A Report From Gaza and The West

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A Report from Gaza and

the West Bank

Ga z
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6:30 pm, Thursday, January 21

Judson Memorial Church - 55 Washington Sq. So.
Ali Abunimah - co-founder Electronic Intifada: The Gaza Freedom March and Beyond
Michael Ratner - Pres. Ctr. for Const. Rights: Report from Cairo and the West Bank
Fida Qishta - journalist and filmmaker: Report from Gaza
Jenna Bitar - Hunter College HS: A Student Perspective

Admission at the door $10, students $5 - none turned away

For information call 917-912-2597 or 212-979-1381
Sponsors: Gaza Freedom March, Adalah NY, Al Awda NY, Brooklyn for Peace, Codepink, Committee for the Open
Discussion of Zionism, Jews Say No, Jewish Voice for Peace, Middle East Crisis Response, Wespac

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