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Sub- CSS
Type- Assignment
Topic- How to improve presentation skill

Sub Teacher- Bhavin Sir

By-Rajat Gandhi
Roll No.-07

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What is Presentation?
The purpose of presentation is to highlight their knowledge of a given subject
likely to relate closely to the job role for which they have applied.
Presentation means not only to standing behind the crowd & give the lecture to
the people. But presentation means to present yourself against them.
In short present your personal view about your subject.

Types of Presentation.
Types of Presentation




Visual PresentationIn this Presentation presenter explain his/her topic only by

Images or Text. In This presenter has to an ability to attract the audience.

Listening PresentationIn this presentation provider has ability to attract an audience

only with his speaking skills. So he should be in the art of speaking.

Visual-Listening PresentationNormally many people are think that this presentation is very is
easy. But if you want to make a perfect presentation, then this type is as
hard as easy. Because in presentation you have to concentrate both the
side, not only on the slide but also look out to the audience.

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How to make your presentation effective & attractive.

There are two ways to make your Presentation effective.

By Presence of Mind
By Information & Slides
By Your Personality

By Information or Presence of MindThis is the first way to make your presentation effective. For the
presentation you have whole information about your subject. so that if audience ask you any
question than you can give answer confidently.


Research your audience-- Knowing the needs of your audience can

help you in your presentation to target their interests and explain as the
way which they can understand. If you're going to be giving a presentation
at an event of school or college then firstly knows that which standards /
courses students will be there? With this you make your presentation
speech. For ex. You want to present on Why choose BBA and you want
to go for the students of std. 12th. So In starting you have to some ask
some students what they want to be? and with being a friendly nature and
Confidence of eye contact you can attract them and make your image in
their mind for long time.

2) Structuring your presentation- First give your and your partners introduction.
The classic format is to tell them what you're going to say, present, and
then tell them what you told them.
Start off with the benefits of what you're going to say, the benefits to the
audience, and then present and review.
Thanks to the audience at the ending of your programme.

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Always try to keep their attention toward you Always try that
audience cant move their attention from you , So for that in between the
programme make light comedy environment and sometimes shocked the


Do not read or read like you mean it-- 'It's different for everybody,
but If you practice your speech only once, you're going to stink. Starting to
rehearse your presentation about a month/week in advance.
You can talk into a mirror. talk to a wall, or ask a family member to listen.
Some people volunteer to speak behind the God statue.
Speak in your bedroom for whole afternoon.

By Information & SlidesBy include only necessary information your presentation is not looking
excessive. And it is very important for your presentation. The fonts style, font size, Images,
color of fonts etc. things are also very important.

Only include subject related information When we make

presentation, our information is second important thing after our speech. We
should be including our topic related information. If did not do that then we
can be miss our main intension or go on other way.


Images Images are the very most effective tool for presentation; with
these you can attract the audience. And they take interest in your subject.


Fonts The font is also had its own important. Mostly in presentation
Arial font style is used. If you give the color effect to your presentation then
its looking attractive.

By Your Personality-

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When we go to any meeting or for presentation at that time it is very

important thing that how we talk & behave with others. These are very imp. thing that how we
talk. how we walk, which types of cloth we wear, Hair style etc. Our expression & our speech
is also can make our deep image on people.

1)Hairstyle In your personality your hair style is very important thing, wherever
you go you should be make your hair as an environment. If your hairstyle
is funki then it make your image bad.

2)Walking Style Your walking style should be simple. If you tried to walk in
modern style then if looking bad. If you can then tried to wear shoes
because it is attractive. Be careful that you dont make sound while you
are walking.

3)Dressing style-- Your clothes are the mirror of your personality. Mostly people
analyze you from your clothes. So wear that types of cloth which express
your original personality & you can also comfortable. If you go for
corporate meet or presentation, wear suit-pent.

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