Sergeant at Arms Script 1

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Sergeant-At-Arms Script

Good evening, Club President, fellow Toastmasters, and distinguished guests

(if there are any guests).
Welcome to Speakers Dream Toastmasters Club.
I would like to ask everyone to be upstanding for the Negara Ku. (Lead the
club in singing Negara Ku). (Organise before the meeting who will press play
on the music).
Thankyou, please be seated.
My name is ______________, and it is my pleasure to be the 1st Speaker, being
the Sergeant-at-Arms for the meeting. We have here with us this evening, our
special guests, let's welcome them, DTM _____________, ATM-B, ________, ATMS, _____________. (Please confirm their attendance and title before
I'll kick off this meeting with an ice-breaking session. Let us all introduce
ourselves and share about (our favourite food/pastime etc/your thoughts on
a given topic)
Shall we begin with .......
(begin with the person on the right or left)
Thank you lets give ourselves a round of applause.
Before we proceed with the meeting, please switch off your handphone, or
set it on silent mode. (pause a while) Thank you.
I would now like to hand control over to the President ACB (Advanced
Communicator Bronze) Lawrence Hoo.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As the ASA you need to be at the meeting well before it starts. (By or before
6.45pm if possible). It is the ASAs role to help ensure the room is set up
properly before the meeting. Music checked and ready, lights out for the
timer, room tidy etc.
It is also the ASAs role to collect money from all members (RM10). Only guests
coming for their first meeting do not pay. Members from other clubs pay.
Keep a record of who you collect money from and give it to a senior
member at the end of the meeting. The Treasurer if he/she is there is best.
(Chow Mun Yuen for this year).
Thats it! Feel free to adjust the script above to suit your style

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