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PHY11 / October 21, 2014


1. A 100 g ball is dropped from a height of h = 2.00 m above the floor. It rebounds vertically
to a height of h'= 1.50 m after colliding with the floor. (a) Find the momentum of the ball
immediately before it collides with the floor and immediately after it rebounds, (b)
Determine the average force exerted by the floor on the ball. Assume that the time interval
of the collision is 0.01 seconds.
2. A surprising demonstration involves dropping an egg from a third-floor window to land on a
foam-rubber pad 2 inches thick without breaking. If a 56-gram egg falls 12 m, and the
foam pad stops the egg in 6.25 ms, by how much is the pad compressed?
3. A girl of mass 50 kg throws a ball of mass 0.1 kg against a wall. The ball strikes the wall
horizontally with a speed of 20 m/s, and it bounces back with this same speed. The ball is
in contact with the wall 0.05 s. What is the average force exerted on the wall by the ball?
4. A cue ball traveling with a speed of 2m/s along the +x-axis hits the eight ball. After
collision, the cue ball travels with a speed of 1.6 m/s in a direction 37 below the +x-axis.
Will the eight ball fall in the side pocket, which is oriented along a line 53 above the
positive x-ax-s? The two balls have equal mass.
5. Two automobiles of equal mass approach an intersection. One vehicle is traveling with
velocity 13 m/s toward the east and the other is traveling north with speed v2. Neither
driver sees the other. The vehicles collide in the intersection and stick together, leaving
parallel skid marks at an angle of 55o north of east. The speed limit for both roads is 35
mi/h and the driver of the northward-moving vehicle claims he was within the speed limit
when the collision occurred. Is he telling the truth?
6. A 10-g bullet moving 1000 m/s strikes and passes through a 2-kg block
initially at rest, as shown. The bullet emerges from the block with a
speed of 400 m/s. To what maximum height will the block rise above its
initial position?
7. A 360 kg roller coaster car travelling at 18 m/s collides inelastically with a stationary 240 kg
car on a section of horizontal track as shown in the diagram below. To what maximum
height, h, do the combined cars travel before rolling back down the hill? (Assume no

8. A Ford Escort (m = 1200 kg) and a Ford Expedition (m = 2500 kg) collide at right angles in
an intersection during an ice storm. Both entered the intersection at the same speed.
Neglecting friction, what is a possible path for both vehicles if they lock together upon

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