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Colegiu! National ,Moise Nicoard” Arad Nume Tl. Iv. Prenume Scoala de provenienti Test de verificare a cunostinfelor la limba englez& 14 iunie 2013 ~ clasa a V-a— Varianta 1 Complete with a/an . Then write the plural (Ipoint) 1. That is ... bus a umbrella. > 3. . leaf. > 4. key. 5. Heis... man. Fill in on/in/at (Ipoint) s SSeecoce 16th December. Christmas. Sundays. June. the morning. Put the verb in the correct tense. (1point) 1. Tse. to the cinema on Mondays. (not/go) 2. cesses Victoria ........a letter now? (write) 3. Next week they ........ for tests. (study) 4. Wenever........early in the morning. (get up) 5. Look! The cat ........ (drink) milk, Write the words in the correct order. (Ipoint) 1. Tto/talk/can’t/now/you+++ children/The/ with/are/them. > surprise/a/Dad/has/for/gotme. > us/They/see/can’t. > with/Brianher/is. + wen V. Find the mistakes and correct them. (Ipoint) 1. 2. 3. 4, Pet Fish can’t swim, > How many money have you got? > There is any cheese in the fridge? Who is this car? It’s mine Look at he! VL. Circle the correct word. (2points) lL. SPAN AAARYD Do they want/Are they wanting more food? That mouse is funny. Look at their/its teeth! What is/are your number? Look at the colour offat that wall! It’s so red! This is Marys’/Mary’s ring, ‘When/How do you go to school?" ‘By bus’, Be quiet! Somebody is coming/comes. These are the boys’/boy’s clothes. Go with they/them! 10. She has usually/usually has ¢ bath in the evening. VU. Choose the correct preposition. (Ipoint) fee 2. 3. 4. 5. The bank is below/between the post office and the theatre. The present is in/behind the box. Open it! I put my books on/in the bed. The dog is behind/between the chair. Is there a hospital under/near your school? VII. Write must/mustn’t/ean/ean’t. (Ipoint) You ........ play football in the house. Go outside. ‘Your hands are dirty. You ........ wash them. She ........take my sandwich. I don't need it, birds fly? «. make noise in the library.

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