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Fall Tech Activity

FALL 2014, MODS 1-2



Course Description:
Tech Activity this trimester is an introduction to basic theatre technology and craftsmanship
focusing primarily on scenic construction, lighting, sound and basic stage crew and booth
operations. The student will gain a working knowledge of theatre terminology and become
familiar with basic theatre tools and techniques.
The objective is to provide students with an understanding of the process of realizing a
production from the design, to construction, to running the show through strike. This is a handson class and requires active participation of the students inside and outside of the classroom to
achieve mastery of the content.

In order to receive an activity credit, students are expected to participate a minimum of 50
hours in this activity. Students may earn hours by attending weekly class sessions, completing
hours during the regularly scheduled set build weekends, attending Strike as well as serving on
run crew for the fall production of The Tempest and/or other theater events. Most of the
requirements for this activity take place outside of the D block time period, except for the
Participation in Final Strike for the Fall Play is mandatory for all students, unless
specifically excused by the Technical Director or Production Manager. Strike will take
place primarily during D block for the week following the play, as well as a few other
times TBD. Those times outside of D block must be specifically requested by the
student, and approved by the Production Manager and Technical Director.
Any student who fails to complete the required 50 hours for the course will earn an F
for the activity. All activity grades are included on the students transcript.

Students are permitted one absence from class. Any student who has accumulated more than
one absence will be required to make-up the class hours before the end of Mod 2.
Students are responsible for keeping track of their hours as well as signing into and out of the
sign in sheet during set build days. At the conclusion of each set build session students must
have the Technical Director or Production Manager sign off on their hours. Any hours that have
not been approved by the instructor and logged in will not count towards the accumulative
number of hours upon which the activity grade is based.
If a student misses a class because she is representing Madeira at a Madeira athletic event or
attending a field trip for a Madeira class, she must contact the teacher at least 2 days in
advance of her absence and arrange to make up the session she will miss.

Unreported absences, including deliberately skipping an activity period or mandatory rehearsal,

accidentally missing your activity time or arriving to tech activity more than 10 minutes late, will
result in disciplinary action. Please note, that 3 tardies equals 1 class absence.

PASS: A student will receive a Passing (P) grade if she has done the following:
Completed the minimum 50 hours of class and tech work
Completed all tasks in a timely manner.
Adhered to the Scene Shop rules.
Promoted a safe and friendly working environment not only for herself but for her
classmates as well.
Accomplished all other expectations outlined in the syllabus.

HIGH PASS: A student will receive an Honors (H) grade if she has done the following:

Successfully fulfilled all of the duties outlined in the pass category.

Contributed at least 10 extra hours of tech work over the duration of the course.
Takes initiative to complete tasks without being asked.
Volunteers to take the lead on projects and displays a high level of competence in
multiple areas of technical skills

FAIL: A student will receive a Failing grade (F) if she failed to complete 50 hours of tech work
by the completion of the production. A failing grade may also be assigned to a student who
misses any part of tech week without the permission of the instructors, as there is not an
opportunity to make up the missed work during a technical rehearsal or performance.

WITHDRAWAL: If a student decides to withdraw from the activity after the first week of
classes she will be permitted to drop without penalty. Any student dropping the activity after
the second week of classes will receive a Withdraw Fail (WF), since such a late withdrawal
jeopardizes the overall success of the production.


Tech Activity meets during the following times:

Tuesday afternoons
4:15pm - 6:00pm

Tuesday Evenings
7:00pm 9:00pm

Choose from one of the following Tech Activity Options:

A. Choose to work as a member of stage crew for The Tempest and attend 1 class per
week. Work an additional 10 hours during any of the 5 weekend tech/set build
sessions. Attend Strike. Work as run/tech crew for 1 Friday All School Meetings or CA
events during Mods 1 & 2.


B. Choose not to work as a member of stage crew for The Tempest and attend 1 regular
class session per week. Work an additional 20 hours during any of the 5 weekend
tech/set build sessions or class times (with prior notification to Mrs. Newman and Ms.
Randolph). Attend Strike. Work as run/tech crew for 3 Friday All School Meetings or CA
events during Mods 1 & 2.


Saturday, September 20th 10:00 am 6:00 pm
Saturday, September 27th

10:00 am 6:00 pm

Saturday, October 11th

1:00 pm 6:00 pm

Saturday, October 18th

1:00 pm 6:00 pm

Saturday, October 25th

10:00 am 6:00 pm

If you are unable to complete required hours of weekend set build time you MUST get
pre approval from Mrs. Newman or Ms. Randolph about scheduling make up hours
before the first set build day.

If you have agreed to be on Tech Crew you must be in attendance at ALL Tech Week activities.
Tech week is the critical period in time leading up to the opening of the show. This is when all of
the technical and performance elements are combined to create the product that the audience
sees. Tech week is mandatory and absolutely no exceptions to this policy will be made. (Do
note, however, that it is crucial to not only your success in this class, but also to the success of
the production, that Mrs. Newman or Ms. Randolph is notified as soon as possible in the event
that you are unable to fulfill your obligations).
Tech Week MANDATORY hours for all crew members:

October 26th

11:00 9:00

Tech Rehearsal


October 27th

4:00 9:30

Tech Rehearsal


October 28th

6:00 9:30

Dress Rehearsal

Wednesday October 29th



October 30th

6:00 9:30

October 31st
November 1st


Dress Rehearsal
Call Time


2:00 pm
7:30 pm

Call Time
Matinee Performance
Evening Performance
Cast Party to Follow!!

November 3rd-7th D BLOCK and other specified times

*Everyone involved in Tech Activity must attend strike in order to pass.

Theatre technology can be very dangerous if a person does not know how to use the tools or
understand proper procedures for installing scenery. Therefore, it is extremely important that
students are properly trained by the Technical Director prior to working on a task.
No student may use any of the tools in the shop, especially the power tools, until she has been
cleared to do so by the Technical Director. Students may not operate the fly system unless express
permission (and training) has been granted by either the Technical Director or Production Manager.
Use of any equipment in the booth must always be cleared by Ms. Randolph, and training is required.

Under no circumstances should students be working in the shop or

onstage alone.


1. Always wear closed toe shoes and appropriate clothing (no scarves or loose fabric), long hair,
loose clothing & jewelry must be restrained or removed.
2. Tools and power equipment must never be operated unless a teacher is present.
3. Never use any tool until you have been given instruction by the teacher about the use of that
4. When using power tools, be ever aware of where your fingers, the power cord, and others are
in relation to the moving part.
5. When using knives and other sharp instruments, always carry with tips and points pointing
down and away and always cut away from your body.
6. Protective gear, such as ear protection and goggles, must be worn when using power tools.
7. Report any damaged/defective tools or equipment to the teacher.
8. When finished with tools, power equipment, and glue guns, be sure to unplug them and return
them to their proper place.
9. When finished with oils, paints, and glues, be sure to reseal them before storing in the
appropriate place. If discarding these materials, be sure to dispose of them properly.
10. Keep benches and floors clean, replace tools as soon as you are finished and place scrap
materials in the proper location.
11. If you cut or otherwise injure yourself, report it to the teacher and receive treatment.
12. Horseplay will not be tolerated when tools are involved.
13. Promote a positive learning environment at all times!
14. Have Fun!!

Yes, I have checked my calendar and I commit to all the specifically given dates.
By signing this form, I am enrolling in Fall Tech Activity!
I understand the attendance and safety policies and I agree to follow them.
Furthermore, I understand that I must be cleared by the technical director in
order to use the power tools and other equipment in the theatre.
Please check all that apply.
I will be attending Tech Activity on (circle one or two):
Tuesday Afternoon

Tuesday Evening

I would like to be on crew for The Tempest (circle one):


Name (print)



Signature _________________________



I am specifically interested in

Please send any questions to Mrs. Newman at

Ms. Randolph at

Remember to record the above commitments in your personal calendar.



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