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1. Apakah yang terjadi kepada nyalaan penunu Bunsen apabila lubang udara ditutup?

What happen to the flame of a bunsen burner if the air hole is closed?

A Warna nyalaan menjadi kuning.

The flame becomes yellow in colour.

B Nyalaan menjadi lebih kecil.

The flame becomes smaller.

C Nyalaan menjadi lebih terang.

The flame becomes brighter.

D Warna nyalaan menjadi biru.

The flame becomes blue in colour.

2. Apakah langkah selepas membuat kesimpulan di dalam penyiasatan saintifik?

What is the next step after making a conclusion in a scientific investigation?

A Mengenalpasti masalah
Identifying the problem

B Menganalisa data
Interpreting data

C Menulis laporan
Writing a report

D Membentuk hipotesis
Forming a hypothesis

3. Apakah berbezaan utama antara pepejal, cecair, dan gas?

What is the main difference between solid, liquid and gas?

A Bentuk zarah-zarah
Shape of particles

B Suhu zarah-zarah
Temperature of particles

C Pergerakan zarah-zarah
Movement of particles

D Saiz zarah-zarah
Size of particles

4. Apakah ketumpatan?
What is density?

A Daya per panjang bahan.

Force per length of a substance.

B Jisim per panjang bahan.

Mass per length of a substance.

C Jisim per unit isipadu bahan.

Mass per unit volume of a substance.

D Jisim per luas permukaan bahan.

Mass per surface area of a substance.

5. Antara yang berikut, yang manakah bukan salah satu sumber semula jadi di Bumi?
Which of the following is not one of the natural resources on Earth?

A Gas

B Benda hidup
Living things

C Udara

D Tanah

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