Reconstruction 1

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How did approaches to

Reconstruction differ?

Legacy of Civil War

End of slavery (13th amendment, 1865)
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been
duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any
place subject to their jurisdiction.Congress shall have
power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

Expedited the Industrial Revolution through

demands for wartime goods

Changes in the Roles of Women

- rise of nursing
- womens rights
continue; fight
for incl. of
women in 15th

Establishment of a Stronger Federal

Lincolns wartime actions: the draft,
Emancipation Proc., suspension of habeas
Homestead Act (1862) and Morrill Land Grant
Act - indicated greater federal role in supporting
economic development
facilitated rapid westward expansion

Key Questions in the aftermath of war:

How would the South rebuild? Economically? Physically?
Who had the authority to decide these questions?
President or Congress?
Under what conditions were former Confederate states be
fully accepted back into the union?
What would be the place of 4 million freed people? What
would freedom entail?

Lincoln on Reconstruction
With malice towards none, with charity for all, with
firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right,
let us strive on the finish the work we are in, to bind
up the nations wound, to care for him who shall
have borne the battle and for his widow and his
orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a
just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all
nations. (2nd inaugural address, 1 mo. before

Lincolns 10% Plan

Based on goal of reunification

(Lincoln preferred the term

Wade-Davis Bill

Restoration to Recon)

swift, moderate pardons of all

but highest ranking officers
10% sign oath of loyalty
eligible to form a new gvt and reenter the union
LA, TN, AK - Lincoln
governments by 1865

Based on notion of state suicide

or conquered provinces - saw it
as transformation of political
and racial order

Treat southern states as occupied

territory until certain goals were
Most former officers would be
50% sign oath of loyalty
Gave fed gvt expansive powers over
the status/conditions in southern

Emancipation and the Meaning

of Freedom
13th amendment passed, 1865

Freedmens Bureau established,


Presidential Reconstruction
Johnsons Restoration Plan
Goal: restore union quickly
Despite class resentment, far more
lenient than even Lincoln
Pardoned many ex-Confederate leaders
Actions led to passing of black codes in
many Southern states alarming to

Rise of Sharecropping
At first seemed to offer possibility of social
Turned out to be pseudo-serfdom - tied
people to the land in a vicious cycle of debt

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