The Secret To Sustainable Learning Article

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aes tess ach Sustainable Learning Cee eer een eee ee vy peepee et an eect enon! bjectmatter eading tobe eee perverse enced: een pie raermeapo fiat seen nee] eee eee ‘iy acquired May facts contrite to ee ee Components of Engagement ‘The fie cllenge in stessing engagement is fo dstinguish tom ‘cotertinment. Certainly students fre engaged when watching 2 YouTube video shou black holes, but docs ther engagement diminish ‘when asked to lear about the pics behind ths Ifthe embers f initial motivation In deper learning, entertainment, right be supplanting engagement Infact, one ofthe mest ebvious indicate of engagement nthe classroom may wel bestiality. TFengagernent were bullseye ina ice of leaning which Sale or characteristics would surround {i Mitaly Csksceotihaly (2008) Aesebes the experiences of those intrinsally motivated at flow” and contends that people engrossed totally in tuk view the acti as worth doing forts on sake rather When describing Fw experience people often mention elevanc Pride, challenge, atom ‘urotty, or the suspension ‘of tinemoay of he same sd engagement Despite a commen bei che extn rewards fr example foster engagement, such secondary incentives work best for students whoa inherently ambitious aod competitive are generally ‘compli, or ave parents who nvr sha they attain she rewards “The students who most need be engige, our reluctant etme, are often subjected to metiaton techniques lens likly to work for them. Actually, extinsic rewards sometimes can be a deterrent 0 leering such a when students read 10"esy" books in exchange for dmitane to apiaza party rather chan reading two challenging books hat might take longer and leave them outof the fun, And ance they achieve che rea? The vicious (yet of taka task rewatd reaches students that earings Alec correlated to compensation chat ignores the immense satsicton In Dre, Danie! Pak (2011) cal of education, snakes the cae that extrine reward are aely atthe ear of Inotivaton for adits or for student In defining engagement, be lists sony, stent purpose, and Inasery ofthe content (pointedly fora testis not true mastery). I we want stud to experience deep Understanding. go beyond the basic requirements fran asgoent, snd tap int the curiosity necsary Coin, evaluate end apply informstion, we mst pay stenton to engagersent—and that means owing bow to generate ‘What Does Engagement Te my quast for examples of engagement in the classroom, ound Barrington (IL) High Schoo! social tudes teacher Kathleen nr, hove exemplary teaching consistent reulin high sadent tchievement. Recently, er wdents ‘hove aa historical igure fom the foe chat character which ich Jey achievements, background education taining references, snd 2 ob objective. One tadent chose Stjounee Trt, fr examle, and listed her ob objective a "eceming 1 motivational speaker” OF resumes were complete, todens inden stn obi prepared to icterview ade ered The room buzed with engagement Sle stint cles the ide snout desing on nother ‘vt the stad trier ing ‘questions 2d the interior using ‘white rhe ad eared about as ot er pronto form an ppopite Snowe The sudentsthen hinged sols crejone hada cane fo both atkand enor guetions Fach student wrote ancy a8 lninston aay Visit Duly cat fiw weeks Js and youl ind yourf ia th mist of probibion pry, soto with ma, clip, and book alls on fe rng the Rousing 10s, Dulfy undead the power of ogsement and bow f reste t jo berclassoom. And er students sv you tht egagemen doesnt ‘pei cay asignnens eter {efit ean they wrk hard treaty waned tease flyin an sctty, silly ith herp And how frat standards des Dally coer iho egaing ln? Cece feel tht tens meta rere £4 stndars per project but ‘bol oom? Tam spy pte tow ch my sds {or when pt engagement fe poll reports. practices thet potter Engagement Hy comsthoy, Barry Gilmore, and [scused the topic of engagement {scout recent bosk Common Core {EPR Whar About he datacom ie Straale.o ust Dam Gare? ‘we began by looking for practices teachers we to cete {gagement and spur motivation hermasy hours of dca, soatch and clssoom observation, ‘compiled the Following indicators BlPmntnte Deri of engagement/mtivation, which thea created the foundation for ur book: I. Teacher create opportasities for hes tha pose lesring Student are often ot oftheir seat doing noe pastel listening to leceure ce vieng «PowerPoint They remain on-task when discussing pont witha earning partner of ‘peaking in sll groups They sre comfortable ashing bighlevel gestions und know howto go abot Solving problems rather than merely finding answers. The ease on understanding ot memoriang, nd teaches often amet ening based ‘on performances, demoastations, or project 2. Teachors encourage stony tnd nareareindepedene ‘Srough choice Stents have some say over their learning by being gen a chace in, for example, texts, group members scsenty, de dates, wtng topics, or methods of prerentation 3 Teachers ees fssigoments and opie By finding ways to make ‘connections among texts and other material, teachers hook students rom the very begining. Because teachers understand that ‘levine helps ncorprie lst Inco lng-term, context memory networks (Willi, 2007), they ‘cent assignment tha tlie rel sudiences and authentie purposes as ‘cha pole 4: Teachers valve and we allocative fearing methods Cllsborston encourages smuhiple pont of view, shared pewspective, deeper understanding, and renfercement of key content concepts. Inquiry groups, lterature circles, seminars, para ending, and peer revision al ead to Aeepe leaning. Teachers ule practices sch a turn and talk ‘r"thinkpaeshare” frequently in aly lessons 5. Tee to nereat leans 2 od depth feud some schools, echnology ives insrsetion notch touted as an integral part of he ‘curriculum bu 0 lite (often ‘hroagh lncernet blocks) tht t Is gece from the 20th cntary rather than tol af heft [Engaging teaches use technology sppropntely to teach techestvy stents how to find, evaluate, snd spy information for heir ftutes in (suction snd the workplace retnod and text, ‘Teachers who vale engagement understand that fasestion or boredom etn when etdents are limited to leeraingin only fone way or fom only oe sce Discussions, webquers, small group collaboration, iva feflection, writing and rsdn for ane technology a8 too) Se \ oe | oe | Seen tomccee, 7 Teachers develop lesions end sesinments that incorporet bath challenge and secs, : Numerous studies on . comagement cite challenge asa key to engagement. Assigns that : invalve problem solving snquiry, or research abouts topic that relevant tw learners can challenge tadents Cee assessing engagement is to disting Coe to delve deeper or slve problems ‘ven the uk difficult or complet. In asition, teaches fin aden succes because they know thar students who feel efficacious shout learning stall achive st higher level (Sehunk 2003) 18. Teachers iferentote and Seafoding can be tricky becave providing 30 mck seppor for Sent who dont aed ican les to disengagement, but making scaffolding avaiable thote who, Go need tcan prompt deeper learning. Differentiation, at well, smustlehaced on accurate and cngoing assessments af student learns, The key offering targeted nddualized suppor ae sadens move toward independence, Differentiation of texts, conte, assigomenty, and feedback ep sudeats engaged whe optimizing ‘estrutonl time ascents and offer timely and Timely Feedback that occurs dhving the proces of leaning har dramatic effect both on ‘theoutcome of the task and on ‘engagement during the ask. Teacher Feeback sould alo be ongoing, ‘often in response to questions rom ‘the learer (Len, 2012). Brian ‘Cambourne,Auralanreserche, ‘ound tha feedback shouldbe readily avable and nonthestein, with no strings atached. He moter that there shoud be no penalty for not geting the lsening orect he next time ti prodced (1988), Formative asementin the form of conferencing, checkin, ad sade efletion pieces ae good ‘ways of montoring undestanding Authentic asesmens involve ‘eal audience and purpose, sch sr ochenredentscretea website, ‘wii or brochure for others to read, Peformance assessments in the form of projects, emis, oF ‘he creation of product encourage lenglating engagement 10. Teachers develop a culture of Inge thin the claesoo Tague ate care of ensegemens, a does ts companion, art: Ingury or problem based learning leads student to sesstes that involve higher- level sls, suchas questioning, sealing, comparing, cresting, tnd demonstrating Teachers eho sek to engage sudent ond whose sadeas do better on eandardined tests create a culture of nguiry sostad of teaching othe texto rebotialy allowing chapters ina textbook. And, a David Pearson Points ou, che questions students sak are probably better assent than the queswons atadents ean anewer (2010). The Principal's Role Principals who undestad the component of engagement knoe how spot it in teacher istrcton, clasroom acter and sudent atccudes and behavior. They lo Snow howto bring the Faculty ropether for a frank dscusion of engagement and motestion—and then suppoe the rik-taking hat must occur teachers inconporte ew practices and activites The aye of entering a clasoon nd observing students siting psively in rows anmwerng question frm the textbook are, hopelly a ele of Whe past mL 1 Coben, 8 (198) Te Whaley ‘Nowal eerig nh epn Sue 2 Caen, M2008 Rn: The ‘Pri of nal arenes New Guth T (68) 2008) Engg Ads Boning hand Oaks sa Guthe, 8 Wigel A. (2000, apes a Matai n Rene TMT Kamal P 8 Moonta 2. Parca BR Ber (Es) Haak aa Rar Ye Maa Leng R (2012). Oueromig Ta 2 Pesan D (2010 F David Pac’ Ende Reseed em ip BREDA. GO) ri he Sig Now York Riethed So Shik #00 tiay coding Gon Seng ed Sele ‘Gee: Oxon Larne Din 19, 59-8 2 Vil 72007) Bran Fandy Sages ite icon Clam, Alon December 244 | Pail Lenten ES

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