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News from Ms.

Kindergarten Class
We are Movin and Groovin!
Welcome to week 2 of
third quarter! We have a
four-day weekend coming
up, with this Friday being a
professional development
day for teachers, and on
Monday we are observing
the Martin Luther King Jr.
holiday! Next week, we will
be learning all about Mr.
Report cards went home
last week, so I am making
this week a time for parent
-teacher conferences. If
you would like to meet with
me regarding your scholars
progress, please contact
me to set up a time you can
call or come into the classroom. I will be available
before school from 7:007:45am, or after school

from 3:45-5:00pm. Please

see the back of this letter
for contact information!
This Tuesday, scholars
will be taking their math
of the NWEA
tests! Scholars took the
NWEA benchmark test at
the beginning of the school
year, and this upcoming
test will determine how
much they have grown since
Our class will be
testing at 8:30am on Tuesday, so please make sure
your scholar is at school on
A good breakfast
and plenty of sleep the
night before will ensure
that your scholar will do
their very best on this
test! :)

Week 2
I just wanted to take
some time to thank you
wonderful parents! I have
had so much support and
positive energy from you,
and it makes my job even
more of a joy to wake up to!
Thank you for allowing me
to work with your children!
I love each and every one
of them!

Quarter 3

Important Dates:
Monday, January 12Thursday, January 15:
Optional Parent-Teacher
Friday, January 16:
No School
Monday, January 19:
No School:
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, January 26:
100th Day of School!

The Seven Habits Synergize!

I have seen some great friendships form within our classroom. With these true
friendships, scholars are learning how important and beneficial habit #6 can be.
When we synergize with each other, we can achieve more than what we could have
by doing something on our own. The scholars strive to help each other while they
learn, leading to more knowledge and growth than they could have achieved alone!
For more information on the Seven Habits, check out:

Contact Information
Arienne Bishop
(760) 409-7854 (call or text)
(602) 343-3073 (classroom)
*Please leave a message if I cannot
answer your call, and I will get back
to you as soon as possible! Please
also use Class Dojo to message me!
Check out our class website at:

Coming Up...
The scholars are busy with their readers in
language arts! Each scholar has been working on their
own and with a partner to read these stories that are
at their developmental level. Their phonogram and
spelling word knowledge is really coming in handy as
they begin to read by themselves!
In math, we will be finishing up unit 11, which
has been giving scholars practice on comparing sets
and numbers. We will be taking our unit test on
Thursday! I know the scholars will do fantastic!
In science, we will be reviewing Seasons and
Weather, which will be especially interesting with
these hot-and-cold days we have been experiencing

Social-Emotional Learning
Over the weekend, I came across a great article from about the importance of social and emotional
learning. Research has proven how important it is to teach children how to handle and resolve conflicts, express their
emotions, and share their feelings while understanding others. Our Seven Habits curriculum has been very effective
in helping scholars improve their social and emotional intelligence. If you are interested in the article (available as a
recording and to read), I have provided the link on our class website!
Here are some strategies to support your scholars social and emotional learning at home (from

Be a good listener - Wait to speak until your scholar is completely finished talking. Help them practice waiting to
speak until you are done speaking, too! (Habit #5!)
Model the behavior you seek - Treat others with respect, apologize, be a good listener, etc Your scholar will
notice when you do these things, and will want to be like you!
Nurture your childs self-esteem - Give your child responsibilities/jobs, let them make choices, and show them
your appreciation for a job well-done!
Respect differences - Every child is unique, with their own talents and abilities. Let them shine through!
Take advantage of support services - Look for programs around Phoenix, contact Ms. Bishop, and connect with
Dr. Davis in the Family Resource Center! We love you and are here to help! :)

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