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‘SUBMISSION OF PROJECT SYNOPSIS AND GUIDE ACCEPTANCEFORM (Tobe submitted to the project steering committee) PARTA:Sy ‘Student Details: 4. Name ofthe programme Master of Business Administration 2. Name of the Student ‘Angad Yodav 23. Roll Number 1308012489 4, Session&. Year Falla. 2014 5. Name and address of learning centre: IT POINT HiG-13,D/S, Ratan Lal Nagar, Barr-2.KNP Project Detalls 6. Title ofthe Project + Effectiveness of Training and Development 7. Problem statement : ‘The study i conducted to find eu the overall impact of training and development onthe job performance of employees working in ifferent cadre groups in each department ‘+ Determine the traning needs through jab description, performance appr potential appraisal and discussion with employees. * Prepare a traning calendar in dscusion with the managers concerned. ‘+ Define the training objectives specifically ‘Select the efficent faculty 8. Objective 1. To find out the relevance of training and development in achieving goals of the organization, 2. The bass on which the alning i planned and schedule. 3. To study the diferent methods of training at BSNL To find out whether the training activities is aligned with overall goals of the organization 5. To study the relationship between performance and raining ‘9. Methodology to be used ‘According to this study investigation was conducted for some definite purpose withthe help ‘of structural & persona interview to gather primary information as much as possible than ‘the most appropriate research design forthe study is descrintve research design. ‘The study is an evaluative & diagnostic attempt to dsover emplcally the nature of relationship between performance appraisal and training and development within the etensvely draw domain ofthe problem of the question. Following are the steps in the research design ‘Sampling Pan ‘Sampling frame: the respondents are the employees of the publi sector—Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) Belgaum SSA. Sampling unit: the sampling unit is an individual employee of all the ‘departments ofthe organization Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(8SN) Sample size: sample sie taken for this study Is 100 employees covering all the departments ofthe organization, Ais of questions was prepared by me under the guldance of my mentor. Following were the steps in my study. 1 Questionnaire: 2 questionnaire was served to all the employees asking thelr pinion about the electives of training and development programs a BSNL 2. Personal interview: a face-to-face tak is cated out with the employees where | asked several employees about their feelings and opinions on varlous aspects oftheir jobs and organization 3. Company data and reports: certain reports from the HRD department provided the information 2 to the total no of employees, schedule of taining programs, number of persons attending it and other such things, which indicated the employee performance: ‘on the ob after attending thes training programs. DATA ANALYSIS Statistical ook © Correlation test + Frequency test Statistical package 555 sofware Procedure for Analysis + Administering questionnaire to all the empiovees ‘+ Analyze the rating of employoos using the statistical too (ss oftware) (i) simple frequency testimean & standard deviation) (8) correlation ‘Interpretation of analyzed information Guide Detail: 10, Name of Proposed Guide Mes, Reema Saxena 11. Guide registration No, (favallable) = MBAUPODSS 12: Designation Se Lecturer 23. Afliaton Sikkim Manipal University DE 14, Qualification Ma 15. Total Experience Sits 16. Communication Address HIG-11, 0/5, Ratan Lal Nagar, Bara-2,Kapur-27 17. Contact No, 17376982780 18. €mallD Pal Guide Acceptance | Dr./Mr./Mrs, Reema Saxena working as Sr. Lecturer with Sikkim Manipal University, DE hereby confirm my willingness to guide Mr./ Ms. Angad Yadav RollNo, 43308012489, attached to Learning Centre (code) 00948 (Name) 1 T POINT (city) Kanpur in the topic Effectiveness of Training and_ Development during the 2013, (year) period AUG/ 2013 (month/year) to AUG/ 2015 (month/year). | agree to this timeline and also to submit the project status/ Internal Assessment marks to the University. ee ene Reema Sarena Bate: 09foi/2rs (tenatureof the Guide) (Note: A Guide needs to get registered withthe University ifhe/ she is guiding 2 SMUDE project forthe first time. Guide Registration form can be downloaded from, the Univesity Website) ‘DECLARATION | hereby declare that this project synopsis is an orginal work carried by me and will not submitted to any other University for fulfiment of any course of study, mace; KANPUR a gael yed ay ote: 9 | 1 (Slenstureof the student (ied n Appleton farms tobe sgned by bth student and the Gul Forms must bee scanned in either .pdf / doc format and submitted through the EduNaxt students Login)

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