Example Abseil Safety Brief

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Roping Guide Course

Outdoor Discoveries with SW Institute of Technology

Example Roping Safety Brief

1. Behind

Letting others know when you are walking behind them. No one should walk
between anyone and the cliff unless attached to a safety line.

2. Always

Always check. Dont assume anything. If in doubt, ask an instructor.

3. Rocks

Never throw rocks, practise call of Below! for rock falling.

Stay out of the Impact Zone.

Evasive action - closer to the cliff wall or other escape route

4. Gear

Take care of gear.


Stepping on ropes

Dropping hardware especially descenders. If it happens, get it checked

Doing up karabiner when not in use

Leaving helmets and gloves around. Clip to harness if not used

5. Edges

No closer than 2 metres 3 or 4 metres in wet conditions or slippery sites

Get safety line checked by a guide before coming to the edge
Are sometimes loose and crumbly

6. Ways up and down

Safe access up and down the site any risks on the way should you
demonstrate the route?
No shortcuts
7. Attitude No skylarking, pushing, shoving or general misbehaviour
No putdowns give support and encouragement
Behaviour toward other users of the site and the public
8. Long hair, beards, cords, helmet chin straps that could get caught in the descender
9. Loose clothing, crop tops, peak caps, jewellery around the neck, etc
10. Exposure
Protection for participants from sun, wind, rain, etc
11. First Aid Who to approach for first aid treatment
12. Toilets

Where are they? Shovel and paper minimal impact practises

Check harness on return

13. Conservation
Rubbish take it all out with you
Stay on paths and avoid damage to vegetation by walking, bags, etc
No scratching on rock or trees
14. Communication
What are the appropriate calls to use consistency
15. Location Specific Issues
Any specific issues associated with the site being used snakes, insects, etc.

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