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Islamic Online University

Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah (s)

Leadership Lessons
from the Life
of Rasoolullah (s)
Part 1
by Mirza Yawar Baig

Islamic Online University

Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah (s) 1

The Opening
If greatness of purpose, smallness of means and astounding
results are the three criteria of human genius then who could
dare to compare any great man in history with Muhammad?
Lamartine, French historian and educator.
It was 3 days after Hajj, 2008. I had been invited to speak at
the Annual Haj Conference in Makkah by the Ministry of
Haj, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After having done that and
performed Haj, my wife and I were traveling from Makkah
to Madina. Al-Madinatur Rasool, the city of Rasoolullah.
The city that got the title of Munawwarah (The Brilliant,
Shining One) when he decided to live there.

A very

special place which you never want to leave. What must it

have been when Rasoolullah was alive and living here, I
wondered. Even now, when he is resting in his grave, his
glory and presence permeate the very atmosphere and
give this whole city and its people a very special character
that makes them stand apart from every other city that I
have ever been in. For a Muslim to come to Madina is to
come home. To a home he holds dearer than his place of
birth. To a home which he hopes he can die in and be
buried in. Madina to a Muslim is not Saudi Arabia. It is
Islam, it is his heart, the place he has always yearned to go
to; a place which is the home of Muhammad. How many


Islamic Online University

Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah (s) 1

poets have written beautiful poems about this yearning for

I presented my Salam to him at Tahajjud time, well before
dawn, jammed between the millions who love him and
who come to visit him. How must it have been when they
used to come and he was there in person to return their
Salam and to bless them with his glorious smile that was
more precious to them than their own lives. How fortunate
were those who prayed behind him and listened to the one
on whom the Quran was revealed, reciting what he had
personally received. Tilaawatil Quran-il-Kareem bi sawthi
Muhammad ibn Abdillah, Rasoolullah. Recitation of the
Message in the voice of the Messenger.
So it is today 1435 years later; we, who did not see him or
hear his beautiful voice still love him more than we love
anyone or anything else. As my tears flowed I asked
Allah to bless him and to give him the best of rewards
for having guided us to Islam. Madina is Rasoolullah. As
I mentioned earlier, the Arabs call it Al-Madinatur Rasool,
the City of the Prophet. Those who live here take great
pride in that fact. Many choose to live here earning far less
than they would be able to do elsewhere simply because
they dont want to leave Madina. The lamp which he lit
shines undiminished across the ages, generations and
centuries and spreads its light across the earth and into the


Islamic Online University

Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah (s) 1

lives of all those who are willing to open their hearts to his
I would like to begin by mentioning five extraordinary
qualities that Rasoolullah exemplified and successfully
inculcated in those who followed him, such that he was
able to forge a team the likes of which the world had never
seen; from a collection of totally disparate tribes who were
best known for internecine fighting over inconsequential
matters. Yet they became benchmarks to the world and
torchbearers of guidance wherever they went.
These qualities were:






Islamic Online University

Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah (s) 1

Being Extraordinary

First of all let me try to define what I mean by

Extraordinary for that is the key to the rest. To quote a
famous French educator: Alphonse de Lamartine - If
greatness of purpose, smallness of means and astounding results
are the three criteria of human genius, who would dare to
compare any great man in history with Muhammad?
Philosopher, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas,
restorer of rational beliefs, of a cult without images, the founder
of twenty terrestrial empires and one spiritual empire, that is
Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human
greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man
greater than he? [Historie de le Turquie, Paris 1854,
Vol.11.Pages 276-77]

The key is to do more than what others think is wise,

reasonable or logical. To be extraordinary is to be
abnormal in the best of ways. To listen to a message in the


Islamic Online University

Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah (s) 1

mind that others can only wonder at. To march to a beat

that others are unable to hear yet to be able to inspire
them to fall in step. It is only those who are extraordinary
who are inspiring. To live is not simply to draw breath. So
if one aspires to lead one must do more than merely exist.
One must do what nobody else does, not because he wants
to impress them but so that they will be able to see that it is
possible for them also to do the same. There is nothing
sublime in pretending to be less than you are. What is
required of the leader is that he constantly pits himself
against his own assumptions and self-imposed boundaries
because the only real barrier to surmount is in ones own
The leader must have the courage to go where nobody
dared to venture before in the world of the minds and
spirits of men. He must question what was always
assumed to be correct. He must challenge beliefs handed
down from generation to generation and accepted as being
real. He must stand for the truth no matter what the cost.
He must support the oppressed, the weak and the
deprived and stand up to the raw power of the oppressors,
no matter who they may be. All these things help the
leader to inspire trust, the very foundation of leadership. A
leader must not only be trusted personally but people
must have faith that to follow him will benefit them.
Leading, by definition, is from the front. And so leading is


Islamic Online University

Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah (s) 1

a matter of great courage. People dont rise to low

expectations. They rise to high expectations. People need
leaders they can look up to; not down on.
The leader must simultaneously have great clarity of
vision and strategy. It is not sufficient to merely dream of
great things if one has no clue about how to achieve them.
The leader must be able to dream and then to lead his
people on a path that actually leads to the fulfillment of
that dream. To be extraordinary is to be able to do both the
ephemeral task of dreaming and the concrete task of
translating the dream into an actual roadmap with
milestones. Then it consists of finding people to fulfill the
many roles that are bound to emerge because no leader
can do everything himself. Without a team of highly
competent and dedicated people to implement the
strategy, the greatest of dreams must remain relegated to
the realm of desires. Recruiting a team, inspiring them to
give their best, training and directing them and finally
watching them from the sidelines as they fulfill the tasks
that they have been trained to do are all roles that the
extraordinary leader must perform.
Finally the extraordinary leader must create a system that
can take his legacy onwards, long after he has gone the
way of all life. For personal charisma that remains
untranslated into processes is destined to die with the
leader remembered with nostalgia perhaps, but of no


Islamic Online University

Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah (s) 1

benefit to those who come after. For any great enterprise to

succeed, its leader must lead its transformation from being
person-led to becoming process-driven. Failure to do this
successfully invariably leads to the legacy of the leader not
transcending the generation change.
Rasoolullah set the standard of extraordinary leadership
so convincingly and clearly that even his worst enemies
were forced to speak in his favor. The most famous
incident which illustrates this is the conversation of Abu
Sufyan with Heraclius, the Roman Emperor of Byzantium,
when the Emperor received Rasoolullahs letter. I have
narrated this incident in detail later in this book.
To be extraordinary is not a choice for a leader. It is an
essential part of being for anyone who aspires to lead. To
be extraordinary in ways that people find inspiring,
invigorating, energizing and empowering. Only the
courageous can encourage and there was nobody in the
history of mankind who exemplified the extraordinary
leader in every aspect of his life as did Muhammad. That
is why his companions displayed a level of loyalty to him
that is an example in itself. They loved him and he loved


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