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SET ES CUTTS EVeAceN cic cewte | Student Book 1 Susan Stempleski } OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Meeting people... Countries and nationalities .... Family... Describing people In a classroom . In an electronics store ... Everyday activities Places. Foods and drinks . Snacks ... Housing... In an apartment Free time activities Popular sports. Life events ... Plans for the weekend .. TV programs... Health problems... Getting better .. On vacation Past events Telephone language . Things to do... Communication task: Student B pages .. Check your English Key vocabulary... | Meeting people ‘ammar To be; subject pronouns, possessive adjectives; Merete | Name, address, telephone number; country, nationality page | Countries and | Piiatonalkies Yes/No questions and short | answers 2 Family | Wh- questions; Family relationships; adjectives: page 7 Describing people | have height, weight, age Inaclassroom This / that; preposition on; Classroom objects: book, pen, P« | i P pac la Inan electronics | these / those; plurals | pencil, small electronics: MP3 player, ii | laptop, cell phone 4 Everyday activities | Present continuous: Daily activities: studying, eating, page 19 Places statements, Yes/No sleeping; locations and places” | questions; Wh- questions; preposition at 5 Foods and drinks Simple present; agreeing and Food and drink, meals, restaurant page 25 Snacks disagreeing; vocabulary; snack foods, a lot | count and noncount nouns; | | How much / How many ae gt ee aa i alt om 6 Housing There is / there are; House, apartment, rooms; pie Furnttare prepositions of place furniture 7 Free time activities Information question Leisure activities; page 37 Populaesperir adverbs of frequency; | sports, exercise, hobbies can for ability | 8 Life events Be going to future; Life events; special occasions; page 43 Plans for the Wh- questions weekend activities weekend Movies TV programs Wh- questions; adverbs of frequency | | Types of movies; types of TV programs Health problems | Getting better On vacation Past events Telephone language | Things to do Feel + adjective; have + noun; imperatives Simple past: questions and statements; to be: simple past | Requests with can and could; object pronouns: would: verb + to Ailments, illnesses, and healt remedies | Vacation locations and activities; | life events in the past; time markers = z Telephone language; taking and leaving messages; chores A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: What's your name B: My name is Sur-hee Kim My first name is B What's your first name? What's your last name? Tell your partner. People are asking questions. Listen and circle the correct answer. 1, (a) 24 Green Street 3. a. 312-555-7390 5. a. Blueman 1b. 617-555-0270 b. 6A b. 735 Center Street 2. a. 4. a. 16F 6. a, Chen b. Jack Barnes b. Willis b. dase easels acelin t-te We're They're students. ‘my nickname, your name? | What's his name? | His name is Ben, What's her name? | Her name is Julia. A Pair work, Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. A: Hello, I’m Jennifer. What's your name? Az OK. It’s nice to meet you, Li Hi, Jennifer. I'm Li-jun, Please call me Li. It's my nickname, B: Nice to meet you, too. What's your last name, Jennifer? ‘Az It’s Banks. What's your last name? B: Wong. she is = she’s itis sits We are = were they are = theyre what is = what's B Pair work. Practice the conversation again. Give true answers about yourself. 2 and nicknames. Bee eeu Fretharnie ee ee Brn Conca Spins Unit | Last name Talk to three more students. Write their first names, last names, Nickname TT com A Group work. Talk to three classmates. Write your classmates’ information on the address cards. Address Card First Name: Last Name: Nickname: Phone: E-mail: Address Card sees. Fae ] Last Name: Nickname: Phone: First Name: Nickname: E-mail Address: Who has an interesting first name? Who has a common last name? Who has an interesting e-mail address? Who has an interesting nickname? Look at the address cards for one minute. Close your book. : What information can you remember? Tell your classmates. A: Mei’s last name is... -Tamamo's phone number B Group work. Compare the information on your cards. Ask and answer these questions. Unit 1 a Countries and nationalities county: Japan Nationality: Japanese Ca ea A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: Where are you from? B:I'm from Australia. B What nationality are you? Tell your partner. im Koreal name is A Who's meeting who? Listen and match the name tags. Write the correct letter, eee \ oom 1._¢ (Hello! I’m Xian, \ oar Hello! I'm David, \ ) | Pm fiom —_ NK 2 = me oo nf | ( ( Hello! I'm Dew. reno : | I'm from ‘ a ae oa ( Hello! 'm Paul. a f Hello! I'm Nelson \ I'm from. : a ‘m from ) =a — B Listen again. Where are the people from? Write the countries on the name tags. 4 Unit 1 E A (Te UU UN RMU «2 Listen. Then listen again and repeat. ec ‘Are you Korean? | Yea, am / No, Fat Memo _ vi Is he Indian? ‘Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. fe not = ion't { aro not = arent ‘Are you Brazilian? ‘Are they American? | Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. Yes, we are. / No, we aren't. Pair work, Ask a partner questions about these people. Take turns Sumio ito Class CD ee 2 Sens Pair work. Listen to the conversation, Then practice with a partner. At Hi are you in this class? Yes, 1am. What's your name? My name’s Gina Nice to meet you. I'm Steve, Where are you from, Gina? I'm from Brazil. How about you? Are you British? No, I’m not. I’m Australian Pair work, Practice the conversation again. Give true answers about yourself. Unit 1 5 ‘amovie tar a business person asinger apolitian anartist | B Pair work. What can you say about each person? Score one point for each piece of information. Take turns. A: He’s a business person, He's American. His first name's Bill, and his last name’s Cates. B: OK. Three points for you. Now it's my turn. irre My partner Me 2 busin a movie star 1. husband wite father mother 5. son 6. daughter brother 8 sister 2. grandfather 0. grandmother 71. grandson 12. granddaughter 1B. unde 4. aunt nephew niece 17. cousin Memo _ L A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. father + mother = parents Grandfather + grandmother A: Who is Bill? = grandparents B: He's Nina's husband. Son + daughter = children Bill and Nina are grandson + Granddaughter B Pair work, Talk about Nina's family. \ Cindy's parents. = grandchildren Listening Boe People are talking about their families. Who ate they talking about? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1 brother 3. a. parents and aunt a. a. 5, a. aunt and uncle b. father b. grandparents and aunt b. niece and nephew a. grandchildren 4. a. uncle and aunt 6. a. sister b. children b. grandparents and cousins b. daughter Unic2 7 Class CD Track 12 Memo _ ir Listen. Then listen again and repeat. who's he / she = who’ that io= thay * Sh ems A. Pair work, Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. AL B: Meno __ ff If you have a husband or wife, you are marred If you do not have a hus ibe wife, you are single, "4% Nice pictures. Hey, who's that? That's my brother. What's his name? His name is Sung-ho. How old is he? He’s 26. Is he married? No, he isn’t. He’s single. B Pair work, Draw a simple picture of someone in your family. Show the picture to a partner, Practice the conversation again. Give true answers. Talk about your partner's picture ag That's your sister. She's 19. Her name is Unit 2 Communication task: My family tree A Draw your family tree. Pee tol naa Pair work. Show a partner your family tree. Talk about ae your family. Your partner asks questions, Take turns. reac) Bric See Unit 2 9 # |Describing people Hair: shor, curly, blond Age: in is twenties 4ood-acking/handsome Ses A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. Class CD Track 14 A; Tell me about the boy. Is he heavy? A: Is his hair long? | B: Yes, he is, B: Yes, it is. B Whatare you like? Tell your partner. ‘<< tim average hei ee 8 iss A\ Listen to the descriptions. Check (y) the correct information for each person. Hair Height Relationship 1.Qblond 2 dark Daverage height 1 tall Q mother —Q brother 2.Qlong OQ short O short tall Q son husband 3. blond O dark O average height Q tall Gousin aunt 4, Q blond OQ dark O short tall sister daughter B Listen again. Who are they talking about? Check (7) the correct answer above. 10 Unit Class cD Pa A Listen. Then listen again and repeat. ‘have straight hair. ‘She has biue eyes. ‘She doesn't have brown eyes. "Do you have short hair? | Yes,do./No,Idon't Does she have long hair? B Pair work. Make sentences about yourself. Use I have or I don't have. brown eyes short hair straight hair dark hair blue eyes long hair curly hair blond hair Keer eT eT thave brown eyes. | don’t have short hail Memo _ f "3 do not = don't does not = doesn’t So, tell me about Dan. Is he good-looking? B: Oh, yes. He’s handsome. Az Ishe tall? B: No, he isn’t tall, He’s average height. ‘A: Does he have blue eyes? B: No, he doesn't. He has brown eyes and dark hair. ‘Az Does he have long hair? B: No, he doesn't. His hair is short and curly. B Pair work, Practice the conversation again. Give true answers. Unit 2 W err eee os Group work, Pretend you are a famous person. Don't say the person’s name. Partners ask Yes/No questions. The “famous person” gives short answers Yes, 1 am./No, I'm not. Yes, I do,/No, I don't Ave you Japanese? No, I'm not. Are you married? Yes, Jam. Do you have dark hair? Yes, Ide. BOR ORS Describe a famous person. Don't say the person's name. Partners | guess who the person is. | A: He's tal. He’s thin. He's American. Who is it? | B: Is it...? | At Nl, isnt |G: teit..? “ dz s SEREESanoeeteoe an + vowel 7 A Listen and took at the picture, Then practice with a partner. 4+ consonant sound A: What's number 1? Brit's r al Ihave an eraser. B_ Do you have these things? Tell your partner. aieanmaanien OF Track 19 People are asking about classroom objects. What are they asking about? Listen and number the pictures. Unit 3 13 Memo Use this for an Listen. Then listen again and repeat. object near you, Use that for an This is a book. It's on the desk This is a notebook. t's on the table. object far from you. rere 69 Gas. | A. Group work. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with two partners. Is this your pen, Vicki? No, it isn’t. Ask Tim. Tim? Yeah? Is this your pen? Cz Yes, it is. Thanks a lot! A: No problem, And ... is this your notebook? C: Hmm. No, it’s not. Where's your: notebook, Vicki B: On my desk ... Oh, no, it isn’t. That’s my notebook! B Grow work, Practice the conversation again. Use real names and real objects. Take turns talking about objects in your classroom. Use this, that, and on, A bulletin board is on the wall. That book is on a chair. 14 Unit 3 A Listen and practice saying the letters of the alphabet. Aa Bb Co Dd Ee FF Gg Hh li | Jj Kk LI Mm Nn _—_—_}—__} —+— Oo Pp Qq Rr So Tt Uu Ww Ww Xx Yy Zz B Group work. One person thinks of a thing in the classroom and says, “I spy something that begins with ”” Partners guess. The person who guesses right thinks of the next thing, It must be an object everyone can see, A: I spy something that begins with C. Bz Is it a clock? A: No, it isn't When you finish, look ata picture in this book C:Isit a chair? Play “I Spy” using objects in the picture. A: Yes, it is: seis I a H |In an electronics store | ee 68 Sa A. Listen and look at the picture. Then practice with a partner. A: What's number 1? B: It’s a laptop. Ihave a laptop. | don’t B Which items do you have? Which items don't you have? have an MP3 player Tell your partner. PAE 6a Co A People are in an electronics store. What items are they talking about? Listen and number the pictures. al Ls Likes it Likes it __ Likes it __ Likes it __ Likes it __ Doesn't like it__ Doesn't like it __ Doosn't ike it__ Doasn't ike it __ Doesn't ike it __ B Listen again. Do the people like the items? Check (v’) the correct answer above. 16 Unit 3 aa as ae — Grammar: T Class cD es A Listen. Then listen again and repeat. What are these? ‘These are clocks. They're cell phones. Those are books. Use these for objects near you, Use those for objects far from What are those? They're cameras, 1, A: What _are those __? 3. A: What _are these __? B: _Theyre camcorders. B: theyre maps A: B: A: B: A: B Pair work. Practice the conversation again. Use different objects. May I help you? Yes, please. Where are the CD players? They're on the wall What are those? And these speakers are really good, too Are they expensive? No, they're on sale. Unit 3 17 erate Student A looks at this page. Student B looks at page 73 A. Pair work, Look at your picture. Then look at the items in the list. Where are these items in your partner's picture? Ask your partner. Then write the numbers of the items in the correct place in your picture. 1. a laptop 4, maps 2. acell phone 5. notebooks 3. a wastebasket A: Whereis the laptop? B: It’s on the.... Where are the headphones? A: They're on the chair. B Pair work, Show your picture to your partner. Are all the items in your list in the correct places? Extra Look at your picture for 30 seconds. Close your book. Tell your partner what you remember. The laptop is... The headphones are... 18 Unit 3 seein Everyday activities sleeping studying reading e-mail «ooking dinner talking on the phone washing dishes re 8 rece A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: What's he doing? B: He's sleeping. playing the piano ‘aking a shower What am | doing? B Act out an activity. Ask your partner, “What am I doing?” ~ You're playing the piano. 2 sccning Listen to the conversations. What are the people doing? Write the correct letter. 1. Mike a. shopping 2. Mary __ b. studying 3. Jack ¢. cooking dinner 4, Kim __ d. reading 5, Susan __ ¢. washing the dishes Unit 4 19 | Secs A Pair work, Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. Class CD Track 29 uous singing, A: Hello. B: Hi, Sana. It’s me, Nick. Az Oh, hi, Nick. B: What are you doing? Are you studying? ‘Az No, I'm not studying. I'm exercising. What are you doing? Az Nothing much. Just reading my e-mail Meno___// — Youre not He's not. We're not Theyre not B Pair work. Practice the conversation again. Use your imagination, Pretend you are 20 doing different activities. Change partners. Practice the conversation with a new partner. Unit 4 ET ALLS CSC SS NAIA cciRStnectd ; Student A looks at this page. Student B looks at page 74. A Look at the picture. What can you see? Make notes. A woman is playing the piano. A man is B Pair work. Your picture and Student B’s picture are almost the same. Find out what is different, Ask what people are doing, Look at Student B's picture on page 74 for 30 seconds. Then close | your book. Can you remember what the people in the picture are | doing? | Say as much as you can about Student B's picture. Take turns, ee: «UDI ~atschool ass C Track 31 CMSs | A. Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. | A: Where are they? B: They're in a store : : ~The women are B What are the people doing? Tell your partner. shopping in a store. A. People are talking about some photos. Where are the people in the photos? Listen and circle the correct answer. | 1. a. ima restaurant 3. a, ata party 5. a, ina restaurant b. ata party b. at home b. at home 2. a, ata party 4. a, atschool 6. a. ona street b. ona street b. ina theater b. at work B Listen again. Are the statements true or false? Check (v’) the correct answer. True False Jenny’s parents are singing, Mark is exercising, Lucy’s cousins are cooking, The children are exercising. Charlie’s sister is eating. Meg's uncle is talking on the phone. pee ooooog boooogo 22 Unit 4 i Ciess co Grammar: Wh- questions in the present continuous; preposition at Lo haaee A Listen. Then listen again and repeat, What's Eric doing? What's Beth doing? ‘Who's eating? Sleeping, Reading. Paulo is. Where's he sleeping? What's she reading? What's he eating? At home. Her e-mail Dinner, B Pair work. Ask a partner questions about the pictures. Use who, what, and where and the present continuous, ae turns, Talking on the phone. ) Maia in Mexico City (olin in London Sunee in Bangkok A Pair work. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner, A: Hello, B: Hi, Bart, I's Kate. What are you doing? Studying. Where are you? B: At home. So, tell me...what are you studying? English. I have a big test. : Where's Ben? Is he at home? Yeah, he is, but he’s sleeping. B Pair work, Practice the conversation again. Pretend you are doing different activities. Unit 4 23 A 24 Pair work, Describe the people in the picture and say what they are doing. Your partner asks Yes/No questions and tries to guess who you are talking about. Take turns. A: This man is singing Bz Is he thin? A: Yes, he is. Bs Is he short? A: Yes, he is. Br Isit Stew? A: Yes, itis Pair work, Ask your partner Wh- questions about the people in the picture. Take turns. A: What's Cheng-han doing? B: He’s singing. Who's talking on a cell phone? A: Suchada is, Where is...? Cover the picture. How much do you remember? Talk about the people in the picture, Say as much as you can about each person. Take turns. ‘A: Cheng-han is singing. He's tall. He's. ‘Suchada is. | | Unie 4 Foods and drinks Fr = i ; 4 ‘chicken cake carcots & icecream pie salad soda * soup Spaghetti steak tea tomatoes french fies See 628 tacese A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: Do you eat apples? B: Yes, Ido. / No, I don't | B_ Which foods and drinks do you like? : a Which ones don’t you like? Tell your partner. Hike apples. | don't like carrots. ERIN 8 A woman is in a restaurant, What does she order? Listen and check () the correct answers. Appetizers Main course Beverages Desserts Q chicken soup roast chicken O tea O apple pie tomato soup —_Q steak with french fries Q coffee Q carrot cake house salad Q spaghetti with tomato sauce 0 soda D ice cream Unit 5 25 RE) A | | | | B 2% don't lik don’t like doesn't ike doesn't like don't like don’t like steak. Yes, I do. No, | don't, Does he like chicken? | Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. Do they Yes, they do. No, they don't. I don't He doesn't. They don't. Pair work. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. A: Do you like ltalian food? Bz Oh, yes. I love it! _Memo A: I do, too. | know a nice Italian restaurant. It’s called Luigi's. let us B: Do they have pizza? ‘Az Oh, yeah. The pizza is great. And the spaghett’s good, too. B: Where is it? Az It's on Prince Street. B: OK. Let's go! Pair work. Practice the conversation again. Talk about a restaurant you know. What do you and your partner like to eat and drink? Find two things you both like. Find two things you don't like. A: I like ice cream. |. AE 1 daor fk totes, | B: / don't either. Unie S Communication task: At a A You are at the Sunshine Restaurant. Look at the menu. Circle the items you will order. a W Appetizers and Soups Green salad Chicken soup Greek salad Vegetable soup Main Gourse Fried chicken with french fries Sirloin steak with mixed vegetables Broled sh fet wih cares GES ‘Spaghetti with meat sauce Desserts Apple pie Chocolate mousse Beverages Coffee Tea Pair work. Take turns being a customer and a server, The server writes Sunshine Restaurant the customer's order on. Appetlzat: alee met 71 the order pad. Bas Main Course Erie ctaner paren Oren Sue ames DERBERT: Cd oe een Beverage V9 i tea — Unit 5 27 AX Listen and look at the pictures, Then practice with a partner. A: Do you like chocolate? B: Yes, Ido. / No, I don't. MS like nuts and pretzels. B What are your favorite snacks? Tell your partner. 8 A People are talking about snacks. What foods or beverages are they talking about? Listen and circle the correct answers. PMc d 1. a, soup b. ice cream c. tea 2. a. soda b. popcorn c. cake 3. a. cheese b. chocolate c. coffee 4, a, fruit b. pie c. salad 5. a.crackers _b, pretzels c. nuts B Listen again. What do you think each person says next? Circle the correct answer. 1. a. No, thanks. b. She likes chocolate. 2. a. That's good. b. No, thank you, 3. a. Yes, please. b. Yes, Ido. 4, a. Yes, he does. b. No, I don't 5. a. No, we don't b. No, we aren't. 28 Unit 5 ass CD OD Track 4 8 Grammar: Count and nonc A Listen. Then listen again and repeat. No;not much, I fnk alot of tea. don't drink much Is do you {don't eat many snacks. any. Treat a lot of fru. B Pair work, Ask a partner questions about these foods and drinks. Take turns. coffee cookies soda chocolate apples ice cream popcorn tomatoes Do you drink much coffee: Yes, | drink a lot of coffee. Do you...? fi 8 ST 6 A Pair work. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. A: Do you like chocolate? | love chocolate! Do you like chocolate? Yeah, | do. How much chocolate do you eat? B: Oh, | eat a lot! I eat some every day. A: Do you eat many chocolate bars? B: No, I don’t eat many chocolate bars, but I eat Find three things your partner eats or drinks a lot of chocolate cookies and ice cream et eat many...? B Pair work, Practice the conversation again. BB a y- Do you drink much... ? Give true answers about yourself. eB UnitS 29 Communication task: Wt Pair work, Ask your partner questions about the people in the pictures. Take turns, A: What is Hana eating? B: She's eating ice cream. A: How much ice cream is she eating? B: She's eating a lot of ice cream. Pair work. Cover the pictures. Tell your partner about the people in the pictures. ‘What are they doing? Say as much as you can. Take turns. A: A woman is eating a lot of ice cream. B: A man is eating.. ‘Talk about your friends and family. What foods do they like? How much do they eat? What foods don’t they like? My father likes steak. He eats a lot of steak. He doesn't like... 1. living room 2. stairs 3. dining room 4, terrace 5. kitchen 6. garage 7. yard 8. balcony 9. bedroom 10. hall 11. doset 12. bathroom ees: Second Floot Fry @ First Floor Class CD errr 09 Track co 10 ws uy AA] A: What's this? B: This ts the kitchen, Wee 8 Gaccce A Listen and look at the picture. Then practice with a partner. B_ What's your favorite room? Tell your partner. oy favorite room is the living room. ) Which apartment are the people talking about? Listen and number the pictures, b. «, Unies 31 there is = there's ‘There's a bathroom on the second floor. There are some closets in the bedroom, ‘There's no bathroom on the frst floor. There are no closets in the hall ‘There isn't a bathroom on the first floor. There aren’t any closets in the hall Clase ci Track 4 | A. Pair work. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. Oh, | like your apartment, Daisy. It’s really nice! B: Thanks. | like it because it’s big. ‘A: How many bedrooms are there? There are two. And there's a living room, a kitchen, and a big bathroom. ‘At Nice! And how many closets are there? B: A lot. There are four big closets. ‘A: Wow! Is there a balcony? B: No, there isn’t, but there’s a small yard. ‘Az That's great! B Pair work, Practice the conversation again. Give true answers about your house or apartment. He Oi ucaes eeu Talk about your partner's home. There are three rooms. There's a big bedroom. There’ 32 Unit 6 er UAL cee Coa <1 eM ake REAM el A Think about your dream house and answer these questions. 1. Where is it? 2. How many rooms does it have? 3. How many floors does it have? 4, What rooms are on each floor? 5. What special features does it have? luxury apartment/in the city house on the beach house in the country eae naan Meee ea Peace! Pat eee is eo Talk about your partner's dream house. _ It's in the country. It has six rooms. There's Unit 6 33 armchair coffee table dresser lamp 6 Speaking A. Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: What's this? B: It’s an armchair, B What furniture is in your bedroom? Tell your partner, <__ Thefe'sabed. There's a dresser.) 7 Listening tS) A. People are describing their bedrooms. What objects don’t they have? Listen and number the items from | to 4. sofa Class CD Track 47 __ bed _1_ bookcase ___ dresser _— lamp __ picture B Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Check (’) the correct answer. True False 1. There is a picture on the wall. a Q 2. There is a lamp on the floor. a a 3. She has a big bed. a Q 4. He doesn’t have much furniture. Qa Q 34 Unit 6 Ea eae 6 vos A Listen. Then listen again and repeat, The clock Is on top of the TV. i Ell oa pl 4 The wall is behind the sofa, ‘The wastebasket is under the table. “The lamp is next to the window. B Pair work. Talk about objects in your classroom, a Use prepositions of place The dictionary is on top of the bookcase. } Class CO Track 50 Conversation BS] A. Pair work, Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. ‘A: What are you doing? B: I’m looking for my cell phone. Az It’s on the bookcase, on top of the notebook B: Oh, right, And where are my books? Az They're on the table B: The table under the window? A: No, the table next to the sofa : Oh, OK. | see them. Thanks! Pair work. Look at the picture. Practice the conversation again, Talk about where these things are. clock wastebasket chair plant headphones Neem oon Adieu Student A looks at this page. Student B looks at page 75. A. Look at the picture, Make notes about the things you see. There's a table in the kitchen, There are three apples on the table. B Pair Work. There are five differences between your pictures. Tell your partner about the things and people in your picture. Take turns, What are the differences? Helpful Language Dee ie. aa Re oe gana oe a ei a 1 2. 3. 4. 5, 36 Unit 6 Free time activities A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: What do you do in your fiee time? B: Igo to the movies. B Which activities do you like to do? Which ones don't like to go to the movies. you like to do? Tell your partner. don’t like to watch T) 2 Listening What do the people like to do? Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. a. eat out 3. a. paint 5. a. surf the Internet b. go to the movies b. listen to music b. watch TV 2. a. go dancing 4, a, work out atthe gym 6. a. play cards b. take photos b. go to the beach b. go shopping Unit 7 37 i class co 29 track 53 a A. Group work. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with two partners. A: So, what do you do in your free time? B: Well, | like to go shopping. Az Really? Where do you go? B: Anywhere. Big department stores, small stores... 1 just love to go shopping! | C: How often do you go? : Oh, about once a week. C: Who do you go with? Bs Usually with my sister. B Group work, Practice the conversation again. Give true answers about yourself. Practice the conversation again. Use these phrases: Really Anywhere | just love to Oh, about Usually 38 Unit 7 A. Think about three things you like to do in your free time. Write your answers in the chart. Where...? B_ Ask your partner the questions. Write his or her answers in the chart. Take turns. What do you and your partner both like to do in your free time? Find two things you both like to do. Find two things you don't like to do. A: Do you like to...? A: Do you like to...? Bee B: Yes, | do, ‘No, | don't. Be ae A: Me, too! /1 don't. Me neither: / 1 Pee ew Unit 7 39 _|Popular sports A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner, 40 A: What sports do you like? basketball ice-ckating B: I like volleyball, fae windsurfing wolebalh ris swimnmin, Whaat sports do you like to play or do? What eal eycling sports do you like to watch? Tell your partner. Takis srowboarding judo ike to play ten Hike to watch soccer. People are talking about sports. Match the people with the sports. Write the correct letter. 1. Wang __ a. soccer 2. Molly b. cycling 3. Jake __ c. swimming 4, Sachi__ 4. judo 5. Dave__ e. volleyball Listen again. How often do the people play or do the sports? Check (v’) the correct answer. Everyday Onceaweek Twiceaweek | Onceamonth —_ Never 1. Wang a a a a a 2. Molly a a a a a 3. Jake a a Qa a a 4, Sachi a a a a a 5. Dave a a a a a Unit 7 Class CO Track 5 cen, Then listen again and repeat. . 7 can play basketball, paint a picture? | Yes, lean. / No, | can't. play baseball? | Yes, he can. / No, he can't. B Pair work. Make sentences about yourself. Use I can or I can't. Memo LZ dance paint play cards do judo can+ not = can not play tennis windsurf cook play basketball = cannot = can't LS: can dance. | can’t play tennis. ) A Group work. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with two partners. Track 58 ‘A: What sports do you like? B: I like basketball and tennis. ‘A: Yeah, me, too. Can you play tennis? B: No, I can’t ..., but | like to watch it on TV, What about you? What sports do you like? C: like swimming and skiing B: Oh, can you ski? Cz Yes, I can. | go skiing every winter. B Group work, Practice the conversation again. Give true answers about yourself. a Unit 7 4l A Answer these questions about yourself. Then add two questions of your own. i You Your partner 1. How often do you watch sports on TV? i 2. What sports do you like to watch? 3. What sports don’t you like to watch? SEs ude 4, Haw often do you play or do sports? ‘What sports do you like to play or do? 6. What sports don't you like to play or do? 7. What sport can you play or do very well? = 8. What's your favorite sport? | 10. Where do you play sports? 9. Who do you play sports with? SSSSSSEESS see eee ETS B Pair work. Ask your partner the questions. Write the answers above. Take turns. 42 Unit? Life events graduate goto college date a boyfend or gitiend [ fallin ove celebrate a birthday take a vacation as 3: A: Whats he doing? : B: He's going to start school. A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. _ B_ Which events are going to happen to you soon? Tell your partner. I'm going to celebrate my birthday soon. People are talking about important events. Listen and number the pictures. Unit 8 43 a Class cD Track 61 Listen, Then listen again and repeat. ‘Yes, he is. He's going to move Track 62 Ss ‘Ate you going to take a vacation soon? B: Yes, | am. I'm going to Hawaii. A: Fabulous! Are you going to go with your parents? B: No, my cousin is going to go with me. How long are you going to stay? B: Three weeks. ‘A: Wow! That's great. : Yeah, I'm really excited, B Pair work, Practice the conversation again. Give true answers or use your imagination. Close your book. Talk about a vacation yo. want to take. 3s. 44 Units later today tonight tomorrow morning ‘tomorrow ‘thie week in a few days Communication task: T’m going to study English tomorrow. I’m going to move in a few years, Look at the list of future time expressions. What are you going to do? Make notes. next Sunday next weekend s00n next year in a few years in about 5 years in about 10 years in about 25 years someday next week next month ina few months : B Group work. Choose a future time expression. Use the expression to make a sentence about a future plan or event in your life. Partners ' ask questions. Take turns. A: I'm going to study English tomorrow. Where are you going to study? I'm going to study in the library. C: Who are you going to study with? A: With my sister. ssoeeeoeresenscnatncei ee Units 45 CS EE Weekend plans a — ia Spend time with family study for an exam A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: Are you going to B: Yes, Lam, / No, a DVD? ’m not. B What are you going to do this weekend? Tell your partner, I'm going to visit \f amuseum. A People are talking about plans for the weekend, What are they going to do? Listen and circle the correct answer, 1. a. study for an exam 3. a. watch sports on TV b. spend time with family b. renta DVD 2. a. stay home 4. a. eat out b. go dancing b. go shopping B Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check (v’) the correct answer. True False 1, He's going to be with his family. a a 2. She's going to be with her boyfriend a a 3. He's going to be alone. a a 4, She's going to be with friends. a a 46 Unit 8 PT ULL A Listen, Then listen again and repeat. ‘What aro you going to do on Saturday? z | visit my parents, Where are you going to be on Sunday? | bbe at home. Who are you going to be with? Im going to | be with my brother. When are you going to go away? ‘go away next weekend, How long are you going to study? Hai study for two hours, B Pair work. Ask and answer questions about the weekend. Use what, where, who, when, and how long. em: A Pair work. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. What are you going to do this weekend? I'm going to play tennis on Saturday Sounds like fun! Who are you going to play with? With my friend Linda, We're going to play at the tennis club. Great! What about you? What are your plans for the weekend? Nothing much. I’m going to stay home and read. Sounds boring. A: Not really. I'm reading a very interesting book. B Pair work. Practice the conversation again. Give true answers about yourself. Practice the conversation again. Try using these phrases: Doing anything special? Nothing much. Fabulous! Sounds like fun! eae Unit 8 47 portale] A. Look at the activities below. Which of these things are you going to do this weekend? B Class activity. Ask your classmates what they are you going to do this weekend. Find a classmate for each activity. Write the names and any extra information. A: Are you going to 0 dancing this weekend? B: Yes, Lam. A: Who are you going to go dancing with? B: My girlfriend. | _—_________ is going to go —____ is going to _____ is going to dancing. (Find out who with.) see a movie. (Find out what.) _eat out. (Find out where.) is going to _______isgoingto is going to | meet a friend. (Find out who.) watch TV. (Find out when.) work. (Find out how long.) is going to go is going to go is going to play shopping. (Find out where.) to a party. (Find out where.) cards. (Find out with who.) is going to ________is going to _________is going to listen to music (Find out study (Find out how long.) play a sport. (Find out what.) what kind.) C Group work. Tatk about what your classmates are going to do on the weekend. Tell as many details as you can. Take turns. This Saturday night, Eun-young is going to rent a DVD. She's going to watch it with her family at home. 48 TO cereal CLARA TRETAIEMC Co, acomedy ‘an action movie KING #:RINGS F a ar . a fantasy — ‘horror movie a romance a science fiction movie me a A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: Do you like comedies? B: Yes, Ido. / No, I don't I want to see the new Harry Potter movie. It's a fantasy. B_ Name a movie you want to see. What kind of movie is it? i Tell your partner. People are talking about movies. What kinds of movies do they talk about? Listen and check (7) the answers. Action Comedy Horror — Romance Science fiction 1. Ben Q a a Qa Q 2. Liz Qa a a a a 3. Mike a a a Qa a 4, Sue a a a a a Unicd 49. a rack 69 Listen. Then listen again and repeat. What nd oa ao yout "What kind of mov ‘Who's your favorite actor? Es | A: How often do you go to the movies? B: Oh, once or twice a week | ‘A: When do you go? B: | usually go on weekends. | A: What kind of movies do you like? My favorite movies are action movies. How about you? A: Well, | don’t really like action movies. But I like horror movies a lot. B: Really? That's surprising. B Pair work, Practice the conversation again. Give true answers about yourself, A. Pair work, Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner, Memo _ Le Sing wha ou ke and dislike © | love comedies, © like mysteries a tot. © Action movies are OK. © | don’t really ike science fiction movies, © lean't stand horror movies, Tell your partner about a movie star you really like, What's his or her name? What kind of movies is he or she in? Why do you like him or her? Partners ask questions. A; I really like Bruce Lee. He's in a lot of action movies. B: Why do you like him? 50 Unit Think of your favorite movie, Look at the questions. Make notes in each box What's the What kind of name ofthe ll) movies it? movie? E romance What do you ike most about the movie? Group work, Take turns. Tell the group about your movie. Partners ask questions. My favorite movie is Roman Holiday. It’s a comedy and a romance. Audrey Hepburn is in it. It's a story about a... Talk about another movie you know. Don't say the name of the movie. Partners guess what movie itis. : It's an animated movie. It’s also a comedy. B: Is it The Lion King? | No, it isn't. Ae ae et eae Pc eee (rege | | C: Is it Shrek? Yes, it is POPE cit) ol Unit9 SI TV programs A. Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: What TV programs do you like? B: I like reality shows. B What kinds of TV programs are you going to watch this weekend? Tell your partner. I'm going to watch a sitcom and a game show this weekend. ee A People are talking about TV programs. Listen and number the kind of programs from 1 to 5. cartoons game shows sitcoms news reality shows B Listen again. Does the second speaker like to watch that kind of program? Check (v’) Yes or No. 1a. Yes 2. a.) Yes 3. a. Yes 4.a.Q Yes 5. a. 0 Yes b..No b..No b.No b.Q.No b.No 52 Unit 9 Brace Yes, | always do. ‘Always Usually often Sometimes Hardly ever Never B Pair work, Ask and answer questions about these activities. Use always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, and never in your answers. watch cartoons on TV listen to music at night read in bed eat out on Sunday work out at a gym go to the movies get up at 6:00 speak English with friends take a car to school Glass CD Track 74 Corte tates) Pair work, Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. Do you ever watch nature programs? No, I never do. | really don’t like nature programs. | usually watch talk shows and sports A: Oh, what sports do you usually watch? B: Well, | watch baseball and basketball a lot, Do you ever watch sports? Sometimes I do. But my favorite programs are sitcoms. Hmm. Do you like cartoons? Oh, yeah. | really like cartoons, too. B Pair work. Practice the conversation again. Ask about different kinds of programs. Give true answers about yourself. 54 Unit? A. Look at the answers. Then complete the questions. I watch TV two or three oO” Gaia wel: Hove game shows, and reality shows a lot. My favorite program is Take a Chance. It’s a game show. The people and the questions are interesting. B Pair work. Compare your completed questions. Then ask your partner the questions. Make notes about his or her answers. Take turns. C Group work. Get together with another pair. Tell the group about your partner's answers, Take turns. Keiko watches TV every day. She watches TV in the evening. She likes news programs and game shows. She doesn’t like. astomachache toothache anearache the flu A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner, A: How are you today? B: Thave a headache. \ B Say what’s wrong with the people in the pictures. Tell your partner. She has a headache. Pete 6:9 o: People are talking about health problems. Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. a. a fever 3. a, astomachache 5. a. a sore throat b. a headache b. a toothache Bb. acough 2. a. acold 4. a, an earache 6. a. the flu b. acough b. a backache b. acold Unit 10 55 Listen. Then listen again and repeat. : Hello? Hi, Katy. Its Jeff. jel? How are you? Not so good. I'm afraid | can’t meet you tonight. Really? What's wrong? don't feel well. | have a sore throat. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. | hope you feel better soon. B Pair work, Practice the conversation again. Use your imagination. Ce ur chim sad. Ty using these phrases with your partner. Bice te Ae oe goto the movies feel terrible Pes go dancing = feel awful have a headach goouttoeat feel sick have a stomachache 56 ‘Unit 10 Communication task: How are you today? Pair work. Number the sentences to make two conversations. Then practice the conversations. ‘Take turns being A and B. Conversation | Person A Person B Do you have a fever? 4 Ihave a headache. __ That's too bad. | hope you feel No, but I have a terrible backache. better tomorrow. Me, too. _1_ How are you today? 2_ Not so good. | feel terrible. ‘What's the matter? Conversation 2 | Person A Person B | __ Yes, and | have a stomachache. _2_ [feel fine, thanks. How about you? | 1 How do you feel today? ___ Maybe you have the flu | | Ihave a sore throat. Do you have a cough? | I don't feel so good What's wrong? | Role-play a health problem. Partners guess what the problem is. Take turns, ‘a headache an earache a stomachache a sore throat a toothache a backache a fever a cough acold the flu Unit 10 57. Getting better A. Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A:T feel terrible. B; You can take some aspirin. | B What do you do when you feel sick? Tell your partner. a ‘icin some tea ond stay ie bed) PME 629 Toc. so. A People are talking about health problems. What's wrong with them? Listen and circle the correct answer 1, He has a bad 2, She doesn't get much 3. He gets a lot of _ a, backache a. sleep a. colds b. headache b. exercise b. sore throats . stomachache c. time to relax c. toothaches B Listen again. What do their friends tell them to do? Circle the correct answer 1. a. stayhome and relax 2. a, see a doctor 3. a, goto the dentist b. take some aspirin b. take a hot bath b. take cough syrup ¢. stay in bed c. exercise ¢. drink some tea 58 Unit 10 _—— y class co Track 81 Grammar: Imperativ Listen. Then listen again and repeat. ( Stay home and relax. » to school. Drink sof wate Don't work too hard. B Pair work. Complete the conversations. Use the sentences in the list or your own ideas. Then practice the conversations, Don't work so hard. Take some aspirin. Drink a lot of juice. Don't go to work. See a dentist. See a doctor. 1. Az I’m really tired. 3. At I geta lot of colds. B: B: 2. A: Ihave a terrible toothache. 4, A: I think I have the flu. Glass CO Track 82 A Pair work. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. A: I don't feel so good, doctor. B: What's wrong? . A: [have a sore throat and a cough. : B: Do you have a fever? A: No, but | feel very tired. B: It sounds like you have a bad cold. Take this cough syrup and get some rest. Drink lots of water. And don't work too hard. + OK, doctor. And don’t worry. You're going to be fine! B Pair work. Practice the conversation again. Use your own information. Unit 10 59 Student A looks at this page. Student B looks at page 76. A. Pair work. Think of two things you can do for each of the problems below. Write them in the chart. SS\ © You get a lot > of colds. © You're always tired. | © You often get \| headach ae sleep at night. © You have the flu. Group work. Get together with another pair. Compare your ideas. What ideas do | they have that you don’t? Write the ideas in the chart. 1 ge (eae ee A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner. A: Did they go to Guam? B: Yes, they did. haiiteteae aceon B Talk about a vacation you took. What did you do? Tell your partner. Ss to Australia. visited. ens People are talking about vacations, What did they do? Listen and check (V) the answer. There is one extra D Track Bs Stayed home Went to Thailand — Went to the beach Went skiing _Visited relatives i oe oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo Unit I ass A 62 ies ‘Wat oid you visit? "When did you come home? | \ Did you enjoy your vacation? Pair work, Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. ‘A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I went to San Francisco with some friends. That sounds like fun. How long did you stay? B: Just one week, How about you? Did you go away? No, I didn’t. | stayed home. : Really? What did you do? A: Nothing much—t slept late. | visited friends. | went out to eat Sounds like you had fun, too. Pair work, Practice the conversation again. Use your imagination. Write about three things you did on your last vacation and three things you didn’t do. Use the verbs in the list or others. Then tell your partner about your vacation. Take turns. Things | did on vacation Things | didn’t do on vacation J went shopping. I didn’t go swimming. go shopping buy souvenirs —_take photographs go to the beach stay home, visit a museum | visit relatives go away rent a car Unit 11 long did you stay? What did you enjoy the most? B__ Group work, Tell the group about your vacation. . Partners ask questions, Take turns, A: My last vacation was in August, I went to Australia. B: How long... ea pence sce Rent a! paeeicE ci Past events — Se 68 Soe 8? A Listen and look at the pictures. Then practice with a partner A: Where was he born? B: He was born in Pusan. B Think about three or more events in your past. Use some of the verbs above. Tell your partner, ‘was born in Taipei. | grew up Serene 0 ie ular 4 A. People are talking about past events in their lives. Listen and number the pictures. a. last week b. last month a. last week a. two years ago ‘a. when she was five b. yesterday b. three years ago b. when she was four B Listen again. When did the events happen? Circle the correct answer above. 64 Unit 11 Gramma At) coe xeSL aR SME Twas bom 1887 No, wasn't Memo ar were not Twas born in Japan. | Where were you born? ‘Was your sister born in Japan? Yes, she was | She was born in Osaka, ‘Were your parents born in Osaka? “Where were they born? _ B Pair work, Ask your partner questions about past events in his or her life. Take turns. @sEe ceryi hart Pair work, Listen to the conversation. Then practice with a partner. Az Do you remember your first boyfriend, Emi? B: Oh, sure. | remember him. He was really cute! A: Where was he from? B: He was from Australia. We were so in love! At No kidding? How old were you? Bz ,| was 15, And he was about 16. A: What was his name? B: You know what? | can’t remember! B Pair work. Practice the conversation again. This time ask about a best friend in school. Give true answers about yourself, Do you remember your best friend in school? Tell your partner about a person you remember from your childhood: a teacher, a relative, a friend, or another person who was important to you. Who was the person? What was his/her name? How old were you when you met him/her? What was he/she like? Why do you remember the person? Unit 11 65 A. Think about a happy event in your life. It can be something that happened a long time ago or very recently. Make notes about the event in the chart. | B Pair work, Tell your partner about your happy event. Your partner takes notes and asks questions to get more information. Take turns. C Class activity. Tell the class about your partner's happy event. Peg iat het Tessie BS r itt Ce era 66 Unit I! anaes

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