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DOMUS AGL SAM: REDEFIIG STILE De re Se eee | interplay between gariténs and art Are} DOMUS NOVA suamauER 1s Deus Life SUMMER 204 Contents FOREWORD A mesg fron the founders 6 DESIGN: WONDER WOMAN ‘Susy Hoods the Bish taster cetinginsanely coal interiors for he At 0 PROPERTY Westbourne Park Road, Moungord Mansons, Gloucester Mews Wes, Dusham Teac, Gloucester Tere, Kesak Road, Teslry Road, St Charles Spuare 2 ARCHITECTURE: PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Me i of i + Tein cals aba sering up bs a races, winning awards and why he loves Not Hl READ: FRESH APPROACH. ein us as af rough the ts textual and visual digs from anew and of publishers being against the dgtal wave 35 PROPERTY Archer Set, Stephens Cresent, Glouetr Tere, Westbourne Grove 8 ‘TRAVEL ISLAND LIEE hare Lit incre story of upping sticks Natng El for ne Uf oftonquility and sunshine in Groce. 8 DRINK: COME PLAY WITH US edt the works furiet brs ha ofr soe a ite diferent a your average drinking po. 2 PROPERTY Alexander iret, Rutland Gate, Westbourne Grove, Te nk Bulding 2 GARDENS LET'S Go OUTSIDE Ase propane to vel his latest collection at Chale Flower Show, met gen designer etraondna, Liana Gib @ PASHION: IT'S A MANS WORLD Make way for the ren that ne ying London ike meer bef 5 PROPERTY Portland Rood Brondesbury Road, Clarendon Road, St Marks Roa 15 ‘TRAVEL: HOUSE PARTY From co! bach houses to grand mansions and chic ils, consider same tie out om ou abous British le @ DESIGN: GOLDEN TOUCH iaawerGoiager Factory: North Kensingion’ new social enterprise chee hat gor everyboy alin. 8 PROPERTY Brackenbury Ro, Hemita Sit, Wesbourne Park Road Colchene Road, Ladbroke Gardens, ory Pas, Philimore Gardens, Tanase ‘DOMUSNOVA mui ‘Noting 1 Kemungin Pak RoW ~nostinghldamusnva com 02077271717 naan an 2rd an 072880 W eionusovalondon tad an ped by Dec No a ene eit sere paste ne eaten pe nan tn ier eh SN TaN OS FOREWORD DOMUS NOVA suaMaMER 14 ‘This summer issue features 28 of London's coolest and most unique properties. 12 architects and five interior designers were involved in these projects which highlight Domus Novas passion for style and beautiful homes. ‘The owners of the 28 properties share one thing: a love of exceptional design Every page of Domus Life is dedicated to design. Domus loves. Design. London, Summer DOMUSNOVACOM rary sa word you may hear mestioned in connection with Noting Hil-bsed Bits Interior designer Suzy Hoodless. However, you may be surprised to hea tat her per ‘ception of Taxury ithe ite things we ake forgranted suchas dimmableight witches Her home grown, dowa-to-canh atinude Is what makes her so sought afer with her ‘wonder, colori, atl designs gracing the imerioes of pia members cabs, bos tique ce spaces and sleet privat homes ~ slet.she sys, because not every cent sa good ft and she des ecasionaly tam down pros f she fel the relonship wont endure “Desining Someones home i « ery personal and timate thing” she sys. “Om bigger projets you can be in oxtact wth the bent for up oto years. a long, tine your lationship does nk “This refreshing atte comes from a lengthy carer at syst and taste maker Pat ofthe ed torial ten who founded Wallpaper" magazin, in 2000 she setup her own design consultancy and ‘most recently erated designs for The Rog Com pny and Osborne & Lil. Meet a woman with the world of interiors st her Singer, eon tle bible. Why di you leave and et up your ow design studio? loved working inthe Interiors media but its all so transient very here-and-pow and then is fone, As ateam we would pend thee days emp {ying hoase and furnishing fora shoot, only to beck all down again. wanted to establich more permanence in my work and to be able to translate great design int comfortable interiors that people would want use ‘Your designs have been referred to splay, innovative and exiting. What drives your ove of alour and texte? ook to consider everyting around me andthe way peopleand place are pu ogetr Cate nore than 25,00 image on ny Cpr and Tos them cone stanly a2 reference tol. patclary ove comb rats of tyes rom diferent ages When you put two pieces togeter or combine Meas, is ein when treats a complementary relationship anda Ath. havea prety Gere facts on practicality wala on aesthetics | dsin fo nsf but Tm not 2 designer who says to cles, tis & what you have toave I do hae to ike what Tm creating chou, adit works, then think the cient wil alo kei How importamtis goo design inthe home and ‘workplace? Really important ~'m prety sure is conducive to {nad ath, In work, at home and in or soi Me ‘we want tobe inspired, and oa suoundings need to playa big prt in that. I god design makes you rp: then done itso, ‘Your own workplace has chonged recent s you ‘moved from Clarendon Coss to Potoballo Dock. How diferetis the vibe there? Very diferent Clarendon Cros sa viige contre agaist a backdeop of Beal old uses, Portor Fell Docs india. ian, though and you et el sens that things are happening hee Tom Dison fs osn instrumental in devng things fo vrata ts reat that we have cic ew design bub in west London, The Bast End has been sealing oa limelight for too fog!» INTERIORS DOMIUS NOVA SuaMMER 24 DOMUSNOVACOM aed est youl ited Nensden Temple in ort west London as an inspiration. How does Noting il your ical are, inspite your work? Notting Fills hugely inspirational. The itera ‘onal community bring its oma design ideas to he purty which, combised wit cultural vals are gn rating an aesthetic tat s being copied sewbere in the call Noting Hs dsteced by tla ins, major road and bus rates, yet wherever you look there is beauty and inspiration. There i increible sechtecture hee and surpess around every comer Hew do you seok inspiration whon yout invlved inaproject! Trea! lt ove ging to new places and look t ‘sey nook and canny wherever am Thats nee ‘when some arose some of my most extng finds My mam and sister ance escorted eto Pais ona buying tip thinking they were in for an enjoy shle ee days of shopping Tey hated it [yin and ‘tof shops at ightning speed, canning goad tls Ise something | ike, im oto there When soot havea big job to pl together there note for leisurely browsing. You generally kaow what ore looking for; you jst need find What ar you curently working on? \Wearewothing ona wonderl house in Noting i here we have compktey removed the back ofthe oper and ace renaiog the deta and decors fe elements tht wou ve been there een it was fis completed. The cents havea great art collation, ‘which wll be housed the basement re, and weve designed a seis of moving panes otha the owner ‘an erate own ever changing illo. ‘tis juat one element of design enjoying an Investment renaissance. Have you seen shit towards clients requesting logy places? Absoltly Iwas at PAD recently andthe alk was ‘of Charlot Perriand table that cost more thin £1 lion. Tha a erous investment yet lt of the dealers were reporting that they had sold some oftheir highest priced peces on the fist night As ples get older they become rarer and thee lon {evty sore celebrated ove to mix up the old Sand new, to lonk a the rdationsip btiwcen de ‘Sgn an the materials that were elng used in the lnetcentary and today pices which ave benetit ted rom neve echoes. ‘Now design and designers comet light all the ime How importants ito support our graduates? “The UK generates some ofthe mot exiting de sigh in the world, We have some of the best art colleges and universities and we host amazing international design firs ntsir designers and achitecte come hereto buy our designs and me shouldbe proud that we can continue to turn out ‘ch alent It would be great o see more finan ‘support, though, as itcan be bard to get going ‘Are there any nev design names you have your ‘ye onatthe moment? ee recently been buying pieces from Benjamin “Hubert. He Isa great experimenter and makes lights from con and concrete, His work is teresting but very usable, Tere are some great, yetorbeseen designers out thee. In my mage zine days we were bombarded with design and tended every grate shove Now [have tobe Imore selective although there isso mach more yo ca ee online. You have crated amazing work trough your collabortions. id working wih The ug Ys y previous relationship wth both companies vasimvaluable when came o creating my own de ‘gn for them. Tn the provenance thelr pod- {cs which ss important ome Iathere more te come? Designing sugs and wallpaper has gven me the thiance to indilge my love of eolor and the more fantastical side of nate. There wil be more ol lection and Tim also looking for other outlets for sy work. Ulimately [ would like to ceste my own-name products and In further down theline ‘th this than Tveever bee, I indulgent to focus on tha, though, and forthe time being my inter tors ems tl come ist, But there is much more to eome fom me, so watch this space ‘Suzy Hoods Lid Courtyard Studio 4 326 Kena Road Wd suyhodle.come Trad move about Susy Howes vst dannsnovacmtsazyhoodlen

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