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Apples Winning Marketing Strategy

Apple is one of the leading and most innovative electronic and software
companies in the world today. The company name is behind great products like Macs,
iPods, iPads, iPhones, and a plethora of software. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs
established Apple in 1976; the company was later incorporated one year later in 1977. In
1997, Steve Jobs was able to successfully restore the corporation from the threat of
bankruptcy. Jobs accomplished this task with simple but innovative philosophy behind
each product they manufactured. Apple Inc. is currently worth over $150 billion, with
valuable stocks being sold every day. Great leadership and superior technological
advance is attributed to the success of Apple.

Apple has numerous attributes that have strengthened the company year after
year. First, under the leadership of Steve Jobs, Apple was able to establish and reach new
heights in their niche. According to Ferrell and Hartline, Apple has excelled in both
leadership and operations. One of the companys most important resources is its
employees, and the company has effectively recruited, trained, and compensated
employees to create loyalty (Pg. 327). Organizational structure and leadership can make
or break any company, they are essential to the proper management of companies. Apple
recognized this principle early on and capitalized on it as strength.
In addition, the strength of this corporation also lies in research and cleverness in
the development of their products. Apple is able to utilize the result of intricate research
development to successfully create masterpieces that consumers desire and are prepared
to purchase at high retail price. Consequently, Apple products are now known to
headline trends in the industry and have established brand loyalty.
In order to fulfill the needs of customers, Apple seeks out the best resources to
manufacture devices; Apple has created a highly efficient and effective supply chain
with most of its production in China (Ferrell and Hartline, 2012). To further improve and
better equip their supply chain workers, Apple invests in their employees by providing
development courses and educational resources at no cost. In addition, our suppliers
trained more than 1.5 million workers on their rights, bringing the total number trained
since 2007 to 3.8 million (, 2014).

Apple products carry a premium price tag, so the sale of their products is
dependent upon our global economy and competition. Apple Inc. on Tuesday suffered
its worst single-day market performance in a year, as the companys share price fell 8%
following a one-two punch combination of disappointing iPhone sales and a weaker-thanexpected revenue forecast (Crum, 2014). A noticeable decline in sales is due to
competitors offering similar products like Apple, but at a more affordable price. For
instance, the iPad is sold at approximately $500, but Google and Samsung retail other
comparable devices for less than $250.
Secondly, major weaknesses plaguing Apple are lawsuits filed against the
corporation. In 2009, Nokia sued Apple for an undisclosed amount of money, stating that
the company refused to compensate them for the authority to utilize Nokias technology.
Back in February, China-based company Proview Electronics sued Apple for $1.6
billion, claiming the company infringed its trademark for the word iPad (Business
Insider, 2012). This lawsuit ultimately set Apple back about $60 million, due to the fact
that they were not permitted to use the word iPad in China.
Lastly, another weakness is that Apple devices have exclusive apps that are
incompatible with non-Apple devices and vice versa. Since the operating system of
Apple differs from the system of Android, it renders the functionality of applications
invalid. Mobile device users have to actively seek out comparable versions of various
apps in the two operating systems in order to use their devices.
Apple created the iCloud in order to be more competitive with companies such as
Amazon and Google. There are reports that this particular venture of launching a cloud

service has been an unsuccessful one for Apple. Therefore, this creates an opportunity for
the corporation to create better opportunities for itself by strengthening this particular
platform. Apples ill-fated introduction of Apple Maps and stumbles with DotMac,
MobileMe and now iCloud show they are persistent and committed to success in the
Cloud. They know its a deal-breaker (Tokerud, 2013).
In addition, Apples recent problems in countries such as India and China presents
as an opportunity for the innovative company to grow its business further. Currently in
India, Apples market share is not as lucrative as it is in the United States. Apple has
encountered roadblocks trying to establish stores in India due to the laws pertaining to the
local markets. If the company overcomes this legal issue, their market shares will
increase exponentially. In China, the government is determined to develop its own
processors, which will in turn decrease the reliability of the country on Apple computer
products. The dispute stemmed from warranty issues the country experienced with Apple;
therefore, this placed a strain on Apples relationship with the Chinese government.
Lastly, Apple should consider continuing the acquisition of numerous small
companies to build a lasting future. Apple had its biggest year ever for acquisitions in
2013, with a record 15 smaller companies joining the fold (Heath, 2013). With
opportunities such as these, Apples ability to deliver amazing products to loyal
consumers is increased. Buying into these sophisticated start-up companies is an avenue
for Apple to contribute to the economy while being steps ahead of competitors.
Since the early 1990s, Apple has dominated in its market, but competition from
other companies threatens this position. Apples largest competitor is Samsung, the

company has been the only Apple competitor to crack the code of beating Apple on
product design and innovation, and its sales reflect that victory (Reisinger, 2013).
Samsung is succeeding because the company caters to all customers, providing a variety
of products regardless of budget. If Apple were to focus on the different classes of
potential customers rather than a group of certain status, they will be able to eliminate
this threat quickly.
Tim Cook, the Apple CEO, is lacking the leadership qualities his predecessor,
Steve Jobs possessed. The late CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, knew how to captivate the
world with his charismatic personality. Under Steve Jobs leadership, the company made
an incredible turn around from the threats of bankruptcy to surpassing Google by
becoming a global brand. No two leaders are the same, but Apple must bridge the gap
between the successes Jobs created for the company through his leadership and the new
The rapid changes being initiated by technology posses as a risk for Apple, as far
as security is concerned. New threats arise with emerging technologies like near field
communications (NFC) being integrated into mobile platforms. Innovative uses of GPS
services to connect our digital and physical lives present new opportunities for
cybercriminals to compromise our security and privacy (Sophos, 2014). Apple products
are not immune to such threat, as malware developers have become more sophisticated in
their approach to stealing from mobile device users.
In conclusion, Apple has successfully made a name for itself in the world, and
quite the impression on consumers. In order not to lose momentum during their rein as
most valuable global brand, the company must focus on certain weakness, threats, and

opportunities. Reevaluating such problems is the solution they need to continue be an

innovative company.

"Apple - Supplier Responsibility." Apple - Supplier Responsibility. N.p., n.d. Web. 8
Sept. 2014. <>.

Crum, Rex . "Apple gives worst performance in a year." - MarketWatch. N.p., 28 Jan.
2014. Web. 8 Sept. 2014. < reprieve-forapple-in-wake-of-iphone-weakness-2014-01-28>.

Ferrell, O. C., & Hartline, M. D. (2014). Marketing strategy: text and cases (6th ed.).
Mason, OH: South-Western/Cengage Learning.
Rogers, Abby. "Here Are 10 Lawsuits Against Apple You Should Know
About." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 19 Aug. 2012. Web. 8 Sept. 2014.
"Security Threat Report 2014." Sophos Security Made Simple. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept.
2014. <>.
Tokerud, Janet. "Apple Strengths and Weaknesses 2013." tokerudcom. N.p., 10 Aug.
2013. Web. 9 Sept. 2014. <>.

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