Successletter v2014

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September 3, 2014

The SUCCESS Program

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Teachers at Ben Franklin are trying to encourage seventh grade students to become actively involved in the entire
life of the school and take full advantage of the programs offered here at the middle school.
The seventh grade teaching team has designed a program called SUCCESS, which incorporates five areas we want
to emphasize as making a more complete and successful student: scholarship, attendance, citizenship,
extracurricular activities, and service.
--Scholarship: Students get points for having no grade below a C- each grading period, or by showing
improvement in the next grading period in a school wide program called BUG (Bringing Up Grades).
--Attendance: Students get points for each grading period where they miss no more than one school day. If
students miss five or less days for the entire year, they will be able to regain one of the attendance points
that they may have lost.
--Citizenship: Students will automatically earn their citizenship points unless they have received more than
one detention, have received a suspension or a Friday disciplinary class, or have performed an integrity or
legal violation.
--Extracurricular activities: This category includes teams, clubs, academic competitions, and intramurals
offered here at BF. Students are allowed to count one group or team activity from outside of school,
provided a minimum of twenty hours of participation is met.
--Service: All advisory classes along with the Student Council are working on ways in which students at BF
can be of service to others at school or in the community. There will be opportunities for participation in
service activities at school, but students are also encouraged to participate in community service and return
the signed verification forms for points.
The seventh grade does an end of the year activity, and again this year we'd like to make this activity extra special,
one which students earn. Students will have an opportunity to participate in all areas each grading period and will
earn points in each category. Advisory teachers will use the attached form to tally points each grading period. If you
have any questions, please call the seventh grade team at 531-3020.
Thank you,
BF 7th Grade Teachers
Please sign this letter and return it with your child to his or her advisory teacher by Wednesday, September 10.


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