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All About IELTS


Kamrul Islam Sajib

By Priyanka Das Piu on Friday, November 14, 2014 at 4:20pm

IELTS International English Language

Testing System. ,
IELTS , , , ,

IELTS Academic General Training Academic ,

, General Training
, General Training IELTS


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(Writing, Speaking, Listening, Reading) ,

IELTS Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking

1. Listening


, ,

2. Reading

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, ,


3. Writing


4. Speaking

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Speaking ,

(Mock Test)

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() ,

, ?:

IELTS test fees

The IELTS test fee is Tk 13,800 for Test dates till December 2014.
The IELTS test fee is Tk 14,500 for Test dates from January 2015.

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: -, -, -




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IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers - Part One and

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 10:51pm
IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers - Part One
---- speaking ? speaking test
- ,


, 1. Your home town
2. Your favorite holiday destination
3. What kinds of books you like to read
, 'IELTS Speaking
Questions and Answers Quiz' , ...
Part One IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers - Quiz

1. How many people are there in your family?

a) There are four. We live in a large house in the north of my country. It gets very cold there in the winter but it is
really nice during the summer months. I try to go back there often.
b) There are four. My brother and my parents.
c) There are four. There's myself of course. Then there's my younger brother, he's fifteen years old. And I have my
mother and father who are both in their late 70s. I have two grand parents as well, but they don't live with us.

1. Do you know the people who live next door to you?

a) No, I've never met them. The reason for this is that I'm away most of the time at university so I've never really
had the opportunity. I know my family has met them on a few occasions, just for a quick chat, but they don't know
them well. I think they like to keep their privacy.
b) No, I've never met them.
c) No, I've never met them. I think my parents have, but I don't know who they are.

1. What kinds of books do you like reading?

a) I don't like reading. Books are boring. I much prefer to play on the internet or just watch TV in my free time.
Reading books just sends me to sleep.
b) Although I think books are great ways to learn, and I know some people love to read, I've never been a great
fan of them. I used to read books a bit when I was younger but not much anymore. I read a lot on the internet actually,
articles on various topics. So I do read, but it's just not usually books.

c) I don't really like reading, but I did read a book once. I'll tell you the story. It was set in the 1960's in London.
It was about a poor family who were just trying hard to make ends meet as they had so little money. If followed the
life of the boy in the family from when he was young until he grew up. The first part of the book was about growing
up with his family and his school life...(candidate continues the story)

IELTS Speaking Questions & Topics
Id just like to ask you some questions about your hometown or city.
1. What type of place is it?
2. What was it like growing up there?
3. Has it changed much since you were a child?
Id just like to ask you some questions about your studies.
1. What are you studying?
2. Why did you choose that particular course?
3. What job would you like when you have completed all your studies?
Id just like to ask you some questions about your work.

What work do you do?

What do you enjoy most about your work?
What are your main duties?
Is there any other work you would like to do in the future?

Free Time
Id like to move on and ask you some questions about your free time

What type of activities do you like to do in your free time?

How long have you been interested in these activities?
Do you like to do theses activities alone or with other people? (Why)?
Do you think people have enough free time? (Why/why not)?

Id like to move on and ask you some questions about your family.

How many people are there in your family?

Do you all live in the same house? (Why/why not)?
What things do you like doing together?
Who is your favourite family member?

Lets move on and talk about being on time for appointments.

Is being late acceptable in your culture? (Why/why not)?

Are you ever late for appointments? (Why/why not)?
What type of excuses do you think are alright for lateness?
How do you feel when someone is late for an appointment with you?

Lets change the topic and talk about your neighbours

Do you know the people who live next door to you?

How often do you see each other?
What kind of relationship do you have?
How can neighbours be helpful?
What kind of problems can people have with their neighbours in a big city?

Moving to a new topic, Id like to discuss cooking and meals with you.

Do you enjoy cooking? (Why/why not)?

What type of things can you cook? (Why)?
What kinds of food are popular in your country?
Is it an important part of your culture to have dinner parties? (Why)?
Do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own? (Why)?

Id now like to discuss your night time dreams with you.

Do you dream much at night?

Do you often remember your dreams?
Do you think we can learn anything from dreams? (Why)?
Do people in your country talk about their dreams? (Why)?

5. Do you think that dreams can come true?

Magazines and Newspapers
Okay, lets move to a different topic and discuss magazines and newspapers.

Which do you prefer reading, newspapers or magazines? (Why)?

What type of stories do you like to read about? (Why)?
Do you think reading a magazine or a newspaper can help you learn a language? (Why)?
Why do you think some people prefer magazines to newspapers?

Lets change the topic and talk about comedy and humour.

What type of programmes do you find funny on TV?

Which types of programmes are most popular in your country? (Why)?
What kind of things make you laugh? (Why)?
Do you like to make people laugh? (How)?
Do you think it is important to have a sense of humour? (Why)?

2nd Part:
-- IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers
? IELTS Speaking Questions
, (
How many people are there in your family?
A: (There are four) ,
B: (My brother and) -
C: (There's myself)

Do you know the people who live next door to you?

A: (The reason) IETS ,
, ,

C: (I think my)
What kinds of books do you like reading?
A: (Books are boring) ,
B: (Although I think ) ,

C(I don't really)
# ,
# cut your cloth according to your coat ,

# , ,

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Speaking About Change(Speaking:6)

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 4:13pm
IELTS , Speaking About Change
grammar ,
, ,

grammar Speaking About Change .

How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past?
Are the types of leisure activities that are popular today the same as those that were popular when your parents were
How have shopping habits changed over recent years?
Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last few decades?

Used to
Used to
Used to

Vietnam used to be a colony of France, (but now it is independent)

Jimmy Carter used to be the President of the United States, (but now he isnt.)
I used to smoke, (but I gave up 2 years ago.)
Mike used to be a detective in the CID, (but now hes a teacher)
compare Present
perfect present simple

"Thirty years ago, the streets were much quieter than now.
I think that reading was much more popular in the past.
The streets have become much noisier. (Notice, a time is not needed)
Reading is much less popular than it was in the past.
perhaps, possibly, might,
may, Speculation

Im not sure but, perhaps, they might have studied less science thirty years ago
Possibly, in my fathers day, people could have played more sport.
Question types
, IELTS exam
, ,

How do you think is different from thirty years ago?

In what ways has changed from when your parents were young?
How is different from twenty years ago?


Wriiten by
Tareq Faruiqi


By Rayhan Chowdhury on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 1:04pm




( )


... :
Describe someone who has had small influence on your life.
You Should say:
Who the person is?
How long have you known her?
What qualities the person has?

Explain why they have had such an influence on you?


Cue Card

) Using question prompt:
question prompt
prompt prompt ,

When - When did you meet? Where Where did you meet?
, ,

IELTS Speaking Part 2
The person Im going to talk about today is my teacher from high school. (who) Her name was Miss Sabina and she
taught quite a few subjects at the school. She had been working there for quite a few years when I met her I
think. (where) We met for the first time in my English class. (more about who) I remember this well because she
was quite young compared to most of the other teachers in the school so I was surprised that she was a teacher! In
fact she looked more like she could be one of the older students!
(How long) So I met her when I was 15, and that was 10 years ago. I dont actually know her anymore as we lost
contact soon after I left the school, but I still remember her very well for several reasons. (What qualities) Firstly,
she was very kind. She always treated all the students very well in the class, and I cant remember her ever shouting
at anyone. Also, she had a really good sense of humour. She would make jokes in the class which most of the other
teachers never did. The other teachers were very serious all the time. And she made the classes a lot of fun and very
interesting, something that I think is very important otherwise you start to get bored. Oh, and also she explained things
very well and very clearly. Often teachers are not able to do this in a way that students can understand, especially
when it's complicated subjects.


So those are the qualities that she had. (why such an influence) The reason she had such an important influence on
me is because I was quite a shy person at school and not very confident, but she helped me to change this. (tell a
story) Each year, there was a school play that would be held in front of all the parents, and that year, when I was 15,
Miss Chadwick was organizing and directing the play. I really didn't want to be in it because I was so shy, but Miss
Chadwick insisted that I take one of the roles, and it was one of the main roles which meant that I would have to do
a lot of speaking! I was so nervous. Anyway, I went ahead and did it, and on the night I did really well and really
enjoyed it. And that really boosted my confidence and this has helped me to this day.
So my teacher Miss Chadwick is the person who has influenced my life and I will never forget her.
Written by: Tareq Faruiqi!
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 10:52pm

, ielts
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: , IELTS Speaking Test Overview(Speaking:2)

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Monday, November 10, 2014 at 9:43pm
: , IELTS Speaking Test Overview
Speaking Test , IELTS
Speaking Test
, IELTS Speaking Test


, ?

Part1: 4-5 mins(familiar topics such as study,work, holiday, hobbies etc)
Part2:3-4mins(2minute talk on a familiar topic)
Part3: 4-5mins(Two way discussion on issues related to the topic in part2)

Time: 4-5 minutes

, , ,
- ,

Id just like to ask you some questions about your work.

What job do you do?

Why did you choose that particular job?
What do you do every day?
What other work would you consider doing?

Id like to move on and ask you some questions about relaxing.


What type of activities help you relax?

Do you like to do these activities alone or with other people?
Why do you think it is important for people to relax?
Do you think people have enough time for relaxing?

Lets change the topic and talk about your family.



Do you have a big or a small family?

Do you live together or nearby?
What activities do you like to do together?
Who is your favourite family member?


Time: 3-4 minutes

Describe the clothes you prefer to wear.
You should say:
What the clothes look like
When you prefer to wear them
Where you like to buy them
Explain why you like wearing these clothes.

Do your friends like to wear this type of clothes?

Do you wear other styles of clothes as well?

Time: 4-5 minutes

abstract type J



Is buying clothes a popular activity for teenagers in your country?

How much money should parents spend on their children's clothes?
What types of fashion do teenagers like to wear in your country?
What influence has the fashion industry had in your country?
Are the fashions of today different from those when your parents were young?
What do you think will be the effects of the fashion industry in the next ten years?

, ,
Tareq Faruiqi!
Secret of English speaking! (Speaking:1)
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Thursday, July 10, 2014 at 2:12pm
English is not just grammar rules and words. Lets look at a different example. Lets look at losing weight. If you
want to lose weight, you dont study about exercise and you dont study about different kinds of diets. If you want to
lose weight, the answer isnt study. The answer is to eat less and move more. Its that simple. Stop studying and get
to work!
The same goes for improving your English listening and speaking. Studying more words and grammar rules isnt the
answer. The best way to become a better listener and better speaker is to listen more and to speak more. Easy right?
Wait a minute! Easier said than done!
Easier said than done is a common English expression. It means that something is easy to talk about, but not so
easy to do.
Lets look at some examples:
The secret to losing weight is to eat less and move more. Easier said than done.
The secret to becoming a better English speaker and listener is to speak more and listen more. Easier said than done.
Maybe you dont have a lot of chances to use English. So how do you do it?
Lets start with listening first and we will look at speaking tomorrow. There are three key points you should know:
Lets look at the first point. As you know, you can find many ways to listen to English on the internet, such as on
YouTube or searching through Google. Also, you can rent movies at a video store, or watch English TV.
Unfortunately, many of these listening sources are too difficult for most learners. If listening is too difficult, then you
cant understand enough. You cant make progress. If the listening is too hard, you just wont do it.
So the first key point when it comes to listening in the Deep English method is: Listening Should Be Easy. Thats
right, it should be easy so that you understand most of the words and phrases spoken. That way, you can relax and
focus on the big picture. Then you start learning faster.
The second key point is: Listening Should Be Enjoyable. The content should be interesting, fun, and stimulating. If
it is boring, then listening becomes work.
The third key point is: You Need to Listen a Lot. The more you listen, the better. Find something that interests you,
and start listening to it as much as possible. Again, you need interesting content to keep yourself interested.

IELTS Writing: The Perfect Task 2 Introduction( (Writing:4)

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Monday, November 3, 2014 at 5:48pm


IELTS Writing: The Perfect Task 2 Introduction

For some IELTS candidates, Writing Task 2 can seem like the scariest part of the exam. Faced with a blank sheet of
paper and a question that could be answered in a million different ways, some candidates panic. But if you know how
to start, the panic goes away, and you can focus on writing a good essay.
So: how do you start?
1. Underline key words
Its the oldest trick in the book, but it works. Underlining key words keeps yourself focused on the task and away
from discussing topics which are irrelevant. Lets take an example:

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school
rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of thisoutweigh the disadvantages?
From our underlined words, we can understand that this is an advantages and disadvantages style essay. But is the
question asking for
a) the advantages and disadvantages of learning a foreign language as a child?
b) the advantages and disadvantages of beginning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school?
Its b. And we know that because we underlined the words primary school and secondary school. Do not make the
mistake of discussing a completely different topic. Now we know the key words and are focused on the task question,
we can move to stage 2.
2. Paraphrase the statement.
Very often in Task 2, you will not just receive a question, but also a statement that comes before the question. The
question asks you to reflect upon the statement and make an argument based on it. Look at the statement for nouns,
verbs and adjectives and think about their synonyms and word order. Then write the statement again using these
synonyms. Break the sentence into two if you need to. For example:

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than
secondary school. -> Nowadays, most children must wait until secondary school to start their foreign
language education. However, a number of specialists say that primary school is the best time to start studying
a foreign language.
This takes practice. The best way to get good at paraphrasing is to practice re-writing exam statements again and
again, until you can do it really quickly. If you can get these sentences checked by a tutor or friend, even better.
Its also a good idea to have a list of synonyms ready for advantages and disadvantages i.e. pros and cons, benefits

and drawbacks
3. Write what you are going to write about
This sentence is key, because its really easy and can improve your score in Coherence and Cohesion without much
effort. Dont confuse yourself and the examiner by trying to make this sentence too academic or intelligent. You must
be coherent above all else.

In this essay, I will be looking at the benefits and drawbacks of starting foreign language studies in primary
school, and will attempt to draw some conclusions regarding my observations.
Simple. Just remember those two bolded phrases. You dont really need to confuse yourself with any more; these will
do. They are good enough to score the highest marks possible with almost any Task 2 question.
So, how do they look when put together?

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary
school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Nowadays, most children must wait until secondary school to start their foreign language education. However, a
number of specialists say that primary school is the best time to start studying a foreign language. In this essay, I will
be looking at the benefits and drawbacks of starting foreign language studies in primary school, and will attempt to
draw some conclusions regarding my observations.

Now try practicing with these:

Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children.
Do you agree or disagree?

Right, rite or write (a faltu post for ielts task 2 so please read it) (Writing:3)
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 9:29pm
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Monday, September 22, 2014 at 4:18am
Right, rite or write (a faltu post for ielts task 2 so please read it)!
I have explored many IELTS books so far but never seen a complete manual for IELTS writing task 2...So, here I am
your Ieltsologist(lol) to show you right(write) path!!!! Follow steps and reach your zenith though its not a shortcut
way...(success needs a lot of devotion)
Learning Brain+Storming: Yes we have to come up with some basic ideas to answer our ielts questions
effetively....It is really vital to learn thinking in exam situation which is often a daunting task for us..As it seems that
exam halls are not right place for Brain hurricaning sorry Brain storming(though hurricane seems more powerful than
storm)....idea generation strategies are well learnt by going through a lot of essays from good sources
and definitely explore dominics ielts, simon ielts websites! ...some simple ideas are required to elevate your score but

they really need to be relevant!!!! After reading each essay take few minutes break then let your brain to think and
prompt to make a note of main ideas discussed in body paragraphs of that essay and this is simply fueling your brain
for next typhooning sorry hurricaning oh no for brain storming session...By doing so, you and your brain will be able
to beat up scary exam conditions....Just some simple but relevant ideas are necessary to fully answer your task 2...So
guys think simple and be smart!
Just Break
it: After understading ielts task essays its time to make your hand dirty....At first, learn writing introduction of different
essays..yes only intro just be lazy....practice writing good introductios within few lines..Above mentioned websites
are best source for understading and writing a precise and quality introduction for your essay. Then move to writing
body paragraphs...dont attempt to eat full apple together...just bite it slowly...One thing always remember, just learn
writing only 250 words full essay so break it into pieces and after introduction get ready for your body
paragraphs....taugt yourself about examples, connective devices etc...So, its time to explore IELTS BUDDY, another
great website to give you some practical ideas about body paragraphs..Finally, end your journey with exploring a best
conclusion for your essay! So just simply break it into pieces and learn slowly but
Sewing up: Its your time to bring your
pieces together and meshing them up with one another. instead concentrating on just writing few lines be ready to
write full essays..motivate yourself to write full essays and just write 250-260 not more than that(quality matters really
not quantity)....Keep writing with ideas and vocabularies you have learnt so far and keep your brain alive for next
Finally, Read a
lot of examples essay+ make notes of main ideas+Be lazy(write only intro then body then conclusion)+ Make your
hand dirty(write full essays)=Best of luck and happy ielts task 2learning...

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 9:36pm
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Friday, March 28, 2014 at 2:01am
- !

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking a year off between school and university?

Every day, animals are becoming extinct throughout the world. What do you think the causes of this area? What
solutions can you suggest?

Students should be trained on how to cope with the change in the modern world. How far do you agree or disagree?



By Rayhan Chowdhury on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 11:08pm
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 3:08am
Simple sentence

Complex sentence independent clause dependent clauses.


simple sentences single complex sentence. simple

sentences single complex sentence

Is there life on other planets?(Simple)

We do not know as yet. (Simple)

We do not know as yet if/whether there is life on other planets.

Dependent clause if there is life on other planets acts as the object of

the verb know. Dependent clause complete thought ! Subordinate
conjunction (if/whether) Complex sentence
Another example is given below.
The accused was guilty.
He admitted this in court.
The accused admitted in court that he was guilty.

Here again, the dependent clause that he was guilty acts as the object of
the verb admitted.
Combine the following simple sentences into complex sentences.
1. Where does he live? That is a mystery.
2. We will have a good monsoon this year. The meteorologists expect this.

3. The project will be abandoned. That is certain.

4. We visited the deer park. Buddha preached his first sermon here.

5. His younger son is in the US. He is a professor at a prestigious

1. Where he lives is a mystery.
2. The meteorologists expect that we will have a good monsoon this year.
3. It is certain that the project will be abandoned.
4. We visited the deer park where Buddha preached his first sermon.

5. His younger son, who is in the US, is a professor at a

prestigious Website

Founder of IELTSOLOGY!!!
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 1:07am
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Listening ,
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Sub-section Recorded Audio Test ,
Dialogues Accent (/ ) Dialect
(, )
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Listening Sub-section ,
- , , , / , Listening
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BBC News, BBC Programme
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Audio Book Storynory
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Ashaduzzaman Sarker...

Reading Tips by Chris Tang!

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 2:10pm
Everyone knows the IELTS reading exam is tough. You a very short amount of time to answer a large number
of questions on very complicated texts. You need to develop very good reading skills to get a 6.5. Band Score
or higher and have a range of strategies prepared in order to tackle it. Here are some tips:
Read Academic Texts
Read in your free time! The IELTS texts are general academic texts. This means they are taken from sources such
as textbooks and specialist magazines and journals. If you are not familiar with reading these kinds of texts in English
it is essential that you start reading them in your free time so that you are used to the types of language and structure
used when you meet them in the exam. Three typical sources for IELTS texts are (in order of difficulty easiest first)
the National Geographic, the New Scientist and the Economist. You can get these magazines in most newsagents.
Focus on the text first, the questions second! A good understanding of the text helps you answer the questions more
efficiently and effectively.

IELTS exam writers select a range of specific types of texts. Learning to recognise the type of text you are reading
can help you predict its structure and therefore understand it more quickly. There are four types of IELTS texts a)
analytic texts, which discuss the reasons why something happened or make recommendations or explain a concept b)
descriptive texts, which describe a situation, explain how something is done or categorise something c) discursive
texts, in which different opinions are expressed about an issue and d) narrative texts, which explain a chronological
sequence of events.
Develop your ability to skim. Skimming is reading quickly by skipping over unimportant words like prepositions and
ignoring difficult words that you dont need to understand. Do this to get a general idea about a text or a paragraph or
to intensively search for the answer to a question.
Learn to scan. Scanning is what you do when you look for a price in an advertising text or a name in a telephone book.
When you scan you do not actually need to read the text but move your eyes quickly over it. You can scan from left
to right or right to left, from top to bottom or bottom to top. Do this to find the location of answers in the texts looking
out for easy to spot words like numbers, dates and words beginning with capital letters such as place names.
Learn to recognise paragraph structure. This often involves spotting the relationship between the main ideas and
supporting ideas in a paragraph. Paragraphs are most frequently descending, i.e. they begin with the main idea
somewhere near the start and develop from there, although some, frequently the first and last paragraphs of a text, are
ascending the main idea is located towards the end. This can be particularly helpful when matching headings to
Get an overview of a text before dealing with the questions. Do this by reading the title and subtitle as well as focusing
on the beginnings and ends (but not JUST the first and last sentences) of paragraphs. This helps you process the
information in a text (and thereby answer the questions) more quickly.
Parallel Phrases
Learn to spot parallel phrases. These are different ways of expressing the same thing, such as, I like to ski and
skiing is enjoyable. Many questions, e.g. YES NO NOT GIVEN questions and gap fills, test your ability to match
up a similar phrase in the task with its equivalent in the text.
Don't Panic
Dont panic when you encounter an unknown or difficult word. IELTS texts are packed with highly specialised
vocabulary. Skip over difficult words which are not essential for your understanding of the text. For words you do
need to understand, practise trying to guess their meaning using the overall context of the text and sentence as well
as the form of the word e.g. is it a noun or verb.
Manage Your Time
Time manage in the exam. Most IELTS candidates run out of time in the third reading section. Each text should take
you roughly 20 minutes (the examiners will tell you after 20 minutes have passed). Never spend too long on a single

question guess the answer or leave it to return to later. Also if you feel you are running out of time, tackle questions
like gap-fills before doing easy to guess tasks like YES NO NOT GIVEN questions. Dont forget you also have to
have all your answers on your mark sheet by the end of the test. A good tip is to write them on the mark sheet in
pencil as you go, correcting where necessary at the end.

How to get 8 in reading?

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 6:54am
One of my cousins advised me to read Saifur's reading book to get the basic idea of reading section.After going
through the books, i solved a test from cambridge book and scored only 10! But, i did not give up reading and bought
copies of weekly magazines to build up a reading habit. Infact, i finished few english novels and started to buy The
daily star instead of Bangla newspapers.And, its not possible to be a good reader within a short span of time and a
great effort is also needed.

Well,after few months again gone through the Saifur's reading book and scored 25 on cambridge reading test!Then,i
have solved at least 20 reading tests from cambridge books and scored around 30 on all of them.I had a strategy to
solve the mock tests within 50 mintues instead of an hour.
Now, i would like to tell you my real exam experience: from the very first minute started to find out the answers from
passage and solved the first passage only in 12 minutes time.Then, for two other passages i spent 48 minutes.I strongly
believe that, reading is not anything to be scared of and to get a high score just stay focused and take it as a challange.
So, no real techniques, just being a good reader and also learning the reading exam techniques could help you to get
a high band score. To know more watch my videos at or at HSA website...

Getting motivated! Copied from Ielts

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 6:11pm
Getting motivated for IELTS
After taking the test a few times its pretty easy to throw in the towel and change course.
Its tough, after all why would you carry on spending money?
Well here are a few thoughts, strategies and videos, to jump start your motivation and get back to it.
Implement the 5 a day rule.


This is a really simple technique that I have used in the past. If your goal is to get a Band 8 in IELTS you decide to
take 5 action steps towards that goal every day. For example, one step could be to directly copy a Band 9 essay, use
a pen and paper and write it down word for word. Then -depending on your level- try and reproduce it.
Another possible step could be the famous, look, cover, write, technique, whereby you look at a sentence, cover it
up with a piece of paper, then write it. Going through a whole essay like that will definitely help you, and save you
some cash in the process.
Another possible technique is to go search for CLOZE TEST CREATOR.You can ruthlessly practice
your prepositions, articles etc for free. You just copy paste some text then it automatically removes certain words,
then you have to fill them in. Like a gap fill exercise, but you choose the difficulty. The advantages here are that its
free and you have the answers.
An even bigger step would be to do a practice test a day ( orAmazon), download some reading tests
torrents, any reading test will do. Your main focus is improving comprehension skills.
Another piece of advice is to study in 50 minutes blocks, switch of the phone, use a timer and do a solid 50 minutes.
After 50 minutes the brain usually wonders and a re-set is needed, in this case go for a walk, drink a cup of tea, then
get back to another 50 minute session.
For the speaking, you could do a mock test by your self, listen to theprevious podcasts and try and simulate what you
would say.
The main point is to take action, TAKE MASSIVE ACTION. Without even deciding that youre going to take this
step its difficult. So write it down in your diary. MASSIVE ACTION TO PASS IELTS. Then start with doing 5 tasks
a day.
A word of advice here is that it is better on focusing on habits rather than discipline. Why?
Well discipline is extremely difficult, whereas if you get habits under control they become automatic and most
importantly, repetitive. And we all know that language learning is based on repetition. So to install a habit, it is usually
best to start with a small objective, for example: For the next three days Ill do the 5 a day rule. This way it is easy to
commit to. After three days, extend by another three, then to ten days and so on. Incidentally, if you are writing
everyday then the Sentence Guide can work with you because you get your essay corrected and back to you in 24
100% = 100%
Once under way and momentum has been built, you can adopt the 100% rule. This is basically saying the tasks will
be done 100% of the time. If you decide on 100% then there is no excuse, it has to be done, no debate. 100% is 100%.
THE END. Let go of every excuse.

Compare that to saying Ill spend the next 3 months studying IELTS, all day every day. This goal is ambitious but
its easy to fall off because there are no numbers, no tick boxes, no guarantees, also its tricky to get into momentum,
unlike the objective of gaining a habit.
Visualise getting the Band 7, jumping online and logging in to your IELTs account, and seeing all your band 7s and
But you have to visualise a lot for it to work, and actually get so obsessed that you start working like crazy to attain
To do this effectively, Id recommend at least three months of rock solid no excuses preparation.
Another useful tool for getting motivated is actually seeing yourself preparing, try and see your self sitting down at
the desk and working. This technique is great for jump starting a long working session.

Right, rite or wright (a faltu post for ielts task 2 so please dont read it)
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Monday, September 22, 2014 at 9:18am
Right, rite or wright (a faltu post for ielts task 2 so please dont read it)!
I have explored many IELTS books so far but never seen a complete manual for IELTS writing task 2...So, here I am
your Ieltsologist(lol) to show you right(write) path!!!! Follow steps and reach your zenith though its not a shortcut
way...(success needs a lot of devotion)
Learning Brain+Storming: Yes we have to come up with some basic ideas to answer your ielts questions
effetively....It is really vital to learn thinking in exam situation which is often a daunting task for us..As it seems that
exam halls are not right place for Brain hurricaning sorry Brain storming(though hurricane seems more powerful than
storm)....idea generation strategies are well learnt by going through a lot of essays from good sources
and definitely explore dominics ielts, simon ielts websites! ...some simple ideas are required to elevate your score but
they really need to be relevant!!!! After reading each essay take few minutes break then let your brain to think and
prompt to make a note of main ideas discussed in body paragraphs of that essay and this is simply fueling your brain
for next typhooning sorry hurricaning oh no for brain storming session...By doing so, you and your brain will be able
to beat up scary exam conditions....Just some simple but relevant ideas are necessary to fully answer your task 2...So
guys think simple and be smart!
Just Break
it: After understading ielts task essays its time to make your hand dirty....At first, learn writing introduction of different
essays..yes only intro just be lazy....practice writing good introductios within few lines..Above mentioned websites
are best source for understading and writing a precise and quality introduction for your essay. Then move to writing
body paragraphs...dont attempt to eat full apple together...just bite it slowly...One thing always remember, just learn
writing only 250 words full essay so break it into pieces and after introduction get ready for your body

paragraphs....taugt yourself about examples, connective devices etc...So, its time to explore IELTS BUDDY, another
great website to give you some practical ideas about body paragraphs..Finally, end your journey with exploring a best
conclusion for your essay! So just simply break it into pieces and learn slowly but
Sewing up: Its your time to bring your
pieces together and meshing them with one another. instead concentrating on just writing few lines be ready to write
full essays..motivate yourself to write full essays and just write 250-260 not more than that(quality matters really not
quantity)....Keep writing with ideas and vocabularies you have learnt so far and keep your brain alive for next brain
Finally, Read a
lot of examples essay+ make notes of main ideas+Be lazy(write only intro then body then conclusion)+ Make your
hand dirty(write full essays)=Best of luck and happy ielts task 2learning...

Speaking strategy: Mind mapping (Tareq Faruiqi)

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Saturday, December 27, 2014 at 1:08am
strategy ,
IELTS speaking part 2 strategy
Speaking test strategy ,
strategy strategy, mind mapping.
IELTS speaking part cue

(why,how,when.) ...
cue card , ...
Describe a lake, river or a sea you have visited

Where the lake river is?

how often you have visited it?
What activities you do there?
Explain why you like particular place?


Mind Mapping strategy:

Lake visited
Where? Lake district, National park
how often? Every summer
what activities? Surfing, Sailing, walking, food
Why? Scenery, breathtaking views, tranquil

A Lake You've Visited
Im going to talk about a lake that Ive visited.
The lake is in the Lake District area which is in the North West of England. As you can guess by its name, its very
famous for its many beautiful lakes. The area is also known as The Lakes and it is a National Park.
Ive visited it many times because I live only a few hours from there. I usually go every summer, and Ive been going
for many years now probably since about 1998. We used to go a lot in my summer holiday when I was at school.
Now Im working I still go, but Ill go at weekends. I usually go with my family thats my two brothers and my
Mum and Dad. Sometimes we might go with our cousins as well. I have also been with friends quite a few times.
There are loads of thing to do there. At this lake we go to there are a lot of water sports and I really like those. Theres
jet skiing, sailing and kayaking for example, but you dont just have to do those things theres plenty to do even if
you dont like those kinds of activities. You can go walking around the lake or further out into the areas around the
lake because there are many areas which are really beautiful. There are also some great places to eat good food.
One of the best things I have done is a Kayaking trip. It wasnt actually on the lake, but in a river close by. There are
some white water rapids, so I went on those with a friend. We started it with a group of others at a calm part of the
river, with a guide as well to make sure everyone was safe. Some parts then got quite rough with the water and strong
currents. It was scary but really exhilarating as well. Ill definitely try and go again one day.
The reason why I like this place so much is that although there are lots of exciting activities that you can do, its also
surrounded by lots of breathtaking scenery, with stunning views of the hills and rivers. So its still really tranquil and
relaxing and a really good way to unwind if you have had a difficult week at work and just want to get away.
So thats the lake that Ive visited and Im sure Ill continue to visit there in the future.
Edited by:
IELTS instructor at


Written tips by Ben!

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 3:14am
Extending paragraphs (EASY COPY / PASTE Technique)
Pick up some points by using this conditional sentence to extend your arguments in the body paragraphs.
IF __________did happen / were introduced / were implemented, there WOULD be at least two / three major
consequences. Firstly.... Secondly....
If governments increased spending on education, students would see the following benefits: Firstly.... Secondly....
If equality legislation were introduced globally, the effects would most likely be felt in the following ways.
Universal sentence to use:
If __________did happen / were introduced / were implemented, there would be at least two / three major
consequences. Firstly.... Secondly....
the main two consequences would be:
Learn about your country
Not only will this help you in the speaking part, but it will give you massive help in the writing. Most of
the IELTS task 2 question require examples and opinions. If you can mention information about your country in the
examples your argument becomes believable, authoritative, specific and interesting. You can use these examples to
introduce your country:
Recent studies in ENGLAND have shown that a public education system has benefited over 55% of the population...
Take JAPAN for example, it is widely known that the JAPANESE are
Take wise decision
Task 2 is worth TWICE task 1. One idea is to do task 2 before task 1, just to ensure you finish the essay.
Summarise the ideas in your conclusion
The writing is slightly different here, you need to review what you have written in previous paragraphs then mention
the most important parts in the conclusion. Be crystal clear, direct, and relate the last two sentences to the original
Try to write faster


Actually practise writing essays with no time limit, then gradually aim for 40 minutes. Take a few hours to get
everything in order, perfect the process, separate the reading, the thinking, the planning and the writing. Speed should
be the final skill to perfect.
Revise again what you wrote
The reality of exam essays is that you only have one chance to get it right. You dont have time to write it once and
then improve it as you would with a piece of real academic writing. So it is important to check what you write. When
you check, look for YOUR PERSONAL MISTAKES i.e., mistakes you have made in previous essays. The most
common are:
- Articles (the / a) -this is the number one pain point for students.
- Third person singular (S).
- Plural singular agreement (is / are).
Don't write more or less words than you need to
Writing too many words takes too much time, increases the possibility of making mistakes. Writing too few will
cause you to lose marks. The ideal is to aim for between 260 280 words in the essay and 160-180 words in Task 1.
Dont repeat the Question
In the essay, don't repeat major chunks of the question in your answer.Underline the keywords from the essay task,
think of the synonyms of the keywords. Use new words in the introduction of essays. Also, learn lots of synonyms,
for example students we can say: young learner, learner, pupil, alumni, university education goer, etc.

Manage your time

Ideally before the exam you will have your essay writing down to under 40 minutes. You should have a solid
procedure to follow, so as to maximise your time. After you have worked on improving your writing, aim for speed.
Do various timed practice exams to get this skill, this should be the last part of your preparation. Also, remember in
the exam to check what time you start and expect to finish.
Practice doing lots of homework
Do practise sample IELTS essays a home. It helps improve your writing. Another thing that eats away at your time is
counting words too frequently. Again, there are things you can do at home to help reduce this. Count the number of
words in 5 lines of your writing. Divide this number by 5 and that will give you the average number of words
you write on a line (assuming that your handwriting is always of a similar size).
Concentrate on each phase of the process ask yourself the question what I am trying to do now?

An IELTS Answer page is just an average A4-sized piece of paper. A full page has about 20 lines; so if your average
number of words per line is usually 10, you would write about 200 words on a full page.
Use collocations
the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance.
Collocations are your best friend because:
- They make your writing sound natural.
- They are good chunks to memorise (2 words for the price of 1).
Here are some examples:
become widespread
brief discussion
educational opportunity
educational provision
effective implementation
environmental changes
make progress
a major cause
market forces
information society
social issues
provides information
cultural diversity
Check out a full academic list here:
Grammatical Range Here is an easy structure to incorporate today
To score a high a wide grammatical range is necessary, if you memorise this structure and employ it correctly you
will pick up points.
IT + MODAL + BE + Past form = Points!!!
It should be INTRODUCED
It should be FORGOTTEN
It must be NEGLECTED


By Rayhan Chowdhury on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at 11:12pm
Today i am going to discuss about IELTS books and resources as recently i have seen many students asking about it.
Its my own opinion about IELTS books and wish it will be helpful. First thing first, watch my free online video course
at or
***One more thing, IELTS is not a test which merely examine vocabulary
so dont need to memorise any list of vocabularies like GRE ! If you think your vocabulary is not good then just make
a good habit of English reading and trust me it does work and indeed worked for me personally!

* You dont need to buy Cambridge series at the first place of your preparation instead buy books which will give
you general idea about IELTS test and if you have internet at home then just google it and you would be able to know
a lot and for more information you can watch my videos on our website(

* But, if you are really like paperback or e-books then personally I like
-Insight into IELTS, Target Band 7,
-Action plan for IELTS for all four sections,
-How to get Band 9 i Writing (2 e books)(Ryan Higgins)(check file section of Rayhan's IELTS group)!
-And, for listening I recommend to practice online just listen anything in English for few days. Just not only movies
also watch documentares,interviews,BBC hard talk, TED talk and so on.
* After that, if you want to explore a more.... then here you are:
-IELTS speaking(Mat Clerk)
-Common mistakes at IELTS intermediate and advanced,
-Writing E book made by Sumon Dutta, My speaking e book available on HSA ielts Toefl group (check file section)


* Also, if you need to brush up your grammar skills then just buy any grammar books and again go through some
important topics like Sentence structure, Voice change, Subject-Verb agreement,Tense, Parts of speech and so on.
* So, now you are really ready to buy Cambridge series as they are just designed to evaluate your skills and simply
they are mock test papers.
* Then, If you have adequate time then buy other test papers such as: IELTS trainer, IELTS test plus series, Ielts
testbuilder and so on.
***Well, If you feel confident about your English then only buy Cambridge Series or other test papers and just start
* Thus, you can skip whole process of buying basic IELTS books if you feel you are already good in English.
* Now, To understand your English level watch some clips from BBC news and if you understand it then you are
ready for practising cambridge. For reading, pick a magazine or English newspaper and try to read it if you can
understand it though you don't need to know the meaning of everything then you are okay.

***If you are okay with your reading and listening then generally speaking you are ready to buy test papers.
Happy IELTS Learning :D
Rayhan Chowdhury. To keep you up to date join my group Rayhan's IELTS!!!!

Priya's experience! 7.5 scorer!

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Thursday, December 4, 2014 at 2:01am


IELTS experience IELTS (!)

preparation IELTS challenge

I always followed the instructions given on the question. Whether it is asking me to write two/three words, and that
is very important because if I write more words, then I would lose my marks.


Correct spelling of the word, right forms of the verb and tense etc are very essential for this section.
Always there are some time (about 30 seconds or more) given before the starting of the section 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.
Here I utilized the time (that was given between two sections) to read the questions before listening the tape. I used
to underline the keywords of the question and then during listening to the tape, I used to be more conscious when I
heard of these keywords.
It is essential to be aware of the content of the next question while listening to the answer of the current question. So,
while I was listening to the answer of the current question, I was also conscious of hearing the information of the next
question. Therefore it helped me to understand when the speaker is turning to the answer of the next question. Marker
words or phrases likeId like now to move on to, One more thingetc are also noticeable as they indicate the
changes in the speakers inflection.
For listening section, there are some times before the starting of the section 1.I utilized that time to read as many
questions I can. I used to read through the questions and mark the keywords. Then when section 1 starts in the audio
I used to get back to that section and read the questions given in this part. I tried to understand what the question is
actually expecting. What could be in the gap a noun/ verb/ adjective etc.
It is comparatively much easier to score good in part 1. So, correct answer of all the questions in this part can ensure
a good score.
Multiple choice questions were the most challenging tasks for me; here I used the tricks of reading all the answer
choices before the starting of the tape. I tried to understand the topics of the talk while reading the questions,
underlined the keywords of the question and the possible answer choices.
Time is the worst enemy in IELTS exam, so time should be utilized properly so that one can read all the questions
before hearing the tape. In fact there are sufficient times available in the IELTS to read all the questions. Coolness of
mind and perseverance is very essential for listening section.
Skimming and scanning are the most essential techniques that are needed in the IELTS exam. I did not read the whole
passage thoroughly. I just read the whole question, underlined the key words and then searched the passage for these
keywords or their synonyms
For heading matching questions, I used to read all the given headings first, to get an idea of what the passage is about.
Then, at first I read the first two lines of a paragraph and the last line. Most of the time I found the correct answer that
matches with the given headings. If I found two headings that match with one paragraph, then I marked both of them
and read the paragraph again; this time thoroughly, to find the actual match.
After reading the first and last sentences, I already got an overall idea of what the passage is about. Then I went back
to the headings and crossed the unmatched ones first. This way I finally selected a single heading that matches most.
For true/false/Not given questions (where I always used to be confused!!) I used to ask myself whether it is exactly
stated in the passage or not. If it is clearly stated in the passage then it would be true, if the exactly opposite information
is given in the passage then its false, and if nothing is clearly discussed about the question statement, then its not
given. I was always careful about the words like never, sometimes, most of the etc.

If sometimes I failed to find the information given in the questions; instead of wasting my time in searching this
information, I used to move to the next question. Because if I solve all the questions of the passage then I would have
an overall idea of the passage and may be during solving the other questions I might find the answer of the one I did
not answer earlier.
For writing task 1, I practiced the strategy of writing from Simons IELTS, IELTS buddy and dc IELTS. I practiced
all the different types of graphs/tables/map etc. actually I tried to pick up the sentence pattern and useful vocabulary
and linking words from these sources.
For writing task 2, I followed Simons IELTS mostly, as I found it as a simpler one. Then dcielts. I followed the
vocabulary on different common topics
And of course the pdf of how to write at a level 9 by Ryan Higgins. And the classes of Rayhan vai.
** I used to write down the essays that I read in these sites, as much as I can. During my practice, I tried to limit
myself in the given time. That is 20 minutes for task 1 and 40 minutes for task 2.
For speaking I mainly followed the speaking book of Rayhan vai.
I used to practice speaking for 2 minutes. (most of the time I couldnt :P )
I practiced speaking on different topics whatever I like to speak on.
About mistake: making a mistake is not a curse actually, but mistake can be corrected while speaking.
Materials that I used:
1. The books of Cambridge series2. Classes of Rayhan Chowdhury in HSA. 3. Finally I practiced some tests from
IELTS builder, practice plus 3, IELTS trainer.4. I also bought the book of khans IELTS for writing section, but I did
not use it because I did not feel comfortable with that style.
** ... ,

Speaking by Tareq Faruqi!

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 9:49pm
IELTS Speaking Test ,
IELTS Speaking Test Part 3


Future Tense tense


Do you think any new national celebrations will come into being in the future?
How do you think the internet will change people's buying habits in the future?
Do you think it will be more or less important to have a good education in the future?


Education will be more important in the future because as populations increase, there will be greater competition
for jobs.
will definitely
'maybe', 'perhaps', 'possibly', 'probably' and likely ,

Education will definitely be more important in the future because as populations increase.
Education will probably be more important in the future because as populations increase, there will be greater
competition for jobs.

Going To:
going to IELTS Speaking Test
predict evidence

The sky is very black (the evidence we can see). I think its going to rain. (not an IELTS example)
The internet is getting much easier to use and safer (the evidence), so I think its going tobe very popular for buying

clothes in the future.

The climate is going to become warmer and warmer because the government is not doing enough to prevent global
will/going to?
MODAL Verbs & Present continuous ::


present continuous
tense ,

Think education may become more important in the future, but it really depends on what happens to the job market.
The climate might get cooler in the future if we manage to restrict CO2 emissions.
Our president is meeting the president of the USA next year, so hopefully they will discuss the problems of our

, Sample
Answer ,

How do you think the internet will change people's buying habits in the future?
Buying from the internet is becoming more and more popular. For example, weve seen many book shops close down
because people can buy online at cheaper prices from sites such as Amazon. It makes life much easier if products can
be delivered direct to our door, especially with our busy modern lifestyles. I think this will only increase in the future
as more people feel safe to buy online and online shops make it easier to purchase this way. Also, I think our lives are
only going to become busier, so more people will choose to shop this way.
! ( -)- By Rayhan Chowdhury
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 11:09pm
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Friday, March 21, 2014 at 10:37pm
! ,
? , !
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passage ,

- ,

- !
" "
Founder of IELTSOLOGY !!!

( A-Z) By Rayhan
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 9:51pm
( A-Z)
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 12:00am

! , !

, ,


, storynory
English movies, BBC Hardtalk
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( )
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 5:39pm
( )
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Monday, April 7, 2014 at 2:00am
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, ?

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( -)- By Rayhan Chowdhury

By Rayhan Chowdhury on Monday, November 17, 2014 at 8:02pm
By Rayhan Chowdhury on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 9:44pm
, , ,

! !
The lazy brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


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Founder of IELTSOLOGY !!!


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