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Study Guide

Be familiar with solving Questions like:

Choose the appropriate answer:
1) In our Course, Image processing was defined as a discipline in which ----------a) Both the input and output of a process are images.
b) The input of a process is an image description and the output is image
c) Both the input and output of a process are descriptions.
d) The input of a process is an image and the output is an image description.
2) In hospitals, MRI Technology uses --------- band.
Gamma Rays
CT Scan
Radio waves
3) -----------Filter cannot be implemented using convolution mechanism.
5) Edge detection in images is commonly accomplished by performing a spatial
------ of the image field.
Smoothing Filter
Min Filter
7) Transforming the pixel values of an image using the log ( ) transformation is an
example of contrast compression of the dark pixels
a) True
b) False
4) To remove "salt-and-pepper" noise without blurring we use
Max Filter
Median Filter
Min Filter
Smoothing Filter

6) Both the -------- and -------- filters are used to enhance horizontal edges (or vertical
if transposed).
Prewitt and Sobel
Sobel and Gaussian
Prewitt and Laplacian
Sobel and Laplacian
7) Imaging Radar Technology is an application of --------- band.
a) Radio waves
b) Gamma Rays
c) Ultra Violet
d) Micro Waves
8) One of the following functions is not an IPT (image processing toolbox) function used to
convert images.
a) dither ()
b) rgb2gray ()
c) gray2rgb ()
d) ind2gray ()
9) The colormap array of the indexed image is always of class
a) uint8 b) uint16 c) double d) logical
10) By default, Matlab stores most data in arrays of class
a) uint8 b) uint16 c) double d) logical

Be ready to provide the appropriate relating:

1. Know kinds of image representation methods
2. Know types of connectivity and explain
3. Know types of sharpening filters
4. Know the formula for calculating city block distance (D4 distance) and chess board distance (D8
5. Be able to Classify Images source by energy
6. BE ABLE to list types of digital images used in MATLAB programming language; explain the
Data Classes, the range for each type and how many matrices used for each type
7. Be able to write a simple MATLAB script code for basic operations on images
8. Be able to do the matrices mathematics, be able to convert a given image from one representation
to another using matrices mathematics
9. Be able to apply manually a given mask/filter to a sample image
10. Know the concept of histogram and histogram equalization in image processing
11. Good luck and happy New Year!

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