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North America

2014 Annual Report

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 1
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................................................... 2
PROFIT&LOSS OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
INCOME SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
EXPENSE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
PERFORMANCE OF FUNDRAISING PROGRAMS ..................................................................................................................... 4
PUBLIC EDUCATION ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................... 5
DOG ADOPTION REPORT ................................................................................................................................... 6
VOLUNTEERING AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES ................................................................................. 7
BOARD OF TRUSTEES ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
LOOKING FORWARD TO 2015 ......................................................................................................................... 8


In 2014, Scooby North America had many organizational changes and also explosive
growth. We remain a fully volunteer organization funded entirely by donations with a very
challenging mission, so we are very proud of our accomplishments this past year. In this
Annual Report, we will measure those accomplishments against our mission objectives by
several metrics: financial performance, public education activities, dog adoption success
rate and volunteering/organizational strengths.

Financial Performance

Mission Objective(s):
To provide financial and volunteer assistance to Scooby Medina to maintain and
update the shelter.
To conduct fundraisers and events designed to provide funding for the above-
mentioned functions.

Accomplishments Toward the Objective(s):

Profit&Loss Overview
Scooby North America had total income of $92,000.00 (rounded to the nearest thousand)
and total expenses of $94,000.00 for a net loss of just over $2,000.

Income summary
In 2014 our merchandise sales increased slightly from the previous year, and adoption
income was also up a little. The bulk of our income continues to come from donations
which take the form of donations from individuals, company match programs as well as
fundraising programs.

Sales Income

Total Adoption


Expense summary
Forwarding money to Scooby Medina continues to be our primary financial goal and as the
following chart illustrates, we continue to meet that goal. Our second largest expense of
the year was for dog transportation and foster dog expenses. Our event-related expenses
increased slightly so that we could attend more events to meet our public education
objectives. General business and operating expenses continue to be very low.

Paypal Transaction

Registration&Travel Travel to/
from Spain

Business and
Foster Expenses

Donations to other

Scooby Spain Grant


Performance of Fundraising Programs

We received a very large donation earmarked for the purpose of buying a much-needed
new transport van for Scooby Medina. We continued to receive many general donations
while at the same time attracting donations for the Be a Hero campaign and the Scooby
3000 Subscription program. Our online auction also performed very well this year.

Green Meadows



Scooby 3000


General Individual

Be a Hero Campaign
Christmas Room


Public Education Activities

Mission Objective(s):
To establish a relationship between Scooby Medina and animal lovers in North
America and around the world.
To promote awareness of the plight of the Spanish Galgo amongst the public at large
through international education.
To be the source of information and assistance to individuals wishing to travel to
Scooby or adopt a Scooby dog.
To promote the rescue, rehabilitation and adoption of the Spanish Galgo and other
mixed breeds.

Accomplishments Toward the Objective(s):

In 2014, Scooby North America was very active with local greyhound events. We ran a
sales and information table at Greyhounds in Gettysburg, Mountain Hounds, and
BeachBound Hounds. Diane spoke at all three events and was warmly received. Diane,
Fermin, Dr. Couto and Sharon also attended the International Greyhound Update in Boston,
where Diane and Fermin spoke about the current status of Scooby Medina. Dr. Couto gave
his own talk about sight hound health and introduced his new clinic.

In 2014 twenty people travelled to Scooby from North America to volunteer at the shelter.

We redesigned our website and have been dedicated to updating it frequently with fun and
interesting information. Well continue to update it with new information about galgos,
Scooby news, information about animal welfare, volunteer opportunities and fundraising

In December, we also launched a monthly meet and greet event in Indianapolis. The event
was very well received, so we will continue it into 2015.

Dog Adoption Report

Mission Objective(s):

To be the source of information and assistance to individuals wishing to travel to
Scooby or adopt a Scooby dog.
To promote the rescue, rehabilitation and adoption of the Spanish Galgo and other
mixed breeds.
To work closely with Scooby Medina to re-home Galgos and other mixed breed dogs
in the United States and Canada.

Accomplishments Toward the Objectives:

We had a very good year also for dog adoptions. In 2014 we formed adoption partnerships
with several greyhound and galgo adoption organizations who wanted to work with us to
adopt Scooby dogs. These partnerships allow us to adopt dogs to a wider geographical area
and be assured that if the dogs are ever returned for any reason and need to be rehomed
again there is a local group who can take care of that for us. Transporting dogs from Spain
to North America for adoption is critical because it helps to relieve population pressure in
the Spanish shelters so that they can continue their rescue and rehabilitation efforts.
Additionally, adopted dogs in North America assist us in our public education mission
objective because the issue is much better understood when people can see and pet the

The following chart demonstrates our success at adopting Scooby dogs in 2014 as well as
the success of our new partnerships. (The two foster dogs were being fostered as of the
end of the year but adopted in early 2015.)

Dog Adoption Statistics 2014





Volunteering and Organizational Changes

Mission Objective(s):
All of them

Accomplishments Toward the Objective(s):

Board of Trustees

In 2014 Scooby North America had a sudden growth spurt, beginning with the spin off of
Scooby Canada to an independent sister organization and culminating in an unprecedented
number of accomplishments as described in this report. Our board changed from its
original four members to seven in order to better organize and streamline our efforts. The
current board roster is:

Diane Ward in Virginia who keeps us gently organized and focused on our mission. Diane
was one of the founding members so acts as president even though we dont have official
titles. She manages the super hard work of dog transport logistics, adoptions and dog
transfers to partner organizations along with Susan and public speaking. Diane has made
seven total trips to Scooby Medina to volunteer and/or bring back dogs and coordinates all
North American volunteers in Spain.

Susan Ligotti is a new board member who signed on for the crazy-making role of dog
transport logistics. When shes not running to and from the airport at all hours, she helps
out with adoption applications and interviews. Susan has made two trips to Scooby Medina
to volunteer and bring back dogs and ten trips (just this year!) to JFK airport to pick up

Sharon Conger joined the board last year as treasurer and fundraising manager, and this
year took on the additional work of webmaster and social media minder, marketing and
publicity. Sharon works best behind the scenes, although she also enjoys running the sales
table at events and loving on all dogs that come within reach. Sharon has made one trip (so
far) to Scooby Medina to volunteer and bring back dogs.

Debbie Wise Calfa is a new board member who has proven to be invaluable in fostering,
foster family coordination, interviewing potential adopters and checking references, and
also acts as sort of an Indianapolis branch office for Scooby North America. She started a
monthly meet and greet in her area to help educate Americans about Spanish hounds.
Debbie has been to Scooby Medina once to volunteer and/or bring back dogs.

Lydia Best and Dr. Guillermo Couto are honorary board members who jump in when
needed and provide advisory services. Lydia has been to Scooby Medina four times and Dr.
Couto is a road warrior and superhero, having volunteered at Scooby Medina a million
times, bringing armies of veterinary technicians and students with him to work in the

Last but not at all least on our board is Fermin Perez, the man who started it all and runs
Scooby Medina in his free time outside of a full time job as science teacher in Spain.
Fermin also serves in an advisory capacity, provides us with our fundraising goals and
inspires us.

Looking Forward to 2015

Scooby North America hopes to expand our fundraising efforts with some targeted
campaigns. As some of you who follow Fermins blog know, Scooby rescued many horses
this winter and took control of another former perrera. We will be creating a fundraising
program called Green Meadows for the purpose of feeding and caring for the horses and
other pasture animals at Scooby. The program was launched at Scooby Medina last
summer to help keep the pastures irrigated, and Scooby North America will attempt to
raise enough money to keep the animals fed and watered year round. Also, as you can
surely imagine, cleaning up and operating new facilities costs a lot of money, so we are
going to try to raise money to help Scooby rehabilitate those former perreras into actual
shelters where the dogs are rehabilitated and properly cared for until they can be adopted.
Finally, Scooby North America will continue the Scooby 3000 and Be A Hero programs.

Its going to take a concerted effort to get these programs up and running, so well be
calling for more volunteers to help us out. Keep an eye on our website throughout the year
for details and reach out to us if you have expertise in any of these areas: photography,
videography, grant-writing and researching, writing for print media, and more!

Thank you to everyone who supports Scooby North America and thus Scooby Medina. We
absolutely couldnt have accomplished everything we did this past year without your help!

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