Secret Service Junior Agent Guide Book

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Secret Service
Junior Agent Handbook

Drafted By: Brick Danger

Initial Draft Date: 11 JAN 2015
Draft Number: 1
Revision: 0
Certified By:
Certification Date:



Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
1-1 Introduction
1-2 Purpose
1-2 What it Means to be a Junior Agent

Section 2: Uniform and Equipment

2-1 Uniform Guidelines
2-2 Equipment

Section 3: Duties
3-1 On-Duty Guidelines
3-2 Off-Duty Guidelines

Section 4: Responsibilities
4-1 D.O.C. Relationship
4-2 Off-Duty Training
4-3 Building Comradery
4-4 Identification
4-5 Classified Information

Revision History






Section 1: Introduction
1-1 Introduction As a newly commissioned Junior Agent, I would like to personally
welcome you to ranks of the Secret Service. If you are reading this document you have
succeeded where others have failed and may proudly call yourself a Secret Service
Agent. It is your duty to protect the President, Vice President, Senators and any other
important personnel from all threats both foreign and domestic and I expect you to take
that duty very seriously.
1-2 Purpose - The purpose of this guidebook is to guide newly commissioned Junior
Agents in their initial phases with the secret service. This guidebook will help Junior
Agents understand their purpose, guidelines and duties within the agency, as well as
inform more senior agents of what a Junior Agent is responsible for.
1-3 What it Means to be a Junior Agent As a Junior Agent you have passed through
all of the initial application and interview phases and you are welcomed as an Agent of
the Secret Service. The Junior Agent phase is a further vetting process for the senior
members of the Secret Service to better get to know you personally and to understand
how you operate within the Standard Operating Procedures. You are not yet a fullfledged agent within the Secret Service. It is your responsibility to participate as much
as possible with other agents.
The Junior Agent is considered to be in a training phase and will become a certified
agent when all training, certification and vetting is completed.

Section 2: Uniform and Equipment

2-1 Uniform When on duty it is your personal responsibility to follow the Standard
Operating Procedures uniform guidelines with some modification. A Junior Agents
standard load out will be the following:

A legal pistol of the agents choosing

Ammunition for said pistol
Black Suit (A3L Suit)
Invisible bullet proof vest

Items that a Junior Agent are encouraged to possess are as follows:




Night Vision Googles (to be worn at night time only)

The following items are not allowed:

Head wear

If a Junior Agent is found with or using an MP5, they will be immediately expelled from
the Secret Service and will not be allowed to reapply. Should a Junior Agent find
themselves with an MP5, they are to immediately return it to a more senior member of
the Agency or return it to the Sherriffs Office. The only time a Junior agent is allowed to
us an MP5 is under the strict supervision of Field Training Agent while at a firing range.

Section 3: Duties
3-1 On-Duty Guidelines A Junior agent may only protect a VIP (Very Important
Person) or participate in a security detail if the Commanding Agent authorizes the Junior
Agent to join. It should be noted that if the Commanding Agent denies the Junior Agent
from a security detail, the Junior Agent must not protest such a decision. Always
remember that the Secret Service handles extremely sensitive information and any leak
of this information can compromise the life of an elected official.
While on a security detail, the Junior Agent will primarily be designated to preform
perimeter security. But the Junior Agent should do his best to determine what he should
be doing from more senior agents. If the Commanding Agent feels that the Junior Agent
is not prepared for the security detail, he reserves the right to dismiss the Junior Agent
at any time.
3-2 Off-Duty Guidelines A Secret Service agent is not allowed to commit any crimes
while on or off duty. Any such crimes committed may result in demotion or permanent
expulsion from the Secret Service. Also, if an Agent commits and crime, he and the
arresting officer must report to the Director of the Secret Service, President, Vice
President and Senate to explain the situation. There is no restriction on any legal
activities a Secret Service agent may participate in. Also note that a Secret Service
agent is authorized to wear any civilian clothing they so choose while off-duty.
Under the authority of the Department of Corrections, the Secret Service is authorized
to assist Correctional Officers in the defense and security of the Prison. A Junior Agent
is highly encouraged to participate in this activity but may only do so under the
supervision of any full-fledged Agent. For example, a Junior Agent is to never go to the



Prison alone requesting to assist the Department Corrections. All Agents must be in
their proper uniform at the time they arrive at the Prison. Always remember that while
assisting the Department of Corrections, all agents fall under the Department of
Corrections chain of commands and are to explicitly receive and execute orders as

Section 4: Responsibilities
4-1 D.O.C. Relationship At all times while assisting the Department of Corrections, all
Agents, including Junior Agents, must show the utmost respect for any Correctional
Officer and Sherriffs Deputy. The privilege to work closely with these departments is
always fragile. Building a working relationship with these departments is very important.
At no time should any Agent personally disrespect any Law Enforcement Officer.
Always remember that when working with any Law Enforcement Officer, Agents always
fall under their chain of command.
4-2 Off Duty Training While off-duty, it is the Junior Agents responsibility to participate
in as many training operations as he is possible to attend. Not only will you gain
valuable skills necessary to execute your duties efficiently, you will also be able to build
rapport with other agents. Remember that all activities within the Secret Service are
necessary for advancement.
4-3 Building Comradery The Secret Service is filled with a lot of down time, as a
security detail is not always needed. Junior Agents should do their best to get to know
their fellow agents, as well as the Head Agents, the Director of the Secret Service and
the people the Secret Service Protects. Trust is an important factor when executing
security details. As such, Junior Agents are highly encouraged to socialize with other
agents as much as possible.
4-4 Identification Identifying oneself as a Secret Service Agent is important with any
interaction with a Government Official, Sherriffs Department and the Department of
Corrections. Your badge should never be used as a get out of jail free card. However,
identifying ones self as a Secret Service agent can ease potential tense situations with
any member of the Government. When dealing with civilians, attempt to do your best to
keep a low profile. Some criminals would gladly kidnap a Secret Service Agent for the
equipment we possess and the knowledge we have.
4-5 Classified Information In order to maintain operational security, all Secret Service
Agents are to treat all activities while on and off duty as classified information. One
should never disseminate any information about the Secret Service. This includes
current and previous plans and details, radio channels and future operations.






Revision History

Revision 0: Document Created. Brick Danger


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