselves
E) us / yourself

A) nobody
D) any other

8. I dont imagine he wrote the speech ____ but ____ did

so, certainly made a good job of it.
A) for them / whomsoever
B) of his / somebody
C) by him / they
D) himself / whoever
E) themselves / whichever

C) them

13. The majority of ____ are apprehensive about new

computer programmes, until weve actually tried them
out for ____ .

6. There were many casualties on both sides, but more on

the enemy side than ____ .
A) ours
D) their

B) ours
E) ourselves

12. In business, every trend contains the seeds of

---- counter-trend.

C) also

5. At present ____ car is being repaired so we shall have

to go in ____ .

B) none / any
C) many / it
E) a few / these

11. They are in no way responsible; we must face the fact

that we have only ----- to blame.

B) themselves / hers
D) himself / his

B) himself
E) thus

C) ours

10. He said I was submitting my application form rather

late. But now I find ____ have still not submitted ____ .
A) most / their
D) others / theirs

4. Though he got other people to do research for him in

the archives he ____ wrote the whole report
A) too
D) as well

B) their
E) them

C) its

3. The manager told Brian to do the job ____ and not pass
it on to ____ assistant.
A) ourselves / their
C) himself / ours
E) yourself / my

9. The failure so far to produce evidence of life on any

planet but ____ has given continued strength to the
belief in the uniqueness of Earth.

B) anyone
E) somebody

C) the other

16. It is just possible that there is ____ reason behind his

refusal of this award.
A) other
D) any

B) another
E) rather

C) the others

17. For a business to be really successful, team work is

essential and the members of team must be support of
____ .
A) each of them
D) one another


Merutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kzlay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22


B) the others
C) themselves
E) the other one

18. We are confident that the management and the

workforce will get on well together as long as ____
respects ____ .

23. Basically a country has two objectives in imposing

tariffs; one is to raise revenue for government, ----- is
to protect home industries by raising the price of
competing goods from abroad.

A) the other / another B) both / itself

C) the one / another
D) everyone / themselves
E) each / the other

A) other
D) the other

19. He said I was submitting my application form rather

late. But now I find ____ have still not submitted ____ .
A) most / their
D) others / theirs

A) they both
B) all the other
C) both the others
D) each one
E) each of them

B) none / any
C) many / it
E) a few / these

B) others
E) every other

C) the others

25. This patient is not as seriously ill as ____ I examined

a little while ago.
A) whom
D) one another

21. The lawyer decided to call ____ of the witnesses only

and paid no attention to ____ .
A) both / others
C) two / the others
E) any / some others

B) another
E) any other

A) the other
D) the others

C) the other


Merutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kzlay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22


B) other
E) the one

C) some other

26. They havent met for twelve years or more, but I

understand they still write to _____ at a regular

B) the two / any other

D) some / another

22. More than ____ invention of the last eighty years or

so, television has been the most harmful to family life.
A) some other
D) any more

C) another

24. Of the company's three accountants, only one is

useful; ----- deserve to be sent away.

20. A structural formula is a chemical formula that shows

how the atoms are bonded to ---- in a
A) another
D) each other

B) both

B) each other
E) one other

C) themselves

1) D

2) D

3) D

4) B

5) A

6) A

7) C

8) D

9) C

10) D

11) E

12) B

13) B

14) E

15) B

16) B

17) D

18) E

19) D

20) D

21) C

22) E

23) D

24) C

25) E

26) B


Merutiyet Caddesi No: 27 Kat: 6 Kzlay ANKARA - (312) 417 07 20 - (312) 417 07 22


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